We work for food. How do modern poets earn

Alexander Yuryevich Pichushkin (born on April 9, 1974, Mytishchi, Moscow region) - Russian serial killer, sentenced in October 2007 to life imprisonment on charges of committing 49 murders and three attempted murder on the territory of the Bittsev forest park Moscow. Received known as "Bittsev Mag".

Father went out of the family when Alexander was 9 months old. After that, the boy grew up with his mother, and in his upbringing took active participation Grandpa. In 1976, they and Mother moved to live from the city of Mytishchi to the Moscow district of Zyuzino (then it was the territory of the CheroMushkinsky district), on Kherson Street. Alexander did not hooliganil, seemed modest and noticeable, loved to play chess. Soon, according to Mother Pichushkin, an accident happened to him - he fell from the swing and received a cranial injury, after which he was in the hospital. As a result of injury, Pichushkina had complications with a speech - he was «Sh" and "C", and also became mistaken in writing these letters, because of what the mother translated him into the 138th speech therapy boarding office. After int.ernata Pichushkin entered PTU to the carpenter. In the school, it easily started the novels with the girls and did not shy at all his mintage. Pichushkin did not go to the army. "I don't know what he spent in the military office, but he was sent to Kashchenko hospital," Mother says. "What did you do with him, I don't even know, but he returned some kind of wrong."

It was in 1989. When he returned - he began to start swing, it was tightened on the horizontalist, pressed. He could spray a hundred times right times. And at 22, Pichushkin began to abuse alcohol.

Later, the defendant went to work as a handyman in the store. Works have always grabbed, but drinking his own. He glanced to drink, began to play sports again, but then he broke out again. IN last years In the feed, he no longer reached the apartment. Fallen at the entrance and waited when the mother comes from work. Then, according to Mother, the son began to work late.

Pichushkin was never married, but in everyday life was distinguished by accuracy. For mine external species Alexander followed very carefully and often changed clothes. Preference he gave to checkered shirts - as it is known, Maniac Chikatilo also adored cuber.

Pichushkin's colleagues said that he seemed to "stalled" in the 80s, did not recognize anything new, the sound of modern cash registers came into rage. And came off on cardboard boxes with the goods that he had to unpack, - crushed them with a knife. He had some kind of paranoid passion for purity: put a couple of bottles on the shelf - and immediately runs to wash.

Alexander's first murder made on July 27, 1992 at the age of 18: strangled Mikhail Odiychuk's classmate and threw him into the well. The body was not found.

On the process, the maniac said that, together with his first victim, Mikhail Odiychuk studied at VET from 1988 to 1991. "Well, in 1992 I sent it to the sky," said the defendant. Then the future "Bittsev Maniac" was 18 years old.

Pichushkin explained that by that time he had no experience of murders, so he persuaded Odiychuk to kill together. "He was not against going and someone" dunk ", but then I realized that on his part it was just a boys. I realized that he would not pull, and decided, the first one to fill, is him," - told Pichushkin.

As the defendant explained, his plans did not include "to wash" police officers and "it was necessary to think about where to hide the corpse." "I do not remember how it happened, but I realized that the well suits perfectly - it's difficult to discover the corpses.

According to the accused, he, together with Odichuk, searched for a place where you can hide the corpse on the territory of the Bittsev forest park. "Of course, Odohuk did not guessed that she was looking for a grave for himself," he said.

According to Pichushkin, the classmate desperately resisted. "The first murder as first love is not forgotten. I was under the impression for a long time. We studied together, sitting at one desk," said Pichushkin.

The maniac stressed that after a while in the media saw the announcement of the disappearance of Odiychuk, after which he was called to the police and he gave testimony. "It was the only case when for all my 63 episodes I was called to the police," the defendant said, adding that after interrogations he was released.

Pichushkin thought about the first murder for quite a long time. After some time, he realized that he would like to kill again. Finally, he understood this after the trial of Chikatilo. Pichushkin carefully preparing for killings: trained.

During the commission of a series of murders in 2001-2006, he lived with Mother, Natalia Elmuradovna, in Moscow on Kherson Street, near the Bitsevsky Park. Until 2006, he worked as a supermarket in the supermarket on Kerch Street. After the arrest, Pichushkin said that he wanted to kill at least 64 people, so that the number of victims was equal to the number of cells on the chessboard. After each murder, he glued the number and closed the cell by any object (cork, checker, etc.). However, at one of the interrogations, it stated that after filling all the cells would have bought a new board. Only Troim after the attempt managed to stay alive. At first, Pichushkin tried to kill alcoholics, homeless and other asocial personalities, in his opinion, who did not have the right to life. Soon he switched to his acquaintances, claiming that "kill whom you know, especially nice."

Pichushkin in childhood

Rumors about the maniac, who worms in the Bitzovsky Park, was long ago, from the 1990s, but the Pichushkin did not have a relationship. The maniac began to commit crimes since 2001, but then neither the police nor the prosecutor's office suspected of the existence of a serial killer. On May 17, 2001, he drove up and dropped a 52-year-old penet to a well. After 6 days, Klimova ruined there. And it was only the beginning ... Thanks to the exhaust method of getting rid of the corpses with the help of sewer and notice the traces, all the disappeared people were listed over the end of 2005. According to the testimony of the director of Kuryanovsky sewage treatment plants (it is precisely the sewage collector leads to which a maniac dropped his victims), Mukhina V. A.:

But for the majority of the 29 found bodies, criminal cases by the police did not start and the bodies of his victims remained unidentified as long as they did not indicate the caught maniac. One day, when the maniac dropped another sacrifice to the collector - the neighbor Konovaltseva, - he saw two women walked in the park. Reported by the police. Pichushkin escaped, then (maniac is still) returned to the crime scene. And noticed outfit from the ATS. But for some reason he himself did not see him ... Only from the autumn of 2005, notes began to appear in the press on the frequent cases of murders in the Bitsevsky Park. It was explained by the fact that Pichushkin stopped hiding the corpses, wanting to declare himself. The "corporate sign" of the criminal - a sacrifice of the victim's head and inserted into the open wound or the bottle inserted into the open wound - they proved: the serial killer worns in the Bitsevsky Park, which attacked mostly on older men.

On October 15, 2005, the first "explicit" sacrifice was found in the Bitzov Park - Nikolai Vorobyeva. A month later, they found another killed, 42-year-old Nikolai Zakharchenko. Only then started talking about the serial killer, who quickly dubbed the Bittsev maniac.

There were ambushes for him. However, no events for capturing a criminal, including round-the-clock park patrol by employees in civilian clothes and observation of the area from the helicopter, did not give results. In the same period, an episode happened when the local resident regularly walking in the Bitzewo Park, Pichushkin persistently offered to drink a bottle with a strong alcoholic beverage. Pichushkin was clearly annoyed by the refusal of non-driving men and began to be angry, but at that moment two dogs appeared from the bushes, the owner of which was a failed sacrifice. The maniac immediately chose to retire. And the man immediately went to the nearest reference police station, which is located at ul. Obrucheva, house 55a, where he gave detailed description what happened and described a suspicious person. But the police did not consider what had happened worthy of attention and remembered this episode only a few months later, after the capture of Pichushkin.

Pichushkin could be caught back in the "well" period. And many lives could be saved.

House where maniac lived

Judge for yourself. In February 2002, the maniac dropped a pregnant Marina Virichev to the well. The girl was able to survive, got into the 64th hospital, told the attached plot that she was lured into the forest and tried to kill a familiar man. However, the policeman, obviously, did not want to mess around. And insisted that Marina Statement does not give and wrote that he fell into the well itself. The girl without Moscow registration and the Moscow acquaintances did not become ...

In the spring of 2002, Pichushkin again "missed". This time survived the 13-year-old Misha Lobov, whom the maniac also shouted into the collector. The boy got out of the sewage not far from the police station of Zyuzino. Seeing the policeman, the boy rushed to tell him about what happened. But he only called the car to take the boys home. And did not do anything else. A week later, Misha saw Pichushkina again at the metro station "Kakhovskaya". And again, policemen were nearby. And again the boy rushed to them. And again, people in the pursuit did not listen to him. Pichushkin, by the way, I remembered this meeting. - Yes, who will believe the boys, - he grinned in the face of the investigator.

How many more episodes are! In fact, they could catch him almost after each murder, elementary out of the circle of the familiar dead.

When Sergey Fedorov disappeared (25th on the general account of the Manyak), his buddy said that last time Seen him with Pichushkin. Police officers did not pay attention to this.

Alexey Pushkova Maniac lured into the forest to remember his dog (it was his favorite reception). On the way, they met Sister Pushkova, who, after, when the brother disappeared, the militiamen told about this meeting. Reactions again no.

Some of the manyak victims

After the disappearance of Andrei Maslov, the police even came to his friend Pichushkin home. But they did not catch and calmly left ...

On February 19, 2006, a man was detained in the Bitzovsky Park, who, when attempting to check documents, tried to escape. Operatives opened fire and wounded him in the thigh. In the future, it turned out that the detainee is not related to murders in the Bitzo Park. The press discussed two options for the motives of its unusual behavior. According to one version, those who stopped the man operatives were not in shape, and the man decided that he was trying to rob him. According to the second version, a man wore a knife for self-defense (at that time, many rumors went about the Bittsev maniac in Moscow) and when operatives paid attention to him, he was frightened that he could be criminally responsible for carrying cold weapons.

On March 13, another man was detained in the Bitzovsky Park, a disguised woman, who at the sight of police officers also tried to escape. In the bag he was discovered a hammer. During the investigation, it turned out that the detainee at the time of the crime there is an alibi.

He committed the last murder on June 13, 2006. By then, he worked as a loader in the store at Kherson street, and his victim was a colleague on work, Moskalev. With her, he met at about 21:00 at the metro station "New Cheryomushki" and under the pretext of the walk took her to the forest.

Already at the trial, the criminal admits that a woman seemed to prefigge his own death. "She can see, felt something. All the way was shaking. Even warned that he left his son a note, saying with whom she left and where, - said the defendant." But I was still different. "I could not not kill. Therefore, it is not necessary to pierce the police to what I was caught. I passed myself. I am a professional. "
The woman was killed only 250 m. From gas station, on a path opposite the house 89 in Sevastopol Avenue. The crime was committed at 2 o'clock in the morning, and Pichushkin inflicted the victim at least six blows with a hammer on the head, after which the crime gun was hidden from the scene.

Marina Moskaleva and Alexander Pichushkin on the Murder Day

The alleged killer was calculated by his phone number, which a woman going with Pichushkin for a walk to the forest, just in case he left relatives. During the search, which was held at his house, the maniac himself gave out a hammer that killed a woman.

On June 16, Alexander Pichushkin himself was detained. The adjacent "double-room" in the Khrushchevka, where the defendant lived with his mother, the police stormed in all the rules. "About eleven," says the mother of the accused Natalia, "the fire truck and ambulance emerged.
"I even looked out from the balcony," the woman continues. "I look, some kind of man stalls from the bushes." When she returned to the room, the doorbell rang.

The neighbor rang below, however, as soon as Pichushkin opened the door, there were "ten men and riot police" before it. "Everyone entered the apartment and overturned the bed of sleeping Sasha," the woman added.

At first, the mother said that the son in the supermarket was stolen. Immediately spent a search. Kitchen knives, an old toporist and all plumbing and carpentry tools, as well as pornographic cassettes. Then they came with a single search, after which all his things and home photographs took. "At first I was told that I didn't see this woman on suspicion of murdering Marina of this woman," Natalia continues. "Son never led girls home."

According to the mother, in the last month before the detention, the Son communicated with Marina by phone. "I did not insist on the marriage. Well, why do I need a daughter-in-law when the son drinks," Pichushkin added. "And recently Sasha promised to start from the new year. new life. And even threw a drink. "

After a while, the arrested said that he was Bittsev Manyak, but the search events continued, as investigators did not exclude the possibility of self-sharing. A few days later, Pichushkin gave testimony for other crimes committed in the territory of the Bitzovsky Park. In April 2007, Pichushkin was recognized as restricted (which implies the opportunity in the form of a punishment to put a convicted person in place of imprisonment with mandatory forced treatment at the place of stay) on the results of the examination conducted from December 2006 at the Institute. Serbian.

In June 2007, the prosecutor's office of the city of Moscow completed the investigation into the criminal case of Alexander Pichushkin. He was charged with 52 intentional crimes, mainly in the territory of the Bittsev Park.

On August 13, 2007, the Moscow City Court began preliminary hearings in the case of Alexander Pichushkin, accused of killing 48 people and the murder attempt three people. The defendant was charged under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of Russia "The murder of two or more persons in a deliberately helpless state committed with special cruelty."

The state prosecutor was performed by the prosecutor of Moscow Yuri Semin. According to his forecasts, the trial of Pichushkin had to last at least two months. The case was held 41 victims and 98 prosecution witnesses. The court satisfied the petition of the accused of considering his affairs to the jury and announced that the process would be open. The selection of the jury collegium was scheduled for September 13.

According to the investigation, Pichushkin committed crimes from 1992 to 2006. The most active accused acted in 2005-2006. On the territory of the Bittsev forest park in the south of Moscow. Mainly the victims of the defendant were men, among the victims there were only 3 women: two were killed (Larisa Kulygin, Marina Moskaleva), an attempt was committed (on Maria Virichev). The appointed lawyer of the defendant Pavel Ivannikov said that his support recognizes the guilt in full. The exact number of victims of the Bittsev Manyak is still unknown. Earlier in an interview with one of the TV channels, Pichushkin said that he made 61 murder (at that time he did not know that Maria Viricheva survived after the attack). If you believe in different sources, Pichushkin declared a murder of 60, 61, 62, or 63 people. In the last interview spoke only about sixty:

At the same time, according to him, many of his victims were his acquaintances. According to Pichushkina, he started the victims under various pretexts in the forest park, many said that his dog was buried in the park and you need to remember it, where I killed them with a hammer hit and hidden my body. During the investigation, Pichushkin showed several burial sites killed. Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs expressed the opinion that Pichushkin in cruelty surpassed even the famous serial killer Chikatilo, executed in 1994 for killing 53 people. He also stated that if he could not be detained, he would not stop killing:

When Pichushkina removed the NTV video shooting group, Pichushkin said:

With some particular pride, the accused told in court about a pre-selected tool murder - a hammer-nail. "I chose him (hammer) by himself - cast, 800 grams. People wet - do not clog nails. It is necessary that the tool does not fail," the defendant said.
Responding to the prosecutor questions, he also explained why he began to stick the victim's head after the murder of a stick or a bottle. "At night, in the forest very quietly, and when a person lies with a punched head, wheezing out of it - loud and nasty. If you move the brain, wheezing, wheezing. So I used that it came across hands," concluded the accused.

The maniac planned to the crimes so carefully that in some cases he even took a receipt from his future victims, who took suspicion from him. At the court, the prosecutor asked Pichushkina, whether he had receipts from his two victims, including Odiychuk, that the victims voluntarily go away from life. Pichushkin replied: "Were, were. I owned such receipts." He added that he took the receipts for the "Legal Safety, if they suddenly find the corpses."

According to lawyers, 33-year-old Pichushkin in some cases agreed. According to protection, a number of charges are based only on the confessions of Pichushkin and are not confirmed by other evidence.

The jury spent about 2.5 hours at the advice room, responding to 105 questions of the parties. The decision on the recognition of Pichushkin is completely guilty they made unanimously. After that, the presiding judge of the mustache expressed his gratitude to the jury for the work and dismissed the college.

The judge stressed that if the jury would like to participate in further meetings in the case, they can participate in it as listeners. The court declared a 30-minute break, after which there will be a discussion of the consequences of the verdict of the jury collegium.

On October 24, the Board of the Jury of the Moscow City Court unanimously made a deliberate verdict. Pichushkin was declared completely guilty of 48 murders and 3 assassination attempts. On October 25, he spoke with the last word in court, saying that he did not regret his actions:

On October 29, 2007, Pichushkin was sentenced to life imprisonment in a special regime colony. He was recognized as guilty of murdering 48 people and three attempts, while he himself admitted another 12 grave crimes, including the murder of Mikhail Odiychuk, committed in 1992.

November 2, 2007 Alexander Pichushkin appealed against the sentence. In the cassation appeal, he asked to reduce the sentence with a lifetime until 25 years. In February 2008, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation rejected the cassation complaint. Offers a sentence of a special regime "Polar Owl".

From December 16, 2010 to April 3, 2011, a wave of murders committed by 18-year-old Anufrieyev and Nikita Lytkina, who lived in the local Akademgorodok, was held on Irkutsk. No specifics in the choice of victims were present (among the victims there were a 12-year-old boy and a homeless woman). As a weapon, they used hammers and knives. During the consequence of the killer reported that in 2007 they looked at the TV program about Alexander Pichushkin, they became interested in them (Anufriev even created the group "Pichushkin - our president"), and it was after that they had a desire for the example of Pichushkin, to kill those Who did not have, in their opinion, the right to exist. Later, during the investigation, it was established that completely different motives were drilled by the killers, few relative to the relevance of Pichushkin.

Stray dogs eaten the corpses, who left the "Bittsev maniac" Pichushkin in the Bitsevsky Park, because of some dead people So no one found. According to the film Discovery Channel "Serial killers: the murderer-chess player"these canopy dogs and their descendants still freely live in the south-west of Moscow».

Bitsevsky maniac - Alexander Pichushkin yesterday began to testify in the process passing in the Moscow City Court. The shower was overly frank with jury. "I am a professional. Killing people - not nails smoking," he boasted. The accused of a murder of 49 people and 3 assassinations for the murder of Pichushkin admitted guilt on the four episodes of the case, one rejected and reminded that only 63 sacrifices in his account.

The first murder of Pichushkin committed in 1992, when he was 18 years old. Last - in 2006 Most of the atrocities he made in the territory of the Bittsevsky Forest, for which he received his nickname. Under the pretext, to open a bottle started a person in a deserted place and killed a strong blow on his head with something heavy. Pichushkina detained on June 16, 2006 - three days after another crime.

The maniac decided to fill soul after the court questioned the victims and witnesses. He was in a clearly raised mood. "Do you recognize yourself guilty of charges charged to you?" - Mary Semenhenko appealed to Pichushkina. "Now I will comment on the situation," the defendant assured, "but there would be some entry before that." The introduction turned out to be lyric. "I wrote to the prosecutor poems. Can I give them?" - asked Pichushkin a judge. However, the prosecutor agreed to accept the message of the defendant only during the interruption of the meeting.

"At first I would like to comment on 52 episodes presented to me, but then I thought that it would be unfair to forget about 11 more people," Pichushkin began, but the judge was interrupted. Vladimir Usov explained that according to the law he can testify in court only within the framework of the charges charged him. "That is, you are interested only in 49 and 3, and 63 do not interest you?" - Surprised by the defendant, after which he began a story about his first atrocity - the murder of a classmate on V. Mikhail Odiychuk.

"I studied with him from 1989 to 1991, I was sitting at one desk. And in 1992 he sent him to the sky," the maniac said Paphos. He told that at first chose a friend as a partner, with whom he planned to start hunting for people. Pichushkin indicated that "in his own destination" he "by that time no longer doubted." "Odohuk approached me. There was a strong, nebolly, punctual, - said Pichushkin." He was not against someone to soak. " However, as the defendant admitted, soon he realized that Odohuk did not perceive his plans seriously. "In general, he was not capable of killing," the defendant noticed. According to him, then he decided to get rid of the accomplice. From April to July 1992, he, together with Odiichuk, wandered across the Bitsevsky Park in search of a place where it would be possible to hide the corpse of the future victim. "Odohuk walked with me, but did not understand that he was looking for a grave himself," Pichushkin grinned. According to the maniac, it was during these walks that he had to use sewer wells to use the sewer wells: "They fit perfectly: people disappeared and no one knew where they were going."

Pichushkin killed Odiychuk on July 27, 1992, lubricating to the park, where he said that he was supposedly "climbed the man and we will watch it." "My guess confirmed: Odohuk went to the opponent. Naturally, it was not in my plans," said the defendant, saying that he strangled the challenge with a rope, and the corpse dropped into the well.

Soon, Pichushkina was summoned to the police - the first and last time after the crime committed them: the militiamen became known that at one time Pichushkin took from Odiychuk and another one-line, Alexey Lavrukhina, the receipts that they were ready to voluntarily go away. "Why did you do it?" Judge Vladimir Usov was surprised. Pichushkin explained that he wanted to progress if Odiychuk's corpse would be found. After that, the villain told about three crimes committed many years later: the murder of Eugene Pronno (May 17, 2001), Larisa Klygina (April 11, 2006) and Marina Moskaleva (June 13, 2006). All their maniac knew well. And with Kouligina he even had a close relationship. Pichushkina liked to kill the familiar people: "What a person is closer, the more pleasant to kill him: you get emotions more."

He said that most of the victims were killed by the hammer specially purchased for this: "I chose it myself - cast, 800 grams. People wet - not nails to score. It is necessary that the tool does not fail."

About his last sacrifice, Marina Moskalev, Pichushkin told this way: "She, it sees, felt something. All the way was shaking. Even warned that he left her note with a note, saying who she left and where, - said the defendant." But I said It was noted anyway. I could no longer be killed. Therefore, it is not necessary to pierce the police to what I was caught. I passed myself. I am a professional. "

Despite the fact that Pichushkin willingly and in detail told about his atrocities, from one episode he flatly refused: from killing on August 27, 2003, Vladimir Ushakov. His corpse was found in Troparevsky Park. "In this park I was 20 years ago, back in childhood," the defendant said. Responding to the prosecutor's questions, he explained why he began to stick to the victim's head after the murder of a stick or a bottle. "At night, in the forest very quietly, and when a person lies with a broken head, wheezing out of it - loud and nasty. If you move the brain, the wheezes stopped. So I used that it came down."

His interrogation will continue today.

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The subjects of Putinsky kingdom are rapidly turning into the homeless

Officials claim that 20 million people are allegedly under poverty in Russia. It is terrible, but it's a nagged lie. Calculations are repelled from the "subsistence minimum", which causes only smiles, including the officials themselves.A little less than 6 thousand wooden rubles appointed by the Government of Putin and approved by the Edorovskaya group, as a subsistence minimum, is actually no minimum, since it does not allow to support even minimal stay standards, but only allows you to delay death from dystrophy for a while .

Therefore, we will not rely on these numbers sucking out of the finger, and we will take a really official living on a minimum, accepted in the entire civilized world and approved by the UN, and not by Rosyansky officials:

And this is $ 17 per person per day, or 510 dollars a month, or a little more than 15,000 rubles. per month. That is, below this border - poverty and malnutrition, according to international standards. What is higher, those poor. About the middle class bar, that is, where the poor ends and the middle class begins so far as modestly default.

Now let's see real situation in the Edorosphere state. Rosstat leads the following statistics (at the beginning of 2010):

The number of Russians that have income less than 6 thousand rubles. per month - 17.8% of the total population, from 6 to 10 thousand rubles. - 21.5%, from 10 to 15 thousand rubles. - 20.4%. Total 59.7% of the country's total population has incomes less than 15,000 rubles. per month, that is, there is less than the subsistence minimum recognized by the UN.

In absolute figures, 84.7 million workers of Russians receive income for their work, which do not even allow them to step over the poverty threshold!

It turns out that 96.5% of the able-bodied Russians are in poverty!

The whole country works for food! Exception - 3.5%, which are mainly in Moscow and Peter.And it's good, if you give at least some food for your work and do it in cash equivalent - so far quite a lot of Russians for some reason work only for the promise of food - the wage is not paid. In October, the salary debt reached 3.2 billion rubles, some of this debt stretches from 2009, and even 2008. People for months and years have no income at all.

The reason is the lack of funds in the accounts of enterprises. And the worst thing that these enterprises are essentially bankrupt, in 98% of cases were private business and only 2% are budget enterprises. This trend can say that the business in Russia is strangled, and therefore the budget organizations will not be able to pay on accounts. Those reducing state employees that we see now - not from a good life. The Russian budget is already shaking, they just try not to say much about it, because on the nose the pre-election year. And Erosy will try again to breed the situation, build Potemkin villages in order to continue after their election, continue the collapse of the country and further impoverishment, read, the kingdom of the excess population. Meanwhile russian population more and more comes in such characters:

It would be funny if it were not so sad. The only way to stop home -coming the country is to drive out to the traps of the erysticks who have fallen into the authorities, trampled and obsceed the very concept of work as something valuable. In principle, now Russians, even workers, distinguishes from homeless as such only accommodation in smelly panel boxes, called apartment communals with houses. The business is strangled, which is why in this bastard incorrectly built state can not normally earn neither on hired work, either by doing small business. Some tangible money can be having only sucking the oil and gas pipe or dealing with a dumping of lox, read theft, having access to the budget feeder.

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