Chinese hydroelectric station three gorges. HPP "Three Gorges", the most powerful power plant in the world

Three Gorges (Kit. Trad. 三峽, Ex. 三峡, Pinyin: Sānxiá - "Three Gorges") - The world's largest operating hydropower plant built in China on the Yangtze River. Located near the city of Sandoupin (English Sandouping) in the urban district of Ichan Province Hubei. The world's largest power plant in terms of installed capacity. When filling the reservoir, 1.3 million people were resettled.


The composition of the facilities HPP:

    gravitational concrete dam with a length of 2309 m and a height of 185 m;

    left-raised selection of HPP with 14 hydraulic units;

    right-Bank selection of HPP with 12 hydraulic units;

    right-bank underground HPP building with 6 hydraulic units;

    the two-dimensional shipping gateway (mainly intended for cargo ships, the passage time of the gateways is about 4 hours, the dimensions of the chambers 280 x 35 x 5 m);

    division (mainly intended for passenger vessels, lifting capacity of 3 000 tons, time of lift 30 min.)

Hydroelectric station "Three Gorges" ("Sanna") On the Yangtze River in China, it takes a special place in the hydropower. Very much in it "the most" itself - the most powerful and most expensive power plant in the world, the largest number of transplanted population, the hottest debate around its construction.

Construction of HPP began on December 14, 1994. The river was blocked in 1997, in 2003 the first hydraulic unit was launched, in 2006 the construction of the dam was completed.

With all his grandinality, in a constructive plan of HPP "Three Gorges" is pretty simple. This is a typical gravitational concrete dam with superficial water supply, a very similar design has for example Krasnoyarsk HPP. The height of the dam is 185 m, the length is 2.3 km, 27.2 million cubic meters of concrete was laid in the dam and the HPP building. The water-bridge is located in the center of the dam and is designed for a pass of 116,000 m3 / from water (just think about - in a second more than 100 thousand tons of water collapsed in more than 100 thousand tons of water!).

For such a large-scale structure, one building of the HPP could not be able to do, and their "three gorges" of the whole three - left-bank (14 hydraulic units), right-bank (12 hydraulic units) and underground (6 hydraulic units). Total, at the station 32 (!) The hydraulic unit with a capacity of 700 MW, not counting two "small" (50 MW) of their own needs hydraulic units. Thus, the total power of the station after completing construction will be 22.5 GW, and the average annual production is about 100 billion km. At the same time (November 2011), work on the installation and adjustment of the three hydraulic units in the underground building of the hydraulic station, respectively, the station capacity is 20.4 GW, respectively. For comparison, in second place, Brazilian hydroelectric station ITAYPA has a power of 14 GW.

Electricity with hydroelectric power station is issued on a LAP voltage network with a voltage of 500 kV, both alternating and direct current. The HPP should play the role of the center created by the Unified Energy System of China. When the construction of the station began, it was planned that the "three gorges" will provide 10% of China's demand for electricity; However, energy consumption grew at such a pace that this figure was now reduced to 2%.

The station's dam created a large reservoir with a total capacity of 39 km3, of which the useful container is 22 km3. Such a capacity makes it possible to efficiently use the reservoir HPP to protect against flooding; According to calculations, the likelihood of strong floods after the injection of the dam is reduced from 10% to 1% per year. In 2010, the dam was tested strongest flood - with a tributary of 70,000 m3 / s (maximum for 130 years!) Downed almost half smaller - 40,000 m3 / s, the rest was accumulated in the reservoir, the level of which increased by 3 m. This allowed you to save many lives and prevent multi-billion dollar damage. In the arid periods of the year, water accumulated in the reservoir is triggered, which allows it to use it for irrigation.

However, for a large and capacious reservoir had to pay (in the literal and figurative sense) a large price. I had to move 1.24 million (!) Man, including the population of two pretty large cities. In the flood zone there was 1,300 archaeological objects (however, they were investigated in detail and partially rendered on unpoplecerted marks). About half of the total costs of the project, estimated at $ 22.5 billion, took the preparation of the flooding zone, estimated at $ 22.5 billion. However, only due to the generation of electricity, these colossal costs will pay off 10 years after the end of construction.

"Three gorges" is not just the largest HPP in the world, but also a national Chinese landmark attracting many tourists from all over the planet. The largest hydraulic structure, located at the mouth of the Yangtze River, was built to perform three main functions - generating electrical energy, flooding, and also to improve shipping conditions. The construction of this facility began in 1994, and nine years later the station began to produce first electricity. In July 2012, all construction work ended, after which the largest HPP in the world was officially commissioned.

In the height of the dam reaches 185 meters and has the ability to pass 116 thousand meters every second cubic water. The total number of hydraulic units is equal to thirty-four. At the same time, the power of each of the thirty-two is 700 megawatts, and the two remaining (they are used for their own needs) - 50 megawatt. The total power of "Three Gorges" is 22.5 gigavatta. As for the production of electrical energy, the largest hydroelectric power station annually has the ability to produce about a hundred billion kilowatt-hours. Interestingly, initially designers planned that the station will give one tenth of all the energy produced in China. But so far the construction of the facility lasted, the needs of the country increased significantly, now the energy that the giant hydroelectric power station gives is only two percent of the total.

It is impossible not to note that the huge value that HPP has during floods. So historically developed that these natural disasters steel for a very serious problem, because they take annually a large number of Human lives. In this regard, a whole cascade set of reservoirs is built on now. In addition to the "Three Gorges", the Hydroelectric station "Gayzhoub" entered into it, built in 1988. In addition, seven seven stations that are currently under construction. The largest HPP in the world has a reservoir with a capacity of 20 cubic kilometers. Without a doubt, it will significantly reduce the consequences of the annual spring flood. It should be noted that in the absence of a reservoir, any HPP is addressed to the water level in the river. After all, when it decreases, the power is sharply reduced. And in the occurrence of floods, most of the melt waters are discharged.

The "Three Gorges" hydroelectric station is located in a picturesque area between the cities of Ichan and Chongqing. There are many cultural and natural attractions in the area. Thanks to the architectural originality, the largest HPP in the world was determined by the "Pearl of the Yangtze River". In addition, a great interest in people has always caused the possibilities of scientific and technological progress, so it is not surprising that the "three gorges" hydropower station began to be very popular with tourists during construction.

As for the domestic giants, the largest HPP in Russia is Sayano-Shushenskaya. Despite the fact that its stated power is 6400 megawatt, it takes only seventh place in the world ranking. In addition to the "three gorges", such hydroelectric power plants were included in the first triple, such as Brazilian-Paraguayan "ITAYPU" (14 thousand megawatts) and the Gigantic HPP of Venezuela - Guri (10.2 thousand megawatts).

Yesterday I visited HPP Sanna ("Three Gorges").
Chortov Chinese again broke the template. And not even so much a monstrous scale of the engineering transformation of the terrain, and not swollen up five-plated vapors - and a common approach. Imagine that they were laid in advance, along with a construction of the density itself, an extensive turbine to admire the terrain and its most profitable angles. Even poured an artificial mountain above the gateway system. Here's how Khrushchev had once boasted rockets, so they brag about this building, show the goods face and make an industrial cult from it. And below the dam - they staged a stone fleet from blown during the construction of blocks, put the taps monuments, career equipment and sculptures of all the main working professions, geodesists, craners, drivers, concreteers, etc.
In general, then I will show a lot, as everything is arranged there, the post is three, probably.
In the meantime, watch 4 pictures from there for general view.

This is blocked by the river, from the reservoir side.
It looks not so impressive as the Bratsk HPP, where I was also, but in magnitude, on the eye, once in 5-6 more her.

A double channel for vessels from 5 slutters and a shipped elevator for passenger ships is built.
One of the channels were just entered for a gantry of two cargo vessels.

Gateway canal, view down, in the direction of gorges.

Below the dam: Yangtze, sprinkled with gorges and winding.
The course is very unreasonable and even evil.
In the narrow fairway, movement continuously in both directions, however.

In short, very instructive.
Greenpeace can shoot - during construction for 12 years to new places, higher, rearranged a total of 1.3 million people., And two small towns took the water.

Shl. All clickable.

The modern symbol of China's energy is the "Three Gorges" dam. First power and scale hydroelectric station stands on the Yangtze River in ChinaClose to Sandoupine village.

The place for its construction chosen is no coincidence. Yangtze is the largest river in the Middle Kingdom in the mountains. It is in the canyon that she pierces the Wishan Mountains, dramatically losing height from 192 meters, to 40 above sea level. A combination of similar natural conditionswhich flows a powerful river, ideal for the construction of a hydroelectric power station.

Construction history

On the need to create a large-scale hydropower station for the first time, the first President of the Middle Sun Yatsen was spoken in 1919. But the project was converted to life only after almost 100 years. Over the course of this time, the government has studied the river, preliminary design of the facility. Especially acute was the need for the construction of the dam after the flood of 1954, which was due to the life of 30 thousand people. However, the creation of such a large-scale and expensive engineering structure was not under the power of the state at the time, so the construction was postponed until the beginning of the 90s. In 1992, the meeting of national representatives was decided to build a powerful hydroelectric power station on the banks of the Yangtze in the history of mankind.

Dam's three GES gorges began to be built in 1994. The construction of the dam was completed by 2006, and after another six years, the last of the hydraulic units was put into effect.

Basic HPP

The official date of input three Gorges HPP Completion is considered July 4, 2012. For 20 years of construction, the following structures were erected, which are part of the hydroelectric power plant:

  1. Concrete dam with a length of more than 2,300 meters and a height of 185 meters.
  2. Three buildings with 32 hydraulic units, 6 of which are underground. Each capacity is 700 MW.
  3. Supplist capable of moving vessels weighing up to 3 thousand tons.
  4. Shipping gateway.

HPP three gorges China It has a colossal power equal to 22.5 GW with annual production of electricity in the amount of 100 billion kW * h. The previous record holder in this component was HPA "ITAYPU", its power is equal to 14 GW.

The construction of the dam formed a reservoir with a total area of \u200b\u200ba little less than 40 square meters. km. During the floods of its size, it is enough to protect nearby territories from flooding, and in the dry time of the year, water is used for irrigation.

The value of the "Three Gorges" hydroelectric station for the Chinese economy

The construction of a hydroelectric power station has a positive effect on the country's economy. In addition to generating electricity, which covers about 2% of the total energy consumption of the state, the dam also performs several other useful functions.

One of them is to improve the passability of freight and passenger ships. A fitter installed on the HPP serves as a quick passage of passenger ships. After entering the lift, the movement takes no more than 30 minutes. The construction of two-dimensional five-speed gateways allows you to increase the freight turnover on the site between Shangham and Chongqing 10 times, from 10 to 100 million tons of cargo per year.

Dam Three Yangzz Gorges Protects nearby settlements from floods - quite frequent phenomenon for this area, which always causes a huge damage and entails thousands of deaths.

Effect of HPP on ecology

From the point of view of ecology, dam Three Gorges China It can be estimated in different ways. On the one hand, thanks to the construction of this object, the number of emissions into the air of combustion products is significantly reduced, which are formed from producing coal by burning. The fact that the scale is capable of replacing more than 10. At the same time, it is absolutely, which becomes its indisputable advantage over the rest of the electricity.

Thanks to the construction of the dam, filtering and sedimentation of waste, which fall in the Yangtze, prevents them from further entering the ocean water. Along with this, after creating a hydroelectric station, negative consequences appeared. These include:

  • extinction of certain types of birds and fish;
  • frequent drought;
  • deforestation;
  • with a possible breakthrough dam in danger will be more than 350 thousand inhabitants.

The construction of such a significant object for China's energy as a hydroelectric power station Sanzsya was accompanied by a number of difficulties. For example, creating a reservoir, I had to sacrifice a huge amount of agricultural land, historical objects. More than 1400 were flooded settlements, with the total population of over 1.2 million people. All of them were reset.

The total amount that was spent on the construction is about $ 26 billion. Of these, about $ 13 billion went to create the object of the object itself, the rest of the money were spent on resettlement of the population with flooded territories and interest on loans.

The dam is three gorges, the power plant, for which more than 27 million cubic meters of concrete was used. The water supply system, which is equipped with a dam, is capable of skipping more than 115,000 tons of water per second.

Hydroelectric power station three gorges, The Yangtze River, interacting with each other, make China's energy one of the most powerful in the world.

Dam construction began in 1992. The growing economy of China acutely needed electricity and the erected HPP should have broken this hunger. It was assumed that the energy produced here will cover 10% of the needs of the whole country!

Already at the design stage, it became apparent that the damned dam will have a huge impact on environment. Both positive and negative. To the first one can be: a reduction in the pollution of the atmosphere by reducing emissions on thermal power plants (after all, now enough energy will be mined with the help of the HPP itself), improving shipping on the river, as well as the control of water discharge will prevent flooding of territories below the river below. To negative factors, it is possible to end the flooding of a large territory (for which 1.3 million people were resettled), extinct several types of river fish, a significant deterioration in the natural fertilizer of agricultural land lower by the river (all IL is delayed by a dam). There was also a danger of the emergence of a terrible technogenic catastrophe, if something happens with Dambia and the river will come out of control, 360 million people will be in the flood zone.

The taming of such a full-water river as the Yangtze, allowed the "Three Gorges" hydroelectric station to reach the first place in the world in terms of the declared capacity. The power plant is equipped with 32 generators of 700 MW each, plus 2 generators of 50 MW for their own needs. The latest power units were established and commissioned in 2012.

"Three Gorges" amaze not only energy indicators, but also with its external sizes. So the length of the dam is 2335 meters, the height is 181 meters, the width at the base is 115 meters, and the width on the crest is 40 meters. This wall of concrete and steel formed a reservoir of 632 square kilometers.

The dam is equipped with water supply, thanks to which the "three gorges" can dump the excess water at a speed of 116 thousand cubic meters per second.

The Yangtze River is an important transport artery of China. And in order that the ships could freely dismay Damb, two structures were built next to it. For cargo vessels, two loads of gateways are five cameras each (the size of the camera: the length is 280 meters, the width is 35 meters, the depth is 5 meters. The time of passage of the entire thread is about 4 hours). For small ships (up to 3000 tons), a vertical designer is provided, which will be lifted by 113 meters (camera dimensions: length - 120 meters, width - 18 meters, depth - 3.5 meters, lifting time is 30 minutes).

The construction of the entire complex of HPP "Three Gorges" was completed in July 2012. The approximate cost of construction with all side spending is $ 18 billion.

Another photo of HPP "Three Gorges":

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