Test royal power and reformation in England. Report on "Reformation in England"

Dambo Deciduous Marine Dragon
Plateless lizard
Madagascar sunsplace

Deciduous sea dragon

This maritime fish is
relative of the marine
Skate and lives in waters
western and southern part
Australia. Usually
Sea dragon can be
Meet the shallow water. IN
Water dragon moves with
using the fin,
Which is on
Row neck. Finnish
Animal completely
Transparent. Dragon is not true
Mal - he can grow to
Next Slide
45 cm.


This is incomplete
Mammal lives in
South and Central
America. Lenivets all
Known by his manner
habitat - almost all
time he hangs on a branch
back at the bottom, spending when
this in a dream daily 15
hours. Body mass of Lenivity
ranges from 4 to 9 kg, and their
Length - about 60
Santimeters. Interesting,
What animals are
slowly that in their
Wool are often found
Settlements of butcheogenevka.
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This is a mammal
Family krotovy
feeding insects, and
meets in the USA and
Canada. Externally
Stars differ from
His fellow people
family only
intrinsic only
he is a stall
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sockets or stars from
22 fleshy I.
Movable naked

Octopus Dambo.

This peculiar
Octopus represents
He is cephalogs
mollusks. He lives on
The depth of the Tasmano Sea,
And the dimensions of it is small, with
Half a man's palm.
Nickname osknoga
came on behalf of the elephant
Dambo, famous
Mult permanent. Over it
All mocked because
large sized his ears
The octopus is possessed
pair of long and similar
on oars fins,
which remind
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Madagascar sunsplace

This is a manochable
mammal, as can be seen from
names occurs only
In Madagascar. The animal has
only 6 cm long, and weighs 810 grams, while the tail
Can reach 5 cm.
Refuge for them serve
Rolled palm leaves, to
which they pliers
With your suction cups. Exactly
they are special
Visible animals. These
Animals are guarded
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Lives in mountain ponds
Mexico. Special prompt
Axolotl is 6.
lochmatic and long twigs
growing 3 with each
Head side. On the very
it's not a decoration, but
gills. Swimming asolotl
promotes wide I.
a long tail. it
Amazing animal can
Breathing and habies, and light.
Total length of amphibian
reaches 30 cm
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Plateless lizard

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This beast dwells in dry
steppes and forest-steppers Australia
And New Guinea. Lizard
may have a different color from yellow-brown, to
Black and brown.
Feature animal
is skin fold
around the head like
collar and adjacent to
Body. Having fun
Animal opens the mouth and
Stills his bright
collar that can
To defend the body and 30 cm.
Lizard becomes rear
paws, starts hiding and beat
tail on the ground.


Fish dwells in a quiet,
Indian and Atlantic
Ocean preferring big
Depth (about 2800 meters).
In such places pressure
exceeds usually B.
a few times
Therefore, gel-like composition
bodies with density less
than in water, and helps fish
Keep vitality
and swim with a little
energy consumption. Body Length
Fish drops can
Reach 65 cm.
Next Slide


These animals live in
South-East Asia,
They refer to primates.
Their feature is
Long rear paws and
Large head that
able to turn around
Almost 360.
Degree. Dolgia
possess good hearing
their fingers are very long, and
Gone naked and rounded. But
Most of all
Allocated in their own
Eyes having
diameter up to 16 mm. Same
The animals are pretty
small, their height from 9 to
16 cm.
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Questions to the presentation.
1. What kind of sea fish is a relative of the sea skate and
dwells in western and southern Australia's waters?
a) fish-drop
c) deciduous sea dragon
b) stars

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    Fish drops dwells at great depths off the coast of Tasmania and Australia. The pressure at such depths is so large that the fish-drop saves only the gel composition of the body, which has a smaller density than water. This composition helps this fish, about 65 cm long, swim with low energy consumption. Because of the lack of fish-drop muscles, she has to eat alive creatures sailing past her. She also does not have a swimming bubble, due to its not functionality at the depths on which this fish lives.

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    Crab Yeti.

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    Crab Yeti, or fluffy Kivabil discovered relatively recently from Easter Island near the outlet of thermal waters. Due to the significant differences between the crab found and other well-known crustaceans, scientists have created a separate Kiwaidae family for this animal. Crab Yeti has strange "crossed wool" claws.

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    Octopus Dambo.

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    The octopus Dambooktopus dwells in the Tasmansky Sea at a depth of about 400 meters. This octopus is no longer more than 10 cm. Its distinctive feature - A pair of long, flat fins, similar to the ears. Hence the name of this animal "Dambo" (Elephant Dambo). Separate octopus tentacles are connected to each other flexible membrane - Umbrell. She with the assistance of fins is driving power Animal.

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    Sea Dragon

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    Deciduous sea dragon, or a rag outwardly looks like a strange sea skate. He lives in the coastal waters of Australia, in shallow water. Processes on the whole body of the sea dragon create an ideal disguise to him. At the same time, the growing are not fins. The rag deserved his own unusual species The honor of being the official emblem of the state of South Australia.

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    Sheet-like gecko

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    The sheet-like heckon is masked, as it is clear from the name, under the foliage of the trees. This unusual lizard in the forests of Madagascar lives. About 230 years ago on sheet-like geckoons became known about 230 years ago, and in 2004 the WFDP (World Wildlife Fund) listed them in the list of the most exterminated. Because of the interesting external view They became welcome pets in humans, so they are caught in large quantities for sale.

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    Peacock Grasshchik

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    Peacock grasshopper is a bizarre insect. This relatively big grasshopper applies two protective tactics. Basically, he masked under dry leaf, but when he was still noticed, he spreads his colored wings, the drawing on which imitates huge eyes. Such a tactics of defense introduces the enemy in delusion and does not rarely save the grasshopper life.

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    Tiger ant

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    The tiger ant has not only unusual, similar to tigrin, color, but also has huge for ants with dimensions (3 cm). At the same time, it is the most primitive ant in the world. These insects were found in Papua-New Guinea in 2009, so this species has been studied little. Who knows, maybe they will still surprise the whole world.

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    Grievous wolf

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    The grivy wolf looks like a fox, but relationship with them was refuted by scientists. The grivy wolf with his long subtle limbs looks somewhat strange. It is believed that this feature is related to the habitat. These wolves live on plains with high grass, and such a length of the limbs helps rise above the plants and overlook the terrain.

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    Externally, the starlight differs not only from the moles, but also from other small animals. Only he is characterized by the structure of the stroke in the form of a socket or star from 22 soft fleshy movable bare rays. In winter and spring there can be a thickening of the tail to the diameter of the pencil. There are no shells. The eyes are small, but not hidden under the skin. Teeth - 44, they are small. It is found only in Southeast Canada and in the North-East of the United States. Unlike real moles, the stellar is often traveling on the surface of the earth and snow, and in the case of persecution, it quickly runs away or burned to the ground. It swims well and dives, using all the limbs under water and driving the tail. In winter, travels under the ice. When he eats, the rays are tightened together into a compact bunch; During the eating the animal, the front paws holds food. When the stars drinks, it immerses 5-6 seconds into the water and the still, and all the mustache.

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    Murasheed, in local - Numbada. There are only 2 species of the owl and redhead. Both are residents of South and Southwestern Australia, and both are almost exterminated. Murasheed feeds on termites and ants.

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    These are the only modern mammals whose body is covered with a shell-shaped sheathing arm. Bremenities inhabit the steppes, deserts, savanna and edge of the forests of central and South America. The armadors lead a nightlife, day hiding in Norah. Most battleship feeds insects, including ants and termites, occasionally part of plants. In the natural conditions live to ten years.

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    Motherland Chinshill - South America. Shorty chinchillas dwell in Andes of South Bolivia, the northwestern part of Argentina and the northern part of Chile. Chinchillas is an object of intensive hunting due to valuable fur. At the moment, chinchillas are listed in the Red Book International Union Nature security I. natural resources. Long-tailed chinchillas are bred to fur on farms in many countries, as well as common as pets.

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    Bald Eagle, - a large bird predatory bird of a family of hawk, living in the territory North America.. A large predatory bird is about 76-81 cm long, with a scope of the wings about 203 cm. The beak is a large, highlighting, bright yellow color, hook-mounted on the end. The backstand claw is well developed, which allows the bird to pierce the victim to them, while she keeps her front. Flying is uniform, leisurely, with rare stamps of wings. When sailing, wide wings are placed at a right angle to the body, and the head is elongated forward. A voice can be like a tall and shrill whistle, something like "Kvik-kick-kick-kicks" and low, resembling "how - as-like-like that."

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    Ay-ah (Aya), or Madagascar Roundozka - the only view from the Family of the Rickelkovsky family, a mammal from a semolstery detachment, length of 1 m., With fluffy black and drill wool, long tail and very elongated thin fingers. Wills a night lifestyle in the tropical forests of Madagascar. The largest representative of night primates. It has a large fluffy tail. The animals are brought into the Red Book.

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    Imperial Tamarin or Saguin is a view of the toy monkeys from the genus Tamarinov. Imperial tamarins live in the rain forests of Amazonia and are found in North-West Brazil, East Peru and in the north of Bolivia. The name of the form "Imperial" is associated with the presence of lush white "mustache" in these monkeys and is given in honor of Kaizer Wilhelm II. The body length is about 25 cm, the tail is about 35 cm. Mass of adults - 250-500 grams. Tamarins feed with fruit, lead a daily lifestyle. Live in small groups of 8-15 individuals.

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    In popular beliefs, Lemur Sifaka received the fame of the sun. It jumps 4 meters long.

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    If you ask anyone, an adult or child, describe what fish is likely to be heard the story about the gills, schea and fins. Nevertheless, Nature has created such representatives of the fish population, which, to put it mildly, are not suitable for the same us description. Here, for example, a drop-drop. Considering this Divo wondrous as carefully, it is impossible to detect at least some scales on it. Yes, and fins are peculiar. This jelly-like creature is not very large - the maximum length of its strange body is about 65 centimeters, and the density is somewhat less than that of the water is and allows you to adapt to life. To top it off to all this creature, there is no muscles, and therefore there can be no speech about the hunt. So the food-drop nutrition is, mostly plankton, which is quite a lot in its habitats and who himself goes to her sad mouth as soon as he reveals. . But there is one amazing factMostly a few years ago the property of science - these are touching parental feelings inherent, as it turned out, fish-drops. It turns out that they arrange "kindergartens" for the fry in the most secluded places of the underwater kingdom and they are tirelessly protected, help the kids to survive and care about their carefree happy childhood.

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    Alpaca is a homemade wooden parking animal that occurred from Vicuni (Wigoni). Bred in alpine belt South America (Andes). Alpaca's growth does not exceed one meter, they weigh about 70 kilograms and have a soft and long rally (on the sides of its length it reaches 15-20 cm.). They live in Andes at an altitude of 3500-5000 meters, in the territory of Ecuador, South Peru, Northern Chile and Western Bolivia. About 6,000 years ago, Indians Peru domesticated Alpaca and began to breed them. It is appreciated primarily for its wool (24 natural shades), which has all the properties of sheep, but in weight is much easier. From one individual, 5 kg of wool is coated, they cut them once a year. The lack of anterior teeth forces Alpaca to gain food with lips and chew with side teeth.

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    Disclaimats are dry monkeys. Disclaimers live in Southeast Asia, primarily on the islands of Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, in the Philippines and many adjacent islands. Disclaimers are small animals, their growth ranges from 9 to 16 cm. In addition, they have a bare tail from 13 to 28 cm. They are especially allocated that they are able to rotate almost 360 °, as well as good hearing. Fingers are extremely long, ears round and naked. Disclaimers are active primarily at night. They live on trees in the forests .. Disclaps can be very cleverly climb on trees, as well as with the help of long rear legs jump a few meters. . Disclaimers can not get used to captivity. In the past, long experts played a big role in the mythology and superstition of the peoples of Indonesia. Indonesians thought that the heads were not attached to the body (as they could rotate almost 360 °), and they were afraid to face them, because they believed that in this case the same fate could be happening. The Philipinals considered long-sighs of forest perfumes.

    The beginning of the Reformation in England is connected with the name of the Ang-Lii king Henry VIII (1509-1547), which turned into one of the most fierce opponents of the papacy. The meeting with him "Parliament of Reformation" adopted a number of laws, the following transforming the British Church and withdrawing it from the power of Rome. The most important meaning Act about Suprematia(Supreme), proclaimed the king of the head of the English Church.

    Reformation in England accepted irreversible character after an addende on the throne of the queen Elizabeth In 1559, at the beginning of its board, parliament confirmed the rule of the crown in the church affairs and adopted an act of unification, according to which all Angli-Chan were committed to making worship in accordance with the rules of the reformed church.

    Anglican Church

    The updated church was named anglican. She brought an intermediate position between Catholicism and Protestan-Tismism. Being fully independent of Rome and by going from Latvia to English, anglican Church largely preserved Catholic dogmatic and church device. It was maintained, in the chainity, the leading role of bishops in the church organization, and therefore the Anglican Church is called Episcopal.

    Closing monasteries

    In England, thousands of monasteries were closed, which owned almost a quarter of all the processed lands in the country. It was the largest redistribution of property in the new history of England, which had a og-rhomic social consequences. Thus, the re-formation has become the most powerful factor in the transformation of all English society.

    Dissemination of literacy

    The most important consequence of the Reformation in England was a massive distance of literacy. The Bible was translated into englishAnd since the British of that time is practically no other books, the sacred writing turned into their main reading. Prediction english translation The Bible urged the vet to the independent study of the Word of God. Material from site.


    So far, the Anglican Church retained many elements of Catholicism, in England under the influence of Calvinism of the goded movement puritan. Their name happened from english word., meaning "clean", since Puritans demanded the first cleansing of their faith from Catholic heritage. Puritanst-Wu destined to play a huge role in both the fate of his country and in the history of British

    The XVI century in the history of England is the century of the reign of the tudor dynasty. They were in the English throne from 1485 to 1603. To the most important historical processesAnother tudor's era should be attributed to the Reformation, the strengthening of the royal power and the conquest of England of Maritime domination. Despite the strengthening of the power of the English king in the XVI century, the regime of his rule can be attributed to the absolute monarchy. The king's power during this period is to a greater or lesser extent has always been limited to parliament. Reformation contributed to strengthening royal authorities. It is associated with the name of Henry VIII. The refusal of the Pope of Roman in the implementation of the divorce of the English king Henry VIII and the Spanish princess Catherine Aragonian became a formal reason for the start of the Reformation. In 1534, the English Parliament issued an act of Supremati, according to which the English king and his successors were proclaimed head of church. One of the prerequisites for the formation of England as the leading marine powers became the defeat in 1588 by the Spanish invincible Armada.

    Reformation and royal power in England XVI century.

    The era of the Board of Tudors (1485-1603) is characterized by three essential processes: the reformation, the strengthening of royal power and the conquest of maritime domination.


    After graduation in 1453, the century of war, England turned out to be covered by internal straightening - the so-called war of the scarlet and white rose. For the royal power, the genus of Yorks and the genus Lancaster, with the support of the aristocratic clans committed by them. The war ended in 1485, when the king became Heinrich Tudor, which combined the marriage alliance of Yorks and Lancaster. Heinrich conducted a consistent course on strengthening royal power ().


    Reformation in England began at the will of the king (and not at the initiative of the bottom), so it is called royal. Reformation of the church contributed to strengthening royal power. It took place simultaneously with the formation of absolutism.

    An external reason for the start of the Reformation and Ripper with Pope Roman became a divorce Heinrich VIII Tudora With Catherine Aragon and marriage to Anna Boleyn, who dad did not want to admit.

    1534 - Parliament issued the law, according to which the king and his successors become the head of the Church in England. Three thousand monasteries were closed in the country. Church lands were secularized (declared the king owned). Worship is translated into English. The king was right to appoint bishops and a higher church official - Bishop of Canterbury. The reformed church received the name of Anglican.

    1553-1558 - Mary Bloody, the daughter of the Spanish princess (Spain - the stronghold of Catholicism in Europe) pursues a policy of counter-process. Restored Catholicism. In 1554, a commission was created to combat heresy. Opponents of Catholicism burned on the bonfires.

    When the ideas of the Reformation began to penetrate the country, the king first rejected them, but later his position has changed, and the reformation in England began in his will; Therefore, it is called royal. The reason for the start of reform was the circumstances of the family life of the monarch. The king was married to Spaniard Ekaterina Aragon, but did not have a son from this marriage - the heir to the throne. He decided to divorce and conclude a new marriage with the British Anna Bolein. For the divorce, the consent of Pope Roman was required, but he refused, fearing the anger of the powerful nephew of Catherine, Emperor Charles V. The furious Henry VIII began to take action against the Pope, deciding to use the ideas of Luther. True, he perceived only what his power could strengthen. The king decided to subjugate the English church and confiscate her extensive possessions. Under his pressure, parliament in 1534 adopted an act of supremacy (that is, about the supremacy), proclaiming the monarch by the Supreme Head of the English Church. Monasteries were closed, and their lands switched to the hands of the king and his approximate. All who did not approve the king's divorce and new church policies were persecuted. King-despot did not gem anyone. Mooked on the plate even Thomas Mor, the famous humanist and Lord Chancellor of England.

    Fig. 2. Anna Bolein ()

    The reformed church adopted the idea of \u200b\u200bLuther about the "excuse of faith" and rejected part of the Catholic sacraments, but the rest remained close to Catholic. The new faith, called the Anglican, quickly rooted in England, although many secretly remained Catholics; There were also supporters of a deeper reform of the church.

    Choosing a new faith brought the country important political benefits : England was headed by European Protestants. But it inevitably made it the enemy of Catholic Spain.

    The new faith was undergoing heavy trials in the reign of Heinrich VIII's daughter and Ekaterina Aragon - Maria Tudor (bloody). She restored Catholicism in the country and severely disappeared with Protestants. But after her death, Henry VIII daughter and Anna Bolein Elizabeth I Tudor (1558-1603) rose to the throne (1558-1603), who finally approved a new faith. A supporter of moderate reformation, Elizabeth rejected the extremes of Catholicism and Calvinism and restored the Anglication, seeking to avoid bloody religious strings.

    Fig. 3. Elizabeth I. ()

    Long Board Elizabeth I was marked by important successes in the development of the economy, strengthening the state, brilliant cultural flowering. Elizabeth was clever and perfectly formed, possessed acting abilities, did not know equal in the diplomatic game. And if in other countries with absolutism representative bodies The Tangali Parliament was lost, which consisted of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, retained its influence. The leading role in it was played by the House of Commons, in which representatives of the bourgeoisie and the new nobility prevailed. They needed supporting royal power and themselves supported it to a certain time. Elizabeth in his actions relied on the nobility, but at the same time he conducted a long-scale policy of protectionism - the patronage of the development of national production and trade. The production of goods has noticeably increased in the country, especially Sukna. In order to profitably sell them, cheap raw materials and necessary products, the British swam in all corners of the world. In order to reduce the risk of long-distance travel, they combined into trading companies. So, the Moscow company traded with Russia, Ost-India - with South and Southeast Asia.

    In area foreign Policy Elizabeth tried to lavish between the strongest powers of the then Europe - Spain and France. However, relations with Spain were tense enough, since the Queen secretly supported the smuggling trade of English merchants with Spanish colonies and the actions of the pirates attacked by Spanish ships. The Spaniards, in turn, were organized in England the rebellion and conspiracy of Catholics in England, the loudest of which was a conspiracy with the participation of the Scottish Queen Mary Stuart, who fled to England from the reformation began in Scotland. Since Mary was a relative and heiress Elizabeth, her Catholic faith made it a dangerous gun in the hands of Spain. Maria was involved in a Catholic conspiracy, he was revealed, the Scottish Queen was executed by the court sentence.

    The Spanish King of Philip II indignantly and in 1588 inflicted a response. The Spaniards collected a huge fleet - Armada - consisting of 134 ships. The Spanish fleet had to land in England an 18 thousandth army. When Armada approached the shores of England, the Spanish Admiral showed indecision and lost the chance of success, while the British acted well. And then the Spanish fleet was destroyed by cruel storms. The enemies of Spain were joined, in the mockery surrounding the defeated Armada "invincible." England celebrated victory. She defended his independence and was preparing to become a great naval power.

    Fig. 4. The defeat "Unbeatable Armada" ()


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    2. Vadushkin V. A., Burin S. N. General history. The story of the new time. 7th grade. - M., 2010

    3. Koenigsberger of Europe of early New Time. 1500-1789. - M., 2006

    4. Solovyov S. course New story. - M., 2003


    1. What success reached english economy In the XVI century?

    2. Call the reasons for the start of the Reformation in England

    3. What were the main directions of the internal and foreign policy of Elizabeth I?

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