Words of gratitude to the first teacher from the graduates. How to say thanks to the first teacher? Examples of words of thanks

Kindergarten, school, institute - all these are stages of our life, which have a certain time frame. Moving to the next level, I always want to thank all those who helped to spend this time with benefit, taught or brought up something.

Words of gratitude should come from the heart, convey in them everything that you feel. Do not be afraid to seem sensitive or sentimental, you are drawing a line under a certain period of your life, so you should not limit yourself to any boundaries.

If you find it difficult to start, try continuing phrases:

  • I saw you for the first time when I was ...
  • I remember this meeting….
  • I expected that ...
  • Thank you for the fact that all these years you ...
  • Now I understand that ...
  • I am sure that …

Words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers

The first serious stage in the life of every child is Kindergarten... Someone spends four years in it, someone three, but it is in kindergarten that learning to work in a team, mutual understanding and respect begins. Only first-class educators can lay the foundations of politeness, obedience and the right thoughts about good and evil in your child's head.

The angelic patience that this profession sometimes requires is truly immense, educators find time and care for each pupil. For all this care and attention, I need to say thanks to the educators.

“Dear and beloved our educators! It is always difficult to send a child to kindergarten, it is difficult not only for the child, but also for his parents. After all, we have entrusted you with the most precious thing we have! After the experiences and worries of the first days, we realized that our little children are in the safest hands, they will be dressed, shod and deliciously fed.

All those training sessions that you conducted with them helped them to develop and learn about the world. It was here that they found their first friends and our kids became very big. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the love and care that you gave to our children. Thank you for your attention and guidance, warmth and responsiveness. "

Words of gratitude to the last call from students

The last bell is an important holiday in the life of every student. How many minutes do they spend waiting for the life-saving call, which means the beginning of fun and freedom! And now it will sound for graduates in last time... On May 25, ninth graders and eleventh graders will finish their studies and start preparing for exams, school ended as unexpectedly as it began.

It is important to thank all the teachers who have studied with you all these 11 years for their work, for their indifference.

“Our beloved teachers, has this day really come and tomorrow we won't sit down at our desks as usual, won't open our notebooks and start the lesson as usual? In this we cannot believe even now. It seemed that 11 years is so infinitely long, but now, looking back, it seems that they swept by like a few minutes.

You've been with us all these years, despite our pranks, endless absenteeism, mood swings and teenage freaks. We want to say thank you for the fact that you never gave up and always found an approach to us, you instilled in us a love of science and helped to make right choice our future profession.

The knowledge that you gave us will become the basis for all of our later life... We will always remember you and will visit, thank you for all this time, for teaching us how to live and dream. We will try to meet your expectations and become graduates you can be proud of! "

Words of gratitude to the teacher in prose from parents

Graduating from school as a child is an important event for any parent. I always want to thank all the teachers who helped us go through this difficult and long path.

“Our dear teachers! It is difficult to express in words everything that is happening in the soul now, our children have already grown up and are entering adulthood. We are confident that they will succeed and everything will be fine, because the school gave them the necessary knowledge base. We are grateful to you for all the work that you have done, it is impossible to appreciate! We would not have been able to educate and raise our children as worthy members of society without your help and support! "

Words of gratitude to parents at the graduation in grade 9 from students

School, 9 years at the same desk, fun, quarrels, first falls in love, calls, breaks, briefcases ... How many in this one word "school". Graduation in grade 9 for someone is an intermediate stage before another 2 years of school, and for someone the last school holiday before stepping into adulthood.

All these years, loving parents have been reliable support and support, to whom it is necessary to say thank you.

“Our beloved parents! You gave us all your time, all your love and tenderness, and suddenly we became adults. Thank you for always being on our side, for believing in our strength, for unconditional love and patience. For the fact that at home we could forget about all the problems and troubles, of which there are so many in the life of every teenager. We appreciate all your efforts and we will never let you down! We love you very much, thank you for what you have done and are doing for us! "

Thanks to the headmaster

The headmaster is at the head of a complex mechanism, interacting with students, parents and teachers at the same time. On the one hand, it is necessary to make compromises, and on the other hand, to remain an indestructible example of a leader who will be remembered by all students.

Words of gratitude from students:

“Dear Tatyana Ivanovna! You are and have always been a role model for us and a guarantor of justice. We understand how difficult it is to manage such a huge mechanism at once. We are grateful to you for giving us the opportunity to study here, once having accepted to this school. We will remember these happy school days with warmth and love! "

Words of gratitude from parents:

“Dear, Galina Stepanovna! Sometimes our meetings took place in connection with the leprosy of our children, and we are grateful to you for the understanding and patience that you have shown all this time. It is so difficult to teach a child about life, to make him realize that punishment is inevitable, but you can always fix everything. We are glad that we sent our children to your school, thank you and low bow! "

Words of gratitude to students from teachers

Teaching is always a two-way process, which is why teachers never get bored, although they talk about the same thing year after year. Pupils always react in different ways, they also influence teachers by making them think about their methods, updating the material and much more.

“Our beloved guys, a big and bright life awaits you in front of you, in which you will achieve any heights that you dream of. You have grown so quickly and turned from toddlers into adults and independent people. We wish that on your way there were fewer trials, so that you maintain the friendship that binds you now and does not forget your native school, its doors are always open for you. Thank you for these wonderful years! "

Words of gratitude to teachers in verses from students

While congratulating all teachers, it is important to reach out to everyone and not offend anyone! Make a list of everyone you want to contact and try to express those words that have accumulated for everything school years in your soul.

Students' words of gratitude to the class teacher

Throughout the years, the class teacher monitors the class, he is responsible for resolving all conflicts with teachers, talking with parents, organizing class holidays and much more. The schoolchildren trust their secrets to the leader and come to him for support.

“Our beloved, Valentina Ivanovna! You have become a second mother for us, protecting us and keeping the peace in our small team. Thank you for all the years you have spent with us. We know how close to heart you took all our problems, and always found words that inspired us to new achievements.

Sometimes it was very difficult for us to study, but you believed in us and this faith inspired us. You weren't just ours class teacher, you studied with us, experienced difficulties, passed exams. We have loved you so much over the years that we have no idea how we will cope further. But the time has come to say goodbye, new roads await us, but we will always remember you and visit! Thank you for everything!

Words of gratitude to teachers and teachers

Studying at a university and at school is very different. If your favorite teachers were ready day and night to explain intractable material, then at the institute it is every man for himself. Therefore, it is important to thank those teachers who were not indifferent to you.

“Dear teachers! We came here as fledgling chicks who had little idea of ​​what actually awaited them. Thank you for the time you spent with us and the knowledge you gave us. All this will be useful in our future profession and life. What kind of professionals we will become is determined precisely at the stage of study, it was you who showed us who we really are, what paths are open for us and gave us confidence in our future. "

Words of gratitude on the diploma

A diploma is the last stage of university education. When writing, you will need knowledge of the entire course taken in order to present a decent job.

“Dear Commission! I would like to express my gratitude to you for your attention to my report. I also want to say thank you to my supervisor for his tireless help. As Newton said: "I saw farther than others, because I stood on the shoulders of giants." This saying applies to my supervisor, his experience and knowledge allowed me to do the job at the level of a specialist, not a student. I also express my gratitude to all the consultants who helped to translate all my ideas and ideas into the diploma. "

Do not forget to thank all those people who gave you their love and care, were engaged in your development and upbringing, your teachers, educators, educators. Find the right words, do not hesitate to say them out loud, because after hearing gratitude, a person understands that he was not trying in vain. Let your children learn from your example, then they will grow up to be grateful people.

Video: Words of gratitude to teachers in grade 11

Words of gratitude to teachers from alumni

Students should always be grateful to their teachers for all the knowledge they have given them. After all, it is the knowledge gained in subsequent life that will be useful and will thus become the key to success in life. The words of gratitude to teachers from graduates should sound solemn and grateful. After all, these are the very last words that students will say to their beloved teachers before leaving the walls of their native school forever.

We, alumni, stand before you today, not as students before teachers, but as educated people before educated people. And this became possible only thanks to you and your work. You gave us knowledge, you gave us a start in life, you gave us everything we need to help us live without problems.
We are all immensely grateful to you, grateful for every lesson you taught, for every comment and every assessment. Today we already remember with a smile the moments when we thought: I would like to finish school as soon as possible! Because now you understand that school will never end. After all, over and over again we will turn to the knowledge that we received in school. And we ourselves do not want to finish school, because school life this is the best time when you can truly enjoy life!
Thank you, our teachers! We appreciate what you have invested in us and we promise that everything invested will pay off with interest!

Now is the time to be honest. Not that we have lied to you all the time, cheated and deceived you. No, it's just that all this time we were students and children, and you are teachers and our adult comrades.
But today a lot has changed, today is our last day at school and we don't have to hide anything. Yes, we admit that we had disagreements and different views on learning. That we often did not objectively evaluate you, and sometimes just disrupted your lessons.
But right now we all realized how wrong we were. Because today we are leaving school, today we are becoming independent, and today no one will help us. Therefore, we realized that we lost - we lost you, your communication and your attention. We will miss all this, we will remember you with love and a smile. We will remember your lessons and use the knowledge that you gave us in our life.
Today we say thank you! Thank you for all those years of happiness, for all those happy moments in your lessons! Today we realized that your profession is the most important in the world, and you are the most valuable people in the world!

Time flies so fast that we are already graduates, we have already passed all the classes at school and today is our last day at it. We are naturally sad and sad, but we are not yet fully aware of what happened. And a lot has happened today. We will no longer see you every day. We will no longer sit in your lessons and listen to you. We will no longer come to school every day, say hello, communicate with each other and sit at the same desk. There will be no more happy ones in our life school days- and we will miss all this!
We are infinitely grateful to you that you did not abandon us, brought us to the very end and made real people out of us. We will try not to let you down and not get lost among millions of the same people. We will try to make your names recognizable thanks to us. So that people say - yes, this is a student of the school (school number).
Today we are parting forever. You have new students, new joys, lessons and new moments ahead. happy life... But do not forget us - after all, we will never forget you! We will remember you, and your classes, and your lessons, and everything that happened with us at school. We will definitely bring our children here and proudly tell them - we studied here! And our children will definitely go to study in our native school.

Key tags:

1. Now the time has come to say goodbye to the native school walls. The ringing trill of the bell, homework, control and final exams remained behind. But we will remember not only this in the coming years. Our dear and beloved teachers will forever remain in our memory. We know there are many more to come interesting sciences and professional teachers, but you have become an integral part of our soul. Largely thanks to you, we have become who we are - people who have something to be proud of and who look to the future with confidence. We are confident that we will bear the enormous gratitude and love that we feel for you throughout our life and will always remember you with respect and warmth.

2. Today is a graduation party - a great occasion for happy smiles and sparkling eyes with joy. However, there is in this joy an echo of touching sadness and quiet sadness, because the time comes to say goodbye to school. But we, graduates, are most saddened by the fact that we will have to part with our dear teachers. We want to say from the bottom of our hearts that you have forever become a part of our world, have taken a safe and valuable place in our memories and hearts, so it is so difficult to say goodbye to you. Thank you very much not only for the invaluable knowledge that you have put into our heads, but also for that sincerity and warmth that, like a bright sun, have grown in us the sprouts of respect and gratitude to you.

3. Today is a truly festive day, filled with joyful excitement, sincere wishes and light sadness. The graduation evening with its touching warmth, joyful smiles and festive fun reminds us that it's time to say goodbye to school, and, therefore, to our dear teachers. Over the past school years, you have become not only good mentors for us, but also a part of our life, and, most importantly, you have taken one of the most important places in our heart. Today, under the clink of glasses and a pleasant melody of dance, we recall the past years and realize that you will forever remain in our memory as a warm and tremulous memory of school, which fills the soul with aching joy at every meeting with you. Thank you for your great work, incredible kindness and great patience.

4. Our dear teachers! Here came one of the most touching and unforgettable holidays in our life - the graduation party. Today we say goodbye to the loved ones and those who have become so dear school classrooms, comfortable desks and wide corridors. They will always sound our bursting laughter and quiet noise from the discussion of homework. However, it is even more sad for us to part with you - our beloved teachers. You helped us go through this difficult school path, opened up incredible expanses of knowledge and sciences for us, taught us to strive for the set goal and work on mistakes. Therefore, leaving the school walls, we leave here a piece of our soul, which will belong to you and remind of what an incredible feat you perform every day, changing the lives of your students for the better, and filling them with new knowledge. Thank you!

5. On this holiday, we, the graduates, leave behind us the welcoming school walls and go on an independent flight. However, no matter how many people we meet on this path, we will always remember those who helped us gain wings - our dear teachers. Eleven years ago, you warmly welcomed the fledgling chicks who first crossed the threshold of the classroom, and confidently led them along the thorny school path. You were able to convey to us the sciences and knowledge that became the basis of our future life, taught us to believe in ourselves and always hope for the best. Thank you very much for everything and may those tears of sadness from parting with you, which are shining in our eyes today, become tears of joy at the next meeting.

6. So the trill of the last bell rang out, the excitement about final exams and we can say with confidence that we have successfully passed one of the most important stages of our life - school. A huge part of this success undoubtedly belongs to our dear teachers. It is the professionalism with which you approached our training that allowed us to overcome all school trials, and, therefore, make a huge contribution to our future. But not only the knowledge gained will remain forever in our memory and hearts, your trust and kindness have long taken a safe place in our soul. We hope that for many more years you will continue this important and responsible work, and your students will always be proud that you were their mentors.

7. How quickly passed the carefree and happy school years. Today we are yesterday's first graders, getting ready to say goodbye to our beloved teachers and the school walls that have become such dear ones. Ahead of us is an adult life filled with new knowledge and acquaintances, but already now we know for sure that you are our dear teachers, no one can replace you. Your kind hearts, great support and high professionalism will forever remain in our memory. We are immensely grateful to you for the invaluable work that helps your students to climb higher and higher levels of knowledge and constantly strive to achieve the goal.

8. The long-awaited prom night has come. School lessons, the first homework assignments and exams were left behind. However, already now this beloved school life is becoming a part of our history. Undoubtedly, the most important people, without whose knowledge and support we would not be able to overcome all school trials, are our dear teachers. Your love for your chosen profession, touching attention and care have become for us not only a reliable stronghold in the stormy sea school knowledge but also a real example of hard work, honesty and kindness. Thank you for being there, for the contribution you make to the lives of your students and for our wonderful memories of school.

9. Today we, graduates, found ourselves as if in a fairy tale, because such an unforgettable and wonderful evening was organized for us. It seems that it will last for a very long time, and we will not have to say goodbye to the school and our dear teachers. However, time passes without stopping, and we will be already adults, independent people, ready to live outside the school walls, to meet the dawn. Today, we want to say a huge thank you to our teachers, who, like kind magicians, with a wave of a pointer and a stroke of a pen, have created for us a real journey into the world of knowledge and discoveries from everyday school days. You turned us from outside observers, into active participants in this magical process, and you were able to make us curious and enthusiastic students. We will never forget this exciting journey into the school world and will forever keep a part of it in our souls.

10. Today we celebrate an unforgettable celebration - the graduation party. There are happy and smiling faces around, but when the understanding comes that one has to leave the hospitable school classes and set sail for free to another educational institution, in new sciences and disciplines, it gets a little exciting and sad. We still cannot fully realize that other teachers will lead us further along the road of knowledge, and new students will take a place at school desks. I really don't want to part with you, our dear teachers, because you have already become a part of us, and the knowledge that we received thanks to you has changed our life forever. We want you to know that we will miss, to tears, to sadness, and rejoice from the realization that new meetings are just around the corner and there is always an opportunity to come to our home school for a meeting of graduates!

We offer you copyright beautiful words Thank you that will suit all teachers at any high school graduation. Words of gratitude for the graduation in the 4th grade, in the 9th grade and in the 11th grade. We also wrote words, both in prose and poetry. Therefore, choose what you like and suit the most, and go to prom prepared and with a pre-prepared speech. Believe me, this is the best option for you.

Our dear and beloved teachers! We all want to thank you for what you have done for the students. And you did a lot, and to list all your merits, a whole prom evening will be enough. We thank you for your work, for your efforts, for your knowledge passed on to all students. By graduating your next students, you are sure that they are ready for adulthood, you are sure that they will find their place and take their niche in life. Thank you again and may many more students graduate under your leadership.

The graduation party is not just a holiday and a solemn day, it is a kind of summing up of what the students have learned and what their teachers have taught them. And we see that the teachers did their job perfectly well, that they were able to prepare excellent graduates who will definitely become famous people and will achieve a lot in life. We express our gratitude to all teachers and wish them success in life, understandable and conscientious students in the future, and a lot of pleasure in the fact that their students have become people to be proud of.

Our dear teachers! Today is the graduation party for your students, with whom you have spent more than one year together. During the time that you have taught today's graduates, they have become much smarter, wiser and more responsible. You taught them more than just school subjects and necessary knowledge, you taught them how to live, taught them to think the way you need to think in order to live. Thank you for that, thank you for doing such a difficult but necessary job. You didn’t just do your job and get the students out of school, you did something that will help the whole country to stand on its feet. After all, she has a wonderful future, the future that you have made!

Preparing for today's prom I wanted to say so much, but walking up to the microphone it became clear that you can say as much as you like and whatever you want, but only by deed you can prove who you really are. And you, the teachers, have proved to everyone that you are real professionals. You are doing such a difficult job, and you do it just incredibly great. You graduate students from your care every year. And you don't just graduate, but you do it in such a way that every student who was trained by you is completely ready for a more adult life. You can rightfully be proud of yourself and your graduates. After all, they are you, and you are the pride of the country and the entire nation. Thank you for your work and for what you are doing for the whole country and for our school in particular.

Accept from the first grader
Thank you, my teacher!
My very first, most important
You are wise, kind and courageous,
Thank you for your understanding,
I will do my best
And I will study well
So that you can be proud of me!


Even though I'm in first grade,
But I can already say:
You are the best teacher
And you can't find such
Thank you today
For your care and your work,
I wish you health
Many happy moments!


So my first one flew by academic year, and I want to say "thank you very much" to my wonderful teacher, who will always support everything, give good advice, will teach you everything and will cheer you up when you are sad. Thank you for your efforts and efforts, I wish you rays of goodness and happiness, great success and perfect health.


Dear teacher, thank you very much for what helped the first grade to immediately understand what was what, thanks for the interest in each lesson and the capture on each page. May every day give you a ray of happiness and good luck, smiles of loved ones and children.


I'm a first grader myself
I proudly call
At school the first letters
And I study the numbers.

Mom praised
I began to write beautifully
For this you, teacher,
Thank you very much.

Thank you for your patience,
For good science,
Me around the world of knowledge
You lead by the hand.

Thanks to the primary school teacher from the student


Thank you, teacher,
For your kind eyes,
For kindness, for a bunch of knowledge,
Because you are always there.

You are my advisor in first grade,
Father, good friend,
I wish you happiness, inspiration
And let the strength be for two.

Thank you for your support,
For the skill of counting and writing,
Because I already know the letters,
For exercises for the mind.


I came to you as a naughty boy
With a knapsack and notebooks under my arm,
I became calm and I like to study,
Now adults can be proud of me.

And I sincerely thank you for this,
Thanks for all the knowledge and strength,
Wishing you success, happiness, light,
So that all students are obedient.


Accept from the first grader
You are words of gratitude,
Thank you for everything, teacher,
I really respect you,
I attend your lessons
I am always happy
And the knowledge that you give
I will never forget!


I'm still a first grader
But already growing up
It's very good at school
I'm getting smarter at school!

I say thank you,
My dear teacher,
I ask you very much:
"Always teach us!"


To you, my first teacher,
I want to say thank you
For teaching me
Read, write beautifully.

First grade at school
You cannot compare with others,
Thank you for your patience
Enough to teach us.


Thank you, my teacher,
In first grade you are my friend
I am always calm with you
And everything around is clear.

You are always by my side
I have become much smarter
Thank you for the science,
Best among teachers.


I'm just at the beginning of my school journey
While I'm a stupid first grader,
And it's so easy to go forward with you,
You are gifted with the talent to teach.

I am very, very grateful to you,
I want everyone to be proud of me
I listen to your words,
I want to be like you, I will not hide!


Thank you for all your efforts,
After all, we happily came to the first grade,
And in the classroom they got their knowledge,
Thank you for teaching us everything!

And we will learn so much with you,
You are ready to open the whole world to us!
We love and respect you very much,
And we will appreciate you like a diamond!


I only study in first grade
In school terms, I'm a kid,
Thank you teacher
A strong man came to express.

I want to say thank you
For patience and care,
For science, understanding,
Your glorious job.

I'm not scared at all with you
In a world of letters and strange numbers
It's much easier with you
This cipher has become special.


I wish you inspiration
So that only joy will bring you work!
Let only pleasant moments
The kids will bring it to school!


Thank you, my teacher,
There is definitely no better in the world,
You introduced me to the first grade,
They gave light to knowledge.

Thank you for the tenderness
Your caress, kindness,
For love and understanding,
For patience, warmth.

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