1945 parts of the Red Army began the assault on the Reichstag. How it was

Real events around the assault of the Reichstag from the very beginning diligently silent and distorted the official Soviet historiography. The reasons for it was more than enough. First, I was mistaken by the "infallible" leader TOV.Stalin. He pointed out Reichstag as the main goal in the capital of the enemy and the place over which it was necessary to hoist the Banner of Victory. Not without incident. Babajanyan's tank corps received a combat task for a breakthrough to Reichstagu. At the same time, the housing was to rush down the street past Reichancelyriage, where there was still a living Hitler.

From the former splendor of Reichstag to May 1945, there was almost nothing left. In it, no one year was located the most ordinary office - the medical archive, which was forced to share the living space with the hospital, the fellow departure of the clinic "Sharite" and the kindergarten. The territory in front of the Reichstag was built up various non-composite service and economic buildings. The once gorgeous area of \u200b\u200bKönigsplatz, lying between Reichstag and the Opera House, was worn out to be unfinished construction. The subway laid in the open method formed a ditch filled with rainwater, and an entire lake was formed on the site of an unfinished pit for a new, hidden riverbed. Along the ditches, the shaft was piled up during the breed. Once impressive fountains have not worked a long time ago and were half plated various garbage.

Photo. It can be clearly seen how the area is grung in front of the Reichstag economic buildings.

In order not to drop the dignity of the leader of military historians, it was necessary to somehow emphasize the strategic and political importance of the Reichstag. Therefore, it was told with what kind of perseverance, the numerous SSS defended Reichstag, although the defense was held there with old people and boys from Volkssturma.

After the "Banner of Victory" was tied with close Uzami with Reichstag, the "Lair of the Beast", all political scientists, military and civilians, tirelessly told about the great importance of taking the storming of this particular building. Could not be "Banner of Victory" to wave over a third-party object! Soviet writers were also thrown on to solve this important ideological task.

Veterans, participants of the assault contributed to his sturge. First of all, those who received the stars of heroes per assault and for the banner. And even the most honest and decent veterans, who seen the one who took place from one single point, from the place where they were personally, strongly denied others, no less honest and decent, but those who were completely different and seen something else.

Therefore, some historians, contrary to the indicative Finger of the CPSU, tried to collect information from the participants of the Reichstag storm, while those are still alive and well. The efforts of Ivan Dmitrievich Klimova, a member of the author's team who worked on the sixtime "history of the Great Patriotic War Soviet Union 1941-1945. The head of the memoir group of the press department of the main political department of the Soviet Army and the Navy, Colonel A. G. Kashchev led this argument, (while direct participants can tell something), in favor of writing a detailed and scientifically substantiated version of the Reichstag storming.

Collected information from the participants of the assault and commander of the 150th division, General V.M.Shatylov. He sent letters to his former condam and officers with a request to describe their personal impressions with an indication of at least approximate time when what happened.

And Klimov, and their struggle for the historical truth was expensive. Packed in an unequal struggle with ideological warders from the Communist Party, nervous energy led both historians to premature leaving. General Shatilov did not threaten it - his version was laid in the procrusteo bed of the plot developed in the master.

Still, no matter how it was, the veterans of the assault of the Reichstag left quite a lot of memories of different quality and varying degrees Reliability. Many managed to get around censorship in some key episodes. And even disciplined by instructions of compatines' warders, the authors of the memoirs allowed "punctures", shedding the light of truth for certain events.

Let's try to restore how the recreation assault at least in general terms. But at the beginning it is necessary to say a few words about some features of the architecture of this extraordinary building, which significantly influenced the course of battle.

Features of the playstag architecture.

Reichstag in terms of reminds the letter "F", not just a rounded, but "angular". Two courtyard-wells provide natural lighting of halls and rooms, whose windows overlook these courtyards. The parliamentary meeting room was located on the central axis of "Letters", about the insertion. It was illuminated through a large and technically complex glazed ceiling ending with a grand dome. Also glazed. Lighting through the so-called light lights in the Reichstag was used quite widely for premises not having outer walls. So on glass, to a large extent, the roof is not strongly dispersed. Moreover, by the time of the storming glass was knocked out. Still, most of the premises had windows along the outer perimeter of the building, through which it was possible to admire the views of the capital. When preparing a building to the defense of the window, brick were laid.

Reichstag had 4 floors: "Erdgeshos" - the ground floor. According to our standards, a full-fledged first floor with large windows and high ceilings. In the memoir, he appears as "basements", for which there were their reasons, as you will see on. "Hauptgeshos" is the main floor. The name speaks for itself. On this floor there was a meeting room of the Reichstag - German Parliament. Obereshos - upper floor. (On our third). Some large halls of Gauptgeshos had high ceilings ending at the Obergashion Ceilings. And finally, the last floor is "Tswishengeshos", which is translated most often like mezzanine. "Tswishengeshos" our fighters took for the attic. It will not be reminded that the Germans, like the British, the second floor is called the first, the third second and so on. And the first floor is called "Earth". In order not to conflict with the memoirs in which the second floor is called the first, and the third - second, we accept the German names for this chapter.

Reichstag had 3 entrances and 2 transport entry. The front entrance was located on the western facade. The big staircase took the visitors of the arrivals from Konigsplatz, past the beautiful fountains, immediately at Heaptgeshos - the main floor. Having passed the extensive lobby of the round shape, in the center of which huge sculpture of Bismarck rose, visitors entered the meeting room. Two more entrances, less pompous, although with chic stairs made inside the shapes of the ancient warriors, were from the eastern and southern facades. The southern entrance was considered to be a deputy. Here, in order to rise to "Hauptgesheshos", there were also stairs, which, unlike the front entrance, were harnessed in the depths of the building. From the northern side of the building there was a transport passage to the courtyard. Our soldiers called him "Arch". Another transport passage, in another courtyard, was on the eastern side of the building, closer to Tirgar'an.

In Reichstage it worked a large number of service personnel. The construction of the building was conceived in such a way that the attendants, moving when performing their official duties, did not intersect with the gentlemen to the deputies. Therefore, in Reichstag there was a large number of service stairs and ladies, which could be reached almost anywhere in the building, not a disturbance of the chosen of the people. And the ground floor (Erdgeshos), where the bulk of the plumber, electricians, cleaners, etc. was based, was reliably isolated from the upper floors. In the building there were 150-200 premises of various largest and appointments.

In his memoirs, the commander of the 756th regiment F.M.zinchenko described his reflections before the assault:

... Of the four entrances to Reichstag, the main - Western. He led, as it turned out, in an oval lobby, from which was the entrance to the meeting room.

In total, in Reichstag, in addition to the large hall of the meeting and halls for meetings of factions, there were more than 500 different rooms and premises, spacious basements.

... In the morning of April 30, there were still a significant part of the city center in the hands of Hitlerists. In the offensive band of the 79th building, Reichstag, the Kol-Opera, the Brandenburg Gate Theater, the Northeast of Tirgarten and the Quarter of the Foreign Embassy remained the most serious foci of resistance. All these items interacted quite effectively with each other.

... to penetrate the Reichstag, it would be most convenient, of course, through one of the four inputs available in it - Western, North, South or East. The southern entrance was covered with strong flanking fire from large buildings located in forty from this entrance and somewhat east. The approaches to it were also under fire and tanks, and instruments of direct flooring. Our artillery and tanks suppress firepoints in these buildings could not, since they were covered with the walls of the player himself.

Attack the northern entrance also did not make sense. The 380th regiment was still not reached on Reichstagu on this side. In addition, the enemy units recently counterattaking us, from here they could with the support of the quarter of foreign embassies at any time to make a new college.

As for the eastern entrance, he went to the opposite direction from us the direction of the Reichstag, to the area, which is still fully in the hands of the Hitlerians. It is clear that this entrance was inadvertent and for our fires.

It remained Western, the main entrance, he is the parade. In the proposed plan, it was assumed to break into Reichstag through this entry. Its location provided by our divisions wide front attacks and the most complete fire support. In addition, for the case, according to which we were here, it was suitable, as someone joked, only the main entrance.

The ratio of forces.

Before describing the assault, let's try to determine the ratio of forces. S.A.Nostroev in his memoirs told how the Germans surrendered from the Reichstag. Total combat counted 100-120 people. Taking the base of the Germans to the middle of Berlin, which reached 50%, it can be assumed that the Reichstag garrison numbered 200-240 people before the assault. According to the boss, the headquarters 79 of the Rifle Corps of Reichstag defended the remains of 617, 403, 407 and 421th Volkssturma battalions.

Map. Pretty approximate regimen of the Reichstag.

Photo. One of the 88-mm anti-aircraft guns at Reikhstag.

On April 26, 5 anti-aircraft guns were transferred to Reichstagu, which established themselves with formidable anti-tank weapons. But after mastering by the morning of April 30, by the Soviet troops "Himmler's house" some of them became useless, because Their positions were too close to our infantry and calculations were not completely protected from machine-gun fire. Two guns were outside the ditch, and one near the northeast corner of the Crolo opera. According to A.Bessarab's testimony, despite his very unfavorable position, German artilleryrs have created many problems of the coming soviet troops.

On April 28, a team of SSS teams appeared in Reichstag, which were caught and shot deserters. They "inspired" a folksturm for persistent defense.

What power did the Red Army stormed the Red Army? Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the 150th Division, General (in 1945 ml. Lieutenant) V.S. Office recalled:

At this time, infantry (70-80 soldiers and officers) built in the courtyard "House of Himmler". The ammunition received, the commanders set the tasks, took replenishment. The shelves were - one name: in the 756th, in the battalion captain there was a man 35, in our 674th lieutenant colonel Pleasnova was a little more - 75-80. In one of the battalions there was only Kombat Major Logvinenko and two soldiers. In other battalions, it was not much better. But the combat missions were put, and they had to be performed.

However, in the memoirs of the commander of the 674th shelf of Lieutenant Colonel A.D. Platznova appear on other numbers. According to him, there were 75 fighters in a strongly sweated battalion. And before the assault, there is a task not only by Davydov, but also Logvinenko. So that there were not two fighters in the battalion, as Ustyugov writes. Most likely, not all soldiers were attended on the construction.

S.A.Nostroev in his memoirs writes that in the morning of April 30 his battalion is located in three big Rooms "House of Himmler". And if relying on its conclusion that the recreation garrison was approximately equal to its battalion, then nestower had to be at the beginning of the sturma of 200-250 fighters. By 20.00 on April 30, the battalion of Nestower was replenished, a whole company - 100 people. Comand the Rota Stepan Andreevich set Senior Sergeant I.Y. Siyanova.

Battalion K.Samsonova from 380 regiment of the 171st division also had people no more than in the Davydov battalion. In addition, two perfectly equipped groups consisting of experienced scouts, created by order of the commander of 79 of the Corps of General S.N. Perevvodkin, participated in the Reichstag storm. Groups, numbered 25 people, commanded Major M.M. Bondar and Captain V.N. Makov.

Based on the above contradictory data, it turns out from about 350 to 600 warriors attacked Reichstag in walking. But the Red Army had a tremendous advantage in artillery, including heavy self-propelled, and tanks. Only on the straight flooring stood 89 guns. It would be possible to put more and more, but the places were missing. At the disposal of 79 housings there were more than 1000 guns. If you take into account the shooting from closed positions, then the assault of the Reichstag was supported by about 130 guns.


On the morning of April 30, after night battles, the 674th regiment fully occupied the "Himmler House" and almost without a pause began the first assault on the Reichstag. Artillery has not yet pulled up, people are very tired. I really wanted to sleep. The fact is that Zhukov ordered fights in Berlin in the afternoon and at night. Of course, parts replaced each other, but, nevertheless, the fatigue accumulated.

A big advantage for the defeated was an extensive open space before Reichstag. The first assault was carried out by Davydov's battalions and Logvinenko from the 674th regiment.

The start time of the first assault of the Reichstag is also different in the memoirs of different participants. The platoon commander L. Litvak, from the company P.Grechenkov (Battalion Davydova) recalled that the first assault began early in the morning. Reichstag was practically not visible in the morning fog. Only outlines of the transformer booth, located on this side of the ditch, were unclear. But the commander of the 674th regiment, A.Plezodinov, indicates the time of the first assault time at its article: 12.15 - 12.20. By informing that he moved his team point to "Himmler's House" only at 11.00.

V. Office tells that they went to the first assault without any art preparation, at dawn. L.Litvak, on the contrary, argues that art preparation was. And not alone, but two! The second was held when his platoon was tanned on the square without rewarding to the ditch. Nevertheless, the result is one - the soldiers of the two battalions of the 674th regiment lay on the square, hiding in the funnels and at other shelters on the square in front of the Reichstag.

Second assault.

In the second assault, after the art preparation, which began at 13.00 and lasted half an hour, participated in addition to the already mentioned battalions of Davydov and Logvinenko, the Samsonov battalion from the 171st division and the platoon of the 674th regiment. By the end of art preparation, A.Plezodinov ordered its chemists to put a smoke veil. Successful shots were knocked out massive front door of Reichstag.

The first broke into Reichstag, at 13.35-13.40, the soldiers of two battalions lay down on the square after the first assault. Leon Litvak recalled that he with his platoon from the lobby turned to the big hall to the right. So it was contractual before the assault: the regiment of the posterovanov storms the enemy in the right (southern) part of the building. Regiment Zinchenko - advanced in the center. And the 380th regiment of the 171st Division (I.O. Komandir Major V.D.Shatalin) - occupies the left part of the building.

German troops defeated Berlin adhered to the following tactics: they were hidden on the lower floors of buildings, so as not to carry unnecessary losses in the art print. At the end of the art buses, they needed to quickly take positions to meet our upcoming infantry with fire. Therefore, the vital task of our soldiers was to break into the building as soon as possible after art preparation, so that the Germans do not have time to reach their defense line. This is how Leon Litvak described:

After art preparation, they rose again into the attack. Together, without runs. Obviously, the Hitlerians shocked firmly. The distance to Reichstag was slipped rapidly. Separate resistance foci were unable to stop us.
Reaching the steps of the Reichstag, the combat orders of the platforms were mixed. Having killed over them, they saw that the entrance door was carried out by a projectile. We rushed into it. Stunned Nazis did not have time to render strong resistance. My platoon immediately rushed into the right side of the first floor. Tester of the Nazis fire and grenades deep into the building, the platoon burst into a huge hall.

But how did it all saw A. Bessarab, who led his anti-tank division from the command point in the "Himmler House":

Before the front entrance scattered a whole sheaf of red rockets ...signal cessation of fire for straight guns. The storming storms rushed from all sides. For life, I remember the picture: the first column appeared the Soviet officer. He turned his face to the soldiers who fled behind him, threw his hand with an automatic machine up and, fascinating people, disappeared in the Reichstag building.

The Krasnoarmeyians skipped on the ladder platform in the same way as their commander, salted with automata, then one after another disappeared in the break of the door. Still a group. And ... Hurray! Ours in Reichstag!

Soon the first red banners appeared on the Reichstag. The martial leaf of the Army political discovery wrote shortly after the assault:

"Among the attackers were M. Eremin and Savenko. The talented, presented by Samsonov's combat at the Komsomol Assembly, was at Eremin under the gymnaste. They were the first to reach the Reichstag Buildings and at 14:00 25 minutes on one of the columns were watered with a red banner. "

Photo. Sorokin suspension fighters make the reconstruction of the banner for photoconductors during the day 2nd May.

May 3 published the newspaper 150th rifle Division "Motherland Warrior," who mounted in a corner, in the heading "they distinguished themselves in battle", a small modest note called "Motherland with deep respect, pronounces the names of heroes." It was discussed on the platoon of scouts who set the first flag on the roichstag roof at 14.25. Here is the text of this note:

"Soviet warriors, the best sons of the people. About their outstanding feat will write books, the creation of songs. Over the citleurism citadel, they watered the banner of victory. We remember the names of the Harbors : Lieutenant Rakhimzhan Koskarbaev, Krasnoarmets Grigory Bulatov. Other glorious warriors fought shoulder with them Rights, Lysenko, Oreshko, Kopidovsky, Bryukhovetsky, Sorokin. Motherland will never forget their feat. GLORY TO THE HEROES! (We tried to reproduce the magnitude and fatty fonts that this note was printed).

The Germans quickly came to themselves and opening a strong fire prevented the entrance to Reichstag reinforcements. Our soldiers who were blocked in Reichstag were defensed in a large hall with high (in two floors) ceilings and windows overlooking the courtyard. Lieutenant Sorokina interval, including Lieutenant Koskarbayev, after installing a banner on a sculpture, descended over the front entrance, descended down and reflected German attacks together with L. Little Fighters.

Both sides began to prepare for the next storm. The Germans restored the knocked out door of the front door and greeted the red banners installed on the Reichstag. The Soviet command decided to spend the third assault in the dark to reduce losses and prescribed the time of the decisive assault at 22.00 after the intensive half-screen art preparation. By this time, the 756th regiment received replenishment (about 100 people) from which nestore-sewing has formed a new company and prescribed to command this company Novobrantsi St. Sorzhanta I.Y. Sianyanova. Three shelves took part in the third assault: 674, 756 and 380, as well as two groups of scouts: V.N. Makov and M.M. Bondar. In one of the large halls of the Reichstag, the soldiers of the 674 shelf, bursting there during the second assault, held the defense. In this room facing the inner courtyard, they were reliably protected from shells of their artillery.

The third assault of the Reichstag.

By teammate V.N. Makov, his group rushed to Reichstagu 5 minutes before the end of art preparation. They were the first to drag on the steps and stopped at the boarding doors. All new fighters were run up, but the doors did not give in. Finally, the latter found nearby was able to knock out the door and the soldiers rushed inside the building, performing the tasks set. The battalion of Neztower rushed through the lobby in the meeting room. Samsonova's battalion turned left from the lobby to the north wing of the building. The fighters of the Davydov battalion joined with their comrades, almost 8 hours of the chopped from the Germans in the southern wing of Reichstag.

Four scouts from the 136th Cannon Brigade at the instructions of MacOh not interference to the battle rushed to the roof of the Reichstag on the stairs found them. (Around the lobby, on the layout of the building, 2 official stairs are visible). And at 22.40, the banner of 79 of the corps was inserted into the crown of sculpture-giant personified Germany.

After chaotic night shootout, the Germans moved to the basement. Our defenses in several rooms do not try to develop success, because In the pitch darkness that reigned in the Reichstage could be shooting each other. A huge building began to remind a "wild field" - empty and dangerous. And only the scouts of the McOVA group again back and forth on the ladder mastered. Scouts perfectly understanding the importance of the established banner, not least for them for them personally, organized a thorough protection, periodically replacing each other. The banner was immediately reported on the waters of the banner. (There were no rates in battalions, and Makov and Bondar groups had them!).

In the area 3-4 o'clock in the morning (already on May 1) by order of the commander of 756 -to shelf Lieutenant A.P. Besta led to the roof of the Reichstag group of fighters, which included M. Georova and M. Kantaria, who were chosen by political governments for Installations of the banner made to the instructions of the Military Council of the 3rd shock army. Beresta led soldiers along the route during the divoridation of Sorokina. Those. Having passed through a large multifunctional hall, defended by the Davydov battalion, they went to a wide staircase and had to rising in it, go to the roof through south-Western Corner tower. Before the sculptural group "Germany", the central element of the Paradinary Facade of Reichstag, there would be a meter of fifty.

But on this sculpture, the flag of the 79th building has already been waved, and carefully protected. A few fighters who came with a completely different side climbed around the sculpture. In a nervous setting, in a complete darkness, having heard the careful steps of a group of people ... In general, the misfortune and history of the Victory Banner would have looked quite different today.

But Fortuna on this day was obviously on the side of Alexey Prokopovich and his groups. Beresta in full darkness was wrong, passed extra meters 60 and brought his soldiers to the roof of the Reichstag through southeast tower. After examining, they saw a large equestrian figure and Berest ordered the fighters to chain the banner to this figure.

The commander of the 756th regiment Colonel F.M.zinchenko left Reichstag and taking with him Egorova and Kantaria went to his NP in the "Himmler House". At 5 o'clock in the morning, a team came from the headquarters of the 79th building with groups of Makova and Bondar to appear to the turning point. It was known (about 24.00 his banner on the same sculpture of the German "Mother's Mother" attached fighters of Bondar) remained without protection and soon disappeared the most mysterious way. Nobody touched the banner of the Military Council and did safely until the morning of May 2nd, although no one was protected. A great suspicion causes a completely unreasonable urgent call to McOw and Bondar's intelligence officers at 5 am (!!!) at the headquarters of the corps, where General Zaverkin did not even invite the fighters to personally tell them at least thanks. A very bad idea suggests that the 3rd shock army has simply, it simply eliminated the dangerous competitors of his "native" banner No. 5.

Fight in Reichstag. German counterdard.

On the morning of May 1, about 10.00, the Germans took a serious attempt to knock out our troops from Reichstag. By 12.00 the premises of the northern wing of the building were torn. Then the fire swung on the meeting room filled with racks with millions of medical cards. There was nothing to stew. Leave the building - it means to be under the machine-gun fire almost emphasis. Still, with great difficulty, it was possible to repel the counterattack and drive the enemy back, on the ground floor. In addition to the fire, the second big problem was thirst. Water was mined with a great danger to life. Sources of water were under a permanent skirmish of snipers.

The German command tried to help his battalions in Reichstag, organizing a counter-blow from the outside. But the Germans were clearly lacked. Still, she walked the last day of the Berlin operation. There was no longer in the living Fuhrer, but the German soldiers did not know this and stubbornly disappeared. Somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200b14.00 to the commander of the platoon of L. Littleca, soldiers ran up and said that the German tank crashes from Tirgarten. Taking with him the calculation of the PTR (anti-tank gun) Litvak went to the windows overlooking the south. It turned out that this is not a tank, but a self-propelled tool with a powerful gun, but without a full tower. The crew was protected by armor only in front and from the sides. Opened continuous fire from machine guns and PTRs. Self-propeller shot, did not hit and began to go back. Immediately in her, one after another two shells and Self-propelled shy shy.

Photo. Volkssturm - German folk militia.

The night from the first to the second was also nervous. The Germans who knew well who knew the building used this advantage, then appearing in a completely unexpected place, then throwing grenades through the ventilation channels. At about an hour in the morning, the Germans were brought into a large Hall of the Southern Wing. It did not work out - it was intensely splashed with jets of fire. Fire to three o'clock at night on May 2 gained such power that it was impossible in the hall. I had to withdraw our troops from the southern wing of the building.

Already committed with me Goebbels. Already fled from the Reichskancelary as the rats of Nazi bonsides, including Borman. Alsites from the "Monkey" squad, the last protection of Hitler, an attempt was made to escape from the blazing Berlin. And the old-dollar-folksturmovtsovs are defeated by Reichstag, where a medical archive was now located, they still could not be found. Finally, just cut the dawn, the fighters of the uncleave saw the white flag.

Neset, Berest (under the guise of a colonel) and a soldier translator went to the negotiations. After brief negotiations about the delivery, the Germans said they would think. At 7.00, the Commander of the Defense of Berlin, General Vaidling, signed an order to surrender. A.Besharab wrote in his memoirs:

On May 2, at 10 am, everything suddenly slept, the fire stopped. And everyone understood that something happened. We saw white sheets that "thrown" in Reichstag, the office of the office and the royal opera and basements, which were not yet taken. From there they pushed whole columns. Ahead of us was a column, where there were generals, colonels, then for them soldiers.They walked, probably three hours.

I shared with you the information that "accumulated" and systematized. At the same time, it was not impoverished at all and is ready to go further, at least twice a week.

If you find mistakes or inaccuracies in the article - please inform. My e-mail address: [Email Protected] . I'll be very thankful.

Reichstag takes the culmination of World War II. Citadel evil, falling into the hands of the winners, a dictator, letting a bullet in herself - it is difficult to come up with a more spectacular final chord of the largest armed conflict in human history. Meanwhile, the Epopea of \u200b\u200bthe Storm of Berlin contains quite a lot of curious and non-trivial nuances.

Fortress with cracked walls

Berlin was preparing for a stubborn defense for a long time, and at the end of April his defenders had than to reflect strikes, although the forces of the garrison did not even equally responded with their tasks. Still before the start of the final offensive of the Russian Berlin bombed the allies, so in the capital of Reich, a variety of asylums and fortifications were arranged in advance. True, they protected mainly from air raids. The system of fortifications protecting against terrestrial occurrence was built ababy as, rally, shelter and trenches were built without a single plan, and the warehouses in a ridiculous mistake were located on the outskirts - Russians quickly got them in battle.

A specific masterpiece of the fortifications of the air defense tower are huge concrete facilities, in which anti-aircraft guns and asylums for thousands of people were mounted. Despite the exotic appearance and construction, these structures turned out to be quite strong nuts: none of them were destroyed either from the air or from the ground. It was in one of these towers during the assault that the commandant of Berlin Gelmut Vadling was sitting.

In addition to the towers, hundreds of conventional air defense positions with anti-aircraft artillery of all calibers were located in Berlin. These anti-aircraft gunners have become hardly the most serious hindrance for the coming. However, on engineering facilities and a powerful air defense system, the virtues of the merits of Berlin as the fortress have been exhausted. In the city, battalions from the elderly Volkssturimists were created, many of whom were not young people already in the previous world war, firefighters, police officers, Hitlergents, etc. etc. Tens of thousands of armed people gathered in Berlin, but with actually soldiers it was possible to consider only their smaller part. A certain organizedness of this Horde gave the remains of 56 tank corps from the east. Participating only 13-15 thousand soldiers and officers, the remnants of divisions broken on Odersky became the core, around which irregular parts were collected. In total, Berlin was from different estimates from 60 to 140 thousand defenders, which for such a city, of course, is not enough.

From the Soviet side, more than 400 thousand soldiers and officers broke into the streets. It should be noted that such a favorable ratio of forces The Russians created purposefully: the powerful, consisting of regular parts of the Wehrmacht army was cut off from Berlin in the forests of the south of the city, covered on all sides and defeated in a large "boiler". The Führer pressed the huge hopes on her division, but at the moment when Soviet tanks were included in Berlin from different parties, the 9th army had fallen in the environment.

The Soviet Arms entered on the streets of Berlin sought to Reichstagu. As a political center, this building built for the German parliament has long made any meaning. Hitler himself was in Reichskancelary. However, as a massive building in the city center, Reichstag stubbornly kept the detachments of the Berlin garrison, it was he who was a guide for the coming and symbol of the defense of Berlin.

The need for rapid assault Berlin was largely dictated by the identity of the Nazi leader. The will of Hitler soldered together the preserved Wehrmacht forces, Berlin's garrison was too weak to present a serious threat to the coming. The main danger proceeded not from the compressive Faustparttrons of the Yunstsov on the Berlin attics, and from the major regular forces of the German army outside the Berlin, capable of independent operations, so that the rapid destruction of the "Brain Center" of the Third Reich was a reasonable solution. Moreover, the offensive was carefully prepared. Berlin thoroughly pressed the airflow, the plans of the city even supplied platoon.

Fighting on the streets

Reichstag did not have originally assigned to this role. For a number of reasons, as a result, the troops of the 3rd shock army made their way, the city from the north was made to him. Meanwhile, April 23, when the troops entered Berlin, the commander of this army, General Kuznetsov, was dissatisfied with the low pace of the offensive. On this day, he arranged a real spread by commander of his own buildings for the poor combat organization and the loss of control of the upcoming parts.

Meanwhile, the army really had objective reasons to conduct an offensive relatively unfair: it acted in the zone of dense buildings against stubbornly defending parts. A separate problem was numerous rivers and channels that had to be overcome with the battle. The channel itself is much less convenient for the forceding than the river: the sheard walls of the embankments created the problems of saperes. Nevertheless, the 3rd shock was located well-prepared for assault actions by infantry, strong spermnings and a terrible artillery fist, so the promotion was steady, although slow.

Soon on the other side of the canal Berlin-Spandauer was captured by a bridgehead. The 150th Infantry Division, whose Banner will soon turn out to be over Reichstag, forced the channel separately, bypassing the German resistance assembly. However, lying further on the path of the army spree again slowed the promotion. Again, artillery raid, bypass, work of sappers to guide the crossing - and continuous stripping of quarters from a desperate defendant enemy. As a kind of training in front of the final storm, parts of the two divisions of the 3rd percussion were released by Moabit prison, intended in Reich for political prisoners.

The offensive was carried out carefully and methodically. The main person in street fighting was the assault squad. The united state of such a unit did not exist, the detachments were laid on the fly under specific tasks, but the typical assault detachment included a rifle issue or battalion, a platoon or sumps, a separate plot of automatic gunners, large-caliber machine guns, flametamines, several self-propelled tanks, mortars and field guns that rolled on hand. If necessary, heavy artillery was added. Such a detachment was divided into several stormsGroups, which, in fact, solved tactical tasks: to capture the house, the bridge, the sewer collector, the structure, suppress the firepoint.

The meaning of this division was to create small, but to teeth armed units that could not waste time for support requests, and immediately had their own means of dealing against any opponent. The assault group had its own funds to sweep the tank, set fire to what was burning, to undermine what is not lit, enhanced under the cover of the smoke curtain. As a rule, such a group in front of the main attack "softening" opponent with blows of guns or tanks on embrasures and windows. Mortarmen suppressed opponents in open places and cut off from whose attempts to come to the rescue. Passages for the infantrymen were made by sappers who drove out the obstacles and walls in the right places, then the infantry penetrated the object that was supposed to capture. Large-caliber machine guns were put on the upper floors of the buildings already traveled and beat their arrows through their head, not giving raising the heads. The storms immediately sought to capture the upper floors of buildings so that cut off the Germans at the face from the top or vice versa, to reveal the attempts of the garrison.

As we see, a complex of techniques is complex, requiring clear interaction. But the Soviet soldiers of 1945 were very different from themselves four years earlier, and could really show the high class of assault operation.

heart of Darkness

By evening, on April 28, some hundreds of meters remained before Reichstag. The 3rd shock went to the shore spree from the north, and was preparing to forcing it. At night, the 171st division of the colonel of the species crossed the river and captured the bridgehead. Under the cover of artillery, it achieved the main success of this night - the bridge capture through the spree. Non-damped crossing became a valuable acquisition, the main forces of the 171st and 150 divisions crossed it to Reichstagu. However, the first attempt to take Reichstag to fail: several thousand German soldiers with armored vehicles were defended at the approaches, including a couple of "tigers", one of which was knocked out right in the middle of the square.

Nobody was going to storm at Reichstag at any cost, and so far the advancing were limited to the adjacent Gestapo building. From the Reichstag of the upcoming separated only the area of \u200b\u200bKenigs Platz. The decisive assault was scheduled for April 30, and so far the Russians led the reconnaissance and pulled the rear with artillery. In addition to the Reichstag himself, the goal was a crawl operator left to the right: from there the Germans could threaten the flank and the rear of the advancing at Reichstag himself. Reichstag was already an island in the stormy sea of \u200b\u200bthe upcoming Soviet troops: from the south to meet the 3rd shock, parts of the 8th Guards Army moved.

The final assault began in 11-30. In the second hour in the afternoon, the Russians began to fir the Reichstag himself from the guns of all calibers, including 203 mm siege warmness. The building stormed parts of two divisions at once. It should be noted that the rifle divisions by the end of the war were extremely small, and rather reminded the shelves, that is, it is not about participating in the storming of one building tens of thousands of people. The first in the Reichstag, the soldiers of the 171th rifle broke. They were the first to win the red banner in the Reichstag window. However, inside the storming had to be watched through desperately defended ruins. Here artillery could no longer help, there was a neighbor in the building. Meanwhile, while in the dusk Reichstag assault groups with grenades and manual weapons paved their way, there were important events nearby, in Reichancelary.

On April 29, Hitler sent requests for where they are and what the German troops be placed outside Berlin. He hoped for salvation from 9 and 12 field armies. The answers were disappointing for the dictator. The remains of the 9th army struggled to be made away from the environment to the West and were not going to cut out the Fuhrera, the 12th Army was bogged down in battles with departures of the Soviet troops to the west of the city, and also did not have the opportunity to break into Berlin. Soviet troops at this moment were less than in a semi-kilometer from Reichskancelary. These news predetermined further events: the unlucky conqueror of the world committed suicide.

The last chief of the General Staff of Reich Hans Krebs went to the 8th Guards Army to General Vasily Chuikov and began negotiations on the surrender. In total, they did not know in Reichstag. Inside the battle. At least one and a half thousand soldiers of the garrison Russian drove into the basement and now knocked out from there with explosives and grenades. On May 1, those tried to break into the lobby, but they were met and threw back.

Interestingly, this fight was going when a red banner was already waving over Reichstag. Moreover, the banners watered on the roof of the building several times. In general, many were trying to symbolically, many were trying to symbolically, so at Reichstag was about forty different flags and banners. "Classic" banner, hoarse on the dome, was originally hoisted by Egorov and Cantaria from the eastern side of the building. But on the dome it was moved somewhat later, 2 numbers.

"30.4.45 Führer committed suicide by providing us with the oath, herself.

You think that according to the order of the Fuhrer still have to fight for Berlin, despite the fact that the lack of heavy weapons, ammunition and the general situation makes a further struggle meaningless.

Every hour of your struggle increases the terrible suffering of the Civilian population of Berlin and our wounded. Everyone who goes now for Berlin, brings a vain sacrifice.

Therefore, in accordance with the Supreme Command of Soviet troops, I urge you to immediately stop resistance.

Vadling, General of Artillery and the commander of the Defense of Berlin. "

At this time, in the Reichstage, the position of the precipitated was completely hopeless. Building burned. On the morning of May 2, the remnants of garrison capitulated. In total, 2500 German soldiers were killed in Reichstag, they were captured by another 1650. In the afternoon, the building of the Kol-Opera, where about 850 German soldiers and officers surrendered. In turn, for the entire time of the Berlin operation, that is, not only in the city itself, but also during a breakthrough to Him, the 3rd shock army lost 4244 people dead and missing.

Reichstag became a symbol not just a military triumph, but the end is very long Path For the storming soldiers and officers. Lieutenant Berest, whose soldiers licked the banner of victory over the dome, participated in Finnish war. Sergeant Mikhail Egorov came to the operating army in December 1944 after it took several years in the partisans on Smolensk region. The biography of Meliton Cantaria was the same long and violent - he served as a scout of the 150th division from December 1941. The dome of the Reichstag entered far from random people: they really were worthy of the fame of the conquerors of Berlin. Finally, General Vasily Kuznetsov did not just fought from the very beginning: in June 1941 he made his way with the remnants of his army from the first environment of the war in Belarus. On a certain mockery of fate, the army who died in the forests also had number 3.

It can be said that Reichstag in 1945 was no longer the center of political power in Reich, and this is true. However, it was his taking that became a symbol of the end of four years of suffering, and the final celebration of the winners. No matter how cool, the Reichstag district was one of the most important Berlin defense units, and even in a purely military aspect, his assault was important. Now, in modern non-Nazi Germany, Reichstag returned the old value - the center of German politics. The banner over the dome was not only a symbol of the end of the Third Reich, but also marked the beginning of New Germany, and without exaggeration - a new device of the world.

Berlin was one of the largest cities in the world, yielding in Europe in Europe (88 thousand hectares) only by London. From the east to west, it stretches for 45 km, from north to south - more than 38 km. Gardens and parks also occupied his large territory. Berlin was the largest industrial center (2/3 of the electrotechnical industry of the country, 1/6 engineering, many military enterprises), a node of the highway and railways of Germany, a large port of inland shipping. Berlin converged 15 railway lines, all the ways were connected by the district road within the city. In Berlin, there were up to 30 stations, more than 120 railway stations and other railway infrastructure facilities. Berlin has placed a large network of underground communications, including the subway (80 km of paths).

The city's areas were divided by large parks (Tiergarten, Treptov Park, etc.) who occupied most of Berlin. Big Berlin was divided into 20 districts, 14 of them were external. Internal areas (within the district railway) are built up most tight. The planning of the city was distinguished by straight lines, with a large number of areas. The average height of buildings is 4-5 floors, but by the beginning of the Berlin operation, most of the houses were destroyed by the bombings of the Union Aviation. There are many natural and artificial obstacles in the city. Among them is the river spree, up to 100 meters wide, a large number of channels, especially in the southern and northwestern parts of the capital. Many bridges in the city. Urban roads were held on steel overpass and embankments.

The city began to prepare for defense from the beginning of 1945. In March, a special defense headquarters of Berlin was formed. The command of the defense city was headed by General Reiman, on April 24, he was replaced by the commander of the 56th Tank Corps Helmut Vadling. The imperial commissar of Defense of Berlin was Joseph Goebbels. The Minister of Propaganda was Gaulyaterier Berlin, answering the civil authorities and the preparation of the population to defense. The general leadership of the defense was carried out by Hitler himself, Goebbels, Borman, Head of the General Staff, General Hans Krebs, headquarters, headquarters of the personnel department of the German army Wilhelm Burgdorf and Statis Secretary Werner Nauman.

Commander Defense and the last commandant of Berlin Helmut Vadling

Vadling received the order of Hitler to defend himself to the last soldier. He decided that the breakdown of the Berlin District on the 9th Defense Sectors is not suitable and focused on the defense of the eastern and southeastern Okrain, where the most combat-ready parts of the garrison were located. On the strengthening of the 1st and 2nd sectors (the Eastern part of Berlin) was sent a tank division "Munich". The 3rd defensive sector (southeastern city) was supported by Nordland Tank Division. The 7th and 8th sector (northern part) were strengthened by the 9th parachute division, and the 5th sector (southwest) - parts of the 20th tank division. The reserve was left by the most preserved and combed 18th motorized division. The rest of the sections defended the less combattive troops, militia, various parts and divisions.

In addition, Hitler laid great hope for helping from the outside. The army group of Steiner was supposed to break through from the north, from the west to approach the 12th army of wreath, from the southeast to break through the 9th Army. Gross Admiral Dönits was to lead to the revenue of the Berlin's navy troops. On April 25, Hitler ordered Denitz to suspend, if necessary, all the other tasks of the fleet, pass the supporting points to the enemy and transfer all the available forces to Berlin: air - in the city itself, the sea and on land on the fronts, fighting in the region of the capital. The Commander of the Air Force General Colonel Gans Jurgen Stampf received an order to introduce for the defense of the capital of the Reich all cash forces of aviation. The Directive of the German High Command of April 25, 1945 called upon all the forces to throw "against Bolshevism", to forget about the Western Front, not paying attention to the fact that the English-American troops will capture a significant territory of the country. The main task of the army was in the discharge of Berlin. In the troops and among the population, there was a broad propaganda, people were intimidated by the "horrors of Bolshevism" and called for the fight to the last possibility, to the last cartridge.

Berlin was prepared for long defense. The most powerful part of the Berlin defensive district was the city center, where the largest government buildings, the main stations and the most massive urban buildings were located. Here was a large part of government, military bunkers, the most advanced network of metro and other underground communications. Buildings, including bombing destroyed, were prepared for defense, became supporting points. Roads and intersections were closed with powerful barricades, some of which were hard to destroy even the fires of large calibers. Streets, alleys, crossroads and squares were under coddle alert and flanking fire.

Stone buildings were turned into strong reference points. In buildings, especially in the angular, placed machine gunners, machine gunners, phausers, cannon by caliber from 20 to 75 mm. Most of the windows and doorways were embedded, left only under the ambrusuras. The composition and number of garrisons of such reference points was different, and depended on the tactical significance of the object. The most serious points defended garrisons with a numerical battalion. The approaches to such a reference point were covered with fire facilities, which were located in neighboring buildings. On the upper floors, observers, adjustments, machine gunners and automatic machines were usually placed. The main fuel remedies were placed on the first floors, in the mixture and basement. There, under the protection of thick floors, most of the garrison was located. Several such fortified buildings, usually united the whole quarter, formed the resistance node.

Most fire facilities were located in angular buildings, the flanks were covered with powerful barricades (3-4 meters thick), which were built from concrete blocks, bricks, trees, tram wagons and other transport. Barricades mined, covered the infantry and artillery with fire, prepared trenches for the phausers. Sometimes there were tanks behind the barricades, then the Barricade was made in the barricade, and a trench for storing ammunition was prepared under the bottom hatch, connected to the nearest basement or an entrance. As a result, a big vitality of the tank was achieved to get to him, it was necessary to destroy the barricade. On the other hand, the tank was deprived of the maneuver, he could fight the tanks of the enemy and artillery only in the strip of his street.

Intermediate buildings of resistance nodes were defended by smaller forces, but the approaches to them were covered with fire facilities. In the rear part of the resistance node, heavy tanks and SAU were often bought to the land to lead the fire on Soviet troops and stop the seeping of our infantry into her rear. Underground communications - metro, bomb shelter, collectors, drainage channels, etc., many reference points were associated with underground strokes, when our troops burst into one object, the German garrisons could go to another. Exits from underground structures that went towards our troops mined, borrowed or put posts from automatic gunners and grenadeometers. Popular caps have installed reinforced concrete caps. They have machine-gun nests. They also had underground moves and in the threat of capture or undermining the reinforced concrete cap, his garrison could leave.

In addition, thanks to the developed network of underground communications, the Germans could attack the rear of the Soviet troops. Our snipers, machine gunners, machine gunners and grenade launchers, who, thanks to good knowledge, could cause serious harm to be sent to our. They arranged ambushes, shot armored vehicles, vehicles, gun calculations, destroyed single soldiers, officers, messengers, destroyed the lines of communication, and could quickly curl and retreat on underground traders. Such groups were very dangerous.

The feature of the city center was the presence of a significant amount of reinforced concrete shelters. The largest was reinforced concrete bunkers, which accommodate a garrison of 300-1000 people, and several thousand civilians. The anti-aircraft tower of the Luftwaffe was large ground concrete bunkers, which were placed about 30 instruments by caliber up to 150 mm. The height of the combat tower reached 39 meters, the thickness of the walls was 2-2.5 meters, the roof thickness was 3.5 meters (this allowed to withstand bombs in a mass of up to 1000 kg). The tower had 5-6 floors, on each combat platform there were 4-8 anti-aircraft guns that could fire and terrestrial targets. There were three such combat towers in Berlin - in Tirgar'an, Friedrichshein and Humboldhain Park. In total, there were about 400 reinforced concrete bunkers. The presence of a developed underground cable-telephone network made it possible to maintain control of troops even during the hardest battles when most of the means of communication were disabled.

The weak point of the garrison of Berlin was to provide him with ammunition and food. The capital was provided with reserves for one month of siege. However, due to the danger of air strikes, the reserves were dispersed on the suburbs and the outskirts of Berlin. There is almost no left in the center of the city of warehouses. Fast drop outflow led to the loss of most of the warehouses. As the rings are narrowing the surroundings of the supplies, it became less and less. As a result, in the last days of battle for Berlin, the situation with the supply of German troops has become a catastrophic.

Broken German 88mm anti-aircraft gun Flak 37 at the defeated playstag

Tactics of Soviet troops

The battle in the city required special methods of combat, which differed from field conditions. Front was circle. Soviet and German troops could separate only the driving part of the street, the area, the wall of the building or even the floor. So, on the first floor there could be our troops, and in the basement and on the upper floors - the Germans. However, the Soviet troops had already had a rich successful experience of conducting street fighting. The experience of fighting in Stalingrad and Novorossiysk, replenished in Poznan, Breslau, Budapest, Konigsberg and other cities.

The main form of urban battle, has already been tested in other cities, there were practically independent actions of assault groups and detachments reinforced with fire facilities. They could find weak points and bars in the defense of the enemy, storming the buildings turned into support points. Soviet attack aircraft tried to move not by major highways, well prepared for defense, in the intervals between them. So decreased damage from enemy fire. The assault detachments moved from the building to the building, through the courtyards, breaks in the walls of buildings or fences. The assault troops dispelled the defense of the enemy into separate parts, paralyzed the control. They could independently embed into enemy defense, bypassing the most powerful resistance nodes. They aimed artillery, aviation, additional infantry and tanks. This allowed the Soviet troops to maintain high rates of offensive, isolate whole urban areas, and then "clean" them from the Nazis.

The combat order of the assault detachment, usually, was built like this: the infantry was supported by tanks and sau; They, in turn, guarded the arrows, controlling attics, window and doorways, cellars; Tanks and infantry supported self-propelled and artillery. The infantry fought with the garrisons of the enemy, cleaned the houses and quarters from the Nazis, carried out the near anti-tank defense, primarily from grenadeometters. Tanks and SAU took over the tasks of destroying enemy firing means. Then the infantry completed the purification of the area, destroying the enemy surviving soldiers.

Soviet SAU SU-76M on one of the streets of Berlin

Column of Soviet SAU ISU-122 on one of the streets of Berlin

Soviet heavy tanks IS-2 on one of the streets of Berlin

The assault detachment consisted of several assault groups, a fire group and a reserve. Storm groups directly stormed buildings. The fire group included artillery, including guns of large calibers, mortars, tanks and sau. The reserve was a rifle platoon or the company, replaced the acting assault groups, secured success and reflected the counterattack of the enemy. Attacking the fortified building, the assault group was usually divided into several parts: one part destroyed the nicknames in the basements and mixtures with the help of flamethos, grenade launchers, grenades and bottles with a combustible mixture; Another group was stripping the upper floors from enemy machine gunners and snipers. Both groups supported the fire group. Sometimes the situation required intelligence in the battle when the small divisions - 3-5 most brave and prepared soldiers peaked in the building, which the Germans defended and the sudden attack caused a stir. Then the main forces of the assault group were connected.

Usually, at the beginning of each day, artillery preparation was held before the attack of assault detachments and groups to 20-30 minutes. Division and cabinet implements participated in it. They launched a fire with closed positions on pre-explored targets, the firing positions of the enemy and possible clusters of troops. The fire of artillery was superimposed throughout the quarter. Directly during the storming of the support points used the losses of the M-31 and M-13 installations. Katyusha also beat on the objects of the enemy in the depths of his defense. During urban battles, reactive installations for firing direct vending were widely used. This was done directly from the Earth, with the simplest devices, or even from window openings and breaks. So destroyed the barricades or spoke the defense of the buildings. With a small range of shooting - 100-150 meters, the M-31 projectile punched the brick wall with a thickness of up to 80 cm and burst inside the building. If several jet shells get inside the building, the house was severely destroyed, and the garrison died.

Artillery as part of assault detachments led fire on the enemy buildings with direct vendor. Under the cover of the artillery and mortar fire, the attack aircraft was chosen to the supporting points of the enemy, broke into them, went into the rear. Artillery played a huge role in street fighting. In addition, there were tanks and sau in the storming of the enemy object, which pressed the firing means of the enemy. Heavy saough could destroy the barricades, create breaks in buildings, walls. Sappers were played a big role, which under the cover of the fire were filmed explosive, destroyed obstacles, created bars, filmed mines, etc. During the storming of some objects, a smoke veil could put.

When barricade arose on the assault detachment, the Soviet soldiers first mastered the buildings that were aligned with the obstacle, then large-caliber guns, including self-propelled shields, spawned a block. If artillery did not manage to do this, then the sappers under the cover of fire and the smoke curtains were told the charges of explosives and undermined the obstacle. There were tanks broke through the passes, they pulled the guns behind them.

It should also be noted that in street battles were widely used flame retardant. Storming at home, Soviet warriors widely used bottles of an incendiary mixture. The units of fugasy flamethos were used. The flamets were a very effective means of struggle when it was necessary to "smoke" the enemy from the basement or set fire to the building and make the Nazis retreat. Infantry flue tools were also widely used to establish small masking and blinding smoke curtains.

Soviet artilleryrs prepare for the BM-13 "Katyusha" reactive mortar in Berlin

Guards reactive BM-31-12 mortar in Berlin

Soviet tanks and other technique at the bridge across the River Sprey in the Reichstag area. On this bridge, the Soviet troops under the fire of the defendant Germans went to the assault of the Reichstag. In the photo Tanks, IS-2 and T-34-85, SAU ISU-152, cannons

Fights in other directions. Breakthrough to the city center

Battle for Berlin was cruel. Soviet troops carried large losses, 20-30 fighters remained in rifle rotations. Often accounted for in battalions to reduce three companies in two to increase their combat capability. In many shelves, three battalions have reduced two. The advantages of alive in the Soviet troops during the assault on the German capital was insignificant - about 460 thousand people against 300 thousand German troops, but there was an overwhelming superiority in artillery and armored vehicles (12.7 thousand guns of mortars, 2.1 thousand " Katyusha ", up to 1.5 thousand tanks and self-propelled), which made it possible to loud enemy defense. With the support of artillery and tanks, the Red Army step by step went to victory.

Before the start of battles for the central part of the city, the bombers of the 14th and 16th air armies caused powerful blows on a complex of government buildings and the main velocities of Berlin's resistance. During the surgery "Salute" on April 25, aircraft of the 16th air army made two massive towers on the capital of Reich, 1486 aircraft were participated in them, which dropped 569 tons of air bombs. Powerful shelling of the city of Vela artillery: from April 21 to May 2, about 1,800 thousand artillery shots were made on the capital of Germany. After severe aviation and artillery strikes, the storms of the central districts of Berlin began. Our troops forced water barriers - Channels, Berlin-Shpandauer Channel, River Sprey and Lama.

On April 26, the Berlin group was dissected into two separate parts: in the city itself and a smaller part, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe suburb of Vanze and Potsdam. On this day, the last telephone conversation between Hitler and Yoodel was held. Hitler still hoped to "save" the position of South Berlin and ordered the 12th Army together with the troops of the 9th Army sharply turn the front of the offensive to the north to facilitate the position of Berlin.

Soviet 203-mm Gaubitz B-4 leads fire in Berlin at night

Calculation of the Soviet 100-mm cannon BS-3 leads fire on the enemy in Berlin

Germans fiercely fought. On the night of April 26, the command surrounded by the Frankfurt-Gappie group, surrounded by the southeast of the capital, fulfilling the order of the Fuhrer, formed a strong grouping of several divisions to break through the combat order of the 1st Ukrainian Front and connect in the Lukesenwalde area with the coming from the West of the 12th army. On the morning of April 26, the Germans switched to counteroffensive, applying a strong blow to the 21st and 3rd Guards armies. The Germans pierced the bare and reached the city of Barut. But here the opponent stopped the 395th division of the 13th Army, and then the Germans attacked parts of the 28th, 3rd Guards and the 3rd Guards Tank Army. Aviation played a big role in the defeat of the enemy. Bomber and storming practically unsatakers attacked the combat order of the German group. The Germans suffered a big damage in alive strength and technology.

At the same time, our troops reflected the 12th Army Wreath, which was attacked by Belitz - Treyenbricene. Parts of the 4th Guards Tank Army and the 13th Army were parked all enemy strikes and even advanced to the West. Our troops captured the part of Wittenberg, south of him forced Elbe and captured G. Pratau. Intense battles with the 12th Army and the residues of the 9th Army, trying to escape from the environment, lasted a few more days. The troops of the 9th Army were some more could move to the West, but only small scattered groups were able to rip out from the "boiler". By the beginning of May, an surrounded enemy group was completely destroyed.

Did not succeed and the Girlitsky grouping. She could not overturn the left flank of the 1st Ukrainian Front and break through to Spröberg. By the end of April, all attacks of enemy troops were repulsed. German troops switched to defense. The left wing of the 1st Ukrainian Front could go to the offensive. The onset of the 2nd Belarusian front also successfully developed.

On April 27, our troops continued the offensive. The Potsdam enemy group was destroyed and Potsdam was taken. Soviet troops were traded by the central railway site, the battle was tied up for the 9th sector of the Berlin defensive area. At 3 o'clock. On April 28, Keitel talked to Krebs, who said that Hitler demands to immediately assist Berlin, according to the Fuhrer, "most 48 hours of time" remained. At 5 o'clock. In the morning, the connection with the Imperial Office was broken. On April 28, the territory that German troops occupied decreased to 10 km from the north to south and to 14 km - the East to the West.

Berlin Germans especially stubbornly defended the 9th sector (central). From the north, this sector was covered with the River Spree, the Landlar Channel was located in the south. Most bridges Germans destroyed. The bridge Moltke was covered with anti-tank obstacles, well protected. The shores of the spree and the Landven Channels were dressed in granite and towering 3 meters, being an additional protection for German troops. In the central sector there were several powerful defense sites: Reichstag, Crol-Opera (the building of the Imperial Theater), the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Gestapo). The walls of the buildings were very powerful, they did not pierce the shells of large-caliber guns. The walls of the lower floors and basement reached the 2-meter thickness, and were additionally strengthened by earthy mounds, reinforced concrete and steel rails. The area in front of Reichstag (Koenigsplatz) was also prepared for defense. Here were three trenches with machine guns, they were connected to the posts of messages with Reichstag. Approaches to the square were covered with anti-tank moans with water. The defense system included 15 reinforced concrete bobs. At the roofs of the buildings there were anti-aircraft guns, on the venues and in the Tiergarten Park of the field artillery. At home on the left bank, the spree was turned into supporting points that defended garrisons from the platoon to the company. The streets leading to the German Parliament were blocked by barricades, slaviers and mined. Powerful defense was created in Tiergarten. To the southwest of the central sector adjoined the defense assembly in the zoological garden.

The Central District was defeated by soldiers from various elite parts of the SS and the Volkssturma battalion. On the night of April 28, three companies of sailors from the marine school in Rostock took place on the central sector from transport aircraft. In the region of Reichstag, a garrison of 5 thousand soldiers and officers were defended, who supported three divisions of artillery.

The beginning of the assault of Reichstag

By conducting stubborn battles, the Soviet troops by April 29 cleared most of the city from the Nazis. In some areas, Soviet troops broke through the defense of the central sector. From the north, part of the 79th Rifle Corps S. N. Perevilkina 3rd Shock Army occurred. By evening, on April 28, the troops of the 3rd strike army, capturing the district of Moabit, broke through to the Reichstag district, at the bridge Moltke. Here I ran the shortest path to Reichstagu.

At the same time, part of the 5th shock, the 8th Guards and the 1st Guards Tank Army of the 1st Belorussian Front made their way to the center from the East and Southeast. The 5th shock army captured Karlhorst, forced the spree, cleared from the Germans of the Anhalt station and the state typography. Her troops broke out to the Square of Alexanderplatz, the Palace of Wilhelm, Town Hall and the Imperial Office. The 8th Guards Army moved along the southern shores of the Landven Channel, approaching the southern part of the Tiergarten Park. The 2nd Guards Tank Army, mastering the Charlottenburg district, was coming from the North-West. The troops of the 3rd Guards Tank Army and the 28th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front made their way to the 9th sector from the southern direction. 47th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front, part of the forces of the 4th Guards Tank and the 13th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front firmly provided the external front of the Archings of Berlin from the West.

The position of Berlin became completely hopeless, the ammunition was on the outcome. The commander of the Defense of the Berlin District, General Vaidling proposed to save the troops and collect the remaining forces to break the west. General Krebs supported the intention of the breakthrough. Hitler also offered to leave the city himself more than once. However, Hitler did not agree with this and ordered the defense on the last cartridge. He found that the troops make no sense to break through from one "boiler" to another.

The troops of the 79th Rifle Corps could not take the Moltake Bridge with the go. However, on the night of April 29, the decisive actions of the advanced battalions of the 756th Rifle Regiment of the 150th Rifle Division under the command of General Major Vasily Shatilova (the battalion was commanded by the captain of Semyon of Nezstroje) and the 380th Rifle Regiment of the 171st Rifle Division under the command of Colonel Alexey National (The battalion commanded the senior lieutenant Konstantin Samsonov) The bridge was busy. The Germans conducted a squall fire and took counterattacks. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the right bank of the Sprey River was not yet completely purified from the German troops. Soviet soldiers occupied only Alt-Moabit Strasse Street, which went to the bridge and adjacent quarters. At night, the Germans moved to the counterattack, trying to surround and destroy our troops that crossed the left bank of the river and destroy the Moltke Bridge. However, enemy attacks were successfully repulsed.

The spree of the 380th regiment, the 525th regiment of the 171st division, the 756th regiment of the 150th division, as well as the tanks and guns of escort, were transferred to the left bank, the 525th regiment of the Division. On the morning of April 29, after a short fire fleet, our troops continued the offensive. All day, our soldiers led stubborn battles for the buildings adjacent to the spree, it was especially difficult to take the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (our soldiers called him "Himmler's House"). Only after entering the second echelon of the 150th division into battle - the 674th rifle regiment, the situation was reversed in our favor. "Himmler's House" took. A few more buildings were captured, and Soviet soldiers were 300-500 meters from Reichstag. But immediately develop success and take Reichstag did not work.

Soviet troops conducted preliminary preparations for the Reichstag Sturm. Intelligence studied approaches to the building and the firing enemy system. New fire funds tightened to the battle area. All new tanks, SAU and tools were transferred to the left bank of the river. Several dozen guns, including 152- and 203-mm warmness, tightened to the close distance of 200-300 meters from the building. Prepared reactive installations. Passing ammunition. From the best warriors formed assault groups for climbing the banner over Reichstag.

Early in the morning of April 30, bloody battles resumed. The first attack of our troops of the Nazis reflected. Selected parts of the SS fought to death. At 11 o'clock. 30 minutes. After art preparation, our troops went to a new assault. Especially stubborn battle was walking in the offensive band of the 380th regiment, which was led by the head of Major, V. D. Shatalin. The Germans have repeatedly moved to fierce counterattacks, which moved to hand-to-hand contractions. Our troops carried serious losses. Only by the end of the day the regiment made his way to the anti-tank RBU at the Reichstag. The heavy battle was walking in the onset of the 150th rifle division. The divisions of the 756th and 674th rifle regiments made their way to the canal before Reichstag and lay there under hurricane fire. There was a pause that was used to prepare a decisive storming of the building.

At 18 o'clock. 30 minutes. Under the cover of the artillery fire, our soldiers climbed into a new attack. The Germans could not stand it, and our warriors broke through to the building itself. Immediately on the building appeared various in the form and magnitude of red twigs. One of the first flag of the fighter of the 1st battalion of the 756th shelf of the younger sergeant Peter Pyatnitsky appeared. The enemy bullet struck the Soviet warrior on the steps of the building. But his flag picked up and installed above one of the columns of the main entrance. The flags of Lieutenant R. Koshkarbayev and the ordinary G. Bulatov from the 674th regiment, Sergeant M. Eremin and Sergeant Savenko from the 380th regiment, Sergeant P. S. Smirnova and Private N. Belenkova and L. Somov The 525th regiment, etc. Soviet soldiers once again showed mass heroism.

Soviet storming group with a banner moves to Reichstagu

Began the fight for the inner premises. The Germans continued to provide stubborn resistance, defended each room, every corridor, staircase, floors and basements. Germans even moved to counterattacks. However, it was impossible to stop our fighters. Before the victory remained quite a bit. In one of the rooms, the headquarters of Captain Nezstowean was deployed. The assault group was started by Sergeants G. Zagitova, A. Lisimenko and M. Minin broke through the roof and secured the flag there. On the night of May 1, a group of fighters under the start of Lieutenant A. P. Beresta received the task of watering to the Reichstag Banner, which was awarded the Military Council of the 3rd Shock Army. Early in the morning Alexey Berest, Mikhail Egorov and Melitone Cantaria hoisted the Banner of Victory - the assault flag of the 150th Rifle Division. The assault of the Reichstag continued until May 2.

On the same day, when Soviet banners appeared on Reichstag (April 30), Adolf Hitler committed suicide.

Banner of Victory over Reichstag

Assault Flag of the 150th Order of Kutuzov II Degree Idritsky Rifle Division
The author of Samsonov Alexander

The Reichstag building, the State Assembly Building, was built in Berlin on the project of Paul Wallow in the Italian style of high revival. Construction began in 1894 and ended in 10 years.

During the Great Patriotic War, when the Battle of Berlin was walking, the Soviet troops storming the walls of the Reichstag and on May 1, 1945, the Banner of Victory was hoisted.

On the walls of the greatness of the Aryan nation, Soviet soldiers left a large number of inscriptions, some of them were left during restoration work.
After the reunification of Germany in October 1990, the German Federal Assembly Bundestag, moved to Berlin and settled in the Reichstag building.

"... Particularly fierce battle broke out for Reichstag. His building was one of the most important defense points in the center of Berlin; Watering on him of the Soviet Red Banner marked our historic victory. At 13:00 30 minutes, Captain's battalions S. A. Nestower, V. I. Davydova, K. Ya. Samsonova, went to the assault of the Reichstag ... The swift attack Soviet troops broke into Reichstag ...

By the end of the day, on May 1, Reichstag was completely taken. "
(from Memoirov Captain S. A. Nestower)

From the memories of eyewitness of events V.M. Shatilova:

The fighting in a huge building did not weaken. In the dark (the windows were molded, and small fools missed quite a bit of light), then there, ferocious clashes arose there - in the rooms, on the stairs, on the courts. Pomegranates were bursting, automatic queues crumbled. Focusing on the sounds, one group of fighters came to the aid of the other. Fires began in some rooms. Flobs flashed with papers, furniture. They were quenched, as they could have been sinels, vocals, cloaks.

Meanwhile, Mikhail Egorov and Melitone Cantaria under the cover of a small group of Beresta began to climb up. Every step had to do with caution and loaf. Several times they stumbled on the Nazis. And then I started knocking the machine gun, pomegranates.

The day was on the outcome. But the cannonade did not have a mixture. The dust stood in the air tailed nostrils. All my thoughts were now in Reichstag.

And there was already cleared the entire second floor. Egorov and Cantaria under the cover of the Bereret group continued to make their way to the upper floors. Suddenly the stone staircase broke away - the whole march was broken. The confusion was short. "I'm now," Kantary shouted and darted somewhere down. Soon he appeared with a wooden lap. And again the fighters are stubbornly climbed up.

Here is the roof. They went through her to a huge rider. Under them lay those bored in smoky dusk at home. The flashes rushed around. A fragments knocked on the roof. Where to attach the flag? Near the statue? No, it is not suitable. After all, it was said - on the dome. The ladder leading the staircase - she was interrupted in several places.

Then the fighters were climbed by rare ribs of a frame that was exposed from under broken glass. It was difficult to move and scary. They climbed slowly, each other, dead grip clinging for iron. Finally reached the top platform. Screwed the belt to the metal crossbar banner - and the same way down. Return trip It was even harder and took more time.

The building crowned with a scarlet cloth caused a completely definite reaction and at the enemy - he began his artillery shelling. Yes, by Reichstagu, which the Germans were so stubbornly defended and on which we recently shot, they themselves opened fire.

Each fighting company put his assault check box here. One even flutters on the front, next to the rider's figure. And above the dome, above all - the banner of victory.

Through the Brandenburg Gate, they gave surrendered, headed by officers, and without failure, small groups. And before each group sailed the white flag. On the other side of the gate grew and grew a bunch of abandoned weapons - it was argued there about 26 thousand people. And on this side, to the Reichstag, to the bridge Moltke, all the unarmed crowd arrived, who broke up on the instrument of adjustment girls to individual streams, towards the commanders.

Near the building of the headquarters gathered a huge crowd, consisting of women, children and old people, - thousands of fifteen, no less. Not understanding what was the matter, I stopped the "Willis". People were silent. Then the middle-aged woman turned to me:

- We came here to find out what the punishment for the suffering caused by the Russian people of the German army awaits us.

I have already had to answer such questions in Pomerania, and yet they always caught me by surprise.

"Yes, your soldiers," I started, carefully selecting German words, "they committed a terrible crime. But we are not a naughty, we are Soviet people. We are not going to revenge German people ... You need to quickly take for work on cleaning the streets so that urban transport can be used, open shops, restore normal life ...

At first, the townspeople did not understand me. But then, when the meaning of my words finally reached them, their faces were glad, a smile appeared on many.

Lydia Ruslanova performs "Katyusha" on the steps of the Fallen Reichstag.

Soldier - Infantryman reached Berlin.

Already peaceful post-war Berlin.

Reichstag today.

From April 28 to May 2, 1945 by the 150th and 171th rifle divisions of the 79th Infantry Corps of the 3rd Shock Army of the 1st Belarusian Front, a recruitment operation was carried out. This event is dedicated to this selection of facts, old photos and videos.

For the taking of the Reichstag Soviet soldiers heard each. But what do we really know about him? We will tell about whom we were sent against the Red Army, as Reichstag was looking for and how many banners were.

Who goes to Berlin

Those who wanted to take Berlin in the Red Army was even debugging. Moreover, if for the commander - Zhukov, Konev, Rokossovsky it was including a prestigious question, then for ordinary soldiers who were already "one foot of the house" is another terrible fight. Sturm participants will remember him as one of the most difficult battles of the war.

Nevertheless, the idea that their detachment will be sent to Berlin, in April 1944 he could call the soldiers only a job. The author of the book: "Who took Reichstag: Heroes by default," Yamskaya N. tells about how decisions were waiting for the composition of the offensive troops in the 756th shelf:

"Officers gathered at the headquarters. Unsecured burned from impatience, offering to send someone for Major Cossack, who had to arrive with the results of the solution. Someone from the officers joked: "What are you, Stepan, give up in place? He would remove the boots - and go ahead! During the time you run here, already, I would like, under Berlin would be!".

Soon the cheerful and smiling Major Cossacks returned. And everything became clear: we go to Berlin! "


Why was it so important to take Reichstag and hoisting a banner on it? This is a building where since 1919 sentenced the highest legislative body of Germany, during the Third Reich, De-Facto, did not play any role. All legislative functions were performed in a crawl opera, the building opposite. However, for the Nazis, it is not just a building, not just a fortress. For them, it was the last hope, the capture of which would demoralize the army. Therefore, during the storming of Berlin, the command made focus on Reichstag. Hence the order of Zhukov 171 and the 150th divisions, who promised gratitude and government awards to those who set the red flag over gray, non-zeep and half a destroyed building.
Moreover, its installation was a paramount task.

"If there are no our people in the Reichstag and not installed there, then accept all measures at all cost to hoisting the flag or the flag at least on the column of the parade entrance. At any cost!"

- There was an order from Zinchenko. That is, the Banner of Victory should have been established before the actual taking of the Reichstag. According to eyewitnesses, when trying to fulfill the order and establish a banner on the building still defended Germans, a lot of "single volunteers, brave people" died, but that was the act of Cantaria and Egorov heroic.

"Sailors of SS special appointment"

As far as the RKKO is promoted to Berlin, when the outcome of the war became obvious, Hitler covered or panic, or a lot of vulnerable pride played a role, but they were published several orders, whose essence came down to the fact that all Germany should die along with the defeat of Reich. The plan "Neron" was opened, implied the destruction of all cultural values \u200b\u200bin the state, the evacuation of residents was difficult. Subsequently, the Supreme Command will pronounce a key phrase: "Berlin will defend themselves until the last German."

So, for the most part, it was still anyone to send to death. So in order to delay the Red Army at the bridge, Moltke Hitler in Berlin were transferred "sailors of a special appointment of the SS", which was ordered at any cost to delay the promotion of our troops to government buildings.

They were sixteen-year-old boys, yesterday's cadets of the marine school from the city of Rostok. The Hitler spoke before them, calling them the heroes and hope of the nation. His order himself is interesting: "Throw a small group of Russians, who broke through the spree on this shore, and prevent her to Reichstagu. It is necessary to hold out quite a bit. Soon you will get a new weapon of huge strength and new aircraft. From the south comes the army wreath. Russians will not only be knocked out from Berlin, but also discarded to Moscow. "

Did Hitler know about the real number of a "small group of Russians" and about the situation when he gave the order? What did he count on? At that time, it was obvious that for an effective battle with Soviet soldiers, a whole army was needed, and not 500 young, not able to fight the Malts. Perhaps Hitler expected positive results from separatic negotiations with the Allies of the USSR. But the question of which secret weapons was discussed and hung in the air. One way or another, hopes were not justified, and many young fanatics died, without bringing the benefit of the Motherland.

Where is Reichstag?

During the assault, there were cases. On the eve of the offensive, at night it turned out that the advancing do not know how Reichstag looks like and especially where he is.

Here, as the commander of the battalion described this situation, unsettled, who was ordered to storm Reichstag: "Colonel orders:

"Come out faster to Reichstagu!". I put the phone. In the ears, Zinchenko's voice still sounds. And where is he, Reichstag? Damn him knows! Ahead is dark and deserted. "

Zinchenko, in turn, reported to General Shatilov: "The Battalion of Neztasheniy took the starting position in the semi-octal south-eastern part of the building. Only here he prevents some kind of house - closes Reichstag. We will bypass it on the right. "That is inappreciating:" What other house? Roll-opera? But he from the "Himmler's house" should be right. There may be no building before Reichstag ... "

Nevertheless, the building was. Cummy in two and a half floors with towers and dome upstairs. Behind him, two hundred meters saw out the outlines of a huge, twelve-story house, which erect and accepted for the ultimate goal. But the sulfur building, which they decided to get around, unexpectedly met the coming solid fire.

Right say, one head is good, and two is better. The field of location of the Reichstag was allowed upon arrival at the unsettless Zinchenko. As the combat itself describes:

"Zinchenko looked at the square, and on the hidden gray building. And then, without turning around, asked: "So what bothers you to go to Reichstagu?". "This is a low building," I replied. "So this is Reichstag!".

Fights per room

How did Reichstag take? Ordinary background references are not going into details, describing the assault as a one-day "swelling" of Soviet soldiers on the building, which under this pressure as quickly was handed over with his garrison. However, it was different. The building was defended by the selected SS-Wrist parts, which had nothing more to lose. And they had an advantage. They perfectly knew about his plan and the location of all his 500 rooms. Unlike Soviet soldiers who did not even imagine how Reichstag looks like. As the ordinary third company told I. V. Maitor: "We didn't know anything about the inner location. And this quite complicated the fight with the enemy. In addition, from the continuous automatic and machine-gun shooting, the grenades and faustpatron breaks in the Reichstage rose such smoke and dust from plaster, which, stirring, they obscured everything, hung in the rooms of an impenetrable veil - nothing can be seen as in the darkness. " How difficult was the assault on how to judge that the Soviet command put the task on the first day to capture at least 15-10 rooms from those mentioned 500.

How many flags were

The historical banner hung on the roof of the Reichstag was the assault flag of the 150th Rifle Division of the Third Shock Army, established by Sergeant Egorov and Kantaria. But it was far from the only red flag over the German parliament. The desire to reach Berlin and establish the Soviet flag over the defeated enemy lair of the fascists dreamed of many, regardless of the order of command and the promise of the title "Hero of the USSR". However, the latter was another one for an incentive.

According to eyewitnesses, there were no victorious banners on Reichstag, nor three and not even five. All building literally "red" from Soviet flags, both self-made and official. According to experts, they were about 20, the part was shot down during the bombing. The first set the senior sergeant Ivan Lysenko, whose squad built a banner from the mattress of red matter. The award leaf of Ivan Lysenko says:

"April 30, 1945 at 14 o'clock. Lysenko first broke into the Reichstag building, more than 20 German soldiers destroyed with granacious fire, reached the second floor and hoisted the banner of the victory. The manifestation of heroism and courage in battle is worthy of assigning the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. "

Moreover, his detachment fulfilled his main task - to cover the bannamers who were entrusted to hoisting victory banners on Reichstag.

In general, each detachment dreamed of installing its flag on the Reichstag. With this dream, the soldiers passed all this way to Berlin, each kilometer of which cost lives. Therefore, it is important, whose banner was first, and whose "official". All of them were equally important.

Fate autographs

Those who failed to hoist the banner left reminders of themselves on the walls of the bribe. As eyewitnesses describe: all columns and walls at the entrance to Reichstag were made by inscriptions in which the soldiers expressed a sense of joy of victory. They wrote to all - paints, coal, bayonet nail, knife:

"The shortest way to Moscow - through Berlin!"

"And we, the girls were here. Glory to Soviet warrior! "; "We are from Leningrad, Petrov, Crochekov"; "Know ours. Siberians Pushchin, Petlin "; "We are in Reichstag"; "I walked with the name of Lenin"; "From Stalingrad to Berlin"; "Moscow - Stalingrad - Eagle - Warsaw - Berlin"; "Reached Berlin."

Part of autographs has been preserved until now - their preservation was one of the main requirements for restoration of the Reichstag. Nevertheless, today their fate is often raised. So, in 2002, representatives of Johannes Zinghammer conservatives and Horst Günther offered to destroy them, arguing that the inscriptions "gag out modern Russian-German relations."

1. Salute in honor of the victory on the roof roof. Soldiers of the battalion under the command of the Hero of the Soviet Union S. Neztower.

2. View of the Reichstag after the end of hostilities.

3. Soviet cargo and passenger cars on the destroyed street of Berlin. The ruins will see the Reichstag building.

4. Head of the River Rescue Department of the USSR Council Admiral Fotiy Ivanovich Krylov (1896-1948) awards the Order of the Divoda for performing the removal of the River Sprey in Berlin. In the background - the building of the Reichstag.

6. View of the Reichstag after the end of hostilities.

7. A group of Soviet officers within the Reichstag.

8. Soviet soldiers with a banner on the rooftop roof.

9. The Soviet storming group with the banner moves to Reichstagu.

10. The Soviet assault group with the banner is moving towards Reichstagu.

11. Commander of the 23rd Guards Rifle Division Major General P.M. Shafarenko in Reichstag with colleagues.

12. Heavy Tank IC-2 Against the Background of Reichstag

13. Soldiers of the 150th rifle Idrice-Berlin, the Kutuzov of the 2nd degree of division at the steps of the Reichstag (among the depicted scouts of M. Cantarius, M. Egorov and the Comsorg of Division Captain M. Zholudyev). In the foreground, the 14-year-old son of the regiment of Jora Artenenkov.

14. Reichstag building in July 1945.

15. The interior of the Reichstag building after the defeat of Germany in the war. On the walls and columns - the inscriptions of Soviet soldiers left for the inscription.

16. The interior of the Reichstag building after the defeat of Germany in the war. On the walls and columns - the inscriptions of Soviet soldiers left for the inscription. In the photo South building of the building.

17. Soviet photojournalists and cameramen at the Reichstag building.

18. Wheels of the inverted German fighter Fokke-Wulf FW 190 on the background of the Reichstag.

19. Autographer of Soviet soldiers on the Reichstag Column: "We are in Berlin! Nikolay, Peter, Nina and Sasha. 11.05.45. "

20. The Political Workers Group of the 385th Rifle Division, led by the head of the Political Owner, Colonel Mikhailov at Reikhstag.

21. German anti-aircraft guns and killed german soldier at Reichstag.

23. Soviet soldiers on the square near Reichstag.

24. The Krasnoameman Mikhail Usachev leaves his autograph on the wall of the Reichstag.

25. The British soldier leaves his autograph among autographs of Soviet soldiers within Reichstag.

26. Mikhail Egorov and Melitone Cantaria go with the banner on the roof of the Reichstag.

27. Soviet soldiers waters a banner over Reichstag on May 2, 1945. This is one of the banners installed on the Reserve In addition to the official waters of Egorov and Cantaria banner.

28. The famous Soviet singer Lydia Ruslanova performs "Katyusha" against the background of a destroyed Reichstag.

29. The son of the regiment Volodya Tarnowsky puts an autograph on the Reichstag column.

30. Heavy Tank IS-2 amid Reichstag.

31. Plated German soldier at Reichstag. The famous photography, often published in books and posters in the USSR called "End" (it. "End").

32. Odnopold the 88th separate Guards Heavy Tank Regiment at the Reichstag Wall, the assault on which the regiment took part.

33. Victory banner over Reichstag.

34. Two Soviet officers on the steps of Reichstag.

35. Two Soviet officers on the square in front of the Reichstag Building.

36. Soviet mortar soldier Sergei Ivanovich Plates leaves his autograph on the Reichstag column.

37. Victory banner over Reichstag. A photograph of the Soviet soldier, driving over the Red Banner taken over Reichstag, which later began to call the Banner of Victory - one of the main symbols of the Great Patriotic War.

38. Commander of the 88th Separate Heavy Tank Regiment of P.G. Gholes on the background of Reichstag, in the storming of which his regiment took part.

39. One-pillar of the 88th separate heavy tank regiment at the Reichstag.

40. Soldiers who stormed Reichstag. Place of intelligence 674 Rifle regiment 150th Rifle Idrice Division.

41. Mikhail Makarov, a fighter-infantryman who reached Berlin. Before Reichstag.

How did the fascist Germany surrendered

The last act of the Great Patriotic War stretched out in time, from which some discrepancies arise in his interpretation.

So how did the fascist Germany surrendered?

German catastrophe

By the beginning of 1945, the position of Germany in the war was simply catastrophic. The rapid offensive of the Soviet troops from the East and the Army allies from the West led to the outcome of the war became clear to almost everyone.

From January to May 1945, agony of the Third Reich was actually happening. All new and new units rushed to the front not so much in order to turn the situation as in order to delay the final catastrophe.

Under these conditions, the chaos atypical for her reigned in the German army. It is enough to say that complete information about the losses that Wehrmacht suffered in 1945, simply no - the Nazis no longer have time to bury their dead and draw up reports.

On April 16, 1945, Soviet troops launched an offensive operation in the direction of Berlin, the purpose of which was mastering the capital of fascist Germany.

Despite the big forces focused by the enemy, and his deeply echelonized defensive fortifications, in a matter of days, the Soviet divisions broke through the outskirts of Berlin.

Without giving an enemy to draw himself into a protracted street fighting, on April 25, the Soviet assault groups began promoting to the city center.

On the same day, on the Elbe River, the Soviet troops were connected with the American units, as a result of which the continuing to fight the army of the Wehrmacht was divided into isolated groupings from each other.

In Berlin itself, the divisions of the 1st Belorussian Front moved to government agencies of the Third Reich.

Part of the 3rd shock army broke through to the Reichstag district on the evening of April 28. At dawn on April 30, the building of the Ministry of the Interior was taken, after which the path to Reichstag was opened.

Hitler and Berlin Capitulation

At this time, Adolf Hitler "Capitulized" in the middle of the day on April 30, ending with himself in the Reichskancellery Bunker. According to the testimony of Fuhrer's associates, in recent days, he was most afraid that the Russians firing a bunker with shipping gas, after which he was put in a cage in Moscow for fun in the crowd.

Around 21:30 on April 30, parts of the 150th rifle division were traded by the main part of the Reichstag, and on the morning of May 1, a red flag was raised over it, which became a victory banner.

The fierce fight in the Reichstag, however, did not stop, and the defenders of his parts stopped resistance only on the night from 1 to 2 May.

On the night of May 1, 1945, the head of the General Headquarters of German Land Forces General Krebs, who reported Hitler's suicide, arrived in the location of the Soviet troops, and requested a truce at the time of entry into the powers of the new government of Germany. The Soviet side demanded a unconditional surrender, for which, around 18:00 on May 1, a refusal was received.

By this time, only Tiergarten and government quarter remained under the control of the Germans in Berlin. Hitler's refusal gave the Soviet troops the right to re-start the assault, which did not last long: at the beginning of the first night on May 2, the Germans on the radio requested the cease-fire and declared readiness to surrender.

At 6 am on May 2, 1945, the commander of the Defense of Berlin, General of Artillery Vaidling, accompanied by three generals, passed the front line and surrendered. An hour later, being in the headquarters of the 8th Guards Army, he wrote an order to surrender, which was reproduced and with the help of speaking installations and radio was brought to parts of the enemy defending in the center of Berlin. By the end of the day, on May 2, the resistance in Berlin stopped, and individual groups of the Germans continuing martialctionswere destroyed.

However, the suicide of Hitler and the final fall of Berlin has not yet meant the capitulation of Germany, which still remained in the ranks of more than a million soldiers.

Soldier honesty Eisenhauer

The new government of Germany, the head of which Gross Admiral Charles Denitz became the decision to "save the Germans from the Red Army", continuing the fighting on the Eastern Front, simultaneously with the flight of civilian forces and troops to the West. The main idea was the capitulation in the West in the absence of surrender in the East. Since, in view of the agreements between the USSR and Western allies, it is difficult to achieve surrender only in the West, it is necessary to pursue a policy of private surrenders at the level of armies groups and lower.

On May 4, in front of the Army of the British Marshal Montgomery capitulated the German group in Holland, Denmark, Schleswig-Holstein and North-West Germany. On May 5, the group of army "G" in Bavaria and Western Austria capitulated before the Americans.

After that, between the Germans and the Western Allies began negotiations on the complete surrender in the West. However, American General Eisenhower disappointed the German military - the capitulation should occur both in the West and the East, and the German armies should stop where there are. This meant that it would be possible to escape from the Red Army to the West.

The Germans tried to protest, but Eisenhuer warned - if the Germans continue to pull the time, his troops will stop all that westing to the West, whether soldiers or refugees. In this situation, the German command agreed to sign unconditional surrender.

Improvisation of General Susloparov

In this form, the act of surrendering Germany was signed with the German side by the head of the operational headquarters of the Colonel-General Alfred Yodel, from the Anglo-American side by the Lieutenant General of the US Army, the head of the Main Staff of the Union Expeditionary Force Walter Smith, from the USSR - a representative of the Supreme Command The command of allies by Major General Ivan Susloparov. As a witness, the actor signed the French Brigadier General Francois Sezhen. The signing of the Act took place at 2:41 on May 7, 1945. By virtue, he had to join on May 8 at 23:01 in the Middle Eastern time.

The signing of the act should have happened at General Eisenhower Headquarters in Reims. On May 6, members of the Soviet Military Mission, General Susloparov and Colonel Zenkovich, were caused, who was reported on the upcoming signing of the act of unconditional surrender of Germany.

Ivan Alexseevich Susloparov at that moment no one would envy. The fact is that he did not have the authority to sign the capitulation. By sending a request to Moscow, he did not receive an answer to the beginning of the procedure.

In Moscow, it was rightly feared that the Nazis would achieve their own and sign the surrender in front of Western allies on the terms benefits for them. Not to mention that the disposal of surrender in the US headquarters in Reims categorically did not suit the Soviet Union.

The easiest way to General Susloparov was at that moment not to sign any documents at all. However, according to his memories, an extremely unpleasant collision could have to work out: the Germans surrendered to the allies, signing the act, and from the USSR remains in a state of war. Where the situation is placed, it is not clear.

General Susloparov acted on his own risk. In the text of the document, he made the following note: This protocol on military surrender does not exclude in the future signing of a different, more advanced act on the surrender of Germany, if any union government declares.

In this form, the act of surrendering Germany was signed with the German side by the head of the operational headquarters of the Colonel-General Alfred Yodel, from the Anglo-American side by the Lieutenant General of the US Army, the head of the Main Staff of the Union Expeditionary Force Walter Smith, from the USSR - a representative of the Supreme Command The command of allies by Major General Ivan Susloparov. As a witness, the actor signed the French Brigadier General Francois Sezhen. The signing of the Act took place at 2:41 on May 7, 1945. By virtue, he had to join on May 8 at 23:01 in the Middle Eastern time.

Interestingly, General Eisenhower from participating in the signing was evaded, referring to the low status of a German representative.

Temporary effect

Already after the signing, a response was received from Moscow - General Suchloparova was forbidden to sign any documents.

The Soviet command believed that 45 hours before the document entry into force, the German forces were used to escape to the West. This, in fact, did not deny the Germans themselves.

As a result, at the insistence of the Soviet party, it was decided to hold another ceremony of signing the unconditional surrender of Germany, which was organized in the evening of May 8, 1945 in the German suburb of Karlshorst. Text, in minor exceptions, repeated the text of the document signed in Reims.

From the German side, the act signed: General Feldmarshal, Head of the Supreme Commander Wilhelm Keitel, the representative of the Air Force - Colonel-General Shtuumf and Navy - Admiral von Friedeburg. The Marshal of Zhukov (from the Soviet side) and the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Expeditionary Forces British Marshal Tedder accepted the surrender surrender. As witnesses, the US Army General Sports and French General de Tassigny put their signatures.

It is curious that General Eisenhower was going to arrive for the signing of this act, however, he was stopped by the objection of the British premiere of Winston Churchill: if the Allied Commander signed an act in Karlshorst, without signing it in Reims, the significance of the Raimsky act and would be insignificant.

The signing of an act in Karlshorst took place on May 8, 1945 at 22:43 in the Middle Easternative time, and he entered into force, as was stipulated back in Reims, at 23:01 May 8. However, in Moscow time, these events occurred at 0:43 and 1:01 on May 9.

It is this discrepancy in time and was the reason that the Day of Victory in Europe was May 8, and in the Soviet Union - May 9.

To each his own

After the entry of the act on unconditional surrender, the organized resistance of Germany finally stopped. This, however, did not interfere with individual groups that solved local tasks (as a rule, breakthrough to the West), to join battles and after May 9th. However, such contractions were short-term and ended with the destruction of Hitlerians who did not perform the conditions of surrender.

As for General Susloparov, Personally, Stalin estimated his actions in the current situation as correct and weighted. After the war, Ivan Alekseevich Susloparov worked at the Military Diplomatic Academy in Moscow, died in 1974 at the age of 77, and was buried with military honors on the introduced Moskdom Cemetery.

The fate of the German commander of Alfred Yojl and Wilhelm Kaitel, who signed a unconditional surrender in Reims and Karlshorst, was less enviable. The International Tribunal in Nuremberg recognized them with military criminals and sentenced to death. On the night of October 16, 1946, Yodl and Kaitel were hanged in the gym of the Nuremberg Prison.

That's it all ended. But I was very interested to watch these photos - the end point of the route to the West for our soldiers.

May 1, 1945 On the Reichstag building, the winning flag was licked. On May 2, after fierce fighting, the Red Army completely cleaned the building from the enemy. Thousands of fighters of the Soviet army and many of the allies were signed there in the coming weeks.

After the unification of two Germany in 1990, it was decided to postpone the United Parliament in Reichstag.

English Architect Norman Foster, who conducted a reconstruction, together with the construction of a new glass dome decided to preserve part of the Red Army graffiti. The inscriptions on the outer walls were erased, left several fragments in the gallery around the pool of plenary sessions and on the first floor - a total length of about 100 meters. The Germans argue that according to the unique technology, they moved the original inscriptions to the inner walls of the Reichstag.

In the early 2000s, the conservative deputies from the Christian Social Union tried to deal with the liquidation of part of the inscriptions, but did not succeed. "These are not created by order of the authorities heroic monuments," said Social Democrat Ecada Bartel, - and the manifestation of triumph and the suffering of a small man. "

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