Enlarged groups of specialties and or preparation directions. Oxo - All-Russian classifier of specialties by education

  • Responsible for the support of the classifier: Ministry of Education and Science of Russia
  • Base: Resolution of the State Standard of Russia of September 30, 2003 No. 276-Article 01.01.2004
  • Approved: 15.06.2005
  • Entered into force: 01.10.2005
Oxo code Name specialty Qualification
The code Name
90000 Information Security
210000 Electronic equipment, radio engineering and communication
30000 Humanitarian sciences
140000 Energy, Energy Engineering and Electrical Engineering
100000 Service sector
280000 Safety of vital activity, environmental protection and environmental protection
50000 Education and pedagogy
240000 Chemical and biotechnology
170000 Weapons and weapons
80000 Economics and Management
10000 Physics and mathematics
200000 Instrumentation and optical equipment
150000 Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Material Process
260000 Food and consumer goods technology
270000 Architecture and construction
120000 Geodesy and land management
130000 Geology, exploration and development of minerals
230000 Computer Science and Computer
20000 Natural Sciences
250000 Reproduction and processing of forest resources
160000 Aviation and Rocket and Space Technology
190000 Vehicles
60000 Health
110000 Rural and fisheries
40000 Social sciencies
220000 Automation and management
180000 Sea machinery
70000 Culture and art

What is oxo

Oxo is the abbreviated name of the all-Russian classifier of the specialties. The classifier was created in order to ensure the exchange of data between government departments in the field of education. Okey is intended to solve problems in the field of training the necessary specialists in a manufacturing or other field. In other words, the All-Russian specialties classifier takes into account the needs of the market in different areas Activities, which leads ultimately to reduce unemployment.

Among other skins, there are such as regulating licensing in educational region, statistical analysis, accounting and processing of information, regulation of the ratio of the preparation of Russian specialists in accordance with international standards.

Oskey includes both higher and secondary vocational education. The classifier is based on the law "On Education", as well as on lists of directions in training, drawn up in accordance with this law. The classifier is governed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and VNII Gosstandart.

What objects are classified in oxo

Objects of the All-Russian Classifier specialties are specialties of higher and medium vocational education. Under the specialty in this case are the skills, knowledge, skills that were obtained in the learning process in educational institutionWhen prepared professionals delivered professional tasks are able to solve.

What is the structure and codes in oxo

Oxo as a whole presents a code of code designation objects for classification, name data objects and additional classification features.

Includes structural description of the object:

  • Name unit
  • Identification unit
  • Block of classification additional signs

The identification block is built in OCO using the classification hierarchical method, as well as using a serial coding method. Three levels of hierarchical classification can be distinguished:

  • Specialties
  • Direction directions
  • Enlarged groups of directions and specialties

The code designation structure includes six decimal digital signs. It has the following type: Xxxxxx, where:

  • The first and second sign corresponds to the enlarged groups of directions and specialties of training.
  • The third and fourth sign are directions for training.
  • Fifth and sixth sign - specialty

In Oco, the name block includes the names of the specialties, directions of preparation, the name of the enlarged groups of directions and specialties. For ease of use of the classifier, the names of the directions are highlighted in bold, specialties - italics. The block of classification additional features contains information on qualifications, which is assigned in the specialty and direction of preparation. In 1 graph of the qualifying additional feature block, the code indicates, in 2 column block - the name of the qualifications. The name of the qualifications approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation lists of the directions and specialties of the average professional and higher education.

Specialties of higher education - a specialist approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation On September 12, 2013 N 1061 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 14, 2013, registration N 30163), with changes made by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2014 N 63 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation February 28, 2014, registration No. 31448), of August 20, 2014 N 1033 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 3, 2014, registration N 33947), from October 13, 2014 N 1313 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation November 13, 2014, registration N 34691), of March 25, 2015 N 270 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 22, 2015, registration N 36994) and dated October 1, 2015 N 1080 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation October 19, 2015, registration N 39355).

<1> The list of specialties of higher education - undergraduate, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2013 N 1061 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 14, 2013, registration N 30163), with changes made by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federations of January 29, 2014 N 63 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 28, 2014, registration N 31448), from August 20, 2014 N 1033 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 3, 2014, registration N 33947) , on October 13, 2014 N 1313 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 13, 2014, registration N 34691), on March 25, 2015 N 270 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 22, 2015, registration N 36994) , dated October 1, 2015 N 1080 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation October 19, 2015 , registration N 39355) and dated December 1, 2016 N 1508 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 20, 2016, registration N 44807).

<11> Other products of the pharmacy assortment include medical products, disinfectants, items and personal care products, dishes for medical purposes; items and means designed to care for patients, newborns and children under the age of three years; Point optics and treatments for it, mineral waters, the products of therapeutic, children's and diet food, biologically active additives, perfume and cosmetics; Medical and sanitary and educational printed publicationsdesigned to promote a healthy lifestyle - federal law of April 12, 2010 N 61-FZ "On the circulation of medicines" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 16, Art. 1815 N 31, Art. 4161, N 42, Art. 5293, N 49, Art. 6409; 2011, N 50, Art. 7351; 2012, N 26, Art. 3446, N 53, Art. 7587; 2013, N 27, Art. 3477, N 48, Art. 6165; 2014, N 11, Art. 1098, N 43, Art. 5797, N 52, Art. 7540; 2015, N 10, Art. 1404, N 27, Art. 3951, N 29, Art. 4359, 4367, 4388; N 43, Art. 5797; N 51, Art. 7245; 2016, N 1, Art. 9, N 23, Art. 3287, N 27, Art. 4194, 4238, 4283).

<7> All-Russian classifier specialties for education.

<8> Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1993 N 5485-1 " state secret"(Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 15, Art. 1768; 1997, N 41, Art. 4673, 8220, 8221, 8222, 8223, 8224, 8225, 8226, 8227, 8228, 8229, 8230, 8229 8232, 8233, 8234, 8235; 2002, N 52, Art. 5288; 2003, N 6, Art. 549, N 27, Art. 2700, N 46, Art. 4449; 2004, N 27, Art. 2711, N 35, Art. 3607; 2007, N 49, Art. 6055, Art. 6079; 2009, N 29, Art. 3617; 2010, N 47, Art. 6033; 2011, N 30, Art. 4590, Art. 4596 , N 46, Art. 6407; 2013, N 51, Art. 6697; 2015, N 10, Art. 1393).

    Appendix N 1. List of directions for the preparation of higher education - undergraduate Appendix N 2. List of areas of preparation of higher education - magistracy Appendix N 3. List of higher education specialties - specialist Annex N 4. List of areas of preparation of higher education - training of highly qualified training programs for training programs Scientific -Pedagogical frames in graduate school Appendix N 5. List of areas of preparation of higher education - training of highly qualified training programs for training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in the adjuncture Appendix N 6. The list of specialties of higher education - training of highly qualified personnel in the ordinatory program Appendix N 7. List of specialties Higher Education - Preparation of Higher Qualifications for Internship Assistance Programs

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2013 N 1061
"On approval of lists of specialties and directions for higher education"

With changes and additions from:

January 29, August 20, October 13, 2014, March 25, October 1, 2015, December 1, 2016, 10, 11 April 2017, March 23, 2018

the list of directions for the preparation of higher education - magistracy (Appendix N 2);

list of specialties of higher education - specialist (Appendix N 3);

the list of areas of preparation of higher education - training of highly qualified training programs for training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (Appendix N 4);

the list of directions for the preparation of higher education - training of highly qualified training programs for the training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in the adjuncture (Appendix N 5);

the list of specialties of higher education - training of highly qualified personnel on the programs of the ordinacy (Appendix N 6);

the list of specialties of higher education - training of highly qualified personnel on the internship assistant programs (Appendix N 7).

D.V. Livanov

The lists of the areas of preparation of higher education are enshrined: undergraduate, master's training, training of highly qualified training programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school and in adjuncture.

The list of specialties of higher education are approved: specialist, training of higher qualifications for the programs of the ordinature and an internship assistant.

The lists approved in 2009 by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia can be applied until the completion of the training of persons previously adopted in the direction of preparation (specialty) specified in them.

These are the lists of the preparation directions (specialties) of the highest professional formation, confirmed by the assignment to the person of the qualification (degree) "specialist", as well as the Bachelor and Master.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2013 N 1061 "On approval of the list of specialties and directions for the preparation of higher education"

This Order comes into force on its official publication.

This document amended the following documents:

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of March 23, 2018 N 210

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of April 11, 2017 N 328

Changes take effect after 10 days after the day of the official publication of the named order

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of April 10, 2017 N 320

Changes come into force after 10 days after the day

To the question of how to work with the indicator "Compliance with the requirements of the State / GEF VPO share of teachers who have basic education corresponding to the profile of the disciplines under the main educational program."

About enlarged groups of professions, specialties and preparation directions

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation by order of September 12, 2013 No. 1061 approved a new list of specialties and directions for the preparation of higher education. The document provides information on 8 areas of education containing 55 enlarged groups of specialties.

The establishment of compliance between the specialties and directions of the preparation of higher education, indicated in the old, 2009, List and New, 2013 is governed by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1245 (posted on the page State accreditation of 2015 Site Vyatga in the section " External regulatory acts ").

Some explanations: In connection with the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" and in connection with the introduction of graduate school (adjunctures), the reinforcement and assistant internship in the level of higher education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, an appropriate work on modernization was carried out. Lists of areas of training and specialties of vocational education.

The last reapproval of this list was carried out in 2009. This edition contained information about 29 enlarged groups of areas of training and specialties, 295 professions of primary vocational education, 241 specialties of secondary vocational education. The list also contained records of more than 350 directions for the preparation of undergraduate and magistracy, 114 specialties of higher vocational education.

But, this approach It did not meet internationally accepted documents and did not allow the comparability of national indicators in international statistical accounting. In addition, before the adoption of the new Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" №273-FZ graduate studies treated postgraduate education. Accordingly, they did not establish lists of the preparation directions, federal state educational standards were approved. In licenses for the maintenance of graduate school programs, the specific specialties of scientists were indicated (they are currently in the nomenclature of specialties of scientists about 500). According to the approaches and under the structure, the nomenclature of the specialties of scientists did not coincide with the approaches and structure of the lists of the areas of preparation of higher education.

The basis of the modernization of the lists of areas of preparation and specialties was laid the following principles:

ü List structure for all levels of vocational education (secondary vocational education, undergraduate, magistracy, specialty, graduate school (adjuncture), the internship, an internship assembly) must be unified.

ü The list of lists for all levels of vocational education must comply with the structures of modern international classifiers for education and classifiers for scientific areas. The main landmark was taken by an international system of classification of branches of science and technologies proposed by OECD (FOS, 2007). In order to take into account the specifics of the levels of medium vocational education and undergraduate, as well as not to lose educational programs in those areas of professional activities that do not contain scientific and high-tech components, as a second reference was used International System Education classifications (ISCED, 2011), approved and supported by the UN.

The structure of the list should be built on the basis of three hierarchical levels:

ü field of Education,

ü enlarged group of professions, specialties and preparation directions (hereinafter - enlarged groups);

ü Direction of training (for undergraduate, magistracy, graduate school and adjuncture), or specialty (for the specialist, internships and an internship assistant), or profession (specialty) of secondary vocational education.

To ensure the principles of the continuity of all levels of vocational education in the light of the concept of education throughout the life of the field of education and enlarged groups are formed uniform for all levels of vocational education.

Development of a new list of preparation directions and specialties was carried out working Group on the modernization of the content of education created at the Department public Policy In the field of higher education, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia together with experts of the Association of Classical Universities in Russia, Association engineering Education, Coordination Council educational and methodological associations of universities in Russia, Council of the Association of Technical Universities.

ü form education areas as follows: for the main landmark to take 6 wide areas of science and technologies from the OECD classifier (FOS, 2007), if necessary, reformulating their names with the specifics russian science and russian educationadd region "Education and pedagogical sciences"(In accordance with the ISCED-2011), as well as" art and culture ". Thus, 8 education regions were formed:

Mathematical I. natural Sciences;

Engineering, technology, technical sciences;

Health I. medical sciences;

Agriculture and agricultural sciences;

Society Sciences;

Education and pedagogical sciences;

Humanitarian sciences;

Art and culture.

ü form enlarged groups (united for all levels of vocational education) as follows: for the main landmark to take enlarged groups of sciences and technologies from the OECD classifier (FOS, 2007), adding several enlarged groups in the field of "Engineering, Technology and Technical Sciences" taking into account the priority areas for the development of science and technologies determined by the President of Russia and the needs of the defense industry) and 1 enlarged group in the area "Socio-economic and social Sciences"(" Service and Tourism "). In total, 55 enlarged groups were formed.

All current areas of training of bachelors and masters, as well as specialty higher education, distribute on new enlarged groups in such a way that educational programs have a total substantive (subject) nucleus and similar implementation conditions (logistical, personnel, etc.) in one group. . This, first of all, is due to the fact that in accordance with the requirements of 273-ФЗ, the accreditation of educational programs will be held on enlarged groups.

ü in each Enlarged group To establish, as a rule, one direction of graduate school preparation (given that as part of the direction of preparation, which will be approved by the Framework Federal State Educational Standard, educational or scientific organization Will be able to develop several educational programs with orientation on specific specialties of scientists).

Previously acting lists can be applied by organizations educational activities According to educational programs of higher education, until the completion of the training of persons previously adopted in the direction of preparation (specialty), listed in the list.

So, how to work with the indicator "Compliance with the requirements of the State / GEF VPO share of teachers who have basic education corresponding to the profile of the disciplines under the main educational program»?

In this case, there is a specialty (direction) in the diploma of higher professional education. A copy of the diploma must necessarily be in the personal case of the teacher.

The proportion of teachers who have basic education corresponding to the profile of the disciplines under the OOO should be at least 50% (based on the training workload of teachers within the framework of the educational program).

Conformity basic education And the discipline profile is recommended as follows:

a) the direction of preparation is determined, which corresponds to the discipline (for example, the discipline "mathematics" corresponds to the direction of preparation 010100 "Mathematics");

b) the UGN is determined corresponding to the direction of preparation (for example, the direction of preparation 010100 "Mathematics" corresponds to UGN 01.00.00 "Mathematics and mechanics"); And the same mathematics at the intersection with information sciences Or with physics will be already related to UGN 02.00.00 "Computer and informational sciences" and "Physics and Astronomy", respectively.

c) the UGN is determined corresponding to the specialty of the diploma teacher;

d) the correspondence is considered established in the case of coincidence of the UGN defined in paragraphs. b) and c).

It is clear that the diploma specialty is not always formulated in the same way as in the adapter (often changes for last years). Therefore, the compliance is determined by a specialist in a particular direction of training / specialty on a meaningful basis. When examining the OOP, such a right is given to the expert. In our case, it determines the head of the department, which should be ready to answer for its decision.

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