Calculator EGE on items online. What are the chances of entering the budget: by the number of points, the university, in the specialty

Do not be discouraged if your passing score is not too high. To enroll on the budget (well, or at least just to do) will help successfully handed over EPGE / OGE. A certain number of points will even help to enter the budget!

Where is real / unrealistic to enter the budget?

The average score of the EE bidded to the budget will vary greatly due to which university they come.

As a rule, the highest passage points of the EGE / OGE for budget admission to the very status universities of the country: St. Petersburg State University, MFT, MSU, MGIMO, HSE, etc. To get here, you will have to score at least 90 points.

But the applicants with a passing point 80 may well qualify in almost any other university. Truth, minimal score The exam for budget admission in each specific case needs to be recognized separately, because it may depend not only from the university itself, but also from the specialty you do.

From 60 to 80 - these points are needed to enter the budget to public educational institutions that are not related to tops, but not least high level Education to their students.

Another point, to which it is important to pay attention when setting a question, is it difficult to enroll on the budget - in what city you are going to do. By itself than larger city, the greater the competition. This means that the requirements for the number (amount) of the scam points for budget admission will be higher than that of less popular cities.

Is it hard to enter the budget: Requirements for different specialties

The choice of university is not all. To enroll on the budget, it is important to take into account not only passing points into a specific university, but also on a specific specialty.
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And now, so that you are oriented and could accurately calculate what chances you do on the budget, let's consider the main directions and begin soberly assess own forcesnot to waste time.

The most "cool" specialty: from 75 points

So, here is the specialty and directions, without typing at a minimum of 75 points, you can assume that I have not received (what to do - let's say later):

  • Foreign languages;
  • International relationships;
  • Oriental science and africanism;
  • Linguistics.

Usually the average ball in these directions may vary within 80-82 points.

Slightly less (75-80 points) will also be needed to other, no less popular directions:

  • Philology,
  • Jurisprudence,
  • Political science,
  • Economy,
  • Literary creativity
  • Art theory
  • Journalism,
  • Advertising and PR.

Directions of the average "coolness": 70-75 points

What to do to enroll on the budget in the specialty related to medicine, philosophy, nuclear physics or on public services? You will have to dial from 70 to75 points.

Here is a list of directions that require an average of such a number of points:

  • Health care
  • Nuclear physics,
  • Municipal and public administration,
  • Information Security and Business Informatics,
  • Publishing,
  • History,
  • Design,
  • Culturalology and philosophy.

Standard directions: 65-70 points

If you often suffer thoughts "I'm afraid not to go to the budget!" - Relax! There are always specialties, go to which simply, and learn later is easy. Another thing is that the career then do not build special, but this is the case of the tenth.

So, here are the most massive directions, for admission to which 65-70 points will have to type:

  • Pedagogy,
  • Management and personnel management,
  • Tourism, service, hotel case (service sphere in general),
  • Psychology,
  • Chemistry,
  • Biotechnology
  • Sociology,
  • Religious studies
  • Library and archival business.

Accessibility of Exact Sciences: 60-65 points

What are the chances of entering the budget? Much more if you are in the warehouse of the "techny", and not a humanitarian

Construction, machinery, geology and other exact sciences (natural science and physico-mathematical) require a big mind, but, oddly enough, fewer passing point.

Here you can enter the budget easily in one of the following directions:

  • Biology and ecology,
  • Physics,
  • Mathematics,
  • Building,
  • Geodesy, geology, geography,
  • Space equipment and aviation,
  • Computing equipment and computer science,
  • Automation and control,
  • Energy,
  • Oil and gas business,
  • Radio and electrical engineering.

Easier simple: up to 60 points

If you failed to recruit more than 60 points, do not be discouraged - you are always open areas of technology, transport and agriculture and the following directions:

  • railway transport,
  • water management,
  • light industry and technology,
  • food industry and technology,
  • materials Science,
  • mechanical engineering
  • soil science
  • printing and packaging,
  • s / x and fisheries.

Why get upset? In these areas, you (in contrast to many others) you can get real practical skills close to production. And despite the fact that the prestige does not shit such specialties, young professionals from such universities are always in demand and will always receive work in contrast to the newly minted philologists and art historians.

And the most demanded among young people are the following specialties:

  • metallurgy,
  • forest case
  • sea technique.

To become a firemaker of these specialties, 52-55 points are enough.

In any case, you will have to first find out the number of necessary passing points, so as not to waste time and come there, where you can do with the points you came into account. This can be done by analyzing last year's situation. Usually such information does not change much during a couple of years, so on the basis of last year's arrivals you will get a clear picture of what awaits you.

You can find out the number of passing points from the past years on the sites of the selected educational institutions. Usually everywhere there is an item "Reception Commission", where the average data is published.

However, even a low passage point does not prevent you from striving for a set of more points. So try to prepare for conscience. And so that nothing distracts you from training (with a tutor, from lessons, independent training), contact us - you will be released from the need to perform an urgent control, write an essay or even pass the exam in school!

And as a bonus - a short video with advice from a person experienced:

There is another "pleasant" surprise: universities are required to provide maximum information on the procedure for enrollment and this is that many sites are not even elementary division Applicants by specialties. And last - most universities refused to accept documents by email. Now the apprentice from the remote city will have to spend several thousand rubles on the road to submit documents to the capital's universities.

Where to go with low scallers? In the search for an alternative version

Of course, everyone thinks about what to do on the budgetEven with low scallers. And what indicators of assessing knowledge are considered permissible? To begin with, it is necessary to determine which points are considered passage. The total number of USE should vary in the region of 130-150.

Having received such low estimates, it is not worth a despair, because even they can become passing points for admission to a budget place. The applicant who passed the exams is not at the highest score, there are several optimal options that will allow not to lag behind the educational process:

  1. Admission to college or technical school. Even with low points, the probability of enrollment on a budget place is very large. This option is different at once a few obvious advantages - this is a wide selection of specialization, as well as the possibility of further admission to abbreviated training in the university.
  2. The possibility of learning in the university under the contract can be considered as a spare option.
  3. Budget receipt to the university on the correspondence or evening formation. This is a great opportunity to combine study with work.
  4. Submission of documents for unpopular specialization with low passing points with the further possibility of transferring to another compartment.

Cut on low score budget is real, but only if the average score on the exam has become an annoying accident, and the applicant himself is a capable and diligent student directly. Often there are cases when low score applicants still passed on a budget place, and during educational process Showed highly high results, which once again proves the relativity of knowledge assessment at the level of the exam.

Fashion trends in the educational process

Is it worth saying that directly the applicants themselves indirectly affect the threshold level of passing points? The more willing to go on this or that specialty, the higher the passing points. The popularity of specialization is explained by the number of wishes to receive this or that education.

As the practice of introductory campaigns has shown, for several years technical universities Do not take extremely popular with applicants even with low scallers on the exam. The same feature concerns such faculties as Nano-Technologies, the design of machines, naturalness, road construction, materials of materials or metallurgy. Economic disciplines, jurisprudence, design, medical and pedagogical faculties turned out to be the most popular.

The attitude of the Russian educational supervision is interesting, which can be analyzed by the established scale of minimum passing points. Informatics and social studies are recognized as the most significant disciplines. The last line in the ranking, oddly enough, occupies a foreign language. It is slightly discouraged, because if you look at the most attractive vacancies, but many of them require professional ownership of a foreign language. Therefore, the preliminary joy of applicants for a low passing point can be overshadowed in the future when you have to face work search.

What options are low score applicants?

Low points for receipt - This is not a catastrophe. There are several quite acceptable options that will be allowed to become a budget student of the capital's university. First of all, it is worth noting the possibility of non-core receipt. So, for example, legal specialization is in many non-profile universities. This can be used to enroll in a budget place.

You can independently check in which universities you can go with low points, using the Calculator of the EGE.

Maimonide Academy, Moscow State humanitarian University named after M.A.Sholokhova or the same university of geodesy and cartography is carried out by a set of applicants for the specialty "Jurisprudence". At the State University of Forest Industry, Moscow University of Communications and the Moscow Road Institute reduced the passing score on computer science.

Lowest EGE results are not a reason for disorder. Many universities are gaining applicants to budget places. Among such establishments can be noted:

  • Moscow University of Technology and Management.
  • Moscow State Linguistic University.
  • Textile University. Kosygin.
  • Moscow State Humanitarian University. Bauman.
  • Moscow Agro Engineering University.

To predict the selection criteria for budget places, it is worth paying attention to the results of the introductory campaigns last year. So, for example, Russian social University Last year she reduced the set of psychology. In the same time pedagogical universities Raised this bar, increasing the number of potential students several times.

Prediction of entrance tests for 2017

To date, higher education is almost the key from all doors, which are hidden by rainbow and promising horizons. In fact, the corresponding diploma allows you to find more paid work, take a high position and achieve certain heights. That's why former schoolchildren They strive, by all means entering the budget even with low scallers on the exam.

Receiving a very high result of the assessment of knowledge, should not be desirable - after all, 1 year is not a whole life without higher education. 12 months - this is enough time to tighten your knowledge in a specific area, explore the proposals of universities and choose exactly the specialty that will open excellent prospects.

But if the student life is manitated by its charms, and I do not want to deprive yourself - it's worth considering all the benefits of study in college or technical school. Secondary special education is a good possibility of unhindered enrollment in the university on the abbreviated form of training without surchase EGE (The student gives only internal exams intersecting with its specialty).

On the prospects for further training after school it is worth thinking in advance, "Light" on profile items and pulling up their knowledge - it will help you to dial high scores On the exam and unhindered to enter the capital's university.

Use the Exe Calculator and check where you can do with your points. Pizza!

Enter the best remote educational institutions

The translation of the scam points is made after the acquisition of the primary result, on the basis of the approved scale, it is translated into test points.

They play an important role in admission to the university and are recorded in the certificate of passing the exam.

Those who finish grade 11 and is preparing for admission to the university, it is especially interesting to know how to transfer point evaluation Ege.

Every year hundreds of thousands of students pass this procedure. To obtain a certificate, it is enough to pass only two subjects - mathematics and Russian.

The rest of the items - and a total of 14 of them - they give up on a voluntary basis depending on the selected university.

In order for the results to be displayed in the certificate, the graduate needs to dial more points of the installed minimum.

How to evaluate the results of the ege

Exam results are evaluated by the Commission and are transferred to the 100-point system.

There is an algorithm for recalculating these amounts into more familiar assessments. Officially, this method is not applied since 2009.

But if desired, you can get acquainted with the translation of the EME estimates.

Evaluation of results is carried out in two stages:

  • by the number of tasks performed, the student is exposed to the primary score. It consists of the amount for all tasks, performed true;
  • next, transfer is performed primary ballots Ege to test. This figure is fixed in the Certificate of the EGE and plays an important role for admission to the university. Below is a translation table for a mathematics exam.

Important: the scale is designed to meet the complexity of tasks.

Actual information on the exam is always available on the portal

What is the minimum score

To get a certificate of the exam, the student is necessary in Russian and mathematics to dial a score larger than the installed minimum border.

It is determined annually for each individual item. In fact, the minimum assessment is the equivalent of the troika.

This result reflects that the student satisfactorily mastered the curriculum.

Minimum score:

  1. Determines the issuance of the certificate about the delivery of the USE.
  2. It is installed for each subject annually after passing the exam before the results are published.

According to the results of 2016, for the receipt of the certificate, it was necessary to obtain at least 36 test points in Russian.

In mathematics, this boundary is 3, and according to the profile level - 27.

The difference of primary points from test

When evaluating the results of the examination, the primary amount is first set. Then the translation of these EGE 2017 points is carried out into test.

They are determined by a 100-point scale. This assessment will stand in the Certificate of EGE in the event that it is higher than the minimum.

When calculating points, the algorithm is as follows:

  1. For each correct task, one or more points are accrued.
  2. At the end, the amount is calculated for all the work.
  3. The transition of the primary scam points is carried out.

Regarding test estimates, they are numbered on a 100-point system. But the amount of primary may differ for different items.

For example, in mathematics you can get 30 primary points, and for foreign languages This border is 80.

The assignment of the task depends on its complexity. For the tasks of the part, one primary score is charged for the right answer.

For part C there are several options: For tasks 1 and 2, 2 primary points are charged. The correct answer to question 3 and 4 gives it immediately 3, and tasks 5 and 6 will add to the result of a student of 4 points.

EGE and Evaluation points

Although there is an exemplary translating scale of the EGE points to the assessment usual to all student, since 2009 this system does not apply.

The rejection of translation in the assessment is caused by the fact that the amount of points does not affect the figure in the certificate. It is fixed in a separate certificate.

In the case when a student in one of the mandatory objects scored the result less than the minimum, it will not be issued a certificate nor the certificate.

If this is the subject of those that are surrendered on a voluntary basis, the result simply will not be launched anywhere.

If the examination of the exam was obtained unsatisfactory evaluation, how to be? It all depends on what object.

  1. If the scored number of points below is minimal in mathematics or in the Russian language, you can recall the exam in the same year to one of the backup days.
  2. When unsatisfactory evaluation was obtained immediately in both subjects, it is possible only for the next year.
  3. If it did not work out enough points for an optional subject, you can only recall the exam in the next year. The unsatisfactory result will not affect any document. In fact, everything will look like a graduate this exam did not pass at all.

Depending on the subject, the relief is possible either in the same year in reserve days or the following.

Thus, if the student did not pass mathematics on basic levelHe can take advantage of reserve days.

And if the low estimate happened by results profile levelThe relief will be possible only in a year.

How to be if the graduate disagrees with the assessment

If the graduate is confident that his work deserves a higher evaluation, he has the right to appeal.

In such a situation, work will again be considered by the Conflict Commission.

Perhaps two outcome. When an assessment seems to be understated, the student can either add points or remove.

Important: according to the results of the examination of 2010, from all filed appeals, the third part was satisfied.

The first two parts exam are checked without human participation. It is impossible to exclude the likelihood of errors.

The reason for this can be an unintelligible handwriting and similar circumstances.

If the impression is created that the assessment is underestimated, students are applied.

What is the exam

The overall task text consists of three parts.

  1. Part A is composed in the form of a test. Of the four proposed answers options, the graduate needs to select one correct.
  2. In part, the following types of tasks are possible: Writing a challenge response, select multiple faithful options or conformity.
  3. In terms of learning, it is proposed to give a detailed answer to the question.

Depending on the type of task, the checking is different. The first two parts are checked automatically. Answers are scanned by the system and are evaluated.

This process passes without human participation. Upon completion of the inspection, the results are sent to the testing center in Moscow.

Part of the C is evaluated by two independent experts. If the results coincided, this result is set.

If after the evaluation, a minor discrepancy is detected, the average result is displayed.

With noticeable contradictions, a third specialist is appointed.

After the verification is completed, all data are sent to a single testing center. There they are processed and fixed in the database.

From there they are sent to schools where the exam was accepted.

How the results of the USE affect admission to the university

In order to apply for admission to the university, graduates need to take an exam.

In total, you can contact 5 universities, in each of them no more than three specialties.

The application is prepared in writing and transfer personally or sent by mail.

If the second option is selected, you will need to place a registered letter with an attachment description, as well as a receipt notice.

To find out if a statement was satisfied, you need to go to the official website of the university.

When the reception of documents is completed, there is a list of those who claim to enroll. There also provide their results of the exam.

Enrollment passes in two waves.

  1. When the first list is published, several days are given to the fact that applicants can provide the originals of their documents (in most cases send copies of them).
  2. If the period for the provision of documents is over, but still remained free places, the second list is preparing.

To enroll in the university, you will need the following package of documents:

  • application request for admission;
  • certified copies of the certificate and document confirming personality;
  • a blank with a list of scam scored according to the results;
  • photos (their size and number are set by the rules of the university).

Other documents can be requested from the applicant. For more information, you need to contact the university.

The translation of the EGE points in 2017 is carried out on the same system as in previous years.

To put the exam, you need to dial at least the minimum number of points that is installed for each item annually.

To get a certificate and certificate with the results of the EGE, you need to exceed this border on mandatory subjects.

How to translate primary points to test ege 2015 in Russian

Passing point - the value is non-permanent. Its value has a strong influence the number of universities with similar quality of education, as well as the number of applicants.

You will need

  • - Admission Office of the University, information on how many applicants with good results of the EGE;
  • - Statistics.


To have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe magnitude of the passing point, it is worth waiting for the date of the end of the reception of documents, and on the basis of the data obtained, to learn how many points need to have in order to be a student. But because of the EGE's results using the results, this number may decrease, for example, if someone takes his documents to another university.

If you want to wait for mood and patience, you can use the following scheme. To begin with, learn the statistics of passing points in this educational institution for last year 3-4. Continue to explore the resulting numbers. On average, the passing score ranges 5-10 points annually.

Of course, there are chances of getting into the passing score of graduates with the ideal results of the exam. However, it is precisely this contingent that can significantly raise the magnitude of the passing point.

Video on the topic

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov is one of the leading educational institutions of our country. Every year it goes here from different parts of Russia and from abroad. The highly professional teaching staff prepares qualified specialists in various specialties. How to get to Moscow State University?


First, you must get a certificate of average. The presence and silver medal does not give any benefits upon admission, however, it can be considered during the exams with equal results with another applicant. Daily, you can visit "Day open doors"Where you find out necessary information For further training, talk to the rector, ask questions and see a list of documents required when admitted to the university. It is advisable to chat with former university graduates and find out information about the learning process.

Secondly, it will be necessary to write a statement to the name of the rector, which is submitted to the Reception Commission. The form of the document can be viewed on the official website. reception Commission Moscow state University. Or ask to ask the Admission Office, they will also give instructions to fill it.

Syroidic children, children with disabilities, citizens up to 20 years old, having one parent of the disabled person of 1 group, citizens, with a family income less than the subsistence minimum, persons who have served in the army under a contract for at least three years have the right to preferential admission according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. The same advantage poses winners all-Russian Olympiadheld annually in different subjects among secondary educational institutions.

In addition to the statement of the established sample, you need to prepare other documents. It can be a certificate or a diploma of the presence of a middle education. Copies of the birth and passport certificate, 8 black and white photos of 3 sizes 3 to 4, a copy or original certificate of results obtained on a single state exam. It should be noted that copies of documents are not necessarily assigned in the notary. Persons eligible for benefits should also provide the necessary confirmation of their words.

Documents with a statement can be sent by mail to the MSU address or attributed directly to the admission committee personally. After that, applicants are allowed for additional entrance exams.

Foreign persons who want to get to Moscow State University are provided with a hostel for the entire period of study. Moscow State University training specialists in full-time, evening and correspondence formas. The feed of that, you can always submit an application and documents for admission to the magistracy and graduate school.

To submit documents to arrive, a certain period is given, which changes every year, so this question must be found in advance in the admission committee.


  • what exams in Moscow State University

School graduates who submitted applications for admission to our country's universities are tormented in guesses, they will come or not. They are interested in where you can get data about passing points. Since the results of a 100-point scale are used for admission to universities, the exact data is unknown to anyone.


Wait for posting the first lists of applicants, and you will see what data they seek in this university. Do not be discouraged if your surname is far from the first rows of this list. These are just preliminary data. Carefully look at the column of people who submitted originals (they will not be so much). Since the law is allowed to submit documents to five educational institutions, these same names have certainly already found themselves in the lists of other universities.

Track the analysis the results of the EGE In your area in news reports, on the Internet (on the sites of specific universities), in newspaper articles. Such data are in publicly available use, presented in the form of statistics (it can be tables, graphs,). Everything will help you focus and understand how big your chances are. If your satisfactory scores are thinking about whether it is worth sending the original documents to the university.

Consult with graduates of past years. On a personal example and the example of your classmates, they will tell you how they did themselves. Comparing your and their points, you will approximately know passing. But remember that in each educational institution of the passing score - somewhere above, somewhere below. To some extent it depends on the prestige of the university, the number budget seats and the number of beneficiaries who submitted documents.

Be sure to write a phone number in the application. Universities who value their applicants will inform you personally about the results of enrollment, perhaps they will even offer to immediately bring everything required documents. It also happens that the specialty you chose requires high passing points. The statement also express their wishes about another specialty, with lower points. In this case, your chances will increase.

Education is an important aspect in personality life. Good professional knowledge and skills strengthen self-confidence, help getting good work and becoming material wealth. "Where to go to learn?" - Ask a question most of the current graduates.

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