What constellation in a number of three stars. Constellation Orion.

Orion constellation is located in the northern hemisphere of the heavenly sphere. In its beauty, it is inferior only to the constellation a big bear. In the night sky is a majestic cluster distant stars You can easily find Orion belt. It represents three white-blue stars located under the tilt in a row. If they have an imaginary straight line through them, then its lower end will be directed to the brightest star of the night sky Sirius. And the upper end touches the brightest star in the constellation of Taurus Aldebaran.

Around the Orion belt are brighter stars, as well as the large nebula of Orion, which is easily different in binoculars. All this cosmic beauty and forms the constellation, and the brightest star in it is red Bethelgey Supplement. FROM arabic It translates as a "armpit".

Betelgeuse refers to a half-way variable stars. That is, the luminosity changes periodically. At the maximum, it exceeds the luminosity of our Sun in 105 thousand times, and in a minimum of 80 thousand times. Her mass is 15 times superior to the sunny. The diameter of the star in the process of pulsation is reduced, it increases. On average, it is superior to the diameter of our shone 600-700 times. The distance to this cosmic giant from the ground is approximately 650 light years.

The red supergiant is located above the lower end of the Orion belt and is well visible in the space abyss. And the second brightness of the star is called Rigel. It can be found below the top end of those stretched into one line. three stars. Translated from the Arab "Rigel" means "foot". This is a blue supergiant with a luminosity of 130 thousand times greater than solar. Another such bright star in the visible part of the cosmos is not. From the ground, it will be at a distance of 870 light years. It is this star ancient Egyptians associated with God Osiris.

It must be said that the Constellation Orion has seven brightest stars. Two we have already considered, three form an Orion belt. These are the stars of the Mintaka, Alnim and Alnitata. The uppermost is Mintaka. Star This is multiple. That is, consists of four luminaries located close to each other. From the ground, they naturally seem one cosmic body. In reality, two white-blue giants are the main. They rotate around general Center. And around them are rotating two more dull stars.

So from the Earth looks in the night sky Constellation Orion

In the middle is located star Alnilam. It represents blue supergiant, and in brightness takes 4th place in the constellation. It is 2 times further from the sun, which is 2 times, but they do not differ from their luminosity. Alnims translated from Arabic means "Pearl Thread".

An extreme bottom star of Orion belt is Alnito.. This is a multiple triple star, and from the ground it is at a distance of about 800 light years. The main thing in this Trinity is a blue supergiant. There are 2 blue fellow around him around it. The south of the belt is the stars "sword." They are much paler than 7 bright stars. And next to them is a large nebula of Orion. But let's first consider the remaining bright stars. This saif, located below Alnin, and Bellatrix, which is above the Mintaka.

Saif Refers to the right leg of Orion, and in its size it is similar to the Rigel, who chose a left foot for himself. In brightness, it takes the 6th place in the constellation. From our blue planet, it is separated by a distance of 650 light years or 198 parses. It exceeds the solar mass at 17 times, and its radius is 22 times more solar.

Well, finally, Bellatrix.which occupies the 3rd place in brightness among his fellows, and among all the stars of the night sky she is given 27th place. Lumped 6 times the radius of our sun. It is a blue giant for 20 million years. That is, all this time it evolves from The main sequence In a gigantic star. It is separated from the ground 250 light years.

Now it came to consider the big nebula of Orion. She is located near the middle star, forming the "sword" of the Grozny Giant. Cold gas pepped clouds absorb the sun's rays, and therefore it looks like impermeable black failures. And next to them are the clouds of ionized plasma, radiating light. Due to this, this nebula is considered the brightest in the victim of the Ham. From the edge to the edge, its distance is 33 light years. But from the Mother of the Earth, it is separated by space expanses equal to 1334 light years.

The center of this education is called a trapezium. This name he received at the expense of 4 big starslocated in the form of a trapezium. The central part glows with a bright light, but it will quickly fade to the edges. The shape of the nebula is arcuate. That is, it seems to have wings, but they are characterized by a weak glow. In the place where they converge, there is a black failure. It is called fish mouth. Wings covers a pale band called a sail.

Thus, we reviewed the basic cosmic bodies that are included in the Constellation Orion. It, as already mentioned, in its beauty is inferior only to a big bear. And people this accumulation of stars also known a long time ago, like many other clusters, mysteriously shining in the night sky.

The winter sky in the northern hemisphere is no less curious for astronomers than the summer. It is during this period that is available a large number of Brightly bright shining. One of the most notable celestial drawings in the cold season is the Constellation Orion. It occupies an extensive area and is well known due to several bright luminaries in its composition, as well as recognizable form. One of the main "attractions" of constellation is asterism Orion belt.


Heavenly drawing in general is easily recognizable. However, its most famous detail is an Orion belt. It is often that all constellations are often determined. How to find an Orion belt in the sky? It is necessary to pay attention to southeast Dome overhead. There are winter and spring evenings, as well as late at night, the constellation is ambitious in the fall. It is not difficult to know the belt: it represents three quite well noticeable stars, lined up on one straight line. If you extend the line down and to the left, then it will strengthen in Sirius, the brightest light of the night sky. On the other hand, the Aldebaran star is located above and the right, the most noticeable in Taurus.

Bright Points

Orion constellation is famous except for the belt, several large luminais. Particular among them are distinguished by the Breyl and Bethelgeuse. The first is a white and blue supergigant. It is the right of the belt, at the foot of Orion. This star is much brighter than the sun and takes one of the first places for this parameter in our galaxy.

Betelgeuse is placed on the shoulder of Orion, above and the left belt. It is well recognizable by characteristic reddish color. This supergiant refers to the type of stars variable and sometimes becomes brighter.

No less interesting and Bellatrix - the second shoulder of Orion. This is the third star brightness in the celestial drawing. In its color, it is similar to the Riguel, refers to the type of white-blue giants.

Three stars

In the celestial drawing of the legendary hunter (Orion "Rod" from mythology Ancient Greece) There are many curious objects. It is bright stars, and nebula, and clusters shone. Let us return, however, to the belist of Orion. It consists of three stars: Delta, Zeta and Epsilon Constellations. They also bear the Arab names of the Mintaka, Alnic and Alnila, respectively.

Orion belt in heaven due to its visibility from ancient times known from various nations. His history was associated with various mythological plots. Along with the legends, the names of asterism were replaced. In ancient China, he was known as scales or three stars. In Scandinavia before the adoption of Christianity, Asterism wore the name of Frey's spider. Buryats called Orion Gurban Baran, that is, "Three standing." Such popularity of asterism is a consequence of stars and their location on a practically straight line.


The extreme left star of asterism - Alnitata (translated as "Kushak"). It is located closest to the sun among all the luminaries of the belt: 817 light years are separated from us. Alnintac is a triple star system. Orion Jeta A - Blue Spectral Class Obgiant O. It exceeds the sun by weight of twenty-eight times, and in diameter - in twenty. Her companion, Alnika B, was opened in 1819. This is a giant star, turning around Zeta Orion and with a period of 1500 years.

The third component of the system for a long time was not known to scientists. Alnitiat C discovered quite recently, in 1998. He turned out to be a star of the tenth of magnitude.


The second shone from the number of came-out Orion - Star Alnilam. Translated from Arabic name means "pearl thread". Alnim - Blue Sukhgiant and in terms of its luminosity is ahead of many other stars. In the image of the heavenly hunter, it ranks fourth in brightness after Rigel, Bethelgeuse and Bellatrix.

Alnim is used in astronomical navigation to determine the coordinates of ground objects, as well as for the orientation of cosmic aircraft. In addition, the middle luminaries of the belt due to its rather simple spectrum, there is a lot of scientists about the interstellar medium.

Alnils are gradually moving towards the final phase of their cycle. Scientists predict that within one million years it will turn into red supergiant, and then exploded supernova.


The third star, which is an Orion belt - Mintaka (name in Arabic means "belt"). It is also a blue supergigant. He takes the seventh place in brightness in the constellation.

Mintaka is a multiple system. One of the companions of the main element, the white shine of the 7th star magnitude is easy to distinguish even in a small telescope. Much further it is located a less noticeable participant of the system. It shines the 14th star magnitude.

The main and most vivid component of the system is, in addition, the spectral double. It consists of two white-blue giants, rotating around the common center of masses for 5.73 days. Both luminaries exceed the sun by mass of twenty times. Their luminosity is more significant than the parameter of our star approximately 80,000 times. Rotating, the two components partially overshadow each other, which leads to the hesitage of the gloss of the Mintaki.


Several very interesting objects surround Orion's belt. The constellation is famous for the nebula, located in it. Low below the belt is m42. This is an emission nebula, distinguishable in the sky even with the naked eye. Such a noticeability of the object has become the result of the light of four young stars located here in the form of a trapezium. Orion nebula is the abode of many interesting space bodies, including several brown dwarfs were opened here.

The dark strip from M42 is separated by a relatively small area. This is the M43 Nebula, where a large amount of ionized hydrogen was found. There is constantly the process of the emergence of new stars. The ideal period to observe this object is winter.

Neighboring the flame is located near Alnin. Beautiful object, resembling a fire or torch, is distant from the sun for 3000 light years. Here are also constantly born young stars.

Thus, the Orion belt is a place where many interesting things are located for both professionals and amateurs of astronomy, objects. A huge constellation is manitated today with its beauty, attracts the eyes no less than it made it during antiquity. Thanks to the cultivating equipment, Orion became for modern people A little closer and clearer. However, not all of us still know about the cosmic expanses of this constellation. Nebula, shining and other space objectslocated on its territory, do not hurry to disclose their secrets.

One of the most recognizable constellations of the Northern and South Hemispheres of the sky. Eight bright stars according to the contour outline Orion's hunter from ancient Greek mythology. Very rich section of the sky on the nebulae and area with active stars. Several stars have several stars that we have known from childhood by names: Orion Belt, Orion's Sword, Orion Shield, and so on.

Legend and History

If you draw your gaze into the near-digitory area on the strip Milky Way, I can easily find the constellation. The name happened from the daughter of King Crete Minos and Son Poseidon. Orion was famous for his strength and courage on the hunt. His goal was the destruction of all animals on earth. I do not spare anyone, he confidently went to his goal. The goddess of the land of Gay, having accepted, turned to the goddess of nature and the beasts of Artemide so that she would help stop Orion. Artemis was swaying a poisonous scorpion, which the hunter was mortally injured by one bite. Soon after the death of the gods moved Orion to heaven, and his dogs were placed nearby - Sirius.


Latin nameOrion.
Area594 square meters Degree (26th place)
Direct climbFrom 4 H 37 m to 6 h 18 m
DecliningFrom -11 ° to + 22 ° 50 '
Brightest stars (< 3 m)
The number of stars brighter 6 m120
Meteor threads
  • Orionida
  • Chi-Orionida
Neighboring constellations
Visibility of constellationFrom + 79 ° to -67 °
HemisphereNorth South
Time to observe in the territory
Belarus, Russia and Ukraine
Winter months

The most interesting objects to observe the constellation Orion

Atlas Constellation Orion

First, consider the dip-sky objects of the southern part of the Constellation Orion (from the origion of Orion and below), and after switching to the north.

What to walk around and about, perhaps, let's start acquaintance with the most curious area in the constellation Orion - orion Nebula or M 42.. This is the one that winter evenings It is also visible even with a small eye as small, but with characteristic outlines a foggy spot.

M 42. - a gas-penetrating nebula, which is under the Orion's belt, or rather near the star θ of Orion. This nebula is included in an even greater gas pepper area that occupies most of the entire constellation. Distance to it 1300 light years. In this nebula, there is a process of active star formation, most of the young stars belong spectral class O and by age does not exceed 150-200 thousand years. On the area, the Orion nebula is approximately equal to 1 °, very clearly visible even in an amateur telescope and does not require large zooms for a detailed study.

If you look at, then you can see in the center of the nebula of 4 bright and young stars, which in shape resemble a trapezium. These are hot stars of class O and B.

Above the trapezium, in the northern part M 42 dark strip is noticeable inter-Village Dust - This is a separate object in the Messier catalog M 43..

2. Nebula de Merana (M 43 or NGC 1982)

M 43. - area of \u200b\u200bactive stars, ionized hydrogen, located right above the Orion nebula M 42.. Name received in honor of the French Astronoma, Geophysics Jean-Jacques de Meranwhich opened this object.

M 43. is part of the big nebula of Orion, which, as a rule, is observed in the winter months together with M 42..

Looking for both nebulae elementary: find an Orion belt, consisting of three stars ( Alnito., Alnim, Mintaka) And perpendicularly fall for a couple of degrees below. Atlace B. red rectangle Circled the desired objects:

Southern Constellation Orion

I will add that north of M 43. Three more nebulae hid NGC 1973., NGC 1975. and NGC 1977. (Often you can find an alternative name - "Running Man"). As a rule, all these "charms" look at once.

The image above shows the location of the accumulation NGC 1981. - Directly need a large nebula of Orion. The brightness of the cluster is 4.6 m, there are about 20 stars and the area occupies a little more than 25 '. Part NGC 1981. Pass 3 double stars: HIP 26234., HIP 26257. and V1046., the brightness of the components of which are approximately equal to 6 m and 8 m. In binoculars and a telescope with a wide-angle eyepiece and a slight increase, three considered object in one field of view can be placed. Really beautiful sight. The most powerful telescopes make it possible to consider on the background of a cluster reflective nebula, which remained still due to the formation of new stars.

On the previous atlas in red rectangle It is concluded and this scattered cluster.

4. Nebula "Flame" (NGC 2024) and Nebula Konskaya Head (IC 434)

NGC 2024 area 30 'is a small part of the nebula, which surrounds the extreme star of Orion belt Alnito.. Nebula Kirable head ( IC 434.) Over it is considered one of the most recognizable and popular dark nebulae. It can be found on the covers of astronomical books, magazines, like a dark silhouette of a horse head against the background of a red glow. The object is extremely complicated for observation even in a powerful 300 mm telescopes. Ideal weather conditions will be required, an aperture telescope, a strong patience and the absence of the moon in the sky (after all, it often hides diffuse nebulae under their rays).

I specifically separately made this plot of constellation and bring it below, for general clarity and completeness of the picture:

M 78. - Gas nebula Brightness of 8.3 m and angular dimensions of 8 '× 6'. Consists of three interrelated objects: NGC 2064., NGC 2067. and NGC 2071.. Extremely dull nebula, to observe which the ideal conditions of the night sky and the absence of urban illumination are required. As intently, I tried to consider it in a 254 mm telescope - no additional details and features, except for a small foggy cloud, could not be considered.

Pay attention to Orion's belt - Slowly lifting the telescope. You will meet the top three stars, slightly shifting the telescope counterclockwise in the field of view of the eyepiece will appear M 78.. Atlas published slightly above in one of the yellow rectangles, you can see the desired nebula.

Very weak brightness (9 m) scattered accumulation NGC 2112. Includes no more than 50 stars 10 - 12 star magnitude with a total area of \u200b\u200b11 '. Having become acquainted and in love with nebula M 78. We move the telescope a little more to the left and we celebrate this cluster. At the southern part of Orion, the above also highlighted the yellow rectangle.

To the northern facilities of the Constellation Orion include the following dip-Skai:

Somehow, away from all objects of Orion, almost on the border with the constellation is small, but the pretty cluster of the stars NGC 1662.. Pay attention to the photos above how the colors of the stars are clearly distinguished: from orange hot giants, to blue-hot up to 80 - 100 thousand degrees of stars. Visible cluster sizes are slightly more than 12 '. The cluster looks great even in an amateur telescope, it is recommended to use a wide-angle eyepiece for observation. The visible star magnitude is 6.4 m.

Looking for NGC 1662. From Orion's shield or, more precisely, from a bright star Tobit (3.15 m).

8. Emale nebula NGC 2174 and scattered cluster NGC 2175

The northern dip-Sky objects of the constellation of Orion are nebula NGC 2174. and cluster NGC 2175.that are located above the baton of the hunter, not far from the constellation. If there will be no problems with a multiple cluster with a brightness of 6.8 M problems, it can be considered in detail in an amateur telescope and count a couple of dozen stars, then some difficulties will arise with the emission nebula. As always, ideal conditions for observation and dormant eye are needed. The overwhelming majority of photographs seen on the Internet are exposed to post-processing and in such a form the nebula you will not see exactly, but in a powerful 250mm + telescope something to consider still succeed. By the way, in some sources nebula NGC 2174. Call Monkey headAlthough similarities here are unlikely to be found.

Below I give a map of the northern part of Orion, where orange Arrow And the rectangle noted the desired objects:

My favorite accumulation of stars in this constellation - NGC 2169.. It has a memorable form, there are about two dozen stars 8 - 9 star magnitude, has a total brightness equal to 5.9 m and an angular dimensions of a little more than 7 '. Despite the small size, it is looking for very simple, because two stars 4 star magnitude ξ and ν of Orion are located above it. In the telescope, even on the zooms of 70 times is completely placed in the field of view of 60 ° eyepiece and looks very interesting.

On Star Atlas, noted above green arrows.

80 stars accumulation NGC 2194. The total brightness of 8.5 m and an area of \u200b\u200b10 'is a very curious spectacle. On the one hand, on small increases, the accumulation at first glance resembles a ball, but adding an increase of up to 70 to 100 times and the use of wide-angle eyepiece appears a great opportunity to stroll through the star city. At the increases of 100+, the brief is brought to consider various shades of each of the stars individually and enjoy the greatness of this accumulation.

And again from the stars ξ and ν Orion, only on yellow arrows find NGC 2194.. In an optical finder (usually 8 - 9 times), the cluster will look like a massive slightly blurry spot.

11. Scattered star cluster NGC 2141

A completely weak accumulation (9.4 m) contains about 100 stars, which are very merged with the background stars and often do not give a complete picture when observed. In the image NGC 2141. It is noticeable that some stars on the edges have a big brightness, these are young blue giants.

The search is strongly recommended from the star Bethelgeuse and lift the telescope pipe all higher and higher, the star of the 4th star magnitude μ of Orion will meet on the way, and after and the desired accumulation. Atlas above the route is marked red arrows.

Perhaps, NGC 2186. - The smallest and difficult to detect the scattered accumulation of Orion. You can count several dozen stars 14 - 17 star magnitude. The brightness of the cluster is 8.7 m, the angular size is about 5 '.

The search is worth starting from the biggest star Bethelgeuse and move counterclockwise on the route shown below:

Multiple starry systems

13.1 Optically Double Star Rigel (β Orion)

Optically double system of the Rigel is considered one of the brightest stars of the northern hemisphere of the sky. The brightness of the main component is 0.15 m, and its smaller component (although it is not a component: the distance between them is about 2200 astronomical units.) 6.8 m. The distance between the stars just over 7 ". Due to the strong illumination of the main star to observe the weaker star, a telescope with aperture of 130 mm will be required.

13.2 Russian Alnic Star (ζ Orion)

The multiple Star System Alnintaca consists of three components: blue supergiant, giant stars and a small star, which was opened only in 1998. The distance between the main component and other pair of stars is 2.5 ", which eliminates the opportunity to see a couple of stars in telescopes with aperture up to 150 mm.


Nebula Konsky head (IC 434), Italy (NGC2024), NGC2023 (Nebula around an asterisk under the horse head)

Nebula Kirable head (IC434)

Constellation Orion on brands

Constellation Orion. - One of the most beautiful and notable constellations of the winter sky. It is easy to find on three stars, which are located in a row. This is an Orion belt. Below is the Orion's sword, in which the Orion Nebula is already found in binoculars. In the shoulders of Orion are the stars Betelgeuse (α Orion) and Bellatrix (γ Orion).

Betelgeuse is a red supergiant with a luminosity of 15 thousand times more solar and a distance of 545 sv. years. This is a half-way star, the visual brilliance of which varies from 0.4 to 1.3 of the star magnitude with the main period of about 6 years. In 1995, for the first time, with the help of a Hubble telescope, it was possible to take a picture of the Bethelgeuse star disk (see photo on the left). On the star's surface, scientists discovered a mysterious hot spot. It is about 2000k hot star surface.

Interest also Rigel (β Orion), this is a blu-white supergiant next to which is from the star satellite 7th. values. Try to find the satellite of the Rigel. Σ. Orion - chic multiple star. In the telescope, you can see all three components of the 4th, 7th and 9th of the 9th. values. Nearby you can see another triple Star streng 761, the components of which form a sharp triangle.

Big Orion Nebula (M42, NGC 1976) It is the brightest diffuse nebula in the sky. It can be seen not only in binoculars and telescope, but also in dark nights with a naked eye, like a foggy star in the sword of Orion. Orion nebula in its mass consists of hydrogen, from which stars are born now. Distance to nebula 1600 s. years, the diameter of the nebula is 33 sv. of the year. Inside the nebula, you can consider a multiple system of stars called a trapezium. The small telescope shows four stars, and in a larger 6 stars. The glow of the Orion Nebula is obliged to exactly these stars. More photos of Orion Nebula.

With the help of wide-angle astrograph, astrophotography lovers can photograph the emission nebula (SH 2-276) Barnard Loop or Orion Loop.

But more interesting to lovers of astrophotography Another nebula is nebula Konskaya head (IC 434). It is located south of the star ζ Orion. On the pictures of the mist ends of the head really looks like a black head of a horse on a light background. The dark area of \u200b\u200bthe nebula, it is dust that closes the light emission nebula. Astronomy can even see the horse head in a telescope from 200mm in good conditions. In a telescope, it is visible as a dark failure, dividing the dim strip of light. The author was able to observe the nebula the horse head only once in 200mm telescope and using a special light filter to reduce the illumination of the sky.

Astronomy lovers and now do scientific discoveries. For example, in 2004 on January 23, the astronomy amateur Jay Mak Neil from the state of Kentucky brought his 3 "telescope towards the constellation of Orion to take a picture of the vicinity of the nebulaM78. And what was his surprise when, when processing the shooting results, he noticed a bright, but unknown nebula. Now this nebula carries the name "Mak Neula Nebula". In the picture on the right, you can see the Mak Neil Nebula, on the edge of which the asterisk is noticeable, which illuminates this nebula.

In Greek mythology, Orion was a famous hunter, son of Poseidon and Eurialia. Orion bows out that he could defeat any animal in the world, for which Hera, Zeus's wife, launched a giant scorpion on him. Orion cleared the island of Chios from wild animals and demanded that the King Enopion fulfill the promise to give his daughter to the wife of the one who would free the island from wild beasts. But the king could not restrained his word, and the annoted Orion was drunk Eneropionov wine and broke into the bedroom of Meropes, and forced her to divide her bed with him. The angry king Enopion blinded Orion, but Helios returned his eyesight. In the end, the giant scorpion strikes Orion and he dies from poison. Zeus placed Orion in the sky and his enemy of Scorpion so that Orion could always leave his enemy, and indeed, in the sky of the Constellation Orion and Scorpio are never visible at the same time.

Credit: A. Dupree (CFA), R. Gilliland (STSCI), NASA

Large nebula Orion (M 42, NGC 1976), M 43 (NGC 1982, as a comma) and nebula running man (NGC 1977, Blue)

Telescope Mitsar (D \u003d 110 mm, F \u003d 800 mm, F / 7.3), Canon 350D with a replaced filter on Baader IR-CUT FILTER, 2-frame mosaic (6x10min + 12x3min (center of nebula), ISO800), Mount EQ6 PRO Synscan, QHY6 guiding.

Photographer : Igor Chekalin, Taganrog.

Figure Orion, the brightest constellation in the winter sky, is striking with its symmetry. Especially impressive three stars in his center that make up Orion belt. They not only have almost the same shine, but also arranged on one line, almost at the same distance from each other. The line connecting the stars belt also serves as a celestial guide, one end pointing to Sirius, the brightest star of the night sky, and the other - on the Red Star Aldebaran. And scattered star cluster of the Pleiads.

Constellation Orion. Three bright stars in the center of constellation form an Orion belt. Figure: Stellarium.

As you already understood, an Orion belt is not a separate constellation, but a part of the constellation Orion. Such expressive drawings are part of constellations or unifying stars from different constellations, astronomers call asterism. Orion belt, perhaps the most famous asterism in the sky after the bucket of a big bear. He is visible from almost any point of the globe, with the exception of areas around the northern and south Poleswhere, however, almost no one lives.

Stars in Orion belt

All three stars constituting an Orion belt - very bright, massive and hot giants-white giants. Each of these stars radiates hundreds of thousands of times more light than our sun. Just imagine: the amount of light that the sun radiates per day, each of these stars is emits in just one second!

What are the stars in the Orion belt? Right in the belt is a star Mintaka (Δ Orion) that in Arabic means "belt". In the center is the star Alnim (ε Orion) - "Pearl belt", and on the left - Alnito. (ζ Orion) or "Kushak".

Wonderful mini-cluster σ Orion by observations in 250 mm reflector. Source: Cloudy Nights / Cloudbuster

The names of all three stars of Arabic origin; They reached us from those times when astronomy flourished in the Middle East and Central Asia. (In Europe, the dark centuries reigned at that time. It is thanks to Muslim astronomers who transferred many of the ancient texts to this day, the works of Hipparch and Ptolemy are preserved.

Be sure to look at brightest stars Belt in binoculars or a small telescope! If the night is calm and transparent, and the stars flicker not much, you will see the dazzling bright distant sun, surrounded by a whole folding of much more dull stars. Most of these asterisks are part of the Collinder 70 Star Association (Collinder 70), consisting of hot massive stars of spectral classes O and B.

Orion belt and collide collector 70. Sketch for observations in binoculars 15 x 70. The field of view is 4.4 degrees.

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