Words to first teachers for graduation. Words of gratitude to graduation teachers, class, from graduates, class teachers, teachers from parents

1. So the time comes to say goodbye to the native school walls. Behind the belling trill, homework, control and final exams remained behind. But not only this we will remember in subsequent years. In our memory, expensive and favorite teachers will remain forever. We know that ahead of us is waiting for many more interesting sciences and professional teachers, but it was you who became an integral part of our soul. In many ways, thanks to you, we have become those who are - people who have something to be proud and who are looking to the future with confidence. We are confident that that huge thanks and love that we experience to you, we postpone through all your life and always with respect and warmth will remember you.

2. Today, the graduation evening is a wonderful reason for happy smiles and sparkling the joy of eyes. However, there is an echo of touching sadness in this joy and quiet sadness, because the time of farewell to the school comes. But us, graduates, most upset what will have to part with our expensive teachers. We want from all my heart to say that you forever become part of our world, took a reliable and valuable place in our memoirs and hearts, so say goodbye to you so hard. Thank you very much not only for the priceless knowledge that you have invested in our heads, but also for the fact that the bright sun, the sprouts of respect and gratitude to you have grown up in us.

3. Today is a truly festive day filled with joyful excitement, sincere wishes and light sadness. The graduation evening with his touching warmth, joyful smiles and festive fun reminds us that it was time to say goodbye to the school, and it means that with our expensive teachers. Over the past school years, you have become for us not just good mentors, but also part of our life, and, most importantly, they took one of the most important places in our heart. Today, under the ringing of glasses and a pleasant dance melody, we remember the past years and are aware that you will forever remain in our memory as a warm and trembling memory of the school, which fills the soul with a delicate joy at every meeting with you. Thank you for your great work, for incredible kindness and tremendous patience.

4. Our dear teachers! So there came one of the most touching and unforgettable holidays in our life - graduation evening. Today we say goodbye to loved and more expensive school cabinets, comfortable parties and wide corridors. Our slurry laughter will always sound in them and a quiet noise from the discussion of homework. However, it is even more sad to part with you - our favorite teachers. You helped to pass this difficult school journey, discovered incredible expanses of knowledge and sciences before us, taught us to strive for the goal and work on errors. Therefore, leaving the school walls, we leave here a particle of our soul, which will belong to you and remind you of what an incredible feat you do every day, changing the life of your students for the better, and, by filling with new knowledge. Thank you!

5. On this festive day, we are graduates who leave behind the friendly school walls behind them and go to an independent flight. However, no matter how many people would meet us on this path, we will always remember those who help us find the wings - our expensive teachers. Eleven years ago, you warmly accepted the unfair chicks, first crossed the threshold of the class, and spent confidently on the thorny school journey. You were able to convey to us those science and knowledge that became the basis of our future life, taught to believe in ourselves and always hope for the best. Thank you so much for everything and let those tears of sadness from parting with you, which today shine in our eyes, will be tears of joy at the next meeting.

6. So there was a trill of the last call, there was an excitement behind ex-exams And we can say with confidence that one of the most important stages of our life have been successful - school. A huge part of this success undoubtedly belongs to our expensive teachers. It is exactly what professionalism you approached our learning, allowed us to overcome all school tests, and, it means to make a huge contribution to our future. But not only the knowledge gained will remain forever in our memory and hearts, your trust and kindness has long been a reliable place in our soul. We hope that many years you will continue this important and responsible matter, and your students will always be proud that you were their mentors.

7. How quickly flew carefree and happy school years. Today we are yesterday's first-graders, we are preparing to say goodbye to our favorite teachers and who have become such native school walls. Ahead of us is waiting for an adult life filled with new knowledge and acquaintances, but now we know exactly what our expensive teachers are, no one can replace. Your good hearts, huge support and high professionalism will forever remain in our memory. We are immensely grateful for that invaluable work, which helps your students rise higher on the steps of knowledge and constantly strive to achieve the goal.

8. So the long-awaited graduation party has come. Behind left school lessons, first homework and exams. However, already now this loved school life It becomes part of our story. Undoubtedly the most important people, without knowledge and support, we would not be able to overcome all school tests are our expensive teachers. Your love for the chosen profession, touching attention and care for us is not only a reliable stronghold in the raging sea school Knowledge, but also a real example of hardworking, honesty and kindness. Thank you for being there, for the contribution that you make our students and for our excellent memories of school.

9. Today, we, graduates, were as if in a fairy tale, because such an unforgettable and wonderful evening was organized for us. It seems that it will last a long time, and we will not have to say goodbye to the school and our expensive teachers. However, time flows without stopping, and meet dawn, we will be already adults, independent people who are ready for life outside of school walls. Today, we want to say a huge thank you to our teachers who are as if good wizards in the moon of pointer and the stroke of the pen created for us from the everyday school weekdays this journey into the world of knowledge and discoveries. You have turned us out of third-party observers, in active participants of this magical process and were able to make inquisitive and addicting students from us. We will never forget this exciting journey to the school world and forever keep in the soul of his part.

10. Today we celebrate an unforgettable celebration - graduation evening. Around happy and smiling faces, but when it comes to understand what the hospitable school classes have to leave and go to free swimming in another educational institution, on new sciences and disciplines, it becomes slightly exciting and sad. We still cannot fully realize that other teachers will lead us further on the way of knowledge, and new students will take place behind the school parties. I really don't want to part with you, our dear teachers, because you have already become part of us, and the knowledge that we received thanks to you forever changed our lives. We want you to know, we will miss, to tears, to sadness, and rejoice from the realization that new meetings are not far from around the corner and there are always opportunities to come to your native school to a meeting of graduates!

We offer you author beautiful words Acknowledgments that will suit all teachers for any school graduation. Words of gratitude for graduation in 4th grade, in grade 9 and in grade 11. We also wrote words, both in prose, and in verses. Therefore, choose what you like and fits most and go to graduation prepared and with a pre-harvested speech. Believe me, this is the best option for you.

Our dear and favorite teachers! We want to tell you the words of gratitude for all of us for what you have done for students. And you did not do not enough, and to list all your merits for enough and a whole prom. We thank you for your work, for your efforts, for your knowledge transferred to all students. Introducing your next disciples, you are sure that they are ready for adult life, you are sure that they will find their place and will take their niche in life. Thank you again and let many students will be released under your leadership.

Graduation evening is not just a holiday and a solemn day, it is a kind of summarizing the outcome of what students learned and what they taught their teachers. And we see that the teachers fulfilled their work on the perfectly that they were able to prepare excellent graduates who would definitely become famous people And they will achieve a lot in life. We all express our gratitude to all teachers and wish them success in life, understandable and conscientious disciples in the future and the sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure from the fact that their students became people who can be proud of.

Dear our teachers! Today, the prom in your students with whom you spent not one year together. For the time you taught today's graduates, they became much smarter, wiser and responsible. You taught them not just to school subjects and necessary knowledge, you taught their lives, taught them to think as it should think to live. Thank you for this, thank you for doing such a complex, but the necessary work. You did not just fulfill your work and released students from school, you did what would help the whole country firmly stand on the legs. After all, she has a wonderful future, the future that you have done!

Preparing for today's graduation, I wanted to say so much, but approaching the microphone it became clear that you could say anything and anything, but only the case you can prove who you are actually. And you, teachers, proved to all that you are the most real professionals. You make such a difficult job, and you have it just incredibly healthy. Every year we release students from under our care. And not just release, but do it so that every student who has been trained is fully ready for more adult life. You can rightly be proud of yourself and your graduates. After all, they are you, and you are the pride of the country and the whole nation. Thank you for your work and for what you do for the whole country and for our school in particular.

It is not surprising that the first teacher as a person who has become one of the most significant personalities in the most difficult period life cycle Every person is remembered forever. It is he who promotes successful adaptation. former preschooler In the frightening unknown of the school environment, it helps to master many truths and, of course, teaches to read and count. Objectively was due to the fact that words of gratitude to the first teacher are always sincere, spiritual and filled with light sadness.

The child, reading the poems, is involuntarily penetrated by their meaning, and perhaps it is at that moment suddenly he suddenly felt that another most important step was held in his life, and the unknownness awaits ahead.

How hard to say goodbye to you
My first teacher!
It is impossible to express in words
That sadness that I feel!

I will never forget
Your wise, good view,
We will remember our lessons -
They are no longer back.

Sincerely understanding that it was the first teacher who taught invaluable life lessons, makes it possible to thank her from his whole soul.

You did not just learn to write,
Solve serious tasks.
You taught us to dream -
And it means more in life!

You loved every student
Found a special approach to us
You were often the oldest friend,
We went with us on a campaign.

Passed the beginning of school years
You are fruitful with us.
Thanks for the lessons, for the advice,
For the soul, given by you!

Poznanya school granite
We could master together.
Gratitude heart will save
For the fact that you have helped.

In the atmosphere of parting with a significant and expensive person, all the words of gratitude to the first teacher sounds especially Emko and saturated. No one pays attention to the literary excellence, dominant becomes emotional coloring. Parents are also ready, holding back tears, read poems and bow to the teacher.

To whom they trusted custody of children,
Togo now Thank you!
Who gave the soul to children
And the path to the accomplishment wrapped.

Who opened in an unknown way
Who taught the Azam Poznan.
Who led children knowledge essence
And surrounded care and care.

The teacher is first talking
Words recognize and love.
We adore you, Bogatvim,
Let your days last long.

Prose in the Thanksgiving speech of parents It may sound a little with a pathetic note, but it is only from sincere desire in words to express the sea of \u200b\u200bemotions and experiences.

Today, in the presence of your colleagues, children and parents sincerely and openly, I want to express respect for your kindness, wise and competent training of our children. Words are powerless to convey gratitude for your experiences in children's failures and permanent help and support to them, students that we have trusted the best teacher in the world. For the work is great, for professionalism, hard work and soulfulness is low our parent bow, you - teacher!

An excellent finale will sound a version of congratulations - integration, when the beginning of the poetic line pronounces one child, and the ending sounds a chorus. Parents can connect and the whole hall. Then thunder - "Thank you!" Will become unforgettable. It will sound another result in the difficult and noble form of education of children for the first teacher, who releases his disciples with good facilities and with sincere love.

All my life we \u200b\u200bwill remember how, not melting smiles,
You returned to us a notebook where there was no mistake,
How were you are upset when, although rarely,
Put there were you should be a bad mark.
We were and sometimes, alas, we did not notice
In the view of your good eye care and sadness.
We thank you for everything, for us you are forever - the first,
Thank you talk!

In the days of celebrations and inconspicuous Budy -
Being in which year, in what edge -
We will not remember good word
The teacher is my first!
What, like chickens, we took carefully,
When to myself under the "wing" took,
When in autumn welcomed
And in the walls of school solemnly led.
Thank you for the word, for science,
For the grievous work of the deposited azov,
For that call that foreshadowed separation
For a light moment and the eternal heart call!

Thank you for the fate.
What we're lucky in life
What did you bring the hand
By the beginning of a hard way!

Sowed in the hearts of good,
Recognize taught evil
And fairness of mine
You conquered all the children!

You were we guide
With our meeting with the letter.
You helped us to open the world,
Write and Book Friend!

Always for each of us
You have found time
And every day, and every hour
You were patient!

We love you with all my heart
And adults and kids
Our girls and boys,
And quiet, and chali!

We never forget
Radiant light of favorite eyes
We wish you healthy to be
We want to see you happy!

You are the main thing in the souls guys,
Brave way opening brain
From the first sound and first luck,
Started with the asbaceous words of the scroll.

You are a kind fairy leading to a know
Giving joy, carrying light.
Hope you happy, great recognition
And new finds, and new victories!

Who will help you know
How to deduct and multiply?
Where the winter is dragonfly
Where is the hedgehog eye
Letter and how to write,
How to sign a notebook,
Who did not just taught us?
Has my soul invested in us?
Who worried about us
From the first to the fourth grade?
Who laid the foundations?
How did the children loved their children?
Feel free to say
This ... Our first teacher!

We learn no first year.
And I saw the class of teachers not enough.
But the first teacher we
I have never forgotten any moment.
As we remember your first kiss.
So remember the first gravity of knowledge.
Thank you for your affection, work.
Thank you for bringing us up.

How nice to remember school years
First teacher, first grades.
The time will be remembered forever.
We will deal with life school Scenes
And the part of your solar soul
Having met once with a smile of first-graders!
You replaced our mom sometimes!
And now accept Congratulations ours!

Dear teacher ours
All your lessons remember
The standard has become for us
Sample without fear and sadness.
You are intelligent, bold guys,
So that they are not tired to the knowledge.
You never peace
You and the day probably did not bored.

Teacher in life more significant
What are you, of course not.
First in life we \u200b\u200bwill be teachers
Remember until old age.
Do not count those words of gratitude,
What we wanted to tell you.
Happiness, Health, Success and Joy
You we want to wish.

It is always important that they say
Will be a person for us
What is the first teacher,
We will not forget forever.
Thank you very much for the efforts
Knowledge to convey to us.
Let all your desires come true
Happiness, love on the way.

Only we crossed the school threshold,
You met us with a smile on your face.
You were the first to teach us at school.
You first began to give knowledge to us all.
And even if we have not enough teachers.
We have not forgotten your work, your kindness.
We congratulate you and sincerely wish
In order for you to continue to give children knowledge and kindness.

We wrote the first letters
We read the first phrases
We first cried due to the estimates,
Sometimes the victory was not immediately given.
But with you everything we sought it easier,
What we taught everything, thank you
We grew up and straightened the shoulders,
You gave us wings, you gave us strength!

When we came to the first class,
Everything was news for us.
Don't get lost
And learn at school nothing
We were able to you thanks to you.
From September, until September
Teachers consider the year.
We wish you such five hundred!

Our first step in life school
Was made with you.
You worked out us, taught
Affairs and words.
On the day festive you congratulate you,
Thank you heartily.
Thanks for patience and care
We tell us - your kids.

When we came to school for the first time,
Eyes Round to the board rushing
You, like a wizard wonderful
With the aliens to establish finely communications.
And explain to us the difficulties of the letter
No one would be so intelligible.
Spring and summer, autumn and winter,
Let's not let the fatigue on the threshold.

You remember our bows,
Pre-school summer freckles,
And on September 1st
United macushki?!
And we will never forget
The warmth of your good eye.
Let the sadness in them will not be
We love and remember you!

You are silent out of modesty,
Well, we ... We know exactly
What is anywhere on white light
Teacher is better not.
Let our first teacher
Never forgets
How Miles are children
If they are only seven years old!

You handed us hand to us
Our overcame fear
We cried the threshold
With tears in his eyes.
As a caring mother
You taught us asam,
And the gates of the science of the temple,
Like a magician, opened to us.

We are still very baby
In school went slightly looked
You were so sensitive to us
We were taught so skillfully.
You are small flaws us
Easily able to forgive
Inspire us to succeed
Craving for knowledge to develop.

For the first time 10 years ago, we led us to school.
All afraid we were then, so we were small.
And there were tears in our eyes, in our hands we have flowers.
With a smile, you met us and told the classes.
You have always gave us so much caress and warm
All of what we have reached, we must.
Go of the year, we are growing up, and the day is not far away,
When our children are already in school.
With a smile to meet you and take them in class
And in the children of our mischievous you will know us.
How is our fate? Where will it throw us?
But we will always remember you -
The first teacher is our!

The first teacher love everything in the world!
The sea gives her strength to children!
If you suddenly happen to someone trouble,
The teacher listens and will always help!
The first teacher is the first friend!
Let always love you all around!
Let it easily be from any children
Grow decent and knowledgeable people!

Congratulations to the first teacher from the student:
My first teacher
Smile Your heart warms up
And if I doubt me,
My mental helps me.
I wish you always like that
Restless, sunny and bright.
Healthy and happy per day any
Success to you in everything and optimism.

We are very little left,
Ignite here about the call,
But keeps, cherishes
The very first your lesson.
You drove us for the handle
On the wisdom of sciences.
Everything is good that is in us,
We took from your hands.

Good day! The final question arises before graduation: what to wish your first teacher. After all, without congratulations to do.

Congratulations on studentsbe sure to sound, itit is important for both the teacher and forgraduates themselves. Offera selection of congratulations firstteacher on graduation in verseand prose that undoubtedlyplease this person.

Beautiful poems of the first teacher from graduates

We remember why it began.

Our first day at school and you!

You gently all smiled to us -

In response, we gave flowers.

Now this class is already adult

The latter rings to us a call.

Answers found questions

But our first remember lesson.

The teacher is expensive,

We wish the patience and strength.

Learn how we are not swearing.

No one as you did not taught!

When we came to the first class,

You taught us everything
There was a lot of years,
But we did not forget you
Teacher first, you now
We wish you a lot of happiness,
The latter rings the call,
Do not cry, for God's sake,
We will come to you more than once,
We honestly promise
Well, today, on this day,
Hug you hard!

Favorite our first teacher,

Today we tears do not hold back,
You have shown a lot,
We taught us to count, write.

All your words and punishes
Will remain in my heart.
Let the kids give you joy,
Coming again in the first class.

Merry poems for the first teacher

They took us very children,

Literacy was taught.
And school calls
We always hurried.

I trained us Azam
Diplomas, science,
And in the dining room we always
A friendly washed hands.

We wish you now
Clever kids
Those in school in the first class
Surfbridge resorted.

Second Mom, first teacher!

You taught the truths primary
You opened to us a life threshold,
Unknown - made usual.

Thank you for all, we are beside your feet.
Thank you for finding ourselves,
For the fact that school experience helped us -
Without you, we did not find your ways!

My first teacher, you are the most native.
I am alphabet, I remember, mastered with you,
Write and count learned
Childish seriously worked.

Accept congratulations, I grew up already,
On adult, on school stands the turn of
And you, as always, with babies,
Yesterday it was only with us.

The first teacher showed us all
School, and classes, and assembly hall,
To the life of the educational to get used to help.
Gave the most important lesson in the world -
Work, learn, be friends and not lie!
For this thanks, we want to tell you!
And believe last call - not the end!
He is only the beginning for our hearts!

No in the light of the honorable labor,

What the teacher is restless.

We will never forget you

And your love will be worthy.

Transfix known volumes

We learned to speak beautifully,

Solve examples, sing and compose.

Teacher first thank you!

We will leave forever

Although we matured on the step.

We wish you for many years -

We are happiness and success in training.

We will remember we are a smile and eyes.

And we remember smooth motion.

For so many years of work at school

You are not the first graduation!

Pupils were so sea,

But every edition is native!

Alas, it's time to say goodbye

FROM elementary school And for us.

Although it is difficult to part,

We transmit our class to others.

Come toothless guys

Those first-graders - kids,

What will gnaw granite science,

And handles, and pencils.

As we, at school will run

And things in the class forget.

What remains to do all of us?

Just come and help!

We wish you optimism,

Let it be the best new class!

But on the wave of patriotism

You do not throw us all!

In all, we will deal with it

When you fall into opal.

And you will need to come up,

And we will not disappear with you!

Cardiac words of the first teacher in verse

Second mother for children.

And the teachers of these.

When we do not understand something

In the eyes glittering tears -

Hugging, will explain

Tell pictures.

When they are guy, bruises,

Without anger and aviacy.

And, as if mom, forgive us,

All will forget all "bad weather."

When we clever, she

For all heartily glad

As native children proud,

Pays - the reward her.

Teacher first - adult friend,

Second mother for children.

Everyone warms us warm two hands

And the teachers of these.

Teacher first dedicated
Today we are heartfelt words.
After all, we just understand today
How tired your head

From our eternal screams in the lessons,
From incomprehensibility, fuss,
And incomprehensible snapshots in lines,
When we studied the dreams!

Only now when we matured
It became clear how much strength you need,
You gave us to have time to
Together to meet this adult world.

Now we understand that nights,
Our notebooks looking instead of dreams,
Could you cry that we can not ourselves
While still tie us words.

How did you reconcile us in quarrels,
Taught to understand and give up
Behave decently in conversations
Be able to take your mistakes ...

A lot of years since the beginning flew
Here we meet the graduation,
Our teacher has suffered
For us remaining the same - young!

Thank you, the second our mother,
We speak today with the heart to everyone
We wish you happy life itself
Pupils are good, no problem!

Flowers hand you in recognition,
Large sincere your beauty!
Let the moment we have parting today,

Will you all with us!

Congratulations in prose first teacher to tears

The second our mother is the first teacher, allow you to congratulate you! All your students lowered their heads in gratitude for the years spent next to us! Let all in your life be good! Let your window always be enthusiastic sunlight, Let there be no reasons to lose heart and be sad! Always glow from personal happiness and love of devotees!

Cute, good teacher! You are the first guidebook of our life, you helped the kids wide open eyes before big world! You helped deal with good and evil, friendship and betrayal, love and hatred. We sincerely thank you for bright childhood and the first, important knowledge! We wish the prosperity and continuation of successful activities! Let fate give you the opportunity for many years to help and enlighten many children!

Our first teacher we dedicate today! With sincere love and respect, we tell you a huge thank you for the right road to which you sent us. For disinterested assistance and a good attitude, for the unknown world, which stubbornly opened their little students! Thank you for gentle love and strict care. We wish you good luck in everything for many years, blooming health and endless patience!

Thanksgiving texts in your own words from graduates of the first teacher

I used to seem to learn - it's boring, but when you first planted me at the desk and opened the door to the world of knowledge, I realized that I had a lot of discoveries ahead. It turned out that I don't know anything at all about the world in which I live! And you first showed me the door to the world of knowledge - a book. I used to read fairy tales, stories, poems, I really liked to follow the adventures of your favorite heroes, but now I can do it yourself, without the help of my mother and dad, grandparents, and it's so cool! It all started by S. printed lettersIt turned out that they are vowels and consonants, solid and soft, shock and unstressed! And they taught me to understand me. Thank you for that. But these were not all discoveries, letters somehow began to fold into syllables and words. And most of all our successes were happy. Now I could come up with the heroes of read books my intonation, make them timid or bold, kind or not very, because you taught us not just to read, but to understand the read, empathize with the heroes or angry with them. You taught us to distinguish between good and bad. But not only reading we learned during this time, our mugs and sticks gradually turned into the letters of capital, it was difficult to first bring them with smooth beautiful lines, but gradually I learned to write more confidently. Maybe it's not always everything happens on the top five, but I try. And in the most difficult moments, always next to me were you, my teacher! It cost you a little bit to put my hand and the letter became more beautiful. Of course, I still have a lot of studies ahead, but now I can write a small storyteller, who invent myself, I can sign postcards with my beloved mom and dad, grandparents or friends. Will pass a little time and I can thank you, dear Marina Valentinovna, for many most different knowledge And the skills, and now I want to tell you: Thank you, my first teacher, for your patience, for non-equations, for interesting lessonsFor the fact that I can read and write, for the fact that with the help of my mother and dad write this kind words for you! I want you to be joyful from my confessions and your eyes glowing with happiness! Thank you!

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