Literary reading 3 cats. Proverbs, sayings and riddles about the book

This is pretty goofy in the eyes of many teachers. primary school a creative notebook, and therefore most do not even buy them for textbooks. Absolutely the same material and almost the same questions are in the textbook, and therefore we will also go over this creative notebook briefly, without stopping or special explanations. Let us clarify that this creative notebook for the literary reading textbook for grade 3 according to the Perspective program, by T.Yu. Koti, who apparently composed half of the tasks and rhymes on the spot. Well, she composed, and we completed all the tasks. You just have to write off the answers in our reshebnik with ready-made homework assignments.

We will be glad if our GDZ is still useful to you.

Answers to tasks for a creative notebook on literature for grade 3

Page 4-6. Books are my friends

The book that Vanya read in the summer is called "The Adventures of Bibigon", its author Chukovsky K.I.

I am also familiar with the works of Chukovsky: "Aibolit"; "Barmaley"; "Stolen Sun"; "Moidodyr"; "Confusion"; "Telephone"; "Fedorin's grief"; "Cockroach".

Books read over the summer: List the books you read.

First, there were beeches, and then science. (First, a person studies the alphabet, and then he reads books).
The ABC is science, and the guys are the beech. (Sometimes the alphabet is hard for children).
For az and beeches, and a pointer in hand. (Those who have learned to read and write are trusted with guidance)

Proverbs, sayings and riddles about the book

Choose a few you like from the list below.

A book beautifies in happiness, and comforts in misfortune.
Whoever knows more will have books in hand.
The book is the best friend.
The book is not red in writing, it is red in mind.
From time immemorial, the book raises a person.
It is not good for a book to read when only tops are enough in them.
I owe everything good in me to books (M. Gorky).
Love a book - a source of knowledge (M. Gorky).
Book a book, but move your mind too.
The book is good, but the teachers are bad.
Books do not speak, they tell the truth.
Read books, but don't forget your business.
To read books is not to play nice.
If you read books, you will know everything.
Choose a book the way you choose a friend.
The book is for the mind, that warm rain for the seedlings.
Books do not like when they are honored, but love when they are read.
The book is like water: the road will break through everywhere.
The book will help you in your work, it will help you out in trouble.
One good book is better than any treasure.
Good book- a sincere friend.
A good book shines brighter than an asterisk.
The book is the food of the mind.
The book is your friend, without it as without hands.
The book is two sheets, and the middle is empty.
The book is the book - strife: one teaches, the other torments.
The book is not an airplane, but it will take you far away.
The book is not a hat, but choose by the head.
In a book, look not for letters, but for thoughts.
Behind the book - move your mind.
Another book enriches, and another - perverts from the path.
Another book of mind will add, another and the last one will knock it off.
He leads the book with a different eye, but his mind walks away from him.
To whom is the book - entertainment, and to whom - teaching.
Whoever knows the words and beeches, that and books in hand.
It is wasted labor to fish without a hook and study without a book.
One book teaches a thousand people.
To know with books is to gain some mind.
To live with a book is not to grieve for a century.
With the book you will lead - you will gain intelligence.
A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.
You can't say smarter than a book.
Different from books, different from valleys.
In the house, not a single book - the owner's kids are bad.
Riddles about books

Russian riddles about the book:

She is small
and gave me a mind.

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a man, but a story.

Not a tree, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a plant, but with a root,
Not a man, but with reason.

Who speaks silently?

Answer to riddles: BOOK. This answer can become the title of T. Koty's poem.

P. 6

  1. Ivan Fedorov
  2. Ivan groznyj
  3. Drukar
  4. ABC

Page 7-21. Life is given for good deeds

Good friend
T. Coty

Life is given for good deeds,
So that the heart reaches out to the heart,
For the good word to return
And the bright road led.
Life is given for good deeds.
A person has a good friend.
This is conscience.
She is familiar to everyone.
In someone's heart, she is at home.
Will cause fear in someone
If the truth is listening to lack of time.
Conscience teaches us how to live.
You will always recognize her voice.
You will not always hear what you want.
But you will understand what is the best way to proceed.
Conscience teaches us how to live.
Life is given for good deeds,
To reach heart to heart,
For the good word to return
And the bright road led.
Life is given for good deeds.

Why do you think the author chose these particular words for the title of the poem? Can conscience be good friend? Why? Have there been situations in your life when you heard the voice of conscience? Did you listen to her advice? Suggest your options for the title of the poem. Write them down.

The author chose these particular words for the title of the poem, because they express main idea of this work.
Conscience can be a good friend because it teaches people how to live.
There have been situations in my life when I heard the voice of conscience. I had to listen to her advice.
My versions of the poem titles: "Life is given for good deeds", "You always recognize the voice of conscience", "Bright road".

Read what Vladimir Ivanovich Dal said about his native Russian language in his "Word of Inspiration." Don't you think that his
do the words spoken almost 150 years ago sound very modern today?

V. Dahl
Look at Derzhavin, at Karamzin, Krylov, at Zhukovsky, Pushkin ... is it not clear that they avoided foreign language; that they tried, each in their own way, to write in pure Russian? And how did Pushkin appreciate folk speech ours, with what ardor and delight he listened to it ... Simply put, Russian speech has one of two things: either it can be utterly uttered, or, having reasoned, turn to another path, taking with it all the supplies left in a hurry. Explain how you understood the words foreignness, send, being wise. See the meanings of these words in explanatory dictionary... What do you think about what stocks, abandoned in a hurry, are V. Dahl talking about? Why should we protect them? Discuss with a friend how you yourself feel about your native language, whether you are saving or cluttering your speech with unnecessary ugly words.

The words of V. Dahl, spoken almost 150 years ago, today sound very modern, because Russian speech is flooded with jargon, a large number of foreign words.

Foreign language is borrowed from foreign language the words.
To send - to vulgarize, to become vulgar.
Recovering - thinking again, reasoning.

I think that V. Dal is talking about primordially Russian words, they are what he means by the expression "stocks abandoned in a hurry." We must take care of them, because they constitute the wealth of the Russian language.

Sometimes my friends and I use slang words, but we try to pronounce them as little as possible. Native language you need to love and cherish - we understand that.

P. nine

Answers to page 22-28. Fairy tale

Page 29-38. Love all living things

Answers to the questions on pages 39-42. Pictures of Russian nature

Page 43-51. Great Russian writers

Answers to questions pp. 52-54. Literary tale

Pages 55-63. Pictures of native nature

That's it, the end of the notebook!

Explanation: To download the book (from Google Drive), click on the top right - RECTANGLE ARROW. Then in the new window on the top right - DOWN ARROW. To read - just scroll the pages up and down with the scroll wheel.

Text from the book:

J 1_ | n EDUCATION PUBLISHING FGOS UDC 373.167.1: 811.161.1 ББК 81.2Рус-922 К73 0+ The Perspective series was founded in 2006 SYMBOLS - independent work - working in pairs - working in a group - reading together with adults - looking for information Creative the notebook corresponds to the concept of the textbook " Literary reading... Class 2 ", modified in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State educational standard primary general education. The notebook material supplements the sections of the textbook and develops students' creativity, helps to create their own literary works(fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, sayings, etc.). The manual is intended for students of general education organizations. ISBN 978-5-09-034902-4 © Prosveshchenie Publishing House, 2011 © Artistic design. Publishing House "Education", 2012 All rights reserved Dear girls and boys! You matured to whole year, learned a lot, read more than one book and successfully coped with creative tasks. In grade 2, you will discover new wonderful works of Russian and foreign writers, learn to work creatively with words, and solve interesting literary problems. The section "Writer's Workshop" and your old acquaintances - 2nd grade pupils Anya and Vanya - will help you cope with the assignments. Good luck in your literary work! Tatiana Koti © LOVE THE BOOK Anya: Hello, Vanya! We haven't seen each other for so long. Where have you been in the summer? Vanya: I was resting at the dacha. Anya: And I was at my grandmother's in the village. I read many interesting books! Grandma said books are best friends. Discuss with a friend the meaning of this expression .. Connect the parts of the proverb. Who reads a lot, lmsM ^ * ^ books® are not beautiful ”® From time immemorial," the book of the mind will be typed, d -® ™ = aka. A. Red mind. ^ Worship, with the BOOK ^ Go without a book a day without the sun. Eat Xia T. Coty Reading Everyone knows that reading is, The best teaching. Books are true friends, I cannot live a day without them! I learned that there were birch bark books in Russia, And in Egypt, we read. They wrote on papyrus. But the sweetest of all in the world The books that are written to children! Remember what you learned about the books that were in antiquity. Look at the drawings, sign them. Л® "R. Л 7Т LU i ^ / 0 (S (5 0 © Solve the puzzles / 1. Who wrote and rewrote books in Ancient Rus? tset O s andpel 2. What is the name of the first line of each paragraph of the manuscript book? yank aars 3. Scientific reference publication in the form of a dictionary. lp i and de 4. An image explaining or supplementing the text.Yu lsil t Tsar and 5. What were the brothers Cyril and Methodius entrusted with compiling to record Slavic speech? What do you know about how modern books? What professions are people involved in creating them? Choose words from the "Dictionary box". Explain in your own words what an illustration is. What illustrators do you know? Write it down. Dictionary box writer (author) illustrator graphic artist cosmonaut musician editor © T. Koty Knizhkin The chanterelle has a hole at home, 4 The dog has a kennel, And the squirrel has a hollow, It is both dry and warm. The kittens have a basket. Where is a comfortable perinka. Stood at the horse. The crested bird house. The mouse has a house. The book has a house! This main book house Let's call together in chorus: LIBRARY! A friendly family lives here from "A" to "Z" Books. The magic world is not far off, Come to the light! You hear, the leaves rustle: - Read me to the point! Take the book carefully. We will read and return. The book opens. The fairy tale begins! Did you know that the books that are kept in your home can also be called a library? . Tell me about your home library. Do you have collections of fairy tales? Name them. Write down the titles of these compilations. 0 Arrange the books on the shelves according to the library indexes. 1yogchb> No.O0 zeaa // no There are drawings in every book for children. Who illustrated your favorite book? Write. Author Book Title Illustrator Remember how in the first grade you made a notebook where you wrote down tongue twisters with difficult sounds for you. Make an album of illustrations for your favorite works. Don't forget to fill it out. In the end school year we will hold a competition for the best album of illustrations, sum up the results and choose a winner. AUTUMN PAINTS in Is Vanya Right ?. Write down what, in your opinion, changes in nature in autumn. Signs of autumn September rips off a caftan from a shoulder, puts on a sheepskin coat. Thunder in September to the long autumn. In October, it is autumn until lunchtime and winter in the afternoon. The smithy is small near November, but forges fetters on all the rivers. J. And Anya: There are so many interesting things happening in nature in autumn! Vanya: And it seems to me, nothing special: everything was green - it turned yellow. 0 0 Learning to observe Do you know the work of D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Gray Neck"? Read the lines from this wonderful story. Make a plan based on the phrases highlighted in the text. Get ready to retell the text. k-k ^ The first autumn cold, from which the grass turned yellow, led all the birds into great alarm. Everyone began to prepare for a long journey, and everyone had such a serious, anxious look. Yes, it is not easy to fly over a space of several thousand miles ... How many poor birds will be exhausted on the road, how many will die from various accidents - in general, there was something to seriously think about. A serious, large bird - swans, geese and ducks were going on the road with important species realizing all the difficulty of the upcoming feat; and the most noisy, fussing and bustling little birds - sandy cakes, phalaropes cakes, dunlin, blackies, plovers. They had gathered in flocks for a long time and were carried from one bank to another, across the shallows and marshes with such speed, as if someone had thrown a handful of peas. And how quickly time flew by! There were already a number of cold matinees, and birches turned yellow and aspens turned red from frost. The water in the river darkened, and the river itself seemed larger, because the banks were bare, - the coastal shoots were rapidly losing their foliage. The cold autumn wind cut off the withered leaves and carried them away. The sky was often covered with heavy clouds, dropping fine autumn doch (d. In general, there was little good, and that day the flocks of migratory birds were already rushing past ... The forest stood dark and silent, because the main singers flew away without waiting for the cold. Find it in the library and Read the whole story Answer the questions Write it down using words from the text 1. What did the autumn forest look like? 2. What was the river like? 3. What did the sky look like? 4. How did the birds behave? _ Write out from the texts that you read , epithets and comparisons 0 iBovHGCwe 5a ^ \ ashe We are writing a story Choose the right words on the topic “Colors of the autumn forest.” The word box will help you to cope with the task. Colors of the autumn forest Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees have changed their color and become ___________________ Sky often frowned, shifting ___________, ______________ clouds, as if _____________ Sometimes it was raining ___ The forest was still the colors of autumn, but the birds were already gathering in flocks, preparing to fly away to the _________________ edge. Many mushrooms appeared in the forest. Here and there you could see their shiny ____________________ and _______________ hats. At the edge of the clearing, __________, ___________ was bright red like bunches of mountain ash. Dictionary box golden eyebrow warm 0 LOW fine brown gray last red fire scarlet Watch autumn nature and compose your story. Give it a title. Remember to use figurative words. Underline them in the resulting text. Writing Poems Many people love to read poetry, and many try to write poetry. However, you can become a great poet if you have talent - a special poetic gift from birth. Remember how in grade 1 you learned to write poetry, to select rhymes for the last lines of each quatrain. . Let's try together to pick up rhymes for words; bunny - seagull, mug - drying, cat - midge. And now choose rhymes for the following words yourself: mouse -__________________________________ nut - river - - guys - girlfriend - kitten - _ garden ------- paint - cones - 19 eLCvete | pe11 ^% 1 | pceete / iji ^ You can try to write a funny poem about autumn, or you can write a sad one. The mood of the poem depends on the mood of the poet. And now we need to decide what we will write poetry about. Coming up with the theme of the poem, for example "Autumn Day". Let's try to compose the first line of a funny poem. Look out the window. It's a rainy autumn day, the leaves have already turned yellow. So let's write: It's an autumn day in the yard. We observe: the leaves are quietly spinning outside the window. We write down the second line: Leaves are quietly spinning. 0 Let's try to find a suitable rhyme for the last word of the first line - day: day day day shadow, laziness, stump. Let's choose the word laziness, but put in front of it the negative particle not - not laziness. Despite the rainy weather, we will write funny poems: The rain is not too lazy to jump. To finish our poem, we select the rhyme to the last word of the second line - they are spinning. We observe: the rain jumps merrily over the puddles. The word puddle suits us. So, the fourth line: Along the merry puddles. So we got a funny autumn poem: Autumn day It's an autumn day in the yard. Leaves whirl softly. The rain is not too lazy to jump Through the cheerful puddles. - \ VO? H €> CY> €> 5vr, a / ^ IS Surely someone in the class knows how and loves to photograph. Think about what kind of pictures you can take for the wall newspaper on the theme "Walks in the autumn forest." Do not forget to supplement the newspaper material with lines from works of art , as well as recently composed stories and poems. Read the lines from N. Nosov's story about how Dunno wrote poetry and what he got as a result. Discuss with a friend if you can call what Dunno wrote poetry. Explain why your friends are offended by Dunno. N. Nosov How Dunno wrote poetry Dunno came home and immediately began to write poetry. All day he walked around the room, looking first at the floor, then at the ceiling, holding his chin with his hands and muttering something to himself. Finally the poems were ready, and he said: - Listen, brothers, what poems I have composed. - Come on, come on, what is this poetry about? - everyone got interested. - I wrote it about you, - admitted Dunno. - First, the poems about Znayka: Znayka went for a walk on the river. Jumped over the lamb. - What? - cried Znayka. - When did I jump over the sheep? “Well, it’s only in verse that they say so, for rhyme,” Dunno explained. 0 - So, because of the rhyme, you will compose all sorts of lies against me? - Znayka boiled. - Of course, - answered Dunno. - Why should I compose the truth? There is nothing to write about the truth, it is already there. - Just try again, you will find out! - Znayka threatened. - Well, read what you wrote about the others? - Listen to about Ropyzhka, - said Dunno. Roropyzhka was hungry. I swallowed a cold iron. - Brothers! - shouted Toropyzhka. - What is he writing about me? I didn’t swallow any cold iron. “Don’t shout,” Dunno answered. - I just said for rhyme that the iron was cold. - So I didn’t swallow any iron, neither cold nor hot! - shouted Toropyzhka. - And I'm not saying that you swallowed hot, so you can calm down, - answered Dunno. - Listen to the poems about Avoska: There is a sweet cheesecake under Avoska's pillow. Avoska went to his bed, looked under the pillow and said: - Vraki! There is no cheesecake lying here. “You don’t understand anything about poetry,” Dunno answered. - This is just for rhyme, so it is said that lies, but in fact does not lie. Here I also wrote about Pilyulkin. - Brothers! shouted Doctor Pillkin. - We must stop this mockery! Are we really going to calmly listen that Dunno is lying here about everyone? - Enough! - everyone shouted. - We don't want to listen anymore! These are not poems, but some kind of teasers. Try and you compose a small poem about friendship. You can dedicate it to your friends. Come up with a title for the poem. Do not repeat the mistakes of the hero of N. Nosov's story "How Dunno wrote poetry." A 1ЖЖЯ KM ^ WORLD OF A FOLK TALE Anya: Vanya, why are you so sad, as the tale says, "why are you, well done, not cheerful, you have hung your head like a madman"? Vanya: I homework failed to fulfill. I thought, I thought, I didn’t come up with anything. It turns out that it is so difficult to compose fairy tales! Remember what fabulous words and expressions you know. Once upon a time Many years ago To live, to live ___ ^ Soon the tale is told, but not soon the matter is done. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows. Scattered like birds on the page of a fable Once I was translating an English fable into Russian. To correctly translate the poems, I not only read the poem itself, but also carefully examined the illustrations by English artists. A drawing can tell a translator a lot. On it, a cow jumped over the moon. It reminded me of a well-known children's game - leapfrog. _ 1 I decided to play with this word in my translation to make the meaning of the poem more understandable for the reader. That's what I did. T. Coty * * * Snee-sneeze-leapfrog! Run in all directions. The month flies across the sky, He orders to play leapfrog. The cat took out the violin And played the violin. Saucer and spoon Skip along the path. And the cow did not have time And flew to the sky! Now read the literal translation of another poem, look at the illustration on page 44 and try to write a translation of the fable in poetic form. Come up with a title for it. * * * In the desert, a man asked me: "How many strawberries grow in the sea?" And I think I answered him well: “As many as red herring swim in the forest” Compare your translation with S. Marshak's. Question and answer Asked me a voice In the wilderness wild; - Are there many strawberries growing in the sea? - As much as Salted Herring Grows on birches And green Christmas trees. my FRIENDS One day Vanya fell ill, and Anya came to visit him. Read the guys' dialogue. Anya: Hello, Vanya! How do you feel? Vanya: Hello, Anya! Thank you, I'm feeling better. How glad I am that you came to visit me! How are you doing in school? What's new? Anya: Today we had a literary reading lesson! We learned a lot of new and interesting things! All the guys in the class send you greetings and wish you a speedy recovery. Look what I brought you! These are notes from your friends. Vanya: Thank you, Anya! Try and you write a note (letter) to a sick friend. Remember with what words the notes (letters) begin, what words end. Use words from the Dictionary Box. © I 0 Dictionary box hello how are you feeling? get well say hello miss goodbye QUESTIONNAIRE "My best friend" 1. What is my friend's name? 2. How old is he (she)? _ 3. When is his / her birthday? 4. How long have we been friends? 5. What character traits do I like about my friend? ___________________________________ 6. An interesting incident that once happened to us. 0 Distribute proverbs to the following topics: "Friendship"; "Peace and harmony"; "Truth and lie"; "Good and evil". and sayings on Enmity does no good. All for one and one for all. 0 As it comes around, it will respond. You can't cut a strong friendship with an ax. In a willing herd, the wolf is not terrible. There is safety in numbers. Peace and love are the head of everything. ^ Truth cannot be grown on lies. Once he lied, he became a liar forever. For good, pay with good. Kind words are better than soft cake. 1o? H © No.Ab> zave # / s Vanya will have a birthday soon. He decided to write poetry for this day. But, unfortunately, he found it difficult to find the right words and the right rhymes. Try to help Vanya compose a funny poem. Birthday Birthday, no doubt about it. The most _______________ ^ _____ I read ___________________ And guests __________________ Come quickly, I was waiting for ______________ day of the year. I'm waiting. And now - check! Here are the words Vanya chose: best congratulations to the doors of your beloved e / MlQeTeipeiiceji d imeQTey ^ i ^ i ^ I really enjoy writing scripts for staging children's TV programs. Read one of my favorite scripts. Try acting out. To do this, assign roles. Decide who will read the words of the presenter and who will be the heroes of the program. Find and highlight the names of the characters in the text. Help the director advise the actors on how to play the roles. Complete the remarks given in parentheses. Gift in the room Anya and Mishutka. There is a tape recorder on the table. Cheerful dance music sounds. Mishutka tries to dance to the music. The sound of wings is heard. The crow Klara flies in. In her beak she has a bright box tied with a large red bow. Crow Clara puts the box on the table. Crow Clara. Phew! How heavy! Barely flew. 'Sx YAY Mishutka. What is this with you, Clara? Crow Clara. Can't you see? Box. Anya. Probably, this is not a simple box with a bow, but a special one. Crow Clara. You always know everything. It is impossible to hide anything from you! And I wanted to surprise you! Kar! Anya. No, no, Clara, I have no idea what's in your box. You'd better tell us everything yourself. Mishutka. Oh, how interesting! Can I untie the bow? Tries to untie the bow. Crow Clara. Of course not! How fast! Give it back! Mishutka. I'll just look with one eye! Crow Clara. Do not touch! This is not your box! Let go! Pulls the box towards himself. Mishutka does not give up. As a result, the box crashes to the floor. There is a loud bang. Anya. Here you go! Mishutka. Oh! Crow Clara (dejectedly). I knew it! Got it! ANYA (picking up the box). Don't worry, I think nothing terrible happened. So what is this box, Clara? Crow Clara (sadly). It was a birthday present for Vanya. Mishutka. Why was it? Crow Clara. Because, I think, he no longer exists. ANYA (looking at the box). How not? Where did he go? The box is intact. Mishutka. So I say, we need to untie the bow ... Crow Clara (with a sigh). Untie! What am I going to my birthday with now? Anya and Mishutka untie the bow and open the box. Anya puts her hand into the box and pulls out the burst balloon... Everyone gasps. Crow Clara flaps her wing and takes out a handkerchief to wipe away her tears. Mishutka (looking with admiration at the former ball). What a beautiful balloon it must have been! What a pity! Crow Clara (sobbing). You see, I was right. It burst, and now I have no gift at all. And I tried so hard, tried so hard, I cheated him for two hours! Mishutka (with hope (looking at Anya). We need to think of something urgently! Crow Klara. My head is upset and doesn't want to think anymore! Anya. All together we will definitely come up with something. No wonder they say: " One mind is good, but two is better. "Crow Clara. And what are you. Mishutka, for Vanya's birthday prepared? Mishutka (proudly). I have prepared a funny dance. Crow Clara. Is it possible to give a dance for his birthday? Anya. Of course, Crow Klara And a song can you? Anya And a song can be presented, and a poem. Gifts are different. The main thing is to give a gift from a pure heart. Music sounds. Everyone starts to dance. Friends Petya and Kolya decided to do their homework together and go to play Look at the pictures on page 118 of the first part of the textbook “Literary Reading.” Describe the first situation orally, using basic words: Petya really wanted to persuade Kolya answered Think and write what Kolya answered. 0 Describe the following situations. Think and p tell me the whole story. Title the resulting text. Read the story "Castle in the Sand" by T. Coty. Compare it with N. Nosov's story "On the Hill." How did the stories end in one and the other stories? Prepare to retell the text. Make a plan for retelling. Find sentences in the story that contain the meaning of the work. T. Koti Castle in the sand The sun stood over head when Liza, Tanya and Seryozha finished building the castle. The sea no longer splashed, it lay motionless, damply shimmering with sun glare, like fish scales. There were almost no vacationers left on the beach, everyone went to dinner. Seryozha sighed and, putting down the last chip-bridge across the moat filled sea ​​water , said: - Everything! After lunch we do not sleep, but gather here. Let's arrange a knightly tournament. - Yeah, - Liza shook her head and got up from her knees, shaking off the adhering sand. The guys left, and Tolya approached the castle, who all morning watched from afar as the guys carried water in toy buckets, poured sand, sculpted towers and battlements. He really wanted to take part in a knightly tournament, and he even approached the guys and began to teach them how to build a real castle. He certainly knew it better than they did, because he had the book "Ancient Castles", which Santa Claus brought him and put under the tree at exactly 12 o'clock in the morning! But the guys for some reason did not want to listen to him. They simply said, "First, help me get some more water so the sand will mold!" Here's another! He will carry them water! Found a fool! Tolya told them so and, angry, left. And now he stood and looked at the wonderful castle, and for some reason he was very offended. - Great castle built, kid! What a fine fellow! - he heard a voice behind him, but did not even turn around. These adults do not understand anything! Is this a castle ?! Now, if he was in command, everything would be different! Tolya began to slowly kick the castle wall with his foot, the wall began to crumble and did not look as beautiful as before. - But I will break their lock, and there will be no knightly tournament! - muttered Tolya angrily, aiming at the highest tower. In less than five minutes, everything was destroyed. The moat has turned into a swamp, and the castle has become a pitiful ruin. "That's great!" - thought Tolya I "went to dinner. When a few hours later he came to the beach with his mother again, he could not believe his eyes! The castle stood on the sand" as if nothing had happened, and the plastic knights on horseback were already approaching the drawbridge across the moat ... Tolya felt his nose tingle treacherously, and his eyes hurt from the tears that had come running down. He quickly ran to the sea so that no one noticed anything, and, climbing into the water, wept bitterly. He was alone all the time, and no one wanted to play with him. Why? Explain why none of the guys wanted to play with Tolya. Why did Tolya cry when he saw the restored castle? Do you think the guys did the right thing when they didn't listen to Tolya's advice? Why would they do that? How would you do it yourself? Have you ever found yourself in similar situations? What proverbs or sayings about friendship fit this story? Write it down. Imagine that the guys decided to make peace with Tolya. Think over their conversation. Act out this situation in faces. © OUR THEATER Reread expressively once again the fable of I. Krylov "Dragonfly and the Ant". Identify and mark the words of the author and characters. I. Krylov Dragonfly and Ant Jumping Dragonfly Red summer sang; I did not have time to look back, As winter rolls into my eyes. The field is dead; There are no longer those bright days, As under each leaf of it Was ready and the table and the house. Everything has passed: with the cold winter. Need, hunger comes; The dragonfly no longer sings: And who will go into the mind On a hungry stomach to sing! Angry melancholy depressed, She crawls to the Ant: "" Do not leave me, dear godfather! "Let me gather strength And until the spring days, Feed and warm!" - “Gossip, this is strange to me: Dragonfly CONTENTS Love the book ......................... 4 Colors of autumn .......... ............. 13 The world of folk tales ................ 26 A merry round dance .............. ....... 34 My friends ......................... 45 Hello, winter! ............... 61 k Miracles happen ................... 63 Spring, spring! ...................... 67 I love all living things .................... 72 Life is given to good deeds ........... 76 II i Educational publication Series "Perspe1aiva> *% Koti Tatyana Yurievna Literary reading Creative notebook Grade 2 Textbook for educational organizations Primary Education Center Editorial Russian Language and Literary Reading Head of the Center M K. Antoshin Editor-in-chief O. Antonova Editors L. A. Vinogradskaya, A. E. Boytsova Responsible for the publication A. E. Boytsov Artists S. R. Adalyan, D. A. Morozova, T. E. Sitnikova Art editor A. V. Krikunov Technical editor S. N. Terekhova Proofreader M. G. Volkova 'Tax Incentive - All-Russian classifier products OK 005-93 - 953000. Ed. persons. Series ID No. 05824 dated 12.09.01. Signed for printing on 07/15/14. Format 84X 108 Vie- Offset paper. PragmaticaC SanPin headset. Offset printing. Uch.-ed. Sheets 3.31. Additional circulation of 5,000 copies. Order No. 0417-15. Open Joint Stock Company Publishing House "Prosveshchenie". 127521, Moscow, 3rd passage Maryinoy Roscha, 41. Printed at JSC "Kostroma" 156010, Kostroma, Samokovskaya str., 10 F. Klimanova et al. Literary reading. Grade 2 * Textbook (in 2 parts) E ^ ortic notebook y Methodical recommendations Working programs. 1 -4 grades Workbook on the development of speech "The magic power of words" Site "Primary school" http: // 1-4. Prosv. Ru II j * ^ Additional materials to the textbook are available in electronic catalog Publishing house "Prosveshchenie" on the Internet resource EDUCATION PUBLISHING

Literary reading begins in children already in the first grade and continues to study this subject until the 11th grade. Pupils studying at the school under the Perspective program begin their immersion in the world of literature with the Literary Reading textbook and a creative notebook for it. Authors workbook L.F.Klimanova and T.Yu. Koti. The same Koti writes some works for this textbook and workbook, apparently realizing in this way her creative abilities that have not been realized until now as a writer.

In general, the tasks in the notebook are simple, but sometimes there is a need to check the answers, and then we are at your service. For you, ready-made homework for a creative notebook, literary reading for grade 1. The teacher checked and approved the answers.

To see the answers, click on the required pages.

Answers to assignments in the subject of Literary Reading Grade 1

Select a page of the notebook: list of pages ↓↓↓ 08 09 10 11 15 17 18 19 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 43 44 48 49 53 54 58 59 60 61 62 63 67 68 69 70 71 73 74 75 77

Assignment on page 17. Find the rhyme in every pair of lines of the poem. Write it down.

Answer: fairies - a bench
with butter - get oiled
fairies - leychek

Page 19- Kotausi and Mousei. What ending in the words did the author come up with to create a rhyme? Write it out.

Answer: - ausi.

Page 24.
Riddles: Who walks while sitting? (Chess player)
Red cheat
Sly yes dexterous,
I got into the barn, I counted Kur. (A fox)
Doesn't sleep at night
Guards the mice. (Cat)

Page 27. Task 5. Now try to compose a riddle from these words.

Answer. Gray, long-eared, carrot-hrum-hrum - who is he?

Compose your own riddle and ask your friends.

Iron horse, instead of legs 2 wheels. (Bicycle)

Page 29. Discuss with a friend what games you know that use counting rhymes. Write it down.

Answer. Catch-up, a bear in the forest, a ring, hide and seek, blind man's buffs, a cunning fox, the king loves, well, repeat, a spoiled phone.

Page 35. What is fuss?

Answer: pine forest.

Imagine that a humpbacked horse is helping you. What good deeds would you do together? Write it down.

Choose any of the suggested answers. The humpback skate and I would clean the whole world of garbage. Would fix the broken roads. Many young trees would be planted in the city. We would feed all the stray animals.

Page 37. What magic items do you know? Color the drawings and sign them.

Answers from left to right: invisible hat, magic wand, airplane carpet, running boots, pomelo, self-assembled tablecloth.

Page 40. Baby elephant

Part numbering: 2-1-3

Baby Puppy

Vanin the puppy is funny and smart. He can wag his tail, jump, bark, bite, give his paw and bring the ball. The puppy is brown crumb with white ears.

Ask a friend if he has a pet. Write down your questions.

  1. What's his name?
  2. What is his character?
  3. What can he do?
  4. What colour is he?
  5. Does he bite?

Collect proverbs about friendship.

An old friend is better than two new ones. Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you cannot fix it. Friendship is not a mushroom - you will not find it in the forest.

Creative notebook "Literary reading" for grade 2, authors Klimanova, Koti, keeps pace with the textbooks under the Perspective program. The tasks are mostly creative, and the answers should be creative - these are your own thoughts, proverbs, sayings. You can take from our GDZ for 7guru, so as not to rummage through the Internet in search of the necessary statements.

Answers to the tasks of Kochi's creative notebook for grade 2

Connect the parts of the proverb:

Those who read a lot know a lot.
The book is not red in writing, but red in mind.
From time immemorial, the book raises a person.
To live with a book is not to grieve for a century
A house without a book is a day without sun.
With the book you will lead - you will gain intelligence.

Remember what you learned about the books that were in ancient times. Look at the drawings, sign them.

birch bark - birch bark
parchment - specially treated animal skin
a book made of wooden planks
vintage book with paper pages

Solve the puzzles:


Explain what an illustration is. What illustrators do you know?

A writer writes a book, an illustrator draws pictures. The editor checks everything. A polygraphist prints a book.

My favorite illustrator is Vladimir Suteev.

Tell us about your home library.

There are many books in our house. There is a bookshelf in my room. There are children's books on it. There are many fairy tales. There are Russian folk tales, there are the Grimm brothers and Andersen's tales. But most of all I like to read Volkov's book "The Wizard of the Emerald City". And when I did not go to school yet, my mother often read me V. Suteev's fairy tales.

Arrange the books in order:

Fairy Tales: Tales of the Nations of the World, Tales of Uncle Remus,
Poems: Barto, poems for children; Marshak, poems for children.
Folk art: Poems and songs of Mother Goose, Ladushki - Russian folk tales. songs, nursery rhymes

Who did the illustration for your favorite book?

What changes in nature in autumn?

The days are getting shorter.
Leaves are falling from the trees.
It's getting colder.
Migratory birds fly south.

Answer the questions (based on "The Gray Neck")

What did the autumn forest look like?
Answer: The forest has become dark and silent.
What was the river like?
Answer: The water in the river darkened, and the banks were bare, the river itself seemed larger.
What did the sky look like?
Answer: The sky was often covered with heavy autumn clouds.
How did the birds behave?
Answer: All the birds were in great alarm.
Write out epithets and comparisons from the texts:

Even bare birches, alder rowan and willow were covered with hoarfrost, like silvery fluff.
They stood covered with snow, as if they had put on a warm expensive fur coat.

Autumn forest colors

Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees changed their color and turned golden. The sky was often frowned, shifting gray, low clouds like eyebrows. Sometimes it rained lightly. The forest was still pleasing with the last colors of autumn, but the birds were already gathering in flocks, preparing to fly away to warm lands. Many mushrooms have appeared in the forest. Here and there you could see their shiny red and brown hats. At the edge of the clearing, like a fire, mountain ash was brightly reddened with scarlet clusters.

Make up your own story. Give it a title. Remember to use figurative words. Underline them in the text.

Autumn in the forest

Autumn has dressed up all the trees in the forest. The birch tree has a yellow dress, the rowan tree has red earrings.

Mushrooms are in smart hats. Spider-web lace sparkles on the bushes.

How beautiful it is in the autumn forest!

We compose poetry

Rhymes to words:

mouse - bear, book, baby
nut - T-shirt, bunny, husky
river - hand, banks
guys - animals, kids, pigs
girlfriend - cheesecake, frog, pillow
kitten - duckling, kid, wolf cub
garden - treasure, lad, polisad, glad
paint - mask, putty, duckweed, weasel
cones - books, donuts, bears

Try to write a poem about friendship, about your friends
Our Masha
Loves porridge.

My girlfriend Ninka
Draws pictures for me.

Boy Petya, my friend,
Loves a sweet pie.

Mikey's on a T-shirt
Eared bunny.

I love my friends -
It's more fun with them!

Come up with the end of the tale.

Answer. One day the cat fell asleep. The mouse came out of the mink and began to pull the cat's whiskers. The cat woke up, caught the mouse and ate it. Since then, mice have not been friends with cats. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - good fellows lesson.

3. Connect the parts of the title of the tale:

Sister fox and wolf
Fear has big eyes
Sly Fox
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka
Fox and crane.

4. The names of fairy tales about animals that were read in the textbook:

Sister fox and wolf
Sly fox
Fox and crane

5. Two descriptions.

For the encyclopedia: Foxes live in forests and steppes. The body of the fox is very flexible, mobile, it can easily stretch when running.

For a collection of fairy tales: The fox walks quietly, bends down to the ground, as if bowing. He wears his fluffy tail carefully. He looks tenderly, smiles, shows white teeth.

6. Belarusian fairy tale "Pykh" and Russian fairy tale "Fear has big eyes"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Fear Has Big Eyes", find the superfluous:

- The main characters of the fairy tale "Puff", find too much:

brother Ivanushka

7. Whom were the heroes afraid of in the fairy tale "Fear Has Big Eyes": a hare
Whom were the heroes afraid of in the fairy tale "Puff": a hedgehog.

8. Words from the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka". Who says the words:

Sister Alyonushka, I will drink from a hoof - brother Ivanushka
The stone is heavy ... - sister Alyonushka

in life - thirsty when it's hot
fiction: no one can turn into a kid or lie at the bottom of a pond and talk

2. Words and tongue twisters:

Quail and quail have five quails.
Queen Clara punished Karl severely for stealing the coral.
Boron is good for beavers.
The baker baked the pies in the oven.
White rams were beating drums.
The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply system.
Fields went to weed in the field.

Several animal riddles:

A bird, not flying, not a fish, but swimming (penguin).
Not a man, but walks on two legs (ostrich, chicken, etc.)
There is hay and milk (cow, goat).
Not a fish, but lives in the water (crocodile).

Try to write a translation of the fable: "In the desert, a man asked me: How many strawberries grow in the sea? And I think I answered him well: As many as red herrings swim in the forest.

A small man asked me:
"Are there many strawberries growing in the sea?"

I flicked my finger on his nose:
As many as there are fish in the forest.

Letter to a sick friend:

Hello Kolya! How do you feel? How is your health?

We missed you very much. Come soon! Natasha and Sasha say hello to you.

Get well soon!

Goodbye, your friend Misha.

Proverbs and sayings:

Friendship: All for one and one for all. You can't cut a strong friendship with an ax. There is safety in numbers.
Mi and harmony: Peace and love are the head of everything. Enmity does no good. In a willing herd, the wolf is not terrible.
Truth and Lie: Truth cannot be grown from a lie. Once he lied, he became a liar forever.
Good and evil: As it comes around, it will respond. For good, pay with good. Kind words are better than soft cake.

Poem "Birthday"

Birthday, no doubt
The best day of the year.
I read congratulations
And I am waiting for my favorite guests.
Come quickly
I was waiting at the door!

Picture story

Petya came to visit Kolya. Kolya solved the problem and nothing worked for him. And Petya really wanted to go and play football as soon as possible. He tried to persuade his friend, but Kolya replied that he would not go outside until he solved the problem. Petya agreed, and they began to solve the problem together.

A friendship proverb that fits this story:

Strong friendship cannot be spilled with water. One for all and all for one.

Describe the Dragonfly. What advice would you give an actor?
The dragonfly looks sad, her head is down. She is cold, she wraps herself in a scarf or other clothes thrown over her shoulders. Traces of tears are visible on her face. She speaks in a thin, plaintive voice. The dragonfly barely moves.

Describe the Ant. What advice would you give an actor?
The ant is warmly dressed. He is cheerful and cheerful. He stands upright with a proud bearing. Ant speaks confidently and with irony, referring to the Dragonfly.

Text about a literary tale.

Fairy tale " The Scarlet Flower"composed by writer S. Aksakov. He used the plot of a Russian fairy tale, which he heard in childhood from his mother or grandmother. But the writer came up with some details himself.

Sergei Aksakov in his fairy tale revealed the theme of sacrificial love that conquers evil. "The Scarlet Flower" is written in the traditions of Russians folk tales... There are many epithets here, the style and speech of the tale resemble the speech patterns of Russian folk tales.

With what words the poet describes spring and autumn:

Spring colors: white. pearlescent, turquoise, pinkish.
Autumn colors: gold, red, crimson.

P. 69 Summer bouquet

In the picture we see flowers of summer: bells, daisies, carnations. Although the drawing is called "Summer Bouquet", these flowers grow in a green meadow, and do not stand in a vase as a bouquet. Here are pink, white, yellow flowers. Such brightly scented buds attract bees.

P. 71 Poems of Ani:

Dear mommy!
I love you!
And poems for memory
I give you!
And also a drawing,
And there are flowers on it
The most wonderful
Those that you love!

Proverbs and sayings about mom, family, parents:

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
The tree is supported by the roots, and the person by the family.
What a treasure, if the family is okay.
There is no such friend as my own mother.
It is warm in the sun, good in the mother.
A parental blessing does not sink on water, does not burn on fire.

Proverbs of the peoples of the region about the importance of respectful attitude of children to their parents

Without a father - half an orphan, and without a mother - and all an orphan.
The prodigal son is an early grave for his father.
You will honor your father and mother, you will learn honor from your son.
You can buy everything, except for the father-mother.

Woe and death to a people whose younger ones will no longer honor their elders.
Gentlemen, old men are the first Cossacks.

Children are not judges to parents.
To bring up kids is not to count chickens.
Children are good - a crown for a father-mother; thin - the end of the father-mother.

If you do not respect your parents, then no one will respect you either.
Feel sorry for your mother and father - you will not find others
Parents are alive - read, died - remember.

As the tree is, so is the wedge; what dad is like, so is the son.
Whoever does not listen to his mother will get into trouble.
Those who honor their parents will be honored by children.
He who honors his parents will never perish.

Mother is a shrine, no one argues with her.
The mother feeds the children like the earth of the people.
Mother is righteous - the fence is made of stone.

There are no wrong parents on earth.
You will find everything in the world except your father and mother.
Do not neglect the advice of old people.
Don't hide your failures from your parents.
Not the father-mother who gave birth, but the one who gave drink, nurtured and taught good.

Father and mother are not enough for life.
To honor father and mother is not to know grief.

Do not poke your head across the scorching heat!
The order does not hurt the obedient son of fathers.

Honor your parents - you will not go astray.
A parental blessing does not burn in fire, does not sink in water.
The parental word does not pass by.
Help your parents while they are alive.

The elder brother is like a second father.
The happiness of parents is the honesty and hard work of children.

Respect the old, you must be old too.
Respect for the young is a duty, respect for the elder is a duty.
If you want to succeed in something - consult with three old men.

P. 76 My good deeds:

Vacuuming the carpet.
I went to the store and bought bread and milk.
Swept in the yard.
I washed the window.
Her little sister combed her hair.
I cleaned the sink.
I put away the toys after my little brother.
I felt sorry for my sister when she fell.

P. 77 Proverbs and sayings about good, good deeds

The good head feeds a hundred hands.
You wish good, good and do!
Seek good, but evil will come of its own accord.
Do not change the good for the worse.
You don’t understand good, so don’t do a thin thing.
They are looking for the good that the treasure, but the bad is at hand.
It is good to be in joy and live in sweetness.
Good will be remembered, but dashing will not be forgotten.
We do good - good and dream, but bad we do - bad and dream.
It is necessary to hurry to do good.
Good and good in a dream.
Look for the good on the side, and love the house in the old days.
Good came to Foma, but left between his hands.
Make good money, but live out the bad.
Good does not burn, does not sink.
Good is not dashing - it wanders quietly.
Good will not die, but evil will disappear.
Goodness does not flow around the world, but lives as a family.
Remember the good, but forget the evil.
Encourage good, but condemn evil.
Good to create - to amuse yourself.
Good will then be good when people praise.
Good teaches the one who listens.
Good will survive badly.
Hold on to the good, but surrender from the bad.
Do not run the good, and do not do the bad.
They put a kind person in a red corner.
Honor the good, but do not pity the evil.
Virtue does not harm good.
Virtue overcomes strength.
It is a good deed to speak the truth boldly.
A good deed will not remain without a reward.
A good deed is spoken boldly.
A good deed has lived for two centuries.
A good deed and does not sink in water.
A good deed is strong.

The story "How I helped my mother"

Mom asked me to help her clean up the apartment. I decided to clean my room. First I vacuumed the carpet, then I washed the floor, I cleaned the shelves. There is a parrot cage in my room. I look after them: I clean the cage, take care of them by playing with them. Mom was pleased with my work!

Reader's questionnaire:

I read about 15-20 books in a year. It was interesting to me.
My favorite book is "The Wizard of the Emerald City", the author is Volkov.
I can call myself a book lover, because I read a lot and love books.
Yes, I want both the school and the city children's library.

P. 74 Outline of the story by E. Charushin

Shura and Petya are alone at the dacha.
At night they became scared.
Someone's stomping at the door.
The return of dad and mom.
Hedgehog - night guest

P. 74 Story about a favorite pet "I can talk to my pet without words.

I have a cat. His name is Fluff. He loves milk. I teach him to jump over the hoop. I talk to Pushk without words. When I scratch a cat behind the ear, he realizes that I love him. I really love my pet!

If you have questions about the GDZ, ask in the comments.

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