General Lieutenant Astapov Valery Grigorievich Biography. Why did the general Asapov died? Real man

Asapov Valery Grigorievich (born on January 1, 1966, the village Malmiz, Kirov region, RSFSR, USSR - died on September 24, 2017, Dair-Ez-Zor, Syria) - Russian military leader, lieutenant-general Armed Forces Russian Federation. According to the official data of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the media distributed on September 24, 2017, Asapov was a fatal injury from the breaking of a mortar projectile during the battle for Dair-Ez-Zor in the east of Syria.

In 1987 he graduated with honors from the Ryazan Supreme Airborne Command School named after the Army General V. F. Margelov in the rank of lieutenant. In 1987-1997, he served in the 104th parachute-land regiment of the 76th landing and assault division of the Airborne Forces in Pskov, where he had steps from the platoon commander to the battalion commander. In 1992-1993 served in South Ossetia.

In January 1995, he was sent to Chechnya as the headquarters of the battalion and the rank of Major. During the battles in Grozny, he got a heavy firearm in his leg. In 2000 finished Military Academy named Frunze. In the rank of colonel commanded a parachute-landing regiment of Russian peacekeeping forces in Abkhazia. He took part in hostilities in Chechnya, led the landing of the landing in April 2002 in the Kodoro Gorge. In 2003-2007 - Deputy Commander, and then Chief of Staff of the 98th Airborne Division. In 2007-2011, he commanded the 18th machine gun-artillery division on the island of ITUP (Kuril Islands).

After release from the Military Academy of the General Staff In 2011, Valery Asapov was appointed to the position of commander of the 37th individual Guards Motor-terk Brigade of the 36th Army of the Eastern Military District, which during the year participated immediately in three international exercises together with the armies of Mongolia and India. For this in 2013, President Vladimir Putin presented Valery Asapov Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree.

Since 2013, General Asapov has been deputy and commander (from October 2016) of the 5th Red Banner Army of Eastern Military District. After the start of the war in the south-east of Ukraine, the surname Asapov has repeatedly appeared in the Ukrainian media in connection with military actions in the Donbas. In March 2016, in the Main Department of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the personnel officer said russian army Major General Valery Asapov "participates in a military conflict in the south-east of Ukraine," heading the 1st Army Corps.

Lieutenant-General Valery Asapov was awarded the Order of Courage, the Order "For Military Merit", the Order "Vetransky Cross" of the II degree and the medal "for military merit".

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Russian Lieutenant General Asapov Valery Grigorievich died during military operation According to the liberation of the Syrian city of Deir-Ez-Zora.

Asads became known, Asapov was mortally wounded as a result of a rupture of mines when he was in the Syrian troops team.

This is what is known about the dead:

In 1987, he graduated with honors from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after the Army General V. F. Marghelov in the rank of lieutenant.

In 1987-1997, he served in the 104th parachute-land regiment of the 76th landing and assault division of the Airborne Forces in Pskov. From the platoon commander passed the career path to the battalion commander.

In 1992-1993 served in South Ossetia.

Asapov Valery Grigorievich

In 1995 he served in Chechnya. During the fighting in Grozny, he was seriously injured in his leg.

In 2000, he graduated with honors from the Frunze Military Academy.

In 2002, he led the landing of the landing in the Kodori Gorge in Abkhazia.

In 2003-2007, he was appointed deputy commander, and then the head of the 98th airborne division headquarters.

In 2007-2011, he commanded the 18th machine gun-artillery division on the island of ITUP (Kuril Islands).

In 2014, the Army Corps recreated in the Sakhalin region.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, Russian lieutenant-general Valery Asapov led the 1st Army Corps of ORDO militants in Donetsk.

It was established that Major General Asapov arrived from the position of "commander of 68 Army Corps of the Eastern Military District of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk). March 3, S.G. Commander 1 AK carried out a check of units 9 of the special motorized rifle regiment of the marines (Novoazovsk) in the areas of Cossack and Markino.

In 2016, he was appointed commander of the 5th Commercial Army in the Eastern Military District.

In Syria Asapov was a senior group of Russian military advisers. Participated in Operations for the release of Dair-Ez Zora. At the time of the deadly injury was at the Syrian troops team, helped Syrian commanders in managing the operation of the city's liberation.

Received such awards like:

Order of courage.
Order "For military merit".
Order "For merit to the Fatherland" IV degree.
Order "Veteran Cross" II degree.
Medal "For Combat Merit".

The deceased military remained a wife and two children.

Asapov Valery Grigorievich
Born: January 1, 1966
Died: September 23, 2017 (51 years)


Valery Grigorievich Asapov is the Russian warlord, Guard Lieutenant-General of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He died in Dair-Ez Zaure when the mission of the military adviser during the military operation of Russia in Syria.

early years

Valery Grigorievich Asapov was born on January 1, 1966, on the first day of the new year, in the city of Malmat Kirov region. He became the firstborn in the family of the worker and the eldest for his three brothers. Sergey and Vadim became police officers, and Vyacheslav - collector.

In childhood, he took his motto a word from Maxim Gorky's fairy tale about Danko: "If you are, then be the best!". Graduate high SchoolIn 1983, he filed documents to the Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Airborne Forces, but despite the five-point certificate and successful surrender entrance exams I could not do it in view of the contest in 19 people in place. Withstanding the test of the "partisan" in Ryazan forests, fighting wildlife for the night, warmth, food and water, was still enrolled in the school with an additional order. Four years later, in 1987 he graduated from the school with honors and in the rank of lieutenant.

Military service

The first place of service for Asapov became the 76th Guards Tent-Assault Division, in the 104th parachute-landing regiment of which he took the way from the platoon commander to the battalion commander.

In 1992-1993 served in South Ossetia. In January 1995, the headquarters of the battalion and the rank of Major was sent to Chechnya. During the fighting for Grozny, he received a heavy firearm of the left leg with the overpowering of both berth bones, after which it was operated directly in the auto-vacation medical company. Was whole year It was chained to bed and moved four operations in the hospitals of Rostov-on-Don, Pskov and St. Petersburg, but fully recovered, although it remained for all his life chrome. In view of this, he was entrusted with the nickname "Chrome General", as earlier for Suvorov.

In 1997 he entered the M. Frunze Military Academy, graduating her after three years, in 2000, with honors. In the same year, the Deputy Commander of the 345th Separate Parachute Regiment was appointed as part of the peacekeeping forces in Abkhazia, and in 2001, in the rank of lieutenant colonel, became the commander of the 10th parachute regiment. In 2001, he brought his unit from the base in Gudauta from the territory of Georgia, and in 2002 he headed the group asked to the Kodori Gorge. In 2003, Colonel Asapov became the first deputy commander based in Ivanovo 98th airborne division, and after a year and a half - the head of the headquarters. In 2003-2004, he was in a community in Chechnya.

In 2007, he was transferred from airborne troops to the land forces and became the commander of the 18th machine gun-artillery division of the Far Eastern Military District, stationed in the Kuril Islands. During the command of this connection with a liability zone of 400 kilometers through Islands, ITUURUP and Kunashir corrected problems with military discipline and combat training, put an end to any manifestations of an interethnic retail, established the order of the acquisition of parts by officers and the personnel, organized planned repair and restoration of technology. In 2010-2011, he was a listener of the Military Academy of the General Staff, which he graduated with honors.

On June 23, 2011, the rank of Colonel was appointed commander of the 37th separate motorized rifle brigade, which is part of the 36th Commercial Army of the Eastern Military District, which is deployed in Buryatia and the Trans-Baikal Territory. When Asapov in a brigade, based in Buryat Kyakhte, in order to prevent the frequent violations of military discipline and crime, Buddhist Lama appeared. Also, a brigade under the command of Asapov took part in three international exercises - two Russian-Mongolian "Selenga-2011" and "Selenga 2012" and in the Russian-Indian "India 2012". In February 2013, he became Deputy Commander of the 5th Army of the Eastern Military District, based in Ussuriysk. May 8, 2013 received the title of Major General.

In January 2014, he became the commander of the 68th Army Corps based on South Sakhalinsk. In 2014-2015, under the command of Asapov, Sakhalin and Kurilah, a number of exercises were held, during which "various coastal defense scenarios on targeted directions were worked out," a number of tasks for the destruction of a diversion-intelligence group "," The actions of the grouping of troops in the elimination of consequences crisis situations Natural and man-made character, in particular, resulting from an earthquake and pose a threat to military and civilian objects. "


According to the press, in July 2015 he was sent to Rostov-on-Don at the disposal of the command of the Southern Military District. According to the statement of the Main Department of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, distributed on March 4, 2016, in August 2015, Asapov under the name of the cover of "Primakov" became the commander of the 1st Army Corps of the Center for the Territorial Troops of Yuvo in Donetsk, that is, among the territory of Ukraine, controlled by the DPR. Decree of President of Ukraine Peter Poroshenko dated October 17, 2016 in accordance with the decision of the Council national Security And the defense of Ukraine dated September 16, 2016, in relation to Asapov, personal sanctions of economic and other character were introduced, which were extended by the Decree of May 15, 2017 by decision of April 28, 2017 for one year. June 11, 2016 received the title of Lieutenant General.

In August 2016, held the post of commander of the 5th general Armywhich soon noted the 75th anniversary of its creation.


According to official data of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, distributed on September 24, 2017 on the media, Lieutenant General Asapov received a fatal injury from the breaking of a mortar projectile during the battle for Dair Ez-Zaur. He was 51 years old. Asapov became the fifth Russian military killed in Syria for this week, whereas from the moment of the start of the military operation on official reports of the Ministry of Defense, 37 people died, and in unofficial - over 40 people. Asapov was also a tenth general of the Ministry of Defense, who died during local conflicts with the participation of the USSR / Russia since 1980.

Asapov performed in Syria the responsibilities of the senior group of Russian military advisers, engaged in providing assistance to the Syrian commanders in managing the Operation on the release of Dair-Ez-Zura. It is noteworthy that the struggle for the beatings of Dair-Ez Zura at the terrorist group of ISHIL launched between the Syrian troops with the support of Russia and the forces of the Syrian opposition with the help of the coalition troops led by the United States. According to Igor Korutochko, the Syrian troops are obliged to their military successes by Russian military advisers who have appreciated the organization of combat management, intelligence, communications, planning of combat operations, in general, all the tasks that Asapov performed. In connection with such a scale of work, as Viktor Murakhovsky noted, the risk of death of the senior officer is very large, and relating to Asapov - "this is an accident." According to journalistic sources, he was directly on the front line, but did not come to communicate since September 23. As noted in the media, Mina accurately fell into a team point, where Asapov was located, as a result of which he was "literally ripped, nothing left of the person." According to non-refunded data, a translator could die together with Asapov, or two more soldiers.

The Ministry of Defense reported that Asapov was posthumously presented to "high state award"True, without clarifying which, however, according to Victor Baranza, this is the Order of courage. The governor of the Primorsky Krai Vladimir Miklushevsky, Chairman of the Legislative Assessment of the Primorsky Territory, Chairman of the Primorsky Krai, and the head of Pskov, Ivan Tsetsserk, also expressed their consensions. Russian President Dmitry Pestkov refused to comment on the death of Asapov, while the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov said that it was "blood flow for this is the binding of American politics." On September 24, the Russian Defense Defense on the official page in Facebook accused the United States in relations with IGIL on the basis of photos of the presence of Hummer SUVs, Cougar armored personnel carriers, minibuses, pickups with machine guns and other vehicles facing the US Army. At the same time, the Prime Minister Iraq Hyder Abadi said in 2015, with the fall of Mosulus, the Islamists got a large number of "Hammer", about more than two thousand, supplied Iraqi army from the United States.


September 25, a rally of Asapov's memory was held on South Sakhalinsk Square with the laying of colors to eternal fire and holding a clock lithium, as well as a rifle volley for the anthem of Russia. According to some reports, it will be buried in Moscow on September 27 after the Panhid in the Covering Temple Blessed Virgin Mary In Ussuriysk.


Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree (February 22, 2013). Handed by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin ceremony on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Order of courage, the Order "For Military Merit", the Medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II degree with swords, the medal "For military merit", the medal "For the difference in military service"I degree, the Order of the Vetransky Cross" II degree, medals.

Personal life

Wife - Olga Petrovna, there is a daughter.

Last weekend, the next high-ranking Russian military was killed in Syria - Lieutenant-General of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Valery Asapov. He helped the regime of Bashar Assad, according to the statements of the Russian Ministry of Defense and the media, as a military adviser.

The general of the general is actually quite interesting, since he managed for his half a century, or rather 51 years old, "Heriate" in a variety of hot zones included in the sphere of the interests of the Kremlin.


Asapov was her education first in the Ryazan Military School, which graduated from 1987. He was sent to the 76th Pskov arrant-assault division, and after 10 years he became a combat. At the same time served in South Ossetia (in 1992-1993). Those. At the time of the South Ossetian war 1991-1992, i.e. When South Ossetia, with active counteraction, Tbilisi desired to remain under the wing from the Russians after the collapse of the USSR. Everything went on the script already running today: on January 19, 1992, we recall, there was a referendum on the proclamation of independence and accession to the Russian Federation. This was supposedly wished by 98% of those who voted, to which Georgia, not deepening, introduced the Armed Forces in Tskhinvali. Then there were Dagomysk agreements, and after the peacekeepers from the Russian, Georgian and Ossetian battalions. The final of these events was delayed until 2008, when the Russian invasion of Georgia followed.

Asapov in 1995 sent to fight in the first chechen war. During the fighting for Grozny, he was seriously injured - both berth bones are interrupted, and as a result remained chrome for life. But his career just began. Therefore, after a respite at the M. V. Frunze Military Academy, in 2000, in 2000, Georgia's "nightmare" went again - the Department of the 345th separate parachute regiment as part of the peacekeeping forces in Abkhazia. Just during the negotiation process, which took place from 1999 to 2006.

It is noteworthy that in the second half of 2001, difficulties arose due to visits to Abkhazia Chechen "militants". After the conflict in the Kodori Gorge of Asapov, at the head of the landing group in 2002, he arrived at this gorge to stabilize the situation. In the interests of Moscow, of course. And in 2003, the then head of Georgia, Edward Shevardnadze, was forced to intensify negotiations. True, the Russians have spoiled the Russian Rose Revolution of 2003. However, Asapov awarded: at first he became the first deputy commander of the 98th airborne division (Ivanovo), and after a year and a half - the head of the headquarters.

In the same period, the officer took the Kremlin in Chechnya, where the second war ended by that time, but acted (until 2009) the counter-terrorism operation mode. There he was until 2004, and after three he was sent to the Kuril Islands, where he protracted the 18th machine gun-artillery division of the Far Eastern Military District. There he arrived exactly to the start of the Government Program for the Development of the Islands. To the same summer in 2007, the Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers of Japan, Jasuchis Siodezaki and Deputy Prime Minister, Sergei Naryshkin agreed on the help of Tokyo in the development of the Far Eastern region (Nuclear power, optical Internet cables, infrastructure, tourism, ecology and security). This agreement was the consequence of Putin's meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a month earlier. Asapov, the regularity of his appearance in the controversial regions is already visible, which solved the Kremlin.

In 2011, Asapov was headed by the 37th separate motorized rifle brigade, which is part of the 36th combustive army of the Eastern Military District in Buryatia. After three years of his wards, "combat Buryats" from the 37th OMSBR, as well as the 5th tank brigade, saw in the Donbas. It is noteworthy that in July 2013, the 36th Army passed large-scale exercises. Preparing, see. Asapov himself in 2014, having completed his task in preparation, was again translated into smoking, in order to conduct exercises, in which, among other things, she had a personal composition to destroy "enemy DRG".

It is not surprising that after that Asapov found himself in the Donbas. In March 2016, the Main Department of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that he was led by "1 AK (Donetsk), taking the name of Primakov for covering. In the Ordlo, he arrived from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, from the post of commander of 68 by the Army Corps of the Eastern Military District of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. And in October of that year, Petro Poroshenko "appreciated" the efforts of General for helping terrorists and introduced personal economic sanctions against him, extended for a year on May 15, 2017.

Circumstances of death

However, next year, the President of Ukraine will no longer extend them again. Asapov-Primakov, who replaced the status of "ichtamnet" to "ith", died in Syria as a result of the breaking of a mortar projectile under Dair Ez-Zor. For this area are undergoing fierce battles.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was not distinguished by special eloquence, the responsibility for the militants of the "Islamic state". Journalists managed to learn more details. So, it turned out that Asapov was then on the front line, but, according to the radio, Moscow, "did not come to communicate from September 23. As noted in the media, Mina accurately hit the team point, where the lieutenant-general was, as a result of which he was literally broken, nothing left of the person. " This is written by Kommersant with reference to the source in the Ministry of Defense. Asapov has already been posthumously presented to the state award - the Order of Courage.

It is worth noting, the merits of Asapov Motherland appreciated not very high: since 1994, when the Order was established, more than 100 thousand people became its cavaliers. Moreover, there are no rare cases of mass awards - 31 participants in the march-throw from Serbia in Kosovo in 1999, for example. Love massively rewarding the Order of courage and posthumously. For example, all members of the crews of the dead submarines "Kursk", K-19 and K-129 were presented to it, all the fighters of Lipetsk Rioleshki, who has surrounded in with. Novolakskoe (Dagestan), the entire crew "Ruslan", crashed under Irkutsk in 1997.

In general, it seems that the superior authorities had the latest service, providing a family not a particularly lucky general gain to a pension.

Moscow, 25 Sep- RIA Novosti, Alexander Khrolenko. Syrian combat business trip of Lieutenant General Valery Asapov, but far from the first. For his army career, Asapov has repeatedly turned out to be at the forefront of armed conflicts and literally walked on the razor blade. He was thrown there, where it is difficult and hot, where only professionalism, determination and courage can help.

Military Expert: General Asapov Never hid behind the back of the soldiersRussian General Valery Asapov died in Syria as a result of shelling the terrorists of the game *. On the air of Radio Sputnik, Alexander Zhilin, Military Expert, noted the role of Russian military advisers in the fight against militants in SAR.

There, where instead of a brilliant parquet of cabinets under the feet, the Earth is still warm from explosions. Northern and South Caucasus, Far Eastern List of Russia, Syria - General List impressive.


Valery Asapov in 1987 graduated with honors from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School. The officer service began in the Pskov division of the Airborne Forces. It was not one hot point. Awarded three orders. About him more than once wrote the newspaper "Red Star".

The first military campaign of Major Asapov to Chechnya took place in January 1995. In the Grozny, the officer was seriously injured. During the year, he suffered four operations in the military hospitals of Rostov-on-Don, Pskov and St. Petersburg, recovered, but did not get rid of chromotomot. After she got on his feet, he entered the Frunze Military Academy, which she graduated with honors. The next purpose is the Department of the Separate Parachute Regiment as part of the peacekeeping forces in Abkhazia. After a year, Asapov has already commanded the regiment.

The collective peacekeeping forces were buffer between the parties to the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. On the shores of Inguri, the shooting was often heard, influence of equipment and other provocations occurred. Over the years of the peacekeeping mission, more than 100 Russian servicemen were killed in Abkhazia. In 2003, Valery Asapov headed the grouping of airborne troops and again performed combat missions in the Caucasus.


In May 2007, the colonel of the Airborne For Valery Asapov was headed the easternmost - the island 18th machine gun-artillery division, which was engaged in an anti-defense defense. The length of the connection zone of the Union of ITUP and Kunashir reaches 400 kilometers.

On Kurilah were their difficulties The lack of officer personnel, the separation of the mainland, binding the life of the troops to seasonal navigation. According to statistics for the year here there are 19 clear days, the rest of the time Right and foggy, because of what even helicopters fly. Valery Asapov did a lot to develop a group and for a potential opponent.

At the end in 2011, the Military Academy of the General Staff, Colonel Asapov received an appointment to the post of commander of the 37th Guards Motorconvek Brigade in Transbaikal, who under his command exemplary showed itself on three major international exercises Two Russian-Mongolian "Selenga-2011" and "Selenga 2012" and in the Russian-Indian "Indra-2012".

In February 2013, Russian President Vladimir Putin in the St. George Hall of the Kremlin presented to the commander of the 37th separate Guards Motor Stretch Brigade Colonel Asapov Order "For merits to the Fatherland" IV degree For a worthy contribution to international military cooperation.

Last business trip

Soon Asapov handed over the command of the Brigade and left for a new service place - in Primorye - Deputy Commander of the Fifth Red Blank Army of the Eastern Military District. In August 2017, the general was appointed commander of the fifth combustrian army VVO and soon declined to the Syrian business trip, which was fatal for him - a senior military adviser to the Russian group of troops in SAR, on the command paragraph of the Syrian troops, liberating Deir Ez-Zor.

The commander will be buried in Moscow, but on September 27, with the general, they will set up in Ussuriysk, where his army headquarters are located. Parliamentarians of the Primorsky Territory and the power of Ussuriysk expressed their condolences to the relatives and loved ones Valery Asapov, a kind word remembered the help of General Region.

IG * - a terrorist group banned in Russia.

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