How angles and distance are measured. Measuring distances and angles

The iPhone can replace many essential things in life. Knowing that we need to go into a dark entrance or dig under the hood of a car in the dark, we no longer take a flashlight with us - a couple of finger movements across the smartphone screen, and the built-in LED flash does its job. No need to carry a soap box with you on your travels - the cameras on the latest iPhones take good pictures. You no longer need to go to the store and store a lot of books on the bookshelves - now you can have your own library on our devices. There are many such examples, and the emergence of more and more iPhone applications that contribute to making our life even better makes us once again talk about them and admire the development of technology. An example of such a useful development is the new Flying Ruler application. It is about him that we want to tell our readers today.

Flying Ruler is an app that helps you measure the distance from one point to another, as well as the degree of angles. The principle of the program is very simple: you put your iPhone on the edge of a table (or other object), touch the desired button, and then move the device to the other side. After a couple of seconds, the display will show the distance from point A to point B. As for measuring angles, everything is also simple: once you move the iPhone in space at a certain angle, you will receive data on its degree.

The application provides several modes of distance measurement:

1) measuring the distance on the surface along the line using a "running" ruler.

In this case, you will see a ruler with divisions on the display. For some, it will be more familiar and more convenient to use the application.

2) measuring the distance on the surface along the line using the body of the device.

You will see a data dial on the screen. The distance measured by the app will be shown on the left, and the average will be calculated on the right. arithmetic value last measurements.

3) measuring the distance between parallel surfaces in space using the body of the device.

All data can be saved by taking a photo of the measured object. By taking a photo, for example, of the corner of a table, we will add information about the degree of the angle to the photo. This means that when heading to the store for building materials, you no longer need to take with you a piece of paper with a drawing of a kitchen drawn on it with dimensions. All information will be stored on your smartphone.

Before using the Flying Ruler, it is worth calibrating the device as advised by the app. After that, the measurement error by the program will be minimal.

Working with the application will not lead anyone to a dead end. Everything is simple and straightforward. The program itself will tell you how to proceed. But if you have any questions, you can get answers to them by going to a special help section.

Of course, Flying Ruler does not claim to be an app that will replace professional construction equipment for measuring catch or distance. The utility was created for those who need an easy-to-use home repair tool, getting quick information about the size of the trunk in the car (to know if a new suitcase will fit into it) or for measuring household appliances in the store (after all, the washing machine may not enter the place prepared for it in the kitchen) - but you never know why. One thing is for sure - Flying Ruler is essential to have on your iPhone so that one day it will help you get the information you need. Moreover, the developers ask for only one dollar for using the program. Agree, this is the minimum price for another really useful application to appear on your iPhone.

The cost of Flying Ruler for iPhone in the App Store is 33 rubles. If necessary, it can also be downloaded to iPad, the interface will be the same. But it is more convenient, of course, to work with a smartphone.

1.1 Map scales

Map scale shows how many times the length of the line on the map is less than its corresponding length on the ground. It is expressed as the ratio of two numbers. For example, a scale of 1: 50,000 means that all terrain lines are depicted on the map with a reduction of 50,000 times, that is, 1 cm on the map corresponds to 50,000 cm (or 500 m) on the terrain.

Rice. 1. Registration of numerical and linear scales on topographic maps and city plans

The scale is indicated under the lower side of the map frame in digital terms (numerical scale) and in the form of a straight line (linear scale), on the segments of which the corresponding distances on the terrain are signed (Fig. 1). The scale value is also indicated here - the distance in meters (or kilometers) on the ground, corresponding to one centimeter on the map.

It is useful to remember the rule: if you cross out the last two zeros on the right side of the relationship, the remaining number will show how many meters on the ground correspond to 1 cm on the map, i.e. the magnitude of the scale.

When comparing several scales, the larger one will be the one with the lower number on the right side of the ratio. Let us assume that there are maps of scales 1: 25000, 1: 50000 and 1: 100000 for the same area of ​​the terrain. Of these, a scale of 1: 25,000 will be the largest, and a scale of 1: 100,000 is the smallest.
The larger the scale of the map, the more detailed the terrain is shown on it. With a decrease in the scale of the map, the number of terrain details applied to it decreases.

The detail of the image of the terrain on topographic maps depends on its nature: the less details the terrain contains, the more fully they are displayed on maps of smaller scales.

In our country and many other countries, the following are accepted as the main scales of topographic maps: 1: 10000, 1: 25000, 1: 50,000, 1: 100000, 1: 200000, 1: 500000 and 1: 1,000,000.

Cards used in troops are subdivided into large-scale, medium-scale and small-scale.

Map scale Card name Card classification
in scale for the main purpose
1:10 000 (in 1 cm 100 m) ten thousandth large-scale tactical
1:25 000 (in 1 cm 250 m) twenty-five thousandth
1:50 000 (in 1 cm 500 m) five thousandth
1: 100,000 (in 1 cm 1 km) hundred thousandth medium-scale
1: 200,000 (in 1 cm 2 km) two hundred thousandth operational
1: 500,000 (in 1 cm 5 km) five hundred thousandth small-scale
1: 1,000,000 (in 1 cm 10 km) millionth

1.2. Measurement from a map of straight and winding lines

To determine the distance between points of the terrain (objects, objects) on the map, using a numerical scale, you need to measure the distance between these points on the map in centimeters and multiply the resulting number by the magnitude of the scale.

For example, on a map of scale 1: 25000 we measure the distance between the bridge and the windmill with a ruler (Fig. 2); it is equal to 7.3 cm, multiply 250 m by 7.3 and get the desired distance; it is equal to 1825 meters (250x7.3 = 1825).

Rice. 2. Determine the distance between points on the map using a ruler.

The small distance between two points in a straight line is easier to determine using a linear scale (Figure 3). To do this, it is enough to use a compass-measuring device, the solution of which is equal to the distance between the given points on the map, to apply to a linear scale and take a reading in meters or kilometers. In fig. 3 the measured distance is 1070 m.

Rice. 3. Measurement of distances on the map with a compass-meter on a linear scale

Rice. 4. Measurement of distances on the map with a compass-meter along winding lines

Large distances between points along straight lines are usually measured using a long ruler or a caliper.

In the first case, a numerical scale is used to determine the distance on the map using a ruler (see Fig. 2).

In the second case, the solution "step" of the measuring compass is set so that it corresponds to an integer number of kilometers, and an integer number of "steps" is laid on the segment measured on the map. A distance that does not fit into an integer number of "steps" of the measuring compass is determined using a linear scale and added to the resulting number of kilometers.

In the same way, measure the distance along the winding lines (Fig. 4). In this case, the "step" of the measuring compass should be taken 0.5 or 1 cm, depending on the length and degree of tortuosity of the measured line.

Rice. 5. Distance measurements with a curvimeter

To determine the length of the route on the map, a special device is used, called a curvimeter (Fig. 5), which is especially convenient for measuring winding and long lines.

The device has a wheel, which is connected by a gear system with an arrow.

When measuring the distance with the curvimeter, set its arrow to division 99. Holding the curvimeter in a vertical position, guide it along the measured line, without lifting it from the map along the route so that the scale readings increase. Having reached the end point, count the measured distance and multiply it by the denominator of the numerical scale. (IN this example 34x25000 = 850,000, or 8500 m)

1.3. Accuracy of measuring distances on the map. Corrections for distance for slope and line curvature

Accuracy of determining distances on the map depends on the scale of the map, the nature of the measured lines (straight, winding), the chosen method of measurement, terrain and other factors.

The most accurate way to determine the distance on the map is in a straight line.

When measuring distances using a compass-gauge or a ruler with millimeter divisions, the average value of the measurement error on flat terrain usually does not exceed 0.7-1 mm on a map scale, which is 17.5-25 m for a 1: 25000 scale map, scale 1: 50,000 - 35-50 m, scale 1: 100,000 - 70-100 m.

In mountainous areas with a large steepness of the slopes, errors will be greater. This is due to the fact that when surveying the terrain, not the length of the lines on the surface of the Earth is plotted on the map, but the length of the projections of these lines onto the plane.

For example, with a slope steepness of 20 ° (Fig. 6) and a distance on the terrain of 2120 m, its projection onto the plane (distance on the map) is 2000 m, that is, 120 m less.

It is calculated that at an angle of inclination (steepness of the slope) of 20 °, the obtained result of measuring the distance on the map should be increased by 6% (add 6 m by 100 m), at an angle of inclination of 30 ° - by 15%, and at an angle of 40 ° - by 23 %.

Rice. 6. Projection of the length of the slope on the plane (map)

When determining the length of the route on the map, it should be borne in mind that the distances along the roads measured on the map using a compass or curvimeter are in most cases shorter than the actual distances.

This is explained not only by the presence of descents and ascents on the roads, but also by some generalization of the meanders of the roads on the maps.

Therefore, the result of measuring the route length obtained from the map should be multiplied by the coefficient indicated in the table, taking into account the nature of the terrain and the scale of the map.

1.4. The simplest ways to measure areas on a map

An approximate estimate of the size of the areas is made by eye using the squares of the kilometer grid available on the map. Each square of the grid of maps of scales 1: 10000 - 1: 50,000 on the ground corresponds to 1 km2, a square of the grid of maps of scale 1 : 100,000 - 4 km2, to the square of the grid of maps of scale 1: 200,000 - 16 km2.

More precisely, areas are measured palette, which is a sheet of transparent plastic coated with a grid of squares with a side of 10 mm (depending on the scale of the map and the required measurement accuracy).

By placing such a palette on the measured object on the map, one counts on it first the number of squares that completely fit inside the object's contour, and then the number of squares intersected by the object's contour. Each of the incomplete squares is taken as half a square. As a result of multiplying the area of ​​one square by the sum of the squares, the area of ​​the object is obtained.

On squares of scales 1: 25000 and 1: 50,000, it is convenient to measure the area of ​​small areas with an officer's ruler, which has special cutouts rectangular... The areas of these rectangles (in hectares) are indicated on the ruler for each scale of the garta.

2. Azimuths and directional angle. Magnetic declination, meridian convergence and heading correction

True azimuth(Ai) - horizontal angle, measured clockwise from 0 ° to 360 ° between the north direction of the true meridian of a given point and the direction to the object (see Fig. 7).

Magnetic azimuth(Am) - horizontal angle, measured clockwise from 0e to 360 ° between the north direction of the magnetic meridian of a given point and the direction to the object.

Directional angle(α; ДУ) - horizontal angle measured clockwise from 0 ° to 360 ° between the north direction of the vertical grid line of the given point and the direction to the object.

Magnetic declination(δ; CK) - the angle between the north direction of the true and magnetic meridians at a given point.

If the magnetic needle deviates from the true meridian to the east, then the declination is east (taken into account with the + sign), if the magnetic needle deviates to the west, then the declination is west (taken into account with the - sign).

Rice. 7. Angles, directions and their relationship on the map

Convergence of meridians(γ; Sat) - the angle between the north direction of the true meridian and the vertical line of the coordinate grid at this point. When the grid line deviates to the east, the meridian approaches the east (taken into account with the + sign), when the grid line deviates to the west, the west (taken into account with the - sign).

Direction correction(PN) is the angle between the north direction of the vertical grid line and the direction of the magnetic meridian. It is equal to the algebraic difference between the magnetic declination and the convergence of the meridians:

3. Measurement and construction of directional angles on the map. Transition from directional angle to magnetic azimuth and back

On the ground using a compass (compass) measure magnetic azimuths directions, from which they then move to directional angles.

On the map on the contrary, measure directional angles and from them they pass to the magnetic azimuths of directions on the ground.

Rice. 8. Changing directional angles on the map with a protractor

Directional angles on the map are measured with a protractor or chordouglometer.

Measurement of directional angles with a protractor is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the reference point to which the directional angle is measured is connected with a straight line with a standing point so that this straight line is greater than the radius of the protractor and intersects at least one vertical line of the coordinate grid;
  • align the center of the protractor with the intersection point, as shown in Fig. 8 and the directional angle is measured along the protractor. In our example, the directional angle from point A to point B is 274 ° (Fig. 8, a), and from point A to point C - 65 ° (Fig. 8, b).

In practice, it is often necessary to determine the magnetic AM from the known directional angle ά, or, conversely, the angle ά to the known magnetic azimuth.

Transition from directional angle to magnetic azimuth and back

The transition from the directional angle to the magnetic azimuth and vice versa is performed when on the ground it is necessary to find the direction with the help of a compass (compass), the directional angle of which is measured on the map, or vice versa, when it is necessary to plot the direction on the map, the magnetic azimuth of which is measured, on the terrain with using a compass.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to know the deviation of the magnetic meridian of a given point from the vertical kilometer line. This value is called directional correction (PN).

Rice. 10. Determination of the correction for the transition from the directional angle to the magnetic azimuth and back

The direction correction and its constituent angles - the convergence of the meridians and the magnetic declination are indicated on the map under the southern side of the frame in the form of a diagram having the form shown in Fig. nine.

Convergence of meridians(g) - the angle between the true meridian of a point and the vertical kilometer line depends on the distance of this point from the axial meridian of the zone and can range from 0 to ± 3 °. The diagram shows the average convergence of the meridians for a given sheet of the map.

Magnetic declination(d) - the angle between the true and magnetic meridians is indicated on the diagram for the year the map was taken (updated). The text placed next to the diagram provides information on the direction and magnitude of the annual change in magnetic declination.

To avoid errors in determining the magnitude and sign of the direction correction, the following technique is recommended.

From the top of the corners on the diagram (Fig. 10) draw an arbitrary direction OM and designate the directional angle ά and the magnetic azimuth Am of this direction with the arches. Then it will immediately be seen what the magnitude and sign of the direction correction are.

If, for example, ά = 97 ° 12 ", then Am = 97 ° 12" - (2 ° 10 "+ 10 ° 15") = 84 ° 47 " .

4. Preparation of data card for movement in azimuths

Azimuth movement- this is the main way to navigate in areas with poor landmarks, especially at night and with limited visibility.

Its essence lies in maintaining on the ground the directions given by the magnetic azimuths and the distances determined on the map between the turning points of the planned route. Directions of movement are maintained using a compass, distances are measured in steps or with a speedometer.

The initial data for movement in azimuths (magnetic azimuths and distances) are determined from the map, and the time of movement - according to the standard and drawn up in the form of a diagram (Fig. 11) or entered into a table (Table 1). Data in this form is issued to commanders who do not have topographic maps. If the commander has his own working map, then he draws up the initial data for movement in azimuths directly on the working map.

Rice. 11. Scheme for movement in azimuth

The route of movement in azimuths is chosen taking into account the terrain passability, its protective and camouflaging properties, so that it provides a quick and covert exit to the specified point in a combat situation.

The route usually includes roads, clearings, and other linear landmarks that make it easier to follow the direction of travel. Turning points are chosen at landmarks that are easily recognizable on the ground (for example, tower-type buildings, road intersections, bridges, overpasses, geodetic points, etc.).

It has been experimentally established that the distance between the landmarks at the turning points of the route should not exceed 1 km when driving in the daytime on foot, and when driving by car - 6-10 km.

For movement at night, landmarks are outlined along the route more often.

To provide a covert exit to the specified point, the route is planned along the ravines, vegetation massifs and other objects that provide camouflage of movement. It is necessary to avoid movement on the crests of hills and open areas.

The distances between the landmarks selected on the route of movement at turning points are measured along straight lines using a compass-gauge and a linear scale, or, more accurately, with a ruler with millimeter divisions. If the route is planned for hilly (mountainous) terrain, then a relief correction is introduced into the distances measured on the map.

Table 1

5. Compliance with standards

No. of norms. Name of the standard Conditions (order) for the fulfillment of the standard Trainee category Time estimate
"Ex." "Chorus." "Ud."
1 Determination of direction (azimuth) on the ground The azimuth of the direction (reference point) is given. Indicate the direction corresponding to the given azimuth on the ground, or determine the azimuth to the specified landmark.

The time to fulfill the standard is counted from the setting of the task to the report on the direction (azimuth value).

Compliance with the standard is assessed
“Unsatisfactory” if the error in determining the direction (azimuth) exceeds 3 ° (0-50).

Serviceman 40 s 45 s 55 s
5 Preparing data for movement in azimuths On the M 1: 50,000 map, two points are indicated at a distance of at least 4 km. Study the terrain on the map, outline the route of movement, choose at least three intermediate landmarks, determine the directional angles and distances between them.

Draw up a diagram (table) of data for movement in azimuths (translate directional angles into magnetic azimuths, and distances into pairs of steps).

Errors that reduce the grade to "unsatisfactory":

  • the error in determining the directional angle exceeds 2 °;
  • the error in measuring the distance exceeds 0.5 mm on the map scale;
  • the corrections for the convergence of the meridians and the declination of the magnetic needle were not taken into account or incorrectly entered.

The time to fulfill the standard is counted from the moment the card is issued to the presentation of the diagram (table).

Officers 8 minutes 9 minutes 11 minutes

Measuring distances and angles

Team DIST measures distance and injection between dots, invoked from the Tools? drop-down menu. Inquiry? Distance or by clicking the Distance icon in the Inquiry toolbar.

DIST Command Queries:

Specify first point: - specify the first point

Specify second point: - specify the second point

Distance = calculated distance value

Angle in XY Plane = Angle value in XY plane

Angle from XY Plane = Angle value from XY plane

Delta X = value of difference X

Delta Y = Delta Y value

Delta Z = difference value Z

The DIST command calculates the distance between points in 3D space. If the coordinate Z the first or second point is omitted, the Distance parameter implies the current level.

Angle in plane XY measured from the current axis X, and the angle with the plane XY- from the current plane XY... In this case, the distance values ​​are expressed in the current unit format.

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Radius Measurement The DIMRADIUS command is used to measure the radius. After launching it, AutoCAD prompts you to select an arc or circle. When you do, AutoCAD will measure the radius of the arc and ask for a location. text value size (inside or outside the arc).

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Rounding the corners Now let's add a border-radius property to round the corners of the button (Figure 6-11). # Thing-alerts fieldset input (padding: 8px 15px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; line -height: 1; color: # 444; border: none; background-color: #fff; -webkit-border-radius: 23px; -moz-border-radius: 23px; -o-border-radius: 23px; border- radius: 23px;) Fig. 6.11. Rounding

Educational material.


The lesson should begin with checking the availability of employees, equipment, equipment, training and material support. After that, you need to declare the topic, learning objectives classes, educational questions and the procedure for working out them. At the same time, before announcing the topic of the lesson, the leader can conduct a survey on the previous topic.

The study of the first training question should begin with a story for what it is necessary to be able to measure angles and distances. Then consider the methods of goniometric measurements. After the explanation, it is necessary to show the techniques and methods of making measurements, and then order the employees to practically carry them out, after which, compare the results they obtained with accurate data and conduct an analysis of the actions, paying special attention to the measurement technique.

In the same methodological sequence, consider methods for measuring distances.

Having worked out the training question, you should analyze it.

Work out the second training question using the same methods. adding here the training of employees on the target designation report in various ways.

In the final part, the leader recalls the topic of the lesson, determines how the objectives of the lesson were achieved, assesses the actions of employees, points out mistakes and shortcomings and how to eliminate them, sets the task of preparing for the next lessons.

1. Bubnov I.A. "Military Topography", Military Publishing, M., 1976.

2. Psarev A.A. , Kovalenko A.N. "Military Topography", Military Publishing, M. 1986

3. Govorukhin A.M. "Handbook of military topography" Military Publishing House, M., 1980

4. Vanglevsky V.Kh. "Collection of tasks on military topography". MVOKU, M., 1987

Lieutenant Colonel S.V. Babichev


The ability to quickly and accurately navigate the terrain in any conditions is one of the most important elements of the field training of each employee of operational combat units. The knowledge and skills in orienteering consolidated by experience help to more confidently and successfully carry out operational-combat missions in various conditions of a combat situation in unfamiliar terrain.

History gives many examples of the commanders' erroneous determination of their own or the enemy's location, poor familiarity with the terrain and the map, inaccurate laying of courses, incorrect target designations.

When orienting and targeting on the ground, performing various tasks in reconnaissance, when observing the area of ​​an operation, when preparing data for firing, etc. there is a need to quickly determine directions

(angles) and distances to landmarks, local objects, targets and other objects.

Consider different ways measuring angles, as well as distances to local objects.

Angle measurements on the ground can be performed in the following ways:

Approximate (eye) definition of the angle, i.e. comparison of the measured angle with the known (most often right);

Field binoculars; the graduation price of the goniometric grid of the binoculars is equal to No. 0-05, of the large one - 0-10. The division of the goniometer (thousandth 0-01) is the central angle, constricted by an arc equal to 1/60000 of the circumference. The length of the arc in one division of the protractor is equal to approximately 1/1000 of the radius, hence the name - "thousandth".

The division of the goniometer into a degree measure and vice versa can be converted by the following ratios

1. 0-01 = 360 = 21600 3,6

3.1-00 = 3.6 x 100 = 360 = 6

Using a ruler with millimeter divisions.

To obtain an angle in thousandths, the ruler must be kept in front of you at a distance of 50 cm from the eyes and, having combined one stroke of the ruler with one object, count the number of millimeter divisions to the second object. The resulting number is multiplied by 0-02 and the angle is obtained in thousandths;

Measurement of angles with improvised means (with known linear


The angular values ​​of some objects at a distance of 50 cm from the observer's eyes are given in the table.

Using a compass. The sighting device of the compass is preliminarily aligned with the initial stroke of the limb, and then sighting in the direction of the left side of the angle being measured and, without changing the position of the compass, against the direction of the right side of the angle, the readout is taken along the limb (in degrees or in divisions of the protractor);

With the help of a tower goniometer. Turning the BMP turret, the armored personnel carriers consistently aim the sight first at the right and then at the left object, while aligning the crosshair with the point of the observed object. At each hover, a reading is taken from the main reading scale. The difference in readings will be the value of the angle;

Artillery compass over a point of the terrain. The bubble of the level is brought out to the middle and the tube is sequentially directed first to the right, then to the left object, precisely aligning the vertical thread of the crosshair of the grid with the point of the observed object. With each aiming, a reading is taken along the compass ring and the drum. The value of the angle is obtained as the difference in readings: readout on the right object minus readout on the left object.

Distance measurements to observed objects can be performed in the following ways:

Ocularly, that is, by comparing the determined distance known in advance or seen in memory (for example, with the distance to the landmark or segments

(100, 200, 500 m). The accuracy of the eye gauge depends on the experience of the observer, observation conditions and the value of the determined distance (up to 1 km, the error is 10-15%);

Determination of range by audibility of sound is used in conditions of poor visibility, mainly at night. Approximate hearing ranges individual sounds under normal hearing and favorable weather conditions are given in the table:

Determination of range by sound and flash. Determine the time from the moment the sound is perceived and calculate the range by the formula:

D = 330 x t, where D is the distance to the flash point (in m);

t is the time from the moment of the flash to the moment of perception of the sound

According to the linear size and angular magnitude of the observed object, according to the formula:

D = 1000x V

Y, where D is the determined distance;

B is the known value of the object or the known distance between objects;

Y is the observed angular magnitude of the object.

The angular size of an object is measured with binoculars, a ruler with millimeter divisions, or some other handy object, the angular dimensions of which are known.

According to the speedometer, the distance is determined as the difference between the readings at the final and initial points;

Measuring in steps. Distances are measured in pairs of steps;

Determination of the width of the river (ravine and other obstacles) by constructing an isosceles right-angled triangle.

On your desktop. ... - "Remote interface" transfers values measurements into other applications and you can insert measurements from other applications (interface based on Windows Message). ... - Distances can be measured in pixels, centimeters, inches and corners in radians and degrees.

Tool for measurements distances and corners on the desktop using various measuring tools such as triangular ruler, coordinate system, circle and others. ... Distance can be measured in pixels, cm, inches and corners in radians or degrees. ... Temporary objects can be saved as a standalone application or bitmap.

... Measurements include horizontal and vertical distance, degree corners ... ... This program has the ability to adjust the scale for measurements such as maps or other documents related to scale. ... In order to measure the distance, you need to set the control point anywhere on the PDF page, then click again on the same page to set the point measurements.

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The application is developed in Excel MS, it is multilingual, supports Imperial and Metric units measurements and solves the following main tasks: - Calculation of the required length of the tape (chain), using the known positions and diameters of the gears. ... - Computing geometry ( corners wraps, number of teeth, axis distance, etc.

Metric system measurements... ... - Calculates the diameter or corners at the edge of the pipe. ... Duct Calculator. ... Download now! ... - Calculates the conductivity of a pipeline for gas or liquid. ... - Added print function, aspect ratio can be adjusted by moving table borders and more. ... - Calculates the flow resistance of a pipeline and much ...

If all corners are 90 degrees, the trimming process is optional. ... - Independent method measurements... ... - Statistics related to the current trimming process. ... - Printout of database and customer request. ... - Automatic calculation of the requested price. ... - Fast development process (Decisions are made within a few seconds).

Conversions + features: - converts linear measurements, measurements area, temperature, weight, liquid, volume, speed and time; - shows the name, origin and metric standard for each shape measurements; - there is a web update option that keeps your databases updated; - the Copy function allows you to copy either a whole ...

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