Mokhovaya d 26. Shcherbakov House - Profitable House

Legendary Pashkov House: Secret Entity

Street Mokhovaya, No. 26 or street Vozdvizhenka, No. 3/5, p. 1

Where I came from, I do not know ...

I don't know where to leave

When victorious abstine

In my sparkling garden.

Nikolai Gumilev.

As we already understood, the legendary Pashkov house is posic by sight of Moscow, but the address is encrypted. Type on the Internet "Pashkov House" and you will be given at least two addresses. Even in Wikipedia it is written in one article that Pashkov House is located on Mokhovaya Street in House No. 26, and in the other - on the street Vozdvizhenka in the house number 3/5 and also in structure 1. And who can believe? Or maybe this is generally a house-phantom?

Lenin's Library

In this case, everything is true. If you consider on Mokhovoy, there will be house number 26. If you represent Pashkov's house as part of a single complex of the Russian State Library, will be the right and second address on Vozdvizhenka. For it is the new building of the Russian State Library. The building, called Muscovites Egyptian Monster or Hitler's colonnade. Well, a very fair combination of "Styles" - after all, philosophy and Ancient Egypt and fascist Germany They were aimed at justifying and leaving death. In the same place, in front of a huge entrance and massive gray steps, the poor fellow of Dostoevsky is sitting in the form of a monument, of course. And again, as Muscovites really noticed, or whether the writer Orobel and not decides to enter this very large library Countries, whether the poor people have a writer's disease - hemorrhoids and it is difficult for him to sit in anticipation of a visit to the proctologist.

In a word, here in such an environment there is now the most magnificent house Pashkov, who has long been deprived of the fence relying during the construction. When she was, the adorable garden was planted behind her, and the look rose to the top of the palace from the green trees, it seemed that the building was soaring in the air - over Moscow. Then they broke the fence, the trees cut down, and now we look at the building that rises a huge bump from the ground.

In a word, the largest Palace of Moscow looks very wary and mysterious. Or maybe he is also hiding something hiding, like Starovagankovsky alley? It is not for nothing that the output is considered the main facade of the house-palace, although the facade overlooking the moss is incomparably more beautiful.

We take a look at the very name of the street - moss. Historians say that a dry moss was sold here, which used to be used in construction work for sealing slots and small holes. So the street was called Mokhovoy. And now let's see derivatives from the word "moss." And they are extremely eloquent! Shaggy - so figuratively called the trait, in order not to attach the most unclean. Decide - it means to lay the moss of the gap, but also to hide, blend. To shove - close holes, but also ... Kold. No, no wonder Bulgakovsky wanded this place ...

However, others felt Mokhovah's Mooring. It was not for nothing, like the entire Starovankovsky Hill, surrounded by the churches with a solid ring - saved from an unclean spirit. In 1914, they even decided to place a giant picture A.A. Ivanova "The phenomenon of Christ to the people", for which a huge hall was built. However, the mystical cloth on Mokhovah could not resist, the paints began to crumble, and he was transported to the Russian museum to restoration. Yes, so left there. Is it not in the peak of this "phenomenon" of Bulgakov revealed his hero exactly here?

Remember how Would initially explained his appearance?

"Here in the State Library found genuine manuscripts of the Herbert Avrilaksky Warlock. So it is required that I disassemble them. "

Imagine, wave came to advise how to mock on Mokhovoy! .. And by the way, if you think that this Warlock was, as it should be, the outcast of the church, then mistaken. He was Pope Roman - Sylvester II! And according to the legend, his papacy won in 999 in the game in the bone with ... Devil, I mean Woland. Why not disassemble the works of your partner?!

However, in the early editions of Roman Bulgakov, this phrase sounded somewhat differently: "Here in the State Library, a large collection of works on black magic and demonology." And you know whose collection of works was the most extensive and full of Lenin's library? Of course Vladimir Ilyich himself! That is, it was he who composed books about the most hortal magic and demonology - theory and practice of the revolution. Surprisingly accurate definition secret meaning All of these revolutionary manuscripts, where the refrain is going to "shoot" the verb, the term "dictatorship", then the litter "ruthless" and "categorically".

Here you have small library secrets! However, when there was no library at this place, the secrets already existed. And we are not talking about underground mystery and galleries. Just by the time of the emergence of the house of Pashkov in the XVIII century, everyone has already forgotten about them.

In Petrovsky times, the estate first was the manoret first of the twin Deca Autonoma Ivanov, who, in order to suffer to the young king Peter, built it in the Dutch spirit. However, U. young Peter. There were their favorites, so the manor went into the hands of Alexander Danilovich Menshikov. It is not clear why, in the estate, this began to breed black roosters. And Muscovites, fearingly inheritant, whispering: This is black things, no sorcerers cut roosters in full moon, doing black magic?! And after all, everything is possible - no wonder the brighter prince of Menshikov from the most terrible rest of the dry out of the water came out and never delayed the grace of King Peter.

However, and black roosters did not save Menshikov from degradation and arrest after the death of his patron. In the link in Berezov, the bright, as is known, and died on November 12, 1729. However, his son, Alexander Alexandrovich, returned from the link and returned his estate on Mokhovoy in Vaganka in 1731.

Then the house changed the owners again, while all the huge land plot With the buildings, I did not buy a retired captain-lieutenant Life Guards Semenovsky regiment Petr Egorovich Pashkov. He was from a military family, but a fabulously rich is not at a military field, but on wine sputters. They say, became the first vodka king of Russia. Communications had huge and in 1783 managed to buy for the eternal use of land in the most prestigious area of \u200b\u200bMoscow.

All previous buildings he ordered to demolish and re-build a parade and a luxurious palace, in order to hit all Moscow with his unmeared wealth. The money did not regret the construction. The architects took the Great Vasily Bazhenova, who built the palace in the Kremlin in the Kremlin itself, and did not save Ekaterina, the Masonic vision of the world, ranging from the special signs of Masonry, ending with the mystical symbols of the universe in these buildings.

By the time Pashkov invited Bazhenova to build his palace, the architect was not at honor: the Tsaritsyn catastrophe was killed - Catherine commanded to demolish the built palace in Tsaritsyn. But Pashkov from the architect did not refuse, on the contrary, promised a huge salary. Is it because of the Bazhenov offended by the monacula power unfolded Pashkov's palace back to the Kremlin? ..

True, Muscovites were confident that the Palace on Mokhovaya is building the architect of Matvey Cossacks, and the support of Bazhenov only helps him in secret way. Secrets, again secrets ...

Whatever it was, the magnificent snow-white palace was ready for the most shortest terms - Pashkov has fed the housewarming already in 1786. All Moscow escaped to look at the new miracle of the world. Indeed, the palace was incredibly beautiful, around him broken magic Sad.Multicolored bright birds have been found in the garden, fresh from foreign countries. There were still duplicated ponds "on the aglitsky manner" with swans and two pools. And the whole city converged on the fact that the wonderful of this house-palace can not be.

However, happiness in beautiful walls was not. It can be seen, the genius of the place, admiring the snow-white building, did not change the character and deceived in promises. Bazhenov, dreaming about the forgiveness of the Empress, which she would give, seeing such a beautiful palace, deceived in his expectations. His authorship did not recognize officially. And there are still disputes - who is the author of the brilliant Pashkov at home. In addition, the architect has not received any special fee from the naschard customer. Yes, and Pashkov himself, despite all the incredible wealth and beauty of their palace, did not experience joy. Soon he was broken by paralysis, forceding to move on the wheelchair. Pashkov stopped to go out, the palace became a castle, in which life closed in four walls. Well, since Pashkov did not accept anyone, even the year of his death could not be installed. Whether he died four years after the construction of the palace, or he lived in the castle voluntary ghost until 1800. In short, Pashkov House buried his master alive ...

After death, the estate of childless Pashkov moved to his relative - Alexander Ilyich Pashkov, but he did not bring happiness. It turned out that huge debts hang on the house and in fact the older Pashkov was not so rich, how much did it seem. And all his desire for eye luxury was only a tool hide their own upset financial affairs.

Alexander Pashkov began to see: she got into more long debts on the security of the palace, but decided to block the Act of the Uncle - built on the Mokhovaya another Pashkov house, but not for private life, but for public needs: balls and theatrical ideas. Now in this house there is an Audit Corps of Moscow State University, and in the Flegele - the famous University Church of St. Tatiana, patroness of students. But the construction of the temple did not bring anything good. On the contrary, the local priest filed a complaint that Bazhenov's stables near the church were located. Trial began with church authorities. In addition, it was necessary to pay debts. And Alexander decided on a profitable party. There was Daria Myasnikova, whose dad, a merchant and the owner of copper-smelting factories, passionately wanted to make a daughter nobody. But the main condition was life on a wide leg in the French Palace of the Moscow Palace.

So Pashkov turned out to be rich, married and sound luxurious life. But there was no happiness in the family. Muscovites whispered that after the guests, the owner chases the hostess in the garden, screaming:

- Spit rising!

However, these rich briefly owned a Pashkovoy home. Well, did not bring the home of the owners - just survived Won! Very quickly the money ended, Pashkov has no money left even for contributions to their parish church. Already by the beginning of the XIX century, both Pashkov's houses came to be launched. Well, in the event during the invasion of Napoleon in 1812, Pashkov Palace was very hurt: the roof collapsed, the walls were glanced, the balconies were tremended. The famous top balustrade with a rother-gazebo, formerly wooden, burned down with wooden sculptures, decorated her. So the stone balustrade, on which Woland sat, the product is already post-war. In 1813 - 1816, the Moscow architects, headed by Osip, Beauvais restored the legendary house Pashkov. Well, since the Palace was considered the pearl of Moscow architecture, the city treasury was allocated for the restoration.

By the way, not only wave overlooked the panorama of Moscow from the balustrades of her famous palace. In 1818, a completely real, but very mystical-iconic event occurred in Pashkov's house. That year, the first time visited prussian king Friedrich-Wilhelm III with heir's sons. Prussian was not just an ally of the Russian emperor Alexander I in severe struggle with Napoleon, but also a relative - Alexander's brother, the future emperor Nicholas I, a year ago (July 13, 1817) took the wife of Friedrich-Wilhelm's daughter, Princess Fritronic Charlot Wilhelmin, who became in the Orthodox baptism of Alexander Fedorovna.

And now the Prussian King acquainted with the country that will be a new homeland for his daughter. In the first-hearth Friedrich Wilhelm asked him to show him the largest and most beautiful panorama of the glorious city. The Moscow Governor held it on the newly restored balustrade Pashkov at home. The king rose to the Belvedere and froze, looking down, on the destroyed and only restoring Moscow. And suddenly the tears rolled on the lord's cheek. He came out of Belvedere and ... knelt before the ancient city.

Since that day, the balustrade was painted "German" (remember, Bulgakov Muscovites think that Wolve is German?), And the place where the king and princes on the lap talked Moscow and Muscovites for the feat of self-sacrifice, were later called "a balcony of three emperors", because The time and both sons of Friedrich-Wilhelm became emperors.

In honor of the monaist visit to the cast-iron fence, Pashkov was mounted by the Crown. However, the strangeness is a cast-iron image royal power Very quickly burst and began to remind ... W. Latin letter. But this is, if you again remember Roman Bulgakov, - the sign of Voland. It turns out that in 1818, Pashkov house received some occult magic baptism. And it is surprising - since then, the symbol of Moscow has changed the character with a negative on a positive. The house-palace was loyal to his owners, bringing happiness. Subsequently, the heirs of Pashkovy (however, losing the surname because of the birth of female heirs), they threatened with the most notable surnames - Gagarians, Sheremetev and left a worthy mark in the history of Russia. It is enough to recall the legendary General Mikhail Skobelev, the liberator of Bulgaria. Squarelova's mother, Olga Nikolaevna, who has known for the creator of military chariots in Russia, Darius Pashkov-Poltavtsev belonged to the genus Pashkovoy. A courageous woman, Olga Nikolaevna Skobelev died tragically - she was killed in one of the inspection trips in 1880. According to the official version, she died from the hands of robbers, but people understood that the Squareeva's mother was killed to influence the fearless general of Skobelev. And by the way, by that time, Pashkov's house belonged for a long time in Moscow and the Skobelev did not live there. Is it because the house did not manage to protect the granddaughter's granddaughter of his former owner?

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Street Bolshaya Yakimanka, No. 43 on Yakimanka, back in the 70s of the twentieth century, in the house number 40 one of the old friendly friends of our family lived. I still do not know who she had to - if some kind of relative, whether the grandmother's pre-war friendly. But she was alone by that time and already

The first owner of this site (until 1737) was a general from Cavalry S. G. Naryshkin. In 1765, the land plot acquired Kaluga merchant Grigory Shcherbakov. Then the house was inherited by his son Nikolai. Shcherbakov lived in their home to the 1840s, passing part of the premises.

IN early XIX. in. Three-storey facial house and stone yard fligels in 3-4 floors were built on the site. Apartments surrendered to Vna.

In 1837, the house from the untenabolic debtor Shcherbakov moved to C. Melichova, Vice-Admiral wife V. I. Melikhova.

In 1844, Arch. O. V. Borma was tuned by a building on one floor. In January 1858, a fire occurred in the house.

In the house of Shcherbakov, landlord Paul Engelhardt lived, Brother Vasily Engeldt (see Nevsky Pr., 30).

Probably in the courtyard, T. Shevchenko, taken by the room Cossack to Barina and drawn every free minute. In 1833, Engelgardt gave him to the master of the picturesque workshop V. G. Shiryaev. Artists K. P. Bryullov and A. G. Venediktov came to this house, who took the troubles about the redemption of Shevchenko from serfdom.

M. I. Glinka (Neckligardt Neighbor in the Smolensk Province) lived in the yard Flemed in 1833-1835 and 1851.

From 1854 to 1873 in the house of Melikhov, Vladimir Vasilyevich Stasov (1824-1906), artistic and musical critic, historian of art, ethnographer, public figure, honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1900). (Memorial plaque on the facade). Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov and other members of the "mighty bunch" were at the Music Assemblies of Stasov.

In 1882, O. K. Melikhova, the admiral widow, took the house to his grandson, the son of the deceased daughter of Elena - Count N. N. Simonich. In 1883 N. N. Simonich entered into the rights of inheritance. In 1892, the house of the duke passed to General N. A. Besak. After the death of Bezak, the house on the will switched to his daughter Maria Nikolaevna, the wife of Count A. N. Grabbe.

In 1913-1914. The house was rebuilt on the arch. S. G. Ginger. The house was prescribed on one floor, yard housings appeared.

1st and 2-1 floors of the house are covered with gray plaster, and 3-5th - red-brown plaster. At the level of the 3rd floor, the facade is decorated with an emblem of the genus grabbe, made of stone. The sculptural heads of the ancient Romans - warriors and patricians are used in the decor of the facial and courtyard facadav - warriors and patricians. On the facade of one of the courtyard flies Mosaic insert with the Latin text: "Alno Dominni 1913". The whole third floor occupied the master apartment.

In 1831-1833 in square. P. V. Engelgardta lived poet, artist T. Shevchenko (1814-1861).
In 1851, the composer M. I. Glinka lived in the house (1804-1857).

One of the courtyard wipes was built specifically for educational institution. In the 1910s. There was an urban primary school, 1930s - automobile and road technicians, incomplete high school No. 14 of Smolnninsky Raiaon, then School No. 191.

Currently, a branch is located in the courtyard buildings of the house

University of Technology and Design (formerly Institute of Textile and Light Industry)

1992. School No. 191 of the Dzerzhinsky District - Mokhovaya St., 26 - The building was transferred to the balance of TR. Non-residential foundation - Institute of Textile and Light Industry. (Solution ... from 08/31/1992 No. 265, Ad. 4, p.12)

Large glade on the corner of Mokhovaya Street and Street Znamenki used to be a quarter of two-three-storey houses. At this place at the beginningXVIII There were large possessions of the famous Prince-Pope Nikita Zotov. Then they moved to his grandson Nikita Vasilyevich.

At the beginning of the 1740s, the manor belonged to the prince of Fyodor Ivanovich Golitsyn. In 1757, he sold this plot for 1800 rubles to the wife of the Stat adviser Ivan Kristianovich Eikler, Anna Eikhler. Ivan was another Artemia of Volynsky, accused of an attempt by the state coup, for which he suffered - he was referred to Siberia. In the endXVIII - early XIX Century House belonged to the prince Pavel Petrovich Shakhovsky, who lived in another house on the Prechistenka. He was married to Agafokle Alekseevna Ur. Baxheyeva. They had four sons and six daughters.

In 1867, great possession was divided into three parts - on the corner of Mokhovoy and Znamenki (house 2), Znamenki (house 4) and on Mokhovaya (house 6). Only the house was left now 6. The rest of the houses were demolished in 1972 to the arrival of the American president R. Nikson, which is why this lawn was called "Nixon Lawn".

House 6 on Mokhovoy Street owned daughters of Prince Paul Shakhovsky Irina and Sophia.

In 1867 Ivan Kuzmich Baklanov bought him, director of the partnership of the Kupavinian Sukonnaya Factory. He took up rebuilding the old main home of the manor. In 1868, the architect of the Kaminsky united the old house and Flygene and created a strict classic facade with a four-column portion with the columns of an ionic order.

In 1892, the House of Bucklanova buys the rich Irkutsk Kupchaika Julia Bazanov. This year, she with her daughter becomes the only heir to the gold mining production of the family of the deceased husband and the mother-in-law. Leaves the case in Irkutsk on assistants, and herself moves to Moscow and is given to the affairs of charity. The clinic of ear and throat diseases are built on her money at the medical faculty of the Imperial Moscow University on the Girl, at the corner of the Olsufyevsky Lane and the Bozheninsky alley. It was the second in Russia of the Lor Clinic, built on a special project and equipped with all scientific innovations of that time. The Moscow City Council decided to appropriate the name of Yu.I. Bazanova. And then it continued to invest a large funds in various charity institutions of Irkutsk and Moscow.

By 1906, her financial situation deteriorated greatly, and she was forced to sell the house on Mokhovoy.

The house bought Manufactory-advisor Nikolai Mikhailovich Dreeshshikov, director and manager of Manufactory "Anna Pskellikova and Sons" in the village of Spring Kostroma province. There was a clothing product, which was famous for its resistant black. Dreamers was married to beauty Elizabeth Alekseevna friendship. Her portrait of the brush V. Serov 1906 decorated the lobby of this mansion. Now he is located in the Krasnodar Regional Art Museum. Elizabeth, dresher posed by the artist in a diamond necklace. In Moscow, he walked anecdote that when she goes into the light in it, then two bodyguards hire for protection.

Nikolai Mikhailovich had a very beautiful tenor, according to many better than Cairoso. He studied singing in Italy, only Italian operas sang and had extraordinary authority in Moscow opera circles. Many, including A. Nezhdanova and L. Sobinov, he gave the lessons of singing and instruction. In the house on Mokhovah there was a lot famous people, musicians, artists.

In 1920, Krasilichekov managed to move to France, where Nikolai Mikhailovich died from a heart attack. Elizabeth Alekseevna after his death married Count Sergey Sergeyevich Sheremetyev.

After the revolution in the mansion there was a hostel for a commoded textile plant. Then he gave him State Library them. Lenin and the Institute of Library Studies is located here, in 1950 he was changed by Kalinin Museum. Now here is the center of Eastern Literature RGB.

Technical and Economic Passport As of October 21, 2013,
Apartment house at: Mokhovaya Str., House 26, Liter A, Central District,
Series, Project Type: Individual,
Year of construction: 1828,
Total area of \u200b\u200bthe building, m2 (reference): 9719.3,
Square of residential premises, m2 (reference): 7559.3,
The area of \u200b\u200bnon-residential premises of functional purpose, M2 (reference): 1182,
Square attic, m2 (reference): 63.5,
Number of floors: 6,
Number of stairs: 6,
Number of residents (reference): 265,
Heating: Central,
Hot water supply: Central,
Gas supply: Central,
The total number of elevators: 3,
Year of entry of elevators: 1988 - 1 pc., 2008 - 2 pcs.,
Year of modernization of elevators: 2008 - 2 pcs.,
Home condition: Competitive,
The total area of \u200b\u200bcleaning of the receiving territories, M2 (reference): 2022,
Metal roof area: 2833,
Number of ROM (negotiation and lock devices): 6,
Types of apartments in the house: 1 room, 2 rooms, 3 rooms, 4 rooms, 6 rooms, 7 room,
Number of kV by type: 1, 10, 6, 5, 3, 3,
The full name of the management company: LLC Zhilkomservis No. 1 of the Central District.

Historical reference
The first owner of this site before 1737 was the Cavalist General S. G. Naryshkin. Since 1765, the merchants of Shcherbakov, who lived here until the 1840s were new owners. At the beginning of the XIX century, they built a three-storey facial house and stone yard fligels in three and four floors. Some of the rooms were surrendered in the village, so in one of the inhabitants of the house, the future writer T. Shevchenko lived among the serfs servants. Also, in one of the courtyard flies in 1833-1835 and in 1851, the composer M. I. Glinka lived; In 1854-1873 - music and art critic V. V. Stasov; And in the 1860s - Doctor of Medicine K. I. Gruce-Mramiahlo. Among the guests visited the guests were: A. N. Serov, V. F. Odoevsky, K. P. Brylov, A. G. Venetsianov. In 1837, the house number 26 for debts was given to his wife Vice-Admiral V. I. Melikhova - O. K. Melichova. Shortly thereafter, in 1844, Architect O. V. Bremma was preparing a three-storey building for another floor. In 1883, after the death of the hostess, the house passed the inheritance of her grandchildren - Count N. N. Simonich, and he, in turn sold him General N. A. Besak in 1893. Further, by inheritance, the building passes to his daughter M. N. Grabbe. Her husband, Count A. N. Grabbe in 1913-1914, carried out a restructuring of the house on the project of the architect S. Ginger, during which the facial house rose another floor, and new buildings appeared in the courtyard.

| 17.12.2017

House number 26 for Mokhovoy Street was built at the end of the 18th century, but in its current features, Architect Sergey Ginguru was obliged, who in 1913-1914 rebuilt the building and issued him to imitate Italian revival. At the beginning of the 20th century, the house owned the commander of the Imperial Conv, Count Alexander Grabbe.

In this house at different times they lived critic Vladimir Stasov, Poet Taras Shevchenko, Composers Mikhail Glinka and Alexander Dargomyzhsky.

One of the apartments in the parade entrance of the courtyard was held by counter-admiral Peter Nikolaevich Leskov. He was born on February 11, 1864 in St. Petersburg in the noble family. Peter Leskov graduated from the Revel Aleksandrovskaya Gymnasium and the Maritime School.

From July 1889 his service began on the ships of the Baltic Fleet. He commanded the Ministry of State No. 132, the training vessel "faithful", from 1908 to 1912 - the Kruiser "Aurora", then - a brigade of reserve cruisers. In 1915, Peter Nikolaevich became the head of the defense of the seaside front of the Marine Fortress of the Emperor Peter the Great, then he commanded this fortress. His certification, characteristics are replete with excellent degrees - Leskov's commander loved in a fleet.

Revolutionary rates of fishing razov met with approval. Memories are preserved, where he informs a colleague in service: "And you know, because they are [revolutionaries], in fact, they write true."

However, in October 1917, Leskov was dismissed to the reserve, then appointed at the disposal of the Supreme Maritime College and in December became the Vice-Chairman of the Interim Sea Fortress Council of the Sea Fortress of Peter the Great, but he held this position for long. In March 1918, Peter Nikolaevich was resigned and settled to work with an electrician.

Three years later, Leskov returned to the Office sea \u200b\u200bfleet. From February 1920, he served as Chairman of the Commission on the dispatch of destroyers to the Caspian Sea, then he held over the Petrograd sea base, was an assistant to the headquarters of the commander of the Republic of the Republic and subsequently, the head of the main shipping department.

In 1923, Peter Nikolaevich Leskov became the head of the Central Naval Museum and chaired the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Maritime Agency. Four years later, the counter-admiral was dismissed and lived in an apartment on Mokhovo as a pensioner.

In 1937, Employees 3 Division of UNKVD LO Junior Lieutenant State Security Tushkin, Opera Compact Berezko, Head 9 Department 3 Department Lieutenant State Security Berlin, Head 3 Division Major State Security Perelmutuce and Deputy Head of the ISPVD Lo Senior Major State Security Chapiro completely invented "counter-revolutionary officer organization" which they called the "Russian Military Union" (Ross).

According to the plan of workers of the NKVD, the participants in this organization "were introduced into military units of the Leningrad Military District and Red Baltflut, the military-educational institutions of the Red Army and RKKF, for the defense industry plants."

This mythical organization is indicated in archival papers, "was associated with foreign White Guard centers in Paris and Berlin, the German intelligence and 2 Division of the PGS, which the participants of the Ross stirred a number of military and military-economic information of a spy character collected in the USSR."

Encavedeshniki attributed a counter-revolutionary organization Creation of sabotage groups, which "have to withdraw a number of defense plants at the beginning of the war by organizing arson and explosions. According to the directives of the Berlin White Guard Center "RFD" and the German intelligence, the military officer organization was to prepare terrorist acts against the leaders of the WCP (b) and the Soviet government. "

Peter Nikolaevich Leskov was arrested on November 2, 1937 as a participant in the Belogvardeysian, officer, terrorist, sabotage-spyware organization. During the arrest, military maritime cards were withdrawn, drawings of ships, the court charge of the Supreme Court of 1929, when the leaks were sued for negligence and was acquitted, and the gold wedding ring, on which the name of Wife Peter Leskova was engraved and the wedding date "O.A. Semenova on April 28, 1891. "

By the time of arrest in the family, there was already one repressed. Orenburg was exiled, most likely for the noble origin, the younger brother of Leskov.

The investigation into the case of Peter Nikolayevich went very quickly. It is known that there was one interrogation, and on November 25, the junior lieutenant Tushkin brought the accusation that "Leskov P.N. was indeed a member of the Rivans, which was recruited in 1925 in Leningrad former maritime officer tsarist army Ztursky V.E., and knew that the RUSE holds sabotage, terrorist and spy work in favor of Germany. He contributed to the conduct of hydration work in the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Department of Marine Forces of the USSR on the breakdown of government assignments for new types of weapons in Baltflote. On the task of the former counter-admiral of the Lyninsky collected and transferred spyware materials for the Baltflut spyware for the German intelligence.

On December 11, 1937, the NKVD Commission and the USSR Prosecutor's Office agreed that the Leskov "is a member of the military officer organization of the Russian General-Military Union (RISS) and on the task of the counter-revolutionary organization conducted ingestive and spy work in favor of Germany," and carried out the shot sentence.

The act is kept on the act of bringing the death penalty on December 20, 1937. The commandant UNKVD Lo Senior Lieutenant State Security Polycarpov reported that he had fulfilled the prescription of the State Security Commissioner of the 1st Rank of Comrade Zakavsky, and Peter Nikolaevich Leskov was shot.

Only in 1989, the counter-admiral business was revised and recognized completely falsified.

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