Ancient railway. Antediluvian railways in Kazakhstan and Egypt with space precision! Desert Gobi - ancient highway or canal

So, using old maps, they searched for railway and dug them out.

+ Original taken from germanrus in

Siberian archaeologists have discovered a section of the railway laid under Nicholas II more than 100 years ago. The historical find was made during excavations in the area of ​​the construction of a new bridge across the Yenisei.
The find came as a surprise.
First, because of its scale.
Secondly, it is interesting that railway line was hidden deep underground.

Archaeologists from Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk during excavations at the construction site of a bridge across the Yenisei discovered a section of the railway laid in the 1890s. The find came as a surprise, and for several reasons at once. Firstly, because of its scale: scientists often find small fragments of old railway tracks - rails, sleepers, crutches, but this is the first time a 100-meter road has been discovered.
Secondly, the railway line was hidden deep underground - under a one and a half meter layer of soil.

Unique finds - fragments of a railway line discovered by archaeologists on Mount Afontova - have already joined the exposition in the Museum of the History of the Railway, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk Mainline (the anniversary date is celebrated this year). The length of the section of the railway line, located next to the Transsib, is about 100 meters. Note that archaeologists found it under a rather thick layer of soil - more than 1.5 meters deep.

The railway was found by scientists quite by accident: they wanted to get to the bottom of the ancient cultural layer on Mount Afontova, at the same time they found the tracks. According to archaeologists, the find surprised them: it is clear that the work is being carried out near the Trans-Siberian Railway, so one could expect that they would come across separate details - fragments of sleepers, crutches, but not a whole railway line! This, the members of the expedition admit, is the first time in their memory. And the road was preserved, in fact, by accident. We can say because of someone's negligence. IN Soviet time this site was used as an access road to the switch plant, then it was no longer needed, but they did not demolish it, but simply covered it with earth.

“Mainly during the excavations, Afontova Gora was and is of interest to us. old equipment rusted through and through, etc. All this rested under a thick layer of earth - apparently, so many years ago they decided to remove all this disgrace out of sight. Actually, we found a section of the railway in the same place - it hid under a thick layer of soil. everything, in Soviet times, they built new, modern ways, and the old, with technical point of value, they decided not to demolish (why waste money and energy?), but simply fall asleep. Well, then time has done its job - the thickness of the earth layer has increased significantly over the years. "

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Html "> Thanks for the repost Original taken from in A very rare photo of the 19th century, the railways are being excavated, covered with a multi-meter layer of soil.

So, using old maps, they searched for railway and dug them out.
Continuing this topic + Original taken from in A railway from the time of Nicholas II was dug in Siberia
Siberian archaeologists have discovered a section of the railway laid under Nicholas II more than 100 years ago. The historical find was made during excavations in the area of ​​the construction of a new bridge across the Yenisei. The find came as a surprise. First, because of its scale. Secondly, it is interesting that the railway line was hidden deep underground.
Archaeologists from Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk during excavations at the construction site of a bridge across the Yenisei discovered a section of the railway laid in the 1890s. The find came as a surprise, and for several reasons at once. Firstly, because of its scale: scientists often find small fragments of old railway tracks - rails, sleepers, crutches, but this is the first time a 100-meter road has been discovered. Secondly, the railway line was hidden deep underground - under a one and a half meter layer of soil.
Unique finds - fragments of a railway line discovered by archaeologists on Mount Afontova - have already joined the exposition in the Museum of the History of the Railway, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk Mainline (the anniversary date is celebrated this year). The length of the section of the railway line, located next to the Transsib, is about 100 meters. Note that archaeologists found it under a rather thick layer of soil - more than 1.5 meters deep. The railway was found by scientists quite by accident: they wanted to get to the bottom of the ancient cultural layer on Mount Afontova, and at the same time they found the tracks. According to archaeologists, the find surprised them: it is clear that the work is being carried out near the Trans-Siberian Railway, so one could expect that they would come across separate details - fragments of sleepers, crutches, but not a whole railway line! This, the members of the expedition admit, is the first time in their memory. And the road was preserved, in fact, by accident. We can say because of someone's negligence. In Soviet times, this site was used as an access road to the switch plant, then it was no longer needed, but they did not demolish it, but simply covered it with earth.
"Mainly during the excavations, Afontova Gora was and is of interest to us. And in order to get to the cultural layer, we needed to get rid of man-made debris. Whole deposits were found on this territory: an electric cable, pieces of old asphalt, some old equipment rusted through and through, etc. All this rested under a thick layer of earth - apparently, so many years ago they decided to remove all this disgrace out of sight. Actually, we found a section of the railway in the same place - it hid under a thick layer of soil. Everything, in Soviet times, they built new, modern paths, and the old ones, which were of no value from a technical point of view, decided not to demolish (why waste money and energy?), but simply to fall asleep. has increased significantly over the years. "
Vyacheslav Slavinsky, head of archaeological work


Friday, 07 Feb 2014

Ancient railways!!! With traces of the ancient railway station and sleepers of a huge size !!!

Continuing the topic:

Antediluvian railway with space precision in Kazakhstan

Watch the videos carefully so that you don't think that anything is exaggerated here - patience - the videos are not long at all!

Antediluvian civilizations did not just exist, they left indisputable evidence of their enormous development!

In this video, you can understand that even for ordinary (ordinary pre-Flood) straight sections of railways (or some similar to them) 10 km and 100 km long (the total, visually definable length of a continuous section of this road is about 130 km!) and the width of both lanes is 80 meters (!) SPACE technologies were used.

For example, it is proposed to look at the M36 highway from the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana - the same geographic conditions- flat plateau, modern technologies, and the error for 10 km of a flat section of the route is 100m! - i.e. is 1%.

But when examining the error of an antediluvian railway (presumably a railway) 10 times longer (100 km), it seems that it (error) SIMPLY ABSENT!

Antediluvian technologies "rule" in every sense of the word - with such accuracy, when building a railway, the RUDDER is no longer needed! You can also see where and where the pre-flood express went - at the very beginning of the video you will see that from ancient railway the station left traces of the foundations of a giant structure (an ancient technological building) an average length of 6 kilometers (!), and there is also the same space accuracy when building !!!

In general, there is a similar railway on Earth, but not in Kazakhstan, but for now I will not reveal all the secrets ...

Yes, besides, in Kazakhstan, the length of a straight section of such a road is still longer (as much as 30 km)!

The reason why these traces have survived for more than four millennia is that this is simply a saline land of little use for cultivation, as a result of which these traces were not subjected to the efforts of farmers, in general, very far from "space" technologies ...

Here is what storytellers write to me

(and in the comments to this letter - a photo from the place - there is all this PIPELINE - hanging on poles no more than 5 meters wide) - tell me - why then should the bulldozers clear 2 lanes of 10 meters each with space accuracy for such a water supply system - after all, in the same place steppe - cars will go there without any problems ...

Well for what? Then. The so-called. distant water intake - what is it - a zone of wells and wells, which serves 2 pipes with a diameter of 50 cm?

Ancient (antediluvian) railway in Egypt

The high-tech road was already in antiquity ???

Yes, I took the time and took a screenshot from the Google Earth screen. In Kazakhstan, such a railway is both larger and two-lane and its accuracy is several times greater, but the distance from edge to edge is the same - about 10 meters.

Yes, yes, if this is a railway (and in Kazakhstan and here in the video - in Egypt - this road is very similar to a railway), then the sleepers there were 10 meters, i.e. the distance between the rails was about 10 meters! What kind of cargo was transported there? Who and what size traveled on such roads? And most importantly: why such precision when building an ordinary road? Maybe there were high-speed trains? But why and where did they turn? Why is there only 1 turn on this road in Kazakhstan and in Egypt, and why is the turn angle on both roads so similar?

Skeptics. Well, if in the USSR this structure (there in Kazakhstan and the railway station even survived) was called the Dalny and Blizhny water intake, and no one was embarrassed by the fact that these water intakes were supposed to "feed" Baikonur, and the water was just under their noses ! But there is the USSR and propaganda. Here in Egypt (in this video) it is clearly visible that this road seems to be suitable for oil wells, but only an observant glance will determine that the path to the oil pipeline (crooked and bumpy) was completed by completely different people - the path from the "real ancient path" to oil wells are very different in quality from the straight section of the ancient railway!

It is also noticeable that below (parallel) the "ancient path" a sandy road has been laid (made?), Which no longer differs in such evenness and winds. And this is already quick-witted modern oilmen used the ancient road as a very high-quality landmark in the desert area. Someone might say that the oilmen also built it (the road)!

No, no. This video clearly shows that this road, although built using very high tech , but still could not be used in modern times due to the destruction of the landscape by time, and therefore SEVERAL TIMES it was simply Torn apart by MODERN paths and roads that are far from being as smooth as this ancient road!

Roman Kashtanov

Traces of the previous technogenic civilization

Take a look at the photo (photo from different heights).

This is a kind of road covered with desert sand. It stretches across the Gobi Desert for about 200 km.

Desert Gobi - ancient highway or canal

Width 25 m, length 86 km

"- outrageous production rates for excavators, hardly possible even for mechanized labor.

There I made the following remark: " As a child, while still driving a steam locomotive through the tunnels in the Urals, I thought: how could they build such a thing, after all, damned tsarism ... Later, reading construction reports Baikal-Amur Mainline, I realized: no way !! They just cleared what was created in the "stone age". Belomor-Canal - in two years, with picks and wheelbarrows ?! But how can I imagine this, but like this - there was a clearing ...".

I was especially struck by the sturdy masonry, roughly like in the Tverskoy overpass.

Huge bridge crossings, which even now are not built on a single day from technologically advanced materials, where a significant part of the construction work is "driven" in factories. So during the construction of a canal in Nicaragua, 200 thousand will work directly in the channel zone, and another million will accelerate the process throughout the country. Those. in fact, this canal with a length of "only" 278 kilometers will actually be built by almost one and a half million people.

But historians always have an answer to all this, in this case, voiced by no historian: " paid people fine! That's the whole secret. Read how about salaries compare with prices and purchasing power of the population. Everything will fall into place. And if you don’t pay the people, then at least 3 excavators and 10 Belazovs will work like a digger with a bayonet.

The main thing is motivation and Spirit in any material creation. THERE IS NO SPIRIT IN THE WORK - dick you will get a product at the end of the process - this is what I as a Former Design Engineer tell you.

The main task of the Designer is not even so much material or purely technical (all this is important but secondary!) - the main SPIRIT.

This bridge across the Kama River in Perm was built in 1899, during the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. And in Siberia there are rivulets - not like Kama! And there are a lot of them ...

It is, of course, impossible to underestimate the strength of the spirit and the possibilities generated by this spirit. But, after all, there is a limit to everything!

The Nikolaev railway was built in eight years, and not in a year after all. That is, the limit was - eight years for Nikolaevskaya. But the Transsib is completely different! It is 7000 km from Miass to Vladik. In deserted places. Today, across the deserted: beyond the Urals from Chelyaba to Vladivostok, people live as in Moscow with the region. And they began to populate Siberia only under Stolypin, having already built a highway. Before that, these wonderful people mainly lived there:

Deaf, taiga regions:

Absolutely treeless, deserted land.

Birch, generally speaking, is a weed - a natural precursor of coniferous forests. Yes, now here, most likely, the "century-old taiga" is making noise.

Here, growing pines are already visible on the horizon. Taiga will soon rustle. Frail forests will appear at the beginning of construction.

The spirit of these people made it possible to build the Transsib. There is always a high spirit in the Gulag: in a hundred years, other convicts will build Belomor in an incredibly short time.

"By the wild steppes Transbaikalia "they are building the Trans-Siberian. Only today the vegetation in Transbaikalia has begun to recover:

And so, then, I am examining these dull post-flood landscapes, and suddenly, such a miracle:

"Johnny, edit me": "kiss" - "chick" - "baby." Well, a naive fool from "The Man from Boulevard des Capucines" could have believed in this, but I can't get it in my head: nowhere, no matter how much I looked for anything from the process of "nine months" between "kiss" and "baby" during the construction of such bridges I did not find!

It is perplexing: why did they fill the openings for water? This will have to be removed. However, I'm not a builder, maybe that's the way it should be - to create such an utter mess on a construction site.

But completely "chick" cannot be done. Here is a photograph from the beginning of the 20th century, the construction of the Transsib in the "remote" Tomsk taiga:

Here is the ancient Roman road, which was cleared after the flood, passing off as a completely new construction:

And here I remembered the reports on the construction of the railway in the same years in South Africa... And Africa, I will report to you, seniors, this is not bast-foot Russia, where the Italians built kremlins, the Poles gave vodka to drink, but Indians taught swearing. Africa - tse Europe! This is on a par with St. Petersburg.

Compare Siberian villages and wastelands with different Cape Towns there:

The construction of railways in South Africa began in the middle of the 19th century - in 1884. By the beginning of the Boer War, the length of railway track in the hands of the Dutch railway company reached 717 miles. Those. in 15 years, less than one and a half thousand kilometers. And the Russians built 7,000 kilometers of the Trans-Siberian Railway in 25 years. Practically in deserted places.

But let us compare the construction in Africa and in Siberia on the basis of photographic documents.

This photo illustrates the construction of the 82nd kilometer bridge. It is clearly seen that construction has not yet begun here - not even the shrubbery has been cut down. Obviously, the remnants of some abandoned route will be used, while the bridge on it is destroyed and the missing span will be restored.

Everything is like in distant, deaf Siberia!

These destroyed bridges are constantly found in Africa:

The same exactly in Siberia:

Here is such a simple "mechanization" on the Transsib - "horse trolley":

And here is the end of the "Stone Age" era:

First photo, which appears as the construction of a railway bridge over the Godwan River at 168 km. Here we just see how the dudes on the remains of the destroyed bridge "scratch their turnips" - "no shit to yourself, it's a mess!":

And the same is filmed from the other side:

There is a huge crater under the bridge, here it is shown separately:

In the funnel, on the left, figures of people are visible, as one stands below, under them, by the water. Compare this to the crater at the Donetsk Chemical Reagent Plant left behind by the Tochka-U ballistic missile. African will be cooler:

Can there be any doubts about the origin of this crater in the middle of the river under the destroyed bridge? It seems to me - the answer is unequivocal - these are the consequences of a powerful explosion. Lined up with a lot of photographs and all the old bridges on them are destroyed. The degree of preservation of the funnel indicates that the destruction did not occur a thousand years ago.

Are there such funnels in Russia? - Yes, as much as you like, people have been spreading this for a long time, but this does not fit into the template laid down by the "correct" historians.

This is in Siberia:

Chips of hills in the Southern Urals are strewn with kurumnik - broken stone, and the destruction occurred recently - the sharp edges were not eroded. There is no scientific explanation for this phenomenon. ():

And so, someone desperately needs to explain the smashed Europe to the fantasies of catastrophic artists.

Here are examples of very real ruins discovered in the late 18th - 19th centuries.

Above - Hubert's "fantasy", and this is a photo, a document, so to speak:

Colosseum by Hubert

"Fantasy" and a photo of the "ancient" aqueduct:

Ruins that have survived to this day:

Now let's look at the ruins in France and the explanations of historians. These are the ruins of the village of Le Baux in Provence.

Historical reference : "Built on one of the cliffs at the southwestern tip of the Alpille Upland, at a time when the weakening royal power in Provence during the time of Konrad the Pacific (937 - 993), and Rodulf III (993-1032) led to the massive construction of castles by local feudal lords. "

On the left, you can clearly see that the rock was cut, traces were left, as if cut off from a pack of butter with a giant knife:

Such technologies existed in the "middle" or as they call it "dark" ages. Moreover, judging by the freshness of the sections, these centuries were by no means a thousand years ago ... Let's continue quoting: "The spread of Calvinist teachings in the south of France led to a Huguenot uprising led by the Duke of Rogan (1632). Cardinal Richelieu not only suppressed him, but also ordered the destruction of the main Provence strongholds, among which was Le Bo"

What do historians tell us? Yes, the fact that, at least at the end of the first millennium, the "barbarians" took up their minds and not only did not destroy anything, but have already begun to build. And judging by the technology they possessed - look how beautifully they cut the rocks, it is unlikely that even now we are capable of this - they began to build a long time ago.

Now let's fast forward to four or five hundred years, during the "high renaissance", in the era when such "titans of the renaissance" as Leonardo da Vinci and Albrecht Durer were creating:

Now we are again traveling in time for 500 years, in the middle of the 19th century, this is already a photo:

What do we see? Yes, the fact that for half a millennium the ruins have stood as they are - they are not doing anything. And the paintings of Hubert Robert, with which we began, speak of the same thing: if these "ancient" structures are not hammered, then they will be nothing! By the way, similar destruction is not only in Europe: the same can be seen in Africa and the Middle East and even in America.

That is, it itself could not fall apart. What are the versions of how the ruins formed in Europe?

Historians cheerfully declare that this happened during the decline of Rome. But the disintegration of the empire will not entail the decomposition of the masonry: the buildings had to be destroyed on purpose. And what is the logic behind the actions of the "barbarians"? What is the motive? And, I repeat, not a single Europe.

Stagnant mudflows on Novaya Zemlya in the Arctic Ocean are traces of a recent flood - they have not yet melted.

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