What a preschooler self-esteem should be normal. Self-assessment in children: Methods of definition and correction

According to research G.S. Abramova, M.D. Marcinkovskaya, V.V. Zelkovsky, M.V. Lavrentian, from a psychological and pedagogical point of view, preschool age is one of the key in the life of the child and largely determines its future psychological development. This made it possible to determine the structure of the preparation of a psychological portrait of a preschooler: identifying the peculiarities of the cognitive sphere, identifying the peculiarities of the identity of the preschooler, determination of the features of activity and adventure in preschool age.

Features of the development of the cognitive sphere in children of preschool age are noted in the works of I.V. Dubrovina, A.V. Petrovsky. In preschool age, children's attention progresses simultaneously in many different characteristics. The development of memory in preschool age is also characterized by a gradual transition from involuntary and directly to arbitrary and mediated memorization and remember. In preschool age in children, memorizing and reproduction in natural conditions for the development of memory, since in preschool age under the same conditions there is a gradual transition from involuntary to arbitrary memorization and reproduction of material. Most of the most normally developing preschool children are well developed direct and mechanical memory. With the help of mechanical repetitions of information, children in preschool age may well memorize it.

As noted by D.B. Elkonin, A.L. Wenger, in preschool age, when arbitrariness appears in memorization, imagination from the reproductive, mechanically reproducing reality turns into creatively its transimary. The verbal-logical thinking of the child, which begins to develop at the end of the preschool age, implies the ability to operate in words and understand the logic of reasoning. N.N. Falks specifically studied how he goes in preschool children, the formation of an internal action plan characteristic of logical thinking, and allocated six stages of development of this process from the younger to senior preschool age.

V.S. Mukhina allocated the features of phased development different species Activities of children of senior preschool age. In a senior preschool age, you can find almost all kinds of games that are found in children before entering school. Specific stages of consistent improvement of games, labor and the teachings of children at this age can be traced, conventionally dividing preschool childhood for three periods for analytical purposes: Junior Preschool Age (3 - 4 years), Middle Preschool Age (4 - 5 years) and Senior Preschool Age (5 - 6 years).

On average and older preschool age, plot role-playing games are developing, however, at this time they are already different than a much larger diversity of themes, roles, gaming actions introduced and implemented in the game rules than in the younger preschool age. In the older preschool age, the design game begins to turn into career, during which the child designs, creates, builds something useful, necessary in everyday life.

Based on this psychological portrait of a preschooler from birth to the end of senior preschool age, it has certain features that are the main characteristics of this age stage and form the conditions for the transition to the next stage of the child's development. In research L.F. Obukhovo notes that the cognitive scope of a child of senior preschool age is characterized by the transition to the arbitraryness of all processes, from perception to thinking. Children's Intellect Already in the older preschool age, it is functioning based on the principle of systemity. By the end of senior preschool age, the main stage of awareness of his gender identity was held.

In the conclusion of the consideration of the psychological portrait of the preschooler, it should be noted that the compilation of a schematic portrait is determined by the individual conditionality of the development of each child. You can bring a number of psychological characteristics of senior preschoolers, but they will all describe a specific individual and characterize certain personal qualities of the child. However, this characteristic of the trends of the general development of the preschool age, up to senior preschool age, made it possible to determine the level of development of each of the cognitive processes, which the senior preschooler reaches in its development.

On the ramp of N.I. The incomprehensible, the phase of development of the educational and behavioral spheres of the preschooler allowed the transformation from one species to others and the level on which the senior preschooler is in its development. Accounting for the characteristic features and typical psychological portraits of the identity of the senior preschooler allows to determine the zone of the nearest development of the child and his readiness for school training.

Development of discipline, organization and other qualities that help the preschooler to manage their behavior, according to A.K. Markova, to a large extent depends on the degree of susceptibility to the requirements of an adult as a carrier of social norms of behavior. Among the factors determining the development of this kind of susceptibility, an important place occupies the nature of the relationship between the child and adult, mastering the content of adult claims through the "verbal instructions, signs".

Thus, in research L.F. Obukhovo notes that the cognitive scope of a child of senior preschool age is characterized by the transition to the arbitraryness of all processes, from perception to thinking. By the end of senior preschool age, the main stage of awareness of his gender identity was held. Development of discipline, organization and other qualities that help the preschooler to manage their behavior, according to A.K. Markova, to a large extent depends on the degree of susceptibility to the requirements of an adult as a carrier of social norms of behavior. Among the factors causing the development of this kind of susceptibility, an important place occupies the nature of the relationship between the child and adult.

According to M.I. Lisina, self-esteem is a complex-structured formation that has a significant impact on the formation of personality, its activities, communication, mental health. L.I. Bozovic considers self-esteem as a psychological neoplasm for preschool age, an important link of the motivational - the considerable sector of the child's personality.

V. Satir put self-esteem in the first place among the factors determining the successes and failures in the education of children and the development of the personality. Under self-esteem, she understood the ability (or, on the contrary, the inability - auth.) A person honestly with love and appreciate himself.

Decisive in the genesis of self-esteem in the first stages of the formation of a person (the end of the early, beginning of the preschool period) has a child communication with adults. Due to the absence (limitations) of adequate knowledge of its capabilities, the child initially takes his assessment, the attitude and evaluates himself, as it were, through the prism of adults, is entirely focused on the opinion of the people raising him. Elements of the independent idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves begin to form a little later. For the first time they manifest themselves, as Research B.G. Ananya et al., Materials of diaries, in the assessment of non-personal, moral qualities, and subject and external ("And I have a plane", "And I have this," etc.). This manifests the instability of ideas about a friend and about himself outside the situation of recognition, which remained elements of the injustriality of action from the subject.

A significant shift in the development of the identity of the preschooler is the transition from the substantive assessment of another person to the assessment of his personal properties and internal states Himself. According to EI studies. Sovereign, in all age groups, children discover the ability to objectively evaluate others than themselves. But here there are certain age changes. Rarely from the senior preschooler to the question "Who is your best?" We will hear "I am the best", so characteristic for the smallest. But this does not mean that the children's self-esteem is now low. Children have already become "big" and know that it is not good to boasted. It is not necessary to directly declare your superiority. In the senior groups you can see children who evaluate themselves from the positive side indirectly. To the question "What are you: good or bad?" They usually answer like this: "I don't know ... I also listen," "I also know how to count to 100," "I always help the duty officer," "I also never offend the children, I share sweets", etc. .

As noted by E.A. Maslova, in preschool age, assessment and self-esteem are emotional. From the surrounding adults, the most bright positive assessment is obtained by those of them to which the child is experiencing love, trust, attachment. Senior preschoolers are more likely to evaluate the inner world of surrounding adults, give them a deeper and differentiated assessment, rather than children of middle and younger preschool age.

According to E.N. Vasina, comparison of the self-assessment of the preschooler in different types Activities shows the unequal degree of its objectivity ("reassessment", "adequate assessment", "underestimation"). The correctness of the child's self-esteem is largely determined by the specificity of the activity, the visibility of its results, knowledge of their skills and their evaluation, the degree of assimilation of the true criteria for evaluating in this area, the level of child's claims in one way or another. So children are easier to give adequate self-esteem of the drawing performed on a specific topic, rather than correct to assess their position in the system of personal relationships.

M.V. Lavrentieva found that the status, the position of the child in the group also affects the self-esteem of the preschooler. For example, the tendency to revaluation is more often found by "unpopular" children, whose authority in the group is low; The underestimation is "popular", the emotional well-being of which is good enough.

The self-assessment of preschool children is different depending on their attitude to activities. The most favorable, as the studies of V.A. Gorbacheva, R.B. Single, for the formation of dynamic self-esteem, the senior preschoolers are such activities that are associated with a clear installation on the result and where this result acts in the form available to self-assessment of the child (for example, games with the arrows in target, playing the ball and classics) . In this case, children are guided by the motive of improving self-esteem, while when performing a productive activity (for example, cutting out of paper) associated with the need to carry out sufficiently subtle operations that do not cause a bright emotional relationship, self-assessment motifs retreat to the background, and paramount importance For children acquires interest in the process itself. The accuracy and objectivity of the assessment and self-assessment of preschoolers grow as they master the children's rules, acquiring personal experience.

N. Avdeeva believes that by the end of the preschool age, the self-assessment of the child, its estimated judgments about the surrounding gradually become becoming more complete, deep, detailed, deployed. These changes are based largely by the appearance (increasing) of the interest of senior preschoolers to the inner world of people, the transition to their personal communication, the assimilation of significant evaluation criteria, the development of thinking and speech. In the self-assessment of the preschooler, they reflect the feelings of pride and shame developing.

Development of self-consciousness, at L.I. Bozovic, is in close connection with the formation of the cognitive and motivational sphere of the child. Based on their development at the end of the preschool period, an important neoplasm appears - the child turns out to be able to conscious and himself and then the situation that he currently occupies, i.e., the child appears "awareness of its social" I "and the emergence of On this basis of the inner position. " This shift in the development of self-esteem has an important role in psychological readiness Preschooler for school training, in the transition to the next age step. It increases by the end of the preschool period and independence, criticality of children's assessment and self-esteem.

M.I. Lisin shares self-esteem on: high, low, overestimated, lowered. M.I. Lisina emphasizes that a person who has a positive self-esteem, generalizes himself good and, as a result, believes in his success. His goals are extensive, the planks are high, plans are large-scale. Funds meet targets: the responsibility does not scare, the efforts made are justified by the award, and faith in success allows you to not pay attention to temporary failures and errors. Small self-criticism and some inattention to other people are one of the consequences of optimism and initiative. A child with high self-esteem is easier to exist in the team. It is not afraid to seem funny or make stupidity - therefore I am ready to invent: how to solve the task where a string of a lesson is to play for a change. It is not too critical refers to his actions, so it carries them - a lot and different. It is easier for him: he is confident in own powerTherefore, tasks cause excitement and curiosity if they are complex, and boredom - if simple or stupid. But even the most difficult will not cause fear or anxiety. When the plank for achievements is high, and confidence in success is great, it means that a person assesses itself as a whole positively. The investigation is activity, productivity, copyright to what is happening.

According to L.A. Wenger, V.S. Mukhina, adequate self-esteem, when a person as a whole accepts his own image, but at the same time does not idealize himself and sees his negative features, it is extremely important for the normal development of the child. For children with an overestimated self-esteem, the situation is characteristic when a child who built a child does not coincide with the ideas about him of other people. Such a mismatch prevents contacts and is the cause of aggressive behavior, conflict, anxiety, violations of communication.

According to M.I. Lisina, a child with low self-esteem is found in the disgust, shyness, lack of cheerfulness. He thinks that he is bored to play - and really becomes boring, because he forbids himself completely carried away. But due to the fact that he really misses communication, other children can easily teach him to play the roles that do not like them - unremarkable, boring, performing. If such a child is solved on some act (come up with a new plot, hit the offender, give a write off the task or to write off - it doesn't matter) is very likely that then he will worry, ashamed of his miss or shy his winnings, hide his involvement, running away from responsibility.

A number of authors (A.I. Silvestra, M.I. Lisin) believe that an overestimated self-esteem is the result of numerous "stroking", promotions, devoid of organicity and, possibly, be the manipulation of parents. For example, a child does not refuse any material, however, they do not participate emotionally in his fate, do not evaluate his behavior, do not bring up. He grows with the feeling that all the life benefits are given to him from nature, but they are not connected with what he really is. He knows that he is abstract good child. But for which you can praise - he does not know, and poorly distinguishes its achievements from strangers.

As V.V. notes Stolin, inadequate self-esteem, not conscious, therefore, not amenable to change, many people cause difficulties in communication, prevents adaptation to work, prevents self-actualization. The understated self-esteem is characterized by the complete lack of faith in their own success up to the failure to do something, it has been confidential to automatism.

L.A. Wenger, V.S. Mukhina believes that for children with inadequately understated self-esteem, anxiety is characterized, uncertainty, the desire to arrange the interlocutor, to please him.

According to E.T. Falcon, self-esteem is manifested not so much that a person thinks or talks about himself as in his attitude towards the achievements of others. With the help of self-esteem, the child's behavior is regulated. It is the activities and communication give him some important benchmarks for behavior.

Considering self-esteem The most complex product of the child's conscious activity, B.G. Ananyev noted that its initial forms are a direct reflection of adult estimates, and genuine self-esteem appears when it is filled with new content, thanks to the "personal participation" in its production of the child.

The development of the child's ability to evaluate itself psychologists correlate with such phenomena as self-identification and making themselves in the calculation (V.V. Stolin); with the emergence of ethical instances that determine the arbitrariness of the behavior (L.I. Bozovich); With the advent of ideas about their capabilities (H. Hekhausen). As the child's intellectual development, the direct acceptance of adult estimates is overcome, the process of mediating their own knowledge of oneself. Senior preschoolers, mostly, are correctly aware of their advantages and disadvantages, take into account the attitude towards them from others. It is of great importance for the further development of the person, the conscious assimilation of the norms of behavior, following the positive samples.

The system-forming core of individuality is self-assessment of the individual, which largely defines the life positions of a person, the level of its claims, the entire assessment system. Self-assessment affects the formation of the style of behavior and human activity. Self-assessment largely determines the dynamics and focus of the development of the subject.

According to the studies of this year. Jacobson, G.I. Severe, with age, the child seizes more than perfect ways of assessment, his knowledge is expanding and deepened, integrated, become more conscious, their motivational role is enhanced; Emotional-value attitude towards itself is also differentiated, becomes selective and becomes stability. By the end of the preschool age, the ratio of emotional and cognitive components is somewhat harmonized. Favorable conditions are created for the development of the cognitive component of self-assessment, for the intellectualization of the child's attitude towards themselves, overcoming the direct impact on its self-esteem from adults.

Research A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, D.B. Elkonin and others have shown that the mental development of the child is determined by its emotional contact and peculiarities of cooperation with parents. The parent relationship is affected by the type of family, the position that adults, the styles of relationships and the role they are discharged to the child in the family. Influenced by the type of parental relationship is formed by the identity of the child.

According to researchers (I.M. Balinsky, A.I. Zakharov, I.A. Sinevsky), parental relations can act as a positive or negative influence of the child's self-esteem. At the same time, family relationships may have a diverse nature, and the use of ineffective type of parental relationship leads to an inadequate self-esteem in a child.

D.V. Zaitsev was highlighted four parental attitudes and the corresponding types of behavior: "Taking and love", "obvious rejection", "excessive demanding", "excessive guardianship", and also a certain dependence between the behavior of parents and the behavior of children was traced. So, for example, "adoption and love" give rise to a sense of security in the child and contribute to the normal development of the individual, while the "explicit rejection" leads to aggressiveness and emotional underdevelopment.

N.T. Kolesnik studied the influence of family education on the social adaptation of children, manifested in various degrees of severity of self-esteem, sociometric status, the level of communication and emotional well-being. She was allocated types of children's behavior, differently adapted to the world around:

1. Adapted type - the child is important to adequately perceive the claims, pronounced motivation in achieving success, he has versatile interests that are not limited to software for the preschool institution. Such children easily come into contact, have an overdequitable or average adequate self-esteem, occupy a favorable status in the peer group, can resolve conflicts and avoid them.

2. Partially adapted type - difficulties have difficulty in communicating, prefers a familiar society or games alone.

3. Non-adaptable type - they have difficulty in independent work, they react sharply to external stimuli, there are non-constructive behavior reactions. In the peer group are "rejected".

A significant element of the child's psychological and pedagogical experience is his self-awareness. Social experience will be assigned to them only as they are aware of themselves as a member of society, a carrier of a socially significant position. The preschooler learns to watch himself from the part, to evaluate his actions, actions, correlate its capabilities with that social role, with the type of behavior that the life "prescribes" him. N.T. Kolesnik allocates the following types of self-esteem:

Understated adequate - inadequate,

The average adequate is inadequate,

Heavy adequate is inadequate.

Moreover, in children of 4-5 years, an overestimated assessment of their qualities prevails, thanks to which they feel great confidence, are active, initiatives in communication. By 6-7 years, due to the mastering of new more significant activities, self-esteem is approaching adequate, or decreases sharply. Children can talk about what others think about them that they want adults from them if they can do it.

M.I. Lisin traced the development and formation of a self-assessment of the preschooler under the influence of child-parent relations. M.I. Lisina notes that children with an accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves have a high self-esteem, brought up in families where parents apply a democratic style of education, paying for children, quite a long time, positively assessing their physical and mental data, but not counting the level of their development is higher than Most peers. Such children are often encouraged, but not gifts. They are punished mainly by refusing to communicate. Children with the affected idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves (understated self-esteem) are growing in families in which authoritarian, liberal or chaotic education style is present. They do not deal with them, but they require obedience (especially authoritarian type of education). Low estimated, often reproach, punish, sometimes - with strangers. Do not expect success and achievements in life.

According to Karabanova OA, children's parental relationship affect the formation of an adequate self-assessment of the child, if an adult applies a democratic style of education in relation to the child, i.e. :

Always finds time to talk to the child;

Interested in the problems of a child, in contact with all the difficulty arising in his life and helps to develop their skills and talents;

Does not have any pressure on the child, helping him who independently make decisions;

Has an idea of \u200b\u200bvarious stages in the life of a child;

Respects the right of a child to his own opinion;

I know how to restrain the proprietary instincts and refers to the child as an equal partner, which is simply so far has less life experience.

According to the city of Kryga, with a reputable style there is a level of control when parents recognize and encourage the growing autonomy of their children, warm relationships (parents are open to communicate, allow changes to their requirements). Children in such parents are socially adapted, confident in themselves, capable of self-control, have adequate high self-esteem.

At the glance of Kazig, with an authoritarian style of child-parent relations, which is characterized by high control, conditions are created for the formation of inadequately low (understated) self-esteem. Children are closed, fearless and sullen, unpretentious and irritable. Girls are mostly passive and dependent, boys are uncontrollable and aggressive.

The city of Korig believes that inadequately overestimated self-esteem is formed under the influence of child-parent relations, where the liberal style dominates, which involves a low level of control and warm relationship. Children are prone to disobedience and aggressiveness, behave inadequately, undemanding to themselves.

According to G.A. Uruntaeva, the main way of influencing adults to the development of children's self-assessment is to organize the assimilation of moral norms. These norms are absorbed by the child under the influence of samples and rules of behavior. Samples of behavior for children are adults themselves - their actions, relationships. The child is inclined to imitate, adopt their manners, borrow their assessment of people, events, things. A child of preschool age meets adult life watching their work, listening to stories, poems, fairy tales. Prevent children demands and evaluating their actions, adults are achieved by children to fulfill the rules. Gradually, the children themselves begin to evaluate their actions.

According to L.I. Bozovic, authoritarian parents have children who have a self-esteem, they are unhappy with themselves. Adults constantly blame the child or post upgraded tasks. The child feels that it does not meet the requirements of the parents. Inadequacy can also manifest with overestimated self-esteem. This happens in the family, where the child is often praised, and for trifles and achievements give gifts (the child gets used to the material remuneration). The child is punished very rarely, the system requirements are very soft. These are usually families with a liberal style of upbringing.

M.I. Lisina notes that there is a word of this or that individual quality of the child, surrounding it to this or that category of people. If the mother says his daughter: "You are a beautiful girl," thereby she seems to mean that the daughter refers to a certain group of girls with a set of attractive characteristics. The verbal designation of the individual characteristics of the child is addressed, above all to his consciousness. Realizing the child, the judgments of adults become his own knowledge of themselves. The image of himself, inspired by the child adults, can be both positive (the child says that he is kind, smart, capable), and negative (rude, neurogenous, is unable). Negative adult estimates are fixed in children's consciousness, have an adverse effect on the formation of its self-esteem.

As ld believes Stolyarenko, pedagogical assessment of parents, playing an important role in the formation of a child's self-assessment, should perform orient and stimulating functions, not only affect the mind, but also on the feelings of the preschooler. It should take into account not only the age and individual features of the child, the possibilities of it today, but the zones of the nearest development, the knowledge of the specific microcersion, which is included in the child. Authoritarian parents have children with low self-esteem.

At the glance of A.I. Silway, M.I. Lisina, democratic parents in their upbringing use such a method as encouraging that supporting and fixing specific behavior works on the formation of a positive assessment of oneself. Punishment and ignoring apply authoritarian and liberal parents, respectively, which is aimed at the formation of inadequate self-esteem.

A.I. Silway, M.I. Lisina notes that in addition to actions, words are important. What parents say, projecting their expectations or hopes for a child, is also preserved in children's memory. Adult words can become a "life guide" in one case or "harmful tips", where everything needs to be done strictly, on the contrary, in another: "You are so nice, the same loser as I"; "You will definitely become a dental doctor, I will realize my dream, because I did not succeed myself"; "The main thing is to count only on yourself and never relax, then you will achieve everything you want."

According to L.A. Hungarian, learned from adult estimates become their own estimates of the child. The child appreciates himself as it is assessed by others, and above all, parents. Parents and other adults form certain personal values, ideals and standards that should be equal to; outlining the plans that must be executed; Determine the standards for performing certain actions; Call general and private purposes. If parents adhere to democracy in education, then the goals for their children are more realistic, which correspond to the possibilities of the child and contribute to the formation of a positive image "I" and positive self-esteem.

In research A.V. Petrovsky shows that child-parent relations influence the formation of inadequately low self-esteem in the coalded authoritarianity of parents, ignoring the interests and opinions of the child, suppressing, coercion, and, in the case of the child's resistance, sometimes emotional or physical violence over it, mockery, systematic deprivation His voice rights in solving issues to it are related - all this, according to the researcher, guaranteeing serious failures of the formation of his personality, and, consequently, a decrease in its self-esteem.

Ya.L. Kolominsky, E.A. Panko believes that the estimated judgment of the preschooler "is continuously intertwined with the estimated relations to him from the comrades and the teacher. Research E.I. Sovereign detect a clear dependence of the awareness of the qualities and peer features from educational work in the group. The general trend observed is that the children are primarily aware of the qualities and features of the behavior of peers, which are most often assessed by others and from which, therefore, their position in the group depends to a large extent.

The effectiveness of adult influence on the formation of a preschooler self-assessment is determined largely by the level of their pedagogical skills. Studies of psychologists (B.G. Ananyev, P.R. Chamata, N.E. Ankudinova, V.A. Gorbachev, A.I. Silvestra, etc.) show that the relative loyalty to the evaluation of oneself and peers is determined by the direction and style of educational Works, deep knowledge of the teacher of both the life of a group, interpersonal relationships in it and the individual characteristics and features of each child.

An important role is played by the ownership of pedagogical communication skills, the skillful use of orienting and stimulating (B.G. Ananeyev) functions of the pedagogical assessment. Positive results in the formation of self-esteem of unsure in itself preschoolers are achieved when the educators go through the development of the possibilities of children, creating a success situation for them, will not be sealed on praise, manifestation of their emotional support. This helps to strengthen the confidence of children in their power, self-esteem. This is convinced as advanced pedagogical experienceand specially conducted studies.

At the glance L.I. Umanets, the conditions for the formation of self-esteem are the forms of optimizing the estimated relations of children in the game, as a result of the implementation of which: a) enriched positive experience in comparing with a child under the guidance of the educator of his game achievements in different games with the results of peers; b) the ability to apply moral criteria in the assessment and self-assessment of the success in the performance of gaming actions and gaming communication; c) actualizes the need of a child in a positive assessment of themselves with peers - game partners.

Experimental data L.I. Umanets testify that self-esteem formed in gaming activities involves the development of a child with a child to evaluate the partners in the game, skillfully coordinate their actions with them, not disturbing the rules, to be benevolent, to render the necessary help, to reckon with the opinion of others Infringe on their rights. So that this moral behavior was characteristic of senior preschoolers, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bfirst, to arm them with the criteria for which one or another participant of the game is estimated; Secondly, teach to operate with these criteria, i.e. Alone to apply them in relation to yourself and others. To solve these tasks, the educator should skillfully use the psychological mechanism of the influence of the game group on the identity of a separate child.

According to V. Abramenkova, the development in the process of pre-school education rules of collective behavior of children and the habits of this behavior develops their consciousness of the need to act in accordance with these rules, an assessment of their own behavior from the point of view of the behavior of the proper, based on the formation of the team. In the formation of the focus and planningness of the oral actions of the preschooler, this consciousness of the rules of behavior as regulating the satisfaction of their desires and stimulating the process of overcoming their reluctance is played.

According to studies. Avdulova, in the process of conscious development of the children's relationship between the Group's collective life, the objective basis of the child's assessment relationships to itself is also formed. The relative adequacy of the assessment judgments of the child about comrades and is determined by the direction and style of educational work, deep knowledge of the teacher of both the internal collective life of the group and the individual characteristics and the possibilities of each child. This adequacy of self-esteem is determined by the nature of the child's gaming activity, the aware of the objective components of this activity, especially its results. The estimated judgment of the child is continuously intertwined with the estimated relations to him from the comrades and especially the teachers.

Results of the study O.A. Belobrykina make it possible to conclude that the socially significant environment of the child does not fully ensure the satisfaction of the needs that are important in the establishment of adequate self-assessment in the preschool period of childhood. So, in particular, the estimated system that exists in the nearest environment of the child does not meet the psychologicopodaghological requirements: in priority, it does not take into account the individual and age differences of the child's needs in obtaining an external assessment; Associated, does not correspond to the meaning and significance of the pedagogical assessment, designed to ensure the adequate development of various areas of the child's personality.

The specificity of the development of self-consciousness in preschool age is characterized by the presence of the following trend. Here, the position of the proximity of the real and ideal I am the most favorable (L.I. Bowovich, R. Burns, M.I. Lisina, A.I. Silvestra, E.E. Kravtsova, TA Repin), for it serves as a starting mechanism Actualization of one of the most important needs of the personality is the need for self-development, self-improvement, which, in fact, is the goal-setting basis. Thus, the presence of a child "the position of the proximity of the two I" testifies to its self-identity, i.e. About his confidence, confidence that he is good, loved. Self-childness, according to E. Erickson, and there is that potential, thanks to which the possibility of realizing the need for self-development.

As noted by O.A. Belobrykina, V. Mamaeva, E.V. Prima, N.I. Sarjweweladze, in the genesis of attitudes to himself a special role is played by the emergence and development of the position of decentration, considered as the ability to look at themselves and on the situation from different points of view, abstracting from insignificant. " The ability to decentrate is a prerequisite for the development of reflection in preschool childhood. One of the main conditions necessary for the establishment of the child's elementary forms of reflection is recognized by communication. In the socio-psychological context, reflexion is understood as awareness of the individual of how it is perceived by a partner for communication.

It is known that the preschooler needs an external assessment need extremely large, but it is not always fully satisfied. Child, according to L.I. Bozovic, seeks to become exactly the way he sees an adult. Consequently, one of the aspects of understanding the development trend and the possible prediction of dynamic changes in self-consciousness, including in the development of the general and private self-assessment of the child, can be the study of attitudes towards him by the social environment, which largely determines the direction of this development through the experience of the environment by the Child himself . Research O.A. Belobrykina suggests that the focus of the child's self-assessment is mediated by its relationship with the actual existing situation of the child who has developed in his social environment.

Thus, according to the studies of this year. Jacobson, G.I. Severe, by the end of preschool age, the ratio of emotional and cognitive components of self-esteem is harmonized, favorable conditions are created for the intellectualization of the child's relationship to themselves, overcoming the direct impact on his self-esteem from adults. Self-assessment affects the formation of the style of behavior and human activity. According to Karabanova O.A., parental relationships affect the formation of an adequate self-assessment of the child if an adult applies a democratic style of education in relation to the child. As noted by the like. Avdulova, O.A. Belobrykina, V. Mamaeva, E.V. Prima, N.I. Sarjweladze, L.I. Bozovic, the focus of the child's self-assessment is mediated by its relationship with the actual position of the child (assessment), which established in his social environment.

A significant number of works in psychology is devoted to the development of self-esteem in humans. Self-esteem may be adequate and inadequate. Inadequate self-esteem can be overestimated or understated. Each of them is characteristic of a person's vital activity.

The representation of people about themselves correspond to reality, the opinion of a person about himself coincides with the fact that he actually represents with adequate self-esteem. Such people correctly indicate their pros and cons. The adequacy of self-assessment depends on the development of estimated abilities. They need to be developed in the early stages of the formation of self-esteem.

Inadequate self-esteem can be overestimated or understated. Preschoolers with understated self-esteem underestimate themselves compared to the fact that they actually imagine, see mostly negative qualities.

Children with overwhelmed self-esteem celebrate only good, positive traits, often overestimate themselves. They are arrogant, tactless, self-confident, do not listen to the opinions of other people. Such qualities are negatively perceived by the peers.

Self-assessment is divided into two groups: stable and unstable. Stable self-esteem is the one that does not change under the influence of external factors, poorly corrected. Unstable self-esteem is dynamic, it can be adjusted. Self-assessment of the senior preschooler unstable and well sufficiently corrected.

Self-esteem is absolute and relative. Absolute self-esteem is expressed in relation to a person to himself without comparing the opinion of others. Relative human attitude towards himself, but already in comparison with others.

Self-assessment is associated with the level of human claims. The level of claims is manifested in the degree of difficulty of goals and tasks that a person puts in front of him. Consequently, the level of claims can be viewed as a person's self-assessment in activities and in relationships with others.

The level of personal claims is "the desire to achieve the goals of the degree of complexity on which a person considers himself capable. It is based on such an assessment of its capabilities, the preservation of which has become a need for a person. "

When raising children, it is very important to take into account their level of claims, its compliance with the possibilities of the child is one of the conditions for the harmonious development of the person. The discrepancy is the source of various conflicts of the child with other people, himself. All this can lead to deviations in the development of the child's personality.

Many factors affect the development of self-assessment. The most important factor is the family. The born child has no idea about himself and the world, about how to behave, he does not have a self-esteem criterion. The child relies on the experience of his adults around him, on evaluation, data to him. Up to 5-6 years, his self-assessment is formed solely under the influence of the information he receives in the family. Parents evaluate the child through the word, intonation, facial expressions, gestures. During this period, the child does not compare himself with others.

Other factors begin to influence the child's self-esteem attending children's preschool institution. External factors support that self-esteem, which was formed in his family. Children with adequate level of self-esteem copier with failures and difficulties easily. Children with understated self-esteem, despite good luck, tormented by experiences. The child, through communication with others, knows them, and through them and themselves. Senior preschool children more often evaluate themselves positively, and failures are associated with certain circumstances, but with age, the adequacy of self-esteem increases. With age, the transition to a more generalized self-esteem is happening.

Interpersonal relationships have a great influence on the development of self-esteem. The lack of communication contributes to the poor development of estimated abilities and the incorrect formation of self-esteem, i.e., a person does not know how to see his shortcomings.

Communicating, the child can see his pros and cons, forming and adjusting their self-esteem.

A benevolent attitude towards the child by adults is one of the main conditions for its development.

In a senior preschool age, four conditions can be distinguished that affect the development of self-consciousness:

Experience in communicating a child with parents;

Experience of communicating with peers;

Individual experience of communication;

Mental child development.

To the older preschool age, the knowledge gained in the process of activity is more sustainable. During this period, own assessment itself is compared with the opinions of others. If there are no significant discrepancies with their own ideas about yourself and its capabilities, then the assessment from the part is accepted. The own experience of the preschooler is not yet rich and the assessment itself is erroneous.

The expansion and enrichment of individual child experience is an important condition for the development of self-assessment and self-consciousness in preschool age. Under individual experience, we mean the cumulative result of those mental and practical actions that the child himself takes in the surrounding item.

With the help of individual experience in concrete activities, the child determines the presence of certain qualities, skills, possibilities. The opinion of others is not the basis for the formation of the right idea of \u200b\u200bits capabilities. Success or failure in certain activities is the criterion of the presence or absence of any abilities. The child gradually begins to understand the boundaries of its capabilities by directly checking his forces in real conditions of life.

In a senior preschool age, personal experience is a partially recognized and involuntary regulation of its behavior occurs. Knowledge, in the process of communication with the surrounding people, less specific and more emotionally painted than the knowledge gained by the child on individual experience.

In the older preschool age, children begin to realize and navigate in their experiences.

Self-assessment can be understood as a personal education that regulates activities and behavior. This is an assessment of the personality of itself, its capabilities, abilities, qualities and places among other people. Self-assessment refers to the fundamental education formations. It pretty much determines its activity, attitude towards himself and other people.

An important neoplasm in preschool age is the coented motifs.

In preschool age, the motives are coented and the hierarchy of motives is formed, which gives a certain focus of all behavior. In the senior preschool age, the relationship of children with others complicates: they themselves evaluate their actions, determine their attitude to anything. The preschooler is formed by self-awareness - an understanding of what he represents, what qualities he has, is aware of the attitude towards him from those surrounding and what is caused by this attitude. The most clearly self-consciousness is manifested in self-esteem.

The child by the end of a senior preschool age is formed by his self-awareness, the ability to self-esteem of their actions, actions, experiences.


Development of self-esteem from preschoolers

Mental development, the formation of a person is associated with the formation of self-consciousness - awareness of itself and attitude towards itself as a physical, spiritual and social being. A decisive role in relations with the surrounding people is plays our idea of \u200b\u200byourself. Awareness of itself appears in the second year of life. At the age of approximately one and a half years, children recognize their faces and show themselves in the photo, calling their name. Prerequisite for the development of self-consciousness - separation of oneself from other people occurs at the end of early age. The most obvious self-consciousness is manifested in self-esteem, that is, in how the child estimates its achievements and failures, its qualities and opportunities. A. V. Petrovsky notes that at an early age, making objectively positive actions (bring the mother's slippers, to submit water, etc., children do not give a report in their objective benefits, do not realize their debt towards other people. Debt feeling It is born under the influence of the assessment that adult actions are given, a perfect child. Based on this assessment, children begin to develop differentiation of what is good and that bad. First of all, they will learn to evaluate the actions of other children. Later, children are able to evaluate their own actions . This is how self-esteem is developing. L. I. Bajovich, N. Menchinskaya, believe that by the end of early age in the child's self-consciousness, the central neoplasm appears - "System I" and the need to act itself, the need for the implementation and self-affirmation of your I. after the emergence Systems I "In the psyche of the child, the following neoplasm appears - self-esteem and the associated desire to comply with the requirements of an adult," life B good. " V. S. Mukhina, L. A. Wenger, exploring the problem of the formation of self-consciousness from preschoolers, note that, entering into the preschool age, the child is aware of only the fact that he exists, nothing knows about himself, its qualities . The younger preschooler does not have an even reasonable, correct opinion about himself. The child attributes all the positive, approved by adult quality, not even knowing that they represent themselves. When one child claiming that he was neat, asked what it means, he replied: "I'm not afraid." To learn how to correctly evaluate yourself, the child must learn to assess the other people first, on which he can watch as if from the side. But this does not happen immediately. First, children repeat the assessment expressed by adults. The same thing happens during self-esteem: "I am good, because my mother says."

An independent assessment by the child of other people, their actions initially depends on his relationship to these people. This is manifested in the assessment of the actions of the characters of the stories, fairy tales. Any deed of "good", the positive hero is estimated as good, "bad" - as bad. But gradually the assessment of the actions and the qualities of the characters is separated from the general attitude towards them, it begins to build on an understanding of the situation and the meaning that these acts and qualities have.

Self-assessment is one of the main neoplasms of preschool age, an important link of the motivational and needs sphere of personality. Self-assessment determines those properties of the character of the person who he himself considers the most important. One highlights such qualities as kindness, the other gives the most particular importance for a person who is interesting or not. Depending on the age of children, the categories are constantly changing in the description. Up to seven years, the English scientists consider, children characterize themselves mainly from an external point of view. They call certain noticeable properties, such as hair color, growth or favourite hobby. They do not separate the inner world from their behavior and descriptions of appearance.

Similarly, with the formation of ideas about himself, children appreciate its qualities, based on what self-esteem is formed. Psychological processes of self-esteem and I-concepts have differences. I concept represents a set of rather descriptive than estimated ideas about yourself. Part of the i-concept can be painted positively or negatively, part may be neutral. The fact that the person has dark or blonde hair and a quiet voice is included in I-concept, but these properties are not considered as good or bad. The concept of self-esteem, on the contrary refers to how a person estimates its own qualities.

S. G. Yakobson in his research concludes that regulation of moral behavior is possible at the end of the preschool age. After 5 years, children's interest arises to the norms and rules of conduct as landmarks and grounds for arbitrary management of their behavior. By six years, the child becomes much more independent, independent of the adult, expands, complicate his relationship with others.

Ya. L. Kolominsky, E. A. Panko noted that in the older preschool age, self-assessment acquires a number of age features. The self-assessment of the child in one form of activity may differ from his self-esteem in others. The criteria for self-assessment are largely dependent on the teacher. B. G. Ananyev said about this that the estimated judgment of the child "continuously intertwined with the estimated relations to him from the comrades and especially the educator. The studies have established the dependence of the awareness of the own qualities and the qualities of peers from educational work in the group. It turned out that children, first of all, aware of the qualities and features of the behavior, which are most often assessed by others and from which in more than The position of them in the group depends. So, according to the study by T. V. Yurkevich, adequately assessed his successes in the training activities of 57% of children attending the first school class, to master which teacher paid increased attention. In gaming activities, 70% of preschoolers evaluated themselves adequately, this activity Subjected to frequent pedagogical assessment. These results confirm the conclusion about the impact of the evaluation of teachers for the self-esteem of children.

The most close relationship between the assessments and self-esteem of children and teachers is observed in the system of interpersonal relations. This is due to an increase in the end of the preschool age, the desire for mutual understanding, coincidence of its attitude and assessing the surrounding with an assessment and attitude of an adult. This feature should be used educators and parents in the formation of self-esteem in the child. Scientists have established that children with high self-esteem feel in a more confident, bolder, more actively manifests their interests, the abilities, set themselves higher goals than those who, in other places equal conditions, underestimate self-esteem.

L. I. Uman believes that the development of self-assessment in preschoolers occurs, provided that the child is not only an object, but also a subject of activity. The regulatory function of self-esteem, according to the author, successfully develops in gaming activities. The author studied the features of the manifestation of the regulatory function of self-assessment of children of secondary and senior preschool age, the mechanisms of influence of the evaluation of the game group on the self-esteem of the senior preschoolers were revealed, the forms of optimizing the assessment relations of senior preschoolers in their gaming activities were revealed. Let us dwell on the analysis of the study. Features of self-assessment in their study L. I. Umnets considered primarily due to the choice of roles; As a dynamic characteristic of self-esteem, changes in the child's claims to execute a particular role. The high level of claims answered the choice of chief roles, average level claims was associated with the choice of the roles of assistants by major roles; Low - with the choice of ordinary roles. The results of the stating experiment showed that in imaginary situations, children of all age groups chose for themselves, as a rule, the main roles. In real game situations The dynamics of claims was recorded. It turned out to be different in children of middle and senior preschool age. Thus, the subject middle preschool age did not reduce their claims in real game situations, pretending to the main roles. At the same time they expected the peers will appreciate them as high. Older kids have changed their claims, including real games: 22% of the tested senior groups and 61% preparatory in the conditions of the Games with peers did not choose the main roles. At older, a tendency to rapprochement of self-esteem with group appeared.

Experimental data have shown that the assessment of the gaming group of peers has a significant impact on the self-esteem of children of senior preschool age. The mechanism of this influence determines the rapprochement of self-assessment with a group estimate. L. I. Uman in his study showed. That to study the game activities of preschoolers, especially creative gamesThe development of a new approach is required. According to the scientist, it is important that each child becomes the object of positive assessment (on a moral basis) from other children of the group. Thus, the prerequisites are created to increase the realism of self-esteem. In turn, realistic, reflexiveness and moral content of self-esteem ensure the development of their regulatory function. Of the entire combination of factors acting on the formation of a personality relationship to themselves in the process of activity, the scientist highlights the most significant:

Own achievements and their self-esteem;

Correlation of its assessment with a public assessment;

The attitude of other people, partners in joint activities, to this person as a person.

Analysis of research M. I. Lisina, V. S. Mukhina, G. A. Uruntayev allowed to allocate the main directions in the development of the self-esteem of the preschooler:

1) the number of personality qualities and activities that evaluates the child;

2) self-esteem from the total proceeds to differentiated;

3) an estimate of itself occurs in time, manifested in instructions for the future.

The main achievement of preschool age is clear, confident, as a whole, emotionally positive self-esteem, which ensures the readiness of the child for school training. The self-esteem of preschoolers is based on the success of their actions, assessments of others, the approval of parents. The ability to self-esteem focuses the child in communicating with others. Self-assessment is the most difficult product of the development of conscious activities of the child. Children seek to communicate with adults not only about external actions, but also about internal states and experiences. Understanding your own experiences arises through the statement out loud and understanding their meaning for themselves. The development of self-assessment and self-consciousness is one of the main neoplasms of preschool age. Thus, in the period of preschool childhood, special world impact is formed, which includes general view About the world, attitude towards him and attitude towards themselves in this world.


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Self-esteem of the preschooler

What is self-esteem?

This is how a person appreciates himself, his capabilities, actions. We constantly compare ourselves with others, and on the basis of this comparison we produce an opinion about yourself, about your capabilities and abilities, features of your character and human qualities.

So gradually make up our self-esteem. Adequate self-esteem allows a person to relate its own strength with the tasks of different difficulty and the requirements of others. Inadequate (understated or overestimated) deform the inner world, prevents harmonious development.

Self-esteem begins to develop in early childhood. Often we hear: "You are already so big, but to tie the shoelaces (there is a porridge, read, etc.) never learned!" Parents do not think about the fact that it is from their estimates, first of all, and the child's opinion is about themselves; This is later at school age, he will learn to evaluate his capabilities, successes and failures. It is in the family that the child will find out if it loves him, whether he takes such what he is, whether he is accompanied by success or failure.

How does the level of self-assessment in behavior manifest?

Activity, resourcefulness, cheerfulness, sense of humor, sociability, the desire to come to contact - these are the qualities that are characteristic of children with adequate self-esteem. They willingly participate in games, do not take offense if they are losers.

Passivity, imperitiousness, increased vulnerability, sensitivity is often characteristic of children with understated self-esteem. They do not want to participate in games, because they are afraid to be worse than others, and if they are involved in them, they are often offended.

Sometimes children who have a negative assessment in the family seek to compensate for this in communicating with peers. They always want to be first everywhere and take to heart, if it does not manage.

With an overestimated self-esteem, children seek to be better than others. Often you can hear from such a child: "I am the best (strong, beautiful). You all have to listen to me." It is often aggressive with those children who also want to be leaders.

This is, of course, very brief descriptions. But maybe one of you, dear parents, recognized your child?

Test "Lestenka" (Test "Ten Steps")

Want to check what self-confidence from your baby? It's easy to do with test "Lestenka". It is used from 3 years.

Draw on a sheet of paper or cut out the ladder out of 10 steps. Now show her to the child and explain that at the lowest step is the worst (evil, envious, etc.) boys and girls, on the second step - a little better, on the third even better and so on.

But on the highest step stand the most smartest (good, good) boys and girls. It is important that the child correctly understood the location on the steps, so you can ask him about it. And now ask what step he would stand?

Let him draw himself on this step or put the pupa. Here you have completed the task, it remains to draw conclusions.

  • If a child puts himself on the first, the 2nd, 3rd steps from below, then he has low self-esteem.
  • If on the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, then average (adequate) .
  • And if it is on the 8th, 9th, 10th, then self-esteem hollow.But self-esteem is considered for children, if the kid constantly puts himself at the 10th step.

What if the self-esteem of your child is inadequate (strongly overestimated or understated)? The level of self-assessment may vary, especially in preschool age. Every our appeal to the child, each assessment of its activities, the reaction to successes and failures - all this affects the attitude of the kid to himself. That is, we can help the child form an adequate self-esteem.

Tips for parents interested in the formation of adequate self-esteem

  • Do not protect the child from everyday affairs, do not strive to solve all the problems for it, but do not overload it. Let the baby help with cleaning, Poland Flower himself will enjoy the made and deserved praise. You do not need to put in front of it, for the execution of which it is not just not Doros.
  • Do not intercept the child, but do not forget to encourage when he deserves it. If the baby has long been able to eat a spoon for a long time, do not need to praise each time, but if it happened to eat neatly, not waving a porridge on the whole table, be sure to mark this achievement.
  • Encourage the initiative in the child.
  • Do not forget that the baby is carefully watching you. Show your example adequacy of the relationship to successes and failures. Compare: "My mother did not get a pie, well, nothing, next time we put more flour" / "Horror! The cake did not work! Never again I will not burn!"
  • Do not compare the child with other children. Compare it with yourself (what he was yesterday or tomorrow).
  • Do not be afraid to sincerely love your child and show him your love!

Games that will help you better learn your child, form and support adequate self-esteem


You can invite the child to come up with a name he would like to have, or leave his. Ask why he does not like or like his name, why would he want him to be called differently. This game can give additional information about the self-esteem of the kid.

After all, it is often a refusal of your name means that the child is unhappy with himself or wants to be better, Xem is now.

"Playing situations"

The child is offered situations in which he must depict himself. Situations can be different, invented or taken from the life of the child. Other roles when playing performs one of the parents or other children.

Sometimes it is useful to change roles. Examples of situations:

You participated in the competition and took the first place, and your friend was almost the last. He was very upset, help him calm down.

Mom brought 3 orange, you and sister (brother), how do you share them? Why?

Guys from your group in d / s play an interesting game, and you are late, the game has already begun. Ask you to take on the game. What will you do if children wanted to accept you? (This game will help your child to master effective methods behavior and use them in real life.)


Do not be surprised, this old, the well-known game is very useful: it will help your child to have a leader in the role of the leader, which may, if successful, to significantly affect self-esteem. You can play classic "Zhmurki" (blindfolded by the "Zhmurka" looking for children by voice and guess to the touch, who is it); You can give your hands the bell and so on.


You can play in this game together with a child or with several children. The child looks at the "mirror", which repeats all his movements, gestures, facial expressions. "Mirror" may be a parent or another child.

You can not depict yourself, and someone else, the "mirror" should be guess, then change the roles. The game helps the child to open up, feel more freely, relaxed.

You can play both "hide and seek", and in the "store", and just inflate the balls who are faster. The main thing is that the child successfully coped with the tasks and learned to play decently.

Self-esteem of the younger schoolboy

Self-satisfaction - Complex personal education, personal setting of mental activity. It performs including the regulatory function.

The effectiveness of the studio activity of the schoolchildren depends not only on the system of well-learned knowledge, possession of techniques of mental activity, but also on the level of self-esteem. There is a close relationship between the successes in training activities and the development of the personality.

Self-assessment in the younger school age is formed mainly under the influence of the teacher. Of particular importance, children attach intellectual possibilities and how they are estimated by others (adults and peers). At the same time, it is important for them that the positive assessment is generally recognized.

Self-assessment and related levels of claims are personal parameters of mental activity and allow us to judge how the process of developing the identity of the younger student under the influence of training activities. Therefore, a psychologist and teacher is important to follow the formation of self-esteem.

You can and need to trace the level of self-esteem, conducting control testing Every six months. The results will be more reliable if using different techniques when testing, and if research is carried out in various conditions (success and failure). The data obtained can be compared and summarized.

I propose to use the technique of A. I. Lipkin "Three Estimates". Pupils are invited to do any written task. The work is estimated by three estimates: adequate, overestimated and understated.

Before distributing notebooks with high estimates, students say: "Three teachers from three different schools checked your work. Each has a different opinion about the task performed, so they put different estimates. In the circle of that evaluation with which you agree". Then an individual conversation is carried out with each child, during which the answers to the questions are found:

1. What student do you think: medium, strong or weak?

2. What evaluations are you pleased, what are you grieved?

3. Your work deserves the estimates of "3", and the teacher set "5", will you please this or upset?

During the conversation, the adult tries not to impose his opinion, the answers are fixed and analyzed.

The level of self-assessment is determined by the following indicators:

Coincidence or mismatch of self-esteem with a teacher's assessment;

Character of self-assessment argument: argument aimed at the quality of work; any other argument; The stability or instability of self-assessment about which is judged by the degree of coincidence of the nature of the marks and answers to the student.

Self-esteem may be adequate, overestimated or understated.

The level of self-esteem can be identified with the help of painted tests: they are informative both in preschool age and in elementary school. You can ask for a person, a family, a non-existent animal.

These techniques along with other indicators help to assess the social well-being of the child, the level of its self-esteem. Low self-esteem - A small figurine, located not in the middle of the sheet, and from the edge, the parts are bad, or the use of dark flowers, hatching.

About adequate self-esteem It says a well-drawn figure, located in the center of the sheet, a well-drawn face and part of clothes, sufficiently long arms and legs. Heightened self-esteem - Too big figure, strongly decorated, all other shapes in the figure seem unrecorded and imperceptible.

If preschoolers have an overpriced self-esteem, provided that it manifests itself is inconvenient (not in all testing), then schoolchildren have overestimated self-esteem (as well as understated) requires the attention of the teacher, psychologist and parents.

Self-esteem teenager

Correct the shortcomings - do you have a self-esteem?

1. Try to call five of your most strengths and weaknesses. Think about how yours strengths Help you in life, and weak interfere.

Learn to rely on your strengths and less often be weak.

2. Try not to remember and do not dig in your past failures and disappointments. Remember your luck more often, think about how you could (LA) achieve them.

3. Do not allow yourself too much to indulge in the feelings of guilt and shame. It will not help you succeed.

4. Look for the cause of your failures in your uncertainty, and not in the shortcomings of the person.

5. Never talk about yourself bad, even to myself. Especially avoiding to attribute negative features, such as nonsense, inability to something, uncomfortable, incretion.

6. If you are criticized for poorly done, try to take this criticism for your good, learn mistakes, but do not let other people criticize themselves as a person.

7. Do not argue with people, circumstances and activities that make you feel your inferiority. If you manage to act as the situation requires, it is better not to do this case and do not communicate with such people.

8. Try to take only those cases on your shoulder. Gradually, they can be complicated, but do not try for what you are not sure.

9. Remember that criticism is often biased. Stop acutely and painfully respond to all critical comments to your address, just take note of the opinions of people criticizing you.

10. Do not compare yourself with the "ideal". Ideals admire, but do not turn them into the measure of success.

11. Do not be afraid to try something from fear to fail. Only acting, you can learn your real opportunities.

12. Be always yourself. In an effort to be, like everyone else, you hide your individuality, which deserves the same respect as any other.

Exercises for the correction of underestimated self-esteem:

1. Make a list of your weaknesses. Write them in the column on the left half of the sheet of paper. On the right half write those positive qualities that can be opposed to your weaknesses, for example: I have a slow reaction, but high performance.

Expansion and justify the counterproofs, find them suitable examples. Start thinking about yourself in terms of the right column, and not left.

2. Each of us knows how to do something better than others, even such things, how to fry omelet or score nails? And you? What exactly can you do better than others?

Make a list of your advantages, the cases that you get better than others.

3. Imagine the person who you admire. It can be like a real manand the hero of the movie or book. Try to find a dignity with him.

And then try to find the flaws that you do not have. Learn to make comparisons in your favor.

And if the self-esteem is overestimated?

1. Think on how much your opinion about yourself is the opinion of parents, classmates and friends?

2. Learn to listen to the opinion of other people, their approval or disapproval: after all, others can often appreciate you rather than you do it yourself.

3. Treat critical comments from comrades, parents or teachers as a constructive advice and "management to action", and not as a "annoying interference" or "misunderstanding you."

4. Having received a refusal to request about anything or without cope with the case entrusted to you, look for reasonable, and not in circumstances or other people.

5. Remember that compliments or praise are not always sincere. Try to understand how much matches the praise of the real case that you managed to do.

6. When compared with others, try to compare yourself with those who seek maximum success in specific activities and in life at all.

7. Before taking the responsible case, carefully analyze your capabilities and only after that, do the conclusion about whether you can cope with him.

8. Do not consider your shortcomings: After all, you do not consider the shortcomings of other people's shortcomings?

9. Try to treat yourself critical: reasonable self-criticism contributes to self-development and more fully implement potential opportunities.

10. Do not allow yourself to "rest on the laurels." Successfully completing some business, think about whether it was possible to make it better, and if so, what prevented it.

11. Always focus on assessing the results of your actions by other people, and not on your own sense of satisfaction.

12. We respect the feelings and desires of other people, they have exactly the same meaning as yours their own.

Exercises for the correction of overestimated self-esteem:

1. Write 10 of your main advantages. Evaluate their severity on a 5-point scale. Ask you to do the same my parents, friends or classmates. Compare the results obtained. Is there an estimated difference?

How do you think why? Try to see the reason for discrepancies in yourself and your behavior, and not in the people around you.

2. Write 10 of your negative qualities. How do you think they interfere with you? And people with whom you communicate?

Think about it.

3. Try to call the case with whom you can cope very well. And now try to call the three of my friends, classmates who could cope with this business better than you.

4. Try to allocate the shortcomings that prevent your advantages to become perfect. For example: I am a wit, but sometimes I am tactless; I have a wonderful reaction, but sometimes my actions are ahead of thought.


Self-esteem child of preschool age

The attitude of a person to itself is one of the basic properties of the person.

The self-assessment reflects that a person learns about himself from others, as well as his own activity, aimed at the awareness of his actions and personal qualities. The attitude of a person to itself is the latest education in the system of his worldview. But despite this, in the personality structure, self-esteem is especially important place.

Self-assessment is not given to us initially. Its formation occurs in the process of any activity and interpersonal interaction. Becoming stable, self-esteem varies with great difficulty.

In preschool age, there is a formation of new psychological mechanisms for regulation of activities and behavior, so the senior preschool age is a very important stage in the development of awareness of the child himself and the formation of his self-esteem.

Pre-school age is the age of improvement, the development of personal neoplasms, which for the period of preschool age are enriched with individual parameters. As a result of the coeximation of motives, children are mastered by new motives, the dominant value settings appear. At this age, the nature of the relationship between the child with peers and adults is changed and it is already able to evaluate himself towards the environment in accordance with the norms and rules of the Company.

The developed personal neoplasms of children of senior preschool age are arbitrariness, creativity, independence, the formation of the moral position and the emergence of generalized - intellectual experience.

In the development of the child's self-consciousness, the role of an adult is very important, who, organizing the activities of the senior preschooler, helps him master the means of awareness of himself and self-examination.

In the process of development, the child in preschool age is formed not only the idea of \u200b\u200bthe qualities and opportunities inherent in it (the image of the real "I" is "what I am"), but also the idea of \u200b\u200bhow it should be, how do they want to see others ( The image of the ideal "I" - "No matter how I would like to"). During the preschool childhood, children constructively interact with others, which leads to the appearance of adequate self-assessment and awareness of their place in the world around the world towards peers and real reality.

Evaluation of the preschooler itself largely depends on the assessment of the adult. Impaired assessments have the most negative impact. And the overestimated distort the ideas of children about their capabilities towards exaggeration of results.

But at the same time play a positive role in organizing activities, mobilizing the strength of the child.

Not a latter role in the development of self-esteem in children of senior preschool age plays communication with peers. Exchanges by the estimates, the preschooler arises a certain attitude towards other children and at the same time develops the ability to see themselves by their eyes.

Self-assessment is formed in such activities that are associated with a clear setting on the result and where this result acts in the form, an independent assessment of the child. In various activities, self-esteem is different.

For example, in the game, as in the leading activity of the preschooler, self-esteem and its features are manifested in the formation of interpersonal relations. In the process of communicating with peers, with the exchange of estimated impacts, a certain attitude towards other children occurs and at the same time develops the ability to see themselves with their eyes.

Thanks to the work in preschool age, the foundations of future professional self-determination are laid. The collective nature of the activity of senior preschoolers leads to the need to discuss the plan of their joint activities, distribute the plots of work and coordinate them among themselves, to determine those responsible for the result. As a result of such work, children develop self-control skills and self-esteem based on the comparison of their own work with the fruits of the labor of the peers.

Fine activity is directed not only to artistic creativity, but also to the expression of its attitude towards the item depicted. As one of the most interesting, fine activities allows children to convey what they see in the surrounding life, the fact that they were excited, caused a positive or negative attitude (and then, drawing unpleasant phenomena, the child as it would be out of the unpleasant feelings caused by them).

As a result of the research, it was revealed that children seeking to allocate themselves through activity, more often overestimate their self-esteem; And if the selection occurs through the sphere of relations, self-esteem is usually understated.

For senior preschoolers standing on the threshold of a crisis of 6-7 years, a somewhat overestimated self-esteem is characterized. In the conditions of familiar activities (in the game, drawing), they can really evaluate their capabilities, their self-esteem becomes adequate, and in an unfamiliar situation - overestimated, because Children can not correctly appreciate themselves. By the end of the senior preschool age, the majority of preschoolers are formed adequate self-esteem.

But there are also children with inadequately overestimated self-esteem. They, as a rule, are very mobile, unrestrained, quickly switch from one type of activity to another, often do not bring the work started to the end.

They are not inclined to analyze the results of their actions and actions. In most cases, they are trying to solve any, including very complex tasks quickly, without breaking to the end. Most often they are not aware of their failures.

These children are prone to demonstrative behavior and dominance.

Children with adequate self-esteem in most cases tend to analyze the results of their activities, try to find out the causes of their mistakes. They are confident in themselves, active, balanced, quickly switch from one type of activity to another, persistent in achieving the goal. We strive to cooperate, help others, they are sufficiently sociable and friendly.

Children with underestimated self-esteem in behavior are most often indisputable, poorly unforgettable, incredulous to other people, silent, are stolen in their movements. They are very sensitive, ready to break up at any time, do not seek to cooperate and are not able to stand up for themselves.

Children with understated self-esteem are anxious, are not confident, difficult to turn on in operation. They refuse to solve problems that seem complex to them, but with emotional support for adult, they can easily cope with them. A child with underestimated self-esteem seems slow.

The failure in the activity most often leads to a refusal of it. Such children tend to have low social status in the peer group.

Formation of adequate self-esteem, the ability to see their mistakes and correctly evaluate their actions - the basis of the formation of self-control and self-esteem. It is of great importance for the further development of the person, the conscious assimilation of the norms of behavior, following the positive samples.

How to identify self-esteem?

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All about children is the development of self-consciousness and self-esteem in preschool age.

Preschooler (child from 3 to 7 years old) - Personal and mental development of the preschooler

Moreover, a preschooler becomes increasingly independent of adults. Expands, complicated and its relationship with others. This makes it possible to more fully and deeply realize yourself, appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of both your own and others.

Decisive in the genesis of self-esteem in the first stages of the formation of a person (the end of the early, beginning of the preschool period) has a child communication with adults. Due to the absence (limitations) of adequate knowledge of its capabilities, the child initially takes his assessment, the attitude and evaluates himself, as it were, through the prism of adults, is entirely focused on the opinion of the people raising him.

Elements of the independent idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves begin to form a little later. They first manifest themselves, as special studies show (B. G. Ananev et al.), Diary materials, in assessing not personal, moral qualities, and subject and external ("And I have a plane", "But I have here What ", etc.). This manifests the instability of ideas about a friend and about himself outside the situation of recognition, which remained elements of the injustriality of action from the subject.

A significant shift in the development of the identity of the preschooler is the transition from the subject assessment of another person to evaluate its personal properties and internal states itself.

In all age groups, children discover the ability to objectively evaluate others than themselves. But here there are certain age changes.

Rarely from the senior preschooler to the question "Who is your best?" We will hear "I am the best", so characteristic for the smallest. But this does not mean that the children's self-esteem is now low.

Children have already become "big" and know that it is not good to boasted. It is not necessary to directly declare your superiority. In the senior groups you can see children who evaluate themselves from the positive side indirectly.

To the question "What are you: good or bad?" They usually answer like this: "I don't know ... I also hear", "I also know how to count to 100," I always help on duty, "" I also never offend the children, sharing sweets ", etc.

In preschool age, the assessment and self-esteem is emotional. From the surrounding adults, the most bright positive assessment is obtained by those of them to which the child is experiencing love, trust, attachment. Senior preschoolers are more likely to evaluate the inner world of surrounding adults, give them a deeper and differentiated assessment, rather than children of middle and younger preschool age.

Comparison of the self-assessment of the preschooler in different activities shows the unequal degree of its objectivity ("reassessment", "adequate assessment", "underestimation"). The correctness of the child's self-esteem is largely determined by the specificity of the activity, the visibility of its results, knowledge of their skills and their evaluation, the degree of assimilation of the true criteria for evaluating in this area, the level of child's claims in one way or another. So children are easier to give adequate self-esteem of the drawing performed on a specific topic, rather than correct to assess their position in the system of personal relationships.

It has been established that the status, the position of the child in the group also affects the self-esteem of the preschooler. For example, the tendency to revaluation is more often found by "unpopular" children, whose authority in the group is low; The underestimation is "popular", the emotional well-being of which is good enough.

The self-assessment of preschool children is different depending on their attitude to activities. The most favorable, as studied by V. A. Gorbacheva, R. B. B. Sorkina, for the formation of dynamic self-esteem among senior preschoolers are such activities that are associated with a clear installation on the result and where this result acts in the form, an independent assessment of the child ( For example, playing the arrows to the target, playing the ball and classics). In this case, children are guided by the motive of improving self-esteem, while when performing a productive activity (for example, cutting out of paper) associated with the need to carry out sufficiently subtle operations that do not cause a bright emotional relationship, self-assessment motifs retreat to the background, and paramount importance For children acquires interest in the process itself. The accuracy and objectivity of the assessment and self-assessment of preschoolers grow as they master the rules of the game, acquiring personal experience.

By the end of the preschool age, the child's self-esteem, its estimated judgments about the surrounding gradually become becoming more complete, deep, detailed, deployed.

These changes are based largely by the appearance (increasing) of the interest of senior preschoolers to the inner world of people, the transition to their personal communication, the assimilation of significant evaluation criteria, the development of thinking and speech.

In the self-assessment of the preschooler, they reflect the feelings of pride and shame developing.

The development of self-consciousness is in close connection with the formation of the cognitive and motivational sphere of the child. Based on their development at the end of the preschool period, an important neoplasm appears - the child turns out to be able to conscious and himself and the situation that he currently occupies, i.e., the child appears "awareness of its social" I "and the emergence of this basis is an internal position "( Bozovich L. I. Stages of personality formation in ontogenesis // Vopr. Psychology.

1979. No. 2. P. 56.). This shift in the development of self-esteem has an important role in the psychological readiness of the preschooler for school training, in the transition to the next age step. It increases by the end of the preschool period and independence, criticality of children's assessment and self-esteem.

Effect of adults on the formation of preschooler self-assessment

The estimated judgment of the preschooler "is continuously intertwined with estimated relations to him from comrades and especially educators" ( Ananyev B. G. To the formulation of the problem of the development of children's self-consciousness // Evim. Psychological works. M., 1980. T. 2. P. 119.).

Special studies detect a clear dependence of the awareness of the qualities and peer features from educational work in the group. The general trend observed is that the children are primarily aware of the qualities and features of the behavior of peers, which are most often assessed by others and from which, therefore, their position in the group depends to a large extent.

"Analyzing the rationale for your elections by children of a number of pre-school groups, we noticed that in some cases one of the most common motivations was:" Good eats. " Special observations have shown that in these groups, educators paid a lot of attention to this "type of activity" and often evaluated it. Having established this fact, we have developed a special program for educators of other groups, in which the activation of their estimated judgments were envisaged during meals: caregivers constantly praised those who quickly and gently eaten their portion, and criticized the rules of behavior at the table and did not eat their Portion.

A week later, a sociometric survey was conducted on the criterion "The choice of a friend for a joint game", during which children asked about the causes of choice. It was found that in experimental groups, compared with the control and previously studied, the rationale for the choice of various aspects of the behavior during meals has increased more than three times. The survey conducted a month after the removal of the evaluation emphasis showed that the number of relevant motivations thus decreased, but still remained almost two times greater than the average for the groups studied "(based on materials Ya. L. Kolominsky) .

The effectiveness of adult influence on the formation of a preschooler self-assessment is determined largely by the level of their pedagogical skills. Psychologists studies ( B.

G. Ananev, P. R. Chamata, N. E. Ankudinova, V. A. Gorbacheva, A. I. Silvestra, etc.) show that the relative loyalty to the assessment of oneself and peers is determined by the direction and style of educational work, deep knowledge of the teacher Both the life of the group, interpersonal relations in it and the individual characteristics and features of each child. An important role is played by the ownership of pedagogical communication skills, the skillful use of orienting and stimulating (B.

G. Ananyev) Pedagogical Evaluation Functions. Positive results in the formation of self-esteem of unsure in itself preschoolers are achieved when the educators go through the development of the possibilities of children, creating a success situation for them, will not be sealed on praise, manifestation of their emotional support.

This helps to strengthen the confidence of children in their power, self-esteem. This is convinced of both advanced pedagogical experience and special studies.

It is characteristic that the work of teachers-masters in the formation of self-assessment in specific activities (game, drawing, reading verses, etc.) is closely intertwined with work to improve the overall emotional well-being of these children in a group, changing their position in the system of personal relations.

Work towards changing relations with peers is complex, long, requires a large pedagogical tact, flexibility, ingenuity, gradualness. Masters' teachers seek significant success when work on the formation of self-esteem is carried out in different regime moments and in different activities. The correct organization of educational and educational work, the skillful use of "orienting" and "stimulating" functions of pedagogical assessment contribute to the formation of self-assessment of preschoolers in a pedagogically appropriate direction and at the same time create favorable conditions for the development of the personality, abilities, the abilities of the preschooler.

So, the formation of self-consciousness, without which the personality formation is impossible is a complex and long-term process characterizing mental development as a whole. It proceeds under direct impact on the outside of the surrounding, primarily adults raising a child. Without the knowledge of the features of the identity of children, it is difficult to react to their actions correctly, choose the appropriate censure or encouragement, purposefully lead the upbringing.

Kopylova Natalia Nikolaevna, teacher-psychologist, MKOU Children's house "Lastochko nest", pos. New Design
Description: This material will be useful to specialists, parents whose children begin a new step in their lives - this is school training.
Purpose: Acquaintance with the methods of formation, development and study of adequate self-esteem in children of preschool age.
1. Give theoretical knowledge on the formation of adequate self-esteem in preschool children.
2. Develop memory, thinking.
3. Check out a sense of responsibility.

Formation of adequate self-esteem in children of preschool age

Self-satisfaction - This is, above all, the assessment of the personality itself, its capabilities, qualities and places among other people.
Self-assessment has its own complex structure. It allocate two main component:
1. Cognitive. (Reflects all information about yourself, which is learned from various sources).
2. Emotional. (Reflects its own attitude to all parties to their personality).
American psychologist William James even offered a self-esteem formula: self-esteem \u003d Success / level of claims. The level of claims implies a certain level that the individual wants to achieve.
Exist views self-esteem:

1. Adequate.
2. Heavy.
3. Dead.
Signs of overestimated self-esteem:
"I am the right one", "I'm better than all."
Signs of understated self-esteem:
Not sure of yourself, shy, indecisive.
Signs of adequate self-esteem:
Adequate perception of the image "I".
Preschool age - A big segment in the life of a child, it covers a period of 3 to 7 years. The leading type of activity at this age is a game. It has a significant impact on the development of a child, through her children learn to communicate with each other, know the world.
The initial stage of the formation of the child's personality is from 3 to 7 years. In preschool children in different activities, self-esteem is different.
The self-assessment of the preschooler is formed, first, under the influence of adult praise, assess the achievements of a child, and secondly, under the influence of sense of independence, success ("I myself!").
If an adult is indifferent to the successes and achievements of the child, then at that moment the child is formed low self-esteem, therefore the level of self-assessment in the literal sense of the word depends on the adult. He must, first of all, contribute to the formation of adequate self-esteem in the child.
In this regard, you can allocate general recommendations on the formation and development of adequate self-esteem in children of preschool age.
1. Analyze the identity of the child and teach it it.
That is, you need to evaluate the child positively, even his not significant interference, besides, teach it to evaluate yourself, compare with the sample, to identify the reasons for failures and look for ways to overcome them. And, naturally, at the same time put him confidence that he will succeed.
2. It is necessary to create conditions for the comprehensive communication of the child with other children, adults. Assist to solve difficulties in communicating.
3. More diverse activities so that the child is included in independent activities and received a certain experience. Thus, he will have the opportunity to test his capabilities and abilities, the ideas about themselves will expand.
4. It is important that the child grow in an atmosphere of a careful attitude towards his abilities. For the parent to be interested in their formation and development.

The level of self-esteem is very important when moving from preschool age to younger school.
In the mental development of a preschooler, a turning point is the formation of an internal position and awareness of its own "I". This is expressed in the desire for social role Schoolchildren and school learning. When this desire appears in the mind of the child, it can be as if it can be called an inner position. This suggests that the child in its social development moved to a new age period - the younger school age.
You can determine the presence of an internal position. This is expressed in the fact that the child begins to lose interest in pre-school activities, and begins to voice such phrases as, for example, I want to go to school! ". Also an indicator of the formation of an internal position in a child is expressed in school games.
As the practice shows, children in five years exaggerate their capabilities, achievements. For six years, overestimated self-esteem is preserved, but children are already praising themselves not so open. And by seven years, self-esteem is already becoming more adequate.
In "piggy banks" of psychologists diagnostic techniqueswho are aimed at studying the level of self-esteem in preschool age. This, for example, a questionnaire for a conversation with children of preschool age, proposed by T.V. Dragunova, famous technique V.G. Shchur "Lestenka", sample de Zepene, Methods "Draw yourself" and so on.
Also important From the teacher-psychologist to make recommendations to educators, parents for the formation and development of adequate self-esteem in children of preschool age. This, educators, teacher-psychologist in kindergartens, if necessary, should hold a number of activities aimed at improving self-esteem in a child. This, for example, games, exercises, etudes that are necessarily aimed at the formation of a positive image "I", relations to other people.
By observing parents, educators can make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe self-esteem of the child.
Thus, it can be concluded that adequate self-esteem is the most important element in the mental development of a preschooler. Its level has a huge impact on the emotional sphere, behavior, success in various activities.

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Chapter 1. Theoretical basis Forming self-esteem in preschool children

1.2 Features of the formation of self-esteem in preschool age

1.3 Characteristics of methods for forming self-assessment of preschool children

Chapter 2. Designing the activities of the teacher to form the self-assessment of senior preschoolers




The relevance of the problem and themes of the study. Jointing the preschool age, the child begins to realize the fact of its existence. Self-assessment is one of the essential conditions, so the individual becomes a person. Correctly formed self-esteem at the preschooler performs not just as knowledge of himself, but as a certain attitude towards himself, suggests a realization of the personality as a certain sustainable object.

In the process of communicating, children are a predisposition to the manifestation of certain forms of activity relative to peers. At the same time, expectations arise on the basis of emotionally colored ideas and experiencing a child about how they will most likely behave in those or other situations of communicating with him and how they will appreciate it.

The problem of research is to find the formation of self-assessment of the senior preschooler. Self-assessment, being one of the forms of manifestation of self-consciousness, was studied in the direction of this problem with domestic and foreign authors. The earliest works of scientists indicate the dependence of the self-assessment of the preschooler from the relationship of adults in the rules regulated by the rules of activity. Later work disclose self-esteem with communication between children.

The methodological foundations of the development of self-consciousness are disclosed and substantiated by a number of Soviet scientists (B.G. Ananev, L.S. Vyotsky, I.S.Kon, G.S. Kostyuk, M.I. Lisin, F.T. Mikhailov, S.L. . Rubinstein, V.V.Stolin, P.R. Chamata, I.I. Chesnokova, E.V. Shorokhov).

The role of self-esteem in the formation of the individual, the acquisition of social experience and finding its place in the system of social relations was analyzed in a number of studies. The authors, relying on the dialectical and materialistic principles of the development of self-consciousness, developed in Marxist psychology, showed that external social factors have a decisive effect on the formation of a child's self-assessment. The relationship of self-assessment with various types of children's activities and the activities of children was discovered, its development trends are indicated. Research results allow you to state that self-esteem, being an inalienable component of the real-mentioned personality, acquires an increasing value with the age of a child as a regulatory factor.

As evidenced by the analysis of the literature, the main number of works is devoted to the study of the self-assessment of school-age children. The self-assessment of preschool children has been studied much less. The earliest works (N.E. Ankundinova, V.A. Gorbachev), dedicated to the self-esteem of children of this age, detect its dependence on the assessmental attitude of adults in the rules regulated by the rules of activity.

Given the problem of research, the research topic is chosen: "Methods of forming self-assessment of senior preschoolers."

This topic is relevant by the fact that on the eve of the new social role - the role of a schoolchildren is important to determine which factors and how they affect the process of forming the self-assessment of children of senior preschool age.

The object of the study is the self-esteem of the senior preschooler.

The subject of the study is methods for the formation of self-assessment of a child of senior preschool age.

The purpose of the study: to substantiate the possibilities of methods in the formation of self-assessment of the senior preschooler.

Research hypothesis: the basis of the study was the assumption that there are methods that are used to effectively form self-esteem among senior preschoolers, since:

Forms of optimization of evaluation relations of children depending on the activities lead to an increase in the realism of self-assessment, enriching its content with moral criteria.

The image of both positive and negative is gradually becoming your child's own knowledge of yourself.

In accordance with the hypothesis and the purpose of the study, the following tasks were delivered:

Based on theoretical analysis, reveal the essence and features of the formation of self-assessment from senior preschoolers.

To identify and describe the methods of formation of self-esteem in children of senior preschool age.

Develop a psychological and pedagogical project aimed at forming self-esteem in children of senior preschool age.

The practical significance of the study is that the developed psychological and pedagogical project can be used by teachers of a pre-school educational institution for the formation of self-assessment of senior preschoolers.

Research methods: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, generalization.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of self-assessment of senior preschoolers

1.1 Children's self-esteem as a psychological phenomenon

A pioneer in the field of study of self-esteem can be called W. Jems, who began to study this phenomenon back in 1892 as part of the study of self-consciousness. He brought the formula for which self-esteem is directly proportional to success and inversely proportional to claims, that is, the potential successes that the individual intended to achieve.

W. Jems allocated the dependence of self-esteem on the nature of the relationship between the individual with other people. His such approach was idealistic, as the communication of the individual with other people was considered independently of the real basis of this communication - practical activity.

In a psychoanalytic theory, the situation is considered that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe consciousness of an individual is incomplete, distorted, not corresponding to reality. According to 3. Freud self-assessment is under the pressure of the conflict between the internal motives and external prohibitions, by virtue of such a permanent conflict, adequate self-esteem is impossible.

In the humanistic theory of A. Masu, R. Mei, Olport, K. Rogers adhered to the point of view, according to which the image folding from an individual himself could be incomplete, distorted. To transform this picture and achieve adequate self-esteem, you need to change the real system of relations in which it has developed, namely to change the social position of the personality, the system of its relationship with other people, the nature of its activities.

The representative of the phenomenological approach N. Branden points out the fact that self-esteem, the presentation of a person about himself play an important role in the understanding of man.

Self-esteem (eng. Self - Esteem) - "Value, the significance that the individual empowers itself in general and individuals of their personality, activities, behavior." Self-assessment acts as a negatively sustainable structural education, component of the I-concept, self-consciousness, and as a process of self-examination. The basis of self-assessment is the system of personal meanings of the individual, adopted by it system of values. It is considered as a central personal education and the central component of the I-Concept.

Self-assessment performs regulatory and protective functions, affecting the behavior, activity and development of the personality, its relationship with other people. Reflecting the degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with itself, the level of self-esteem, self-esteem creates the basis for the perception of its own success and failure, setting the objectives of a certain level, i.e. Personal claims. The protective function of self-assessment, ensures relative stability and autonomy (independence) of the individual, can lead to distortion of the data of experience and thereby have a negative impact on development.

Self-assessment acts as an indispensable condition for the implementation of effective interaction with the world and has a profound impact on human thinking processes, emotions, desires, values \u200b\u200band goals. Foreign psychologists consider self-esteem mainly as a mechanism that ensures the coherence of the requirements of the individual to themselves with external conditions, that is, the maximum balance of the individual with its surrounding social environment. At the same time, the social environment itself is understood as them as a hostile person.

Self-assessment of a developed individual, says I.Ya. Winter, form a complex system, determining the nature of the individual's self-relation and including overall self-assessment, which reflects the level of self-esteem, holistic adoption or defeat itself, and partial, private self-esteem, characterizing the relationship to individual parties to their identity, actions, success of certain activities.

Self-esteem can be of different levels Awareness and generalization.

Self-esteem is characterized by the following parameters: the level (value) is high, medium and low self-esteem; Realistic - adequate and inadequate (overestimated and understated) self-esteem; The characteristics of the structure are conflict and conflict self-conformity; stability;

For the development of the personality, such a nature of the relationship is effective when a sufficiently high overall self-esteem is combined with adequate, differentiated partial self-esteem of different levels. Sustainable and however, a fairly flexible self-esteem (which, if necessary, can change under the influence of new information, the acquisition of experience, surrounding the criteria, and the like) is optimal for both development and productivity. Bad influence It provides overly stable, rigid self-esteem, as well as a strongly fluctuating, unstable.

In the definition of various types of self-assessment of preschool children, they note: children with inadequately overestimated self-esteem, with adequate self-esteem and children with understated self-esteem.

Children with inadequately overestimated self-esteem are very mobile, unrestrained, quickly switch from one type of activity to another, often the work started to the end is often not brought. They are not inclined to analyze the results of their actions and actions. In most cases, they are trying to solve any, including very complex tasks quickly, without breaking to the end. Most often they are not aware of their failures. These children are prone to demonstrative behavior and dominance. They strive to always be in sight, advertise their knowledge and skills, try to stand out on the background of other guys, to draw attention to themselves.

If for any reason they can not secure full attention of adults in operation, then do it, violate the rules of behavior. In class, they can shout out of place, comment out loud to the educator, indulge. This is usually externally attractive children. They strive for leadership, but in the peer group may not be accepted, as they are aimed at themselves and are not prone to cooperation.

Children with adequate self-esteem in most cases tend to analyze the results of their activities, try to find out the causes of their mistakes. They are confident in themselves, active, balanced, quickly switch from one type of activity to another, persistent in achieving the goal. We strive to cooperate, help others, they are sufficiently sociable and friendly. If in a situation, failures are trying to find out the reason and choose the tasks of several less complexity. Success in activities stimulates their desire to try to fulfill a more complex task. Children with adequate self-esteem are typical of success.

Children with underestimated self-esteem in behavior are most often indisputable, poorly unforgettable, incredulous to other people, silent, are stolen in their movements. They are very sensitive, ready to break up at any time, do not seek to cooperate and are not able to stand up for themselves. Children with understated self-esteem are anxious, unsure of themselves, difficult to be included in the activity. They refuse to solve problems that seem complex to them, but with emotional support for adult, they can easily cope with them. A child with underestimated self-esteem seems slow. He does not start the task for a long time, fearing that he did not understand what to do and fulfill everything wrong; It tries to guess whether the adult is pleased with them.

The more significant activity for him, the harder it is to cope with it. Children with understated self-esteem tended to avoid failures, so they are minitative, choose obviously simple tasks. The failure in the activity most often leads to a refusal of it.

Such children, as a rule, have low social status in the group of peers, fall into the category of rejected, nobody wants to be friends with them. Externally, this is most often unavailable children.

Ya.L. Kolomminsky, research, which is devoted to the problem of the children's team, discovered a number of general and age features in awareness and experiences by the child of their relationships with other members of the Group. It was shown that children who objectively are in the unsatisfactory position in the group overestimate their position. The members of the group that are in a favorable position tend to underestimate their position in the group (the phenomenon of the "fenomed inadequacy of awareness").

According to the concept of VS Mukhina, there are "links of the structure of self-consciousness, which for the first time receive intensive development in preschool age or for the first time declare themselves": orientation on the recognition of its internal mental entity and external physical data; recognition of your name; social recognition; orientation on physical, mental and social signs of a certain gender; on significant values \u200b\u200bin the past, present and future; Based on the right in society; For debt to people. The structure of the self-consciousness of the preschooler is formed in collaboration with adults as a complete picture of oneself.

A.I. Lipkina believes that the knowledge of the child received from others and its own increasing activity is integrated into self-esteem, aimed at the awareness of their actions and personal qualities.

Total: Thus, self-esteem is formed on the basis of environmental assessments, assessing the results of its own activities, as well as on the basis of the ratio of real and ideal ideas about themselves. Preservation of formed, familiar self-esteem becomes need for a person. In the studies of domestic psychologists, the focus is on studying and analyzing the process of personality formation, its substructures, disclosure of the personality formation mechanisms, which is a significant link of which is self-esteem.

1.2 Features of the formation of self-assessment of the senior preschooler

In psychological and pedagogical work, various ways of the process of formation of self-esteem in the senior preschool age are indicated.

The formation is the process of the formation of a person's personality as a result of the objective influence of all factors: heredity, environment, targeted education and their own active personality (self-education).

According to L.I. Bozovic, the proper formation of self-esteem is one of the most important factors for the development of the child's personality. Sustainable self-esteem is formed under the influence of the assessment by the surrounding (adults and children), as well as its own activity of the child and its own assessment of its results.

If the child does not know how to analyze its activities, and the assessment of the surrounding changes changes in a negative direction for it, acute affective experiences arise. For example, if in the family, the child has formed a positive self-esteem and the corresponding claims, and after that, in kindergarten or at school, he faced a negative assessment, many negative forms of behavior (sample, stubbornness, proceeding, etc.) occurs. With long-term preservation of such a situation, these negative forms of behavior are recorded and become sustainable personality qualities. L.I. Bozovic notes that the negative qualities of the individual arise in response to the need of a child to avoid heavy affective experiences related to loss of confidence.

In each age period, the activity that at this age is leading is predominantly affected by the formation of self-assessment.

Up to seven years, the child comes in accordance with the relevant experiences currently. His desires and the expression of these desires in behavior (that is, internal and external) are inseparable integer. The behavior of a child in these ages can be conditionally described by the scheme: "I wanted - I did." Naivence and directness suggests that an externally child is the same as "inside", his behavior is understandable and easily "reading" by others. The loss of the immediacy and naivety in the behavior of the senior preschooler means the inclusion in its actions of some intellectual moment, which as it should be inclined between the experiences and the action of the child. His behavior becomes informed and can be described by another scheme: "I wanted - realized - did." Awareness is included in all spheres of the life of a senior preschooler: He begins to realize themselves to him and his attitude towards them and his own, his own individual experience, the results of its own activity, etc.

One of the most important achievements of senior preschool age is the awareness of its social "I", the formation of an internal social position. In the early periods of the development of children, they are not yet given a report in what place they occupy in life. Therefore, the conscious desire to change their absent. If new needs arising from children of these ages do not find realization within the framework of the lifestyle they lead, it causes an unconscious protest and resistance.

In the older preschool age, the child is first aware of the discrepancy between the situation it takes among other people, and what is his real opportunities and desires. A clear-pronounced desire appears to take a new more "adult" position in life and fulfill a new, important not only for himself, but also for other people activities. The child, as it were, "falls out" from the usual life and the pedagogical system variable to it, loses interest in preschool activities.

The emergence of such aspiration is prepared by the whole course of the psychic development of the child and arises at the level when it becomes an affordable awareness of himself not only as a subject of action, but also as subjects in the system human relations. If the transition to a new social situation and new activity does not occur in a timely manner, then a child has a sense of dissatisfaction.

The child begins to realize his place among other people, he has an internal social position and the desire for his relevant needs of a new social role. A child begins to realize and summarize his experiences, a steady self-assessment is formed and the attitude towards success and failure in operations (one is typical of the desire for success and high achievements, and for others it is most important to avoid failures and unpleasant experiences).

Positive self-esteem is based on self-esteem, sense of own value and a positive attitude to everything that happens in the idea of \u200b\u200boneself. Negative self-esteem expresses his rejection, self-denial, negative attitude towards his personality.

In the older preschool age, the reflexes appear - the ability to analyze their activities and relate their opinions, experiences and action with opinions and assessments of others, so the self-assessment of children of senior preschool age becomes more realistic, in the usual situations and the usual activities approaching adequate. In an unfamiliar situation and unusual activities, their self-esteem.

In all age groups, children discover the ability to objectively evaluate others than themselves. But here there are certain age changes. Rarely from the senior preschooler to the question "Who is your best"? We will hear "I am the best", so characteristic for the smallest. But this does not mean that the children's self-esteem is now low. Children have already become "big" and know that it is not good to boasted. It is not necessary to directly declare your superiority. In the senior groups you can see children who evaluate themselves from the positive side indirectly. To the question "What are you: good or bad?" They usually answer like this: "I don't know ... I also listen," "I also know how to count to 100," "I always help the duty officer," "I also never offend the children, I share sweets", etc. . It is more demanding for the peer and evaluates it more objectively. Self-esteem of the preschooler is very emotional, often positively. Negative self-esteem is observed very rarely.

Features of the manifestation of self-esteem children of preschool age depends on many reasons. The reasons for the individual characteristics of self-esteem in the senior preschool age are due to each child a combination of development conditions for each child.

Evaluation of the preschooler itself largely depends on the assessment of the adult. Impaired assessments have the most negative impact. And the overestimated distort the ideas of children about their capabilities towards exaggeration of results. But at the same time play a positive role in organizing activities, mobilizing the strength of the child.

Therefore, the correctness of the ideas by the preschooler of its actions largely depends on the evaluation effect of an adult. At the same time, a complete formed understanding of myself allows the child to critically refer to the estimates of others.

For the formation of self-assessment, the activity in which the child is included and the assessment of its achievements with adults and peers is incorporated. The accuracy and objectivity of the assessment and self-assessment of preschoolers grow as they master the rules of the game, acquiring personal experience. In various activities, self-esteem is different. In the visual activity, the child assesses himself most often correctly, in literacy - overestimates, and in singing may underestimate itself. .

It is important to note that in regulating the behavior of self-esteem belongs to a special role, it acts as a "rod" of the entire process of self-regulating behavior at all stages of its implementation ... At the same time, in the process of self-regulation of behavior in various types of social interaction, self-assessment is continuously developing, adjusted, deepens and differentiates "

By the end of the preschool age, the child's self-esteem, its estimated judgments about the surrounding gradually become becoming more complete, deep, detailed, deployed.

These changes are based largely by the appearance (increasing) of the interest of senior preschoolers to the inner world of people, the transition to their personal communication, the assimilation of significant evaluation criteria, the development of thinking and speech.

The development of self-consciousness is in close connection with the formation of the cognitive and motivational sphere of the child. Based on their development at the end of the preschool period, an important neoplasm appears - the child turns out to be able to conscious and himself and the situation that he currently occupies, i.e. The child appears "awareness of their social" me "and the emergence on this basis of the inner position."

As a result, two factors for the formation of self-assessment of senior preschoolers can be distinguished: the attitude of others and awareness of the child itself features of its activities, its strokes and results. And this awareness will not appear automatically: parents and educators need to teach a child to see and understand themselves, to teach coordinate their actions with the actions of other people to coordinate their desires with the desires and needs of others.

This shift in the development of self-esteem has an important role in the psychological readiness of the senior preschooler for school training, in the transition to the next age step. It increases by the end of the preschool period and independence, criticality of children's assessment and self-esteem.

preschooler self-esteem formation

1.3 Characteristics of methods for the formation of self-assessment of the senior preschooler

The subject of the study is methods for the formation of self-assessment of senior preschoolers. What is the method? The method specifies general research principles and, compare with a torch illuminating the path (F. Koncon).

Method - [Greek. Methodos - path to something, research, tracking, exposition, training, image action]:

The combination of techniques and operations of theoretical or practical development of reality, as well as human activity organized in a certain way;

A combination of certain rules, norms of knowledge and action; way of approach to reality, studies of nature and society phenomena;

A way to achieve a goal, a certain way ordered activity.

Method - in the broadest sense of the word - the method of activity of the subject in any form.

The method is in an inseparable unity with theory: any objective knowledge system can become a method. The inextricable connection of the method and theory finds its expression in the methodological role of scientific laws. Any law of science, reflecting what is in reality, at the same time, indicates how to think about its corresponding sphere.

The method itself does not predetermine completely success in the study of reality: not only a good method is important, but also the skill of its use. Each science, having its subject of study, is trying on special methods arising from one or another understanding of the essence of its object.

In pedagogy, the methods are - ways to influence consciousness, will, feelings, the behavior of children in order to achieve the goal.

Methods of the teacher can be different:

- "Impact the child", and then small man will be represented by a "soft wax";

- "counteract", that is, to eradicate something bad in the child, fight his ideas and views;

- "promote" means helping;

- "Interact", that is, to cooperate, act simultaneously with the child, "Hand in hand" (C.A. Smirnov).

The educational method in pedagogy is considered as a way to achieve a given goal based on the organization of pedagogically expedient interaction of the educator and pupil.

Each method is implemented depending on the experience of the teacher, the individual style of his professional activity, which has arisen the pedagogical situation.

The rules for choosing methods are caused by the goal and tasks, age characteristics.

The choice of methods depends on:

1. Mental and age features of the preschooler

2. Anatomical-physiological features of the children's body (performance, fatigue, peculiarities of the nervous system);

3. Material and Technical Base kindergarten;

4. The current tradition in the pedagogy of kindergarten, the experience of educators, etc.

Methods for the formation of self-assessment of senior preschoolers belong to the classification of methods built on the basis of the simplest personality structure:

1. Methods of formation of consciousness are designed to transmit information from the educator to the upright and back. One of the main contradictions that are permitted in the process of education is a contradiction between the primitive ideas of children on the essence of the events of the events and those knowledge that the organized upbringing system is in externally. To form a self-assessment of senior preschoolers, the main method can be allocated - the method of belief (explanation, clarification, conversation, example)

Method of belief.

Adults when communicating with a preschooler, it is necessary to use a belief method. An adult for a senior preschooler is an authority that everything knows and can everything. Therefore, all estimated adult judgments can cross all the newly formed about themselves or about someone's conclusion of the preschooler. Authoritarian categorical statements of parents form a child's submission or protest (it depends on the child's self-esteem) and reduce the self-esteem of the preschooler. In the future, such a child will be difficult to have its own opinion.

From parents, it is important to use a soft, competent evaluation of the child. The image that parents create, and both positive and negative, gradually becoming their own knowledge of the child about themselves. For example, with constant negative assessment "Again, bad", "it would be better not to take" a self-esteem becomes low, and when communicating with peers such a preschooler may be "outcast." If the child does not all work, it is more expedient to help him to cope with difficulties than to reproach.

2. Methods of organizing activities and form behavior are practical methods, used directly to form behaviors and activities of students, but indirectly affect the formation of human consciousness.

Exercise, teaching, commissioning, pedagogical requirement, raising situations, all of these methods of organizing activities are necessary for the formation of self-assessment of the senior preschooler. Help the child to master the means of aware of themselves and self-examination. The child's consciousness moves from the result to the process of fulfilling the norm and rules. It follows the norm for her itself, because it cannot do otherwise. And compliance with the norm acts as emotional reinforcement for the preschooler. The relationship of moral consciousness and behavior is established when the child is exercised in moral actions, put a moral choice in a situation when he himself decides, how to do: go for an interesting walk or help an adult, eat candy yourself or attribute mom, play with a new toy or yield Her younger. By making a choice in favor of compliance with the norm, overcoming the momentary desires and becoming their own interests in favor of another to please him, the child enjoys what he did right.

Method of organizing game activity.

The main factor that has a significant impact on the development of the child's personality in preschool age is the game.

The game is a form of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience fixed in socially fixed methods for the implementation of subject action, in the subjects of science and culture.

In the game, the child is satisfied with the need for recognition and self-knowledge is carried out. Game is a school social relationshipin which the forms of behavior of the preschooler are simulated.

It is in the process of the game that the main neoplasms of preschool age are developing.

To increase the level of self-esteem in children of senior preschool age, teachers can be offered to carry out small games, exercises and etudes aimed at creating a positive child's relationship to themselves, other people, the formation of a feeling of proximity to other people, a decrease in anxiety, removal of psycho-emotional stress, the development of the ability to understand Your emotional state.

3. Methods of forming feelings and relationships, stimulating knowledge and activities are used in unity with the methods of forming consciousness and activities. The essence of the educational effect of this group of methods is encouraged to socially approved behavior. Their psychological basis is the experience, self-esteem is educated, understanding the act caused by the assessment of the teacher or peers. Stimulate - it means to encourage, help fill with meanings, improve quality cognitive activity, Create favorable conditions for it, including moral conditions. To such stimulating methods for the formation of self-assessment of senior preschoolers belongs to - encouragement.

Method of encouragement

Promotion is a set of techniques and means of moral and material incentive to encourage them to personal improvement. This method is considered as an expression of a positive assessment, approval and recognition of qualities, actions and behavior of children. It causes a sense of satisfaction, confidence in their forces, positive self-esteem, stimulates a person to improve his behavior. The means of encouragement include praise, gratitude to the teacher and adults. At the same time, it is also effective to use in the form of means of encouraging relevant gestures, faults and estimated judgments of the educator, its incentive appeals, the selection of a deed or actions of a raised as an example for imitation.

As a result, it can be noted that the children of senior preschool age get acquainted with the life of adults in many ways - watching their work, listening to stories, poems, fairy tales. As a sample, the behavior of those people who cause love, respect and approval around them.

The surrounding child is becoming a means of upbringing feelings, ideas, behavior, i.e. It activates the entire mechanism of moral education and affects the formation of certain moral qualities.

To form a self-assessment of a senior preschooler, it is necessary to set tasks that will be associated with the active actions of the child, with self-observation and self-control. Games, classes, communication, all that constantly draws his attention to Himself, put it in a situation where he should somehow take it - to evaluate his skills to do something, obey certain requirements and rules, to show certain or other Quality of personality.

The use of methods requires patience and tolerance. When it comes to a child of preschool age, it is impossible to count on an instant and constant result. You should patiently repeat the already used methods and select new ones, with understanding to treat the fact that the result will be achieved not immediately.

Education Methods: Concept and Classification

The methods of education are concrete ways of influence on the consciousness, feelings, the behavior of schoolchildren to solve pedagogical problems in joint activities (communication) of the latter with the teacher-educator. Education methods should be distinguished from the funds of the upbringing with which they are connected. Education tools are primarily the objects of material and spiritual culture, which are used to solve pedagogical problems. The education method is implemented through the activities of the teacher's teacher, the means (book, film, etc.) can affect the activities of the teacher, without a teacher (Zyubin L.M., 1991; abstract) (http://www.pirao.ru/ STRUKT / LAB_GR / G-FAK.HTML).

Methods of education are extremely many. According to some modest calculations, the main generally accepted methods of at least five hundred. Use individual methods, without conscious of the entire system used in practice, is difficult. The systematization of methods is also needed for better memorization (Polyakov S.D., 1996; abstract).

Until now, the most common classifier of methods is the one that divides them by the sources of transmission of the content. These are verbal, practical and visual methods (see Table.). This is the simplest and most affordable classification, widely used in practice.

Classification of methods for sources of transmission

Groups of methods

Types of methods

Sources of transmission of content

Slible methods

Story, conversation, instruction, etc.

Practical methods

Exercises, training, self-government, etc.

III Group

Visual methods

Illustration, showing, material presentation, etc.

G.I. Schukina offers the following classification of education methods.

Another classification of methods is based on the simplest personality structure:

methods of formation of consciousness;

methods of formation of behavior;

methods of formation of feelings and relationships.

This is also a widespread classification.

1. Methods for the formation of students' consciousness are intended to transmit information from the teacher to the student and back. Consciousness as knowledge and understanding is the basis of worldview, behavior, relationships (horst. 11.1.). Among this group of methods, the method of belief occupies the central place (http://www.pirao.ru/strukt/lab_gr/l-sozn.html).

The method of belief in education is the way of influencing the knowledge of a schoolboy to clarify the facts and phenomena of public or personal life, the formation of views. He is leading in educational work. This method is used to form views, which in the consciousness of a student, in his tezaurus had not been available (or they were not fixed), or to actualize the existing knowledge (Pavlova L.G., 1991; abstract) (see Animation).

The self-affirmation and self-configuration of the student of a schoolboy occurs in conditions of inflexiblely of conscious and formulated representations, concepts, principles. Not possessing solid and deep knowledgeThe young man cannot always make an analysis of the events that makes mistakes in judgments (Kurganov S.Yu., 1989; see annotation).

One of the main contradictions that are permitted during the education process is a contradiction between the primitive ideas of the schoolchild about the essence of the events and those knowledge that the organized education system contributes to its consciousness.

2. Methods of organizing activities and forming behaviors are practical methods. Man is a subject of activity, including cognitive. Therefore, in the process of knowledge, he is not only a contemplator, but also a figure. This group of methods include: exercise, teaching, commissioning, pedagogical requirement, raising situations, etc. These methods are used directly to form behaviors and activities of students, but indirectly affect the formation of a person's consciousness. Let us dwell on the exercise method in more detail.

The exercise method is a method of managing schoolchildren with a variety of and repetitive cases, where everyone performs certain instructions (tasks). With this method, the activities are organized and stimulated by its positive motives (various types of tasks on individual and group activities in the form of instructions, requirements, competitions, samples and examples, creating situations of success). This method contributes to the formation of consciousness and behavior.

The method of exercise in the education is implemented through orders. Instructions (practical tasks) create and expand the experience of students in various activities. Babying schoolchildren to independent initiative and conscientious execution of orders, as the analysis shows pedagogical practice, the case is long and requiring tireless attention to it (Ilyin E.P., 2000; see annotation).

3. Methods of forming feelings and relationships, stimulating knowledge and activities are used in unity with the methods of forming consciousness and activities. Stimulate - it means to encourage, help fill in meanings, improve the quality of cognitive activity, to create favorable conditions for it, including moral conditions. Such stimulating methods include encouragement, censure, punishment, creation of success situations, control, self-control, assessment and self-esteem, etc. (Ilyin E.P., 2002; see annotation).

Methods of self-education and self-education

In the process of education, it is necessary to encourage the child to exercise self-education (CNT I.E., 1990; see annotation).

The child itself is active since birth, it is born with the ability to develop. He is not a vessel where "merging" the experience of mankind, he himself is able to acquire this experience and create something new. Therefore, self-education, self-education, self-study, self-improvement (Fig. 6) (Fig. 6) (Yakimanskaya I.S., 1996, see the annotation) are the main spiritual human development factors.

Self-education is the process of assimilating the person's experience of previous generations through internal mental factors ensuring development.

Self-education is a person's activities aimed at changing their personality in accordance with the consciously set goals who have developed ideals and beliefs. Self-education involves a certain level of personality development, its self-consciousness, the ability to analyze it with a conscious comparison of their actions with the actions of other people. The attitude of a person to their potential opportunities, the correctness of self-esteem, the ability to see their drawbacks characterize the maturity of a person and are prerequisites for the organization of self-education (Ilyin E.P., 2000; see annotation).

Education, if it is not violence, it is impossible without self-education. They should be considered as two sides of the same process. By self-education, a person can self-defect.

Self-forming is a system of internal self-organization not to assimilate the experience of generations aimed at its own development. Self-learning is the process of directly obtaining a person's experience of generations through its own aspirations and the selected funds themselves.

In the concepts of "self-education", "self-education", "self-study" of pedagogy describes the internal spiritual world of a person, its ability to develop independently. External factors - upbringing, education, training - only the conditions, means of awakening, actuate. That is why philosophers, teachers, psychologists argue that it is in the soul of a person that the driving forces of its development are laid (Lesgaf Uf., 1998; see annotation).

A.K. Markova highlights high and low levels of self-spinity, self-development and self-recovery (Markova A.K., 1992; abstract):

High level: Initiative without jolts and incentives from the outside, independent formulation of the goals of self-development, the construction of the program and the variability of its strategies, self-resistance, promising goaling, internal sustainability and integrity. Building new meanings (sense formation) under difficult conditions. Casual reflection. Possession of mobilization and relaxation techniques.

Low: no need and ability to do something for its development itself (which can be combined with high discipline as a performer). Lack of inner meaning and stem of the creature of the personality. Lack of interest in self-analysis. Tensions and complexes in academic work.

Self-education involves the use of such techniques as:

self-declaration (voluntary task of itself of conscious goals and tasks of self-improvement, the decision to form certain qualities in itself);

self-default (retrospective view of the path passed during a certain time);

understanding of their own activity and behavior (identification of causes of success and failures);

self-control (systematic fixation of its condition and behavior in order to prevent unwanted consequences).

Self-education is carried out in the process of self-government, which is built on the basis of human targets formulated by man, the program of action, monitoring the implementation of the program, assessing the results obtained, self-correction (Misslavsky Yu.A., 1991; see annotation). The main methods of self-education are reflected in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Methods of self-education

Self-knowledge, which includes: self-surveillance, self-analysis, self-examination, self-examination.

Self-respecting, which relies on: self-separation, self-control, self-propeller, self-suggestion, self-fixing, self-adhere, self-sufficiency.

Self-affirmation, which suggests: self-adventure, self-indigestion, self-introduction, self-regulations, self-restraint (spinners N.S., 1996; see annotation, cover) (http://www.pirao.ru/strukt/lab_gr/l-samor.html) .

Chapter 2. Designing the activities of the teacher to form the self-assessment of senior preschoolers

2.1 Description of the psychological and pedagogical project to form the self-assessment of senior preschoolers

Project description algorithm:

Justification of the relevance of the project: It is known as a significant formation in the older preschool age positive self-esteem. Self-assessment, the level of claims play a crucial role in the formation of the child's personality. Especially great value of the level of claims in the preparation of children for school learning. But it is also known that the child is not born with a certain attitude towards himself. Like all other features of the personality, self-esteem develops in the process of education, where the main role belongs to the family and the kindergarten. And the role of the teacher to influence the child so that, in the future, a positive awareness of itself has formed.

Project goal: Creating conditions for the formation of self-assessment of children of senior preschool age.

Project tasks:

1. Reduce the level of emotional tension of children.

2. Enhance the confidence of children in itself.

3. Develop the ability to see "good" in itself.

4. Form communicative skills.

5. Develop the ability of a positive attitude towards people.

Principles of project implementation:

At the first stage of the project, it is necessary to create a trust relationship. Motivate children to activities.

At the second stage of the project, to improve, in children, self-confidence. Develop the ability of a positive attitude towards each other. Develop communicative skills. It is possible to exercise your individuality: your abilities, feelings, aspirations, preferences.

At the final stage, improving and consolidate the relationship of children. Develop a positive attitude towards yourself and other people. Make a positive self-esteem.

Project implementation conditions:

Duration of the project implementation of 8 weeks, periodicity of classes at frequency 1 occupation per week, while the duration of the lesson is 25 minutes.

It is assumed to conduct group classes with children of senior preschool age 5-7 years.

This project is implemented by the educator.

Methodological conditions: Matching and motivational methods are carried out. Methodical techniques: conversation, group discussion; questions to children; viewing; show; explanation; Practical activity of children, game activity of children.

Predicted results:

Children must be aware of the value of self, form a positive relationship.

Increase confidence, reduce psycho-emotional tension, demonstration.

Shape the ability to effectively communicate with others.

Develop a positive self-esteem for its further formation.

Thematic planning

Title Topics Classes

Methods of formation of self-esteem

Duration of classes

"Magic Tree"

"How to understand each other"

Methods of organizing activities and form behavior; Method of encouragement

"What is good and what is bad"

"There is something wrong here"

Methods of organizing activities and form behavior; Method of encouragement

"We are cheerful, laugh, play"

Methods of organizing activities and form behavior; Method of encouragement

"Let's talk to each other compliments!"

Method of persuasion; Method of organizing game activity

"Magic chair"

Methods of organizing activities and form behavior; Method of belief

I am bold!

Methods of organizing and forming behavior

Lesson number 1

Topic: "Magic Tangle"

Purpose: achieve mutual understanding and cohesion, the ability to transmit a positive emotional state. Identification of yourself with your name, the formation of a positive child's relationship to its "I". Task: To form benevolent and equal relationships between peers.

Reading poem.

Guys, we will now go on a trip to the country "Emotions". Let's build a fabulous train. Children took up each other and hung up ahead standing for the belt. Move the train can be able to use magic words:

All friends come forward ...

(Children utter words and go in a circle, depicting trailers)

1 stop. "Polyana Joy"

Show pictures (man's joy) conversation about his mood

Children, what is joy? " (children's responses)

The game "Name whispers breeze" goal. Contribute to the development of self-esteem of children.

2 stop. "The island of sadness"

What is sadness? ...

Show pictures (sadness)

Conversation about his mood. (children's responses)

Only a person, but also an animal can live on the island. And now I suggest to portray the animal.

Game "Good Animal" Goal: Development of a sense of unity.

The game "In the Mirror Store" target. Development of observation, attention, memory. Creating a positive emotional background. The formation of a sense of confidence, as well as the ability to obey the requirements of another person.

The game "Magic Mirror"

Reflection. Conversation with children: (children's responses)

Lesson number 2.

Subject: "How to understand each other"

Purpose: Formation of positive relationships.

The educator proposes to greet each other.

Game: "Caterpillar" goal. Development of confidence.

Conversation on the topic - quarrel.

Tests are conducted: 1 test is called "quarreled-washed." The couple rises opposite each other. You need to portray without words, silently, one gestures. At first, the children met, delighted each other! (Children are depicted). Then they did not share something and quarreled. How was it, show? (Children are depicted). They offended and even turned away from each other (children show). But do friends can be offended for long? They turned to each other and recalled (children are depicted). Tell me, guys, what did you feel when they quarreled? And when came up? (children's responses). Let's take care of each other and do not quarrel! ".

2 test. Each of you I sample cards depicting emotions. Do not show them to each other. Your task without words to portray what is drawn on the card so that the rest of the children guessed. "

"Friendship" game Goal: Teach a child is not afraid and trusting your friend and a partner.

Outcome to the question "Can we understand each other" (children's responses)

Lesson number 3.

Topic: "What is good and what is bad"

Purpose: Create conditions for the formation of presentation in children about good and bad deeds. Creating conditions for the development of self-esteem of children.

Software tasks:

To form an idea that children in the group are dependent on each other.

To teach to be benevolent and tolerant to each other, take attention, sympathy for peers, help others, to give up. Share toys.

Continue to develop a child's presentation of various identity qualities (courage, truthfulness, cowardice, kindness, greed, indifference).

The second character Shapoklyak appears.

Specifies children questions about quarrels, fights, jardes in the group.

Shapoklyak rejoices positive answers, praises children, looking around, sees guests. Offers to arrange a tutor trap.

Children join the arms with the old woman.

"Mousetrap" game Purpose: Enhance the confidence of a child in their own power.

The educator tells the poem of V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad." Children help, inserting the words "good", "bad" in the course of the text.


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(Source: http://www.psi.lib.ru)

Self-assessment is the central link of arbitrary self-regulation, determines the direction and level of human activity, its attitude to the world, to people, to themselves. Represents a sophisticated phenomenon. It is included in many relations and relationships with all the mental education of the person and acts as important determinants of all forms and species of its activities and communicate. The origins of the ability to evaluate themselves are laid in early childhood, and its development and improvement occurs throughout the human life.

In psychological literature as domestic and foreign self-esteem paid great attention. The questions of its ontogenesis, structures, functions, the possibilities of aimed formation are discussed in the works of L.I. Bogovich, I.S. Kona, M.I. Lysina, A.I. Lipkin, E. Erixon, K.Stizhs and other psychologists. Self-assessment is interpreted as a personal education that takes direct participation in the regulation of behavior and activity as the autonomous characteristic of the personality, its central component, which is formed in the active participation of the person and reflecting the originality of its inner world. The leading role is assigned to self-assessment as part of the study of the problems of self-consciousness: it is characterized as the rod of this process, an indicator of an individual level of its development, its personal aspect, organically included in the process of self-knowledge. Evaluation functions of self-knowledge are associated with self-assessment, which absorb the emotional and value attitude of the person to themselves, the specifics of understanding it very much.

As the main conditions for the development of self-esteem, psychologists put forward factors such as communicating with the surrounding and their own activities of the child. In communication, the forms, types and criteria of assessments are assisted, in individual experience there are their testing, filling with personal meanings. From the assessments of themselves surrounding the child gradually decays the criteria and methods for estimating the other and transfers them to themselves. "Overlay" by each other evaluation criteria and methods of assessment and generates the activity of self-standard.

The structure of self-esteem is represented by two components - cognitive and emotional. The first reflects the knowledge of a person about himself, the second is his attitude towards itself as a measure of satisfaction.

In the activities of self-examination, these components operate in an inextricable unity: neither other / i.y.chokovkov / may not be represented in its pure form. Knowledge of yourself, acquired by a subject in a social context, inevitably turn emotions, the strength and tension of which is determined by the importance of the identity of the estimated content.

The basis of the cognitive component of self-esteem is the comparison operations of themselves with other people, comparing their qualities with developed standards, fixation of the possible inculcation of these magnitude / in Korneva /.

At an early age, children have a weak development of the cognitive component of self-assessment, the emotional component is prevailed in the image of himself, reflecting the global-positive attitude of the child to himself, borrowed from the relationship of adults / M.Lysin, 1986 /.

Jointing the preschool age, the child is aware of only the fact that it exists. While he really does not know anything about himself, about his qualities. In an effort to be like an adult, the child of three or four years does not take into account their real opportunities. He simply attributes all positive, approved by adult quality, often not even knowing what they are.

The development of genuine self-esteem begins with realistic assessments by children of their skills, the results of their activities and specific knowledge. Less objectively during this period, children estimate the qualities of their personality. Preschoolers tend to overestimate themselves, to which they are guided by the advantage of positive assessments of their adults around them.

In order to learn how to correctly evaluate yourself, the child must first learn to evaluate other people on which he can watch as if from the side. And this happens not immediately. During this period, evaluating peers, the child simply repeats the opinions expressed by adults. The same thing happens when evaluating yourself. ("I am good, because my mother says so").

Considering self-esteem The most complex product of the child's conscious activity, B.G. Ananyev noted that its initial forms are a direct reflection of adult estimates, and genuine self-esteem appears when it is filled with new content, thanks to the "personal participation" in its production of the child. The development of a child's ability to evaluate itself psychologists relate with such phenomena as self-identification and making themselves in the calculation of the village of V.V.Stolin/; with the emergence of ethical instructions that determine the arbitrariness of the behavior / and. Bogovich /; With the advent of the ideas about their capabilities /Hekhausen/.

As the child's intellectual development, the direct acceptance of adult estimates is overcome, the process of mediating their own knowledge of oneself.

Senior preschoolers are mainly true to realize their advantages and disadvantages, take into account the attitude towards them from others. It is of great importance for the further development of the person, the conscious assimilation of the norms of behavior, following the positive samples.

By the end of the preschool age, the ratio of emotional and cognitive components is somewhat harmonized. Favorable conditions are created for the development of the cognitive component of self-assessment, for the intellectualization of the child's attitude towards themselves, overcoming the direct impact on its self-esteem from adults.

With age, the child masters more than perfect ways of assessment, his knowledge is expanding about themselves and deepen, integrate, become more conscious, their intensive-motivational role is increasing; Emotional-value attitude towards itself is also differentiated, becomes selective and becomes stability.

FGBOU VPO "Orenburg State Pedagogical University"


1. Features of the formation of self-esteem in preschool childhood.

2. Pedagogical conditions for organizing and holding moving games.

Basic ideas:

self-esteem, self-assessment functions, self-esteem development, self-assessment formation criteria


1. Agafonova I.N. The program "Communication lessons for children 6-10 years old" I and we ". SPB, 2003.

2. Alyamovskaya, V.G. Prevention of psycho-emotional voltage / Vol. Alyamovskaya // Modern kindergarten. - 2007. - №1. - p.21-25.

3. Boatsmanova M.E. Zakharova A.V. Self-assessment as a factor of moral self-regulation in the younger school age / new. Research in psychology. M. Pedagogy, No. 2, 1998.

4. Doronina, MA The role of moving games in the development of children of preschool age / M. Doronina // Preschool Pedagogy. - 2007. - №4. - C.10-14.

5. Emelyanova, M.N. Movable games as a means of forming self-esteem / M.N. Emelyanova // Child in kindergarten. - 2007. - №4. - p.29-33.

6. Klochko V.E. Self-organization in psychological systems: problems of the formation of mental space of personality. - Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk State. University, 2005.

7. Knyazeva T.N. Some aspects of the problem of learning continuity on I and II steps school Education // Pedagogical Review, No. 4, 2003.

8. Pedagogical diagnostics According to the Development Program: Senior Preschool Age. - M., 2000.

9. Skopchuk, A.A., Ovchinnikova, TS Motor game game for preschoolers. - S.-PB.: Speech, 2002.

10. Chernetskaya A.V. Development of communicative abilities from preschoolers. - Rostov-N / D.: Phoenix, 2005.

1. Features of the formation of self-esteem in preschool childhood.

Self-satisfaction It is a nuclear education of identity identity, acting as a system of assessments and ideas about himself, their qualities and opportunities, its own place in the world and a system of relations with other people. Mukhina V.S. The following structural components of self-consciousness is distinguished: physical appearance; The name, the floor through the realization of the child's claims to recognize them in the past, present and future; Development of reflection, training for the skills of a positive communication style.

The central function of self-esteem is regulatory (Chesnokova I.I., Stolin V.V.), which determines the peculiarities of the behavior and activity of the personality, the nature of the construction of relationships with the world. It is shown that self-assessment stability determines the possibility and effectiveness of the implementation of the regulation function. The genesis of self-esteem is associated with the communication and activities of the child (M.I. Lisin), and the cognitive component of self-esteem (the system of ideas about himself) is determined by the experience and success of the child's activities, and emotional, first of all, the experience of communication and interpersonal relations with significant others. The image I am a product of communication activities and develops with the development of the activity and communication of the child throughout ontogenesis. The structure of the child's self-consciousness includes the nuclear part - "general self-assessment" (the holistic attitude of the child to itself) and the periphery - the presentation of individual qualities of the person (M.I. Lisin). In the structure of self-esteem traditionally allocated general self-assessment (self-relation, image, self-esteem, "I") and private concrete self-esteem (A.V. Zakharov, L.I. Aavdeeva, 2005). Analysis of self-assessment involves the allocation of such structural components As a real self-assessment (I-real), the perfect self-esteem (I-ideal), a mirror self-esteem (self-esteem expected from others, how others see me in my presentation). Characteristics of self-assessment include the level (height of self-esteem), adequacy (validity), stability, reflexivity.

In the senior preschool age at the stage of pre-school education, self-assessment begins to develop - a generalized and differentiated child's attitude to itself (L.S. Vigotsky), an important personal instance covered by the child's attitude to itself. Sources of formation of self-assessment are the experience of the child's activities, the degree of its success and experience of communication and interaction with other people. Self-assessment acts as an essential personal instance that performs the function of regulating the behavior and activities of the child in accordance with social norms. As part of self-esteem, a meaningful presentation of a child and its properties should be divided - specific self-assessments - and self-relation (estimated component of self-esteem). By 7 years, the ability to adequate, critical self-esteem is formed in specific activities (M.I. Lisina, Silvestra, 1983), while the adequacy of self-assessment on personal qualities is somewhat late in its development (Chesnokova I.I). The meaningful ideas about themselves are worth a value character (contain a certain assessment - positive or negative qualities) and rather anticipate than the individuality state.

Development of self-esteem in the younger school age It is characterized by the intensive development of the cognitive component and the high-quality transformation of self-esteem, which acquires the features of reflexiveness. An important role in the development of self-esteem at the stage of primary education is played by training activities (Zakharova AV, Feldstein D.I. et al.,). The result of primary education is the formation of a child as a subject of educational activities capable of identifying the boundaries of his ignorance and consult adult for help. The condition for the development of subjectivity in training activities is to objectify the teacher for a child of his self-implantation in the learning process. This requires learning children to differentiated self-esteem, allowing comparing its previous achievements with the results of the current moment. In research on the role of educational activities in the development of the self-assessment of the younger schoolboy (G. Saerman, 1997, 1999, 2000), it was shown that self-assessment develops due to the fact that the student himself participates in assessment, in developing evaluation criteria and their application to different situations. First, you need to teach a child to record your changes and objectify them as it constitutes the content of the evaluation (ability to determine the presence or absence of common way solutions for certain tasks). Secondly, it is necessary to make and objectify for the child as independent subject His self-implantation in the learning process.

Thus, the development of reflexive self-esteem is based on the following actions:

1) the child compared to his achievements "yesterday and today" and developing on this basis extremely specific differentiated self-esteem,

2) providing a child with the ability to carry out a large number of equodular elections, differing aspect of assessment, method of action, the nature of interaction and the creation of conditions for objectification and comparing these estimates today and in the recent past.

The child's ability to record their changes and objectify them is the necessary component of the development of the child's ability to manage their activities ("I am the owner of my own behavior", G.A. Zuckerman) and is connected directly with regulatory actions. Thus, knowledge of their own opportunities and their restrictions, the ability of the student to determine the border of its own capabilities, knowledge and ignorance, skills and inability (G. Saerman) is the general line of formation of self-esteem on initial steps Education. An important condition for its development is the formation of reflexivity, which manifests itself in the ability to analyze own actions, To see yourself from the side and allow the existence of other points of view.

The growth of self-assessment should be accompanied by such acquisitions as the latitude of the range of evaluation criteria, their correlation, generalization, lack of categorical, argument, objectivity (A.V. Zakharov). It was shown that children with reflexive self-esteem are more sociable, sensitively capture the demands of peers, strive to match them, stretch to communicate with peers and are well accepted. Insufficient assimilation of the content of the moral qualities of the individual, the lack of reflexiveness during self-assessment leads to the limitation of its regulatory functions: conflict appears, alertness in relations with peers. Thus, the development of self-assessment and personal action of assessment itself is a condition for the development of personal self-regulation as an important type of regulatory actions and communicative actions in the younger school age.

Violations of self-esteem development can occur in the following options:

1. Formation of low self-esteem. The understated self-esteem reveals itself in the following symptoms - the anxiety and the insecurity of the child in their forces and opportunities, the refusal of difficult (objectively and subjectively) tasks, the phenomenon of "learned helplessness" (M. Seligman). Correction paths - Assessment of the teacher - adequate, with an emphasis on achieving a child, even if it does not give the right final result, an adequate description of what has already been achieved and what else needs to be done to achieve the goal.

2. The formation of overestimated self-esteem detects itself in such peculiarities of behavior as dominance, demonstration, inadequate response to the assessment of the teacher, ignoring their mistakes, agnosia to fail. Here, the calm neutral attitude of the teacher, an adequate assessment that does not affect the personality of the student himself, a well-thought-out demand system, goodwill and support, assistance in what is difficulties for the student. Inadequately overestimated self-esteem At the time of completion of primary education, it reveals itself in the phenomenon of "affect of inadequacy" (M.S.Namemark) as a complex emotional behavioral complex, due to the actualization of the system of defensive personality mechanisms, not allowing to navigate in regulating behavior on adequate realistic self-esteem.

Personal self-regulation, based on the self-assessment of the child, is ensured by the inclusion in the motivational and semantic scope of the personality, the formation of the theoretical attitude towards itself related to the development of reflection, moral and ethical assessment by the child of its actions on the basis of the assimilation of the system of moral norms; Development of thinking, allowing to differentiate self-esteem for content.

The criteria for formation of a child of arbitrary regulation of their behavior and activity are the following skills: the ability to choose funds to organize their behavior; The ability to remember and hold the rule, instruction in time; the ability to plan, control and perform action according to a given sample and rule; the ability to anticipate the results of their actions and possible errors; ability to start performing an action and finish it at the required time time; The ability to inhibit reactions that are not related to the target.

A normally developing child is characterized by a positive attitude towards himself, confidence in their forces and self-satisfaction "I am good." However, the preschooler more objectively can estimate the result of the peer's activities, rather than to see the shortcomings in their work. And this is the norm age DevelopmentSince self-esteem begins to form only in senior preschool age. To this period, the child already understands that he can do, and what he does not know how; Realizes not only its actions, but also their desires, preferences, moods; He is able to understand and receive speech instructions, adult demands, consciously perform the task in the event that it does not contradict his interests. Against the background of an emotional dependence on an adult estimates, a child develops a recognition, expressed in the desire to get approval and praise, confirm its significance.

In order for the preschooler to learn to understand why the results of its activities are estimated in one way or another, situations should be created that would set it before the need to realistically assess their abilities.

In preschool childhood, the need for fantasy and movements is most pronounced. The need for fantasy is satisfied in the plot-role-playing games, and the need for movement the best way It is implemented in rolling games. In addition to effective impact on health promotion, improving the endurance of the children's body and improving motor skills, mobile games can be used as a means of forming self-assessment of preschoolers.

The actions in the plot game do not require a real result and tough regulation. For a mobile game with the rules, a clearly defined boundaries are characterized, the competing relationship between the participants, the presence of a real result - the winnings denoting the end of the activity, the repeatability of the unchanged in the form of horses. Such games produce volitional qualities in children (excerpt, courage, desire to overcome difficulties), the ability to listen to comments and in accordance with them to correct its actions, the ability to navigate the environment. As a result, conditions contributing to becoming initial shapes self-confidence and self-control of the child, which is of great importance for training activities (present and future), and for full-fledged life a team.

2. Pedagogical conditions for organizing and holding moving games

Accounting of individual characteristics of children

In each age group There are at least three types of children who behave differently during any activity, including game, and accordingly require a different approach.

Children of the first type are very active, movable, prone to strong excitation. They willingly take any new game, enthusiastically turn on in her and seek to take an active role. For such children, the most difficult is the fulfillment of the rules restraining their spontaneous activity: wait for its turn, do not move to a certain signal, to give up a major role or an attractive subject to others. Often they do not pay attention to the peers and are engaged by demonstrating their own capabilities.

With the children of this group, you can organize games in which you need to perform quite complicated for a preschooler actions ("Turtle-traveler") or to make simple actions, from the accuracy and accuracy of which the result of the game will depend on ("waterproof", "towns"). When conducting games it is necessary to show preschoolers the importance of compliance with the rules and try to make sure that they are satisfied from their implementation.

Children of the second type are more timid, careful. They usually do not immediately understand the essence of the game and do not too willingly switch to the new activity for them. First, they keep intensely, no interest is observed for the actions of peers. In no case should not force such a child to take an active role as soon as he is ready for it. Watching the game and taking a passive participation in it first, he gradually infects the adult and peers in interest in the game and after a while begins to take the initiative himself. Of course, it becomes possible with the support and approval (but in no way forced!) Educator.

For these children, games will be attractive with simple actions, in which the result depends on the concentration and agility ("towns", "fisherman and fish"), from attention ("water").

In order to interest children, instead of duty words "and now we will play in ..." You can "draw" a bright picture of the upcoming action. Sometimes it is useful to play in the pride of children, expressing doubt in their strength and dexterity (but at the end of the game do not forget to recognize the fallacy of their doubts, praising courage, speed and accuracy of the movements of each child).

As a result, childishness takes place several stages: "I want, but I'm afraid"; "I will try - suddenly it turns out"; "I managed! I want to try again "; "I praised the teacher, it means that I really did it well." "I want to play other games, suddenly I win"; "I won, then I can a lot! I will succeed!".

The third-type children are sluggish, passive, they can not act on a par with peers. Even with a repeated repetition of the game, they do not cope with the task because of fear before their inexperience.

Such children need personal contact with adults, in his attention, promotion. Collective mobile game with them is not effective. For the normal mental and personal development of these children, they must first include in games with two-three slow children, and then to this gaming community add one or two peers more active. In the future, it is necessary to not complicate the content of the Games, but gradually increase their pace.

As a rule, such children have a self-esteem and the teacher will need more time so that the child in his self-assumption has moved from the thought "I want, but I am afraid of the conscious confidence" I can! I will succeed! "

Games "White with nuts", "Caracatia" "Towns" - the most suitable for preschoolers of this group, as they do not contain complex actions and do not require special dexterity.

Conversation about the perception of victory and defeat

In mobile games, peers come into complex relationships, in which moments of mutual support and competition are intertwined. At the same time, on the one hand, the child wants to "be like everyone else", and on the other - "better than everything." The desire to "be" as the development of children, the need for recognition "to be better than everything" manifests itself in the desire to win.

In his desire to win, children may face difficulties and failures. This will lead to disappointment, will cause negative emotions. Therefore, it is advisable to spend several conversations with preschoolers on the topic "Today - defeated, tomorrow - the winner." The purpose of such conversations is to bring children to the conclusion: "It is impossible to win, not risking to lose!". You can tell about some athletes and famous people who, before being glorified, tested bitterness of defeats.

Creating a Speech Situation

The desire to "be better than everything" is a motive for achieving success, one of the conditions for the development of will and the ability to realize their advantages and disadvantages. To raise the level of children's claims, it is sometimes necessary to resort to targeted creation of a success situation: start with simple games where everyone can win. This will allow them to gain self-confidence and become more active in activities and communicate.

The successes of preschoolers in rolling games have for them great importanceWhat is confirmed by many teachers. "Success is wrinkled by a child, contributes to the development of his initiative ... provides subsequently the formation of the character of a wrestler believing in their forces" (Yu.E. Lukoyanov).

Phased transition to rolling games, where an individual result is important

The purpose of the first stage is motivational: receiving children's pleasure from the process of mobile game and strengthen the desire to participate in it. Achieving this goal will be facilitated by such games as "water", "squirrel with nuts", "Caracatia", "Towns".

The purpose of the second stage is functional, it is associated with the implementation of the rules of the game, the development of new movements, roles, the development of dexterity and speed of movements. It is very important first to offer familiar children ("Fisherman and Fish", "Towns") or new, but simple mobile games or organize team competitions (games like "waterproof"), in which the defeat is not perceived as a personal failure.

The purpose of the third stage is a competitive: a child must achieve positive results. After many children feel that if focused and try, you can win, it is advisable to introduce additional rules complicating the game and the path to victory, or select games that require high accuracy of movements, greater flexibility, dexterity, intelligence. The harder the game, the more joy brings a victory in an honest struggle.

Different games can be part of team or individual competitions. For example, a combination of "water" and "waterproof" games will be the stages of the "water relay", and the game "Square with nuts" (jumping with the ball), "Towns" (throwing), "Caracatia" (running on all fours) and "Turtle Traveler "(coordination of movements) will enter" funny starts ".

Compliance with the rules of the game

To help each child to take a worthy place in the team, overcome uncertainty, cause a desire to perform not only a secondary, but also a major role in the game, it is useful to introduce the rules of conduct:

● Each child has the right to participate in the game;

● Who wishes to play should negotiate, what will be played;

● the lead choose children from the general consent of all participants in the game;

● When discussing candidates, it is necessary to explain why this particular child is chosen (the leader's role should be earned);

● Children must independently solve controversial issues, organized to finish the game;

● If someone from the participants do not want to play anymore, he must say to comrades on the game and leading about the cause of his care;

● All the participants of the game are required to treat each other with respect, to reckon with the opinion of comrades, to show demanding to violators of the rules;

● both presenter and other children have the right to give advice and expand the content of the game with the overall consent of all participants.

Assessed with adults, the actions of peers and their mistakes in the game, the child not only better assisted the rules, but also begins to realize his own miscalculations. Playing is honest, that is, according to the rules, the children conquer the approval of adult, recognition and respect for peers.

Pedagogically competent distribution of roles

One of the responsible moments in children's games is the distribution of roles. For many rolling games, captains are required, that is, command roles. Game practices have accumulated a lot of democratic examples of role distribution, such as the draw, reading, throwing a cube with numbers, etc.

What is important for the teacher when distributing roles?

inactive - to show activity;

undisciplined - to become organized;

newcomers or children who sidestessing the team of peers - to come together with everyone.

Explain the significance of not only command, but also secondary roles.

Provide the active participation of children in the game: the child will come out of the game if he has nothing to do.

Do not use negative roles in the game.

Equipment and equipment playground

The place for the game must correspond to its content, the number of playing and be safe for children.

In the movable game, as in a big sport, the result sometimes depends not only on their own effort, but also from external factors: random circumstances, weather conditions. If the child tries to win and feels that it has every chance for this, then loss due to the interference of foreign people, puddles, pits and other interference is perceived by both the tragedy and can harm his emotional state. From here, a pedagogical requirement follows: what is the meaning for a child to win in the relay or any game, where the winners are determined at the end, the more carefully consider the conditions for the game and choose the sports inventory.

The teacher himself should not interrupt the children during the game without serious reason. Thus, mobile games can be perceived as everyday children's fun, satisfying the need of the body in movements, joint activities and joyful emotions, and can be considered as a pedagogical tool not only by the physical, but also social development of preschoolers. It's all about the knowledge of the methodological and psychological and pedagogical aspects of the management of rolling games and the interest of the educator in the development of socially significant qualities in preschoolers: courage, confidence, mixtures, mutualists, self-control and adequate self-esteem, the ability to experience defeat and seek victory.

The listed qualities will help the child comfortably feel not only in the familiar team of peers, but also in the new school team, where training activities will be released, which also requires intelligence, confidence in knowledge, self-control, patience, ability to risk and overcome difficulties.

Material presented Mikheeva E.V.,

senior teacher Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

1. Answer the child's questions patiently and honest.

2. Perceive the questions and statements of the child seriously.

3. Give a child room or corner exclusively for his work.

4. Find a place where the child could show his work and achievements.

5. Do not scold a child for mess on the table, if it is connected with its creative process. However, demand to bring the workplace by order after it is completed.

6. Show the child that it loves and take certainly what it is, and not for his successes and achievements.

7. Tell your child's worships and care.

8. Help him build your own plans and make decisions.

9. Help him improve the results of your work.

10. Take your child on trips at interesting places.

11. Help the child to communicate with peers from different cultural layers.

12. Do not compare your child with others, pointing to its disadvantages.

According to periodic printing.

(Source: www.psyportal.info)

1. It is harmful if a child is praised for what he is easily given for what is given to the nature itself. Praise not for work, not for the effort, but only for the presence of the ability does not give anything that it would really need a child for its development. And she can harm, especially when it is repetition. The repetition of praise without necessity acts as a drug: the child gets used to her and is waiting for it. He penetrates his feeling of his superiority over others, and if it is not accustomed to work that implements his ability, it may not take place as a person: egocentrism will completely clicter it on himself, he will leave the waiting for admiration and praise. Their cessation will cause that chronic discomfort, from which envy is born, petty symptiphence, jealousy to someone else's success, suspicion and other painful attributes of egocentrism, failing "genius".

2. It is doubly harmful to praise to whom something is given easily, by putting it as an example to those who are also given difficult, contrary to efforts. Breaking one and praising the other, imposing it as an example first, they are opposed to each other. The very fact of an unfair evaluation of effort, or rather - the silence, ignoring it, is hardly injured by the psyche of the child (and not only a child!). This reduces the motivation to business. And the opposition cannot cause the desires to "take an example" from the one who is unjustly praised. On the contrary, it only moves them away from each other, acne one and corrupting the other. Contrasting cultivates unhealthy rivalry, which stimulates not at all adjacent, but egocentric trends. Contrasting can be caused by negativism, refusal of those activities that do not guarantee success.

3. It is harmful when prases too often, without any need and insincere. It depreciates praise, and taught to cheap success, and contributes to a thoughtless attitude towards what comes from the elders. Watching children, for their elders, you will be able to see other harmfulness of rapid praise.

N.V. Zhutykova

(Source: www.psyportal.info)

It is necessary to praise only sincerely, seriously and convincing. Let me pay praise in doses, commensurate with its goal!

Why do you need praise to a child? In order to give him confidence, if it is missing. Give strength. Restore lost emotional well-being. Compensate the damage caused by someone (any) ...

The child needs a huge stock of optimism for the entire upcoming life. Purpose Praise - Top up this stock or compensate for its loss.

Among the semi-arms old old great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, there are multi-dimensional educators, very sensitive to the action of the word: "Praise something with the mind. And if they are noticed by them rare and necessary ability in the child, they will not hide it from him, let him understand what is gifted. But how! The idea of \u200b\u200bthe value of the darisa released by nature is inspired simultaneously with the idea of \u200b\u200bresponsibility for this gift, about serious to him: "Dar - he seems to be a gift, but to work out - all his life ..."

Which case, a shortage of serious, thoughtful-respect for the child has been caused by many minuses in its development, including egocentrism - the one that does not pass over time, and hesitates in nature, in different ways to ugly. One is undeservedly seized and therefore unsteadily swelling, arriving, arrogant. Other - not in size of guilt - publicly ashamed (item is, for example, another monstrous form of sadism in kindergartens - the violent exposure of the child in front of peers for ridicule and shame), and now for many years he experiences either the need to hide (sort of "egocentrism inside out" ), Or embark on burning hatred to everything that is not he, or something else anomalous one. The third, from nature is a ram (active and strong), did not receive a meaningful, creating orientation of its activity and now rudely intrusive in its consumer egoism. The fourth, habitual standing in the corner of the class, acquires the status of a jesca, but not that from which a good circus clown could turn out: Yuri Nikulina, in addition to the talent of the Great Shut, there is the level of human dignity that causes deep respect, adequate to the depth of this rich personality and serious actor. And the crystal from the corner of the class, caused by the need to compensate for the emotional damage to its position, becomes again for many years - one of the leading strokes of the psychological portrait: it is the most pitiful type of egocentrism, which almost excludes self-esteem (and often without "almost" ).

Fifth ... Tenth ... Egocentrism options, multiplied by various degrees of his pathology, the unbarrous set ...

N.V. Zhutykova

"Psychological lessons of everyday life"

- "Study of the self-assessment of preschoolers in the conditions of deprivation of children's and parent relations." Popmatukhina N.G. - Orsk Humanitarian Technology Institute (branch) of the State Educational Institution of the Higher vocational education "Orenburg state University", Orsk, Russia, 2010 (http://nkras.ru)

A complex and multifaceted problem of the development of the personality of a child raising in the conditions of deprivation is one of the most relevant currently. The network of institutions for children - orphans and children remaining without parental care are expanding. Social orphanhood is a little explanatory phenomenon, very heavy for children and difficult for understanding with normal adults.

Self-assessment - an assessment of the personality itself, its capabilities, qualities and places among other people, is an important regulator of behavior. A large role in the formation of self-assessment plays his own personality experience and, assimilated by her, public collective experience.

The preschooler in the content of the ideas about himself includes the reflection of their properties, qualities, possibilities. Data on their capabilities accumulate gradually thanks to the experience of various activities, communicating with adults and peers. By setting up contacts with people by comparing themselves with them, comparing the results of their activities with the results of other children, the child receives new knowledge not only about another person, but also about himself.

The assessment of the preschooler himself largely depends on how it appreciates the adult. Impaired assessments have the most negativeness. And the overgrown distort the presentation of children about their capabilities towards exaggeration of results. But at the same time plays a positive role in organizing activities, mobilizing the family family. More precisely, the evaluation effect of an adult, the more accurate the child's presentation of the results of their actions.

According to many scientists, the tear of the child from the biological family is primarily from the mother, the premises of it in the institution for orphans and children left without parental care determines the development of mental deprivation.

The impact of early hospitalization, the deficiency of family connections, the "layering" of the deprivation of various types lead to a decrease in the intellectual possibilities of the child and serious consequences for personal functions, personality aberration, impaired emotional sphere, self-awareness. The main contingent in orphanages make up children with parents.

The moment of separation from a close adult is a traumatic for the child, and this complex remains in his life. Subsequently, he has an increased personal anxiety and a sense of inferiority. Violation of affection can affect the social contacts of the child, on the formation of adequate self-esteem, self-esteem, the ability to understand the emotions of other people. The underdevelopment of attachment relationship between mother and child is transformed into a stable rejection of his own personality and is the main cause of the child's low self-esteem.

Numerous studies of domestic and foreign scientists suggest that outside the family the development of the child is on a special way. They differ from their peers growing in the family. So, in research N.N.Avdeeva notes that the contacts of children in the orphanage are weaker than their peers from kindergarten. Children from kindergarten, as a rule, actively turn to peers in the most divesties. With strong emotional excitement, they always ride precisely to another child, and not adult. The interaction of children is very free and relaxed. Pupils of the orphanage show a much smaller interest in peer. They are 3 times less often turn to another child, which indicates a less intense need to communicate with peers. At the same time, the contacts of children are very monotonous and few emotional. They are reduced, usually, to simple appeals and instructions.

The most common effects of early mental deprivation are in detail and deeply analyzed by Y. Langmeyer and 3. Mateychik. In our opinion, the problem of the formation of adequate self-esteem among the pupils of the orphanage becomes key in the development of the person in the unfavorable conditions for the deprivation of children's and parental relations.

Studying the problem of the development of self-assessment of the individual is not Nova for modern domestic and foreign psychology, its reflection can be found in the works of N. N. Avdeeva, V. A. Alekseeva, I. S. Kona, A. I. Lipkina, T. E. Missurina, T. L. Mironova, V. V. Stolina, A. G. Spearkin, T. S. Tokarskaya, I. I. Chesnokova, etc., as well as in the works of K. Horney, B. F. Skinner, D. Kelly , A. Adler, K. Rogers, 3. Freud. The specifics of the development of the personality in closed children's institutions were actively studied by M. I. Lisin, J. Langmeyer, 3. Mateyachik, and in last years - M. Yu. Kondratyev, I. V. Dubrovina, V. S. Mukhina, N. N. Tolstoy, A. M. Podishozhan, E. A. Mincova. However, the problem of the development of self-assessment of the child under the conditions of a kindergarten is presented in single work (E. T. Sokolova, N. N. Avdeeva, R. Bern).

Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, diagnostic techniques were identified, which, in our opinion, allowed the most fully to track the self-esteem of preschoolers left without parental care. The study was carried out according to the classic scheme - in 3 stages: a statement, forms, and a control experiment.

Analysis of the results of the study showed that out of 10 people experimental group 6 of the child (60%) have a low level of self-assessment. According to our observations, these children stand out among the other peers, they are afraid, poorly relevant, shy, externally inaccurate, slopes. 4 people (40%) - have an average level of self-assessment, a qualitative analysis of their attitude towards oneself and evaluating their actions and actions - closer to adequate. 5 boys and 5 girls participated in the experiment. The low level of self-assessment in the group of boys was detected in 3 subjects, 2 subjects - have an average level. In the group of girls - the low level of self-esteem has 3 subjects, 2 subjects - the average level. Thus, gender differences in determining the level of self-esteem was not observed.

Analysis of the results determined the strategy of the formative experiment, which was to develop and approbate the occupation system to solve the problem. Correctional and developing work was carried out in two directions: "Child is a teacher", "Child is a psychologist." These areas ensured the coordination of work aimed at the formation of adequate self-assessment of preschoolers left without parental care.

At the end of the correctional and developing classes, 6 subjects, the level of self-assessment increased from a low level to the average. Changed B. positive side Qualitative characteristics of their personal qualities, appearance, actions and actions of other children. It should be noted that their verbal statements about themselves became softer and meaningful. At the same time, 4 subjects did not change the level of self-assessment, remained at the average level.

An analysis of the results of the control experiment showed the positive dynamics of the level of self-assessment of the subjects, which is evidence of the effectiveness of the developed system of occupations for the formation of adequate self-assessment of children of preschool age remaining without parental care. Children not only felt more confident, but also learned adequately situations to interact with peers. However, caregivers should continue to work in this direction, praise children for all their achievements, and adequately respond to misconduct so that children felt as little as possible on themselves the conditions for the deprivation of children's and parental relations.


1. Bokov A.V., Shulga T.I. Psychological service in institutions of socio-pedagogical support for children and adolescents: Tutorial. - M.: Publishing House of Urao, 2001.-98 p.

2. Kolotygina E.A. Adequate self-esteem is the most important direction of the personal development of orphans and children left without parental care / E.A. Kolyagina // Lained parental care. - M, 1991.- C.122-126 3. Childhood Psychology / Ed. A.A.Rean.- M.: Olma Press, 2003.- 350 p.

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