School sketches for elementary school. Funny elementary school sketches

3 participants: Mom, son (daughter) and robot. Starting position: the robot is standing with wide apart arms, mom and son are on the sides of the robot a little closer to the audience (the palms of the robot are not far from their heads).
Son (pointing to the robot): Who is this?
Mom: This is a robot. He knows how to distinguish whether a person is telling the truth or deceiving. For example, tell me what grades you got in school today.
Son: Five
Mom: So you told a lie. So what did you actually get?
Son: Four.
BOOMS !!! (robot pretends to slap his son on the head)
Mom: Again, not true. What did you get?
Son: Three.
BOOMS !!! (robot pretends to slap his son on the head)
Mom: Tell the truth. What did they give you?
Son (sighing): two.
The robot strokes his son on the head.
Mom: Eh, you. And at your age, I studied for only five !!!
BOOMS !!! (the robot pretends to slap MAME on the head)
(the scene makes young viewers laugh, even if they see it not for the first time).

Scenes for the holiday Mother's Day with the participation of 2 people: mom and son, which can be easily played out
1. The plot of the scene. In the morning, mom tries to wake up her son, who has to go to school.
- Get up, son, you will be late for school again by the beginning of classes!
A son:
- I do not want! Petrov always fights with me!
- Well, sonny, it's impossible, it's time to get up, otherwise you'll be late for school by the beginning of classes!
A son:
- Well, her, this school! Ivanov throws a rag at me!
- Come on, son, get up, you'll be late for school again!
A son:
- Will not go! Sidorov is shooting at me with a slingshot!
- Son, you have to go to school, you are still the director!
2. The plot of the scene. Geography lesson, teacher and fifth grade student. The topic of the lesson is a compass and orientation by it. The student does not understand anything, and the teacher tries to explain to him:
- Here look! This is a compass, it can be used to determine which side of the world is! See, here's a red arrow and a blue one! Ahead along the arrow is north, on the right is east, on the left is west, and behind what?
The student lowers his head, pauses, and then shouts resentfully:
- And I told my mother that you will notice a hole in my pants!
3. Scene "Assistant".
Boy Dima is diligently sweeping the floor, singing "a grasshopper was sitting in the grass." A dressed mother enters the door, bags in her hands, a key in her mouth. He looks at his son with round eyes, drops the keys in fear, asks:
Mom: Dima, what happened?
Dima: Nothing!
M. - How nothing? Why are you sweeping the floor?
D. - But because he was dirty.
M. - Dima, I beg you, tell me what happened? Last time you were sweeping the floor when you got a deuce for your behavior, and the penultimate one when you wanted to leave for the second year.
-Did you wipe the dust?
D. - Wipe it off!
M. - Himself!
D. - Himself!
M. - Dima, tell me what happened? Say what have you done?
D. - Yes, I say nothing! It just got dirty and I cleaned it up.
M.- (suspiciously) And why did you make your bed?
Dima. - Just like that. I removed it and that's it.
M.- (ties his head with a towel and sits on a chair) Dima, the truth !!! Why am I being summoned to the headmaster?
D. - Don't be afraid, mom! Things are good. I did my homework and dined, washed the dishes, and brushed my teeth.
M. - Himself?
D.- Himself.
Mom faints.
D.- (scared) Mommy! What's the matter? I'll bring you some water now.
(pours water)
D. - A day to help parents, a day to help parents !!! Here, admire! (points to mom) I should have said right away that this is only for one day.
M.- (raises his head with interest) And tomorrow everything will be the same as before?
D. The old way, the old way! Don't worry mommy.
(Mom faints again)
4. Son: I will now speak with my mother in verses on the day of the holiday.
Mom enters with heavy bags.
Son: I can't even find words,
Well, how can you, mom,
To carry gravity in wallets
Ten kilograms?
I look, it’s just light again
You're from the supermarket ...
Mom: So what to do? Give me some advice?
Son: Go twice, mom!


Offered to your attention humorous scenes they will not require their performers to memorize large texts (playing the role of a teacher can even use the cheat sheet included in the class magazine), nor will they need special costumes for them. The rehearsal will take a minimum of time. At the same time, the theme of all the scenes is very close to the guys. It will be useful for them to look at themselves from the outside, to laugh at their mistakes.


(according to L. Kaminsky)

Characters : teacher and student Petrov

Teacher: Petrov, go to the blackboard and write down short story which I will dictate to you.

Student goes to the blackboard and prepares to write.

Teacher (dictates): “Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was guiltily silent, and then made a promise to improve. "

Student writes dictation on the blackboard.

Teacher: Wonderful! Underline all nouns in your story.

Student emphasizes the words: "dad", "mom", "Vova", "behavior", "Vova", "promise".

Teacher: Ready? Determine which cases these nouns are in. Understood?

Disciple: Yes!

Teacher: Start!

Student : "Father and mother". Who? What? Parents. Hence, the case is genitive.

Scolded whom, what? Vova. “Vova” is a name. Hence, the case is nominative.

Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has an instrumental case.

Vova was silent guiltily. This means that here “Vova” has an accusative case.

Well, and the “promise”, of course, is in the dative case, since Vova gave it!

That's all!

Teacher : Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Take the diary, Petrov. I wonder what grade you would suggest to put yourself?

Student : Which one? Of course, the top five!

Teacher: So the top five? By the way, in what case did you call this word “five”?

Disciple: In the prepositional!

Teacher: In the prepositional? Why is that?

Student : Well, I suggested it myself!


(I. Butman)

Characters : teacher and student Petrov

Teacher : Petrov, how much will it be: four divided by two?

Student : And what to share, Mikhail Ivanovich?

Teacher : Well, let's say four apples.

Disciple: And between whom?

Teacher : Well, let it be between you and Sidorov.

Student : Then three for me and one for Sidorov.

Teacher: Why is that?

Student : Because Sidorov owes me one apple.

Teacher : Doesn't he owe you a plum?

Student : No, the plum should not.

Teacher : Well, how much will it be if four plums are divided by two?

Student : Four. And all to Sidorov.

Teacher: Why four?

Student : Because I don't like plums.

Teacher : Wrong again.

Student : How much is correct?

Teacher : But now I will put the correct answer to you in my diary!

SCENE "3 = 7 AND 2 = 5"

(Newspaper "Primary School", "Mathematics", No. 24, 2002)

Teacher : Well, Petrov? What am I to do with you?

Petrov: Why?

Teacher : All year you did nothing, did not teach anything. I just don't know what to put in the list.

Petrov (looking gloomily at the floor): I, Ivan Ivanovich, scientific work was engaged.

Teacher : What are you? What is it?

Petrov : I decided that all our math was wrong and ... I proved it!

Teacher : Well, how, Comrade Veliky Petrov, did you achieve this?

Petrov : Ah, what can I say, Ivan Ivanitch! It's not my fault that Pythagoras was wrong and this ... Archimedes!

Teacher: Archimedes?

Petrov : And he too, After all, they said that three is equal to only three.

Teacher: What else?

Petrov (solemnly): This is not true! I've proven that three is seven!

Teacher: How is it?

Petrov : Well, look: 15 -15 = 0. Right?

Teacher: Right.

Petrov : 35 - 35 = 0 - also true. Hence, 15-15 = 35-35. Right?

Teacher: Right.

Petrov : We take out the common factors: 3 (5-5) = 7 (5-5). Right?

Teacher: Exactly.

Petrov : Hehe! (5-5) = (5-5). This is also true!

Teacher: Yes.

Petrov : Then everything is upside down: 3 = 7!

Teacher : Aha! So, Petrov, we survived.

Petrov : I didn't want to, Ivan Ivanovich. But against science ... you can't sin!

Teacher : Clear. Look: 20-20 = 0. Right?

Petrov: Exactly!

Teacher : 8-8 = 0 is also true. Then 20-20 = 8-8. It is truth too?

Petrov : Exactly, Ivan Ivanovich, exactly.

Teacher : We take out the common factors: 5 (4-4) = 2 (4-4). Right?

Petrov: Right!

Teacher : Then that's it, Petrov, I give you a "2"!

Petrov : For what, Ivan Ivanovich?

Teacher : Don't worry, Petrov, because if we divide both sides of the equality by (4-4), then 2 = 5. Is that what you did?

Petrov: Well, let's say.

Teacher : So I put "2", is it all the same. BUT?

Petrov : No, it's not all the same, Ivan Ivanovich, "5" is better.

Teacher : Perhaps it is better, Petrov, but until you prove it, you will have a deuce in a year, equal, in your opinion, to an A!

Guys, help Petrov .


(I. Semerenko)

Vovka : Listen, I'll tell you a funny story. Yesterday I took the folder on the mouse and went to Uncle Yura, my mother told me.

Andrei : Ha ha ha! And it's really funny.

Vovka (surprised): What's so funny? I have not even begun to tell.

Andrei (laughing): The folder ... under the arm! Good idea. Your folder won't fit under your arm, it's not a cat!

Vovka : Why "my folder"? The folder is daddy. You have forgotten how to speak correctly from laughter, or what?

Andrei : (winking and tapping himself on the forehead): Oh, I guessed it! Grandpa - under the arm! He himself speaks incorrectly, and also teaches. Now it is clear: dad's folder is your grandfather Kolya! In general, it's great you came up with it - it's funny and with a riddle!

Vova (offended): What does my grandfather Kolya have to do with it? I wanted to tell you something completely different. I didn't listen to the end, but you laugh, you interfere with speaking. Moreover, he dragged my grandfather, put him under his arm, what a storyteller he found! I'd rather go home than talk to you.

Andrei (to himself, left alone): And why was he offended? What for funny stories tell, if you can't laugh?


Characters : teacher and class students

Teacher: Who can name five wild animals?

Apprentice Petrov pulls his hand .

Teacher : Answer me, Petrov.

Apprentice Petrov : Tiger, tigress and ... three tiger cubs.

Teacher : What are dense forests? Answer, Kosichkina!

Pupil Kosichkina : These are forests in which ... it's good to doze.

Teacher : Simakova, please name the parts of the flower.

Simakov's student : Petals, stem, pot.

Teacher : Ivanov, tell us, please, what benefits do birds and animals bring to humans?

Apprentice Ivanov : Birds peck mosquitoes, and cats catch mice for him.

Teacher : Petrov, what book about famous travelers did you read

Pupil Petukhov : "Frog traveler"

Teacher : Who will answer, what is the difference between the sea and the river? Please, Mishkin.

Pupil Mishkin : The river has two banks, and the sea has one.

Student Zaitsev pulls his hand .

Teacher : What do you want, Zaitsev? Do you want to ask something?

Pupil Zaitsev : Mary Ivanna, is it true that people descended from a monkey?

Teacher: True.

Pupil Zaitsev : That's what I see: there are so few monkeys!

Teacher : Kozyavin, please answer, what is the lifespan of a mouse?

Student Kozyavin : Well, Mary Ivanna, it depends entirely on the cat.

Teacher : Will go to the board ... Meshkov and tell us about the crocodile.

Pupil Meshkov (going to the board) : The length of the crocodile from head to tail is five meters, and from tail to head is seven meters.

Teacher : Think what you say! Is it possible?

Pupil Meshkov : It happens! For example, Monday to Wednesday is two days, and Wednesday to Monday is five!

Teacher : Khomyakov, tell me, why do people need a nervous system?

Pupil Khomyakov : To be nervous.

Teacher : Why do you, Sinichkin, look at your watch every minute?

Pupil Sinichkin : Because I am terribly worried that the call would interrupt an amazingly interesting lesson.

Teacher : Guys, who will answer where the bird flies with a straw in its beak?

Pupil Belkov pulls his hand above everyone else.

Teacher : Try it, Belkov.

Apprentice Belkov : To the cocktail bar, Mary Ivanna.

Teacher: Teplyakova, what teeth are the last to appear in a person?

Teplyakova's student: Plug-in, Mary Ivanna.

Teacher : Now I will ask you a very difficult question, for the correct answer I will immediately put an A with a plus. And the question is: "Why is European time ahead of American time?"

Pupil Klyushkin pulls his hand .

Teacher : Answer me, Klyushkin.

Pupil Klyushkin : Because America was discovered later!


Characters : teacher and class students

Teacher : Petrov, you can hardly count to ten. I don’t know what you can become?

Apprentice Petrov : Boxing judge, Mary Ivanna!

Teacher : To solve the problem to the board goes ... Trushkin.

Pupil Trushkin goes to the blackboard.

Teacher : Listen carefully to the problem statement. Dad bought 1 kilogram of sweets, and mom bought another 2 kilograms. How many...

Disciple Trushkin heads for the door.

Teacher : Trushkin, where are you going ?!

Disciple Trushkin : I ran home, there are candy!

Teacher : Petrov, bring your diary here. I'll put your yesterday's deuce in it.

Disciple Petrov: I don't have it.

Teacher: Where is he?

Apprentice Petrov : And I gave it to Vitka - to scare my parents!

Teacher: Vasechkin, if you have ten rubles, and you ask your brother for another ten rubles, how much money will you have?

Disciple Vasechkin: Ten rubles.

Teacher : You just don't know mathematics!

Disciple Vasechkin : No, you do not know my brother!

Teacher : Sidorov, please answer, how many will be three times seven?

Disciple Sidorov : Marya Ivanovna, I will answer your question only in the presence of my lawyer!

Teacher : Why, Ivanov, does your father always do your homework for you?

Apprentice Ivanov : And mom has no free time!

Teacher : Now solve problem number 125 yourself.

Students get down to business .

Teacher : Smirnov! Why are you cheating from Terentyev?

Pupil Smirnov : No, Mary Ivanna, he writes it off from me, and I'm just checking to see if he did it right!

Teacher : Guys, who is Archimedes? Answer me, Shcherbinina.

Shcherbinin's student : This is a mathematical Greek.


Characters : teacher and class students

Teacher : Let's hear how you learned homework... Whoever goes to answer first, he will receive a point higher.

Apprentice Ivanov (reaches out and shouts): Mary Ivanna, I will be the first, put me three at once!

Teacher : Your composition about a dog, Petrov, word for word is similar to Ivanov's!

Apprentice Petrov : Mary Ivanna, so Ivanov and I live in the same yard, and there we have one dog for all!

Teacher : You, Sidorov, have a wonderful composition, but why is it not finished?

Disciple Sidorov : And because dad was urgently called to work!

Teacher : Koshkin, admit who wrote the essay for you?

Disciple Koshkin : I do not know. I went to bed early.

Teacher : As for you, Klevtsov, let your grandfather come to me tomorrow!

Pupil Klevtsov : Grandpa? Maybe dad?

Teacher : No, grandfather. I want to show him what gross mistakes his son admits when he writes an essay for you.

Teacher : What kind of word "egg", Sinichkin?

Disciple Sinichkin: None.

Teacher: Why not?

Pupil Sinichkin : Because it is not known who will hatch out of it: a rooster or a chicken.

Teacher : Petushkov, define the kind of words: "chair", "table", "sock", "stocking".

Pupil Petushkov : "Table", "chair" and "sock" - male, and the "stocking" is female.

Teacher: Why?

Pupil Petushkov : Because only women wear stockings!

Teacher : Smirnov, go to the blackboard, write down and analyze the proposal.

Pupil Smirnov goes to the blackboard .

The teacher dictates and the student writes down : "Daddy went to the garage."

Teacher : Ready? We listen to you.

Pupil Smirnov : Dad - subject, gone - predicate, in the garage - ... an excuse.

Teacher : Who guys can come up with a proposal with homogeneous members?

Tyulkina's student pulls her hand .

Teacher : Please, Tyulkina.

Tyulkin's student : There were no trees, no bushes, no grass in the forest.

Teacher : Sobakin, come up with a sentence with the number "three".

Pupil Sobakin : My mom works at a knitted fabric factory.

Teacher : Rubashkin, go to the blackboard, write down a proposal.

Pupil Rubashkin goes to the blackboard .

Teacher dictates : The guys were catching butterflies with nets.

Pupil Rubashkin writes : The guys were catching butterflies with glasses.

Teacher : Rubashkin, why are you so inconsiderate?

Disciple Rubashkin: Why?

Teacher : Where did you see the bespectacled butterflies?

Teacher : Meshkov, what part of speech is the word "dryish"?

Pupil Meshkov, standing up, is silent for a long time .

Teacher : Well, think about it, Meshkov, what question does this word answer?

Pupil Meshkov : What is it? Dryish!

Teacher : Antonyms are words that are opposite in meaning. For example, fat is thin, crying is laughing, day is night. Petushkov, now give me your example.

Disciple Petushkov: A cat is a dog.

Teacher : What does the "cat-dog" have to do with it?

Pupil Petushkov : Well, how is it? They are opposite and often fight among themselves.

Teacher : Sidorov, why are you eating apples in class?

Disciple Sidorov : Sorry to waste time during recess!

Teacher : Stop it now! By the way, why weren't you at school yesterday?

Disciple Sidorov : My older brother got sick.

Teacher: What do you have to do with it?

Disciple Sidorov : And I rode his bike!

Teacher : Sidorov! My patience has run out! Don't come to school tomorrow without your father!

Disciple Sidorov: And the day after tomorrow?

Teacher : Sushkina, come up with an appeal.

Sushkin's student : Mary Ivanna, call!


Characters : student and shop assistant

Shop assistant : What can I tell you?

Schoolboy : The reign of Nicholas II?

Shop assistant: Do not know.

Schoolboy : Okay ... Pythagorean Theorem?

Shop assistant :… (Shrugs)

Schoolboy: Photosynthesis?

Shop assistant : (sighing) I don't know ...

Schoolboy : Well, what are you trying to do with your “What can I tell you?” !!!


Characters : students and stadium informant

A group of young fans led by a leader chants loudly :


Your history teacher is at the match!

Young fans start chanting :

Official document `` Minutes of the meeting of the pedagogical council of the Nskaya high school dated March 18, 1940.
Present: all teachers.
Listened: the message of the head of the sixth grade about the behavior of a pupil of the same grade, Zurab Vashalomidze.
Physics teacher: There is no energy in nature that could stir up Vashalomidze. Boy, this body immersed in liquid, on which no buoyancy force acts!
Mathematics teacher: For me Vashalomidze is an equation with a hundred unknowns. I cannot solve such an equation.
Chemistry teacher: No reaction! Sits and drains my nerves. This is some kind of unusual litmus: he never blushes!
Russian language teacher: And in my opinion, he is just a-di-ot.
Geography teacher: Vashalomidze's knowledge is not very clear-cut. The boy is either abnormal or emaciated.
History teacher: This is more of a Stone Age man than a civilized twentieth century. No progress. Vashalomidze is a shame for the whole class.
School caretaker: Why are you sticking to the poor child? If he is such a fool, how do you transfer him from class to class?
Zavuch: They don't ask you! Your business is to come on time and call!
Georgian language teacher (close relative of Vashalomidze): I don't understand you! You might think that on this Vashalomidze the light converged like a wedge! Who in your class is better than him? Maybe the director's son? Round five, and I have never met such an idiot in my life! Sits in the classroom, like an owl in a hollow.
Physical education teacher: Why do you give him fives?
Georgian language teacher: Try it, don't put it on!
Zavuch: Shut up! .. You! .. And what do you say, Vashalomidze?
Vashalomidze: The teacher of the Georgian language is temperament.
3avuch: The idol! I'm not asking about that! What do you think about yourself?
Vashalomidze: About yourself? Forgive me this time, but in the future I will improve!
This is a meaningful conversation on pedagogical council was once again completed.
Nodar Dumbadze. An excerpt from the book I, Grandma, Iliki and Hilarion.
We staged this excerpt with high school students for a skit on Teacher's Day.



1. Teacher

2. Student (s) Ivanov (a)

3. Pupil (tsa) Petrov (a)

4. Pupil (s) Sidorov (s)

5. Pupil (s) Skvortsov (s)

(The stage is framed like a classroom: desks, chairs, a projector, a blackboard, a computer.)

2030 year. ___________________school. Call.

Teacher: Class! Hello, sit down! We hand over our flash drives with homework. Now turn on all your bluetooth - catch your compositions. Petrov, you have everything again Homework was infected with viruses ... Downloaded from the Internet again?

Petrov: No, Marywanna. (Turning to Sidorov, in a whisper) Well, I'll show you, what's wrong with you, the antivirus isn't working?

Teacher: Silence!

Sidorov: Yes, we are discussing essays ...

Teacher: And you, Sidorov, have an essay of only 600 kilobytes! And this is in the 9th grade! Have you forgotten the norm? Go to the office in the Russian language during the break, there, at the stand, everything is detailed! MEGABYTE - no less! (Sidorov sighed, hung his head guiltily).

Sidorov: Yes, my Word Office is buggy!

Teacher: You haven't updated it yet?

Sidorov: No, I still have a 2027 version ...

Ivanov: Do you want me to throw off your 2030 tomorrow?

Sidorov: Deal!

Teacher: Quiet! So, I will upload your grades to the electronic journal at the end of the lesson. And let your parents go to the school site today and put their electronic signature at the end of the web page that they are familiar with your "twos".

Ivanov: Oh, and our Internet has not worked at home for 3 days.

Teacher: Don't cheat, Ivanov, yesterday I was with your mom on Skype already talked about your behavior, and I did not dream about it.

Well, class, we open our laptops, gadgets, tablets, set the number, type the topic of the lesson: "Union sentences".

(At this time, Sidorov, imperceptibly from the teacher, takes out a book, puts it on his knees under the desk and begins to leaf through it).

Skvortsov: Marivann, I forgot my tablet at home ...

Teacher: Have you forgotten your head? Well, write in your smartphone, at worst, and at home do not forget to rewrite everything on your computer.

Sidorov, remove extraneous things from the lesson. (Sidorov does not hear, and continues to read the book. The teacher approaches him). I said put the book in your bag, you will read at home! You cannot bring anything to school on paper! (Indicates the Crossed Through Book sign hanging in the classroom).

Ivanov (to Sidorov): You still think of a notebook with a pen, so that they summon the director!

Teacher: Skvortsov, take a remote pencil - write on Interdosk, you can from a place.


Did you write it down? Assignment: find an outdated word.

Skvortsov: This word grandmother?(Laughter in class)

Teacher: 0 points! Correct answer: NANOTURBOCYCLE. Sit down, Skortsov-Skvortsov

Skvortsov: (Sitting down) It's strange, because our grandmother, too, seems to be outdated ...


Students: Maryivanna, we congratulate you on Teacher's Day! Let us give you an electronic bouquet, we ourselves use it via WiFi collected on the Internet. (They give a bouquet depicted on the tablet screen)

Teacher: Thanks a lot guys!

Students: Maybe you won't upload "2s" to our electronic magazine today? ..

Ivanov: Yes, if my father sees them, he will punish me with his radio belt ...

Teacher: Oh well! In honor of the holiday, so be it, guys!

Students: Hooray! Thank you! Goodbye!

Teacher: Goodbye! (Everyone leaves) So, is everyone gone? (He checks to see if anyone sees her. Sits down at the table, carefully, looking around, takes a book out of his bag and begins to read)


- Who came to me in the morning?
- Who said "It's time to get up!"
- Who managed to cook the porridge?
Poured tea into my cup?
- Who braided my braids?
- Who kissed me?
Who kiddies love to laugh
- Who is the best in the world?

1.A thrill-seeker. (Buttons)
2. Transmitter of thoughts at a distance. (The envelope)
3 You got a postcard, as we should have (Postcard)
4. You got a pencil, it was nobody's, now it is yours. (Pencil)
5. We give you as a gift an excellent modern vacuum cleaner. (Brush)
6. There is no more practical win than a plastic bag. (Package.)
7. Palace 2 -3. (Scarf.)
8. Do you like sweets al no - here's a handful of sweets. (Sweets.)
9. Newspapers should be read so that you know the world perfectly. (Newspaper.)
10. Hanger for small apartments. (Nail.)
11. Washing machine "Baby". (Eraser.)
12.In order to keep a beautiful hairstyle, we will give you a comb. (Comb.)
13. To avoid the quarrel, eat the apple of discord. (Apple.)
14. We ask you not to be angry with us - the lid will also come in handy. (A lid for a can.)
15. Reach out your hand - get the head of a bow. (Bow)
16. Happiness fell into your hands, you got three potatoes. (Potato.)
17. You were worried a lot, but there is no loss. On the ticket: beets got to make vinaigrette. (Beets)


The development of artistry in children is one of the great ways to identify in them, to determine the direction in which it is better to develop their creative potential. Does the child like to copy the behavior of friends and acquaintances? Arranges entire performances in the yard, gathering numerous spectators? Often hums and gestures?

Small theatrical performances, including short and funny children's scenes, can be organized even at home. And if someone's birthday is foreseen, then mini-sketches will be great entertainment for everyone who comes to congratulate the birthday boy.

Mini shows for children

Usually, children are happy to join the game, they like to reincarnate, copying adults, they accurately notice various nuances in the behavior and habits of people they know. When choosing scenarios for a children's holiday, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The younger the participants, the shorter and simpler the scenes should be.
  • It is advisable to diversify the repertoire as much as possible: to choose not only skits-parodies that are offered for children of any age, but also sketches-riddles, sketches-quizzes.
  • If possible, conduct one or two rehearsals before the start of the performance, tell the child how best to introduce the hero he will play.
  • Whenever possible, try to use attributes that will make the production more colorful - costumes for the actors, decorations, items needed in the course of the action. Children can and should be involved in making decorations - this will also give them a lot of pleasure.

Scenes from everyday life

Children are happy to participate in the production of performances, demonstrating funny incidents from their Everyday life... Here are the simplest and shortest such scenes.

How many legs?

This scene requires two actors: a boy and a girl. Its plot is quite simple, so it can be successfully played in front of children 4-6 years old.

Mom (girl) came to pick up her baby (boy) from the kindergarten. She is in a hurry, so she sits him down on a chair and begins to quickly dress him.

He takes a shoe in his hands and says:

- Raise your leg, son.

The boy obediently raises his right leg. Then mom says:

- No, give another one.

The son raises his left leg. Mom, looking at the shoe, realizes that she still needed the right leg, but automatically repeats:

- No, son, give the other leg.

Then the boy says indignantly: “Mom, but that's all! My legs are over, I no longer have others! "

This scene is good not only for the funny plot. When it is over, you can discuss with the children why the mother could not explain to her son which leg she needed. How would it be more correct to build a conversation so that everyone understands each other the first time?

Whose trousers?

Two actors will be involved in this scene - an older girl (teacher) and a younger girl (pupil kindergarten). The age difference is an optional condition for young actresses, you can simply pick up a girl taller and smaller.

Nevertheless, it is important to pay attention to the nuances associated with the peculiarities of the roles of young performers, because this will make their performance more believable and memorable!

Kindergarten. Children dress for a walk. The teacher helps to dress the little slow girl Katya. Katya tries to put on trousers, and she fails. The teacher begins to help her. When the trousers are put on by joint efforts, Katya suddenly reports:

- And these are not my pants ...

The teacher, expressing her indignation as much as possible, begins to pull the pants off the baby back. This takes some time. After waiting for the teacher to finish undressing her, Katya decides to clarify:

- These are my sister's trousers, Sveta, they are warm, and my mother always puts them on for me when it's very cold, like today ...

More sketches and ideas

Additional sketches for small plays and sketches for children can be found in stage books. They contain not only the scenes themselves for short productions, but also teach the subtleties of children's stage skills, which will help to stir up children, develop intelligence and memory, reveal their creative abilities, help to put the child in a competent speech, and teach themselves to express themselves through creativity.

  • The book will help you with this. "Children's theater repertoire: sketches and miniatures" by Yuri Dunaev
  • Also, in organizing a children's party, you can be helped books with games, creative contests, theatrical performances - in the corresponding section of the online store "Labyrinth".

Scenes from the life of schoolchildren

Archimedes the confusion

Physics lesson. The negligent student Kolya suffers near the blackboard. The teacher (a boy older or more densely built) tortures Kolya with questions:

- Kolya, tell us about Archimedes. Kolya squints and suffers, he clearly can tell a little about Archimedes:

- Well, it was such an ancient Greek ...

Teacher, delighted:

- How is it? And what is he famous for?

Kolya, straining even more:

- Well ... Once he was swimming in the bath ... And how he will scream!

What will cry, Kolya? - the teacher continues to ask leading questions.

"Eureka!" - unexpectedly for himself, Kolya says and happily continues:

- It means "found!"

But the teacher does not give up and continues to torment Kolya with questions:

- Well, what did he find there, Nikolai, probably something interesting?

“Probably…” Colin's enthusiasm fades. He clearly does not remember what exactly the famous ancient Greek found in his bath. Therefore, uncertainly, looking up at the teacher, he tries to find the correct answer:

- Maybe ... a washcloth?

The necessary fire

Schoolboy Sasha went to the store. On the way, he meets a very hurrying labor teacher, Viktor Petrovich.

- Hello, Viktor Petrovich, where are you running, what happened? He asks.

- Eh, Petrov, - the teacher almost cries, - we have a fire, so I'm running, our office caught fire, can you imagine?

Schoolboy Sasha changes his mind about going to the store, runs after the teacher. Having run up to the school, they stop and look at the smoke that falls from the windows of the labor office.

“Here is Petrov,” the teacher says in frustration, “now there will be no classes, probably for a month.

- What won't happen? - Sasha asks.

- There will be no classes, your stool, Petrov, you will never finish scolding, your stool probably burned out, - Viktor Petrovich informs in frustration.

- Who burned out? - Sasha insistently clarifies.

- Stool! Yours! - the teacher raises his voice irritably, - And the scoop, which you are doing for the second month! I don’t understand, Petrov, are you deaf or what?

- No, Viktor Petrovich, what are you, - says Sasha, and adds more quietly:

- You speak, and I will listen, listen, listen ... - and dreamily rolls his eyes.

Game scenes

This is a kind of funny mini-performances that are popular not only with children, but also with adults.


One of the variations of such a game-scene, which children of any age are happy to play.

Game progress:

Children are divided into two groups. One group will improvise, the other will guess. Actors from the first group must think of something: an animal, a profession, a natural phenomenon, heroes of their favorite fairy tales, etc.

Having guessed, children begin to move, depicting those actions that are inherent in the characters they envisioned, and another group of participants observes and analyzes. At some point, the presenter commands: "photo!" and all the actors from the first group freeze, in the position in which they were at the time of the command.

The members of the second group must recognize the hidden characters. After that, they switch roles with the members of the first group. Over time, the task can be complicated by inviting children to make a performance, for example, on the theme of their favorite fairy tales.

Playing fun mini-scenes is a great way to express yourself for kids of all ages. This type of creativity, like no other, stimulates the development of fantasy and imagination, gives a great mood and makes any children's party unforgettable.

Teacher, specialist of the children's development center
Druzhinina Elena

Scene "I'm late ..."


Anton is a late student.

A student who is late for a lesson rushes into the classroom.

Anton. Sorry I'm late.

Teacher. We understood this. Explain why. What happened?

Anton... Oh, what has not happened! .. I'll start in order. When I hear the sound of the alarm, I feel like I'm being shot.

Teacher. And you jump up right away?

Anton. No, I'm lying like a dead man! Therefore, Kesha, my parrot, wakes me up. At exactly 7.30 am he says: “Good morning! It's time to get up. " But yesterday it was Kesha's birthday, and I treated him to ice cream. And in the morning Kesha did not wake me up - he lost his voice, poor fellow ...

Teacher... I ate too much ice cream, you say. Interesting...

Anton. Well, that means ... I left the house ... And then an armed bandit attacked me!

Teacher... Horror! And what did he do?

Anton... Took away your homework!

Anton... Then I decided to help the old woman cross the street. And as soon as I brought it to the middle, the traffic light broke! A red light came on, and the cars drove without stopping. So we sunbathed in the middle of the street until the traffic controller appeared.

Teacher... That's the story ... Tell me, Anton, is there even a word of truth in your story?

Anton... As many as two: I'm LATE.

Scene "At recess"



The bell rings from the lesson. Children sit on chairs along the edge of the stage: some with a book in their hands, some with games, start a conversation with each other.

Vitalik... All people are like people: during recess they rush along the corridor, and we, like crazy, sit in the classroom.

Masha. So we punished ourselves: we behaved badly, now we sit in class for a whole week.

Someone sneezes.

Dasha... What will we have now?

Andrei... Mathematics.

Lesha. I love mathematics ... (Turns to Sergei) And what is your favorite subject?

Sergei... And my favorite subject is TV!

Anton. And mine is a tape recorder!

Yura. And mine is a computer!

Natasha. Do you have a computer at home?

Yura... There is.

Natasha... You probably want to become a programmer?

Yura... No, a doctor.

Natasha... Ha, you have a "three" in the "World Around"!

Masha. So what, Natasha, he will fix her! What kind of doctor is a surgeon?

Yura... No, to the teeth: people have one heart, and teeth - 32!

Someone sneezes.

Masha... Do you remember, Katya, how Lyudmila Vladimirovna asks Yura in class: "Why do storks fly to Africa for the winter?"

Katia. I remember, I remember ... What did you say then, Yura?

Yura... Obviously, blacks also want to have children!

Sergei... Vitalik, did you get sick yesterday from your parents because you left home from the rhythm lesson?

Vitalik... Yes, not that horrible, but the relationship soured. Imagine, in the morning I hint to my father: "Dad, I saw in a dream that you bought me three servings of ice cream." Usually he understands hints, and then he says: "Great, you can keep them for yourself!"

Anton... Well, that's nothing. But my dad once gave me two slaps on the head.

Nastya... For what?

Anton... First time because I showed the diary with "deuces". And the second - when he saw that it was his old diary!

Nastya... Well, why did you show? Himself to blame. You need to be careful with your parents. They forgot that they themselves were once children.

Katia. What time is it, Lesh?

Lesha. 10.20.

Katia... This means we have another 10 minutes to sunbathe before the start of the lesson.

Dasha... Lyudmila Vladimirovna said there won't be an extension today ...

Sergei... Badly. I don't like doing homework with my grandmother. Lyudmila Vladimirovna immediately recognizes her handwriting.

Zhenya. I once did my homework at home. And when I handed over the notebook, Lyudmila Vladimirovna grabbed her head: "It's just incredible that one person can make so many mistakes!" And I say: “Why alone? Together with dad! "

Someone sneezes.

Anton... I, too, once did not go to an extended program. So Lyudmila Vladimirovna asks: "Admit it, Anton, who did your homework for you?"

And I answer: “I don’t know, I went to bed early yesterday.”

Masha... What I like most about the extended course is drinking tea.

Andrei. Yes, great!

Masha... And my mother gave me a silver spoon and said: “Take it to class. If you drink tea, put a spoon in a cup. All microbes perish from it, from silver. "

And I said: "Mom, do you want me to drink tea with dead germs?"

Sergei. And somehow I shout: “Lyudmila Vladimirovna! My tea is unsweetened. " And she: "Did you stir the sugar?" - "Stirred". - "Which way?" - "Right". - "So the sugar is gone to the left!"

Anton sneezes, wipes his mouth with his sleeve.

Natasha... Anton, do you happen to have a handkerchief?

Anton... Yes, but I'm sorry, Natasha, I don't lend it to anyone.

Masha. Listen, Lesh, I want to ask you everything. When I walk past your windows, sometimes I hear your cat screaming in an almost human voice ...

Lesha... I wash her.

Masha... I also wash my cat, but she doesn't scream like that.

Lesha... Are you squeezing it out?

Masha... Well, you are a flayer, Lesha!

Lesha... You yourself are a flayer! But my cat has no fleas. And you, Masha, do not forget to tell your mother that Lyudmila Vladimirovna is calling her to school!

Masha. And I already said, Lesha! “Mom,” I say, “today we have an abbreviated parent-teacher meeting". And she asks: "How is it - abbreviated?" And I answer: "It's very simple: Lyudmila Vladimirovna, you, me and the director."

Call for a lesson.

Scene "At a math lesson"


Classmates: Dasha, Yura, Nastya, Anton, Katya, Vitalik.

Call for a lesson. The teacher enters the class.

Teacher... Sit down. Get ready for oral account... Checking the multiplication table. 7x8?

Dasha. 56.

Teacher. 49: 7.

Yura. 7.

Teacher. 9 x 3?

Nastya. 27.

Teacher. Something Sidorov Anton does not raise his hand ... Anton, 5x5?

Anton. 30.

Katia. 25.

Teacher... Anton, 10: 2?

Anton. ... 7.

Teacher. Hit the sky with your finger! Very bad! Didn't you learn the spreadsheet again?

Anton... It's just that my dad went on a business trip, and my mother can't cope with me.

Teacher... We'll have to wait for your dad from a business trip. Then the mouse's tears will pour out to the cat ...

Anton... Ah, seven troubles - one answer!

Teacher... Yura, you will solve the problem on the card yourself, for assessment. (Gives the card.) And all the others solve the examples on page 124. I hope, Vitalik, I won't see you cheating from Natasha.

Vitalik... I will try, Lyudmila Vladimirovna, so that you do not notice!

Everything is decided.

Teacher... Well done, Yura, he solved the problem correctly. How do you check it?

Yura... Why check? You yourself said it was right!

Teacher... It is logical! You've earned an A!

Vitalik cheats.

Teacher... And Vitalik still cheats! Vitalik, why can't I see your diary on the desk?

Vitalik. And my friend from the parallel class asked me to scare my parents.

Teacher... By the way, please explain why your dad puts a cross in his diary instead of a signature?

Vitalik... Daddy says not to think that such intelligent person how can he be such a stupid son!

Teacher... He is right. By the way, I want to remind you: your "two" in physical education is not closed.

Vitalik... Already closed.

Teacher... How?


Teacher... So!!! Skipped class again?

Vitalik... My leg hurt yesterday ...

Teacher... Doesn't it hurt today?

Vitalik Call.

And today there is no physical education!

Scene "Analysis of Essays"


Classmates: Natasha, Anton, Vitalik, Masha, Lyosha, Sergey, Dasha, Yura.

Call for a lesson.

Teacher. Hello guys! Sit down. Yesterday you wrote an essay on a topic that sounds like this: "What will I become when I grow up." I checked your work. Those on duty, please hand out the notebooks. I really liked Natasha's composition! Natasha, read it aloud, be kind.

Natasha.“When I grow up, I will become the president of the country. And the first thing I will do is increase teachers' salaries tenfold! To each class teacher I will give you a computer, a three-room apartment and a personal car with a chauffeur. And I will assign retirement teachers such a pension so that they can travel around the world, and not alone, but with their beloved grandchildren. "

Teacher. Natasha, why are you so worried about the life of teachers?

Natasha. My mother and grandmother are teachers.

Teacher... Then it is clear ... Anton, your composition surprised me unpleasantly. Please read it.

Anton... “I want to become an astronaut. You sit for yourself six months in spaceship, you skip school. Great! Astronauts are the most happy people on the ground!"

Teacher. And tell me, please, how can you become an astronaut without a high school diploma?

Anton... You can buy certificates and diplomas on the market now.

Teacher. And with a fake diploma, are you going into space? You won't come back, after all.

Well, I didn't expect anything else from Vitalik's composition. Can you read your fantasies to us?

Vitalik.“When I grow up, I will definitely become a military man. I will lock myself in the tank and spit plasticine through the barrel of the tank. And they won't be able to summon me to the school principal's office. The tank will not enter his office through the doors. "

Teacher... The tank, of course, will not pass, but your parents - easily!

Masha's composition seemed interesting to me ... But ...

Masha.“When I grow up, I will become the director of a plant where diaries are made. And my plant will make diaries in which they will immediately stand excellent grades in all cells. The teachers only have to sign for them. "

Teacher... Then your plant, Masha, will inevitably go bankrupt, because none of your parents will buy such diaries.

Lesha. I would not like to be a worker at your factory!

Sergei... “When I get big, I will definitely become a math teacher. I will ask the children stupid tasks, and at this moment I will swing on the chandelier in my swimming trunks, laugh and throw cakes at them. "

Teacher... In my opinion, you confused the school with the zoo.

Dasha... And yourself - with a monkey!

Yura... “When I grow up, I will definitely become the world champion in karate. Then I will work out the barbell properly, win the European boxing championship, come to my native school, go up to the OBZh teacher and tell him: "Mikhail Ivanovich, don't you want to ask me again about the rules road traffic?"»

Teacher... I think that without knowing the rules of the road, you will not become a champion, but rather a disabled person. Now let's get down to working on the bugs.

All children work in notebooks. Vitalik takes out a calculator and starts calculating something.

The teacher, walking through the classroom, comes up to Vitalik.

Teacher. And you, Lobachevsky, what are you calculating?

Vitalik... The number of errors per square centimeter!

Teacher... Finish the mistakes at home.

Scene "Whose help is better?"


Alina, Polina, Evelina - the king's daughters.

King(to daughters). Today I walked through our palace and was simply horrified: a complete mess! Books are lying on the floor, shoes are on the windowsills, and clothes are on the beds! And everywhere - candy wrappers! So I decided to start cleaning today. And I want to ask you: how will you help me?

Alina. Here's how I can help. When you start cleaning up, I'll turn on the turntable and play your favorite Kings Can Do Anything. With this funny song, you will instantly clean up!

Pauline. I'd rather turn on the TV. The program "Visiting a Fairy Tale" will be shown there. I will carefully watch it and retell everything to you. And you will clean up the entire palace fabulously quickly!

King(addressing Evelina with a sigh). What will you turn on?

Evelina. I'll turn on the vacuum cleaner. No, first I will put all the things in their places. Then I'll take a broom and sweep out all the trash. Then I will remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner. After that, wipe the windowsills and all the furniture with a damp cloth. And when everything is clean, we will all sit down and watch TV.

King... Well, now I have learned that I have only one real helper!

Scene "At the Doctor"


A student with a briefcase stands in front of the doctor's office. He is indecisive.

Student. What to do? To go or not to go? What if he kicks out? No I'm not going. Yes, and the test? No, we have to go. Was not! (He takes a towel out of his briefcase, ties it around his head. Then knocks on the door.)

Doctor. Yes, yes, come in!

Student(included). Can?

Doctor(writes something, then stops writing, looks at the student). Come in, come in, sit down. What are you complaining about?

Student. On a very bad state of health.

Doctor... Specifically, what hurts?

Student... Head. Stomach. The ear is blocked. I hear nothing and understand nothing. Then, this, dizziness, pressure and palpitations.

Doctor. The temperature is?

Student. Yes, yes! Thirty eight and eight. Or forty-four and four. I do not remember.

Doctor. It's clear. Do you remember your last name?

Student... No, I don't remember ... I forgot.

Doctor. And forgot the name too?

Student... Yeah. And middle name. Because my head hurts.

Doctor. And in which class do you study, and at which school - have you forgotten too?

Student... Grade ... it seems the sixth "u". And I completely forgot the school.

Doctor. OK. Open the horn wider and say: "A-a-a".

Student. A-a-algebra.

Doctor. What is "algebra"? Test, or what, today?

Student. No, tomorrow. Oh no, I don't remember.

Doctor. Hmm yeah. (Looks at the student over his glasses.) A very difficult case! You can't go to school. We'll have to sit at home for two weeks.

Student(gladly). Houses?

Student... What about English?

Doctor. It is forbidden!

Student... And what about geography?

Doctor. In no case!

Student. Can you go to the movies?

Doctor. Didn't I say? Necessarily! Twice a day - morning and afternoon!

Student. Thanks a lot!

Doctor. To your health! Everything. You can go.

Student. Goodbye. Oh, what about the help?

Doctor... What kind of help?

Student... Exemption from school. You didn't give me!

Doctor... Ah, liberation. No, unfortunately it won't work!

Student. Why?

Doctor... How can I write you a certificate if I do not know your name, surname, or the school in which you study!

Student. Oh, I seem to be starting to remember.

Doctor... Well done! What's the last name?

Student. Kotikov.

Student. Vasya! That is, Vasily Yegorovich.

Doctor... Very good, now remember the class, school.

Student. Sixth "b" grade, school number twenty-five.

Doctor... Now remember about algebra.

Student... What kind of algebra?

Doctor. About the one for which tomorrow is the control. Remembered?

Student. I remembered.

Doctor... Amazing! You see how you quickly recovered from me! And you don't even need any help! Or is it still necessary? Headmaster of school number twenty-five?

Student... Not necessary.

Doctor. Then bye. Vasily Kotikov. Yes, do not forget to remove the turban from your head, it does not suit you!

The student removes the towel from his head and leaves.

Scene "Grandmothers and Grandchildren"


Two grandmothers.

First grandmother... Hello my dear! Let's go for a walk in the park.

Second grandmother... What are you, I haven't done my homework yet.

First grandmother. Which lessons?

Second grandmother... It is now fashionable to do homework for grandchildren. I just want to try, although this is probably not pedagogical.

First grandmother... Why is it not pedagogical? Yes, I have been doing my homework for my grandchildren all my life. If anything - ask me, I have a lot of experience.

Second grandmother... Well, if it's not difficult, check out how I learned the poem: "By the lukomorye a green oak, a golden chain on that oak ..."

First grandmother. So good.

Second grandmother... "... Both day and night the dog is a scientist ..."

First grandmother. What other dog?

Second grandmother... Well, I don't know what breed he has, maybe a Doberman Pinscher?

First grandmother... Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat! Understood?

Second grandmother... Ah, I got it, I got it! Well, then I’ll start first: "By the seashore there is a green oak, a golden chain on that oak, and day and night, a scientist cat ... with a string bag goes to the grocery store."

First grandmother... What string bag? Which grocery store? Learn the poem again.

Second grandmother. Oh, I still have so many lessons! One grandson is in the sixth grade and the other is in the first. His teacher asked to bring the cash register to the school.

First grandmother. What cashier? From the store, or what? Don't involve me in this business!

Second grandmother. Well, what does the store have to do with it? The cash register is the alphabet. Okay, I'll do it myself, and you help me solve the problem.

First grandmother. So ... (takes the textbook, reads) "... two pipes are connected to the bathroom ..." Remember, in order to solve a problem, you need to have a good idea of ​​what it says. "There are two rude ones connected to the bathroom ..." - did you imagine?

Second grandmother... Yes, yes, I did.

First grandmother."... Through one water is poured in, through the other it is poured." Introduced?

Second grandmother... Introduced! (Running away) Introduced-ah-ah!

First grandmother... Wait! Where are you running to?

Second grandmother... Water is pouring out! Can fill the whole floor ...

First grandmother... Take it easy. In fact, no water is poured out. This is stated only in the problem! Now tell me, when will the bath be filled?

Second grandmother. Will never fill up. Themselves said - the water does not flow ...

First grandmother. Goodbye. You will get to the hospital with you. And I still haven't done my homework: I have to do my botany experiment - grow beans.

Second grandmother... And, yes, yes, I remember you took the beans from me.

First grandmother... Yes, these beans are not growing! Apparently poor quality ...

Second grandmother. How substandard? Well, do good to people! You can say that she tore off the beans and took them out of the soup.

First grandmother... Wait, wait, how - from the soup? It turns out I was the one who raised the boiled beans? Thank you, made me feel good ...

Second grandmother... Well, I didn't know why you need beans, don't be offended!

First grandmother... What do you think, if we continue to study so hard, maybe they will give us some grade?

Second grandmother(in a whisper). Between us, it has already been placed.

First grandmother. Yes? And what is the assessment?

Second grandmother."Col"!

First grandmother... Why such a bad grade?

Second grandmother... For the fact that we are not doing our own thing.

First grandmother... Adults do everything for the guys, and then they are surprised: "Oh, they grow up with little hands! .."

The old ladies leave.

Scene "Enchanted letter"


Denis. Once Alenka, Mishka and I were playing in the yard. It was before the New Year. A Christmas tree was brought to our yard. She lay big, shaggy and smelled so delicious of frost that we stood like fools and smiled. And suddenly Alenka said:

Alenka... Look, there are SEUs hanging on the tree!

Denis. Mishka and I started rolling!

bear... Oh, I'll die laughing! Search!

Denis... Well, it gives: detectives!

Bear. Five years old girl, but she says "detectives". Oh, I can't! Oh, I feel bad! Oh, water! Give me water soon! I'm going to faint now! (Falls, laughs.)

Denis... Oh, I even started to hiccup with laughter! Hic! Hic! I'll probably die now! The girl is already five years old, soon to marry, and she is a detective!

Alenka(offended). Did I say that correctly! It's my tooth that fell out and whistles. I want to say "detectives," but my whistle is "detectives."

bear... Just think! Her tooth fell out! .. I fell out as many as three and one is staggering, but I still speak correctly. Listen here: hyhki! What? Isn't that great? HUHKI! I can even sing:

Mihka clubfoot

Walking through the forest

Hykhki collects

And puts it in his pocket.

Alenka(shouts). A-ah-ah! Not properly! Hooray! You say "hyhki", but it is necessary - "detectives"!

bear... No, you have to - "hyhki"!

Alenka... No, "detectives"!

Bear. No, hyhki!

Alenka. No, "detectives"! (Obarevut.)

Denis. I laughed so hard that I even got hungry. I'll go home. Here are weirdos! Why are they arguing so, since both are wrong? After all, this is a very simple word. No "investigations", no "hyhki", but short and clear: "phyfki"! That's all.

Based on materials from the Yeralash newsreel

Scene "Day of Help for Parents"


Anton. Mother.

Three of Anton's classmates.

Anton appears on the stage. He wipes the dust with a rag, sweeps the floor with a brush, dancing at the same time and singing: "My baby, I miss you ...".

Mom enters in outer clothes, freezes in place.

Mother. Anton, what happened?

Anton. Nothing happened, Mom. Let me help you undress. (Helps to take off the jacket.)

Mom enters the room, notices that the dust has been wiped off.

Mother... Did you dust off? Myself?

Anton... Myself.

Mother. Tell me honestly, Anton, what happened?

Anton... Nothing happened.

Mother. Am I called to school?

Anton... No...

Mom walks across the room, notices that the floor has been swept.

Mother... Did you sweep the floor? Myself?! Incredible ... (Places a hand to her forehead, checking for a fever.)

Anton... Mom, don't worry. I washed the dishes and did my homework.

Mother... I have done my homework ... I beg you, Anton, tell me what happened after all? (Grabs his heart, sits on a chair.)

Anton... Well, I tell you: nothing happened! The doorbell rings. Three children enter.

1st... Good evening! How was your Parenting Day?

2nd. Hack, cleanliness, order. I wiped the dust, swept the floor ...

3rd(opens magazine). Check mark! (Puts a check mark with a pencil.)

Anton. Helping Parents Day, Helping Parents Day! Here, look at what your Parenting Day has brought a person to! (Points to Mom.)

Children surround their mother on all sides.

1st(vigorously). Valerian! Water! (Counts drops.) 23, 24, 25! (Gives mom a drink.) How nervous all mothers are! It was necessary first to explain that this is only for one day and tomorrow everything will be the same!

Scene "Pro kitten who could not read"


Yasha is a kitten.

Once Murka's cat, Yashin's mother, said to the kitten:

Murka. It's time for you, Yasha, to learn to read.

Yasha. I will have time yet!

Murka. There is nothing to be lazy about. Let's start right now. Sit down, I'll show you the letters.

Yasha sits down reluctantly.

Murka... Let's start with the simplest letter - "O". (Shows the letter "O".)

Yasha. Some kind of circle ...

Murka. Yes, it looks like a circle. This letter is called "O". Repeat!

Yasha. This letter is called "O". What words contain this letter?

Murka... In many. For example, in the words "cat" and "cat". (Shows cards with words written on them.)

Yasha. And in the word "kitten"?

Murka. And in the word "kitten" there are even two letters "O". Here look. (Shows a card with a written word.)

Yasha... See see! Two mugs! And three? Are there three letters "O" in words?

Murka. Sure. There is such a good word - "milk". (Shows a card.)

Yasha. Truth! As many as three circles! Is there this letter in the word "ice cream"?

Murka... There is. And also three. Here look. (Shows a card.)

Yasha... Good word! And in two ice creams, it means six letters "O". And in three ...

Murka. Don't talk nonsense! And in general, we do not have arithmetic now! That's all for today. Go to walk!

Yasha. What a nice letter! And it happens in the most good words! And the most delicious!

Yasha walks up to a screen on which hangs a sign with the inscription: “Caution! Angry dog!"

Yasha. What a beautiful sign! And it has three words written on it ... And in the first word, whole ... one, two, three, four ... Wow!

As many as four letters "O"! Blimey! Probably, there is something very tasty or pleasant here! ..

The kitten looks behind the screen. A deafening bark is heard from there. Yasha jumps out from behind the screen, tears off the sign and runs to his mother.

Murka(seeing an agitated Yasha). What's the matter? Why are you so disheveled and shaking all over? What happened?

Yasha. Mom, I was walking, I saw a fence, there was a beautiful sign on the fence (he gives the sign to mom), three words are written on it, and in the first word there are four letters "O"! I thought that there must be something very tasty or pleasant ...

Murka. So! I understand everything! This is what happens when you can't read! Do you know what is written on this plate? "Carefully! Angry dog!".

Yasha... Yes, it is written correctly, the dog is really angry ... You know what, mom, let's learn the rest of the letters!

Scenario "Word game"


Petya is a son.

Two boys - one older, the other younger - go on stage, sit on chairs. In the hands - pictures and pencils.

Peter... Dad, draw something for me.

Dad... No, we will draw in turns and play words at the same time.

Peter... Like this?

Dad... That's how. We will come up with words for some letter and depict these words with pictures. Take the letter "P" for example. I start. (Draws a portfolio, shows.)

Peter. It's clear. And I will draw ... (draws a steam locomotive).

Dad. Well done! The locomotive is like a real one! And I came up with this ... (draws and shows the belt).

Peter. But the belt is not allowed! He's not the letter "P"!

Dad... And this is not a belt, but a belt!

Peter. Great idea! Then I will draw ... (draws and shows the cat).

Dad. And the cat cannot be, it is not in the letter "P"!

Peter... And this is not just a cat, but Fluff!

Dad... Oh, you sly fellow! Good. I will draw ... (draws and shows a portrait).

Peter. Who is this?

Dad... This is nobody. It's just a portrait.

Peter. Great. And I will draw ... (draws and shows the uncle).

Dad... And who is this?

Peter. This is nobody. It's just a passerby.

Dad... Well done! And I'll draw a parrot. (Draws and shows.)

Peter... Great! And I'll draw a penguin. (Draws and shows.)

Dad... Look. (Shows the boy in the picture.)

Peter. Who is this? If it’s a boy, it doesn’t count.

Dad. Didn't you recognize? After all, this is Petya, that is, you!

Peter... Now I found out! And I will draw ... (draws and shows the uncle).

Dad. Who is this? If it’s an uncle, it doesn’t count!

Peter... Didn't you recognize? It's dad, that is you!

Dad... Now I found out. Here's what I came up with. (Draws and shows a woman.) This is our mother. I drew her because she is a teacher and she teaches singing.

Peter. Great! Here's what I came up with! (Draws and shows the calendar.)

Dad... The calendar? Why?

Dad... Right. And on this day we will present to her ... (draws a gift and flowers).

Peter... A gift is understandable. And the flowers? They are not in the letter "P" ...

Dad... So what? All the same, mom will be pleased!

And on various holidays, in addition to amateur performances, where the vocal and dance talents of classmates are clearly manifested, funny performances, theatrical performances and scenes are especially popular.

We offer a scenario comic school scene "Deserved mark", based on the story of the same name by Konstantin Melikhan (thanks to the author!). Such a scene can be shown at any holiday: Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, March 8, or graduation.


Teacher Maria Ivanovna (name can be any)

Pupils (it is better to call the guys by their proper names, in this scenario the names are conditional. There can be more or less of them)

School scene scenario

Maria Ivanovna: Denis, where do wood grouses winter?

Denis: They roam under the snow.

Maria Ivanovna: An interesting observation. Lera, what do you know about crabs?

Lera: Crabs ... (waiting for a hint) These are such fish ... Similar to crayfish!

Maria Ivanovna: Sit down! Julia, What class does the cross spider belong to?

Julia: To the cruciferous class!

Maria Ivanovna: And our Julia has all the flowers on her mind! Where do hamsters live? Kirill!

Kirill: At the pet store!

Maria Ivanovna: What are you saying?!!!

Rogov enters

Maria Ivanovna: Well, why are you late this time?

Rogov: I accidentally fell into a puddle, returned home to change, and at the same time ... and had lunch.

Maria Ivanovna: And how did you eat? Sit down, my grief! Well, since we are all gathered, let's listen ... Rogov! Learned?

Rogov: Learned.

Maria Ivanovna: Get started!

Rogov: Aloud?

Maria Ivanovna (menacingly): Rogov!

Rogov: You have a wonderful smile!

Maria Ivanovna (conciliatory): Well, well, Rogov, tell me.

Rogov: Your hair is always so neat! Not like mine.

Maria Ivanovna (embarrassed): Thanks.

Rogov: Your blouse is beautiful, it suits you.

Maria Ivanovna: I understand correctly, you haven't learned your lesson?

Rogov: I'm sorry, I didn't learn. You can't hide anything from you ... Of course, with such and such work experience! You, Mary Vanna, how long have you been at school with people like me?

Maria Ivanovna: Oh, Rogov, Rogov! Tell me, where do the birds fly away for the winter?

Rogov: There!

Maria Ivanovna: Well, sit down. Troika!

(To the class): Well, since Rogov has distinguished himself so well, I will ask everyone. Now we will conduct a blitz survey with you. Anya, what are the benefits of ants?

Anya: Ants protect fruits from caterpillars, and people then collect and preserve them.

Maria Ivanovna: Who knows why some birds fly south?

Fedya: And some are probably too lazy!

Maria Ivanovna: Look, our Fedor woke up! Where do whales live? Well!

In chorus: In China!

Maria Ivanovna: Well, you are in good shape today: the further, the more interesting! How do pigeons breed? Rogov!

Rogov: Pigeons lay eggs, and then doves hatch from them.

Maria Ivanovna: It's good that not stuffed cabbage! Sit down, my dear ... Yulia, what are reserves?

Julia: Reserves are places where animals take a break from people.

Maria Ivanovna (walking through the class): Really? I didn't know! Where can I find a teacher sanctuary? Cyril, what bones of the skull do you know?

Kirill (waking up): Frontal, parietal and cuff!

Maria Ivanovna examines the note taken from the girls.

Rogov (speaks to Fedor - a neighbor on a desk): There is no secret here: hang noodles about eyes and blouses on this kikimore, she will relax!

Fedya: Hush, you hear!

Rogov: Nonsense! Don't drift, she's two meters away and Ramstein won't hear!

Maria Ivanovna (sits down): Now let's listen to Rogov.

Rogov: You already asked me ...

Maria Ivanovna: And I'll ask you on an old topic. Tell us about ...

Rogov: You have a wonderful smile ...

Maria Ivanovna: What else?

Maria Ivanovna: Closer to the subject!

Rogov: You have a figure like a top model!

Maria Ivanovna (dubiously examining your figure): So you don't know anything at all!

Rogov: You are straight, like Messing, you see everything, you know everything! And why did you go to school to work? Nervous system spoil yours because of people like me. Tomorrow is a holiday: you should go to the spa salon, but here you are ruining your health! And even better - to the sea, read poetry, meet a good man!

Maria Ivanovna: Well, sit down, Rogov. Troika...

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