Body structure in English. "Body parts"

Your attention is offered short and interesting text-stories in English for children. Stories with translation into Russian - so you will be easier to learn English. If you wish to practice more in English, and not only online, but also on Skype, then knock me in Skype - Markandvika (Canada). I will help you.

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What Do You Know About Your Body? The Human Body (Man "s Body) is vere beauty. IT Consists of Arms, Legs, A Trunk, A Head, a Neck and So ON. The Eyes Help US to See, The Mouth and Lips Help US to Speak and Eat Food.

All People Have Different Faces. There Are Two Eyes, a Nose, a Mouth On Our Face. We Have Hair, A Neck, Two Shoulders, Ten Fingers, Ten Toes, Ten Nails, Two Feet, Two Knees, Two Cheeks, Two Eyebrows, a forehead, a chin.

Everybody HAS HIS / HER OWN SKIN. IT Comes in Many Colors. People WHO Live in Africa Have Brown or Black Skin. PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN EUROPE HAVE WHITE SKIN.

Our Hair Can Be Straight or Curly, Long, Short, Dark, Blonde, Gray.

Humans Have Muscles, Fat, Bones, Joints.

There Are Two Kidneys, Two Lungs, a Heart, A Stomach, A Liver and Other Organs in Humans' Bodies.

There Are 32 Teeth and One Tongue in Our Mouth. Some People (Kids and Adults) Lose Some of Their Teeth, So The Don "T Have 32 Teeth.

The human body

What do you know about your body? The body of a person is very beautiful. It consists of hands, legs, torso, head, neck, and so on. Eyes help a person to see, ears help a man to hear, mouth and lips help a man talking.

All people have different faces. On the face of man there are two eyes, nose, mouth. Also, man has hair, neck, shoulders, fingers on their hands, fingers on the legs, nails, feet, knees, cheeks, eyebrows, forehead, chin.

Man has skin, it happens different color. People who live in Africa have brown or black skin. People who live in Europe have white skin.

The hair is straight or curly, long, short, dark, blond, gray.

A person also has muscles, fat, bones, joints.

Inside the body of a person there is a heart, stomach, liver, kidneys, lungs, and other important organs.

In the mouth of a person there are 32 teeth and tongue. Some people (children or adults) lose one or more teeth, so not all people have 32 tooth.

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It is advisable to know every modern person. Imagine that you are on vacation or on a business trip abroad, and while leisure (work) there have been health problems. It will be very desirable to explain to the English-speaking doctor what exactly and where it hurts. In general, such situations can be a lot - in the plane, in the store, at the hotel, on the beach, in the bar, in the restaurant ...

Your durable knowledge of body parts in English can serve you and others who, for example, do not know the language, good service. Going on a trip abroad, ideally, of course, make a small story about your diseases and hands, allergies, supplement it to the names of medicines that you usually help you and learn. Or at least wear with you. Teach your child with these words (the main, at least) so that he also felt confident in the emergency. Of course, all parts of the body in English, which you will find in the article, will not be able to learn immediately. Start with the most basic (for example, remember how to pronounce eye in English how will be in English body, leg, hand, hair etc.), and then gradually remember less consumed words. Also names of body parts in English will be needed by physicians and applicants medical colleges and universities. Such a table is useful to any Russian or Ukrainian teacher, because the topic: "Parts of the body in English" is studying both in kindergarten and at school, and at the university.

Head (eng. head.)

PARTS OF THE BODY Russian Translation Ukrainian Translation
head. head head
face. face digging
jaw. jaw shhep
lower Jaw. lower jaw nizhny pussy
upper Jaw. top jaw upper pussy
eye eye
nose nose nis
bridge of the Nose torn intrusya
nostril nostril nIPRYA
ear Drum. eardrum drum Pichinc
ear. an ear into ear
beard beard beard
moustache. mustache vussa
tongue. language yazik
temple. temple skron
gums. gums yasna
back of the Head towel pottsia
tOP OF THE HEAD makushka mackiva
skull skull skull
skull Cap scalp scalp
hair. hair hair
mouth. mouth mouth
lip. lip lip
cheek cheek pike
dimple. smelka on the cheek ski Schuzі.
shin. the chin pіdborddy
double Chin. double chin locking Pіdborddy
neck. neck shia
tooth (Teeth) tooth teeth) tooth (Zubi)
forehead. forehead forehead

Body (eng. body.)

body. body tіlo
back back back
chest rib cage chest, chest cl_
breast. chest, Milk Iron chest, breasts
spine spine; spine spinning Range, Relief Stoves
rIB edge edge
waist waist talia
abdomen. abdominal cavity; stomach cherevo, living; Cherevna Vozoznin
navel. navel pup, PUP
buttocks. buttocks sidnitzі
genitalia (Genitals) genitals, genitals stathevі Organic
limb. limit (person or animal) kіntzvka, Part (Tіl)
skin. leather shkіra

Eye (eng. eye.)

Hand (from the brush to the shoulder, English. arm)

Hand (brush, eng. hand)

Leg (eng. leg.)

leg. foot (from hips to foot) foot (Vіd Stegna to Fourth)
hip Joint hip joint tazoshegnovy Suglobov, Korsivia Suglob
knee Joint knee-joint kolіnnya Sugobov
(The Part of The Human Leg Between The Hip and the Knee)
hip (from the pelvic to the knee) stegno
hip (A Projection of The Pelvis and Upper Thigh Bone On Each Side Of The Body in Human Beings) outdoor side of the pelvis and the top of the leg of the person stegno; across
Knee. knee kolіino
Calf (Calves) calf) sitka
shin. shin gom_lka
joint joint sugoba
tendon. tendon temohil

Foot (eng. foot.)

Internal organs (eng. iNTERNAL ORGANS.)

brain. brain mozok
spinal Cord. spinal cord spinning Mozob
throat. throat, larynx; pharynx throat, larynx, gorryanka
wINDPIPE. windpipe dichalny throat
bronchus (Bronchi) bronchus bronchus
esophagus. esophagus stravohid
muscle. muscles, muscle muscle; M'Bind
lung. lung legens
lIVER. liver pechіnka
stomach. stomach slunok, Lіt.
digestive Tract digestive tract grass tract
gastrointestinal Tract gastrointestinal slunkovo-Kishkovy tract
intestines. intestines, guts intestines, intestines
vein. vein; blood vessel vein; Krovonosna Sudina
aRTERY artery arteria.
blood. blood shelter
kidney. bud narka
pancreas. pancreas pisstshlunkova Zaloza
bladder bladder siechy Mіhur
aPPENDIX. cheriform process, Appendix chervopodіbniy Vіdrostok, Apendix
bone. bone kіstka
cartilage. cartilage cartilage
nerve. nerve nerve
nervous System nervous system nerve system

Now let's fix the learned vocabulary. Make a task on the topic: "Parts of the Body in English". Look carefully on the picture and name everything body parts in english. By the way, such an exercise can be performed with your child - an additional clause to the article

Each small resident wants as much as possible and rather to spit into the world of human life on Earth. The study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis an excellent way to encourage the child to knowledge of wildlife, which will continue to turn into a favorite passion or an interesting profession. Themes of lessons should expand the horizons, and knowledge of them to be useful in the future. One of these is the consideration of body parts in English for children.

Start a story about the structure of a person is best with a simple drawing or a small layout (Fig. 1)

We teach body parts in English with baby using bright pictures

We study parts of the body in English along with the baby using transcription

You need to start an explanation due to the fact that every person has a body on Earth - BODY ['BɔDI] (In square brackets will be given a transcription that is needed in order for the studying knew how to read a specific word). It should be noted that the pronunciation of this word goes like Badi, although he is written as a "body". It is necessary to accurately hint the baby that the body structure of the boy is slightly different from the body of the girl, so the guys are always stronger than their girlfriends. For general development, you can add that the science that studies the body of people is called anatomy. True, much depends on the age of the student, since it may not remember the difficult name.
The human body is conditionally divided into his head, hands, legs and torso. Here it is appropriate to bring an example of a simple, familiar to everyone from deep childhood, the image of a little man (stick, stick, cunector - a man came out). Another memorization method is a small poem:

You have 10. fingers.,
You have 10. toes.,
You have 2. eyes.,
And you have 1 Nose.

English songs for children about parts of the body

Song about part of the body in English for children will help not bother and quickly learn new Material. Start studying should be topped down, i.e. From the head - head. . Its open side is called face - face. , on the top of the closed side) we grow hair hair. , And on the sides under them are hiding ears.
On the top of the face all is forehead forehead ['Fɔrid] , Below your eyebrows and eyes. Below in the center is the nose, and the right and left side - cheeks cheeks [ʧi: k] . Under your nose, we have a mouth, a chin hides behind him chin [ʧin] .
Eyebrows - eyebrows ['Aibrau] Consist of small hair and they help us express our condition and emotions. May be dark - Brown eyebrows. or blond - blond eyebrows. .
Thanks to the eyes - eyes. we see the world What it is, in all bright colors. In the eyes we have eyelashes - eyelashes.that protect them from dust and dirt. Basically, there are 3 colors of the eyes:

  • green - Green Eyes,
  • brown - Brown Eyes,
  • blue - Blue Eyes.

Nose - nose Perhaps the most important body in humans, since thanks to him can breathe. Mouth - mouth. Responsible for meals. Externally, the mouth cavity is under the "supervision" of the upper and lower lips - upper and Lower Lips .

Thanks to them, we learn to distinguish with the touch cold and hot. Inside are the teeth - teeth. (in adult healthy man They are 32), helping to chew food, and language - Tongue. (It is necessary then to verbally transmit your thoughts to others).
Easy to remember, playing in a simple game: The teacher shows a hand on a certain part of the head, and children say this word in English out loud.
Hair protects our heads from negative environmental impact. Hair can be:

  • dark and light - Dark And Blond. ,
  • long, Middle and Short - long, Medium and Short ,
  • white, black, Rusy and Red - blond, Brunette, Brown, Red ,
  • straight and curly - straight and Curly.

Ears - ear. Also considered one of the senses. They help us hear others. I remember thanks to the song:

Your. ears. Are Very Tall
MY. ears. Are Very Small.
But My. ears. Are Pale and Pink.

Next, the head is connected to the torso through the neck - neck. . It is attached to the shoulders - shoulders ['ʃʃuldə] . From them, a person begins torso. The front of the body is breasts - breast. and belly Stomach ['Stʌmək] , the back takes the back - back .
Available and colorfully describes in this video:

From the shoulder joints we grow hands hand - There are two of them. The place where the hand can bend, calling the elbow - eLBOW ['elbəu] . Through the wrist - wrist. This part of the body is connected to the brush and palm - palm. . Hand brush consists of five fingers - fingers ['fiŋgə] . Ten fingers in the hands of people ten. Hands allow us to implement everything that we want, so you need to protect them and strengthen them in every way.
For memorization is a mystery:

I am a Body Part
But I Am Not a Knee,
I am Found on Your Face
I'm what you use to see.

Below the body is connected with a particularly important part of the human body, from which the legs grow - leg. , like hands, we also have two. The upper part of the leg is considered the thigh - thigh [θai] . Place where legs can bend, it is customary to call knee or knees - knee. . The lower part goes down to the foot and referred to as the shin - Feet. . There are heels on the foot - heels , and in the opposite side of them - the fingers of the legs - toes. . There are five fingers on each leg, therefore the person has ten fingers.

Learn part of the body in English for children and perform exercises

Excellent exercise to memorize body parts and new english vocabulary For the kid will be the following. Show the child here is this picture and fill in the signatures to the images with it.

Perform an exercise with a child to memorize the parts of the human body in English

A good example of memorizing parts of the body is the game in which the student makes a different part of a particular part, and he tries to guess its translation, asking questions on the principle of answers "Yes" or "No".
No wonder it is said that in a healthy body a healthy mind. We recommend the guys to constantly take care of the health and cleanliness of your body, do the charging, choose active games and more often to be in the fresh air. For details on parts of the body in English for children, you can find in the appropriate literature or among online sources. Basic knowledge will necessarily use young talent in biology lessons. Learning part of the body in English for children and other vocabulary and easily and easily together with EnglishGood courses. We invite all children to our classes to learn a foreign language interesting!

Let's talk a little about our Body (body). Is it often on the everyday conversation you had to mention your or other parts of the body? And how often did you meet a description of a person in the book? It is not easy to immediately remember how to pronounce, for example, a headhow to spell eye in English.

The topic of the human body (Human Body) is very extensive, because it includes not only parts of the body, but also parts of the face, hands, feet and even internal organs. We hope that you will not find yourself in that situation when you need on vacation abroad health care And it will be necessary to describe what happened and "where hurts." But if it all happens - this knowledge can save your life to you or your friend.

From this article you will learn what is called everythingpieces of human body in English. This will help you not only to describe yourself or another person, but in many other situations: at the doctor's reception, in the beauty salon and so on.

Before disassembled in detailparts of the body in English with translation,let's talk about basic knowledge that we need.

So, our body consists of a torso (body), hands (ARMS), legs (LEGS) and heads (Head). We look at the world with eyes (Eyes), we feel smell around the nose (nose), hearing the sounds of ears (Ears), pronounce the sounds of your mouth (Mouth), in which there is teeth (Teeth), and kiss your loved ones (Lips).

To remember how they will be called some parts of the body or face in English, it is best to teach them together with pictures or "find" these parts for yourself and immediately invent the phrase or the situation in which this word can be useful.

Also, any word in English will be easier to remember if you associate it with something. For example, to remember how in English there will be a "hear" verb (to Hear) will rather remember how the ear is called (EAR). But to go to the hairdresser and make a new hairstyle, you need to knowhow in English "Hair" (Hair). By the way, the word "hair" in English is the basis for many other more complex words. For example, a hairdryer will be called hairdryer, a hairdresser - Hairdresser, and hair lacquer - HAIRSPRAY. So, knowing the word "Hair" in English, translation The words associated with it will not cause you difficulties: you just can guess about their meaning intuitively.

Interestingly, some parts of the body in English will be called differently in the only thing multiple number. We already knowhow will be in English "Eye" - Eye. But how will be"Eyes" in English instrument in the plural? It is enough just to add the end of "-s": Eyes. Similarly, with ears: one ear - Ear, two - Ears. But "lips" will almost always be used immediately in the plural (Lips), if we do not need to say about some particular (upper or lower).

But with the feet (Feet) is a completely different story. In the singular foot will be Foot, and in the multiple - Feet (but not Foots). Similar history and with teeth. In the singular tooth will be tooth, and the teeth are in the multiple number - Teeth. By the way, the toothpaste will be Toothpaste, and not TeethPaste. It just needs to be remembered.

Believe me, many of the parts of the body you already know. Do you remember the movie "Jaws"? His Russian adaptation name is translated extremely accurately (and this happens with the films not always). In English, he is called "Jaws", literally, jaws. So, one jaw will be Jaw. Something in mind with the Russian word "chew". Here is an example of another excellent association for memorization.

Heart in english Language will be Heart. This is an important word that will meet you quite often: in films, songs, and just in conversation about feelings. Remember the famous song "My Heart Will GO ON" (my heart will continue to fight)? So, so that our heart continue to fight, you need all our organism to function as a whole. And what exactly ishuman body in english We will now understand in more detail.

Body (body)

  • aRM - hand (from the brush to the shoulder)
  • back - back
  • belly - belly
  • belly Button - Pup
  • breast - Chest (Breast Iron)
  • buttocks - buttocks
  • calves - Icres
  • chest - Chest
  • foot - Foot
  • genitals - genitals
  • hip - thigh
  • knee - Knee.
  • leg - Noga
  • neck - Neck
  • nipple - Nipple
  • pelvis - Taz
  • shoulder - Shoulder
  • waist - Waist

Now let's find out how to be called specificparts of the face in English.

HEAD AND FACE (head and face)

  • cheek - cheek
  • cheekbones - cheeks
  • chin - chin
  • ear - Ear
  • earlobe - Ear Middle
  • eye - eye
  • eyebrow / brow - eyebrow
  • eyelid / lid - eyeway
  • eyelash / lash - eyelashes
  • forehead - Lob
  • hair - Hair, Hair
  • head - Head
  • iris - Rainbow Eye Shell
  • lip - Guba
  • mouth - Rot
  • nAPE, Back Of the Head - Cash
  • nose - Nose
  • nostril - Nostril
  • pupil - Pupil
  • temple - Temok
  • tongue - Language
  • tooth - tooth

It is important to know how to be called in English specific parts of the hands and legs.

Arms (hands from the brush to the shoulder)

  • armPit - Rock
  • elbow - Elbow
  • hand - Hand (Brush)
  • finger - finger (hands)
  • forearm - forearm

Hand (brush)

  • cuticle - Kutikula
  • fist - Kulak
  • knuckle - Finger Dust
  • nail - Nail
  • palm - Ladon
  • wrist - wrist

Finger names:

  • thumb - thumb
  • index finger - index finger
  • middle Finger - Middle Finger
  • ring Finger - Unnamed Finger
  • little Finger - Mysiline, Little Finger

Legs (legs)

  • ankle - Ankle
  • calf / Calves - Caviar (Feet) / Icres
  • hip - High (Bock)
  • knee - Knee.
  • kneecap - Knee Cup
  • shin - shin
  • thigh - thigh (from the pelvic to the knee)

Feet (feet)

  • arch - Stop Arch
  • ball - Foot Pillow
  • heel - heel
  • instep - foot rise
  • sole - sole, feet

The names of the fingers on the legs:

  • toe - Finger Foot
  • big Toe - Big Finger
  • little Toe - Mysiline Feet

A little about how special human signs are called:

  • dimple - Mechka (on the cheek or chin)
  • freckle - freckles
  • mole - Molenia
  • sCAR - Scram.
  • wrinkle - Morusha

As for the skeleton of man and the names of the internal organs, it is not necessary to memorize all the anatomy if you do not doctor. Enough to know the most common names:

  • bone - bone
  • collarbone - Kulvitsa
  • jaw - jaw
  • joint - Susta
  • rIB - Rib
  • rIB Cage - Chest
  • skeleton - Skeleton
  • skull - Skull
  • shoulder Blade - Shovel
  • spine - Spine
  • tailbone - Copchik

The most common internal organs (INTERNAL ORGANS) and other terms for those who just want to know the device of the body or love to watch medical serials like "House m.d." or "scrubs" in the original:

  • bladder - bladder bladder
  • blood - Blood
  • brain - Brain
  • cartilage - cartilage
  • esophagus - esophagus
  • gallbladder - Gall Bubble
  • heart - Heart
  • kidney - kidney
  • large Intestine / Colon - Thick
  • vein - Vienna
  • vessel - blood vessel
  • vocal Cords - voice ligaments
  • larynx - Gortan
  • ligament - Bunch
  • liver - liver
  • lungs - Lungs
  • muscle - Muscle
  • nerve - nerv
  • palate - Nybo
  • pancreas - Pancreas
  • sinus - sickness
  • skin - leather
  • small Intestine - Family
  • spinal Cord - Spinal Brain
  • spleen - Selezenka.
  • stomach - Stomach
  • tendon - Tendon
  • throat - throat

Useful words, slang and expressions

Well, finally, we present several well-established expressions, one way or another associated with the appearance of man and his body.

  • bags / Dark Circles - Bags / Circles under the eyes (from inclipboard or hereditary)
  • bat Wings - Drying hanging forearms (literally as "bat wings")
  • cankle (Calf + Ankle) - no ankle ankle (when Ikra immediately goes into the foot)
  • chubby Cheeks - Chubby cheeks (usually they talk about babies)
  • muffin Top - fat folds over her pants or skirt (because it looks like Muffin)
  • saddle Bags - Halifa (Excessive Fat Deposit on Hips)

Idioms and phraseologisms:

  • Face to Face - alone, without outsiders (literally: face to face)
  • Head Over Heels in Love - be very in love (literally: head tops)
  • Lip Service - empty promises (literally: lip services)
  • To be all ears - listen very carefully (literally: in all ears)
  • To Give A Hand - help (literally: give hand)
  • To Have a Finger in Every Pie - In each barrel, the plug (literally: have a finger in every cake)
  • To Keep Fingers Crossed - Keep Fists at Good Luck (Literally: Cross Fingers)
  • To Not Put a Foot Wrong - not mistaken (literally: do not put the leg incorrectly)
  • To Turn A Blind Eye - look at all through your fingers, not to notice the obvious (literally: turn the blind eye)

We hope that now you have learned all that they wanted about body parts and their names in English.

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