When it was written thick and thin. "Fat and thin" main characters

The story of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "Fat and Thin" is small. Describes a small episode - a meeting of two childhood buddies. When the thin learns that his Misha's friend yesterday was accustomed to a valid secret adviser (this is the second rank in the table of ranks), he has changed everything. Chinovatting is sometimes eaten into the blood and in the pores of the skin. Even in our time, you can see how people bow to standing above, and are ready to humiliate those who were below the social staircase.

So, the main characters of the story:

Thin - Porfiry. Not devoid of vanity. Married, has a son. According to the table of ranks, it was sent to the College Assesora, which corresponds to the 8th grade on the table of ranks. Valid, likes to talk. Repeats, this indicates its forgetfulness and poor blood supply to the brain.

Louise, nee Vanzenbach, music teacher. German and Lutheran for religion. It holds modestly, silent.

Nathanail - The boy is timid, but the wayward. It comes as he himself considers it necessary.

Fat - loves to eat delicious, especially since the funds allow him to eat a lot and satisfying. The fact that the fat was accustomed to the II rank on the table of ranks, speaks of its organizational and mental abilities. It is unpleasant to him that also positively characterizes Tolstoy.

The change in the attitude towards the thickness that occurred in the family of thin unpleasantly struck thick. He got used to communicate with people on an equal footing, was sincerely glad to meet with a friend. But this is a subdistishness that has achieved nauseous illness, a sharp change that occurred in thin, made it possible to understand the thick matter that there will be no communication on equal footing. He quickly spread with a former classmate and left.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov Prose became innovative phenomenon in Russian literature halves XIX. century. He elevated a genre of a short humorous story to top art vertices. Contemporaries reproached Chekhov in the fact that nothing happens in his works. Fabul stories are actually very simple. However, this is not the primitivism of newspaper fiction. This ability to briefly narrow about the most important thing, the skill to select accurate parts for the characteristics of the images, the manner of artistic persuasion, designed for the description of the reader.

One of the bright examples of Chekhov genius is the story "Fat and Thin" (1883), subsequently included in the famous collection "Mottle stories".

"Fat and thin": plot

The action unfolds at the station Nikolaev railway. Two gymnasium buddies (one thick, other thin) met after many years of separation. Both are incredibly glad pleasant surprise. Especially wording thin. He recalls curious cases from youthful life. Represents his family - Wife Louise and Son Nathanaila. Not without pride talks about personal achievements, service in the rank of college assessor, awards, craft work, music lessons, which gives his spouse. It has time to complain about a small salary and ask about the successes of an old buddy.

However, as soon as the thin learns that the fater was accustomed to the high rank of the secret advisor, he immediately changes the timer of the conversation. From the familiar "you", the college assessor goes to "You", adding the honorable "Excellency". It is accepted to be powered by something illuminating, knocked down, stuffed and repeatedly represents a thick family stretched into the string.

Tolstoy anticipated sharp metamorphosis that occurred with an old friend. He, without looking, gives his hand to thin, and the courteously shakes just three fingers. Fat leaves, and the College Assistor with his wife Louise, nee Vanzensbach, and Son Nafanail, a student of the 3rd class of gymnasium, remain on the platform. Their faces are expressing reverence. They are pleasantly stunned.

Problems: Genuing and slave philosophy

Chekhov-Satirika especially occupied the topic of chinuctance for the Russian Society of the XIX century. Any infringement of a human personality caused acute writing indignation.

In the initial version, the story "Fat and thin" looked somewhat differently. The fat performed as the head of the fine. He jural his ward for being late for the service, and he discarded and entered the leadership to soften the possible punishment.

Such a placement of roles organically fit into the classic literary concept " little man", Humiliated, offended, powerless, forced slavish filter strong Mira.

Including the work in the collection "Mottle stories", Chekhov fully rewrites it. He changes the vector of the usual concept and creates a new "little man." Now, no one forces him to crumble and robly, he voluntarily goes to humiliation. Moreover, such a manner of behavior gives him pleasure. The reader's sympathy is naturally moving to the side of the Lord, "Little Man" no longer causes compassion, he is contracted.

So, in the story "Fat and thin" fat, despite the high rank of a secret adviser (one of the highest civilians is equal to the general), gladly ducks his old gymnasium comrade. His attitude to the subtle does not change when he learns that he serves as a college astronor (Chin corresponds to the captain in infantry).

For a fine value of paramount importance, it has a position in society. He first points to his rank, Stanislav (younger state award) What is available. Further conversation manner with a buddy depended only on what he would answer the question "what did you have gotten?".

Will be fat, say, a titular adviser, a thin would have led himself arrogantly, with the college astronor, he would have spoken on an equal footing, with a surround or Stat advisor held more restrained. But the brilliance and unattainable height of the secret adviser made the thinner immediately fall on his knees. He did not even try to extract the benefits of acquaintance with influential special, thin could only be a little slaughter.

The topic of human doubles and adaptability of Chekhov developed in the future. In 1884 he will write the story "Chameleon". His the main character A police officer warden will become a symbol of such a manner of behavior.

Stories in which nothing happens

Beginner Prosaisa Anton Chekhov caught a subjective beginning in the narration of the literature. He described the privacy of people, relying on personal observations. The motley material of the daily reality passed through the prism of the author's perception and enchant a short story.

Pushkin and Turgenev loved a small literary form, but Chekhov's stories are fundamentally different from those that the famous predecessors wrote. Most of the early Chekhov stories occupy two, three, or even one page. Critics said that they had no content. However, under the content implied not the meaning, but the action, the movement of life. It is actually minimized. For example, the Fabul "Tolstoy and Thin" can be described by one sentence: "At the station, two old friends met, talked for a few minutes and diverged."

Such ordinances occur every second. The main accent Chekhov did not do in action, but on the character of the character, which is clearly manifested in this particular situation. The author of the brief in the descriptive characteristics, it completely abolishes the reasoning and conclusions. "The more closer, more compact, the most expressive," Anton Pavlovich said, "the parties should be sacrificed for the whole."

That is why it is paramount in prose Chekhov has artistic detail. The author could characterize the image of literally a few strokes. Thus, in the "thick and thin" Chekhov does not give portrait characteristics of its heroes. He only notes that the thick has just happened that his lips were glad, like ripe cherries, and smelled from him with sherry and fleenderstand (aroma of orange petals). Slim came out of the train, it is loaded with a luggage, his costume is completely ham and cheap coffee. The reader immediately does for himself a note that the first, probably a person is not a distinguished, the second, most likely, is forced to count money. He can not even hire a porter, so dragging luggage itself.

Characters characters
The dialogue between buddies makes it possible to draw conclusions about the characters of the characters. Thick is small, friendly, his speech is simple and calm. Thin fussy, speech, boastful.

Metamorphosis that occurred with the subtle and his family is described by Czech workshop. A broad smile appears on the face of thin, and he shrinks himself and as if narrows with his numerous cards and bales. The long chin of his wife pulls out, the son Nafanal hurriedly butthes the buttons on the gymnasium uniform, scars with a leg and drops the cap from excitement. The author's sketching turns out to be a lot of extensive description in several pages.

Learn more about, and why the author did not really like to call these works by children.

In our you will learn about the story of Chekhov "Tosca". The main topic of this work is the tragedy of the loneliness of a person who is in the society of other people.

To emphasize the various characters characters, Chekhov resorts to favorite artistic - Antiteise. That is why one of his heroes are thick, the other is thin. Their names are not so important, although they are mentioned in the story: Tolstoy is the name of Misha (just, without persecution), thin - Porfiry, and his wife does not in any case Masha, but Louise Vanzensbah.

The author abstracts from what is happening in the story, he is a third-party observer. Therefore, no clearly prescribed morality in the "thick and thin" no. He leaves his heroes on the platform in a pleasant thing and removed along with the secret advisor. "In small stories," Chekhov wrote, "it is better to notify what to retell."

the best traditions of Russian classical literature. Soul Chekhov, like the soul of the heroes of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, was in constant, stubborn, serious work. "We must train yourself," said Chekhov, and in a letter to his wife, O. L. Bookper, noted with satisfaction the beneficial results of work on his own: "I must tell you that from nature I have a sharp ... but I used to restrain myself, For it is not like to dismisse yourself. " The insightful look of the Big Russian artist I. E. Repin at the first meeting with Chekhov noted this particular feature of his nature: "Thin, inexorable, purely Russian analysis prevailed in his eyes over the entire expression. The enemy of sorts and strange hobbies, he seemed to hold himself in the mouthpiece of cold irony and gladly felt the challenges of courage. " The desire for freedom and the associated self-education energy was the hereditary qualities of Czech nature. "That the noble writers took in nature for nothing, the differences buy the price of youth," said Chekhov to one of the Russian writers. "Write a story about how a young man, the son of a serf, a former shopkeeper, a singer, a gymnasium and a student brought up on sinking, ... squeezes his slave from himself and how he, waking up in one beautiful morning, feels that there is no longer slave blood in his veins, and the real human ... "In this Council, Chekhov clearly slip the autobiographical intonation, the severity of the moral court, so Characteristic for the best part of the Russian democratic intelligentsia. Let us remember the Bazarov: "Every person must raise himself - well, at least as I, for example ... and as for the time - why will I depend on it? Let it better depend on me. "

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was born 17 (29) January 1860 in Taganrog in a poor merchant family. Father and grandfather His serfs of the village of Olkhovat Voronezh province. They belonged to the villagers Chertkov, Father V. G. Chertkova, the nearest friend and follower L. N. Tolstoy. The first Chekhov settled in these parts was (* 163) from the northern Russian provinces. In the old days among the masters of the foundry, cannon and bellows, the peasant craftsmen of Chokhov, the last name of which fell into the Russian chronicles. It is possible that the race of Czech grew from this root, since in their family they often used such a pronunciation of the name - Chokhov. In addition, it was an artistic gifted family. Young Chekhov believed that they were obliged to the father, and the soul was the mother. The meaning of the life of their father and grandfather was the indestructible peasant desire for freedom. Grandfather Chekhov Egor Mikhailovich the price of intense work accumulated three and a half thousand rubles and by 1841 bought the whole family from the fortress state. And Father, Pavel Egorovich, being already a free person, gave out in people and started his own trading in Taganrog. From the fortress men, the family of the writer Evgenia Yakovlevna also occurred, and his fate was in the same way. Grandfather Yevgeny Yakovlevna and Praded Chekhov Gerasim Nikitich Morozov, obsessed with a personal independence and endowed with peasant energy and enterprise, managed to redeem the whole family on the will back in 1817.

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I. XIX literature century.
1. Name the literary directions of the 19th century.
2. What events world and russian history Created prerequisites
for the origin of romanticism in Russia?
3. Name the founders of Russian romanticism.
4. Who stood at the origins of Russian realism?
5. Name the main thing literary direction The second half of XIX
6. What task put in front of the play "Thunderstorm" A.N. Ostrovsky?
7. Express the philosophy of the writer A.N. Ostrovsky on the example
pieces "Thunderstorm".
8. What task I put in front of me by I.S. Turgenev in the novel "Fathers and
9. Why Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Critics called
10. Separate the main ideas of the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and
11.Formulate the basic principles of philosophy F.M. Dostoevsky I.
the main character of Roman Rodion Raskolnikova.
12. For you, in your opinion, the novel "War and the World" critics
called the "Encyclopedia of Russian Life"?
13. What distinguishes the positive heroes of the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and
14. Name the stages of the spiritual evolution of one of the heroes of the novel: Andrei
Bolkonsky, Pierre Zuhova, Natasha Rostova.
15. What is common in the destinies of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Zuhovova?
II literature of the 20th century.
1. What phenomena of the social life of Russia influenced the development
literature of the 20th century?
2. What is the name of the literature of the turn of the XIX - the beginning of the twentieth centuries?
3. What are the main literary flows of this time?
4. What is the philosophy of the story I. Bunin "Cold Autumn"?
5. What unites the stories by I. Bunin "Cold Autumn" and A.
Cook "Pomegranate bracelet"?
6. "What you believe - that is." What is the hero of the work of M. Gorky
believe these words? Explain his philosophy.
7. What is the role of satin in the play "At the bottom"?
8. Image civil War In the stories M. Sholokhov "Molenia"
and "Prod team".
9. What are the peculiarities of Russian in the story of M. Sholokhov
"The Fate of Man"?
10.And you saw the village in the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrein
yard "?
11. What philosophical and moral problems raises the author in
12. As a plot episode is a culmination in the story "Matrein
yard "?
13.What unites the characters of Andrei Sokolov ("the fate of a person") and
Matrioli Vasilyevna (Matrynin Dvor)?
14.Who from Russian writers was awarded Nobel Prize For the contribution of B.
world literature?

1) what

literary directions took place
Being in the 1900s?
2) what
fundamentally new contributed to the drama
"Cherry Garden" Chekhov? (I will tell me - I
Need the features of the "new drama")
3) for
What Tolstoy took from the church (betrayed
4) Nazovit
the names of the three decadents and explain that
Your one thinks it
direction in the literature (or not in your opinion
- Spish from the lecture)
5) what
Is such akmeism? (Spish word in the word
From the Internet - I do not count), name
several aqmeist authors
6) WHO
We became the main Novokrestest
poet? What literary direction
I tried to create it later? It was
whether it is viable (on com
7) after
Revolutions 1917 Russian Literature
It was involuntarily divided into ... and ...
8) from
This avant-garde school was released
Poet like Mayakovsky. Creativity
Great Artist 20th Century inspired
poets of this school? Why?
9) B.
In 1920, the literary group arose
"Brothers serapionov", what is the group,
What goals she put in front of them,
What a famous writer entered this
10) name
The most important book of Isaac Babel. ABOUT
What is she? (in some words pass
11) name
2-3 works of Bulgakov
12) In any
The work of Sholokhov we can attribute
To social realism? (This work
answered the official Soviet ideology,
Therefore it was with delight accepted)
13) Sholokhov
in the language " Quiet dona"Uses many
words from local ...
14) what
Most importantly, the work wrote
Boris Pasternak? What was called the main
Heroes? What time period
covers a work? And what is the main thing
Event stands in the center of the novel
15)Tell me
What happened with literature in the 1930s

The story "Fat and Thin", written in 1883, belongs to the group of early humorous works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Despite this, it is touched by a serious and relevant even now challenge. In this article we give brief analysis The story is "fat and thin", thanks to which we will know better than the main characters and understand what goals the Chekhov pursued when writing it.

The main characters of the story "Fat and thin" - Analysis of images

The situation described in the work is simple. On the railway station Randomly met two classmates: thick Michael and a thin porphyry. Initially unexpected meeting It gives the joy to both, they exchange hot greetings, ask each other about life, family, career. Both with aspiration recall childhood in gymnasium, joking nicknames and leprosy. Thin tells that it has the rank of college assessor. Thickly informs that he is already a secret adviser. Here, suddenly the climax comes, and the analysis of the story "Thick and thin" allows you to understand its essence.

Czechs as a thin master in several sentences with irony describes the metamorphosis that happened with the subtle, his wife and even his son Nafanail. Not only is the thin "pale, Parcel", "rushed, buried", became as if less compared to such an important person as his former buddy. And then his face was "twisted" "the broad smile." It is significant that the person was "twisted" with a smile, and not "hesitated", "began", etc. The word shows us insincerity, stretching and overturning of this smile. The chin of his wife stretched even more, and the son fastened the uniform on all buttons. Interestingly, even the boxes and suitcases of thin "settled" and "frowned".

We continue the analysis of the story "Fat and thin". From that moment on, the behavior of the subtle and his family is completely changing. In his speech, the characteristic "-s" appear after the words: "What you-s", "heeh-chi-s". They show the humiliation of themselves before Tolstoy. Porphyra draws to the former single-handler "Your Excellency". About any friendly communication can not be speech.

Fat is shown by a fat, good-natured man. He is sincerely glad to see comrade for gymnasium. In his speech, as in the subtle replicas, at first there are appeals: "Blowjob", "cute". Phrases of both are from questioning and exclamation proposals that demonstrate fun arousal. It is characteristic that after the news of the high rank of Tolstoy, the attitude towards a friend is changing only in thin. Thick itself continues the conversation in the same vein. Even seeing how the buddy is trying to warm, Mikhail wants to return the previous tone conversation, says that there is no good quality. He even "frowned" from the behavior of thin. Do not miss this idea, especially if you analyze the story "Fat and thin".

But the author notes that the reverence that was clearly visible on the person of the official of the lower rank, "sweetness" and "respectful acid" were so obvious that nothing remained in a thick way how to say goodbye. It is noteworthy that for the first time a person who has a higher position does not seek to emphasize his superiority. He is respectful and friend. And a lower man degrades himself. This sounds the new disclosure of the "Little Man" theme in the literature.

The topic of a "little man" in the story of Chekhov "Fat and thin"

The image of a "little man" is characteristic of Russian literature since the days of Alexander Pushkin. In the story " Stationery"We see the sympathy of the author to a dust-free low-class official. Nikolai Gogol in the work of the "Shinel" emphasizes the compassion for the serious fate of the shallow official of the eternal stagnation of a small official.

Chekhov in the very late XIX. century showed a different perspective problem. Often, the person himself puts himself in a humiliating position. Khoping habits are very difficult to defeat a person. The writer demonstrates the appearance of this social and psychological disease.

We hope that the analysis of the story "Fat and Thin", which Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote, was useful for you. More materials can be found in our literary blog, where we place articles on a variety of topics. Also read

At the station of the Nikolaev Railway, two buddles met: one thick, the other is thin. Thick just gave birth to the station, and his lips, filled with oil, glanced like ripe cherries. It smelled from him with sherry and Fleur-D "Orange. Thin just got out of the car and was navalized by suitcases, knots and cards. Plowing from him ham and coffee dense. Because of his back, slender woman with a long chin appeared And a high gymnasium with a rich eye is his son. - Porfiry! - exclaimed fat, seeing thin. - Do you? My dove! How many winters, how old! - Batyushki! - Missed thin. - Misha! Domestic childhood! Where did you come from? They had pleasses three times turned out and rushed their eyes full of tears on each other. Both were pleasantly stunned. - My dear! - Started thin after Lobozia.- I did not expect! Here is a surprise! Well, let's look at me good! The same handsome man as was! The same drool and scorpie! Oh, you, Lord! Well, what are you? Rich? Married? I am already married, as you see ... This is my wife, Louise, nee Vanzensbach ... Lutheranka ... And this is my son, Nafanal, student III class. It is Nafanya, my childhood friend! In the gymnasium they studied together! Nathanael thought a little and removed the hat. - In the gymnasium studied together! - continued slim. - remember how you teased? You were teased by Herostratom for the fact that you burned a casual book, and I was with an effoix for the fact that I was like a jabing. Ho-ho ... were children! Do not be afraid, Nafanya! Come to him closer ... And this is my wife, nee Vanzenbach ... Lutheran. Nathanael thought a little and hid behind his father's back. - Well, how do you live, friend? - asked fat, enthusiastically looking at each other. - Do you serve where? Did you get? - serve, my dear! College Assestor For the second year and Stanislav have. The salary is bad ... well, God with him! Wife music lessons gives, I am privigar from a tree. Excellent cigarettes! For the ruble for sale. If anyone takes ten pieces and more, you understand the concession. We are trying something like. He served, you know, in the Department, and now it is translated here by a column on the same department ... I will serve here. Well, how are you? Probably, Statsky is already? BUT? "No, my dear, raise higher," said Fatst. "I have already arrived at the mystery ... I have two stars. Thin suddenly turned pale, petrified, but soon his face was twisted in all directions in a wide smile; It seemed that from his face and his eyes sparks fell. He himself cringed himself, buried, narrowed ... his suitcases, knots and cards were cringe, frowned ... The long chin became even longer; Nathanail pulled out to the fruunt and fastened all the goals of his uniform ... - I, your excellency ... very nice-s! Friend, you can say, childhood and suddenly went into such veelmbod-s! Chi chi-s. - Well, full! - Fucking fat. - What is this tone? We are with you friends of childhood - and what is this kind of chinovation! - Have mercy ... that you, with ...- I threw a thin, even more hiking. - The gracious attention of your Excellency ... It seems like a life-giving moisture ... This is, your Excellency, My Son Nafanal ... wife Louise , Lutheran, in some way ... Thick wanted to objeed something, but on the face of the thin was written so much reverence, sweets and respectful acid that the secret advisor was stuck. He turned away from thin and filed his hand on a farewell. Thin shook three fingers, bowed to all the torso and giggled, like Chinese: "Chi-hee-hee." Wife smiled. Nathanailed sculpt the foot and dropped the cap. All three were pleasantly stunned.
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