The main characters are the attacker. The intruder chekhov the main characters The main characters of the story the intruder

Initially, the publisher of the story "The Intruder" by Chekhov was the "Petersburg newspaper" - it was there that in the summer of 1885 this work appeared. This story is a continuation of a line of miniatures known for encouraging the reader to "laugh through tears." Now we will do brief analysis the story "The Intruder" by Chekhov, which is small in volume, but very meaningful in concept and perspective.

The plot of the story

Before briefly considering the plot of the story, we note that thanks to this work, we better understand what relations developed at that time between the peasants and the ruling class, and their problems.

So, the main character of the story "The Intruder", the analysis of which we are conducting, is being answered in court. His name is Denis Grigoriev, he is dressed very simply, like a peasant, stands barefoot. And despite the fact that his mind is not sharp, Grigoriev is ready to assert and prove his innocence. What is he accused of?

This simple guy just tried to unscrew the nuts from the rails. railroad to make weights for the seine. It turns out that the seine itself does not sink, and therefore, it is very difficult for them to fish. What does the court say to this? Of course, it is difficult for the judge to accept such arguments, and he explains to Grigoriev that because of the unscrewed nuts, a train can crash and then people will die. But Denis Grigoriev assures the judge that he could not have had such intent, the whole point is in the net.

And it soon becomes clear that Grigoriev is not alone. Almost the entire village of peasants does the same, and moreover, the masters buy ready-made nets from them. What can a judge do? He orders to send the peasant back to the cell, and there is no limit to Grigoriev's surprise, they say, how can it be, why?

Analysis of the story "Intruder" - the idea of ​​the work

Chekhov in his work well shows the negligence of the Russian person, which was and remains an eternal problem. But whose fault is that the village peasants have to unscrew the nuts from the rails, and the result of such acts is a train wreck? Of course, when we read the story and analyze it, it is clearly seen that the main character has no malicious intent to destroy people. For example, it was not for nothing that Chekhov presented Grigoriev as barefoot - this is a poor man, and he feeds only thanks to this seine.

Therefore, looking at the problem not with a superficial glance, but deeply, we understand who is really to blame for this situation. That is, the villain is not the attacker. This is what becomes clear thanks to the analysis of the story "The Intruder": ordinary men make seines with nuts, and the gentlemen who willingly buy these products encourage them to do this. Is it really not clear to the gentlemen where the nuts on the fishing tackle come from? They all understand perfectly, but prefer to remain silent.

A feature of the work we are considering is its realistic orientation, because Chekhov described what actually happened in Russia in late XIX century. We will not omit one more important detail of the analysis of the story "The Intruder". Its composition is such that the author, as it were, pulls out the moment from the events taking place - this is the trial of Grigoriev. But we know neither the beginning of this story, nor its end. And Chekhov does not report on the verdict, from which it follows that the author leaves this at the discretion of the reader.

So, summing up, we can say that the work raises one of the acute problems Russian society- negligence and its real culprits.

In this short article we have made a brief analysis of the story "The Intruder" by Chekhov, and we hope that he helped you better understand the work and its main idea... Check back often to our literary blog, which has hundreds of articles with reviews, analyzes and character traits.

Characteristics of the main characters in the story The Intruder, and got the best answer

Answer from Marat Baimukhametov [guru]
All of us were taught from childhood to speak the truth and not to deceive, not to break the law and to be responsible for our actions. If you live honestly, then you are not ashamed of what you did before. And we were also taught to think first, and then do and generally try to act in such a way as not to harm anyone. You think about all this when you read the story of the Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "The Malefactor".
Although the protagonist of this story is a poor, skinny peasant, dirty and unkempt, barefoot Denis Grigoriev - does not deceive anyone. He truthfully answers the questions of the investigator in court.
It turns out that his fault lies in the fact that he unscrewed the nut on the railway, which attaches the rails to the sleepers. He did this in order to make a sinker from a nut for fishing. Otherwise, you won't catch fish in their area, even the “very last boy” knows that. Denis Grigoriev did this for several reasons, one of them is poverty: "You cannot find lead on the road, you have to buy it, but a carnation is not good."
Denis Grigoriev was not going to arrange a train wreck: "... There were no such thoughts in my head .... How many we unscrew .... We leave .... We do not crazy ... we understand ...". It turns out that the nuts are unscrewed by all the Klimov peasants, while Mitrofan Petrov makes nets “and sells them to the gentlemen. He needs a lot of these same nuts. For each seine, read, about ten ... ". This is the second reason why the nuts are unscrewed on the railway: for the master's nets, after all, gentlemen also fish.
That is, gentlemen know where the nuts for their nets come from and turn a blind eye to the fact that "damage to the railway .... Can endanger .... Transport .... The consequence of this must be misfortune." Both men and gentlemen know this. The peasants are to blame because of the lord's whim. The judge understands that it is impossible to take into custody and send to prison all the gentlemen in the district (after all, it is for them the peasants unscrew the nuts), and therefore cannot pass a sentence; he writes something without listening to Denis. Denis justifies himself and says that he is not deceiving and is ready to confirm this under oath.
The investigator never made any decision - there is no mention of this in the story. And Denis, resisting two stalwart soldiers, mutters: "We must judge skillfully, not in vain ... Although they were whipped, but in good faith ...". He still does not understand what he is accused of.
The perpetrators in this story are not at all Denis Grigoriev and his brothers or one of the Klimov men, but those gentlemen, because of whom the men break the law. If they really did not act according to their conscience, they would be ready to answer for it, but not in vain! That is, the title of Chekhov's story "The Intruder" is ironic. The real perpetrators are not simple peasants, but their masters.

A humorous story by A.P. Chekhov's "The Intruder" was first published in 1885 and continued a series of ironic stories by the author. the main problem, which Chekhov considers in his work - the class contradictions between peasants and masters in Russia at that time. The main idea of ​​the story is to reveal the problem of negligence, which has always, in any historical era, has been so characteristic of our country. Is it the fault of the Russian peasant that he is poor, moreover, that he works tirelessly? And is he such a terrible criminal if, in search of a livelihood, he pulls nuts from the railway to make seines and then sell them? Of course, this act is worthy of censure and all condemnation, because because of this, trains go off the rails and people die. But is this unfortunate man so guilty to call him a criminal? Who is to blame for this situation?

Reading the story, you do not feel contempt or hatred for Denis, because he had no intention of harming people. Before the court, he appears barefoot, he has no money to buy himself even the cheapest shoes. Is it his fault that he obtains his own food? After all, he never had a desire to kill people.

In the story, the author clearly formulates the problem of who is the true culprit of negligence in the lives of innocent people. From the plot it becomes clear who Chekhov calls the real intruder. After all, the one who agrees to buy the tackle made by the village men perfectly understands the consequences of such an occupation. But they prefer to remain silent and continue to buy nets from the railroad. They do not care about the fate of people who may die at any moment and who do not know what fate is prepared for them with the light hand of enterprising gentlemen.

The story "The Malefactor" can be safely attributed to the direction of realism, since it reflects the picture of the Russian reality of that time. The work has an unusual structure, since it does not have an introduction and an ending. Outcome judicial trial and remains unknown. The author would like the reader to draw their own conclusions and make their own verdict.

Analysis 2

A wonderful writer who once said: "brevity is the sister of talent", an experienced doctor, an excellent person by nature - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - in his works often raises the problem " little man". The story "The Malefactor" is no exception, because in it Chekhov continues to reveal the complexities and difficulties of Russian life, different views of people on one thing. It was written in 1885 and was published in the Petersburg newspaper.

The work "Intruder" evokes both gaiety and sadness after reading. Laughter comes from the situation that happens in the book: people discussing one thing look and interpret the incident in their own way. The hero, whose name is Denis Grigoriev, is brought to trial. He was guilty and was caught for his act: he unscrewed the bolts, thanks to which the rails were held, a train was passing by. The judge argues that such an action is not sensible, since people on the train could be injured, the rails have the ability to derail from their specific position if they are deprived of such support as bolts. Grigoriev denies his guilt, because he believes that this action was committed only because of the plight of the hero. On the one hand, the judge has his own truth: the defendant is guilty of stealing the accessories with which the rails are attached. Death could take many lives with it if the train deviated and off course. But on the other hand: Denis Grigoriev tried to survive. The country has a terrible tragic situation, because of which there is no means of subsistence. This is the problem, because theft begins when the government restricts the people in something they need.

What makes you sad and despondent after reading a story? The matter lies in the defendant's ignorance. He does not realize what harm he could have done to many people. The losses would have been incalculable, but the hero cannot understand this fact. It is sad that the obvious is not presented by the character. When it is revealed to him that he is guilty, he only asks the question: "for what?" It is really scary when a person is not able to realize: what is his offense. It seems to him so accessible and permissible to perform a certain action that he is forgotten about the negative impact on others. And this is a tragedy!

Denis Grigoriev, being at the trial, is trying to convey to the investigator that his act is thought out to the smallest detail, that the character does everything "with his head." However, the essence of the hero is immediately revealed. Defending his rights, like peasants in historical time, it becomes clear that anything should be expected from the hero, his steps will be completely unpredictable, because the character is only concerned with his own interests, and the benefit that he can take from this or that action. Denis Grigoriev is worried about how he will live further, on what means he will be able to exist. Therefore, it is not surprising that it goes beyond what is permissible. A hero of such a nature, he cannot be remade.

In addition to the fact that Anton Pavlovich draws readers' attention to the authorities, what made the crowd out of the people, forcing them to blindly follow the leader, the writer points out to us the negligence and recklessness of people who, pretending to be "fools", dream of finding a way out of the current predicament. Is it really not happening in our life even now?

5, 6, 7 grade

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The short story "The Intruder" was first published in the summer of 1885 in the Petersburg Gazette. He caught the attention of readers. Leo Tolstoy even included him on his personal list. best works... Later, the story was included in a collection called "Colorful Stories". The plot is based on real event... The prototype for the main character of this work was a peasant from the Moscow province Nikita Pantyukhin.

Denis Grigoriev- a peasant. " A skinny little man in a striped shirt and patched ports". It can be seen that due to want and poverty, he fell ill with smallpox. A face "eaten away by mountain ash". At the end of the 18th century, the Russian countryside suffered from crop failure. And the peasants survived as best they could. The men, including Gregory, were fishing. Grigoriev was illiterate, and everything that the investigator told him came to his mind slowly. He often asked again. He could not understand with his peasant mind that loosening the nuts could lead to disaster.

Investigator - tries to be fair, but sees terrorism and attempts on people's lives in loosening the nuts. He doesn't believe that men make sinkers out of nuts. The investigator recalls that a year ago the train derailed and begins to understand why this happened.

The story ends with Denis Grigoriev being taken to prison. More than a hundred years have passed, and in Russia everything that "lies badly" is still being stolen. Now they got the hang of removing electrical wires, removing fences from cemeteries. The story has not lost its relevance, and for a long time it will interest and excite the reader.

In the lesson, students will consider the features of humor A.P. Chekhov, they will get acquainted with the content of the story "The Malefactor", define its main idea and problems.

Theme: From literature XIX century

Lesson: The story of A.P. Chekhov's "Intruder"

In 1880, the first publications of humorous stories by Anton Pavlovich appeared in the "Strekoza" magazine (Fig. 1). He publishes his humoresques under a variety of funny pseudonyms: Baldastov, My brother's brother, A man without a spleen, Antosha Chekhonte.

Chekhov is also published in various publications where his stories are accepted, but nevertheless he gives preference to the Oskolki magazine, where a special section was created for him under the name Fragments of Moscow Life.

Rice. 1. Magazine "Dragonfly" ()

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is known as a master of short stories. His ability to find the exact artistic detail, the talent for reflecting the subtlest emotional experiences of the heroes earned him fame in many countries of the world. "... Humor is the wit of a deep feeling ..." - this remarkable definition fits perfectly with Chekhov's stories. Here humor not only makes you laugh, but also "scratches" the heart to tears.

It is important to understand and feel that humor is not a separate part of Chekhov's work, it is his view of the world, a vision of life, inseparable from irony, a tragic smile. The writer could not ignore the disorder and wrongness of life, but everything written in his works received a tragicomic sound, such are the features of Chekhov's talent.

So, mixing comic and tragic... It is this feature of Chekhov's humor that we will consider using the example of the story "The Malefactor".

Analysis of the "Intruder" story

For the first time the story was published in 1885 in the "Petersburg newspaper", and then entered the collection " Colorful stories". Already during the life of the writer, the story "The Intruder" was recognized as a masterpiece. So, for example, L.N. Tolstoy confessed: "I've read it a hundred times."

All the features of Chekhov's humor were clearly manifested in the story: laconicism and accuracy in creating images, the ability to outline a problem at times of an all-Russian scale with a few strokes.

The meaning of the name

The word "attacker" is formed by merging the stems of words evil and intent... What about malice is it in the story?

Rice. 2. Illustration for the story "Intruder" ()

A simple peasant from the Klimovsk peasants, Denis Grigoriev, stands in front of a judicial investigator (Fig. 2). He was caught in a very unsightly business: he tried to unscrew the nut from the rails, so that he could then use it to make a sinker. The story is based on a dialogue between an investigator and an attacker. Their conversation evokes both laughter and pity. After all, the peasant cannot understand in any way that such actions are criminal, since unscrewing the nut from the rails can lead to a train wreck, which means to the death of innocent people.

Heroes of the story "The Intruder"

In the story two heroes, representatives of 2 social strata, so far from each other that there is no mutual understanding between them. This is an investigator on the one hand and a peasant on the other.

Chekhov did not specify the name and appearance of the investigator. This makes the hero faceless and at the same time gives the image collectiveness. We imagine a typical official, a man in uniform, sitting at a table, taking the interrogation protocol. Before us is a dry lawyer, confident that every peasant knows the entire criminal code. This conviction is expressed in the words of the investigator:

“- Listen ... Article 1081 of the Code on Punishments says that for any deliberate damage to the railway, when it could endanger the transport following this road and the culprit knew that the consequence of this must be misfortune ... you understand? knew! And you could not but know where this loosening leads ... he is sentenced to exile in hard labor. "

In the image of the investigator, only one thing is comical: his sincere bewilderment at the ignorance of the peasant.

It is the little man who is the main character in the story. We recognize his name - Denis Grigoriev - and read enough detailed description appearance: “A small, extremely skinny peasant in a motley shirt and patched ports. His face, overgrown with hair and riddled with mountain ash, and his eyes, barely visible from behind thick, overhanging eyebrows, have an expression of sullen sternness. On his head is a whole hat of long unkempt, tangled hair, which gives him an even greater, spider-like severity. He's barefoot. " In his description, Chekhov emphasizes not just the peasant's poverty, but his savagery and neglect. He looks like a primitive man. After such a description, we expect aggression, anger from the hero, because Chekhov twice uses the epithet "severe". However, in a conversation with an investigator, the peasant shows the opposite qualities: harmlessness, good nature, naivety. He confesses that he unscrewed the nuts from the rails, and sincerely wonders what his crime is:

"- Well! How many years we have been unscrewing the nuts in the whole village and God kept them, but here the wreck ... killed people ... If I had carried off the rail or, for example, put a log across its path, well, then, perhaps, the train would have turned off, otherwise. .. ugh! screw!"

What is Chekhov making fun of in his story? Darkness, ignorance, lack of education of a man. His illiterate speech says more about the hero than the author could say in describing his life. In order to understand Denis Grigoriev, you need to carry out vocabulary work that will help translate the peasant's illiterate speech into literary Russian.

Vocabulary work:

chavo - what;

znameno - of course, naturally;

nothing - really;

tokmo - only;

eynogo - her;

togdy - then;

letting go - letting go;

go - go;

it seems - it seems.

The protagonist's speech striking in its illiteracy and illogicality. There is a mess in his head: he is talking about fishing, and about his village, and about the guard of the railway, who caught him in a crime at the same time. At first we get the impression that the man is simply cunning, trying to evade responsibility, and we share the opinion of the investigator: “What a fool he is pretending to be! Precisely yesterday he was born or fell from the sky. " However, the author soon makes us understand that the man really does not realize all the consequences of his crime. He is quite sincerely indignant:

“- To jail ... It would have been for what, I would have gone, otherwise ... you live well ... For what? And I didn’t steal, I think, and didn’t fight ... "

The story ends with the man being taken to a cell, and he accuses the investigator of injustice:

"- Judges ... It is necessary to judge skillfully, not in vain ... Although they were whipped, but in good faith ..."

This last line is thought provoking. Is the man really to blame? Yes, by law, he committed a crime. But why did he do it? Why is the whole village unscrewing the nuts? For fun or with malice? From the peasant's incoherent remarks, we can nevertheless put together a sad picture of his life: the oppression of the headman, arrears, the arbitrariness of the authorities. To feed themselves, the whole village catches fish. This is how the people live. And for fishing you have to unscrew the nuts and use them as a sinker. Why exactly nuts? Is there nothing else? And the hero gives an exhaustive answer to this question:

“- You won't find lead on the road, you have to buy it, but a carnation is not good. Better not to find the nuts ... Both heavy and there is a hole. "

The people have their own logic, the logic of survival in those social conditions, in which a person turns into a wild, ridiculous, downtrodden creature.

“- You're bothering me ... Hey, Semyon! - shouts the investigator. - Take him away! - this is the solution to the problem Chekhov is showing us. Is this fair? Of course not.

Thus, in his story, Chekhov humorously describes a situation that really seems ridiculous at first glance. But the main thing that the writer wanted was to make the reader doubt the justice of the verdict, arouse sympathy for the peasant and condemn a system that is indifferent to the people's grief and avoids solving social problems.

In the critical review "About everything", published in the magazine " Russian wealth"In 1886, it was written about the" Intruder ":" Small strokes, sometimes in one word, paint both everyday life and the situation so clearly that you are only surprised at this ability - to bring all the necessary details into one tiny focus, only the most necessary, and at the same time, excite your feeling and awaken your thought: in fact, look deeper into this investigator and this peasant, after all, these are two worlds, divorced from the same life; both Russian, both in essence not evil people and both do not understand each other. Just think about it, and you will understand how deep the content is in this tiny story set out on two and a half pages. "


  1. Korovina V.Ya. Didactic materials on literature. 7th grade. - 2008.
  2. Tishchenko O.A. Homework on literature for the 7th grade (to the textbook by V.Ya. Korovina). - 2012.
  3. Kuteinikova N.E. Literature lessons in grade 7. - 2009.
  4. Korovina V.Ya. Literature textbook. 7th grade. Part 1. - 2012.
  5. Korovina V.Ya. Literature textbook. 7th grade. Part 2. - 2009.
  6. Ladygin M.B., Zaitseva O.N. Textbook-reader on literature. 7th grade. - 2012.
  7. Kurdyumova T.F. Textbook-reader on literature. 7th grade. Part 1. - 2011.
  8. Phono-restomacy on literature for the 7th grade to the textbook by Korovina.
  1. FEB: Dictionary of literary terms ().
  2. Dictionaries. Literary terms and concepts ().
  3. Explanatory dictionary Russian language ().
  4. A.P. Chekhov. Attacker ().
  5. A.P. Chekhov. Biography and creativity ().
  6. Biography and work of A.P. Chekhov ().


  1. Try to adapt Denis Grigoriev's speech using the words from the synopsis. What does this change in the story?
  2. What does the story make you think about?
  3. What is the peculiarity of A.P. Chekhov? Confirm your answer with examples from the story "The Intruder".
  4. What stories have you read by Chekhov? What can you say about their author?
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