What to read for self-development Woman 35. Books on self-development for modern women

Greetings! Self-development - the most powerful trend recent years. We are enthusiastically "pumping" different areas of life. Learning to communicate correctly with teenage children.

Monetize blogs and groups on Facebook. Meditate for money, success and good luck. Create a slideshow in Photoshop. And modern people Without complexes, it is both at 20, and in 50 years.

You can choose differently. For example, to travel for two weeks in Thailand to work in a living group. Or download online course recording on the torrent and go home homework. But the most popular format of self-priority fans are still books.

According to statistics, they are often read not men, but women. There are often no time for the courses and trainings for self-development.

Who will be interesting? Women aged 20 to 30 years old.

Clinical psychologist Meg Jay believes that modern world The middle-aged crisis is already irrelevant. The crisis of the "quarter of life" came to change. They suffer from those who graduated from studying and confused on the threshold of adulthood.

Therefore, young people fall into extremes and pull the beginning of the adult life "for later." Early marriages, infantility, computer games, stupid films, unpromising work.

But the period from 20 to 30 years is determining in the life of any person. In his book, Meg Jay explains why it is in this decade that you need to invest in your maximum: travel, useful sites and additional education. And tells how to do it right.

Fishka books: the idea of \u200b\u200bthe weakness of strong ties and the strength of weak.

Quote: "Knowledge is not skill. Skill is knowledge plus 10,000 repetitions. "

Daniel Gowman "Emotional Intellect. Why can it mean more than IQ "

Who will be interesting? Those who want to figure out the mechanism of their and other emotions. And learn to competently manage them "for the benefit of the case."

According to the author, Empathy (the ability to "read" emotions and the mood of the interlocutor) today is more important than other applied skills and skills. People insanely missed the real feelings and emotions. And very appreciate those who are quickly configured on their emotional "wave".

Success in many professions is based on high emotional intelligence. "Sensitive" sellers, managers, coaches and customer managers are much more efficient than their "cold" colleagues. Moreover, emotional intellect It is important in such areas as raising children, family life and even health.

Books chip: a lot of real examples from life.

Quote: "The emotional brain existed long before the rational" appeared.

Nina Chalk "Energy Yoga"

Who will be interesting? Those who believe that yoga is not just a set exercise, and conscious practice at several levels.

  • What muscles are involved, and as Assan affects organs and systems of life (physiological effect)
  • What chakras open, and that at this moment happens with energy channels (energy effect)
  • As Assan affects the mood, and what character qualities is developing (psychocental effect)
  • What to watch at the time of execution
  • How to enter asana, be in it and leave it

What type can be attributed to the book "Yoga Energy"? In my opinion, it is encyclopedia, and useful practical manual. It allows you to extract the maximum of yoga classes and experienced "yogi."

Nina Mel honestly described contraindications of each Asana. Therefore, the book will be useful for pregnant women, women with health problems and those far over 40.

Books chip: Each Asan has pictures and description of the technique of execution. The author suggests what to draw attention to (basic errors, proper breathing) and cites asana variations.

Barbara Cher "What to dream about"

Who will be interesting? Those who do not know what really wants.

Today on the market tons of books on the topic "". And if a woman does not represent anything, what does she want to do? Or is there somewhat interesting directions for it? Or can not bring to the end by no matter?

How to deal with a self-debit of a woman if she does not have a concept that it is why to develop?

In the book "What to dream about?" Barbara Cher proves: in the depths of the soul, each of us knows what he wants. Just our real desires are disguised as psychological installations or programs (as a rule, from childhood). True dreams you just need to find and "enable"!

Quote: "Life is too short to live without a goal. Life is a real hell. "

Loretta broouning "Hormones of happiness. How to teach the brain to produce serotonin, dopamine, endorphin and oxytocin "

Who will be interesting? Those who want to reprogram their brains on a positive wave and intensify "hormones of happiness" with useful habits.

Loretta Breigning perfectly described the influence of hormones on our emotions and behavior. The essence of the book is partially disclosed in its name. There are "positive" hormones (endorphine, dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin). And there are hormones "with a minus sign" (for example, cortisol).

Books chip: a clear mechanism for the formation of beneficial habits for 45 days to activate "Hormones of happiness".

Quote: "When a monkey loses his banana in conflict with the tribesman, it is discomfort. But it does not exacerbate your experiences, scrolling them in the head again and again. She will look for a new banana. People begin to build all sorts of theories about bananas. And in the end, they themselves create pain. "

Your opinion: What books on self-development is required to read?

A woman is a unique generator of intuitive emotions. Each of us knows about your extraordinary capabilities that dormant in the corners of the subconscious. Books on self-development for women will help you choose the key to the magic string and release perfection.

Basically, a person comes to the crisis periods of life. At such moments, he is looking for consolation and support. It happens it is difficult to find a person for the role of the teacher and the confessor. Books on self-realization are the best candidates for the role of Guru at a difficult moment of life.

"Blessed, who, getting on the Knowledge Trop, is a mentor guard"

Among the rich selection of authors, writing books on psychology, it certainly has a consonant book that can change the life and an equivalent meeting of the real living teacher. After reading which is simply impossible to remain the same.

Before you, a dozen popular authors writing about the ways to build the life of your dreams. The best books are manuals for self-development for women who introduce unique methods of self-improvement that take into account the peculiarities of the psychology of the beautiful sex.

Places defined for each book in this article do not display any rating or popularity. Just as individuals, individually and the doctrine, consonant with your soul and suitable for you:

  • someone sees the ideal in the acquisition of mutual understanding with others
  • for someone, happiness - in love
  • build perfect career
  • find peace in the family
  • attract male views

Motives and goals are different, according to this and it is worth choosing their own way of self-development. Your goal is determined by the book that will behave in success.

Psychology of love

The best books reflecting the inner world of a woman in finding their man will help you choose a model of behavior to achieve the goal. Do not be afraid to change the way to the dream, you will not lose yourself. People perceive us as a projection of their own thoughts and ideas. In order to impress them, you need to give them what they want.

Theoretical knowledge presented in a brief and fun form is supported by practical advice. Written, the book is perceived as a positive and informative guide to action. Details painted steps are instantly perceived as worthy trust.

The six components of success in relations who make a person in love are supported by 85 trouble-free techniques that will lead to the present feel. Considering the man as prey, the author turns the process of developing relations into a fun game in which the rules dictate a successful hunter.

The man who wrote a book is not a professional psychologist. However, three of his marriage presented the valuable experience to which he was divided into the book. Revealing the secrets of a strong floor, he aims to gain happiness in love and family of both women and men. Manipulation of a man should eventually lead to mutual happiness.

Amazing observations, disclosure of secrets of psychology of human behavior in relations, practical advice, how to do - the book is really useful for women. Men think differently and know their true motives - half of success.

3. "School of Geisha in ten simple lessons"

This book for women who have decided to stand on the path of art of elegant seduction. Body language, secrets of a tea ceremony, cooking and influence on the attitude of the floods of aphrodisiacs. Valuable advice, how to become a modern geisha - mysterious and attractive - disclosed in this book.

Use your sexuality and ancient knowledge of seductors - the author offers us. Programmed practical methods will emphasize your unusual and individuality and make your man burn out of passion.

4. "Desktop Book Bitch"

Everyone knows the paradoxical aspiration of men to the bitch. Following a strong and wayward woman is akin to the relationship of the beak and rabbit. Forgetting about the feeling of self-preservation, a man loses his head and sees the goddess in you. Practical advice How to become a hostess of your life and dictate your rules in relationships, change your life.

By choosing a model of the behavior of a woman - bitch, you get up on the path of rivalry of the Spirit and Will with a man. Being armed with tips from the book, you will definitely won.

The pain of treason, the reluctance to take the situation, cry of the soul - sadly that it overtook you. The author teaches how to survive this feeling, to understand what is happening and returning former happiness. The book promises with you, supports and gives the choice of behavior models for a decent way out of the situation.

This book will help get out of depression. Your favorite and family are goals worthy of fighting for them and win.

Instructions for business woman

Digitated with modernity to prove its consistency not only in love and family, requires a completely special approach. The career staircase for many ladies has become practically the subject of obsession. How to climb on it with a highly raised head, defeat uncertainty. The best books on self-development that have become world bestsellers will give useful practical advice.

This book has become a desktop for many successful people. Large corporations consider this material necessary to explore their employees. Motivating book with ready-made methods of self-realization is a serious and really useful knowledge.

"Seven skills" - detailed and clear instructions for determining your true goals and how to achieve them. It is necessary for study not only to achieve career growth. The arrangement of priorities and self-improvement will become after reading the obvious necessity in your life.

7. "Work, money and love. Self-realization guide

Happiness found in a harmonious combination of a successful career, home heat and wealth - the main points of self-development to achieve success are collected in this book.

The author convinces the need to determine and align the priorities for finding the inner harmony of a woman. A practical allowance will help to bring order in your life, discard the extra, imposed by stereotypes, goals and choose a truly path.

Books for motivation and spiritual development

The novel reading in one breath has an extraordinary action. The involuntary projection of the reader and identifying himself with the hero of the book give a magical impetus to self-realization.

Faith in their limitless possibilities, motivation for the path to the goal - following the fearless and wise hero Coelho is transferred to real life. The philosophical fairy tale of Parable became a support for lost themselves and a powerful platform for faith in happiness.

A woman with an amazing worldview that wrote this book is the author of many books on the teachings of Feng Shui. Being a specialist in this area, she suffered the main knowledge postulates Ancient China In real life.

The book is a guide to attract wealth, love and harmony to your life. To learn about your limitless opportunities and believe in them, to live in accordance with your desires - the book gives the detailed knowledge about achieving these goals.

Since childhood, we hear that only such a person who is constantly engaged in its self-development can be called a person. And, of course, everyone wants to develop, but not everyone knows how to do it effectively and quickly. The whole problem is that few people really understand what self-development.

Many people are mistaken, believing that self-development is a way that gives:

  • Power and the ability to manipulate other people;
  • Opening of some superhuman opportunities;
  • Obtaining secret information inaccessible to the uninitudinal;
  • The ability to reach vertices and say "I reached everything";
  • A set of specific rules that must be kept in life.

If you think that personal growth and self-development will affect the lives of other people - you are also mistaken.

When developing his soul, a person receives a unique opportunity to change himself, and the consequence of these changes is to change the attitude towards us.

When the erroneous expectations of people are not justified - they are disappointed in self-development and begin to live a "automatic life", not aware of its laws and without managing it. It can be said that such a person is in the "Comfort Zone", he does not want to change anything.

What is self-development?

Under the effective self-development of a person today understand:

  • The most effective, but not the easiest and fast, the road to prosperity and success in life;
  • Qualitatively new stage personality development;
  • Awakening the energy of creativity, creating opportunities for changing life;
  • Cure from psychological and physical injuries;
  • Transition from traditional thinking to creative, creative thinking;
  • Permanent self-surveillance and self-analysis that allows you to adjust personal qualities and develop new ones;
  • Training among the unnomoters.

Moreover, in this process, people are located immediately in 2 horses: student and teachers. Self-development not only allows a person to learn new vertices of knowledge, but also creates conditions for helping other people in the development of the stages that you have already passed. Especially good in such a process feels teenagers.

Everyone has their own way of self-development, someone goes
short road, someone is long, but it's never easy. This personal growth requires constant and regular work on oneself, the improvement of existing ones, and the development of new personal qualities. In the process of permanent self-development, a person is concentrated for his own purposes and desires, all the time getting knowledge to achieve them. Such a process of self-knowledge is the basis for successful lifeIt allows a person to overcome his "comfort zone", makes it constantly move forward, fills the meaning of all its existence.

Methods of self-development

Any self-development is on the 3 bases - exercise, healthy diet and mental self-regulation. Everyone begins to engage in different ways: some first want to bring to relative order physical bodyAnd then engage in spiritual development, and some on the contrary - first seek ways of spiritual self-improvement, and then begin to engage in a physical body. It is best - simultaneously engage in body and spirit, and not to fall in extremes and, engaging in an active spiritual development, to launch your body. There is a wonderful phrase:

The human body is a bag, and spiritual knowledge - gravel. If gravel fill the proceed bag, then it will break. "

This means that the physical body must comply with the knowledge gained.

You can try on yourself several ways of self-development until you find the one that will most effectively move you forward. It is difficult to predict in advance which methods will suit you more than others, but you can always choose. We bring to your attention a small list of self-development methods.

How can you deal with self-development:

Books and audiobooks on spiritual and personal self-development are one of the simplest, affordable and low-cost ways to work on themselves and its potential. If you need the Council that read for self-development, pay your attention to the following recommendations.

Self-development through books (top list)

So what to read for self-development? In a person, everything is interconnected, there is no spiritual growth without material reinforcement, it is impossible to achieve sustainable financial well-being, if simultaneously not working with his soul. Therefore, all recommended books that help our self-development can be divided into two categories:

  1. The best books and audiobooks for spiritual self-development.
  2. The best books and audiobooks to achieve financial independence.

List of books for spiritual self-development

  1. The books of the Indian spiritual mysticism and the leader of Osho (Rajnisha) do not encounter the truth, but will be your own thoughts.
    • "Mustard Grain" - represents the comments of the Osho to the fifth gospel from St. Thomas in a completely incredible interpretation. This book you can reread infinitely, like the Bible.
    • "Be easier" - the poetic cycle of Osho's conversations with the Master Zen Ikkye about the easiestness of being.
    • "The keys to the new life" - the reasoning of the Osho on the development of internal courage. Bravery on Osho is not the lack of fear, but his adoption with full awareness.
  2. Louise Hay's books and audiobooks on self-development are based on her personal experience.
    • - The book explains the causes of diseases and are offered keys to healing through positive affirmations.
    • - written for women, but men in it will find a lot of interesting things.
  3. The main idea of \u200b\u200ba set of bestsellers is the enjoyment of self-development.
    • - The author reveals the reader the causes of many diseases, indicates the path to healing.
    • "Big Encyclopedia of Entity" - more than 500 spiritual articles on the essence and being located in alphabetical order.
  4. The mysterious Russian writer and Esoteric Vadim Zeland became known thanks to his book "TransSerfing Reality". This book is a kind of teaching about the multivarianism of the world, in which a person can consciously seek impossible. Refusing the linearity of the surrounding world, men and women can become real owners of their lives and the world itself.
  5. The writer and homeopath Valery Sinelnikov wrote many books and audiobook to improve the quality of life of both men and women.
    • "The power of intent" - tells how to implement the desires and dreams. What is the intention? How can it be properly accumulated? Is it possible to use the intention to harm? All the answers will be in this book.
    • "Love your illness" - presents a non-standard approach to recovery. Valery Sinelnikov tells how and why people create diseases in themselves, how to enter into a substantive dialogue, like our negative emotions (egoism, pride, hatred, etc.) affect health. The book also contains a whole list of unique practical exercises.
  6. The embodiment of Tibetan Lama and the Astral Traveler, Briton Lobsang Ramp in an affordable form introduces us with Buddhist teachings.
    • "The third eye" describes a unique operation to strengthen the third eye, which was allegedly done with the author.
    • "Saffrona Mantle" - tells about the child's childhood spent in Tibet monasteries. The book is literally stuck with all sorts of esoteric experiences and cases.
    • The "thirteenth candle" is the thirteenth book of the ramp about his mystical experience in Venus. Reflects the views of the author about the structure of the universe and the universe.
  7. Anastasia New - Modern Russian writer and artist. In their artistic booksah and journalism, she shares his vision of the world. This girl has very non-standard psychology and ideas about life.
  8. A series of books of the Bulgarian Occultist, Astrologer and Alchemist, the founder of one of the branches of the White Brotherhood, Mikael Avakhov Oramama, describes space laws that manage the world and every person through interchange, the laws of interaction among women and men.
  9. The work of the famous physics, esoterica and inventor Drunvalo Melchizedek " Ancient mystery The flower of life "sends us on a journey through the world of sacred geometry. Everything in the world reaches to simple forms, and the simplest form has spirituality - a flower of life.
  10. "Travel home" is a unique novel-parable, written by a real man Lee Carroll in the invisible co-authorship with a disembodied spirit named Crane. How to go through seven initiatives? Will the hero of the work be able to become warrior of light and return home to earth? Despite the fact that the book is read simply in one breath, today it is considered one of the best practical modern allowances for metaphysics.

In addition to these authors, the books and audiobooks of Sri Aurobindo, Katskudzo Nisha, Bob Friesla, Richard Baha think about many things. It is also worth reading Barbaru Martyak, Alexander Assova, Alice Bailey, Sergey Alekseeva.

The training period is not limited to years spent on the school desk. To achieve success at work, in personal life and communicating with other people, it is worth it. The best teacher was always considered the book. What to read for self-development? Here is a selection of 40 artistic and popular works worthy of becoming a table book of a modern man.

Classic: 9 art books for all times

  1. Antoine de Saint-Exupery. "Little Prince". A fairy tale written by a French pilot for children needs to be read, above all, adults. The work teaches truly to love and be friends, and also makes looking at the world of adults of the child.
  2. Bulgakov Mikhail. "Master and Margarita". Complicated to perceive mystical novel, in which two storylines are intertwined - events occurring in Moscow of the 30s of the last century, and the last days Life of Jesus Christ.
  3. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. "One hundred years of loneliness." The work-parable of the Spanish author, apparent to the thought of how important it is to appreciate and take care of family bonds in the world of people doomed to loneliness.
  4. Green Alexander. "Scarlet Sails". Romantic story about naive girl Assol, waiting for a prince on a white ship with almy sails. It does not understand and face people, but one day they will see - dreams come true if you really believe.
  5. Dostoevsky Fedor. "Crime and Punishment". The socio-psychological novel, in which the senses of a student who killed the old woman for the sake of profit. Fear and remorse of conscience make him recognize the guilt, demanding fair retribution.
  6. Orwell George. "1984". The most famous antwatopia in the literature of the 20th century, which describes the world where the totalitarian regime reigns. The story in the novel is fictional, but the author managed so deeply to analyze it and describe it in detail that it seems realistic.
  7. Thick lion. "War and Peace". The era of romanticism B. Russian Empire - a period of gentle feelings and ardent confessions, balls and duels, and more wars going with Napoleonic France. One of the best works Russian literature conquers not only the clerks of the plot and the bright description of the battle scenes, but above all - the philosophical reflections of the author.
  8. Erich Maria Remarque. "Three comrades." The actions of the novel occur in Germany of the 20s of the last century. But the post-war time is only a background in the work, where the inspiring story of love and friendship is unfolding.
  9. Hemingway Ernest. "A Farewell to Arms!". Best Book About the First World War, forcing to realize the value of human life, as well as love, which in moments of the proximity of death seems to be a mirage.

In the world of psychology: 10 books that change people

  1. Napoleon Hill. "Think and get rich". The bestseller, first published in America back in 1937, reissued 42 times and still remains among the best-selling. The one who wants to become successful and rich, the author of articles advises to make 13 concrete steps and get the desired.
  2. Allen Carr. " Light way quit smoking. The legendary book in which the author described the technique, which he himself brought and threw it to smoke. The method has changed all the familiar representations of smoking people that only strong will can say goodbye to cigarettes forever. At the heart of unobtrusive psychotherapy, which the reader does not even notice.
  3. Brian Tracy. "Get out of the comfort zone." This is a practical allowance from a well-known business coach. From the book you can learn about 21 method of improving personal effectiveness. The introduction of the rules proposed by the author will allow to better manage their time and by himself.
  4. Melnik Sharon. "Stress tolerance". The reason for many failures in the business and personal sphere is inability to adequately respond to crisis situations. The book will teach not only calmly experience stressful states, but also make them useful.
  5. Ekman floor. "Psychology of lies, deceive me if you can." How not to become a victim of psychological manipulations? What words and gestures give a lie? Answers to these questions will be interesting to everyone - from a housewife to politics.
  6. Kate Ferrazzi. "Never eat alone." Collection of articles on Networking - an effective communicative methodology that allows you to quickly establish friendships and through them to solve life tasks.
  7. Robert Sutton. "Do not work with M *** and." Lodii, egoers, manipulators, hooligans - people interfering with productive work, a lot. But the main thing - they have to coexist. How to behave with destructive representatives of the team? Which of them can be changed, and with whom it is better to part?
  8. Covey Stephen. "Seven high-performance people skills." In his book, a successful entrepreneur and motivational lecturer detects readers in the subtleties of self-improvement. The author teaches to put goals correctly, lists the skills inherent in the leader.
  9. Chaldini Robert. "Psychology of influence." The popular science work that glorified the American scientist open the door to sophisticated world interpersonal relationship. The book is worth reading those who want to better understand the surrounding and their motives, learn to impact people.
  10. Frank Victor. "To say the life" Yes! ". The book-revelation, written for those who have lost the life of life guides, worsering in their abilities. The basis of labor is the personal observations and experiences of Victor - a psychotherapist who passed the Nazi death camps.

Ten books for self-development men and women

Most men would like to see themselves with successful, decisive and attractive. What topics are interested in strong sex? Not only entertaining, but also developing memoirs and biographies famous people. Useful information For yourself, you can learn from the benefits on the image of the image, personal and professional growth psychology.

  • Barbara de Angelis. "Secrets about women who should know every man."
  • Waldshmidt Dan. "Be the best version yourself!"
  • Gray John. "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus".
  • Larsna Eric. "On the limit".
  • Machiavelli Niccolo. "Sovereign".
  • Rand Ain. "Atlas Shrugged".
  • Silig Tina. "Make yourself".
  • Flasster Alan. "True man."
  • Hums James. "The secrets of great speakers."

Women worries what clothes need to wear to look stylish and attractive. In addition to fashion, they are interested in the basics of healthy nutrition and cooking, raising children and relationships with men. Modern ladies are not alien and problems of professional growth.

  • Blumen Brett. "Year, lived right."
  • Brodsky Daniella. "Diary of a business woman."
  • Grace Natalia. "Work, money and love. Guide to self-realization. "
  • Gudman Amy. "It is put on, it is chosen."
  • Loundes Leyl. "How to fall in love with any".
  • Tim Gunn. "Fashion Bible."
  • Fat Natalia. "Family with treason."
  • Harvey Steve. "You do not know anything about men."

There are many interesting books. All of them, both art and scientific, develop intellect, aesthetic taste and mental quality of a person. That is why it is important to continue to read and carefully monitor the emerging new items.

It's no secret that in difficult moments of life it is very difficult to find a person who will become support and teacher. It is at such moments that books on self-realization come to the rescue. In the subconscious of each woman there are unusual features and power of the Spirit. The books about self-development for women will help you release our own, understand yourself and get a powerful dose of motivation.

We picked up 6 books for you Popular authors who will help you understand yourself, get motivation and build life successful man. Motivating books for women will introduce you to outstanding techniques personal growththat take into account the features of female psychology.

Natalia Grace "job, money and love. Guide to self-realization"

From the book of Natalia Grace, you will learn how to achieve female success in the three main spheres of a woman: you can build a successful career, getting wealth and meet a decent satellite of life. The author of the book is convinced that to achieve harmony, a woman needs to be correctly arranging priorities. The book will help you build the way to the life you dreamed of.

Natalia Predina "I fulfill wishes"

The author of the book suffered the greatest techniques of the Ancient China in modern life women. The leadership of Natalia Pravdina will help every woman understand the power of his subconscious and learn to perform everything desired by clicking the fingers. Make sure to live in accordance with your dreams and goals - easy.

Daniella Brodsky "Diary of a Business Woman"

Very easy book, lifting the mood and opening the eyes of a woman on modern reality. Daniela Brodsky simple language Writes about relationships, love and calls to dream. The book is written in the entertainment genre, so the study of this manual will help you to distract from business and relax the soul.

Eliza Tanaka "School of Geisha in 10 simple lessons"

The book will be useful to women who want to learn how to seduce the man. The author reveals valuable advice and teaches to be an attractive, sexual and mysterious woman, this is how modern Geisha is positioned. After reading the book and introducing lessons to life, you will learn how to use your sexuality correctly.

Svetlana Kronna "Desktop Book Bitch"

Practical tips of the author of the book on how to improve the quality of your life and start building your rules in relationships, will help you become an independent and successful woman. Choosing the right model of behavior, a woman can open up new horizons and start building the life that always dreamed of. The book Svetlana Kronne has gained great popularity among the female population and will be useful for women of any age.

Harry Adler "NLP: the art of getting what you want"

A motivating book in which the author clearly describes how anyone can implement himself to obtain the desired goals. The management indirectly reveals many secrets associated with self-development. Thanks to the practical techniques of the book, you can identify the true goals of the people around the people and learn to always be in a more profitable position for yourself.

We do not guarantee the result. The achievement of certain results depends on the abilities of each person, the level of preparation and fulfillment of all the recommendations of the author.

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