State Metropolitan Gymnasium SP 11. State Metropolitan Gymnasium

I, you, he, she is together a whole country, together - a friendly family! In the word "we" - one hundred thousand I !!!

Our school is located in the Bibirevo district, near MKAD. Low-time here was the village of Pillow. The school has a search engine work- "The history of my country is the history of the family." The older generation of teachers is working at school from the date of foundation. The new generation of teachers is graduates of our school. Teachers' dynasties are pride of our team. Working with children is focused on an individual approach to each student. Our task is to reveal the ability, transfer knowledge and raise a harmonious personality. Teachers are mastering advanced technologies and programs. We continue to learn with our students. We help them in all endeavors. One for all! And ever one!

About us

Primary school teachers.

Our graduates

In a computer class.
School Director - Serov V.V. and teachers.

Open Day.

Graduation 4 classes. Director of the School and Head of Primary Classes.

Our graduates are our pride!

Our achievements

Exposition of the Museum "Memory"

Search work.

School Museum "Memory", victory in district and city competitions, competitions. Pedagogue - Mikhalitsyn TS

Additional education

2014 Year-Circle from "Fantasy" (Morgunova E.A.), "Expliction" (Balina I.M.), "Young Librarian" (Mushegian A.S.), "Patchwork Technique" (Dolgova T.F.) , "Football" (Gilmutdinov R.R.), School Theater "Sunny" (Tuchhemskaya I.P.), "Our Security", "Tagged shooter" (Prajnikina L.A.), developing classes in the GPA "Palette" ( Bazunova N.A.,), "Antistress plastic gymnastics" (Treipkina O.A.), "Young ecologist" (Kapichnikov N.V.), "Travel and geographical discoveries" (Ivashkov V.Yu), "behind the tutorial pages Mathematics "(Chumacheva E.P.)," Entertaining Mathematics "(Ekjanova I.V.)," Young Philologist "(Mashkova MS)," Wonderful Mathematics "(Osinov N.K.). "Young Physicist" (Anosova M.A.), "Artistic processing of materials" (Mikhalitsyn TS), "Chemistry in tasks" (Kupriynova T.Yu.), educational classes for preschoolers "Sunny" - school teachers (training Literacy, score surrounding the world, visual art).

Morgunova E.A. Circle from.

Mushegyan A.S.- Librarian.

Dolgova T.F.- Teacher technology for girls.

Treipkina O.A., Gilmutdinov R.R.- Teacher of Physical Education.

Theater "Solnyshko", Head Tuchemskaya I.P.

Developing classes in GPD- Bazunova N.A.

Our projects

Layout "Borodino battle".

School Museum "Memory".

School Museum of Combat Glory "Memory" under the leadership of Mikhalitsyn TS Search work "My family soldiers." (Bazunova N.A.). Project "In a healthy body- Healthy spirit!". Project on MHC "Middle Ages" (Morgunova EA). Cool projects of primary school "Golden Autumn".

School exhibitions

Project "self-government" to school life It was more interesting.

Our partners

Parental committee.


A type: General Education
View: middle School of General education
Financing: State
Organizational and legal form: Budget
Subordination: Northeastern District Education Department
Forms of study: Full-time (day)
Number of students: 550 people.
Founder: Moscow Department of Education
License: Number 003515, Series 77, Registration number 030454. Valid from 21.02.2012 at an indefinite.
Accreditation: Accreditation certificate №001364, 77P series, registration number 011642, valid until 30.11.2015. Issued by the accreditation commission of 20.03.2012 on the basis of the order number 148Ak dated 20.03.2012.
Inn: 7715004398
PPC: 771501001
OGRN: 1037739177585
OKATO: 45280558000

Educational programs:

Northeast / Bibirevo /

Additional Information

Travel from the metro station "Bibirevo" by bus 290, from the Metro "Medvedkovo" by bus 606, from the Metro "Altufievo" by bus 159 to the school "School 332" (behind the store "Gelert"). Kornechuk 52-a Street.

I will add my feedback about GSG as of May 2017: one child learns there in primary school, SP3 (building 3), the program of Elkonina-Davydova, the second - in high School, SP1 (building 1), Gloria program.
First, by the beginning: they came from courses, not at registration (registration in another area of \u200b\u200bthe Svao), the child went well into the courses well, but the results showed the results on the final testing. At your own fear and risk assessed to the gymnasic e-D program. Have taken. Now very satisfied. The whole team of teachers working on e-D system - Strong professionals who know how to flexibly approach different children, rather demanding, but creative, to learn to see my child (although he is fidget and ramp). One subtlety - the program is so extraordinary that I will not venture to do your homework with your child. My child makes the recommended DZ on the extension and as a whole understands everything himself, teachers are ready to give an explanation to the broken, the class as a whole copes with the program, but if someone suddenly someone will hurt - it will not be easy to work for a long time. There are no estimates to grade 3 inclusive. In the 1st grade, the total marks on understanding of different topics and subtopics (pasted into the diary: + / -: I did / did it), then - the different tasks for different skills are evaluated in percentage. About money: There are additional paid clock in the language, they are considered mandatory (conditionally mandatory, gymnasium recommends to take them). No other mandatory paid services not.
In high school, everything, in my opinion, less rosy and definitely. My child acted on the "Key" Olympics on the Gloria program. Preparing for about a year to move from the usual district school.
From a positive: a good team of students' students (many enrolled in the 5th grade from other schools, the old classes were mixed, so everyone got acquainted in the 5th, in fact, again). It is not customary to throw gadgets, the income of the parents, it is not customary to score to study, Kamit Teachers, obscenently swear not accepted. This is all, but in very moderate quantity. Class boys on change prefer to play the Cossacks-robbers to horror and indignantly cleaners. Accordingly, adequate and reasonable parents, also orienting children to study and mutual respect. Although, of course, not everything is perfect: one of the older classes is considered poorly controlled and violent, we began to suddenly praus one good boy - all the parent community together with the children tried to destroy the situation.
In addition, from a positive: severe teaching of the objects of the humanitarian cycle (languages, literature, history, social studies ...). It is here that the strongest and interesting teachers. The mathematical direction in the gymnasium is trying to develop, but, according to parents' reviews, and their own observations - so far, alas, it is noticeably lagging behind the languages. Creative and affordable mathematics does not work - either simply and boring or becoming favorable and difficult (and also boring). But these are my fragmentary observations (and excellent teachers in mathematics in the GSG also exist).
Home tasks are very voluminous (and not always this volume is justified). In the 5th grade, my rather collected child was left 2 to 3 hours for DZ, in 6th - usually about 3, sometimes more, up to 4 hours. If there are still sections, music. School, etc. - you need to very carefully organize time.
The most serious minus of high school, in my opinion, these are teachers, more precisely, the general strategy of the administration regarding the pedcob. Many parents lead children in GHA not just like in a strong school, but as a school, where the student is respectful, where the basic ways of motivating the child are not a shock and fear, but interest and personal credibility. And at the moment it is rather myth than reality.
Competence in terms of teaching issues of issues does not particularly cause - the material is all passing, the control writes. But I was unpleasantly surprised by teachers using the humiliation, cry, direct pressure as the main pedagogical levers. When, with such a teacher, the child meets every school day on the leading subject - it creates a serious emotional background. And, most sadly, the administration in principle is not ready for such claims to educat them seriously. Principled position: "You are not in the store, and teachers are not a blouse: this does not fit, give another!"
Parents' delegation consisting of 80% of the group of students in the administration say: "Your children are inventing everything! ... Well, you want - will spend an open lesson. .... here you see open lesson The teacher is polite, does not shout. Children look intimidated? - So they are embarrassed by parents. Therefore, there are no problems! "(" Your children have a mass collusion "- the exact words of the teacher).
Of course, the problem is not the one that in 57 school, and indeed for someone from parents, the stiffness and bias of the teacher as the main tool is normal (children will dissolve), but I repeat, many (such as we) go to GSG With the illusion that it is not accepted here.
There are a little such teachers - 2-3 teachers are obtained on the flow, but with the love of the child to one of the leading items it is possible and parting forever.
At the same time, justice must be said that in the same stream, 2-3 strong, bright and positive teachers are also there. And by the way, they can also instill love for an important subject that (me, mom) did not occur to love (although you know, of course, you need. For what gymnasium and teachers, thank you very much!
I understand that in connection with the expansion of GSG on 11 units and the departure of the previous director, a personnel issue is now a personnel for the administration is very patient and difficult, but if the gymnasium plans to keep the current bar and raise it along with the rating, I think it will have to return to this issue.
With financial charges in high school as well as in the beginning - they are not. Only an additional hour in the basic language is conditionally obligatory. It's about 1500 rubles. per month. Additional courses can be on Saturdays when there are no major classes. For example - 1 hour in tongue at 9.00. This, of course, is uncomfortable. You can also take additional paid courses in other languages, web design.

The state budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "State Metropolitan Gymnasium" (GBOU GSG) is a major educational organization, which consists of six kindergartens of kindergartens and five buildings of schools complied in accordance with the School Stages model.

Director of the Gymnasium: Patrikeva Irina Joldoshevna.

All buildings GBOU GSG are located in northeastern administrative district The city of Moscow, in the Bibirevo district, at the following addresses: ul. Belozerskaya, 12, Altufyevskoe sh., 94, ul. Leskova, 3-3, ul. Leskova, 5a, Altufyevskoe sh., 98-2, Altufyevskoe sh., 92-2, ul. Korechuk, 37a, ul. Kornechuk, 42a, ul. Korechuk, 50a, ul. Korechuk, 52a, ul. Korechuk, 58b.

According to data on January 1, 2017, 4,353 people study in the gymnasium, of which 3075 are students, 1278 - pupils of pre-school offices.

In accordance with the license and accreditation, the GBOU GSG is implementing the basic program of pre-school education, the main secondary program initial general Education, basic general educational program of the main general education, the main general educational program of the average (full) general education program, program additional education Children and adults.

The main vectors of the development of the GSG educational program are:

  • expansion of the program spectrum: In 1-4 classes, basic and defditions, in 5-9 grades, the Basic and Gloria program (Software Complex in-depth study subjects and additional education), in 10-11 classes Profile training based on individual curriculum, integration of the main and additional education;
  • in-depth study of English and german languages from 2 classes, algebra and geometry with grade 7 and physics with 8 class;
  • training foreign languages In the system of additional education: Spanish, French, Chinese.
  • participation in the city project "Moscow - international School quality "(preparation for accreditation under the program International undergraduate (PYP);
  • social design and volunteer activity;
  • development and implementation of programs distance learning Using various educational content.

State Metropolitan Gymnasium ranks 62nd in the ranking of the Top 300 educational organizations in the city of Moscow on the results of 2015-2016 school year. Every year since 2011 is among the best 500 schools in Russia. From 2011 to 2016 GSG - the laureate of the grant of the Mayor of Moscow in the field of education. Co-founder of the Association of Educational and scientific institutions "Giftedness: Training and Development" - 2012, Associated Oxford School, Winner Competition General educational institutionsimplementing innovative educational programs (PNPO-2006).

Contact information about GBOU GSG:

Legal address: 127543, Moscow, Belozerskaya Street, 12

Phone: 495-707-07-62

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