Small cells with a simple organization. Types of cells

Recall from sections 6 and 7 classes, which structure has vegetable and animal cells. Using Figure 44, find out than bacterial cell In the structure differs from the plant and animal?

There is a hypothesis in which all living organisms have occurred from several billion years ago of the first cell. Thanks to her in the process historical Development Life appeared on earth green cover, the atmosphere has changed, all the variety of life arose, a man appeared. This hypothesis explains the amazing similarity in the cellular structure of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms.

Types of cells. The first on the path of historical development of life there were organisms that have the smallest cells with a very simple internal structure - pro-caridal. Only later there were larger and difficult cells - eukaryotic cells.

Procarnible (from lat. Pro - before, earlier, and Greek. Carion - core), or militant cells are cells that do not have a decorated kernel. They allocate only a nuclear zone containing one DNA molecule. Procarnic cells are characteristic of bacteria and blue-green (cyanobacteria).

Eukaroids (from Greek. Eu is good, completely and Greek. Carion - core) - sore cells, i.e. having a kernel. Eukaryotic cells built plants, mushrooms and animals.

The structure of the plasma membrane. Any prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell is surrounded outside the plasma membrane. It limits the living contents of the cells from ambient. The plasma membrane consists of lipids and proteins (Fig. 40). Phospholipid molecules form a double layer. It was enclosed by proteins molecules that can permeate the membrane completely, located on the surface or partially dive into it. This structure of the plasma membrane is called liquid-mosaic.

Fig. 40. The scheme of the structure of the plasma membrane: 1 - phospholipids; 2 - proteins; 3 - Carbohydrates

From the outer side with proteins and lipids, carbohydrates are connected. It is assumed that their function is associated with the recognition of neighboring cells and the connection of them with each other.

The plasma membrane is capable of changing its shape, since lipid layers can freely slide relative to each other. Due to this, food particles are captured by the whole membrane. At the same time, it occurs in prying and sewing a bubble with captured particles inside the cell (Fig. 41).

Fig. 41. Transport of substances through the cell membrane. Capturing with Falconies of Food Pieces at Amoeba: 1 - Amoeba Cell; 2 - cage infusoria

Another important property of the plasma membrane is its electoral permeability. Through it, the molecules of only some substances are published. For example, water, small ions, oxygen, carbon dioxide Penetrated through the plasma membrane by diffusion (from the lat. Diffusion - distribution, penetration). The substances are coming from the region with their high concentration to a low concentration region. For example, if you place a cell into a concentrated solution of salt, then water will flow into the outer medium, since the concentration of the intracellular solution is lower than the solution outside (Fig. 42). The cage will be wrinkled. If you put the cage into distilled water, then the water will begin to flow into the cell, the cell will swell and burst.

In addition to diffusion, there is still active transport, which is carried out by special carrier proteins. For this process, energy is needed that is allocated during the collapse of ATP.

Possessing selective permeability, the plasma membrane prevents the leakage of the internal content of the cell, protects it, regulates the receipt of substances and exchange with the external environment.

Fig. 42. Transportation of substances through a plasma membrane - diffusion of water from the peel skin cells in a concentrated solution of the cooking salt (water comes out of the cytoplasm, which lags behind the cell wall, gradually wrinkles and turns a small ball)

In addition to the plasma membrane, the cells of bacteria, plants and mushrooms outside have another cell shell (Fig. 43). This non-fat structure performs the functions of support and protection. It gives the strength of the cage, limits its mobility. In the shell, there are pores through which substances are coming from outside. The vegetable shell consists of cellulose and is a "skeleton" of plants, and mushrooms are from chitin.

Fig. 43. Shells of plant cells

The structure of the prokaryotic cell. Cells bacteria prokaryotic, i.e. millet. Outside, they are covered with a shell (Fig. 44). It is dense, rigid and resembles a shell of a plant cage, but consists of another substance similar to cellulose. Outside, the prokaryotic cell may have additional mucous layers and a capsule that perform a protective role.

Under the shell is plasma membrane. It forms inside the patch cell in the form of folds. These folds are associated with the oxidation and respiration processes of the cell. In cyanobacteria, photosynthetic pigments are located on the phenomena of the membrane. They carry out the process of photosynthesis.

Fig. 44. Scheme of the structure of prokaryotic cells (A - Iefotosynthetic, b - photosynthenezing): 1 - flavor: 2- shell; 3 - plasma membrane: 4 -Mambrane pensions; 5 - photographic membranes; 6 - inclusions (spare nutrients); 7 - DNA molecule; 8 - Ribosomes

The genetic apparatus of the prokaryotic cell is represented by a ring molecule of DNA, which is not separated from its internal content. Bacterial DNA is many times less than DNA in eukaryotic cells, and consequently carries a smaller amount of information. In the prokaryotic cell of all organoids, there are only ribosomes that provide the protein biosynthesis process.

Exercises on the material passed

  1. What two types of cells are organisms built? What is the main difference between these cells?
  2. How is the plasma membrane arranged? List its basic functions.
  3. For what organisms of Ha Ractny Cellular Sheath? What organic substances does it consist of?
  4. What is the properties and functions of a cell shell differ from the plasma membrane?
  5. Name the main structure of prokaryotic cells. What functions do they perform?

The first on the path of historical development appeared organisms having

small cells with a simple organization - ____ (a). These militants

cells do not have decorated _____ (b). They are allocated only

a nuclear zone containing _____ (c) DNA. There are such cells in _____ (g) and blue-green algae.

List of terms:

1) chromosome; 2) prokaryotic; 3) cytoplasm; 4) ring molecule;

5) the kernel; 6) unicellular animal; 7) bacteria; 8) Eukaryotic

Task 5.

Upon friction of plastic linas about the wool linase, it is charged negatively. This is explained by

Task 6.

Biosphere - open system, because she is

1. Constantly developing

2. Suitable for the life of organisms

3. Gets energy from the outside

4. consists of ecosystems

Task 7.

The weight of female insectivorous bats are 12 grams. The weight of each of the two newborn young 2 grams. For the month of feeding milk, the weight of each of them reaches 6 grams. Using the rule of the ecological pyramid, determine which weight of insects should eat a female during this time to irrigate their offspring

Option 6.

Task number 1.

1) Using the table "Time," a person can live in the desert without the help of the outside "Answer the following questions:

2) how many liters of water need a person in the desert, if the average air temperature is 32 ° C, and the time of stay is 8 hours, 10 hours, 12 hours

Time, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ man can live in the desert without the help of the outside

Task 2.

The diagram shows a mammalian diet. In which environment

habitats should live animal to eat so?

1) Soil

2) Organism

3) terrestrial air

Task 3.

According to the rule of Bergman, the size of warm-blooded animals in different populations of one species increases in the direction: a) from the south to the north; b) from east to west; c) from the coarse deep into the mainland; d) from highland to the plains.

Task 4.

Set the correspondence between the characteristic of the autotrophic nutrition and its type. 1) photosynthesis 2) chemosynthesis A) Used oxidation energy inorganic substances B) energy source - sunlight C) The atmospheric nitrogen d) is carried out in the cells of cyanobacteria D) is released into the atmosphere oxygen E) the oxygen is used for oxidation

Task 5.

In which of the following technical devices used achievements in the field of semiconductors physics?

A. Solar Battery.

B. Computer

B. Radioceneurs

Task 6.

Which examples are attributed to biotic factors?

1. Eating aphids of God's cows

2. Spring River River

3. Seasonal drainage of reservoir

4. Absorption by cultural plants of the Ministry of Oral Fertilizers

Task 7.

Calculate the mass of pest, which destroy the toads on the field of 10 hectares for the warm season (150 days), if the gray tob is extremely important to eat 6 grams of slugs per day. On the area of \u200b\u200b1 hectare inhabit 10 Zabs.

Option 7.

Task number 1.

1) Using a table, build a graph of the dependence of the chemical reaction rate in a living organism on temperature. At the axis x, set the temperature of the body, and along the Y axis - the relative speed of the chemical reaction.

2) Using the schedule, determine what the relative speed of the chemical reaction will be equal, if the relative speed chemical reactions - 25 SL. un.?

Task 2.

What elements of the building outdoor cell membrane Designated in Figure Numbers 1, 2, 3?

Task 3.

Task 4.

The area of \u200b\u200bone of two chains of the DNA molecule contains 300 nucleotides with adenine (A), 100 nucleotides with thymine (T), 150 nucleotides with guanin (g) and 200 nucleotides with cytosine (C). What is the number of nucleotides with a, t, g and c contain in a two-stranded DNA molecule? How many amino acids should the protein encoded by this section of the DNA molecule?

Task 5.

The radio station operates at a frequency of 0.75 × 10 8 Hz. What is the wavelength emitted by an antenna radio station? (The speed of propagation of electromagnetic waves is 300,000 km / s.)

1) 2.25 M. 2) 4 M. 3) 2.25 × 10 - 3 m 4) 4 × 10 - 3 m

Task 6.

Identify Consue I order in the power chain:

linden leaves → Crawler of the unpaired silkworm → Pahukiy Krasotel →

→ Ordinary Skwort → Hawk-revenue

Task 7.

The plant of fragrant peas with purple flowers, heterozygous for two SSRR genes, crossed with fragrant peas with white flowers (SS PR genotype). What color is expected from the descendants of this crossing and in what ratio?

Option 8.

Task number 1.

Build a graph of the dependence of the age-related lactose enzyme in humans. At the X axis, set aside the age (years) in humans, and along the y axis - the development of the enzyme by the body (in%). Determine at what age a person has a production enzyme decrease by 50%.

Enzyme production by the body in%

Task 2.

The organoid depicted in the figure, providing rapid promotion of substances in the cell, represents ________________

Task 3.

An example of the interspecific struggle for existence is the relationship between

1. Adult frog and holotastic

2. Butterfly Capulate and her caterpillar

3. Drozda Pevichim and Drozda Rubannik

4. Wolves of one flock

Task 4.

Determine the features of two types of variability:

A - Mutational variability

B - combinative variability

Task 5.

The mass of the sun decreases due to emission

Task 6.

Global changes in the biosphere can lead

1. Increase in the number of individual species

2. Desertification of territories

3. Loss of heavy precipitation

4. Changing one community to other

Task 7.

In humans, the genus of the eye is dominated over the blue color of the eyes (a), and the color blindness gene is recessive (Daltonism - D) and adhesion with the X chromosome. Bagless woman with normal vision, the father of which had blue eyes and suffered from color blindness, marries a blue-eyed man with normal vision. Make a problem solving scheme. Determine the genotypes of the parent and possible offspring, the probability of birth in this family of dalconic children with by brown eyes And their floor.

Option 9.

Task number 1.

Explore the table "The influence of basic factors on the health and life of a person and answer questions.

"The influence of basic factors on the health and life of a person"

(in%, according to Yu. P. Lisitsin, 1992)

1) Which of the above diseases is most associated with the way of life? 2) Which of the above diseases is most related to the external environment? 3) Which of the above diseases is most associated with heredity?

4) Which of the above diseases is most associated with the work of health bodies?

Task 2.

What pattern does the drawing displays?

Task 3.

What is the nature of the relationship of organisms different speciesin need of identical food resources?

1. Predator - Victim

3. Competition

4. Mortgage

Task 4.

Install the correspondence between the structure and functions of the endoplasmic network and the Golgie complex: to each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Task 5.

Which of the substances listed below are used as fuel of nuclear power plants?

Monitoring of biology for the 1st half of 2014-15 academic year.

Grade 9.

UMK - Sonin N.I.

Ensures checking the zoun on topics: "Biology as a science. Methods of studying live objects "; "Properties of living organisms", "MicroEvolution", "Chemical Organization of Cells."

Work is based on open Bank OGE tasks on biology.

1 option.

Part 1.

Select one correct answer.

1. What science is studying the variety of plants?1) Physiology 2) Systematics 3) Ecology 4) Selection

2. In what area of \u200b\u200bbiology was a cell theory developed?1) virology 2) cytology 3) anatomy 4) embryology

3. What science is the fossil residues of extinct organisms?1) Systematics 2) Paleontology 3) Genetics 4) Embryology

4. What scientific methodUsed in biology relate to theoretical?1) Observation 2) Description 3) Measurement 4) Modeling

5. The breeder's scientist wants to figure out the effect of the magnitude of the illumination on the speed of photosynthesis at the new variety of wheat. For this, first of all, it should1) put experiment 2) conduct observations 3) Read article about photosynthesis4) Compare data from different literary sources

6. The laws of the transfer of hereditary signs is studying1) Genetics 2) Ecology 3) Anthropology 4) Molecular Biology

7. What group of animals among the listed arises in the process of evolution later than the rest?1) Round Worms 2) Mollusks 3) Intestines 4) Flat Worms

8. Plants differ from mushrooms by the presence in the cell1) kernel 2) chloroplasts 3) mitochondrial 4) shell

9. What fabric provides plant growth?1) educational2) stocking 3) conductive 4) cover

10. What process is the basis of the growth of plant and animal organisms?1) digestion 2) metabolism 3) fertilization4) cell division

11. The cells are attributed to inorganic substances.1) Fats 2) Vitamins 3) Water 4) Carbohydrates

13. What kind of organide cells includes plant pigments?1) Mitochondria 2) Chloroplast 3) Golgi Complex 4) Vacuol

15. Provides transfer hereditary information from the maternal cell to the subsidiary1) EPS 2) Golgi Complex 3) Chromosome 4) Ribosoma

16. What chemical element is part of vital organic cell compounds?1) fluorine 2) potassium 3) carbon 4) copper

17. What of the listed cell structures are in their composition cells of all organisms?1) cytoplasmic membrane 2) chloroplast 3) mitochondria 4) core

18. Higher plants differ from mushrooms by the fact that1) their organisms are formed from tissues and organs 2) they consist of cells having kernel 3) in the process of breathing carbon dioxide 4) they are not capable of active movement

19. All living organisms consist of1) cells 2) tissues 3) organs 4) organ systems

20. What property is characteristic only for organisms, in contrast to objects of inanimate nature?

21. Install the match between chemical substance And the kingdom, which it meets. To do this, for each element of the first column, select a position from the second column. Enter the numbers of selected answers to the table.

Chemical substance kingdom

A) chitin 1) animals

B) hemoglobin 2) plants

C) cellulose

D) Stachmal

E) glycogen

22. Insert the missed terms from the proposed list into the text "Animal Code" using digital designations for this. Record the numbers of selected answers into the text, and then the resulting sequence of numbers (via text) Enter the table below.

Animal cage

All representatives of the kingdom of animals consist of ______ (a) cells. Hereditary information in these cells is concluded in ____ (b), which are in the kernel. Permanent cellular structures performing special functions are called ____ (B). Some of them, for example ______ (g), are involved in biological oxidation and are called "energy stations" of cells.1) Ring DNA

2) Lizosoma

3) eukaryotic

4) Mitochondria

5) Chromosome.

6) prokaryotic

7) Organoid

8) Chloroplast

24. What levels of living matter organizations are the subject of exploring the ecology? Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified.

1) molecular 2) cellular

3) Organized 4) population-species

5) Organo-tissue 6) biogeocetic

25. What examples relate to the biological experiment? Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified.

1) viewing under the microscope of blood cells frogs

2) tracking migration shoalk cod

3) study of the character of the pulse after different physical exertion

4) Laboratory study of the influence of hypodynamics for health

5) Description of external signs of legume plants

6) Development of Conditional Food Reflex

Option 2.

Part 1. Select one right version of the four offered.

1. What science is studying the conditions for preserving human health?1) Anatomy 2) physiology 3) hygiene 4) genetics

2. What is the list of physiology exploring the list?1) the structure of insect cells 2) systematics of coated plants3) Fish intracellular respiration processes4) the structure of the hind limb frogs

3. In what area of \u200b\u200bbiology made his discoveries K. Linney?1) cytology 2) systematics 3) genetics 4) virology

4. What science is studying the diversity of organisms and combines them into groups of similarity and kinship?1) Selection 2) Systematics 3) Anatomy 4) Physiology

5. An example of the application of the experimental research method can be considered1) Formulation of the position based on the facts received 2) Formation of the dog conditional reflex On the call 3) External description of the new type of organisms 4) Comparison of two micro

6. What level of livelihood is the main object of studying cytology?1) biosphere 2) cellular 3) population-species4) Biogenotic

7. What is the increase in the microscope, if an increase in the eyepiece lens × 6, and lens lens × 40?1) × 240 2) × 46 3) × 34 4) × 640

8. The largest of the listed systematic category is1) Rod 2) View 3) Type 4) Kingdom

9. In the study of hereditary human diseases used1) Microscopic Method 2) Experimental Method 3) Genealogical Method 4) Modeling

10. Which one listed below can be the object of studying a zoologist?1) Life cycle of the mushroom mushroom 2) structure of the front limb lizard 3) life cycle of a tobacco mosaic virus 4) structure of a male pine cone

11. What property is characteristic only for organisms, in contrast to objects of inanimate nature?1) Rhythmism 2) movement 3) height 4) metabolism

12. What is the name of the organoid cell, which for the function performed resembles the digestive system of the multicellular animal?1) Golgi Device2) Mitochondria 3) Lizosoma 4) core

13. In the plant cell, the conversion of solar energy occurs in1) kernel 2) shell 3) vacuole 4) chloroplasts

14. What is the name of the semi-liquid medium of the cell in which the kernel is located?1) vacuol 2) cytoplasm 3) leasing 4) cellular juice

15. Well dissolved in water1)fatty acid 2) Metals 3) phospholipids 4) Simple carbohydrates

16. The similarity between mushrooms and animals is that both mushrooms and animals1) multiplied by disputes 2) lead a fixed lifestyle

3) feed on finished organic substances 4) are always multicellular organisms 17.TO driving force evolution scientists-biologists refer1) struggle for existence 2) species diversity

3) the formation process of species 4) fitness

18. The composition of the protein molecule includes1) glucose and starch 2) glycerin and fatty acids 3) nucleotides 4) amino acids

19. Any live cell body has the ability to1) independent movement2) Education Games 3) carrying out a nervous impulse4) metabolism

20. What gas absorb plants in the process of breathing?1) ozone 2) nitrogen 3) oxygen 4) carbon dioxide

21. Install the correspondence between the characteristic of the body and the kingdom for which this feature is characteristic. To do this, for each element of the first column, select a position from the second column. Enter the numbers of selected answers to the table.

Sign kingdom

A) grow throughout life 1) plants

B) actively move in space 2) animals

C) feed on ready-made organic substances

D) form organic substances in the process of photosynthesis

E) have sense organs

E) are the main supplier of oxygen on Earth

22. Insert the missed terms from the proposed list in the text "Types of Cells" using digital designations for this. Record the numbers of selected answers into the text, and then the resulting sequence of numbers (via text) Enter the table below.

Types of cells

The first on the path of historical development appeared organisms having small cells with a simple organization, ____ (a). These dinder cells do not have decorated__ (b). They allocate only a nuclear zone containing ___ (c) DNA. Such cells have _______ (g) and synephal.1) multicellular animal

2) prokaryota

3) cytoplasm

4) ring molecule

5) kernel

6) unicellular animal

7) bacterium 8) eukaryota

23. Place the instructions for working with a fixed frog blood micro-frog. In response, write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.1) Draw a blood micro-process, make notation

2) Hold blood blood with legs-holders

3) Put the blood micropreparation on the subject table

4) Looking into the eyepiece, adjust the light

5) Slowly bring the microscope tube to a blood microscope until you see a clear blood frog.

24. Indicate organides characteristic of the plant cell only. Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified.1) endoplasmic network

2) Chloroplasts

3) cell shell

4) kernel

5) Ribosomes

6) Central Vakolol

25. What is the similarity of mushrooms and animals? Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified.1) multiply by dispute

2) feed heterotrophically

3) consist of tissues and organs

4) form glycogen as a spare stub

5) grow throughout life

6) do not have chloroplasts in cells


Option 1.

The first on the path of historical development appeared organisms having

small cells with a simple organization - ____ (a). These militants

cells do not have decorated _____ (b). They are allocated only

a nuclear zone containing _____ (c) DNA. Such cells have _____ (g) and blue-green algae.

List of terms:

1) chromosome; 2) prokaryotic; 3) cytoplasm; 4) ring molecule;

5) the kernel; 6) unicellular animal; 7) bacteria; 8) Eukaryotic

Task 5.

With friction of the plastic line about wool, the line is charging negatively. This is explained by

Task 6.

Biosphere is an open system since she

1. Constantly developing

2. Suitable for the life of organisms

3. Gets energy from the outside

4. consists of ecosystems

Task 7.

The weight of female insectivorous bats are 12 grams. The weight of each of the two newborn young 2 grams. For the month of feeding milk, the weight of each of them reaches 6 grams. Using the rule of the ecological pyramid, determine which weight of insects should eat a female during this time to irrigate their offspring

Option 6.

Task number 1.

1) Taking advantage of the table "The time that a person can live in the desert without the help of the outside" Answer the following questions:

2) how many liters of water need a person in the desert, if the average air temperature is 32 ° C, and the time of stay is 8 hours, 10 hours, 12 hours

The time that a person can live in the wilderness without

Task 2.

The diagram shows a mammalian diet. In which environment

habitats should live animal to eat so?

1) Soil

2) Organism

3) terrestrial air

Task 3.

According to the rule of Bergman, the size of thermal animals in different populations of one species increases in the direction:
a) from the south to the north;
b) from east to west;
c) from the coarse deep into the mainland;
d) from highland to the plains.

Task 4.

Set the correspondence between the characteristic of the autotrophic nutrition and its type.
1) photosynthesis 2) chemosynthesis
A) Used energy of inorganic substances b) energy source - sunlight
C) atmospheric nitrogen fixation is carried out
D) occurs in cyanobacteria cells
E) Easy to the atmosphere oxygen
E) oxygen used for oxidation

Task 5.

In which of the following technical devices used achievements in the field of semiconductors physics?

A. Solar Battery.

B. Computer

B. Radioceneurs

Task 6.

Which examples are attributed to biotic factors?

1. Eating aphids of God's cows

2. Spring River River

3. Seasonal drainage of reservoir

4. Absorption by cultural plants of mineral fertilizers

Task 7.

Calculate the mass of pests that destroy the toads on the field of 10 hectares for the warm season (150 days) if the gray tob should eat 6 grams of slugs per day. On the area of \u200b\u200b1 hectare inhabit 10 Zabs.

Option 7.

Task number 1.

1) Using a table, build a graph of the dependence of the chemical reaction rate in a living organism on temperature. At the axis x, set the temperature of the body, and along the Y axis - the relative speed of the chemical reaction.

2) Using the schedule, determine what the relative speed of the chemical reaction will be equal, if the relative speed of chemical reactions is 25 SL. un.?

Task 2.

What elements of the structure of the outer cell membrane are indicated in the figure figures 1, 2, 3?

Task 3.

Task 4.

The area of \u200b\u200bone of two chains of the DNA molecule contains 300 nucleotides with adenine (A), 100 nucleotides with thymine (T), 150 nucleotides with guanin (g) and 200 nucleotides with cytosine (C). What is the number of nucleotides with a, t, g and c contain in a two-stranded DNA molecule? How many amino acids should the protein encoded by this section of the DNA molecule?

Task 5.

The radio station operates at a frequency of 0.75 × 10 8 Hz. What is the wavelength emitted by an antenna radio station? (The speed of propagation of electromagnetic waves is 300,000 km / s.)

1) 2.25 M. 2) 4 M. 3) 2.25 × 10 - 3 m 4) 4 × 10 - 3 m

Task 6.

Identify Consue I order in the power chain:

linden leaves → Crawler of the unpaired silkworm → Pahukiy Krasotel →

→ Ordinary Skwort → Hawk-revenue

Task 7.

The plant of fragrant peas with purple flowers, heterozygous for two SSRR genes, crossed with fragrant peas with white flowers (SS PR genotype). What color is expected from the descendants of this crossing and in what ratio?

Option 8.

Task number 1.

Build a graph of the dependence of the age-related lactose enzyme in humans. At the X axis, set aside the age (years) in humans, and along the y axis - the development of the enzyme by the body (in%). Determine at what age a person has a production enzyme decrease by 50%.

Enzyme production by the body in%

Task 2.

The organoid depicted in the figure, providing rapid promotion of substances in the cell, represents ________________

Task 3.

An example of the interspecific struggle for existence is the relationship between

1. Adult frog and holotastic

2. Butterfly Capulate and her caterpillar

3. Drozda Pevichim and Drozda Rubannik

4. Wolves of one flock

Task 4.

Determine the features of two types of variability:

A - Mutational variability

B - combinative variability

Task 5.

The mass of the sun decreases due to emission

Task 6.

Global changes in the biosphere can lead

1. Increase in the number of individual species

2. Desertification of territories

3. Loss of heavy precipitation

4. Changing one community to other

Task 7.

In humans, the genus of the eye is dominated over the blue color of the eyes (a), and the color blindness gene is recessive (Daltonism - D) and adhesion with the X chromosome. Bagless woman with normal vision, the father of which had blue eyes and suffered from color blindness, marries a blue-eyed man with normal vision. Make a problem solving scheme. Determine the genotypes of parents and possible offspring, the likelihood of birth in this family of children-dalconic children with brown eyes and their gender.

Option 9.

Task number 1.

Explore the table "The influence of the main factors on the health and life of a person and answer questions.

"The influence of the main factors on the health and life of a person"

(in%, according to Yu. P. Lisitsin, 1992)

1) Which of the above diseases is most associated with the way of life? 2) Which of the above diseases is most related to the external environment? 3) Which of the above diseases is most associated with heredity?

4) Which of the above diseases is most associated with the work of health bodies?

Task 2.

What pattern does the drawing displays?

Task 3.

What is the nature of the relationship between organisms of different types in need of identical food resources?

1. Predator - Victim

3. Competition

4. Mortgage

Task 4.

Install the correspondence between the structure and functions of the endoplasmic network and the Golgie complex: to each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Task 5.

Which of the substances listed below are used as fuel of nuclear power plants?

Cage (text). Preparation for GIA - 9

Animal cage

All representatives of the kingdom of animals consist ofeukaryotic cells. Hereditary information in these cells is enclosed inchromosomes that are in the kernel. Permanent cellular structures performing special functions, calledorganoid. . Some of them, for examplemitochondria , participate in biological oxidation and are called "energy stations" of cells.


In plant cells, it is often possible to observe a variety of plastides in shape and color. So, numerous green plasts -chloroplasts - provide the processphotosynthesis Due to the presence of pigment in their compositionchlorophyll . In addition, in cells you can find plasts containing red, orange or yellow pigments. Such plasts are calledchromoplasts.

. Vital activity of cells

Throughout life, most cells are actively functioning. So, they absorb various solid particles from the environment. Such a process is calledphagocytosis . Playing a leading role in itmembrane which forms fusion and the food particle falls inside the cell. Enzymes penetrate the bubble into the resulting bubble. Such a bubble islysosomes. Under the action of enzymes is carried out intracellulardigestion.

Types of cells

The first on the path of historical development appeared organisms having small cells with a simple organization,- Prokaryota . These disorder cells do not have decoratednuclei . They allocate only a nuclear zone containingring DNA. Such cells havebacteria and cinema algae.


Mutual organides of most eukaryotic cells are mitochondria. They are often calledenergy stations. They have a double membrane: the outer smooth and inner, forming increasedcrysto on which are locatedenzymes exercising moleculesATF .

Organoisides of the plant cell

In plant cells contain oval green calves -chloroplasts . Moleculeschlorophyll Capably absorb light energy. Plants, in contrast to the organisms of other kingdoms, synthesizeglucose from inorganic compounds. The cell wall of the plant cell mainly consists ofcellulose . It performs important functions.


The first on the path of historical development appeared organisms having small cells with a very simple internal structure -prokaryotic Cells. Only later there were larger and difficult cells -eukaryota . The first did not have the kernel. Such cells -bacteria and cinema. Of the more complex cells, plants, animals andmushrooms .

Cellular structures

Cell organoids perform various functions that ensure the vital activity of the cell. So, in chloroplasts of plant cells occursphotosynthesis , and on ribosomes synthesizedproteins . Energy function is carried outmitochondria And the function of storing and transmitting hereditary information performscore .

The difference between the plant cell from the animal

Vegetable cell, unlike an animal, hasvacuole who have old cellsmerge And the cores of the cells from the center to her shell are displaced. In cellular juice may bepigments who give her blue, purple, crimson painting and others. The shell of the plant cells mainly consists ofcellulose .

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