How many years have served in royal time. Santa: What was she in the royal army

In the Doperer Times, the military estates were the archers who spent their entire lives on public service. They were the most trained and almost professional troops. In peacetime, they lived on Earth, which was granted to them for the service (but she was deprived of it, if for some reason they left the service and did not pass it by inheritance), and carried out a lot of other duties. Sagittarius should follow the order and participate in steaming fires.

In the event of a serious war, when a large army was required, a limited set of from among the consulting classes was carried out. Silver was a lifelong service and was inherited. Theoretically, there was an opportunity to resign, but for this it was necessary to either find someone to replace themselves, or earn it by the diligent service.

Candans for recruitment

The regular army appeared in Russia under Peter I. Want to create a regular army on the European sample, the king issued a decree on the recruitment of recruitment. From now on, he came into the army not for individual wars, but for permanent service. The recruitous service was universal, that is, they were subject to absolutely all class. In this case, no celers were in the most disadvantage. For them, the livestock service was provided, though they almost always served on officers. Crescents and mothers were given to recruits only several people from the community. On average, only one man from a hundred was taken to recruits. Already in the 19th century, the entire territory of the country was divided into two geographical bands, each of which once every two years was gained at 5 recruits per thousand men. In force majeure situations, an emergency set could be declared - 10 and more people per thousand men. The community defined to recruit. And in the event that it was about the fortress peasants, as a rule, solved the landowner. Much later, by the end of the recruit system, it was decided to organize between candidates for recruits the draw. As such a draft age did not exist, but, as a rule, men became recruits in the age range of 20-30 years. It is curious that the first shelves in regular The army was named by the names of their commanders. In case the commander died or left, the regiment's name should change according to the name of the new one. However, frightened by confusion, which a similar system invariably generated, it was decided to replace the names of the regiments in accordance with Russian localities.
The entry into recruits was for a person perhaps the most significant event in life. After all, it practically guarantees that he will forever leave his home and never again will never see relatives. In the first years of the recruit system in Peter, recruits were so frequent and distributed, that along the way to "recruit stations", at the same time playing the role of prefabricated items and "LOOKINGS", recruits accompanied the convoy teams, and their own for the night were sharpened in the shackles. Later instead of shackles, recruits began to make a tattoo - a small cross on the back of the palm. The existence of the so-called on the back of the palm of the palm. Polon money - compensation paid by officers and soldiers for the deprivation, which they have undergone, being in enemy captivity. Remuneration differed depending on the enemy country. For staying in captivity in European states, compensation was twice as well as in captivity in Nehristian Ottoman Empire. In the 60s of the 18th century, this practice was canceled because concerns arose that the soldiers would not take due diligence on the battlefield, and they would be more common to give up. The payments of premium not only were widely practiced from Petrovsky in the army. Feats in battle, but also for victories in important battles. Peter ordered to reward each participant in Poltava battle. Later, during a seven-year war, for the victory in the battle under the Cunesdorf, all the lower ranks participating in it received a premium in the form of a semi-annual salary. After the expulsion of Napoleon's army from the Russian territory in the Patriotic War of 1812, all the army ranks were also in the amount of semi-annual salary.

No Blat

Throughout the 18th century, the conditions of service as for soldiers and officers were gradually softened. Before Peter stood an extremely difficult task - to create an efficient regular army from scratch. Act accounted for by samples and errors. The king sought to personally control many things, in particular, almost until his very death, he personally argued every officer appointment in the army and vigilantly followed the relationships, both related and friendly. The title could be obtained solely for their own merits. In addition, the Petrovsk army became a real social elevator. Approximately one third of the officers of the Army of Petrovsky times amounted to the soldiers heard from ordinary soldiers. They all got an offacarious nobility.
After the death of Peter began to gradually mitigate the service conditions. The nobles received the right to exemplate one person from the family to have someone to manage the estate. Then they reduced the deadline for the mandatory service to 25 years. In addition, Empress Catherine II nobles received the right not to serve at all. However, most of the nobility was a unresistent or low one and continued the service, which was for these nobles the main source of income. Hard of the categories of the population was released from the recruitous service. In particular, she was not subject to honorary citizens - the city layer somewhere between simple shoes and nobles. Also, representatives of the clergy and merchants were liberated from the recruitous service. All those who wanted (even the serf peasants) could be completely legitimate from the service, even if they were subject to her. Instead, they needed either to acquire a very rated recruit ticket, issued in exchange for a significant amount in the treasury, or to find another recruit instead, for example, to catch any remuneration.

"Rear rats"

After the lifetime service was canceled, the question arose how to find a place in society to people who spent most of the conscious life away from society, in a closed army system. In Petrovsky times there was no such matter. If the soldier was still capable of at least some work, he was used somewhere in the rear, as a rule, he was sent to train recruits recruits, at worst it became a guard. He was still listed in the army and received a salary. In the case of stroke or severe, the battered soldiers went to the care of monasteries, where a certain content was obtained from the state. At the beginning of the 18th century, Peter I issued a special decree, according to which all monasteries had to equip alder for soldiers.
In the times of Catherine II, care for those in need, including the old soldiers, instead of the church assumed the state. All monastery alone were dissolved, in return to the state paid certain amounts to the state, to which the government orders were added to which there was an order of public charity, which made all social concerns. All the soldiers who received injury in the service were entitled to pension content, regardless of their term Services. When dismissing from the army, they were provided with a one-time major payment for the construction of the house and a small pension. The development of the service life of up to 25 years led to a sharp increase in the number of persons with disabilities. In modern Russian, this word means a person with limited featuresBut in those days, disabled people were called any retired soldiers, regardless of whether they had injury or not. Prior Paul was formed special disabled companies. Modern imagination with these words draws a disappearance of unfortunate cripples and stray old men, but in fact, in such rotations only served healthy people. They were completed with either veterans of the Terminal Service, which are close to the end of the service life, but at the same time are healthy, or those who, because of some disease, has become not suitable for building service, or translated from the current army for any disciplinary misconduct. On duty on the urban stations, guarded prisons and other important objects, convoired the convicts. Later on the basis of some disabled mouth there were convoyes. Avold, who served the entire service life, after leaving the army could have been involved in anything. He could choose any place of residence, to engage in any activities. Even if he was designed by a serf peasant, after the service he became a free person. As a promotion, retired soldiers were fully exempted from taxes. All the retired soldiers settled in the cities. There it was much easier to find a job. As a rule, they became worshipers, supervisors or "units" in boys from noble families. In the village of soldiers rarely returned. For a quarter of a century, he had time to forget in their native parts, and it was very difficult for him to adapt to peasant labor and the rhythm of life. And besides, it was practically nothing to do in the village. Special homes of persons with disabilities are beginning to appear in the provincial cities in the provincial cities, where the retired soldiers who cannot live in full board and get care. The first such house called Kamennaostrovsky, appeared in 1778 on the initiative of Cesarevich Paul.
Paul generally loved the soldiers and the army in general, so after becoming the emperor ordered to re-equip the Chesme Palace's disabled home - one of the imperial travel palaces. However, during the lifetime of Paul, this could not be done due to problems with water supply, and only in two decades he still opened his doors for veterans Patriotic War 1812. The design of the soldiers became one of the first categories of people who received the right to state retirement. The right to her also received soldier widows and juvenile children if the head of the family died during the service.

"Soldier" and their children

Soldatians were not rebeling to marry, including during the service, with the permission of the commander. Walls of soldiers and their future children were part of a special category of soldiers and soldiers' wives. As a rule, most of the soldiers wives got married before their chosenses fell into the army.
"Soldier" after the help of a husband to serve automatically became personally free even if before that was serfs. At first, the recruits were allowed to take with them to the service and the family, but later this rule was canceled and the families of recruits were allowed to join them only after they serve some time. All male children automatically fell into a special category of soldiers' children. In fact, they from birth were in the jurisdiction of the military department. They were the only category of children in the Russian Empire, which legally committed to learn. After studying in the shelf schools "Soldiers' children" (from the 19th century they began to call the cantonists) served in the military department. Due to their education, they did not very often become simple soldiers, as a rule, having non-commissioned officers either serving in non-road specialties. In the first years of its existence, the regular army has usually lived in field camps, and in the cold season, it went to winter apartments - At the post in the villages and villages. Housing housing they provided local residents in the framework of the apartment service. Such a system led to frequent conflicts. Therefore, from the mid-18th century, special areas began to occur in the cities - Soldier Sloboda. In each such Sloboda there were lazaret, church and a bath. The construction of such Slobod was quite expensive, so not all the shelves received individual settlements. In parallel with this system, the old posttoy continued with this system, which was used during military hikes. The barracks appeared to us at the turn of the 18-19th centuries and at first only in large cities.

By call

During the 19th century, the service life of the recruits was repeatedly reduced: first up to 20 years, then up to 15 and finally to 10. Emperor Alexander II spent a large-scale military reform: a universal military service came to replace the recruitment service. The word "Universal "It should not be misleading. She was in the USSR and is in modern RussiaAnd then not everyone served. With the transition to a new system, it turned out that potential conscripts are several times more than the needs of the army, therefore it was not every young man suitable for health state, but only the one that pulled out lots.
It happened like this: the conscripts threw the lot (dragged paper with numbers from the box). According to his results, part of the recruits went to the current army, and those who did not pull out, were credited to the militia. This meant that they would not serve in the army, but could be mobilized in the event of war. A serious age was somewhat different from the modern, it was impossible to call the army earlier than 21 years and later than 43 years. A call campaign took place once a year, after the end of the field work - from October 1 to November 1. The print was subject to all classes, with the exception of the clergy and the Cossacks. The service life was 6 years, but later, at the beginning of the twentieth century, was reduced to three years for infantry and artillery (four years served in the remaining kinds of troops, five years old). At the same time, completely illiterate served a full period that ended with a simple rural church-parish or Zemskaya school served four years, and having had higher education - one and a half years. In addition, there was a very extended delay system, including on the property situation. The only son in the family, grandson in the grandfather and grandmother, who did not have other able-bodied descendants left, brother, who had younger brothers and sisters without parents were not subject to the call, the brother, who was the older orphans), and university teachers The property situation for several years was provided with business owners and peasants-migrants for the device, as well as students educational institutions. A part of the foreign (i.e. non-Christian) population of the Caucasus was not subject to call Central Asia Both Siberia, as well as the Russian population of Kamchatka and Sakhalin. Prelbs tried to complete the territorial principle that recruits from one region served together. It was believed that the joint service of countrymen would strengthen cohesion and combat fraternity.

The Army of Petrovsky time has become a difficult test for society. Formerly unprecedented service conditions, lifelong service life, separating from native land - all this was unusual and hard for recruits. However, in Petrovsky times, this partly compensated for perfectly worked social elevators. Some of the first Petrovsky recruits laid the beginning of the noble military dynasties. In the future, with a reduction in service life, the army became the main tool for the liberation of peasants from the serfdom. With the transition to the draft system, the army has become a real school of life. The service life is now not so significant, and the recruits were returned from the army with competent people.

In the Russian state, from the 30s of the 17th century. Attempts have been made to create a more advanced military system. Sagittarius and the location cavalry were no longer reliable means of strengthening boundaries.

The regular Russian army originated under the emperor Peter I (1682-1725). His decree "On the reception to the service in soldiers from all sorts of free people" (1699) laid the beginning of sets to the new army. In decree of February 20, 1705, the term "Recruit" was first mentioned, whose service life was established by Peter I - "Decal of Power and Health will allow." The recruit system firmly secured the class principle of organizing the army: the soldier's composition was gained from the peasants and other submitted segments of the population, and the officer - from the nobles. Each rural or Meshchansky community was obliged to provide a man to the army aged from 20 to 35 years from a certain number (more often than 20) yards.

In 1732, the favorite of Empress Anna John (1730-1740) - B.h. Minih (President of the Military College) approved a set of recruits aged 15 to 30 years old. Lifetime life changed 10 years, moreover, the peasants-soldiers could be produced in officers, i.e. Go out in nobles. In addition, in 1736, an indication came out, permitting the sissies in the family to not serve in the army, and to one of the brothers to avoid recolts.

In 1762, the emperor Peter III (1761-1762) set the service life in the army - 25 years.

In 1808-1815 Under Emperor Alexandra I (1801-1825), military settlements were organized - special parishes inhabited by state peasants who were translated into the category of military inhabited. The soldiers' shelves were sewn here, their families were discharged to the soldiers, the soldiers married (often not by their choice). Military posts are sent to military service and performed agricultural work to ensure themselves. All the boys from 7 years old became the cantonists, dressed in the form and lifelongly carried and soldier, and the peasant service. In the Gositarhiva of the Chuvash Republic, books on the accounting of cantonists are stored. In the 50s of the 19th century. Messiators, Cantons dismissed from the military department were ranked in rural societies of state and specific peasants, as evidenced by the audit fairy tales and other documents.

From 1834, with the emperor Nicolae I (1825-1855), the soldier was dismissed into a permanent vacation ("stock") after 20 years of service. From 1839 to 1859, the service life decreased from 19 to 12 years, the age of recruit - from 35 years to 30.

From the formal (called) list of Cheboksary county presence for 1854:

620. Mikhailo Vasilyev (Note: This Recruit I did a hunt for my brother Kozma Vasilyeva), age - 20 years, height - 2 ARSHI 3 Tests, signs: hair on the head and eyebrows Dark blonde, eyes blue, nose and mouth, chin - Round, generally face - riquged. Special signs: on the right side of the back from the disease stain. What class is accepted, according to which set: Kazan province, Cheboksary County, the Sondija parish, a large accosion, from state peasants, 11 private recruitment, Orthodox, single. Read, write, any skill does not know.

719. Vasily Fedorov, age 21/2 years old, height - 2 ARSHIN 5 vershkov, signs: hair on the head and eyebrows - black, brown eyes, the nose is wide, mouth - ordinary, chin - round, generally face clean. Special signs: on the lower back the birthmark. What class is accepted, according to which set: Kazan province, Cheboksary County, Lipovskaya parish, D. Baigildine, from state peasants, 11 private recruitment, Orthodox, married to Elena Vasilyeva, no children. Read, write, any skill does not know.

In the family recruit list of the Cheboksary District of the Almikasinsky volost of Aliakasinsky rural society in 1859, there are information about the arrival of peasants to recruits from 1828, there is no data on the return of recruits.

Regular changes in the service life are associated with the head of the military ministry D.A. Milyutin (1861-1881), which in 1873 conducted a reform. As a result, from January 1, 1874, a universal military service came to replace the recruit system. All the men's population that has reached the age of 20, without the difference in the estates, has served directly into the ranks and 9 years has been listed in the reserve (for the fleet - 7 years of valid service and 3 years in stock). The deadlines of the actual service and in the reserve were credited to the militia, in which under 40 years old. From the actual service was exempted: the only son, the only breadwinner in the family at the juvenile brothers and sisters, recruits who have an elder brother serving or serving a valid service period. The restful to the service that did not have benefits were dragging lot. All suitable for service, incl. And the beneficiaries were credited to the reserve, and after 15 years - to the militia. Deposlements were given for 2 years on property position. Terms of valid military service decreased depending on the educational qualification: up to 4 years - for those who graduated primary school, up to 3 years old - city school, up to one and a half years - for those who had higher education. If the education received an appropriate service voluntarily ("Olrolly determined"), the service life was shrinkled by half. Soldier was trained in the service. The clergy was released from military service.

From the questionnaire with. Yandashevo Alyoskasinsky volost Cheboksary County for 1881:

... d. Koshodina

# 2. Nikita Yakimov, Rod. On May 24, 1860, marital status: Sister Catherine, 12 years old, Wife Oxinya Yakovleva, 20 years old.

The decision of the presence of military service: "He has the benefits of the first discharge as the only in the family worker. Enroll in the militia ";

d. Oldeevo - Isaevo

№ 1. Ivan Petrov, Rod. January 4, 1860, marital status: mother - widow, 55 years old, sisters: Varvara, 23 years old, Praskovya, 12 years old, wife of Ogafya Isaev, 25 years old.

The decision of the presence of military service: "The benefit of the first discharge as the only one in the family is an employee with a mother - widow. Enrolled in the militia. "

From the report of an assistant to the senior of the Aliakasinsky volost board, Cheboksar county correction dated August 17, 1881: "... in der. Yurakovo is now dismissed to the reserve Soldier Porfiry Fedorov - the musician of the Choir 66 of the Infantry Butyr Region, who entered the military service on December 16, 1876, was credited to the Arzamas Spare Battalion, which took part in the Turkish War ... ".

At the military minister P.S. Vannovsky (1882-1898) on the New Military Charter of 1888 there were new reductions in service life: 4 years in hiking troops, 5 years in cavalry and engineering troops. The service life in the reserve increased from 9 to 18 years. The serviceful to the service was listed in the militia to a 43-year-old age, from 20 years to 21 years increased by the invited age in the actual service, the service time for those who graduated from the Middle and Higher educational institutions increased 2-4 times, as well as for frequently determined.

From the draft list of Ishley-Sharbashevsky Society of the Xundyri Volost Kozmodemyansky County for 1892:

2. Markov Lavrenty Markovich, Rod. August 4, 1871 Marital status: Brother Nicholas, 11 years old, Darius sister, 16 years old.

The decision of the presence of military service: "It has the right to benefit of the first discharge at 45 st. As the only capable brother in brother and sister - round orphans ... enroll in the warrior 2 discharge in the militia. "

3. Nikolaev Filipp Nikolaevich, Rod. November 2, 1871 Marital status: Father Nikolai Fedorov, 45 years old, mother Agrapan Stepanova, 40 years old, Brothers: Peter, 17 years old, Ivan, 13 years old, Kuzma, 10 ½ years, Nikifor, 6 years old.

The decision of the presence: "It has the right to the benefit of the second category of 45 tbsp. As the only one who is capable of labor, the son is able to and brothers younger than 18 years old. Enroll in the warrior of 1 discharge in the militia. "

From the appeal list of the Xundyr parish Z1895:

40. Elakov Roman Evdokimovich, Rod. November 12, 1873 Marital status: Father Evdokim Ivanov, 50 years old, Mother Nastasya Petrova, 45 years old, Native Brothers: Grigory, 23 years old, received and consists in service, Philip, 18 years old, sisters: hope, 15 years, Tatiana, 12 years; Orthodox, single, by education belongs to the fourth category (evidence of the Kozhemodeyansky district school of the School of August 17, 1888), the number of elongated lot No. 230, height 1.7 1 , has the right to the benefit of the third category as directly next by age after the brother, which is in the actual service. Solution: Enroll in the militia, 1st category warrior.

The last change in service life in the royal army occurred in 1906: the infantry began to serve 3 years, in the remaining troops - 4 years.

IN AND. Elakhova,

department head


and accounting documents

A very interesting material that describes in detail the process of recruiting, learning and passing the service in the Russian imperial army by the lower ranks, Unter-Officer and Officer Composition.

Completion of the Russian Imperial Army

1. Options for the Russian Imperial Army by lower ranks

3. Completion of the Russian imperial army by officers and the procedure for the passage of military service

1. Options Russian imperial Army by lower ranks

The recruitment of the army by the lower ranks was carried out on the basis of the Law on the Universal Military Response, introduced in 1874 by the Imperial Manifesto during the military reforms of the 60-70 GG. XIX century and subsequent changes to it, including and from 1912
In accordance with the law were determined the following methods Packing troops:
- mandatory (was carried out by means of draw, since the number of young people who have achumured recruiting age was too large);
- Voluntary (at the expense of rally determining so called "hunters").

Men were called on the actual service who had reached the year of the 20-year-old call on January 1. Military service was personal and therefore the cash redemption or replacement of one conscript was not allowed, with the exception of the replacement between the brothers, including the cousins.

The Regulation of 1912, the following deadlines were identified:
- In the infantry and walk of artillery - 18 years: 3 years of valid service and 15 years in stock (of which 7 years in stock 1);
- in cavalry, equestrian artillery and engineering troops - 17 years old: 4 years of valid service and 13 years in stock (of which 7 years in stock of 1 discharge).

Upon completion of the overall service, in stock, all stacks were ranked at the state militia and remained there until the achievement of 43 years of age. Cossacks and those foremen, which were ranked in Cossacks (for example, Kalmyki), military service carried in a few other conditions.
Since the number of young people who achieved annually of recruiting age exceeded the required number of recruits, various kinds of benefits were allowed, such as complete exemption, exemption from service in peacetime, postponement and reduced service life.

Fully exempted from service: the only sons, the only breadlords in families and widows, having children. Depending on specific family circumstances, such beneficiaries were divided into four categories by the nature of the military service, priests, scientists and listeners of the Academy of Arts were exempt.
The delay was given to conscripts stretched out lots, whose family, property situation and state of health allowed them to attribute them to beneficiaries, as well as students of higher and secondary educational institutions before their studies or before reaching 30 and 24 years of age, respectively. IN war time They could be called into the army on the highest permission. Terms of valid military service decreased to 2 years, regardless of the kind of troops, persons who have had a medical, veterinary or pharmaceutical education.

In accordance with the laws of the Russian Empire, the military service was not urged:

Residents of remote places like that: Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Yakutia, Yenisei, Tomsk and Tobolsk province and indigenous residents of Finland (Finland made a cash tax in the amount of about 12 million marks annually);

Forens Siberia. Astrakhan. Arkhangelian provinces. Of the Custinian region. Turkestan, the Caucasus and the Stavropol province (at the same time Kurds, Abkhaz, Kalmyki, Nogai and some others made money tax).

Thus, the military service in the Russian Empire spreads: on the basis of a general charter - by 87.5% of the population, the Cossack is charter -nu 2.5%. And 10% were released at all from service.

The recruitment of troops in the Russian Empire was carried out on a territorial basis. All the treasures were divided into 3 groups: Great Russian, Malorussian (main) and foreign (additional). Each infantry regiment or artillery team had its own regions of the acquisition in all three groups, and most of the conscripts came from the main time in peacetime, this system greatly facilitated the replenishment of the troops with recruits, and in the military - improved the organization of mobilization. However, the recruit areas were not geographically related to their parts, which increased the number of traffic. The call for military service was produced simultaneously throughout the country from September 1 to November 1.
Upon arrival, in his part, the recruits were trained in construction training for 4 months, the basics of service organization, literature; We studied charters, instructions and weapons. Then they were led to the oath - the solemn promise of the warrior to the loyalty to the king and the Fatherland. The admission of the oath was carried out in a solemn atmosphere in the presence of clergy and senior military leadership. The text of the soldiers' oath for Orthodox and Muslims or Jews was different, he was distinguished and then when the lower ranks were produced into officers.

Voluntarly or "hunters" were taken to the military service of young people who have reached 18 years of age, as well as those. Whoever received a delay or even exemption from service, but with age limitations (up to 30 years). "Hunters" took in all kind of troops, but only to the construction positions. An exception was made to those who had a technical education. "Hunters" were on state content and were required to serve the term established by law on the general basis. Accordingly, they could use the benefits on a par with the rest of the recruits.
Olrously determining the young people who have reached the age of 17, who have elapsed at least one course of secondary education and afflicted for health. Outbid-definitions were accepted in all kinds of troops only to build positions and kept at the expense of the treasury (except for the guard, where they were kept at their own expense). The service life for them was established in 2 years of valid service and 16 years of service in stock. Reception was conducted by the regiment commander if there are vacancies from January to October of each year. Outbid-definitions carried the service on the general grounds, participating in all classes and teachings. The exception was economic work to which they were not appointed. Those who kept themselves at their own expense was allowed outside the period of camp fees to live in private apartments. As for the outfit, a distinctive sign military form Olyu-determining was a three-color Cant on the shoulder.

At the end of the first year, it was possible to pass exams for production in the rank of ensign, and. In the case of successful, their surrender, the final service periods (abbreviated for them up to 1.6) already on officer posts passed.
At the end of the second year, they could pass exams at a military school rate with subsequent production in the rank of a jig (Cornet, Horujego).
Especially solid, which had a specialty physician (medical or veterinary) or pharmacist, the service life was determined in 1.8 years. Moreover, after the first four months of service, they were appointed in accordance with their specialty.

In the pre-war period, about 450 thousand recruits annually called on the Russian army, which averaged a third of all young people who have achumped age.
The data of the military-statistical yearbook in 1912 allow you to analyze the composition of the lower ranks of the Russian army regarding their social and marital status, as well as education, nationality and classes:
- 99% of the lower ranks were the suppressed and Cossack class and only 1% - nobles, merchants and spiritual faces.
- 72% of all the lower ranks were Russians (Ukrainians and Belarusians in all.). 7% - Poles and 1% -litovtsy. The remaining 10% accounted for other nationalities that inhabited Russia (Tatars, Bashkira, Mordva, Chuvashi, Jews, Germans, some people of the Caucasus, etc.). As for religion, the majority made up of Christianity confessional, as well as the Muslims of the European part of Russia.

At the same time, we note that there were some restrictions for people of Jewish nationality. The Jews were not allowed in the fleet, the guard, the team of the intenntenant office, serf artillery, fortress mines. Border Guard and Convation Teams. Jews were also not taken to military schools and were not allowed for passing exams for the first officer rank. They were forbidden to appoint writers, clutcharmus, pharmacists, even with special education. As for the Jews doctors, they were not appointed in those parts where only one doctor was relied on a staffatic schedule.

2. Preparation of a non-commissioned officer

With the introduction of universal military service, the role of a non-commissioned officer, a direct commander and the nearest soldier mentor has significantly increased. Much attention was paid to the selection and training of superforgets, due to the valid service of UNTER officers. The ONTER officer of the army was replenished, mainly from the ordinary by selection among them the most competent, distinguished by diligence and abilities to service, and at their own desire.

The preparation of non-commissioned officers was carried out in regimental (divisional in artillery) training teams in all kinds of troops. The ordinary schools were credited to the regimental school, who served at least 1 year 9 months. (Cossacks 1 year 4 months.). The educational team was organized at the regimental headquarters, had a separate room and their farm. He headed the officer - the head of the regulatory school, and to help he was appointed the necessary number of officers who conducted classes. Also, a doctor, a veterinarian, a regimental priest and a weapon head was invited to teach. The overall monitoring of the educational team was instructed to one of the headquarters of the regiment on the rights of the battalion commander.
In general, the number of soldiers studying at school should be at least half of the regular number of non-commissioned regiment.

Training was conducted in winter after the end of the camp fees. The students needed to assimilate the charters, instructions, rules, weapons content, tactical methods of combat, etc. To secure practical skills, the students were alternately attracted to the execution of junior commanders in the regulatory team.

Every year at the end of training, the Special Commission chaired by the regiment commander took the Candidates for Unter-Officers exams for all subjects. Successfully surrendered returned to their companies. If vacancies appeared, the graduates of the regulatory schools were appointed to the post of commander of the department and received the rank of the younger Unter-Officer. In the future, they could be appointed and to the post of a platoon commander. By the way, there was a position in which the lower ranks could not be made in non-commissioned officers without the end of the course of the regulatory school, with the exception of special cases of combat differences. In the teams of intelligence and horse orders in Unter-Officers could also produce without the end of the regimental school.

Over urgent service Officers and corporators were left left, as well as over-definite and hunters at the end of the mandatory valid service, at their own request and in the case of their chiefs. After 15-20 years, the superlocities were subject to dismissal with enrollment, in accordance with age, in a margin or militia.
All super-pass units were divided into 2 categories:
- subproorners produced in this rank from the Unthro-Officers officers after the end of military schools in divisions, artillery brigades and individual parts. The subpenters held the positions of Feldfebel (Vakhmistrov), platoon commanders (senior nonber officers, fireworks). The replacement of these posts was made on the basis of special rules on the general candidate list;
- ONTER-Officers and Efreitors. They were not obliged to undergo the course of the military school, but if desired, it could go through any year of service and get a rank rank.

The number of super-post-sustaining both discharges in each part was determined by special states (Vedomosti). So. In the company or the squadron, it was believed to have 3 super-post-sufficient 1 discharge (Feldfelpel and 2 rings in the rank of the subproofer) and 3 super-pass 2 discharges, i.e., just a person. Super-workers had additional monetasions and a number of broadcast benefits. Subpensers have assumed a separate room in the barracks.

In addition to the regimental and military schools who prepared non-commissioned officers for building posts, in Russia, by this time there were educational institutions who were preparing specialists for artillery and engineering troops. On one ordinary, there were an average of 8-10 non-officers: in infantry - 10, in cavalry - 11, in technical troops - 7, and the Cossacks - 6.

3. OptionsRussian imperial Army officers and the procedure for the passage of military service

The officer's corps of the Russian Army until 1914 was replenished, mainly by graduates of military schools. In addition, according to the existing provisions, to independently prepare on the program of the Military School (usually infantry or cavalry) and pass the exams for the first officer of the Schin who could have solid-definitely in the second year of service, as well as the UNTER-Officers of all kinds of troops that have a complete certificate The course of the highest or secondary educational institution and served the fulfillment of the valid service (including at least one year in the rank of the Unter-Officer).

Military schools adopted young people suitable for health to military service aged 17 to 28 years (in artillery and engineering schools from 16 to 22 years old) with average, as well as with incomplete secondary education (in Cossacks and infantry collections with a 3-year term of training).
Reception in the school was carried out without entrance exams Based on the certification of those educational institutions, which they ended up (a list of secondary educational institutions, giving the right to enter military schools without exams, was determined by a special position), but in some cases, as a rule, in infantry schools with a 3-year learning term, Exams on some subjects are conducted. It should be noted that graduates had significant advantages upon admission to military schools. cadet buildings. For those who remained after the Cadet enrollment, all the others were accepted, incl. Olrolly determining and hunters. Only graduates of Cadet buildings were taken to the topographic school without exams. The lower ranks designed to military service on the lot were taken to the schools only after completing the actual military service on the general reasons.
The term of study in infantry and cavalry schools was 2 years, and in special, i.e. in artillery and engineering. - 3 years. In all the Cossack and some infantry schools were the so-called general classes, where individuals with incomplete secondary education replenished their education to the level of medium-sized educational institutions. Due to this, the learning time in them was 3 years. In Russia, before the First World War, 21 Military School were:

In addition to military schools, officers (mainly for the guard) prepared both the Pieces of the Corps, where, in addition to the general classes, the corresponding seven classes of Cadet buildings, had 2 special classes with the Military School Program. The Page Corpus was the most privileged educational institution in Russia, and the right to enter it were solely those children whose parents occupied a position not lower than the 3rd class of Tabel about ranks. The number of students in the Page Corps (Farges and Chase Fajes) was small and amounted to a little more than 300 people. With the beginning of the war in 1914, infantry schools were discovered in Kiev (Nikolaev) and in Tashkent, as well as the Nikolaev Artillery School and Alekseevskoye School (both in Kiev).

In the general case, military school programs included special disciplines: tactics, artillery, fortification, military topography, military history, Military legislation and general educational items: mathematics; physics; Chemistry, drawing, German and French, as well as building, physical training and horse riding.
Pupils of military schools - Juncker - were considered consistent on the actual military service on the rights of rapidly determined and fully kept at the expense of the treasury, with the exception of a minor number of sutures in the Nikolaev Cavalry and engineering schoolswho paid 550-600 rubles for training. in year. In addition, according to the period under review, the rules, when entering cavalry schools, it was necessary to introduce the so-called reverse in the amount of 600 rubles. (300 rubles. Upon admission and 300 rubles. When transferring to the next course). After graduating from the school, the reverse was listed at the place of service of the young officer and was used to buy a horse. In the collaboration of the school, 2-4-robin battalions, squadron, hundreds and batteries (8-guns) were represented and there were an average of 200-450 junkers in infantry collections. 120-350 - in cavalry or Cossack. 300-500 - in artillery, 250 - in engineering and 50 people (the smallest number of students) was in the military topographic school.

From 1913 in all military schools, except for the Page Corps, the children of hereditary nobles were taken exclusively, all the estate restrictions were canceled during the reception (before that, in Alekseevskoye, Pavlovsk infantry and the Nikolaev Cavalry schools were adopted mainly by nobles). In this regard, the class composition of Junkers looked as follows 43% - sons of hereditary and personal nobles. 28% - sons of merchants, honorary citizens and burghers. 16% - peasants. 9% - Cossacks. 3% - sons of people of spiritual title and about 1% are foreign subjects. It should be noted that in the civil service of 14-10 classes of the table of ranks were given honorable citizenship, and from 9 to grade 4 - a personal nobility.

When issuing from the School on the results final exams For each graduate, the average score was determined, according to which they all were divided into 3 categories.

The graduate school of 1 category was made in the first officer rank of a porquet (Kornet, Horugego) and received seniority (service in officer ranks) in 1 year. At the same time, the best of them could be made in the rank of the guardian of the guard, which corresponded to the tablel about ranks by the rank of Lieutenant in the army parts.
The graduate school of 2 category was also made in the rank of a porquet (Cornet, Horujego), but without seniority.
And finally, those who graduated from the school of 3 categories were produced into the army units of non-commissioned officers and the first officer rank received only after 6 months of service in the troops, and without exams. The right to choose the place of the upcoming service was also made on the basis of the output of the average score - but with the provision of some benefits to those who, in the learning process in the school, occupied the younger command posts. At the same time, enrollment in the Guards shelves and parts was carried out only with the consent of the officer's collections after the comprehensive consideration of the candidate. The so-called "Guards" score should have been not lower than 9 in all subjects, but on construction preparation - at least 11. However, the service in the guard demanded significant financial expenses that most officers who do not have any income except the salaries. Could not afford. For example, the monthly expenses of the Officer of the Life Guard Gusar Regiment were 400-500 rubles. Money was spent on friendly feasts, dinners in the officer meeting, to buy expensive horses and compliance with some, established traditions, rules (officer Guard should have occupied the most expensive places in theaters, ride in liking likhach, etc.).

Each of the officers graduated school was obliged to serve in the army from 3 to 4.5 years (1.5 years for each year of study). Olrous and non-ounce officers, in case of successful exams, returned to their parts and the first officer rank received simultaneously with graduates of schools.
After graduating from the school, young officers were appointed, as a rule, the posts of junior officers of the mouth, squadrons (hundreds), batteries and subsequent ranks before the headquarters (headquarters-Rothmistra, Esuula) were inclusive on the achievement of the length of 4 years in each rank.

According to the established position, production in the first officer rank and subsequent ranks were performed personally. The emperor with the announcement of production in Highest order. However, in wartime, it was allowed by the order of the Commander-in-Chief with the subsequent highest statement. The production of officers in subsequent ranks was carried out on the submission of the authorities strictly in order of sequence of ranks.

To obtain the rank of captain (Rothmistra, Esuula), a vacancy was required, as a rule, the posts of a regular or squadron commander. The appointment on vacant positions was made taking into account the seniority of officers and in the presence of services in the headquarters-captain rank of at least 4 years. Production in Chin Lieutenant Colonel was also made in the presence of vacancies for posts corresponding to this rank. However, 50% of posts should be replaced by captains, taking into account their seniority, and the remaining 50% - captains at the discretion of the command on the basis of positive certifications without taking into account the principle of seniority from the same fraction of 10% of vacancies allocated for the captains presented to the production of special estate for special Differences and 20% - for those who received higher military education in one of the academies. Among other things, for appointing the lieutenant colonel, when taking into account seniority, a service was required in the rank of captain at least 7 years, and during the appointment according to the certification - at least 3 years. In both cases, it was necessary to have the experience of the command of at least 3 years.

In the production of in the colonels, seniority (excluding guard) did not matter, and lieutenant colonels were assigned to vacant positions solely on the basis of certification. However, besides a good attestation, it was necessary that the colonel presented to the post was not over 55 years old, had a total service sentence in officers for at least 15 years, of which at least 3 actually performed the position corresponding to the rank of lieutenant colonel (the battalion commander, the shelf commander ). Chin Colonel, who corresponded to the 6th grade of the table of ranks, among other things, gave the rights of the hereditary nobility. It should be noted that in a civil field (including for officials of the military department), the hereditary nobility was given to obtain a rank of grade 4, that is, the rank of a valid Stat adviser.
Lists of captains on seniority in infantry, cavalry and in railway troops were separately for each part, in artillery - for each her mind, and in engineering troops - in all troops. Accounting for the seniority of the lieutenant colonels of infantry and cavalry was conducted throughout the army, but preference was given to transfers within the division, the corps. The seniority of lieutenant colonels in artillery and engineering troops was also compiled as for captains.

Some exceptions from the indicated rules of good-performance officers were made for St. George cavaliers and for graduates of the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff, which could be made in Chin Captain or Lieutenant Colonel even in the absence of vacancies, over the kit, but provided that the remaining demands on the length of service. The same rules envisaged preferential conditions for the appointment of graduates of the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff as regiments.

Further production of Colonels in Chin General Major and further to the complete general, no special rules, except for the deadlines of the sentiers in the previous rank, was not determined and depended only on the appointment to the appropriate position at the highest discretion. Candidates for the highest commanders, from the commander of a separate brigade and to the commander of the military district, considered the highest attestation commission at the military council. The term of service in the previous rank for obtaining China, Major General and Lieutenant-General was installed at 8 years, and for the production of full-General in the rank of 12 years. IN special casesFor particularly outstanding merits, in order to encourage the highest enforcement, these deadlines could be reduced by 2 years or was allowed to produce in the next Chin without appointing to a position corresponding to this rank.

In view of the established procedure for good production, quite a long time of service and the limited number of annually opening vacancies, the promotion of most officers in peacetime passed very slowly. Many commander of the mouth and squadrons, and without waiting for vacancies of the battalion commander or assistant regiment commander, dismissed to achieve maximum age in the Ober officer ranks. In this respect, officers undergoing service in various institutions of the military department and headquarters were in a more privileged position, as there were more headquarters and general posts.

As for the concerned officers of the army infantry and cavalry, that is, the overwhelming number of officers, the time of their service before receiving the rank of Colonel was an average of 24-29 years. Thus, the average age of colonels, provided that they received the first officer chin at 20 years, was about 44-49 years. At the same time, the Guards officers rank Colonel received an average after 21 years, and representatives of titled aristocracy and some graduates of academies - after 19 years. In general, for successfully promoting the service officer, it was necessary to go through the stage of the company commander and get the position of the battalion commander.
As for the commander of the mouth and squadrons (hundreds), their age was ranging from 31 to 55 years. At the same time, some of them were in accordance with the relevant positions since 1900.

During the service period, the continued improvement of their military and special knowledge officers could be carried out at the Military Academy and Officer Schools.

It should be noted that in the service lists of the officers of the Count of National Affilience, and during the study of this issue, religion was taken into account, since in most cases, the professionally religion defined nationality. So, the Russians (including Ukrainians and Belarusians) and Georgians professed Orthodoxy, while the Germans were mainly Protestants (including the Baltic Germans), and most of the Poles - Catholics, etc. In addition to the Jews (persons of the Jewish religion), which was said earlier, some restrictions on the acquisition of officers and the passage of the service concerned other nations, such as Poles (in some cases and officers married to the poles). They were not sent to the service in the Warsaw Military District, in the fortress in the European part of Russia and the Caucasus, and the total number of them in each army or the guards part should not exceed 20% (all of the above applied to the lower ranks). In addition, there were restrictions on the reception of Poles to Military Schools and Academies (no more than one Pole was taken to the course, except for the General Staff Academy and the Military Legal, where they were not allowed at all). In general, restrictions on nationality (religion) for officers, military officials, doctors and frequently unlawfully regulated by the secret instruction from 1888, in accordance with which the total number of "inners" in the troops should not exceed 30%. A- with the dislocation of parts outside the Russian provincial number of indigenous natives, that is, "innerians" should not exceed 20%.

He served obligatory, after the end of the Military School or the Academy time (1.5 years for each year of study), each officer in peacetime had the right to voluntary dismissal from the service regardless of the length of the years. In wartime, dismissal from the service was allowed only for health. The officer could also dismiss on the submission of the authorities or to solve the officer's court to honor the acts incompatible with the concept of officer honor.

At the beginning of the 20th century, in order to streamline the passage of the service by officers and generals, the deadlines were established, which depended on both ranks and from the officer occupied by the officer. So, for the ober-officers, they were in the infantry of 53 and 56 years in cavalry, and for the headquarters of officers, regardless of the kind of troops, - 58 years (in non-road positions, the deadline was established in 60 years). At the highest posts, the deadline for service was even large and amounted to 63 years for the chiefs of division, and for corpses - 67 years. In some cases, subject to excellent certification and excellent health, the service life for some categories of posts at the highest discretion could be extended, but as a rule, no more than 2 years.

The passage of the service officer was registered in the form or service list, which was the main document characterizing the officer's service. The service list of the officer was compiled and was constantly at the headquarters of the regiment (or artillery brigade), where he was conducted by the regimental (brigadic) adjutant. He subscribed to the regiment commander (brigades). In the service list, except for personal data (rank, surname, name, patronymic, year and place of birth, from what class, marital status, religion), also indicated educational institutions in which this officer received by him by service, property The situation (the presence of his parents and his wife has any generic or acquired real estate), punishments related to the service restrictions, participation in hostilities, injuries and contusions, obtained in battles against the enemy, and special orders, Performed over direct duties. Separate partition included information about the passage officer: the time of receipt and receipt of the first officer of the officer, further movement in service and translations from one place of service to another, indicating the reasons for the translation; granulated orders, signs of distinction and the highest favorabies, as well as time staying in long holidays, indicating the reasons; Finding into captivity of the enemy and dismissal, also indicating the reasons.
In addition to a purely service function, the track record also determined the position and rights of the officer and his family in society (the right to the offacarious nobility and all benefits in accordance with the official position and the length of service). When presenting various petitions (on translations, appointments on vacancies, translations to another part, etc.), "brief note of service" was attached to them.

When dismissing officers who did not survive the full deadlines established by the Charter on military service (17-18 years old) were credited to the reserve, which was mandatory for them. Some officers after the end of the service could remain in voluntary reserve. This was practiced mainly to acquire the right to receive the next rank, in order to increase the emerital pension, but. Restrictions on age were established: for headquarters of officers - 50 years, and for Ober officers - 40 years. The return reception on the service (on the rates) officers who did not command previously battalions or rotary were limited. The deadlines that have reached the deadline, as well as the established deadlines in the reserve, the generals and officers were dismissed at all, that is, retired.

The generals, headquarters, as well as the captains (Rothmisters, Esulyuy), who earned the receipt of China Lieutenant Colonel (military elder), were obtained, regardless of the services of years, and other Obra-officers at least 25 years old. Ober officers, from among the George cavaliers and dismissed by injury or contusion. Received when performing their official duties in a peaceful or wartime, the right to wearing a uniform was obtained regardless of the length of service. Retrunned officers, including the St. George Cavalers who worn uniform, were noted by special signs of differences on the pursuit.

Given the great needs for officers, when conducting mobilization and subsequent replenishment of decline in officers during the battle's period (especially the junior link), the rank of ensign was introduced for the period of wartime. In peacetime, in the rank of ensign, with the subsequent dismissal to the reserve in this rank (ensign of the stock), the lower ranks were made after passing the appropriate exams in special military commissions once a year, at the end of the camp collection. Outbid-definition and university officers from the "draw" and hunters, and in some cases, and ordinary, asked the title of a non-officer, who, in their education, responded to the requirements for frequently determined. For "draw" and hunters, subject to successful exams, the valid service has been reduced to 2 years, and in the rank of ensign they were produced when they were dismissal. Fulfilled after passing exams at the end of the first year of the service on the presentation of the command was made to ensigns and led the actual service on officers positions (except for the guard). In wartime, the rank of ensigns could receive Unter-Officers for a combat difference, and all the others - only after the end of short-term courses. According to the war, before the war, the provisions of the insurance service could continue to reach only to the Ober officer's ranks, and after the end of the war, all military time officers were subject to dismissal.

Analysis shows that in accordance with the staffing schedule in the field forces 1, the general accounted for an average of 2000 lower ranks and officers (in infantry - by 2346, in cavalry - at 1131, in artillery - by 2299, in technical troops - at 25528, and Cossacks - at 2289 people). As for the officer of the officer, then 1 officer accounted for an average of 27 lower ranks (in infantry - by 31, in cavalry on - 27, in artillery - by 30. In technical troops - by 26 and the Cossacks - for 21 people).

In total, by April 1914, 1574 generals (169 full-time, Lieutenant-General and 1034 Major General were listed in the Russian army, of which the General Staff Academy: 106 (62.3%) full generals, 223 (60%) General - Pilaterate and 565 (54.6%) Major General) and more than 39,000 terrain headquarters and ober-officers. Non-Collar of officers was 3380 people, mainly Ober officers, while many generals and headquarters served as posts that were not in the staff of the Military Ministry, or in other departments. As for the political rights of officers (including dismissed with the right of wearing a uniform), then them, as well as all the ranks that are valid military serviceIt was forbidden to enter into any political parties and organizations formed with the political goal, to attend meetings on which political issues are discussed, to participate in gathering and manifestations of any orientation, as well as belated in elections to higher and local authorities (state and city duma).

According to the materials of the book OD Markova "Russian Army 1914-1917"]

February 23 in Russia marks the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. IN soviet time It was established as a holiday in honor of the Red Army created after the revolution. The new Red Army completely renounced continuity with the old pre-revolutionary army. Shoots were canceled, title, the Institute of Commissars appeared.

Only years later soviet army It became remotely reminding pre-revolutionary.

In the Doperer Times, the Military estates were the archers who spent their lives in the public service. They were the most trained and almost professional troops. In peacetime, they lived on Earth, which was granted to them for the service (but she was deprived of it, if for some reason they left the service and did not pass it by inheritance), and carried out a lot of other duties. Sagittarius should follow the order and participate in steaming fires.

In the event of a serious war, when a large army was required, a limited set of from among the submitted classes was carried out.

The Streltsov service was lifelong and was inherited. Theoretically, there was an opportunity to resign, but for this it was necessary to either find someone to replace themselves, or earn it by the diligent service.

Candans for recruitment

The regular army appeared in Russia under Peter I. Want to create a regular army on the European sample, the king issued a decree on the recruitment of recruitment. From now on, he came into the army not for individual wars, but for permanent service. The recruit meal was universal, that is, she was subject to absolutely all estates.

At the same time, no celers were in the most disadvantage. For them, the livestock service was envisaged, though they almost always served on officer posts.

Peasants and mothers were given to recruits only a few people from the community. On average, only one man from a hundred was taken to recruits. Already in the 19th century, the entire territory of the country was divided into two geographical bands, each of which once every two years was gained at 5 recruits per thousand men. In force majeure situations, an emergency set could be announced - 10 and more people per thousand men.

Who to give to recruits determined the community. And in the event that it was about the fortress peasants, as a rule, solved the landowner. Many later, by the end of the recruit system, it was decided to arrange a draw between candidates for recruits.

As such a draft age did not exist, but, as a rule, men became recruits in the age range of 20-30 years.

It is very curious that the first shelves in the regular army were called by the names of their commanders. In case the commander died or left, the regiment's name should change according to the name of the new one. However, frightened by confusion, which a similar system invariably generated, it was decided to replace the names of the regiments in accordance with Russian localities.

The entry into recruits was for a person perhaps the most significant event in life. After all, it practically guaranteed that he would forever leave his native home and never sees his relatives.

In the first years of the existence of the recruit system, during Peter, the shoots of recruits were so frequent and distributed, that along the way to "recruit stations", simultaneously playing the role of national teams and "textbooks", recruits were accompanied by convoyed teams, and they were for the night of themselves in shackles. Later, instead of shackles, recruits began to make a tattoo - a small cross on the back of the palm.

A curious feature of the Petrovsky army was the existence of the so-called. Polon money - compensation paid by officers and soldiers for the deprivation, which they have undergone, being in enemy captivity. Remuneration differed depending on the enemy country. For staying in captivity in European states, compensation was twice as well as in captivity in the Nehristian Ottoman Empire. In the 60s of the 18th century, this practice was canceled because the concerns arose in the fact that the soldiers would not show due diligence on the battlefield, but will be addicted more often.

Starting from Petrovsky times in the army, premium payments were widely practiced not only for individual feats in battle, but also for victories in important battles. Peter ordered to reward each participant in Poltava battle. Later, during a seven-year war, for the victory in the battle under the Cunesdorf, all the lower ranks participating in it received a premium in the form of a semi-annual salary. After the expulsion of Napoleon's army from the Russian territory in the Patriotic War of 1812, all the army ranks were also in the amount of semi-annual salary.

No Blat

Throughout the 18th century, the conditions of service as for soldiers and officers were gradually softened. Before Peter stood an extremely difficult task - to create an efficient regular army from scratch. Act accounted for by samples and errors. The king sought to personally control many things, in particular, almost until his very death, he personally argued every officer appointment in the army and vigilantly followed the relationships, both related and friendly. The title could be obtained solely for their own merits.

In addition, the Petrovsk army became a real social elevator. Approximately one third of the officers of the Army of Petrovsky times amounted to the soldiers heard from ordinary soldiers. They all got an offacarious nobility.

After the death of Peter began to gradually mitigate the service conditions. The nobles received the right to exemplate one person from the family to have someone to manage the estate. Then they have reduced the deadline for the mandatory service under 25.

In the Empress, Catherine II nobles received the right at all. However, most of the nobility was a unresistent or low host and continued the service that was for these nobles the main source of income.

A number of categories of the population was liberated from recruitment. In particular, she was not subject to honorary citizens - the city layer somewhere between simple shoes and nobles. Also, representatives of the clergy and merchants were liberated from the recruit state.

Everyone who wants (even the serf peasants) could be completely legal to pay off the service, even if they were subject to her. Instead, they needed either to acquire a very rated recruit ticket, issued in exchange for a significant amount in the treasury, or to find another recruit instead, for example, to catch any remuneration.

"Rear rats"

After the lifelong service was canceled, the question arose how to find a place in society to people who spent most of the conscious life away from society in a closed army system.

In Petrovsky times, such a question did not arise. If the soldier was still capable of at least some work, he was used somewhere in the rear, as a rule, he was sent to train recruits recruits, at worst it became a guard. He was still listed in the army and received a salary. In the case of stroke or severe, the battered soldiers went to the care of monasteries, where a certain content was obtained from the state. At the beginning of the 18th century, Peter I issued a special decree, according to which all monasteries had to equip alder for soldiers.

In the times of Catherine II, care for those in need, including the old soldiers, instead of the church assumed the state. All monastic aligns were dissolved, in return to the church paid certain amounts to the state, to which the government orders were added to which there was an order of public charity, which made all social concerns.

All soldiers who received injury in the service received the right to retirement content, regardless of their service life. When dismissal from the army, they were provided with a one-time major payment for the construction of the house and a small pension.

Reducing the service life of up to 25 years led to a sharp increase in the number of persons with disabilities. In modern Russian, this word means a person with disabilities, but in those days, any retired soldiers were called disabled, regardless of whether they had injury or not.

With Paul, special disabled companies were formed. Modern imagination with these words draws a disappearance of unfortunate cripples and stray old people, but in fact only healthy people served in such rotations. They were equipped with either veterans of the Terminal Service, which are close to the end of the service life, but at the same time are healthy, or those who, because of some disease, has become not suitable for the building service, or translated from the current army for any disciplinary misconduct.

Such companies were on duty on urban stations, guarded prisons and other important objects, convoired the convicts. Later on the basis of some disabled mouth there were convoys.

The soldier who served the entire service life, after leaving the army he could do anything. He could choose any place of residence, to engage in any activities. Even if he was designed by a serf peasant, after the service he became a free person. As a promotion, retired soldiers were completely exempted from taxes.

Almost all retired soldiers settled in cities. There it was much easier to find a job. As a rule, they became worshiped, triggers or "units" in boys from noble families.

Soldiers returned to the village rarely. For a quarter of a century, he had time to forget in their native parts, and it was very difficult for him to adapt to peasant labor and the rhythm of life. And besides, there was almost nothing to do in the village.

Starting from Catherine times in the provincial cities, special houses of persons with disabilities are beginning to appear, where non-propelled soldiers could live in full board and get care. The first such house called Kamennaostrovsky, appeared in 1778 on the initiative of Cesarevich Paul.

Paul generally loved the soldiers and the army in general, so after becoming the emperor ordered to re-equip the Chesme Palace's disabled home - one of the imperial travel palaces. However, during the lifetime of Paul, this could not be done due to problems with water supply, and only in two decades he still opened his doors for the veterans of the Patriotic War of 1812.

Returning soldiers became one of the first categories of people who received the right to state retirement. The right to her also received soldier widows and juvenile children if the head of the family died during the service.

"Soldier" and their children

Soldatians were not rebeling to marry, including during the service, with the permission of the commander. Walls of soldiers and their future children were part of a special category of soldiers and soldiers' wives. As a rule, most of the soldiers wives got married before their chosenses fell into the army.

"Soldier" after the help of a husband to serve automatically became personally free even if before that was serfs. At first, the recruits were allowed to take with them to the service and family, but later this rule was canceled and the families of recruits were allowed to join them only after they serve some time.

All male kids automatically fell into a special category of soldiers' children. In fact, they from birth were in the jurisdiction of the military department. They were the only category of children in the Russian Empire, which legally committed to learn. After studying in the shelf schools "Soldiers' children" (from the 19th century they began to call the cantonists) served in the military department. Thanks to the resulting education, they did not very often become simple soldiers, as a rule, having non-commissioned officers or serving in non-road specialties.

In the early years of its existence, the regular army usually lived in field camps, and during the cold season, it went to winter apartments - placed on a post in Selah and villages. Housing housing they provided local residents in the framework of the apartment service. Such a system led to frequent conflicts. Therefore, from the mid-18th century, special areas began to occur in the cities - Soldier Slobods.

In each such Slobod, there were lazarets, church and a bath. The construction of such Slobod was quite expensive, so not all the shelves received individual settlements. In parallel with this system continued to function and old post-caring, which was used during military hikes.

The barracks usually appeared at the turn of the 18-19th centuries and at first only in major cities.

By call

During the 19th century, the service life of the recruits was repeatedly reduced: first up to 20 years, then up to 15 and finally to 10. Emperor Alexander II in the 70s spent a large-scale military reform: a universal military service was replaced by the recruitance service.

However, the word "universal" should not be misleading. She was universal in the USSR and is in modern Russia, and then not everyone served. With the transition to a new system, it turned out that potential conscripts are several times more than the needs of the army, therefore it was not every young man suitable for health state, but only the one that pulled out lots.

It happened like this: the conscripts threw the lot (dragged paper with numbers from the box). According to his results, part of the recruits went to the current army, and those who did not pull out, were credited to the militia. This meant that they would not serve in the army, but could be mobilized in the event of war.

A causal age was somewhat different from the modern, it was impossible to call in the army earlier than 21 years and later than 43 years. A draft campaign took place once a year, after the end of the field work - from October 1 to November 1.

The call was subject to all classes, with the exception of the clergy and the Cossacks. The service life was 6 years, but later, at the beginning of the twentieth century, was reduced to three years for infantry and artillery (four years served in the remaining kinds of troops, five years old). At the same time, completely illiterate served as a complete period, which ended with a simple rural church-parish or Zemskaya school served four years, and those who had a higher education - a year and a half.

In addition, there was a very branched delay system, including on the property situation. At all, the only son in the family, the grandson in the grandfather and grandmother, who did not have other able-bodied descendants left, brother, who had younger brothers and sisters without parents (that is, elder in the family orphans), as well as university teachers.

Delated on the property situation for several years was provided to business owners and peasants-migrants for the device of affairs, as well as students of educational institutions. A part of the foreign (i.e. non-Christian) population of the Caucasus, Central Asia and Siberia, as well as the Russian population of Kamchatka and Sakhalin, was not subject to Appeal.

The shelves tried to complete the territorial principle that conscripts from one region serve together. It was believed that the joint service of countrymen would strengthen cohesion and combat fraternity.

The Army of Petrovsky time has become a difficult test for society. Formerly unprecedented service conditions, lifelong service life, separating from native land - all this was unusual and hard for recruits. However, in Petrovsky times, this partly compensated for perfectly worked social elevators. Some of the first Petrovsky recruits laid the beginning of the noble military dynasties. In the future, with a reduction in service life, the army became the main tool for the liberation of peasants from the serfdom. With the transition to the draft system, the army has become a real school of life. The service life is now not so significant, and the recruits were returned from the army with competent people.

Until the end of the 17th century, the protective function of the state was performed by the Streetsky army. They lived on the lands issued by the king and were ready to speak at the enemy in the first call. The first regular army appeared only at the first Russian emperor, Peter the first.

History of creation russian army Takes from the village of Preobrazhenskoye, in which the young Peter was referred to, along with her mother Natalia Naryshkina. There he collected his army from the children of Boyar, his peers. On the basis of this hauling troops, Petrovsky shelves Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky were created.

They showed themselves brilliantly, arriving on the defense of Peter in Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. The second time they showed themselves in battle under Narva, where were the only ones who stood to death. As a result of this battle, the Life Guard was created, which became the basis of the army of the Russian Empire.

Start calling to the Russian army

In the course northern War, 1705 Peter issued a decree on the introduction of the recruitment set of soldiers in the Russian army. From this point on, the training of lower ranks began. The service in the royal army was severe and many interesting how many years have served in the royal army?

In those days, the country was constantly in a state of war, for this reason the army was called for life.

There was no choice for the nobles, they had to serve everything, truth in the officers, except the Guards regiments. The peasants had to choose whom they would be sent to the service. Most often, this choice determined lots.

The nobles lived in a regimental barracks and received ordinary soldiers' laces. In the first years of the creation of the state army, the shoots of recruits were frequent phenomena, so for reliability they were made by shackles. Later recruits began to marry a tattoo in the form of a cross on the palm. But for the serviceable service, Peter generously awarded his soldiers. A number of prizes for participation in significant battles were introduced.

Military Meeting

In Peter, the first was carefully monitored that the titles were not used in the appointment of the titles, the title was appointed only thanks to personal merit. Soldiers designed from ordinary peasants had the opportunity to get the noble rank for the service of the Fatherland and pass it by inheritance.

After changing the board of Peter, the nobles gradually began to receive the possibility of liberation from military service. At first, this right had one family member, to manage the estate, later the service life was reduced to 25 years.

In case of Catherine, the second, nobles got the opportunity to not serve. But the main part of the nobles continued to serve, as it was a good source of income, and not everyone had the estate. From the service in those days it was possible to pay off, paying for the cheap recruit ticket.

Pension for served soldiers

In the royal times in Russia about the soldiers who have already served and had an old age, cared for honors. With Peter, the first were created by the allest in monasteries, where they cared for soldiers who were injured.

Under Catherine, the second state took over the state. All soldiers received a pension content, and if the soldier had a trauma, the pension provision was appointed regardless of how much he served. When dismissing to the margin, a considerable payment was relying on which they could build estate, as well as a small monetary content in the form of a pension.

Due to the fact that the service life in the army was reduced, many retired officers appeared, which were still able to serve. Such soldiers at Pavle were collected in separate companies. These companies served in the protection of the prison, urban, and other significant objects, they were sent to teaching young replenishment. After the service, retired soldiers and officers were liberated from paying taxes and had the right to do what they would like them.

Personal life soldiers

Soldiers did not have to marry. In addition, the girl, being a serf, after the wedding with a soldier became free. To accompany her husband, after a certain time, the wives were allowed to settle next to the regiment. Soldier's children were underway to the military department. Upon reaching a certain age, they were obliged to learn. Regional schools were created for their training. Due to their learning, they had the possibility of obtaining an officer rank.

In matters of housing, the soldier was all harder. At first they stopped at the locals, but later began to build soldiers' settlements for soldiers. In each settlement there was a church, hospital and a bath. The barracks began to line up only by the end of the 18th century.

Organization of a draft principle in the army

In the 19th century there was a significant coup in matters of military service. For this age, the service life has decreased to 10 years. Emperor Alexander the second conducted military reform, as a result of which was a change in the recruitment of a universal call. The reform touched not only a call, but the military management systems and the military-educational institutions.

In addition, the military industry and re-equipment of the army was developed. The whole country was divided into military districts. The Central Headquarters for Management ground forces. All the men's population, aged 21 and older, served in the army.

But too many people are subject to call, therefore not everyone was sent to the service, but only suitable for military service and who will fall out lot. All were divided into two groups:

  • The first to whom the lot was sent to the location of the existing army.
  • The second to the militia, from which they could be caused by mobilization.

The call was carried out once a year at the autumn time after harvest.

Army of the beginning of the 20th century

In the early 20th century, the service life was 3 years for infantry and artillery. Fleet served 5 years. Having served in the army, the semi-faceted peasant could get decent knowledge and advance in life, and the service life was not so big as, for example, in Petrovsky times. But passing urgent service in the imperial army, ordinary soldiers had some limitations. He had no right to marry and engage in trading activities. At the time of service, the soldier was released from debt payment. If he had a debt, had to wait until he would quit the service in the army.

Under Nicolae, the army still constituted the backbone of the state. She was completed on the principle of calling, accepted by Alexander the second. While the officer's uniform was proud and kept the memory of the conquests, which produced the Russian army, she was invincible. But at the beginning of the 20th century, unhappy time began for the Russian army.

An essential blow was the war of 1904-1905. As a result of the First World War, herself disappeared Russian empire. Active mobilization has passed across the country. Soldiers, everything as one drove to the front to fight the enemy. Only the leaders of the Bolsheviks did not support the beginning of the war. The leader of the proletariat Vladimir Lenin condemned the action of the authorities. In a few years, this war was used to change power. A revolutionary system came to replace the royal system, which finally changed the composition of the army and its principles.
The memory of the Russian army was trying to destroy everyone possible methods. In the Red Army, the image of the royal officers was contacted, but faced with a real threat, the RKKK army during battles at World War II showed best features old Russian army. The feats of the Great Commanders were not forgotten, the Russian Army Spirit was remembered, which was the basis of all victories.

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