Who is such a whip appearance. The image and characteristic of the horstakov in the comedy of Gogol "Auditor": appearance and character description


Khleshtakov Ivan Alexandrovich. "... a young man of the age of 23, thin, slender; Somewhat is silent and, as they say, without a king in the head ... He is not able to stop constant attention to any thought. "

H. heads from St. Petersburg, where serves as a correspondence of papers, to the Saratov province to the Father. On the road, he completely lost, so he doesn't have money at all and lives in a duty tavern. The arrival of Gullary H. Atochu connects with arrest for non-payment of debt. Then, making money and by moving to the apartment to the Lukzovsky-Dmukhanovsky, H. Thinks that all this is done exclusively due to the humanity and hospitality of the official. K H. Become "Suitable" visits of officials and merchants of the city. He, increasingly impudent, takes money off their loan. Only after that H. guess that he was taken for someone else. Cut the poor visitors to the neck, he informs about everything that happened in the letter to his friend Raguccin. At the same time, H. gives the most non-useful reviews of each of the city officials. H. Fully enlightened into the role of a "high person." He is very good to be those who of real life He can only envy and who he never become. Carelessly X. comes up with the most fantastic images, hitting officials. Not rushing with leaving, H. climbs a double romance with his wife and the daughter of Governing. He even woven to Marie Antonovna, which awakens in public hopes at the General Chin. H. So fond of his role that forgets everything. And if it were not for his lifeling servant Osip, then H. would not leave on time. The "liar auditor" would be exposed on the spot, reading his letter to the rag and met the real auditor. H. - "The Spirit on Inspiration", he is lying and brags disinterestedly, just not remembering that he said a minute ago. But in his chatter is sad, even tragic. In the world that was created by H., harsh bureaucratic laws of Russian life were overcome. An insignificant official here is produced in Feld Marshals, becomes a great writer or beloved beautiful lady. So, the lies allows the hero to reconcile with his wretched life.

Gogol warned more than once: Khlestakov is the most difficult image in the play. Let's see what is this hero. Khlestakov is a small official, the man is insignificant, by all despised. He does not respect him even his own servant Osip, can disappear for the Worts Father. He is poor and is not able to work so as to secure at least a significant existence. He is deeply unhappy with his life, even subconsciously despises himself. But emptiness and stupidity do not allow him to comprehend his troubles, try to change life. It seems to him that it is only a case, and everything will change, it will be transferred "from the dirt to the prince." It also separates Hellakovaya so easily and easily feel like a significant one.

The world in which Khlestakov lives, it is not impaired by himself. He is unable to comprehend the connection of things, to imagine what the ministers are engaged in reality, as he behaves and what Pushkin's "friend" writes. For him, Pushkin is the same xles, but happier, lucky. Interestingly, the Groznichy, and its approximations, which cannot be not recognized by people with raven, knowledgeable life, in their own lambratic, are not embarrassed by lunching Khlezkov. They also seem that the whole thing is: lucky - and you are the director of the Department. No personal merit, labor, mind and soul is not required. We just need to help the occasion, sit down. The difference between them and Khlestakov is only that it is more stupid and deprived of even a practical surma. Whether he is smarter, understand the immediate delusion of the urban tip, he would start consciously play. And there would be no doubt. The cunning, thoughtful lies would not deceive the attention of the virtual government. He would have found a weak point in a predetermined fiction, no wonder Anton Antonovich is proud: "Thirty years I live in service; ... fraudsters over frauds cheated. Three governors deceived! " Gingerbread could not assume only one in Khlestakov - the inability to conscious, thoughtful lies.

Meanwhile, this is one of the main features of the horstykova. The inner emptiness makes his behavior completely non-reported: at every moment he behaves as "it turns out." His hunger in the hotel was hunger at the hotel, the threat of arrest hung over him - and he flattered the servant to bring at least something to eat. They carry lunch - and he jumps on a chair from delight and impatience. At the sight of a plate of Soup Holtakov, forgets how a minute ago, humiliated a meal. He has already entered the role of an important Mr. "Well, the owner, the owner ... I flew on your owner!"

In each of the characters of the play, there are many xles stains. That is the author's design. Because Khleshtakov I. the main characterthat his traits are inherent in every person to one degree or another. They are comical, only assembled together and authorized on stage. The brightest illustration of the dream of a public about the future life as a testa of a great man: "... We will go somewhere - the fagmer and the adjutants will jump everywhere ... Hehe, Hehe, he, that's what the tube, tempting!" Thus, we see that the representations of Khlezkov and the Lukovo-DMUKHANOVSKOE about chic lives are mainly coincided. After all, the Klestakovsky "thirty-five thousand alone couriers" do not differ from the Feldgegles and adjutants, which in the dreams of Goverling "will jump everywhere." And the main thing, the Lucovsky-Dmukhanovsky is also pleased to manage the small sushka of Governing, submitting himself to general.

So, the image of hollekova is a brilliant artistic generalization of Gogol. The objective meaning and the significance of this observation is that it is a non-historical unity of "significance" and insignificance, gradic exceptions and internal emptiness. Khlestakov is a concentration of the era in one person. That is why the life of the era was reflected in the "Revior" with a huge force, and the images of the Gogol Comedy became the artistic types that allow you to clearly understand the social phenomena of that time.

Khlestakov - Characteristics of the literary hero (character)


Khlestakov - Hero Comedy N.V. Gogol "Auditor" (end 1835 - - early 1836; final edition - 1842). Ivan Alexandrovich X., Small Petersburg official, in the expression of his servant of Osip, "ELISTERS Easy" (that is, he has the rank of college recorder, the lowest on the ranks), heading from the Northern Capital "to the Saratov province, to his own village", He was adopted in the county city for the auditor, "Welject", the owner of high rank (according to Bobchinsky, he "generallyssimus himself"). He received a solid amount of money as a bribe, who was announced, declared by the Bridegroom Marya Antonovna, the daughter of Gaining, X. It is safely cleaned by the ravis. Expose X. Only after leaving with the help of an infrared officials of his letters to the buddy of the rag. Novelty of this stage fabul, and at the same time X. as an artistic nature is determined by their relationship with real cases and persons.

Three main variants of official misunderstandings were possible, Qui Pro Quo: on the site of the "auditor", it turned out or a deceiver, deliberately, with a mercenary purpose who gave himself for another; or a person who, although not striving to deceive, but fully entered his new position and even tried to learn from him; Or finally, the face of an outsider who accidentally accepted for a high person, but not taking advantage of this error. The first case took place in Ustyuzhin, where a certain adventurer gave himself "for the official of the ministry" and absorbed "all urban residents" (from the memories of V.A. Colloguba). The second case occurred with the writer P.P. Svinyin, after him in Bessarabia, which, by the way, was reflected in Pushkinsky sketch of the work, very reminiscent of the scheme of the future "Auditor": (Svignin) Crispin arrives in the province of N at Yarmont - he is accepted for (NRZB ) ... Gubern / ATOR / Honest Fool - Lip / Ernator / Him Kokenitals - Crispin woven for the daughter "(Kryspin - Amplua Pluto and Bouncen in the French Comedy). Finally, the third case occurred with Pushkin himself, which on the way to Uralsk (1833) was adopted in Nizhny Novgorod For a man who had a "secret commission, Sobi-445 to ruin information on malfunctions" (Memoirist's story and historian P. Burtenheva); Having learned about this later, already in Orenburg, Pushkin was laughed at an unexpected hoax.

However, the concept of the image in Gogol, which, apparently, was aware of all three cases, does not coincide with any of them. X.- Not an adventurer, not mercenary deceiver; He does not put at all in front of any conscious goal (in the draft edition of X. He spoke to himself when he appears: "... not to succumb. By God, not to succumb." But then this phrase was removed: stick to any thoughtful plan to him not typical). X. All within a minute, acts and speaks almost reflexively, under the influence of circumstances. He never understood what happened; Only in the IV action he would be vague that he was taken for someone else, but for whom it was the secret for him. X. Frequently, and when he speaks the truth, and then when it is lying, for his lies like akin to fantasies.

In documents relating to the "auditor" and interpreting its content, Gogol emphasized this particular feature of X.- Endlessness and naturalness: "X. not at all inflated; He is not a lie on the craft; He forgets himself that she lies, and he himself almost believes that he says "(" the passage from the letter written by the author shortly after the first representation of the "auditor"). "In it, all surprise and surprise he talked, in no way knowing from the beginning of the conversation where his speech would lead. Topics for conversations give him a submitting. They themselves, as it were, put him all in the mouth and create a conversation "(" Pre-issue for those who wish to play as a "auditor"). But it was precisely this comprehensive deceased and the company, who was waiting to meet a real auditor, can also bring to clean water and some fraudster, but were powerless before naivety and unintentionalness. It can be said that "derivatives" create not only the "conversation", but also the appearance of the Terrible Auditor - with the participation of X., but without his initiative.

X. Unusual and in its position in the comedian intrigue, which is most often managed by the person who spent in the case of another; Such (if you call examples coming to "auditor") Semyon in the "lesson daughters" I.A. Krylova, empties in the comedy "Peziya from the capital, or turmoil in the county town" P. Kvitka-basicenko, as well as numerous heroes of waterville, these, as Gogol spoke, "water-wing shaluns." The role of X. In the intrigue, although he wins passive; Nevertheless, the author insisted on his status of the main hero. Such status reported the play special, fantastic, color (X.- "Family phantasmagoric face, who, as a false, personified deception, was carried away along with the top three ..." - "Previation ..."), the traditional comedy intrigue to the mirage.

The first performers of the role of X.- N.O. DUUR in the Alexandria Theater (premiere on April 19, 1836) and D.T.Nelensky in the Moscow Maly Theater (the premiere of May 25 of the same year) - could not separate their hero from the traditional role of the water liars, faiths. Only gradually comprehended by X. as an exceptionally original character, and Gogol himself contributed to this process; So, on November 5, 1851, he read the comedy in the presence of writers and actors, including S.V.Suysky, who played X., with the aim of showing how to lead this role, especially the scene of the lies: "... this is something like an approval , the Natima, writer delight is not a simple lie, not a simple boasting "(from the memories of I.Turgenev present at reading). Among the subsequent remarkable interpreters X.- S.V.Vasiliev (1858), M.P. Sadovsky (1877), P.V. Samamylov (1892). "Here, by the way, one invented by G.As-Mozyl details. When he tells how plays Vist with strong Mira This, then with a great aplomb begins to recalculate partners: Minister of Foreign Affairs, French Messenger, German Messenger ... Then suddenly thinks: "Who else to invent" and suddenly recalls: - And I ... This is pronounced with an apology smile and causes an uncertain laughter from others " (New time. 1902. №9330). In later productions, the grotesque painting of the image of the image was intensified, especially this applies to the game M.A. Chekhov (Art Theater, 1921) and E.P. Garin (Gos.Ter.Ter.Mayerhold, 1926).

In the execution of Chekhov X. He was with a pale face, with an eyebrow, curved sickle, - business card clown, jester, madman; It was like "the creature is empty, sometimes brazening, sometimes a cowardly, lumping with an exemption, all the time something playing - some solid improvisation ..." (Herald of the theater. 1921. №91-92. P. 11). In the interpretation of Meyerhold, implemented by Garin, X. This is a "fundamental deteriorator and adventurer", "Shuler" (V.E. Meyerhold. Articles, letters, speeches, conversations. M., 1968. 4.2. P.145); In his appearance, there was something from the "Werewolf", from the "small demon" (D.Talnikov. New revision of the "auditor". M.; L., 1927. P.49-51). Both concepts were noticeably deviated from Gogol interpretation, according to which in X. "Nothing should be discouted," he even keeps well "(" Excerpt from the letter ... "), not to mention the fact that Meyerhold attached to his actions some focus; However, due to all this, the fan-tasmarity of the image and the entire play as a whole intensified. Among the following outstanding performers, the role of X.- I.V. Ilinsky (Small Theater, 1938), O.V. Basilashvili (Big Drama Theater, 1972), A.A. Mironov (Moscow Theater, 1972).

Deep understanding of whipping as phenomena contributed and literary critics and journalism. A.A. Grigoriev wrote that the degree of satirical effect is directly proportional to the smallness of X. as a personality: "What is empty, more colorless will be on the stage, the nemesides of the city's lawlessness will be striking" (A.A. Grigoriev. Theatrical Critica. L., 1985. p.120). V.G. Korolenko, considering the image of X., disassembled the phenomenon of impostations: History X. "In thousands of living pictures repeated annually, monthly, almost daily throughout the face of the Russian Earth" (V.G. Korolenko. Poly. Coll. Op. St. Petersburg. TZ. P.363). N.A. Bardyaev distributed the analysis of whipping to Russia soviet period: "No already autocracy, but still X. Plays an important official from himself, still all trembling in front of him. The Kleztakovskaya courage at every step gives herself to feel in the Russian revolution "(N. Berdyaev. Spirits of the Russian Revolution // Russian thought. 1918, May-June; see also:

Khlestakov has a small rank, "Ostrushka simple". He is unhappy with his life, but stupidity does not allow him to try to change life. Khlestakov seems to be only a case, and everything will change in itself. Its and character corresponds to his position. Khlestakov - "Empty" man, "without a king in my head" and does not think about the consequences of his words and thoughts. It is not cunning, but the opposite is very frivolous. The appearance of the hollekova also corresponds to its nature. He spends the latest money on fashionable hairstyle and particular dress. Life goal Klezlekova is the entertainment that has spent all the money. He composes noby about his life in St. Petersburg. Klezlekova "ease of extraordinary in thoughts", he himself said: "After all, you live in to tear the flowers of pleasure."

Khlestakov is the central hero of the comedy. Its image is very important for the disclosure of the inner essence of officials. They are accustomed to the fact that they are the main in the city. When the Khlestakov appeared, which they accepted for the auditor, their behavior changed dramatically. In the presence of the "auditor", officials show unprecedented courtesy, everything comes in motion, and thus shows their real world, where, so that they do not notice an indifferent attitude towards their duties, you only need to give a bribe. Therefore, the attitude towards Khlestakov also changes. In the second action, the granitious comes to the hotel to Khleshtakov. Gingerbread is afraid of the "auditor", and Khlestakov is confident that they came to take into prison. In the conversation, they do not hear each other, and everyone thinks and speaks of her. Gingerbread is experiencing a great fear of Holetakov and does not know how to give a bribe, but Hellekov himself asked for money in debt. After the granious gave a bribe, he felt great relief if the auditor himself asks for money, it means there was nothing to be afraid.

Khlestakov is a naive and even arrogant man, he is not hesitating to take into debt among almost unfamiliar people, and Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky practically defines.

And Gingerbage, and Khlestakov existed, and will exist at any time. Therefore, the comedy "Auditor" is still raised in different theaters.

We will talk about Khlestakov. Gogol said: "Khlestakov is the most difficult image in the play." Why? Yes, because he does everything without consideration, it is unintentionally. Having done a culprit of universal deception, he did not deceive anyone. Playing the role of the auditor, he did not even understand that she was playing. Only to the middle fourth action Khlestakov occurred to be taken for " state man" But just in this disadvantage - his power.

All the behavior of the Khlezkov is striking. Here are the thoughts of Governing about our hero: "Ah and will not redden! Oh, yes, with him you need Egor Egor ... "," lying, lying and anywhere will not disgrace! ". At the city, it did not impress the lies of Khlezkov, and his arrogance: "And he will not blush." But the fact is that he is absolutely sincere and provoked the whole cunning game of officials is not a cunning, but by comprehensive. In the image of Klezlekova, N. V. Gogol presented us with an ordinary blister, and a large artist, who was included in the role of the one for whom he was accepted.

The ease with which Khlestakov is focused in the setting, "Genial". Here, for example, such an episode. Khlestakov, wanting to paint before Maria Antonovna, attributes himself an essay of Zagoskina "Yuri Miloslavsky", but she recalls the true author. The situation was created hopeless, but Khlestakov and here quickly found output: "This is exactly a crooking; And there is another "Yury Miloslavsky", so that's right. " An important feature of the character of the horstykova is the lack of memory. There is no past and the future for him. It is concentrated only on the present. By virtue of this Klestakov is unable to borestiving and egoistic calculations.

Since our hero lives one minute, the constant transformation is its natural state. Taking any style of behavior, whipping instantly reaches the highest point in it. But what is easily purchased, easily and lost. And he suffer from commander-in-chief or Field Marshal, he wakes up a newly insignificant person. The speech of Klezlekova characterizes him as a small St. Petersburg official applying to the capital education. He loves to eat a syllable to consume that slapper literary stamps, somehow: "To tear the flowers of pleasure," "We will remove under the draft of the jets," french words. At the same time, in its tongue there are faded and vulgar words, especially in relation to commoners. His servant of Osip Khlestakov calls the "cattle and fool", and in relation to the owner of the Tavern shouts: "Fraudsters, Channelies ... Scoundrels! .. Castles!". The spectacle speech, testifying to his fullest inability to stop his attention, accurately conveys his spiritual poverty.

The contemporary of the writer Apollo Grigoriev said: "Histakov, like a soap bubble, influenced the influence of favorable circumstances, grows in his own eyes and eyes of officials, becomes all bolder and bolder in boasting ... But give Helstakov at least a little calculation in boasting - and it will stop Already be xlestakov. " The surname of Khlestakov began to be used as a nominal name.

It is believed that Gogol opened a new phenomenon in his life, the name of which "Khlestakovshchyna". Khlestakovshchina is a shameless, unrestrained boasting, lies, extreme frivolousness, lies, phrase. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is not uncommon for a Russian nature: "Anyone at least a minute ... was done and done by Khlestakov. And the dexterous Guards officer sometimes will be sometimes Klestakov, and the state husband ... And our brother, the sinful writer is sometimes Khlestakov "(N. V. Gogol).

"It is very important, because it is creating the image of this boxes from St. Petersburg, the author can reveal the essence of officials who are used to solve everything with bribes.

So, describing the holling and giving it a characteristic, it should be noted that this is the main character of the comedy, with whom the author introduces us at the beginning of his work. The characteristic of the holling with quotes from the work will allow us to make an accurate image of the hero.

Characteristics of a holling with quotes

This guy is "thin, thin," he is "twenty three years old." He is "silent", "without a king in the head", "dressed in fashion." Not for him the rustic life "My soul is eager for enlightenment," the capital attracts him. That is exactly the author of his hero. I did not manage to conquer Petersburg, giving money, he rides back home, not forgeting to like to fashion clothes. It was this that he played a keen joke over the officials of a small town who accepted Klezlekov for the auditor.

Brief description of Klezlekov

Khlestakov - a fraudster, a loser and how he was surprised when he began to offer money by accepting the auditor. And he is only on his hand, because he is not even trying to disperse in the opposite, but only "let dust". a brief description of Klezlekova allows us to call the hero with a naked man who does not forget to take money from strangers.

Khlestakov is lying so that officials tremble. There are also vulgar words, maybe call the "fool", "cattle" addressed to their servant, "scoundrels", "loafers" when she shouted to the host of the restaurant. His spiritual world Beggar, since it cannot focus on something concrete, uttering a ripple speech.

In the end he leaves the city, without forgetting to write a letter, which reports that the city is stupid, strawberries - pig and so on. This suggests an ungrateful attitude of the horstakov to others.

The characteristic of the image of the horstykova allows you to call the hero of the product with an empty, worthless person. And, right here in the fact that such granted, xles exist to this day, therefore the "auditor" is relevant in our time more than ever, and the created image of the hero is immortal, because it will exist until officials start working and Live correctly, but, it means forever.

Characteristics of Klezlekova Essay, 2 Option

Today, at the lesson, we studied the comedy of the auditor, having acquainted with her main character, and now we have to give a characteristic of a horstykova, which will help better get acquainted with this character. By the way, the surname of Klezlekova eventually became a numerous, and Khlestakovshchina included a lie, mannerity of behavior, sassay, stupidity and internal emptiness. Let's focus on the characteristic of the Klezlekov briefly and understandable.

Characteristic of the image of Klezlekov

Probably, in writing on the topic of the characteristic of the horstykov in the comedy of the auditor, it immediately makes sense to characterize the hero from the author of the work ... To help the actors more accurately play the role of Horstakov, he gives a prompt. Gogol characterizes the hero as an empty and very stupid man, which speaks without consideration. Khlestakov - nobleman, which occupies the lowest rank. According to the quotation characteristic of the horstykova - this is an elbow simple, although he behaves arrogant and not according to the status. The owner of the hotel calls this man a fraudster and a communion, while Ivan Khlestakov continues to make a proper impression with children's naivety, continuing to lie. It is best to lie to him in communicating with officials of a certain county town who accepted the arrival for the auditor. Here Khlekstakov, taking this opportunity, and gives the will of his fantasy.

Khlestakov - Dummy, and the meaning of life he sees in finding benefits for himself. Always lives not by means, loves all the best, gambling, so plays cards and often loses large amounts of money.

Character of horstykova

Continuing to study the characteristics of the horstykova in the lesson of literature, consider its character. Here we see a cowardly deceiver and a vain person. True, it is worth paying tribute to the seven chilles. I realized that he was taken for another, he immediately entered into the role of the auditor, realizing that the holiday of life could only take a walk in the event that you can use the fallen chance.

Khlestakov - an adventurer who is looking for an adventure, but at the same time he is a pity and insignificant. As the Gingerbread Hero of the Comedy said, it is an icicle, a rag, but who knows how to feed himself. Nice and brazen empties. What the most terrible, whip is not just a person burning his life, this is the real brace of bureaucracy, which has developed in Tsarist Russia.

Characteristic of the speech of Klezlekov

If the spectacle speech is characterized, then at first we notice the chaoticness of his thoughts. His conversation is neither competent, nor consistent that neither the word, then the surprise is not only for the interlocutor, but also for the hero himself. The spectacle speech is always incoherent, and he is constantly lying. Since it vocabulary Skuda, and for the most part it only communicates with the gamblers and servants, then often uses the extra words of inserts in speech. For example, "And what", "but as if", "and if", "But how". Its speech is inconsistent and can quickly jump from one topic to another. Because of the inability to come up with something original, his lies turn into a second-rate. The only thing we see in the speech of Klezlekova a little poetry in communicating with women. And that is just because he speaks by the memorized phrases and stamps that they were bought from the French novels. But everything is nagano, ridiculous and not sincere.

Exterior of the horstykova

Describing the appearance of the horstykova, we understand that his inner world is very scales, and he is spiritually an empty man. Maybe therefore the author pays a lot of attention to the appearance of the hero.

According to the description, Khleztakov has pleasant features of the face that have to themselves. Brown hair, a small nose and often running eyes, which characterize the horstykova like a cowardly personality. However, this does not alarming others, but on the contrary, the quick eyes of everyone confuse. It is a small growth, very thin, physically unattractive, and far from gracefulness. But here Khlestakov finds a way out of the situation, giving preference expensive costumes. Thanks to this, the first impression is about it. the best way. No wonder the officials of a small town took him for the auditor. And all because it is wearing whores was with a needle, clothes from expensive fabric and sewn through the last fashion that it seems that some trick. After all, thanks to the appearance, he distracts the attention of people from his inner world Empty and silent.

So, thanks to his appearance, the ability to lie, quickly talk and jump from the topic on the topic, Khlestakov managed to deceive officials. And this all the author reveals with his main hero Ivan Klezlekov, on whose characteristic, manner of behavior, appearance and character today we worked.

This material on the topic of the characteristic of the horstykova can be used in an essay for grade 8.

Characteristic of the horstykova. Auditor Gogol

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Undoubtedly, the comedy "Auditor" is one of the brightest works of not only Gogol, but also the entire XIX century, and the main meaning of this comedy is relevant and at the present time. In the "Revolution" you can clearly trace how much power is sinner, corrupt and, most importantly, how tries to "lean" these sins, it is not surprising that Gingerbread and all his surroundings were so afraid of the arrival of the auditor, which could cross all their last a life. It is this fear that played a keen joke with the "elite" of the city, because They accepted the first "strange" arrival for the very auditor, and this very man turned out to be someone whip.

Histakov is a man who dreams of a good and carefree life, and for his part he does not want to do anything, which is why he burns all his life for card games and lying in bed as a result of what he has permanent financial problems, it is at that moment And attention is drawn in the work when Khlestakov, being traveling in a small town where the auditor is waiting, can not even eat because of their debts, moreover, the owner of the hotel wants to pass the authorities for non-payment. And when the city recognizes that a person from St. Petersburg has been living in the hotel for some time, he takes him for the very auditor and heads for him with his retinue. Yes, initially and Helpakov, and the city himself does not understand each other, because Hollytakov initially considered that he was now putting him to prison for debts, but this does not happen and the most culmination begins when he understands that he is accepted for the auditor.

It is at that moment that his "drawing" begins, which on the killed by his "elite" of the city produces such an impression that they are ready for him a little bit wrong to go, and the famous phrase that he with Pushkin on a short leg and with The emperor was the famous cult, so the gingerbread and his surroundings are trying to bribe him in every way so that he does not report "upstairs" about the sins of power.

However, who is such xles? Actually it a common personwho in essence is no one is, he has a lot of debts and he himself in life is lazy, he dreams of a good life, so this moment begins to use in his own way, fantasizing and elevated in the eyes of Governing and His environment, so that his authority is all It is towers and towers, moreover, Hollytakov himself found a way to solve a part of his financial problems ... Personally, in my opinion, at the present time the image of the horstykova can be seen from many people, not less people Have separate devils of this heroIn my opinion, the occasionally of the whip can manifest itself in almost all people, but when it is within the normal range, it is not bad at all, just Gogol portrayed an extreme case and did not lose much on it. To some extent, "Khlestakovshchina" I would even compare with a blogosphere, because it is in this world a lot of people create a similar image, even in life can be completely different ...

However, the main moment of this comedy, I would call the easiest thing when Hellekov had already left and came to the real auditor and it was then Gogol reflected a "dumb scene" on which the curtain closes, and after all, there is a separate essay theme on this topic now about it ...


Khlestakov - Hero of the comedy N.V.Gogol "Auditor" (end 1835 - - beginning 1836; final edition - 1842). Ivan Alexandrovich X., Small Petersburg official, according to his servant of Osipa, "Elist-Ratishka Simple" (that is, he has a rank of college registrar, the lowest on the table of ranks), heading from the northern capital "in Saratov province, to his own village "Was adopted in the district city for the auditor," Welject ", the owner of high rank (according to Bobchinsky, he" generallyssimus himself "). He received a solid amount of money as a bribe, who was announced, declared by the Bridegroom Marya Antonovna, the daughter of Gaining, X. It is safely cleaned by the ravis. Expose X. Only after leaving with the help of an infrared officials of his letters to the buddy of the rag. The novelty of this scenic fabul, and at the same time X. as an artistic nature is determined by their relationship with real cases and persons.

Three main variants of official misunderstandings were possible, Qui Pro Quo: on the site of the "auditor", it turned out or a deceiver, deliberately, with a mercenary purpose who gave himself for another; or a person who, although not striving to deceive, but fully entered his new position and even tried to learn from him; Or finally, the face of an outsider who accidentally accepted for a high person, but not taking advantage of this error. The first case took place in Ustyuzhin, where a certain adventurer gave himself "for the official of the ministry" and absorbed "all urban residents" (from the memories of V.A. Colloguba). The second case occurred with the writer P.P. Svinyin, after him in Bessarabia, which, by the way, was reflected in Pushkinsky sketch of the work, very reminiscent of the scheme of the future "Auditor": (Svignin) Crispin arrives in the province of N at Yarmont - he is accepted for (NRZB ) ... Gubern / ATOR / Honest Fool - Lip / Ernator / Him Kokenitals - Crispin woven for the daughter "(Kryspin - Amplua Pluto and Bouncen in the French Comedy). Finally, the third case occurred with the Pushkin himself, which on the way to Uralsk (1833) was adopted in Nizhny Novgorod for a man who had a "secret order Sobi-445 Raint of malfunctions" (Memoirist's story and historian P. Burtenheva); Having learned about this later, already in Orenburg, Pushkin was laughed at an unexpected hoax.

However, the concept of the image in Gogol, which, apparently, was aware of all three cases, does not coincide with any of them. X.- Not an adventurer, not mercenary deceiver; He does not put at all in front of any conscious goal (in the draft edition of X. He spoke to himself when he appears: "... not to succumb. By God, God, not to succumb." But then this phrase was removed: adhere to any thoughtful The plan is not peculiar to him). X. All within a minute, acts and speaks almost reflexively, under the influence of circumstances. He never understood what happened; Only in the IV action he would be vague that he was taken for someone else, but for whom it was the secret for him. X. Frequently, and when he speaks the truth, and then when it is lying, for his lies like akin to fantasies.

In documents relating to the "auditor" and interpreting its content, Gogol emphasized this particular feature of X.- Endlessness and naturalness: "X. not at all inflated; He is not a lie on the craft; He forgets himself that she lies, and he himself almost believes what he says "(" the passage from the letter written by the author shortly after the first representation of the "auditor"). "In it, all surprise and surprise<...> He talked, not knowing from the beginning of the conversation where his speech would lead. Topics for conversations give him a submitting. They themselves as if they put him all in the mouth and create a conversation "(" Previation for those who would like to play as a "auditor" "). But it was precisely this comprehensive deceased and the company, who was waiting to meet a real auditor, can also bring to clean water and some fraudster, but were powerless before naivety and unintentionalness. It can be said that "derivatives" create not only the "conversation", but also the appearance of the Terrible Auditor - with the participation of X., but without his initiative.

X. Unusual and in its position in the comedian intrigue, which is most often managed by the person who spent in the case of another; Such (if you call examples coming to "auditor") Semyon in the "lesson daughters" I.A. Krylova, empties in the comedy "Peziya from the capital, or turmoil in the county town" P. Kvitka-basicenko, as well as numerous heroes of waterville, these, as Gogol spoke, "water-wing shaluns." The role of X. In the intrigue, although he wins passive; Nevertheless, the author insisted on his status of the main hero. Such status reported the play special, fantastic, color (X.- "Family Fuzymagoric, a person who, as a deceitful, personified deception, was carried away with the troika ..." - "Previation ..."), the traditional comedy intrigue Mirage.

The first performers of the role of X.- N.O. DUUR in the Alexandria Theater (premiere on April 19, 1836) and D.T.Nelensky in the Moscow Maly Theater (the premiere of May 25 of the same year) - could not separate their hero from the traditional role of the water liars, faiths. Only gradually comprehended by X. as an exceptionally original character, and Gogol himself contributed to this process; So, on November 5, 1851, he read the comedy in the presence of writers and actors, including S.V.Suysky, who played X., with the aim of showing how to lead this role, especially the scene of the lies: "... this is something It seems to be applied, the nate, writing delight is not a simple lie, not a simple boasting "(from the memories of I.Turgenev present at reading). Among the subsequent remarkable interpreters X.- S.V.Vasiliev (1858), M.P. Sadovsky (1877), P.V. Samamylov (1892). "Here, by the way, one invented by G.As-Mozyl details. When he tells how it plays in Vist with the strong world of this world, then with a great applomb begins to recount partners: Minister of Foreign Affairs, French Messenger, German Messenger ... Then suddenly thinks: "Who else to invent" and suddenly recalls: - And I ... This is pronounced with an apology smile and causes an uncertain laughter from others "(new time. 1902. №9330). In later productions, the grotesque painting of the image of the image was intensified, especially this applies to the game M.A. Chekhov (Art Theater, 1921) and E.P. Garin (Gos.Ter.Ter.Mayerhold, 1926).

Performance of Chekhov X. He was with a pale face, with an eyebrow, curved sickle - a visiting card of a clown, a jester, madman; It was like "the creature is empty, sometimes brazening, sometimes a cowardly, lumping with an exemption, all the time something playing - some solid improvisation ..." (Herald of the theater. 1921. №91-92. P. 11). In the interpretation of Meyerhold, implemented by Garin, X. This is a "fundamental deteriorator and adventurer", "Shuler" (V.E. Meyerhold. Articles, letters, speeches, conversations. M., 1968. 4.2. P.145); In his appearance, there was something from the "Werewolf", from the "small demon" (D.Talnikov. New revision of the "auditor". M.; L., 1927. P.49-51). Both concepts were noticeably deviated from Gogol interpretation, according to which in X. "Nothing should be discouted," he even keeps himself well "(" Excerpt from the letter ... "), not to mention that Meyerhold attached him Acts are some focus; However, due to all this, the fan-tasmarity of the image and the entire play as a whole intensified. Among the following outstanding performers, the role of X.- I.V. Ilinsky (Small Theater, 1938), O.V. Basilashvili (Big Drama Theater, 1972), A.A. Mironov (Moscow Theater, 1972).

The literary criticism and journalism contributed to the deep understanding of the xustakovshchy. A.A. Grigoriev wrote that the degree of satirical effect is directly proportional to the smallness of X. as a person: "What is emptied, more colorless will be X. on stage<...>The nemeside will be striking about the lawlessness of the city "(A.A. Grigoriev. Theatrical criticism. L., 1985. p.120). V.G. Korolenko, considering the image of X., disassembled the phenomenon of impostations: History X. "In thousands of living pictures repeated annually, monthly, almost daily throughout the face of the Russian Earth" (V.G. Korolenko. Poly. Coll. Op. St. Petersburg. TZ. P.363). N.A. Bardyaev distributed the analysis of the Klestankovshchychina to Russia of the Soviet period: "No already autocracy, but still X. Plays an important official from himself, still all trembling in front of him<...>. Histakovskaya courage at every step gives herself to feel in the Russian revolution "(N. Berdyaev. Perfume of the Russian revolution

// Russian thought. 1918, May-June; See also: Literary Study. 1990, March-April. S. 123 and Further). I.A.Ilin, speaking that "X. Reminds us<...> About the numerous impostors that arise in the Russian history, which have gone up so much misfortune, "emphasized the international significance of this nature:" But not only about Russia we can talk ... "(Cyt. For the book: N. Poltorsksky. Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin. . Hermitage, 1989. P.89).

LIT.: Hippius V.V. Comic Writer's mission

// Hippius V.V. Gogol. L., 1924; Danilov S.S. Gogol and theater. L., 1936; Mann Yu.V. "Auditor". General situation. Miral Intrigue

// Mann Yu.V. Gogol poetics. M., 1988; Macogonenko G.P. Pushkin beginning in the comedy of Gogol "Auditor"

// Macogonenko G.P. Gogol and Pushkin. L., 1985; Matskin A.P. Mikhail Chekhov - Khlestakov. Meyerhold. How was the "auditor"

// Matskin A.P. On the topics of Gogol. M., 1984; Lotman Yu.M. About Khleshtakov

// Lotman Yu.M. At the school of a poetic word. Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol. M., 1988.


Literary heroes. - Academician. 2009 .


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    See Bowl ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and Similar expressions in the meaning of expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Khlestakov Bouncen, Bowl; One inhabit seven killing, fanfaron dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    The protagonist of the comedy "Auditor" (1836) N. V. Gogol (1809 1852), Bushroom and Did. The name is nominative for people of this type. Hence the "Khlestakovshchyna" is unrecorded, boastful lies and narrowing (humiliating., Irons.). Encyclopedic ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    Khlestakov - Hero comedy N.V. Gogol "Auditor" *. Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov The small capital official, who, heading from St. Petersburg * in his village * of Saratov province, was adopted for the auditor officials of a small county city. Having a large ... Linguistant dictionary

    BUT; m. [From the capital letter] dispersion. On a frivolous, empty person, distinguished by rapty boasting and lies a real whip! Helps are always. ● By the surname Hero Comedy N.V. Gogol Auditor (1836). ◁ Khlestakovsky, Aya ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Khlestakov - but; m.; disappropriate See the TZH. Khlestakovsky, on Khlestakovski by the surname Hero Comedy N.V. Gogol Auditor (1836). On a frivolous, empty person, distinguished by rapty boasting and lies a real whip! Khlestakov are and will always ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Khlestakov (Klestankovshchyna, Khlestacky). Bouncer, infidavoring a liar. Cf. He left the whole ... in a stupid, smoky rice, in the Khlestakovshchina Samago Chamagon Stonnyago variety. P. Boborykin. Three posters. 5. Wed. He broke down the hinges and a little bit ... ... Large intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (original spelling)

The most, in my opinion, comedy and even a little silly hero of the comedy Gogol "Auditor" is Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov.

The author says that Khlestakov at the sight of twenty-three years, he is slender and "without a king in the head", in which the reader will be convinced during the whole comedy. On the way from St. Petersburg to his native Saratov, Hellets loses all its money, so stops in the province of N, where all the events of the comedy are unfolding.

Local officials and merchants perceive Klezlekova as a strictest auditor, the opinion of it has happened before their personal communication, this is one of the main moments of the comedy, because if people themselves have invented the ruler of their destinies, they will be very difficult to convince them, even if they behave So stupid and tactless, as His whiskers behaved.

Due to the fact that Ivan Alexandrovich is all perceived as a judge of his future, people simply do not notice that his habits, speech and stories that he tells about himself, diverge with reality. And even if they notice, it is not a log in the eye for them, but a small dust. The example of this is the conversation of the city, who, after the bragging of Kleskov about his position in St. Petersburg and communication on a short leg with the emperor himself, says that even if half of what Khlestakov told, however, it is already collapse, because such respected man I saw all the disadvantages of the city, which manages the city.

Khlestakov, being a man not the most honest breed, uses the moment and receives the maximum benefit from the current situation. Although he does not recognize that he is perceived as an auditor who can cease everyone in prison, he understands that his position among these stupid residents seems to them very high, his connection in St. Petersburg is extremely powerful, so he enjoys the force that he has : Allegedly takes money from all officials who will never return, although promises; Eats plenty, where only you can; Takes a fee for itself in a hotel where he has debts in two weeks of living and food.

He listens to all the complaints of merchants on his city, promises to figure out and, of course, punish the perpetrator. It takes money from workers, listening to the problems of two women, but as a result, it simply forgets everything that they were listening, because it doesn't matter.

He is a fall on women and is trying to succeed at once and at the daughter of Governing, and his wife. Even at such an absurd moment, no one is guessing that he represents whores, and when they understand - it's too late.

Essay about Khlezkovov

The comedy of Gogol "The Auditor" was written for a long time, but it is still relevant. And this is a lot of reasons. The magnificent syllable, which is distinguished by every work of Nikolai Vasilyevich, a thin, almost jewelry irony, which does not make a smile, actual social problemswho are forced to think about this is not one generation of readers, and, of course, the heroes: bright, original, very recognizable. One of these characters is the main character of the immortal comedy of Gogol "Auditor", a chain and undergoing on the name of Khlestakov. This is a bustling and self-confident young man who knows human psychology well and knows how to use human weaknesses, to achieve success in his plans.

One of the main features of the character of Klezlekova is that this brazulous young man believes that everything for some reason should be causing him in every way and help him. That is why he willingly takes from the surrounding bribes and gifts and gladly begins to play the role of an imaginary auditor. Khlestakov loves when he is paying great attention when in front of him bowed, look. He likes to feel omnipotently, al in fact, he does not represent absolutely nothing.

Khlestakov - from those people who are used to take everything from life. When he is taken for the auditor, he reckoned with his authority and impunity, without at all thinking about the future, about where this actor will lead to it. This person has no moral and ethical principles, he used to live according to the principle of "after me at least the grass does not grow." Hollytakov considers himself a king of life, and the rest - a pitiful, absolutely worthless people. But then life puts everything in its place, at the end of the performance, when a real auditor arrives.

In his comedy, Gogol meant that the features of the Klezlekov live in many, modern to him, people, and it was not by chance an epigraph for the work he chose the Russian folk saying "there is nothing to foam on the mirror, if Ryzh Kriva." By this, he wanted to say to readers so that they would not be offended if the lacquer would find their own features in the image of Khlezkov.

Khlestakov is just a small official, but, nevertheless, he is sure that all the best in life should be given to him. He simply does not notice other people indifferent to their needs and desires. Other people for him are just a pawn, with the help of which he carries out his plans. Also Gogol depicts a horstykova good psychologist: It is easily included in confidence in the most different people, finds a common language with people, uses human weaknesses in order to prove on them. Gogol depicts it completely unprincipled and worn, deaf to feelings and experiences of other people.

The comedy of Gogol "The Auditor" is currently relevant due to the fact that Gogol paints very bright types of human characters, in particular, the bright images of the arrogue sinker of the hollykov and unimustal people who are afraid of the auditor and in every way to be in front of him, losing their own dignity. But the image of the hollekova is drawn in brighter. Khleztakov is a brazen, self-confident sweat, which is confident that his fraud will remain unpunished, and nothing has the surrounding people. Such people were at all times, were in the times of Gogol, they are now. And will be.

Characteristics of the hollytov in the comedy of the Gogol auditor

One of the main acting persons In the comedy Gogol "Auditor" - Khlestakov. Gogol specially chose him such last name. The root of the word is whipping, cheers for someone. An inconspicuous, thin man, twenty-three years old. A small official, a player, on the way lost all the money and is sitting now in the hotel of the county town of Hungry. Therefore, and looks to all in the plates. It wants, and the city takes him for the auditor.

Loves to dream and loves to brush a little about yourself. And gets pleasure from it. As if all attention is paid to him and even accepted for an important general.

His lie looks like a lies of the child, he himself believes in him. It gives the desired for valid. Residents of the city involuntarily help him in this - believe all his bikes. No one, including Governing, did not bother him to check and see his documents. Everyone was waiting for the auditor, they were afraid of his checks, and here the visits did not pay money and everywhere his nose. What is not an auditor? Therefore, no one paid attention to some unlocking facts in his speeches. Where it is possible that ambassadors of foreign powers play with the first oncoming cards. And a person who does not have any military title promised to assign the highest military rank of Field Marshal.

Khlestakov managed to deceive even the city, which boasts that during the thirty years of his service deceives people. He did not understand with whom he was confused. If it were a little more smarter, then the benefits would be beneficial from the current situation. And so he just wanted to eat and borrow some money to go on. After all, in this city he did not plan to stay for a long time. He never plans anything at all, does not live with mind, but it benefits from the current situation.

Khlestakov - a man without moral principles, stupid, lazy. He prefers not to work, but spending time at the card table. Takes money from people in debt money, knowing it in advance that they will not give them away. He deceives two women at once - his wife and daughter of Governing. The daughter seals the prospect of marrying a person from the capital. No one regrets and does not see besides his person, Cynic and Egoist.

In the face of Klezlekova, Gogol shows that how can you be deceived in a person who only wants to seem to those who do not really have.

Essay 4.

The work of Gogol "Auditor" is an excellent example of domestic phantasmagoria and humor within the framework of literary prose and works. This work is different from the rest of his creations by the fact that it has its own unique atmosphere and identity, again, as part of his creativity, and its vision of problems and solutions. Also, the work is uniquely by its special style of the narration and a syllable, although this is already more technical aspects of the work. One way or another, the work is a wonderful example of the literary genius of Gogol. This work is the "auditor".

The work tells about the history with a very cunning and talented scams of Khlestakov, which, thanks to his knowledge of human psychology and its energetic, and in part, self-confidence, receives everything he needs. Also in the work there are many different aspects that I would like to discuss, but for now we will discuss only the image and character of the Klezlekov fraud.

Khlestakov is essentially a man who, without the difference of the state of his environment, because of any situation, he can always find benefit for himself. He does not care anything besides his preservation, and his well-being, because of what the reader sometimes arises contradictory feelings about this image. He is a hidden man who does not have at least showing them, real friends. He just pretends that he is important to him alleged friends, but in fact thinking how you can squeeze the benefits of your loved one. That is, he is a man and nothing to do with it. He also tries to deceive as many people as possible, for, most likely to improve his skill.

It was the image of Kleskov turned out to be the brightest and strong, which, undoubtedly, should be remembered by the reader, at least for its harm and self-confidence. I believe that it was that the author tried to make an emphasis, when he wrote a work, because it helps the reader to remember the image, and keep it in my head, meaningful and, scrolling everything, too, and, accordingly, return to this work. This is my subjective opinion, and in effect, it cannot be regarded as objective.

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