Message about Igor Northerners. Igor Northgen

Northerner Igor Vasilyevich, (real surname Lotarev) (1887-1941) Russian poet

Born in St. Petersburg in the family of the retired headquarters. When the boy turned nine years old, the mother with his father was parted, and that the son of his son to relatives in the Novgorod province. Here he graduated from four class Cherepovetsky real school. He did not have to learn more. Father went with him to the port of Far. In 1904, Igor returned to his mother and lived with her in Gatchina.

In 1905, the poem of the "death of Rüric" was published, then another number of separate poems. Northerner's poetry caused many disputes. She was accused of vulgarity. She became a decadence symbol. In 1918, the King of Poets was elected at the Poetic Assembly, ahead of V. Mayakovsky and K. Balmont.

He belongs to the collections of poems: "Ochoms of your soul" (1912), "loud-up Cup" (1913), "Pineapples in champagne" (1915), etc.

In 1918 he went for the summer to Estonia, and as a result of the German occupation, it turned out to be cut off from Russia. Slowly lived in the village with his wife the poetess Felissol twist. Here 9 books were created here, including collections of poems "Verena" (1920), Menestrel (1921), the novel in verses "Paduchina", and others, published an anthology of Estonian classical poetry. The government has allocated a poet subsidy.

Igor Severnanin was born 4 (16) May 1887 in St. Petersburg. He graduated from 4 class of real school in Cherepovets. In 1904, he moved to his father in Dalny (Manchuria). For a certain time lived in Port Arthur.

Before the start of the Russian-Japanese war returned to the mother to St. Petersburg.

The beginning of the literary path

The first poems of Igor Northergyan were created in childhood. The first publication appeared in 1905.

The early poems of the poet did not receive recognition or readers, no critics, nor his colleagues in Peru. L. N. Tolstoy, who got acquainted with the work of a novice poet, spoke out for him quite humiliating. "And this is the literature?!" - The great writer exclaimed with annoyance.

Creative flourishing

In 1911, I. Northernik and I. Ignatiev founded a new direction in the literature - egofulurism. Low later, the poet left the group of his associates. Parting was scandalous.

The first collection of poete poems was called the "Through Cup". He saw the light in 1913. The preface to him was written by the famous writer, F. Sologub.

In the autumn of the same year, Northerner acts together with V. Mayakovsky. At the same time, he meets S.Passkim and K. Pouustovsky.

In 1918, after a brilliant speech at the Moscow Polytechnic Museum, he received the honorary position of the King of Poets. Mayakovsky and K. Balmont also fought for it.

Estonian emigration

The brief biography of Igor northerner is a lot of dramatic moments.

The beginning of the forced Estonian emigration dates back to the first half of March 1918. Over the years of residence in Estonia, the poet has released several collections of poems and four poetic autobiographical novels. Northernik also translated Estonian poetry into Russian, worked on a major study of the "Theory of Versification".

In the first years of emigration, the poet traveled a lot on European countries.

Personal life

Before Emigration, Igor Northernian was unregistered marriage with M. Volyan's artist. The owner of a beautiful rich voice, she performed the Gypsy romances.

In 1921, the poet broke up with his "civilian" spouse and married F. twist. For the sake of Northerners, she, zealous Lutheran, appealed to Orthodoxy. Up until 1935, the spouse was not only a muse, but also a real guardian angel Igor Vasilyevich. Thanks to her, his talent is not worn in emigration. Poems have become clearer, acquired classic simplicity.

Literary Muses in Northerners were quite a lot. He devoted his works by E. Gutsan, A. Vorobyeva, E. Novikova, the famous writer-Belletrist T. Krasnopolskaya.

The relationship of a loving poet with women was not only Platonic. Already being married to F. Twice, he entered the romantic relationship during the tour in Europe. The most painful for both spouses was the novel Northernina with E. Strandel. She was the wife of the owner of the grocery shop and the issuance of provisions on credit depended on it.

Two children were born in this marriage. Daughter, V.I. Semenova, was born in St. Petersburg, but later left for Estonia, where he died in 1976, Vakh Igorevich, lived in Sweden until 1944

Death of poet

Igor Northerner's health was rather weak. He died in 1941, in Tallinn, during the fascist occupation. The cause of the death of the poet was a heart attack.

Other biography options

  • Real Surname I. Northernina - Lotarev. According to his colleagues on Peru, the early creativity of the poet is full of self-ability and populism.
  • Doctor medical Sciences, N. Elstein, believed that the poet suffered from a severe form of tuberculosis. The phenomenon of this pathology lies in the fact that at a certain stage, patients become incredibly surprising.

Loving Ivan Vasilyevich Lotarev in the poems challenged human feelings, attitudes and beauty of nature. The poet, who took the pseudonym Igor Northernin, consists of the splinters of the Tsarist and Soviet era. The revolutionary component, the bold ideas of the literary environment helped to form their own style writing style.

Igor Northerner: biography

Poet was born in St. Petersburg in 1887 in the family of the Beastanna Vasily Petrovich Lotareva and the neborn nobility of Natalia Stepanovna. Later, when the boy turned 9 years old, the family broke up. The future genius of the feather in the family of relatives near Cherepovets was brought up. In the city of Igor graduated from 4 grade schools and moved to China to Father. Unfortunately, he soon passed away, short biography In the East ended, the young man took the mother to the cultural capital - St. Petersburg. Many times fell in love with life, but the wife was alone - Feliss is twisted. From unregistered relationships there are children: two girls and a boy. Igor Vasilyevich sick tuberculosis. He died in the capital of Estonia in 1941 from heart failure.

Life and literary creativity

Poems began to go out from the feather of a talented child when he was only seven or eight years old. The official start of the biography of his creativity Igor Northerner believes works that were published in 1905 in the press for the people "Leisure and Case". Acquaintance with Feofanov influenced the literary path of the poet. Predatory paying Edition 35 brochures, Northerner planned subsequently unite them in the collection of poems. I saw one verse noteratka, and reading - criticized.

The criticism went northerger to favor, the whole press wrote about his works and about him. Having created the poetic movement of egofulurism ("refined" relationship to reality), Northerner comes out of the circle, imbued with the ideas of symbolists. At 26, Igor Vasilyevich publishes the most important in literary biography Collection of poems - "Through Cup", for summary Printed glory and recognition. The verse "pineapples in champagne", published in the collection of poems in 1915, is often quoted so far. Due to the change of ruling power in the country, Northerner went to Estonia. Poems and novels in verse, he continued to print and abroad. In addition to the poetic addition of words, the writer was engaged in translations.

An interesting fact of concert life in Igor's biography was the fact that at the first concerts in Georgia, the poetic works declared by the author of the Naraspov, the viewer took the audience as a comic performance. The hall exploded from laughter when Northerner read poems. At the following concerts, feeling the power of the poetic word, the hall applauded and threw the creator with flowers.

Igor Northernik (alias Igor Vasilyevich Lotareva) (1887-- 1941) was born in St. Petersburg, the son of an officer. He studied at Cherepovets Real School. He began to be printed in 1905 in provincial newspapers. His first collection of poems "Zarnitsa thought" was published in 1908. Since 1911, the head of the egofuuturists who released the newspaper "Petersburg Herack". Books of poems Northwin: "Thumby Cup" (1913) Stand seven publications in two years), "Zlatolir" (1914), "Pineapple in champagne" (1915), "Victoria Regia" (1915), "Press-paste" (L915). At the evening, in the Polytechnic Museum, Vampwe was proclaimed by the public "King of Poets". The second was Mayakovsky. In March, Toga went to Estonia, and soon turned out to be cut off from his homeland. It was no longer returned to Russia, although he won on it. He failed, despite his hot desire, to break out home and in June 1941, when Estonia seized the German fascist troops. He died in Tallinn.

Northerner (Igor Vasilyevich Lotarev) was proud of relatives with two famous people in the history of Russian literature.

The poet's buddy Priest Sergius Poshensky brought the genus Schugshin from the depths of the XV century, calling him the herself of Samuil Schuhshu. In this glorious noble child, we find in the XVIII century Major Boris Shenshina. His grandson Sergiy Leontievich Shenshin had chin college Assestor And he served as the head of the Police of the Schigrovsky county of the Kursk province, and his son - Stepan Sergeevich is known to us as the leader of the county nobility. He was married to Olga Koznynichna Deberina. Marriage was successful. Six children appeared on the world: Sons - Iosaf (Lieutenant), Nikolai (Gusar), Mikhail (in his youth died on the hunt), daughter - Alexander, Elizaveta and Natalia.

A rich landowner, Rothmist Athanasius Neofititich Shenshin, in Germany, married his widow Charlotte Feth (Foeth), nee Becker. From marriage with Charlotte, Afanasy Afanasyevich was born - the future poet. Up to 14, Athanasius was written by Sheenshin, but suddenly it was discovered that Lutheran blessing to marriage in Russia did not have a legal force, and the Orthodox wedding of the parents occurred after his birth. From that moment on, he began to wear the mother's surname.

But back to Natalia Stepanovna Sheenshina, who was the first marriage for Lieutenant-General, Engineer George Ivanovich Domontovich, from which the daughter had deceased in his youth. It was Zoya that was the link, which was tied by Igor Vasilyevich Lotareva with the birth of Domontovich. Through relationship with his son, the poet was in the property (not blood relations through marriage or marriage) at once with several known Russian people in the history of the state. Here are some of them - Brothers George Domontovich: Vowdy St. Petersburg Duma Ivan Ivanovich Domontovich, Senator Konstantin Ivanovich Domontovich, General Mikhail Alekseevich Domontovich (cousin). Igor Northerner. Poem. M. Russia, 2007. Entry Article V.P. Kosheleva, p. 7

Senator Konstantin Domontovich was married to Adelaide Konstantinovna Mauravinskaya, whose sister Evgenia Konstantinovna Muravinskaya became famous for the whole of Russia as the soloist of the Mariinsky Theater (coloratura soprano). Her scenic pseudonym was Mravin, and the role of Manon Lesko in "Manon" J. Massna, Gilda in Rigoletto and Violetta in the "TRAVIATE" J. Verdie, Mimi in "Boheme" D. Puccini. One of the most brilliant beauties of St. Petersburg Evgeny Mravin died in the Crimea after severe and prolonged disease in October 1914. Igor-Northerner dedicated to the "tragic nightingale" essay. By the way, in the note "Relatives and" Schedule "" The poet stubbornly refers to her Mauravinskaya, although, according to the widow of the conductor Evgeny Mravinsky, A. Mravina-Mravinskaya, writing the generic surname "Mravinskie" in the form of "Muravinsky" - a clear mistake that The poet can be explained only by not the right perception of hearing.

Daughter of Cousin Mikhail Alekseevich Domontovich was a shrokhochka, known to us, as Alexander Mikhailovna Kollondtai Kuzina, Shurochka became famous for his advanced views on sex and marriage, took part in revolutionary motion And was the first woman in the world who received the rank ambassador. In the 20s, in the environment of Russian emigration, it was rumored about it that she overshadowed the royal persons with their outfits, furs and diamonds. Alexandra Mikhailovna remains hardly the most mysterious woman Soviet Russia. They say that to a deep old age she drove men crazy. However, for us it doesn't have exactly any meaning, because we are the road with one of the memories of the poet, in which it appears before us "the worm with a white collar and not children's sad eyes."

The father's line seems to us less branched, although there are names worthy of mention. Vasily Petrovich Lotarev reached the title of headquarters. After resigning, he tried to engage in commerce in his homeland, but he was extremely unsuccessful and there was how it turned out to be in China. At that time, the Russian army was shown in the ports of far (Dalian) and Port Arthur (Lyushun). Vasily Petrovich, obviously, participated in some army deliveries, but not long - the disease was prevented. He died from Chatheka in Yalta on June 10, 1904.

In the father's family there were merchants, engineers, chemists and lawyers. For us, the interest of the future poet Viktor Aleksandrovich Zhurov, son Elizabeth Petrovna Lotroyeva and Moscow merchant Alexander Irodionovich Zhurov, graduate of the Law Faculty of Moscow University. Zhurov is more famous like Bariton Vittorio Andoga. The legend states that he even became the director in the famous Milane Theater La Scala. The cousin was married to Odessans Natalia Fesenko, known to us as the opera singer Aida Marchell.

It was written hardly not a quarter of a century later, but as excellently good and still fresh "glazes, melting at the bottom of their ecstasy." Without a doubt, Elizaveta always made a strong impression on her cousin. It is enough to find in the "loud-up Cup" the poem "Excessant", in which the poet admits: "I did not see the cousin in the cousin and I hardly blame."

Igor Northernik did not leave us her biography, but in the poem of the childhood "Rosa Orange Another" there are many curious details. The poem's text is now available that it eliminates the need to retell them, so they mention only those who directly relate to the parents of the poet.

About the father of the poet says that he was from the Vladimir Meshchean origin. Childhood and adolescence Vasily Lotarev together with Brother Mikhail spent in one of the German guest houses. Studied in St. Petersburg in Engineer school (Mikhailovsky or Engineering Castle), having received the engineering specialty - Sapper and Officer Chin, was taken to serve in the I railway battalion (subsequently regiment). Father was read, knew several languages, loved theater. Orgiy and Kituzhi preferred from officer entertainment, had an increased weakness to the female floor.

Mother, according to the poet, until the twenty-two years have no idea what kitchen is. In his youth, the future chairman of the Council of Ministers Boris Stürmer was woven to her, but she married Lieutenant-General Georgy Domontovich, who was much older than her. The husband took part in the construction of Admiralty in St. Petersburg and the Trinity Bridge through the Neva. The genus, however, to Hetman Dovmont, as Igor-Northerner believed, did not have anything. Dating the widow of General, Domontovich and Adjutant Vasily Lotarere occurred at the Kafe Gorna in Mayorbon. Their son Igor was born on May 4 (st .stil) of 1887 in St. Petersburg, in a house on a pea street.

In the work of Northerners, such episodes of his childhood were reflected, as maternal stories about the first husband's friends. The poem there is a story about how Lieutenant General Dontontovich played a week with four admirals vintage Berrents, Crown, Dügamel and Puzino. All four characters are undoubtedly real historical faces. For example, the name of the counter-admiral orera polycarpovich Puzino is often found in the Russian maritime literature, and the name of Alexander Egorovich Krown in late XIX. The centuries were called two Cape: the first on the Korea Peninsula in the Japanese Sea, the second in the Bering Sea in the Bay of Providence.

It is better to understand the origin of these "dreams" will help referring to verses, dead at 36 years old, the poetess of Mary (Mirra) Alexandrovna Lohwitsky. "She died in August 1905, and the poet was never a sign with her personally, but he chose her with his beautiful lady, she worshiped her, I was silent in verses" Pinaev S.M. Over the bottomless failure in eternity ... Russian poetry Silver century. M.: Unicum Center, Pomatures, 2001

In the poetry of the "Silver Century" it is difficult to find a brighter example of worshiping one poet to another than the worship of Igor Northernian Mirrian Lohwitsky. He dedicated a lot of poems by Lohwitsky, and many times used her motives in his verses. Igor-Northerner, however, never thought about the fact that such an kind of his heart Maria Alexandrovna Lokhvitskaya was obsessed with demon monitor, and in severe form. He just walked behind her, obeying her call: "For me, tired of the doubt! You drink eagerly from a muddy wave."

An openly bowed to the Mirry Lohwitsky poet only after almost five years after almost five years, although then argued that the beginning was put in August 1905 immediately after her death: "Your voice, I am unbearable, I know"; "And truthful, and innocent, and beautiful! .. She died, making it hurt us ...". He brought flowers to her on the grave, swear in love, noted her birthday in November, came to the cemetery in May on his birthday, asked her advice, took her strings as epigraphs to his poems.

But despite the abundance of verses dedicated to Mirril Lohvitsky, the poet did not leave us an accurate indication of the specific reasons for her prayer attitude towards her: "Only a poet is the road, only a poet shines a star!" * Perhaps something explains that something remembered above Beautiful ladywhich does not necessarily have to be and is endowed with real talents and unearthly beauty. But the case of worshiping Mirrian Lohwitsky somehow does not fit into standard beautiful dimensions:

I put Lohvitskaya above all:

And Byrona, and Pushkin, and Dante.

I myself shook in the rays of her talent.

Before talking about the work of the poet, it is necessary to talk about his unusual literary pseudonym. The form of a literary pseudonym elevated by Igor Lotewood, even for the rich in all sorts of Russian literature seems rather unusual. I always adhere to the rules to write it through a hyphen, without sharing like a name and surname for the simple reason that he thought so. Wildly read literary articles and journalism, in which the poet is referred to as Igor Vasilyevich Northerners.

Pre-revolutionary criticism and journalism, coupled with the publishers, could not accept a hyphen in the pseudonym and stubbornly reproduced the alias in the form of a name and surname. "The first 15 brochures and two separate poems published by the poet at their own expense signed by his civil name - Igor Lotarev" site information

Another 20 small collections of poems came out under the pseudonym "Igor-Northerner". The first major publisher of the poems of Igor Lotareva Sergey Kretiv - "Grief" * categorically responded to writing a pseudonym through a hyphen. The "loud-up Cup", "Zlatolir" in the publication of the griff, as well as the collections of Pineapple in Champagne and Victoria Regia in the publishing house "Our Days" were published without a hyphena. It was not considered possible to reproduce the defisis of the well-known publisher of Vikenti Pashukhanis, who issued a collection of essays of the poet. Nevertheless, in the Pashukanis "loud Cup" a photograph of the author with a reproduced autograph "Igor-Northerner" was placed.

In editions of Estonian time, there is a difference. So, in the early Estonian editions of "Creme Des Violettes", "Verwean", "Rosa Orange Annice", "Bells of the Selfies" pseudonym reproduced in the author's writing, and in the Berlin publications of the same period and in the late Estonian publications, the hyphen disappears in it again .

The manuscript of the wrong collection of "Lyrics" with verses of 1918-1928 - a pseudonym on the cover was discharged with a hyphen. The same picture in the manuscripts "Setting the Lyra", "Litales of the Sun", "Medallions". Preface to both books ranks are signed by the pseudonym "Igor-Northerner". All the well-known autographs of the poet, except for which V.Illyashevich * refers, contain a hyphen in writing a pseudonym. On the books of the presented wife * and in letters to her, in letters to George Schungli, in letters to Irina Borman * you can see the abbreviated form of the pseudonym "Igor. -" Now I open two of the most important documents - two wills, one of which is dated March 9, 1940 of the year, and the other October 20 of the same year. In both documents, we find a signature in the form of a complete pseudonym with the contribution of the civil name of the poet: "Igor-Northerner. (Lotarev)." That is "late northerner without a hyphen."

He became the founder of egofulurism, in addition to just futurism, proclaiming the cult of individualism, towering over a faceless crowd of ordinary people. But it was pleasantly tavering the alpine people themselves. With futurism of Mayakovsky Northerner, they were united by rampant mischief, contempt for militaristic patriotism and a frustration over a stale artificial world of deadly boring classicists. However, the bourgeoisie, which Northergyan teased and the mockeery jammed by mockery, became his main adorable man. At the evening of poetry in the Polytechnic Museum, Northerner was elected the king of poets, despite the presence of the block and Mayakovsky. Northerner enjoyed introducing into poetry, new ones, words like "Cinema", "Auto", and made a bunch of salon-technical neologisms. His fancy high polity sometimes resembled a selfartment. He never shone to call himself a genius, but in everyday life was very simple. The young anticolish was shocked when Northerner ordered in its presence in the restaurant no "pineapples in champagne", not "ice cream from lilac," and the duck vodka and salty cucumber. With all his "dreamness", the northerner is a very Russian, provincial-theatrical. But it also has one quality of this poet - it never confuse him with anyone. When Northerner emigrated, emigrant writers, not so well-known as he, with pleasure avenged him for his glory to his arrogance, boric disregard, whom Northerger never had. Examined from the list of "real poets", Northerner was completely loneling in Estonia, and after her annexation he wrote an ODU, who was welcomed in the style of his early neologisms of the Sixteen-Russian Union. It was not a political poem, but rather nostalgic. Northerner before his death was happy, having received a letter from his admirers from somewhere with Altai. He did not suspect that his name in Stalin's USSR covered legends, and his poems were rewritten from hand. But he predicted to this in his bitter paraphrase Matlev: "How good, how fresh roses will be the roses of my country to me abandoned in the coffin!" Felic talent, in some sense artificial. But his coquetty is irresistibly charming, and his artificiality is the most natural. According to the famous expression, many tragedies end with farce. In the case of Northergyan, Fars turned into a tragedy.

Moving directly to the analysis of the creativity of the egofulurist, it should be noted that Sonyets and Rondo were the favorite poems of Igor Northerner, although he invented such forms that the art of the poems were unknown to him: Minionet, Diesel, Censel, Sex, Rondolet, Distab, Overflow , overpand, quintine, square squares.

He often called his poettes on the names of musical genres and forms: "Overture", "Rondo", "Intermezzo", "Sonata", "Introduction", "Prelude", "Ballad", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Improvisation "," Leitmotif "," Canon "," Diffiram "," Hymn "," Elegy "," Symphony "," Duet of Soul "," Quartet "M. Petrov. A glass of forgivers. // http: // Konstantin Fofanov has several knockturins, but Igor-northerner has them more - 9 pieces in the five first compilations of poems. Poet's favorite Music shape - Song: "Song", "Chanson Russe", "Chanson Coquette", "Chansonet Maid", "Brindisi" (Italian drinking song), "Epitalama" (wedding song), "Serenade". There are lulled songs - "Berceus of Lilac", "Raspberry Berceus", "Berceus Tomny". Igor-Northgen gave tribute to the dance: "Champagne Polonaise", "Haberner", "Kadrillon" (from Kadril - Pair Dance), "Waltz", "May Dance", "Foxtrott". By the way, he did not love Foxtrot and called him a vertical bed.

Thirty years between literary debut (1905) and emigration (1918) were for Northerners for years, storms and onslaught. Before the release of the "loud Cup" (1913) - the first book - I. Northerner published 35 brochures with verses, created the "Academy of Egopoies" and literary direction Ego paturism, spoke with numerous "poems" in all corners Russian Empire, caused the strokes and scold critics and delighted overflowing audiences. Self-task, pose, triviality, veiled by irony - neither these nor other qualities could, however, affect the judgments of serious criticism. V. Brusov saw in I. Northernine "True Poet, deeply worried life." Gumilev, skeptical about the egoful innovation, recognized: "Of all the dazzing ... more interesting, Igor Northernik: He dares the most of all" Pinaev S.M. Over the bottomless failure in eternity ... Russian poetry of the silver century. M.: Unicum Center, Pomatures, 2001

From the beginning of 1918, the poet settled in the quiet Estonian village of Toyla. Since 1921, he resumed his "Penacerters", played with reading poems in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Germany, France, Finland. In total, he appeared before the audience even more than at the time of his "loud" success in Russia. How much - Nibul has no significant funds from "PRESSERTSERS" did not bring. In one of his emigrant pore letters, we read: "Everything that I earn is going to repay the debt. We literally do not allow anything ..." The trips, however, were episodic. "So I sit in the wilderness, completely reveling from the" cultural "temptations, among nature and love," wrote Northerner about his everyday life.

More than once repeated myth about the elimination of I. Northerner from emigration. But his numerous performances before the emigrant audience testify to the other. In emigration, the poet works without tired. His poems are printed in many Russian newspapers - in Harbin, Paris, Tallinn, Riga, Coveno, Berlin. In emigration, more than 20 of his books were published, considering and collection collections. A significant number of poems has not yet been published.

Russian poet Igor Northerner, who left a noticeable trace in the work of the Silver Age, was a very extraordinary person. All his life, he was actively published, and he worked in a variety of genres, sometimes thinly under the public. At the same time, Northerner was very sharply, and did not climb in a word in his pocket. Probably, he managed to easily establish relationships with the surrounding not only thanks to the talent, but also thanks to personal qualities and Harizme.

Facts from the life of Igor Northerners

  1. By the maternal line, he had to relative with the famous poet Athanasia Fetu (see).
  2. The present surname of the poet - Lotharov.
  3. He used many different pseudonyms, in particular, the "needle", "Mimosa" and "Count Evgraph d'Akshangraf".
  4. At the dawn of the literary career at his own expense, Northerner published 35 brochures with verses.
  5. He wrote his first poems when he was 8 years old.
  6. The poet actively invented new words and wordworks. In particular, thanks to him, the Russian language was replenished with the word "lag."
  7. Vladimir Mayakovsky negatively belonged to the work of Northerner, which was reflected in several of his poems (see Facts about Mayakovsky).
  8. The poet himself called his poetic style "lyrical irony."
  9. One of its main hobbies throughout his life was fishing.
  10. In 1918, Northerner was elected "king of poets", while bypassed a much more famous Mayakovsky and Balmont (see Facts about Balmont).
  11. He married in Estonia, where he later remained to live. His wife owned both Estonian and Russian.
  12. When his son was born, the poet called him "Vakhoma", convincing the local Estonian priest that this is a real name suitable for a Christian.
  13. Lion Tolstoy once called the poems of Northerners "vulgarity". Many newspapers and magazines picked up this statement and began to print crushing reviews for the work of Northerners, than a lot of people contributed to the popularity of accommodation famous poet (cm.
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