The double code is the form of information recording. Dual or dual feeling

1. In one of the proposals below, the highlighted word was incorrectly used. Correct the lexical error

In this competition, the most arsa participant wins.

Grandfather Yermolai Pugany was not a good way: he went to the bear in the winter with one horns.

Irritation is the most common absorber of human mental energy.

He tied the handkerchief with a double knot.

When she was talking about mother, in words it was an ironic tone

2. In one of the proposals below, the selected word is incorrectly used. Correct the lexical error, pose to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

His popular views were well known and did not enjoy the support of colleagues.

Pay for treatment there was no possibility.

With me in the hotel there was a diploma of the competition of young performers.

Humanitarian aid was delivered to the sputum areas.

The special foundation was named precisely charity, and he justified his name.

3. The dedicated word is incorrectly used in one of the proposals below. Correct the lexical error, pose to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

Understand the difference between the novel from the story is easy.

Before the guys made a recognized artist whose paintings are known.

One of the branches of state power is performers.

Our production has undergone some conversion.

We have always collected rainwater, and then watered house flowers.

4. In one of the proposals below are incorrectly used

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

Thank you have been awarded to parents at the local meeting.

The annual report was practically ready.

From the meeting I had a dual feeling: I mentally took one and the other side.

With such a pride you would reign, a darling!

In my opinion, it was the utter dictate; But, it seems besides me, no one no longer believed.

5. In one of the proposals below are incorrectly used

dedicated word. Correct the lexical error

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

Clothing on it was new, good.

The grain on the current was to envy: large, poured, selected.

The Russian language is a hurriculous wealth that is unusual opportunities to us.

And in one May day, when the sky is green from the cold, the great news came, that we won and the war is over.

6. In one of the proposals below are incorrectly used

dedicated word. Correct the lexical error

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

Swamp IL is an excellent fertilizer.

His report was informative and informative.

Lessel mountain attracted the attention of tourists.

Artistic in nature, he uncommonly accurately copied the behavior of other people.

He did not want to learn, therefore he grew up with an ignorant.

7. In one of the proposals below are incorrectly used

dedicated word. Correct the lexical error

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

To resist the enemy.

In the new residential neighborhoods will soon sound children's laughter.

It was an extremely bad move.

Some man, representative, charming, filed her hand.

Anastasia opened the window, and the room was filled with the life of pine boron.

8. In one of the proposals below are incorrectly used

dedicated word. Correct the lexical error

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

Changing the planning of the apartment must be argued in the residential commission.

Cells almost always have microscopic sizes.

One-year-old Masha was to the kitchen with strong legs, hunting for a cat Vaska.

Many modern football teams prefer too pragmatic, and sometimes a delicate approach to the game.

And suddenly he was heard silver laughter, quiet, like the rustle of the wind, and sonorous as the river ropes.

9. In one of the proposals below are incorrectly used

dedicated word. Correct the lexical error

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

Migrants in these parts accounted for very tight: the stone soil with difficulty succumbed to processing.

No work presented for this brilliantly educated and highly organized man of great difficulties.

In the night barely distinguished the silhouette of the admiralty.

The right to warranty service operates 12 months.

Our sales have household freezers and industrial, productions of various companies

10. In one of the proposals below are incorrectly used

dedicated word. Correct the lexical error, pose to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

The team of the winner demonstrated the organic connection of dance and music.

A. N. Radishchev in prose and verses appeals to the treasury of folk art and the folk language, so it can be considered the impetus for the process that found its completion in the works of A. S. Pushkin.

New aesthetics, which arose in the work of artists-avant-gardeists, radically changed the former Greco-Roman ideas about the artistic value of art.

The leader must be charming, bright, solid person.

Children's doctors recommend translating a child to artificial food from a ten-month age.

11. In one of the proposals below are incorrectly used

dedicated word. Correct the lexical error

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

Only a heartless person can offend an unrequited animal.

Biology active substancescontained in celery provide
The beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body.

I involuntarily broke out a sigh of relief.

Only allowing the presence of Darwinian selection, one can make sure in the benefit of some characteristics acquired by man.

In modern world history, humanism has become the most important line for the development of culture, one of its dominant.

12. In one of the proposals below are incorrectly used

dedicated word. Correct the lexical error

to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

The information service of the city telephone network has published the results of the transition of subscribers to new tariff plans.

Tokyo introduced hard limitations of water consumption.

The dispute ended in that in the end we returned to the initial position.

The operation is necessary for a patient according to life testimony.

The dual code is the form of information record in the form of units and zeros.




  1. provides







    The considered paronyms exist in Russian for a long time and first fixed in sensible dictionaries in the XVIII century. Most common among them is adjective double.

    For two hundred years, there were, of course, very significant shifts in his semantics and many times expanded the range of its lexical compatibility with nouns. Modern sensible dictionaries allocate him, as a rule, three meanings, noting at the same time, and some lexical shades. It seems to us more appropriate to select the following four values:

    1. twice the greater, increased twice; Doubted.

    2. Consisting of two homogeneous or similar parts, items.

    3. manifest in two kinds, forms; twofold.

    4. Insecurity, two-eye, hypocritical.

    The circle of distracted nouns, combined with this paronym in the first value, includes first of all such words: work, price, fee, dachshund, salary, rate (for taxation, as well as in gambling), size, rate, portion of than, dose of, fine, responsibility, load, taxation, cheating (progress), murder, fracture, jump, turn, alder, flip etc. Together with the adjective and appropriate verbs, they form, in particular, the following widespread verbal verbal-nominal phrases: perform a double work, pay a double price, get a double salary, eat a double portion of what, take a double dose of, pay a double fine, carry for something. Double responsibility, cope with double load, avoid double taxation, make a double murder, get a double fracture, perform a double flip, make a double jump etc.

    The government of Moscow will receive a tax on the budget from one liter of fuel double-sized (Izvestia. 1997. December 27); Woman carries double load - Houses and at work (often unloved). (Home focus. 1999. May); Arrangements provide for the liberation of citizens from double taxation. (Izvestia. 1994. May 28); Double murder It was committed yesterday in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region (subway 2002. March 2); Denis broke his leg, he had some kind of complicated double fracture. (P.Dashkova. No one will pay); Over time, he [Nikolai] began to invest free money in the running goods, which he slowly implemented with double wrap through retail ( M. Ananisov. Ill-fated inheritance).

    In the second sense of adjective double Combined mainly with specific nouns: doors, frames, walls, curtains, curtains, sheathing (vessel body), film, room, fence, barrier, castle, knot, seam, mirror, first name, surname et al. for example:

    Through double frames It was heard, as rustled in the garden Grates and sang the starlings ( A. Chekhov. Bishop); Leakage did not happen thanks double trim vessel hulls and viscous DNU (today. 1994. June 23); Katya married, and she double surname (V.Kavherin. Two captains).

    In relation to the third value with the adjective double The following abstract nouns are used: meaning, purpose, task, benefit, benefit, joy, chagrin, victory, defeat, punishment, obstacle, assessment, holiday, anniversary, citizenship, appointment (when using something), act (about cars, mechanisms), principle and some others. These nouns along with adjectives double Part of a number of typical verbal-registered phrases: have a double meaning, put a double task, haunt a double target, get a double benefit, bring dual benefits, test double joy, testing double chagrin, win a double victory, suffer a double defeat, overcome a double obstacle, celebrate a double holiday, celebrate a double anniversary, have a double citizenship etc.

    Nastya pursued double goal (A.Marinina. Conjuncture); So since April Moldovans will receive double benefit (World for the week. 1999. December 25); On Louis watched with double feeling - admiration and pity: he lealed towards death ( I.Erenburg. Storm); Then I did not know, of course, double meaning Tales Andersen ( K. Pouustovsky. Storyteller); For the first time a candidate, if he is a citizen of another state, that is, it possesses double citizenship, it is obliged to report this (World for the week. 1999. October 9); And now measures are taken in order to prevent leakage of technologies, in particular technologies. double destination (Izvestia. 1994. June 9).

    As for the fourth meaning of adjective double ("Insincere, two-eye, hypocritical"), then in this meaning with it combines a very limited circle of noustic abstract nature: life, game, Morality, Standard, Account, Hike. Together with the considered adjective and some verbs, these nouns form such useful verbal-nominal phrases: double lives, stick to double morality, use the double standard, stick to the double standard, apply a double standard with respect to someone, keep a double account, keep a double game.

    Double life does not contribute to peace of mind (employee. 1998. October); Now, when it is known, who are NN, the likelihood double Game appeared insignificant ( B.Akunin. Death of Achilles); Sizov - a strong man deprived double morality (E. Razanov. Cext).

    Let us turn to the adjective dual. BAS-2, MAC and BTS (with some variations) allocate two values \u200b\u200bof this word: 1. This in which two different qualities are connected, often contradicting each other. 2. Two-eye (MAC and BTS); hypocritical, insincere; Double (bass-2).

    However, the legitimacy of the allocation of the second value in these dictionaries is not supported by any quotes from fiction and journalists (probably due to their absence). Our file also does not contain examples with a paronym. dualhaving an "hypocritical, insincere, two-friendly." All this puts doubt on the expediency of the allocation of this second value. Therefore, it is quite reasonable, in our opinion, one-dimensional intelligent dictionaries S.I. Ozhegova and N.Yu. Swedio, as well as V.V. and L.E. Lopaths are limited to only one value of adjective dual: "Inclined and in one and the other way; contradictory". This formulation (the Ushakov initially contained in the Ushakov dictionary) is actually not different in meaning from the above interpretation of the first meaning of the word in the MAS, SAUS-2 and BTS ed. S.A. Kuznetsova.

    Thus, in a circle of nouns, combined with a paronym dual, the following words are included: feeling, feeling, impression, decision, politics, position, behavior, attitudes towards who-l., Approach to some, the nature of which, nature, abstract., Nature, Personality and some others. These disturbed nouns along with adjectives dual Pass in the appropriate verbal-nominal phrases: testing a dual feeling, make a dual impression on smb., take a dual decision, to conduct a dual policy with regard to, to occupy a dual position in relation to someone, to observe the dual character of etc.

    Adopted boy called him [Nicholas] double feeling: pity and hatred ( M. Ananisov. Ill-fated inheritance); This first meeting caused me the impression is dual: I was proud that I saw Tolstoy, but his conversation with me resembled an exam ( M.Gorky. Lev Tolstoy); Poly has seen a magnificent but somewhat double image Alexandra Yakovlevich Graziansky ( L. Lonov. Russian forest).

    As for the paronym double, all the intelligent dictionaries allocate it is one value: "manifest in two kinds, forms; Dual "coinciding with the third row of paronym double. However, the circle of noun used with adjectives double, only partially coincides with the circle of nouns, combined with adjective double In the specified value. For both paronims, only the following nouns are: meaning, benefit, benefit, goal. Also with a paronym double Combined more such distracted nouns: fate, process, outcome, system, method and some others . Listed nouns with a paronym double and the corresponding verbs form the following verbal-nominal phrases: have a dual sense, get a double benefit, bring dual benefits, pursue a double goal, have a dual outcome, to achieve Two ways to manifest two ways.

    Speech can go about the next political campaign pursuing two goal (Total newspaper. 1999. No. 2); Borrowed words in the Russian literary language waited two fate (Russian speech. 1998. No. 3); An embarrassment is manifested two ways: either we behave quieter of water, below the grass, or, on the contrary, kept defiantly (profile. 1999. No. 3); Of course, you can enter two system legal proceedings - for "their" and for "strangers" (Izvestia. 1999. April 5).

    It is interesting to note that sometimes there are cases of erroneous use of adjective double Instead of his paronym dual in phrase make an impression. For example: in general, the female tournament produced two impression (World for the week. 1999. October 30). Here, of course, it is meant that in holding the tournament, both positive and negative moments, i.e. There was a certain contradiction, which is characteristic precisely for the semantics of adjective dual, but not double.

    Summarizing the said, it can be stated that the considered paronyms, despite the partial coincidence of the values, the tendency towards the separation of their compatibility with nouns, which significantly limits the possibility of forming synonymous structures is significant.

    impression twofold or dual

    Dual feeling or twofold

    In the section Linguistics to the question of what the difference between the concepts of "double", "binary", "dual" and "double"? The best answer specified by the author Diamond is "double" - consisting of two similar parts. Double appropriate. Double star system.

    "Binary" - practically, it is only a binary code and binary ss. Special mathematical term.

    "Double" and "double" - not having a single interpretation that does not cause confidence. The twofold nature of the photon causes me a dual feeling.

    Double chin, binary code, dual impression, dual meaning.

    IN dictionary not to see?

    so the "dual code" is right? No error? Please tell me to remember once and forever. 🙂

    Dual value or dual value?

    I know that the double can speak exactly. Is it possible?

    Very important! This is for the exam in Russian to a task with paronims!

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    Mama666 05/06/2016

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    Double - dual-diving.

    These words refer to paronims.

    Double-resistant, for example: a dual impression, dual policy.

    Two-way perhaps in two forms, variants having two values, for example: double outcome, double benefit.

    These paronyms should be used in speech or in the text in context, they are similar to pronunciation, but different on lexical significance, it means that they should not be confused.


    Dictionary of Paronimov

    Examples of use: dual meaning, double benefit.


    Examples of use: binary discharge, binary number system, binary fractions, binary code.

    Double - 1) consisting of two homogeneous or similar parts, 2) twice the greater, 3) dual.

    Used examples: double frames, double mirror, double salary, double salary, double game.

    Double - 1) contradictory, 2) two-eye, 3) indefinite, different.

    Examples of use: dual position, dual policy, dual interpretation.

    Examples of use: dual thread, dual wire.

    Examples of use: double strength, double reserve, double reserve.

    Bilateral - relevant to two sides, signed by two sides, prostrating effect on two sides.

    Examples of use: bilateral negotiations, bilateral treaty.

    Paronim Dictionary (EGE)

    © "Russian to 5",

    Reprint or other use of materials

    5-11 class


    Double Paronims - Double - Binary - Two

    The beginning of info-lessons on the topic of paronyms here.

    Info-lesson on paronim double - dual - binary - double

    1. The presence of dual paronyms - dual - binary - double

    2. Examples of phrases with a dual paronym

    3. Examples of proposals with a dual paronym

    4. Examples of phrases with paronym dual

    5. Examples of proposals with a paronym dual

    6. Examples of phrases with a binary paronym

    7. Examples of proposals with a binary paronym

    8. Examples of phrases with a dual paronym

    9. Examples of suggestions with a paronym

    1. The presence of dual paronyms - dual - binary - double

    1. Beating two homogeneous or similar parts, items; having homogeneous or similar parts.

    2. More than a greater, increased twice.

    3. Double, insincere, hypocritical.

    1.Taku, which contains two different qualities, often contradicting each other; contradictory.

    2. Double, insincere, hypocritical.

    3. (study.) Concerning two, two.

    Binary - based on the score of two (pairs), based on a combination of two components.

    Two - manifested in two senses, types, forms that enclose two sides.

    2. Examples of phrases with a paronym - double

    24) Double Suitcase

    25) Double chin

    26) Double Action Machine

    27) Dual composition of performers

    3. Examples of proposals with a paronym - double

    1) throats, feeling a powerful radiation of light, ... converting the air into a colorless plasma, tested a double sense. (A.Prokhanov. And now the wind comes)

    2) Through the double frames it was heard, as rustled in the garden Grates and sang the starlings. (A.P.chekhov. Bishop)

    3) In Yelets, my hometown, all vintage merchant surnames were double. (M.M. Prishvin. Kurymushka)

    4) Away, where the chains left, the lunar Marins shuddered from double blows - this is a golden train of the ruler, who fell into the ambush, fought off the partisans. (A.N. Tolstoy. In the snow)

    5) Then [at seven years] I have not yet knew, of course, the double meaning of Andersen fairy tales. (K.G. Poystovsky. Talener)

    6) The invention and memory goes in poetry hand in hand, remember - it means to invent, remembering the same inventor. The indigenous disease of the literary taste of Moscow is forgetting this double truth. (O.E.Madelshtam. Prose)

    7) My joy was double. First, the experiment was brilliantly resolved, and secondly, the student gave me a bike. (Yu.K. olesh. Envy)

    8) This is he [Teacher] The first decided to plant the entire big school site to plant a double lip. (M.M. Prishvin. Ship Grove)

    9) Due to the lack of comfortable houses, the room of a small rural hospital was dual load. (Y.Dold-Mikhailik. And one in the Warrior field)

    10) Dymchenko's words about the double spring in the seabed depths of the Black Sea confirmed biologists. The change of seasons in the Black Sea goes so - Winter, Spring, Summer, the second spring (in September and October) and again Winter. No autumn. (K.G.Pautovsky. Black Sea)

    11) It could be a dexterous trick, designed for [Mata Hari] will enter confidence in the French and start a double game. (S. Milein. Mata Hari: Queen of Spying Queen)

    12) Students have studied the double role of vowels E, E, Yu, Ya.

    13) at the lesson literary reading Students analyzed the work of M.M. Prishvin "Double Track".

    14) At the lesson, the student's technology learned about the double flat node.

    15) The process of double fertilization was opened by the Russian botany, Academician Sergey Gavrilovich Navashin in 1898.

    16) Double fertilization is the process of fusion of the first sperm with an egg and a second sperm with a large magazine bag.

    17) Double salts can be considered as a product of substitution of hydrogen atoms of polypic acid at atoms of different metals or as a product of replacement of hydroxyl groups of multi-acid base for acid residues of different acids.

    18) The hydrocarbons in molecules that contain carbon atoms associated with a double or triple bond are unforeseen.

    19) In the lesson of mathematics, students got acquainted with the formulas of a double corner.

    20) In physics class, students considered an image of the subject located at a double focal length.

    21) Based on the considered structure of the double bond, a high reaction capacity of aldehydes can be assumed.

    22) Students characterized chemical properties Substances caused by double bond.

    23) the simplest unsaturated hydrocarbons are connections with one double bond.

    24) Double Union components are in different parts complex sentence: 1st component - in the apparent part, 2nd component - in the main part.

    25) Approximately half of all stars of our galaxy belongs to double systems.

    26) Double Star - these are two stars close to each other in space and components physical systemwhose components are associated with mutual gravity.

    27) User double-click opened a sound file.

    28) User dual-click opened a text file.

    29) Our team celebrates a double anniversary.

    30) The term "double Tulupa" refers to curly skating.

    31) - She is married and she has a double surname. (V.A. Caveryin. Two Captain)

    32) The room performed a double purpose - living room and dining room. (Golubov. Creation of the world)

    33) - It will be double work, proof! And double spending time. (Nicandrov. Red Fish)

    34) For one of the dinners, Chapel purchased for some reason a double portion of wine. (M.A. Bulgakov. Life Mr. de Moliere)

    35) Shvaykka entered the confidence in the Glukhovsky commandant. This game continued all winter. But someone has a dual game of Sväki. (P.P.Verchigora. People with a clean conscience)

    36) [Road]: Our mission is just beginning. And, it can be seen, we will have to live a double life before the end of the war ... lead a radoigru, disinform the enemy. (Salin. Pebbles on the palm)

    4. Examples of phrases with a paronym - dual

    5. Examples of proposals with a paronym - dual

    1) A dual number in Russian disappeared approximately 600 years ago.

    2) In modern Russian, reminders of the dual number remained.

    3) in later periods of loss of a dual number by various parts of speech, the destruction of communication with nouns and adjectives led to the allocation of numeral in independent part speech.

    4) The name of the dual number includes the names of paired objects, such as horns, eyes, shores.

    5) To reveal the dual character of Svidrigailov, the hero of the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", and understand its complex, controversial inner worldStudents analyzed his death dreams.

    6) glucose has a dual character. For it, the reaction to aldehydes and polyatomic alcohols are characteristic.

    7) Dual concepts are widely used in philosophy, physics, mathematics, chemistry, etc.

    8) The opening of the duality principle facilitated the study of geometry sections. Since, while simultaneously considering the dual concepts, the presentation has become more clear and economical, then attempts began to move this principle into elementary geometry.

    9) The idea of \u200b\u200bduality is a very old idea that has reached us in various myths of the ancient peoples. Geb and Nut in the Egyptians, Yin and Yan from the Chinese, Ki and Academy of Sciences at Sumerov and so on. These are the names of the gods, or active dual principles, whose interaction, according to the ancients, leads to the world.

    10) The name of the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" is of a dual character.

    11) The city of Petersburg from the very beginning of the emergence caused a dual attitude towards himself.

    12) The task of any subject teacher is to learn to see children the dual character of existing objects.

    13) The teacher emphasized the dual character of these chemical elements.

    14) Dual properties manifest each of these substances.

    15) Students deeply analyzed the dual, controversial character of Pechorin.

    16) The peasant reform of 1861 was a dual character.

    6. Examples of phrases with a paronym - binary

    2) binary number system

    6) Binary Information Coding

    7. Examples of proposals with a paronym - binary

    1) BIT - a unit of the number of information in a binary number system that corresponds to the information obtained in the implementation of one of two equivalent events.

    2) The modem allows you to connect between computers using a telephone network. It converts the digital signals used by the computer into an analog signal passing through the telephone line. Then an analog signal is again converted into digital with the help of a binary code, which is read by the receiving computer.

    3) Digital codes are presented in the OSN. In binary, binary-decimal or decimal number systems.

    4) Binary theory - the theory, now universally recognized that postulates that there are two separate receptor mechanism in the retina: columns that are float sensitive and are used in bright lighting (photopic vision), and sticks that are achromatic and are used at low lights ( Scotopic vision).

    5) Code - System of conditional signs (symbols) for transmission, processing and storage (memorization) of various information. The final sequence of code signs is called a word. The number of different characters that are used in the words of this code is called its basis; For example, the code with the base 2 is called binary.

    6) in the mid-1950s. Mechanical calculators gave way to electronic. In some of them, groups of electromagnetic switches, or relays used to record binary numbers.

    7) Binary codes are used in computing technology, because with their help you can easily represent each digit.

    8. Examples of phrases with a paronym - double

    6) twofold

    9. Examples of proposals with a paronym - twofold

    1) The task can be solved in two ways.

    2) His words should be understood.

    3) ambiguous - having a dual value, dual meaning.

    4) [phon]: In my opinion, the duties are two-way: the duties before others and the obligations to themselves. (I.S.Turgenov. Bachelor)

    5) A two-way feeling originated for Miron: enormous enmity and involuntary respect. (Skitalets. The forest flared up)

    6) Two understanding of anthropology - an understanding of the content of anthropological science: 1) as a common science of a person who combines knowledge of various natural science and humanitarian disciplines; 2) as the science exploring the biological diversity of man (biological anthropology).

    7) Twochkins - 1) the fluctuating emphasis, which in the forms of the word may be fixed; 2) permissible options, alternatives to emphasis.

    8) Not all people know about the permissible variants of dual stress, tend to consider the variant of the two-way emphasis by them the only true.

    9) Twochkins should not be confused with a really vulgar, illiterate step of emphasis.

    1.C. and. Dictionary of the Russian language. M. "Russian Language" 1990

    2.e.D.Golovin. Spill words: difficult cases of modern Russian usage. Express directory. - Kirov: Kirov Regional Typography. 1997.

    3.Yu.A. Belchikov, M.S.Panyushev. Dictionary of Russian Paronimes. M.: LLC "Publishing AST"; LLC "Publishing Astrel", 2004.

    5.K.S.Gorbachevich. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. - M.: Publishing House Eksmo, 2005.

    Dual or dual feeling

    Some buttons do not work on the site? Disconnect adubkok

    from school 162 Kirov district of St. Petersburg;

    In one of the proposals below, the selected word is incorrect. Correct the lexical error, pose to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

    On the shelves of the city stores lie selective vegetables and fruits.

    Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most spectacular and beautiful sports.

    We must produce the skills of diplomatic behavior.

    After watching the film, I had a dual impression.

    The work was the work of young masters, who worked under the guidance of the famous designer artist.

    Explanation (see also a rule below).

    An error in the sentence "After watching the film I had a dual impression."

    Impression can only be dual.

    Paronims are words close to sound, but differing (partially or completely) meaning.

    Sometimes in our speech there are words similar to the sound, but differing in shades of the value or at all different by semantics. Among the lexical errors caused by the ignorance of the exact meaning of the word are most often there are errors associated with non-trifle, or rigging paronyms.

    Greek in its origin linguistic term "Paronim" literally means "the same name": Greek. para. - the same onyma. - Name.

    Paronims can be called both single and close words, which, with all their similar, still differ with shades of the value or designate different realities of reality.

    "Analysis of the execution of task 5 showed that the complexity for 40% of the subjects is not only the error recognition made by the use of paronyms, but also the selection of the corresponding paronym context to edit an example with an error that detects narrow vocabulary Examples. " To help students in the selection of word-paronimov, "Russian dictionary of paronyms is published annually. It is not in vain called the "dictionaries", since "dictionaries" contain thousands of words-paronyms. The minimum ones included in the composition will be used in the kima, but after all, to learn the paronyms for a task 5 is not an end in itself. These knowledge will avoid numerous speech mistakes in written works.

    We draw attention to the fact that in the tasks of the decision there are tasks of past years, and they meet words not from this list.

    Record the word in the form that is required in the offer. This requirement is based on the fact that the Filling Rules are indicated: if a brief answer should be a word missed in some sentence, then this word needs to be written in that form (genus, number, case etc.) in which it should stand in the proposal.

    Slogan Paronimov EGE. Russian language. 2016 year. FIPI.

    Fill - add - fill - fill - overfill -

    Issuance - Distant - Transmission - Distribution

    Payment - Payment - Board - Payment

    Pay - pay - pay - pay off - pay

    Grow - build up - grow

    Growing - Building - Playing

    One year old - annual

    Humanistic - Humanitarian - Human

    Binary - double - dual - double - dwarf-dwarf

    Effective - valid - valid

    Delivery - Business - Genuine - Dela

    Friendly - Friendly - Friendly

    Turn around - to upset - protect - extinguish - overcoat

    Undo - lower - reduce

    Fill - fill - overflow

    Filled - filled - crowded

    Informative - Information - Information -Information

    Chunky - root - root

    Colorful - coloring - painted

    Ice cream - freezer - frosty

    Unbearable - impatient - intolerable

    Limit - to degrade - delimit

    Purchasing - buying - purchased

    Respectable - respectful - honorary

    Productive - Production - Performance

    What is the difference between double and double and dual and double?

    Please give examples.

    Please Drop IT Here

    What does this symbol mean?

    The symbol shows the level of knowledge of the language of interest to you and your preparation. Choosing your level of knowledge level, you tell users how they need to write so that you can understand them.

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    102 groups of paronyms. 245 words. Explain the values \u200b\u200band give examples of use.

    Subscriber - subscriber, owner of the subscription, user services.

    subscriber of the Moscow telephone network, complaints from subscribers, the response of the Subscriber.

    Subscription - the right to use anything, as well as a document confirming this right.

    interlibrary subscription; Subscription to the pool, in the museum, to the conservatory; Concert subscription.

    Address -thot, who addresses postal post: letter, telegram.

    address unknown, the name of the addressee is indicated to the left of the top, the address is the sender.

    The addressee is the one who receives the postal departure.

    the addressee is a recipient, the addressee dropped, the destination signature place in the receipt.

    Refrevious - beloved - Neoglyady - unsightly - impenetrable

    Devilless - 1) Unrefell (setded.), 2) Performed without regard.

    raughty courage, rejoisseable wasteland.

    A beloved - loved one, who is impossible to look at, who is impossible to adversely.

    my beloved, beloved beauty, a beltenistic granddaughter.

    neoglya view, space, neo-beam skies, neo-beam sea, non-rapid distance.

    Unsite - ineffective, unattractive in appearance, non-resident.

    unsight house, outfit, unsightly deed, unsightly behavior, past.

    Non-free - dark, thick, such, through which is nothing impossible to see.

    impenetrable darkness, fog; Impropered darkness, darkness.

    Grateful - feeling gratitude, expressing appreciation.

    sapprage, view, man; grateful patients, audience, buyers, students.

    Thank you - grateful thanks.

    thanksgiving prayer, thank you, appeal; Thanksgiving telegram, thankful words.

    Weekly - not a festive, no weekend, and the worker (days from Monday to Friday).

    weekday, weekday evening.

    Subsidious - everyday, ordinary, ordinary.

    everyday mood; everyday situation, clothing; Subsidian facial expression; Budnoy voice.

    Everyworthy - 1) the usual, 2) knowledgeable, experienced.

    experienced traveler, warrior, experienced tourists.

    Former - 1) existed earlier, 2) ceased to hold a position.

    former club, former School, former doctor, director.

    The past - past, past, former:

    old years, former fear; Wasi strength, sadness, fame; Former happiness, respect.

    make a breath, deep breath, inhale all the breasts.

    Sigh - reinforced inhale and exhale, usually when expressing feelings.

    heavy breath, sigh of horror, said with a sigh.

    Century - existing long, many years, centuries.

    century oaks, age-old grove, a century-old forest; Century traditions, customs.

    Eternal - endless, without beginning and end, permanent.

    eternal human values; eternal problemscomplaints; Eternal shawl on shoulders, eternal Merzlot, Eternal Peace, Eternal Flame.

    Great - 1) very large, huge, exceeding the usual measure, 2) an outstanding, important value.

    great responsibility, great contribution; Great Writer, Composer, Artist, Artist, Thinker; Great happiness, great set.

    Majestic - 1) Great, solemn, 2) performed advantage, importance.

    majestic Panorama, Majestic Architectural Ensemble, Majestic Building, Majestic Ruins, Majestic Posture.

    Clay-containing clay, abounding clay.

    clay soil, clay slate, clay soil.

    Clay - made of clay.

    clay dishes; clay shard, pot; clay focus; Colossus on clay legs.

    One year old - annual

    One year - 1) ongoing during the year, relating to the whole year, 2) annual rings at the tree.

    original costs, a year old, a one-year subscription to a monthly magazine.

    One year old - at the age of one year.

    annant baby boy, a one-year-old daughter, for one year old children.

    Annual - 1) relating to the whole year, 2) by the end of the year, as a result, for the year:

    annual income, Annual Evaluation, Annual Report, Annual Subscription for Annual Edition, Annual Prize.

    Proud - fulfilled pride, importance, feelings of their own superiority.

    giddeing posture, proud posture, prosecution view.

    Proud - 1) possessing pride, self-esteem, self-esteem, 2) who has a sense of superiority over others, considering itself higher, better than others relating to others with disregard.

    proud man, proud soul, proud view, proud look, too proud.

    Binary - double - dual - double - dwarf - double

    Binary - based on the score of two (pairs), based on a combination of two components.

    binary discharge, binary number system, binary fractions, binary code

    Double - 1) consisting of two homogeneous or similar parts, 2) twice the greater, 3) dual.

    double frames, double mirror, double salary, double salary, double game.

    Double - 1) contradictory, 2) two-eye, 3) concerning two sides, two participants.

    dual position, dual policy, a dual agreement (bilateral agreement), a dual interpretation.

    Two - double, manifesting itself in two kinds.

    two sense, double benefit.

    Dual - connected to one.

    double thread, dual wire.

    Double - enlarged twice.

    udoubted strength, double reserve, doubled.

    Info-lesson on the topic Double Paronims - Double - Binary - Two

    Info-lesson plan:

    1. The installation of paronyms double - Double - Binary - Two

    2. Examples of phrases with a paronym double

    3. Examples of proposals with a paronym double

    4. Examples of phrases with a paronym dual

    5. Examples of proposals with a paronym dual

    6. Examples of phrases with a paronym binary

    7. Examples of proposals with a paronym binary

    8. Examples of phrases with a paronym double

    9. Examples of proposals with a paronym double

    1. The presence of dual paronyms - dual - binary - double


    1. Beating two homogeneous or similar parts, items; having homogeneous or similar parts.

    2. More than a greater, increased twice.

    3. Double, insincere, hypocritical.


    1.Taku, which contains two different qualities, often contradicting each other; contradictory.

    2. Double, insincere, hypocritical.

    3. (study.) Concerning two, two.

    BINARY- Based on the score of two (pairs), based on the combination of two components.

    Double - manifested in two senses, types, forms that enclose two sides.

    2. Examples of phrases with a paronym - double

    1) Double frames

    2) Double doors
    3) Double Mirror

    4) Double bottom

    5) Double Salary

    6) Double Board

    8) Double salary

    9) Double Game

    10) Double fertilization

    11) Double Bounce

    12) Double Stars

    13) Double seam

    14) Double Shah

    15) Double Anniversary

    16) Double Communication

    17) Double track

    18) Double surname

    19) Dual meaning

    20) Double joy

    21) Double role

    22) Double fertilization

    23) Double standards

    24) Double Suitcase

    25) Double chin

    26) Double Action Machine

    27) Dual composition of performers

    3. Examples of proposals with a paronym - double

    1) throats, feeling powerful radiation of light, ... converting air into a colorless plasma, experienced double feeling. (A.Prokhanov. And now the wind comes)

    2) Through double The frames were heard, as rustled in the garden Grates and sang the starlings. (A.P.chekhov. Bishop)

    3) in Yelets, my hometown, all vintage merchant surnames were double. (M.M. Prishvin. Kurymushka)

    4) away, where the chains left, the lunar Marerao shuddered from double Blows - this is the golden train of the ruler, who fell into the ambush, fought off the partisan. (A.N. Tolstoy. In the snow)

    5) then [at seven years] I have not yet knew, of course, double The meaning of Andersen fairy tales. (K.G. Poystovsky. Talener)

    6) The invention and memory goes in poetry hand in hand, remember - it means to invent, remembering the same inventor. The indigenous disease of the literary taste of Moscow - oblivion of this double Truth. (O.E.Madelshtam. Prose)

    7) My joy was double. First, the experiment was brilliantly resolved, and secondly, the student gave me a bike. (Yu.K. olesh. Envy)

    8) It's he [Teacher] The first decided to plant the whole big school sector double Near Lip. (M.M. Prishvin. Ship Grove)

    9) Due to the lack of comfortable houses, the room of a small rural hospital has carried double Load. (Y.Dold-Mikhailik. And one in the Warrior field)

    10) Dymchenko's words about double Spring in the seabed depths of the Black Sea confirmed biologists. The change of seasons in the Black Sea goes so - Winter, Spring, Summer, the second spring (in September and October) and again Winter. No autumn. (K.G.Pautovsky. Black Sea)

    11) It could be a dexterous trick, calculated that she [Mata Hari] will enter the confidence in the French and will begin double game. (S. Milein. Mata Hari: Queen of Spying Queen)

    12) Students studied double The role of vowels E, E, Yu, Ya.

    13) In the lesson of literary reading, students analyzed the work of MM Prishvin " Double track".

    14) In the lesson, the student's technology learned about double flat node.

    15) Process double Fertilization was opened by Russian Botany, Academician Sergey Gavrilovich Navashin in 1898.

    16)Double Fertilization is the process of fusion of the first sperm with an egg and a second sperm with a large elevation bag.

    17) Double Salts can be considered as a product of substitution of hydrogen atoms of polypic acid at atoms of different metals or as a product of replacement of hydroxyl groups of multi-acid base for acid residues of different acids.

    18) The hydrocarbons in molecules, which have carbon atoms related to each other double or triple bond.

    19) In mathematics lesson, students got acquainted with formulas double corner.

    20) In physics lesson, students considered the image of the subject located on double Focal length.

    21) based on the considered structure double Communications can be assumed to be a high reaction capacity of aldehydes.

    22) Students characterized the chemical properties of substances due to double Communication.

    23) the simplest unsaturated hydrocarbons are connections with one double Communication.

    24) Components double The union is located in different parts of the complex proposal: the 1st component - in the subordinate part, the 2nd component - in the main part.

    25) Approximately half of all stars of our galaxy belongs to double Systems.

    26) Double Star - these are two stars close to each other in space and components of the physical system whose components are associated with mutual gravity.

    27) User. Double Click opened a sound file.

    28) User. Double Click opened a text file.

    29) Our team notes double anniversary.

    30) term " double Tulup "refers to figure skating.

    31) - She is married and she has double surname. (V.A. Caveryin. Two Captain)

    32) the room performed double Purpose - living room and dining room. (Golubov. Creation of the world)

    33) - It will be double work, proof! AND double waste of time. (Nicandrov. Red Fish)

    34) For one of the dinners, Shapel bought for some reason double Portion of wine. (M.A. Bulgakov. Life Mr. de Moliere)

    35) Shvaykka entered the confidence in the Glukhovsky commandant. This game continued all winter. But someone reports about double Game Shvayki. (P.P.Verchigora. People with a clean conscience)

    36) [Road]: Our mission is just beginning. And, it can be seen, we will have to live until the end of the war double Life ... lead a radoigru, disinform the enemy. (Salin. Pebbles on the palm)

    4. Examples of phrases with a paronym - dual

    1) dual position

    2) dual policy

    3) Dual Agreement

    4) dual interpretation

    5) dual character

    6) dual attitude

    7) Dual Opinion

    8) dual feeling

    9) dual behavior

    5. Examples of proposals with a paronym - dual

    1)Dual The number in Russian disappeared approximately 600 years ago.

    2) in modern Russian reminders double number.

    3) in later periods of loss dual The numbers of various parts of speech, the destruction of communication with nouns and adjectives led to the allocation of speech numeral in an independent part.

    4) to form dual The numbers treated the names of paired objects, such as horns, eyes, shores.

    5) to reveal dual Character of Svidrigaylova, Hero Roman F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", and understand its complex, controversial inner world, students analyzed his deathbed dreams.

    6) glucose has dual character. For it, the reaction to aldehydes and polyatomic alcohols are characteristic.

    7)Dual Concepts are widely used in philosophy, physics, mathematics, chemistry, etc.

    8) The opening of the duality principle facilitated the study of geometry sections. Since while simultaneously considering dual The concepts have become clearer and economical, attempts to transfer this principle into elementary geometry began to appear.

    9) The idea of \u200b\u200bduality is a very old idea that has reached us in various myths of the ancient peoples. Geb and Nut in the Egyptians, Yin and Yan from the Chinese, Ki and Academy of Sciences at Sumerov and so on. These are the names of the gods, or active dual Began, the interaction of which, according to the ancients, leads in motion the world.

    10) The name of the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and the World" wears dual character.

    11) The city of Petersburg from the very beginning of the emergence caused dual Attitude.

    12) the task of any subject teacher - to learn to see children dual The nature of existing objects.

    13) The teacher emphasized dual The nature of these chemical elements.

    14)Dual Properties manifests each of these substances.

    15) Students were deeply analyzed dual, controversial character of Pechorin.

    16) the peasant reform of 1861 wore dual character.

    6. Examples of phrases with a paronym - binary

    1) binary discharge

    2) binary number system

    3) binary fractions

    4) binary numbers

    5) binary code

    6) Binary Information Coding

    7) binary theory

    7. Examples of proposals with a paronym - binary

    1) bits - unit of the number of information in binary The number system corresponding to the information obtained in the implementation of one of two equivalent events.

    2) The modem allows you to connect between computers using a telephone network. It converts the digital signals used by the computer into an analog signal passing through the telephone line. Then an analog signal is again converted to digital with binary code that is read by the receiving computer.

    3) Digital codes are presented in the OSN. in binary, binaryDual or decimal number systems.

    4) Binary The theory - theory is now universally recognized that postulates that there are two separate receptor mechanism in the retina: columns that are float sensitive and are used in bright lighting (photopic vision), and sticks that are achromatic and are used at low light (cogster vision) .

    5) Code - system of conditional signs (symbols) for transmission, processing and storage (memorization) of various information. The final sequence of code signs is called a word. The number of different characters that are used in the words of this code is called its basis; For example, the code with base 2 is called binary.

    6) in the mid-1950s. Mechanical calculators gave way to electronic. In some of them for recording binary Numbers used groups of electromagnetic switches, or relays.

    7) Binary Codes are used in computing technology, because with their help you can easily represent each digit.

    8. Examples of phrases with a paronym - double

    1) Two sense

    2) Two benefits

    3) dual value

    4) Two understanding

    5) dual way

    6) twofold

    7) Two outcome

    8) dual kind

    9) Two nomenclature

    9. Examples of proposals with a paronym - twofold

    1) the task can be solved bico.

    2) His words should be understood bico.

    3) ambiguous - having twofold value, double meaning.

    4) [phon]: In my opinion, the duties are double kind: Responsibilities before others and obligations to themselves. (I.S.Turgenov. Bachelor)

    5) he originated for Miron twofold Feeling: envious enmity and involuntary respect. (Skitalets. The forest flared up)

    6) Twofold Understanding anthropology - an understanding of the content of anthropological science: 1) as a common science about a person who combines knowledge of various natural science and humanitarian disciplines; 2) as the science exploring the biological diversity of man (biological anthropology).

    7) Twofold Emphasis - 1) the oscillating emphasis, which in the forms of the word may be fixed; 2) permissible options, alternatives to emphasis.

    8) not all people know about acceptable versions double stress, tend to consider the usual option double Emphasis is the only true.

    9) Twofold The emphasis should not be confused with a truly vulgar, illiterate step of emphasis.

    Used sources

    1.C. and. Dictionary of the Russian language. M. "Russian Language" 1990

    2.e.D.Golovin. Spill words: difficult cases of modern Russian usage. Express directory. - Kirov: Kirov Regional Typography. 1997.

    3.Yu.A. Belchikov, M.S.Panyushev. Dictionary of Russian Paronimes. M.: LLC "Publishing AST"; LLC "Publishing Astrel", 2004.

    5.K.S.Gorbachevich. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. - M.: Publishing House Eksmo, 2005.

    The word is used in
    Ege 2016.

    Dictionary of Paronimov

    Double - 1) consisting of two homogeneous or similar parts, 2) twice as much, 3) dual.
    Examples of use: double frames, double mirror, double salary, double salary, double game.


    Binary - Based on the score of two (pairs), based on the combination of two components.
    Examples of use: binary discharge, binary number system, binary fractions, binary code.

    Dual - 1) contradictory, 2) two-eye, 3) indefinite, different.
    Examples of use: dual position, dual policy, dual interpretation.

    Double - Double, manifesting itself in two kinds.
    Examples of use: two sense, double benefit.

    Dual - connected to one.
    Examples of use: double thread, dual wire.

    Doubts - Enlarged twice.
    Examples of use: udoubted strength, double reserve, doubled.

    Bilateral - relevant to two sides, signed by two sides, prostrating effect on two sides.

    Examples of use: bilateral negotiations, bilateral treaty.

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