The block was a poet. Alexander Blok - poem "Poets"

The city has grown a desert quarter
On the soil of swamp and ifil.
There lived poets - and everyone met
Another arrogant smile.

In vain and day the light got up
Above this sad swamp;
His inhabitant devoted his day
Wine and hard work.

When they drove, then in friendship swore,
Chatted cynically and straight.
Under the morning they rushed. Then, locked,
Worked stupid and zealo.

Then they got out of the booth like dogs,
Watched the sea burning.
And gold of each passerby braids
Filmed with knowledge of the case.

Blending, dreamed of an eyelid,
Scolded publishers together.
And cried bitterly over a small flower,
Above the little torment pearl ...

So lived poets. Reader and friend!
You think maybe - worse
Your daily powerless sweep,
Your philistine puddle?

No, cute reader, my critic blind!
In extreme, there is a poet
And braids, and faucet, and the eyelids are golden
You are not available all this! ..

You will be pleased with yourself and wife,
With its constitution kutsy
But the poet is the worldwide
And there is little constitutions!

Let me die under the fence like a dog
Let life in the land of Vtoptala, -
I believe: that God lied me with snow,
That blizzard kissed me!

Analysis of the poem "Poets" block

One of the most audacious poems of Alexander Bloka "Poets" was written on July 24, 1908. After reading this poem for the first time, many refuse to believe that a romantic block could write something similar. In the work, the author writes about the poetic fraternity, which he presents the reader as a sad swamp. 1908 was full of events and heavily passed for Alexander. Especially bad it was emotional condition The Creator probably has led to the pessimistic mood of the poem. Despite the adversity, the poet continued to believe that he would soon work out, and everyone would be healing in the new, the best worldin which there will be a place for everyone, including poets.

In the poem, the author raises the topic of creativity and creative path. This topic is considered through the prism of the experiences and feelings of this Creator. Alexander noted that a person who was not close art, such a life may be unpleasant to surprise.

Composite product consists of two parts. The first part tells about the beer of poets, each of whom considers itself more capable of other. At the same time daily in the evenings they get drunk in the company of each other. They created poets exclusively with a hangover, in case they did not write, there could be two explanations: they spoiled a wonderful lady or they grieve over something.

All poem built on one antithesis: unpleasant creators who see them ordinary people, and the poets of the new world, where they appear as they actually. The topic of the place of man-art in society was important for Alexander. In "poets", he sought as objectively to assess the situation as much as possible, which helped him see a lot of repulsive things in people-art.

In the last lines of the work, symbols of snow and blizzard images appear, which the block often used in his work. For the poet, they symbolized love, creativity and mystery.

The poem is written with amphibrachi with cross rhyme, due to the poem sounds melodious. As in other works, in "poets" the author actively uses various trails: epithets, metaphors, personification, comparisons. Everything artistic techniques It is united by what they serve to build an antithesis and more vivid expression of the thoughts and feelings of the author.

Alexander Blok was not only the great poet of the era, which we now call the "silver age", the creator of the cycles "poems about the beautiful lady", "Snow Mask", "Jamba", "Poems about Russia" of the poem "Twelve" - \u200b\u200band for contemporaries, And for us it remains a man of high spirit, amazing honesty. The block believed that poems could change the world if their creators would be quite clean in spirit. And the fact that the world with the beginning of the twentieth century began to shake the bloody tragedies, he put, in particular, herself. I offer you a film about Alexandra block and a small essay about this mysterious poet, for whom poetry was not just literature, but in service.

Among the poets of the early XX century, talented and bright, Alexander Blok stood somehow a mansion. He rarely visited where all the poets were " silver century": In the religious and philosophical meetings of Merezhkovsky, in the Kabar" Stray Dog ", where the whole Bohemian of St. Petersburg was going after 1912. He confronted noisy gatherings, literary debates, said little and argued, because he did not like to "talk about the unspeakable." And in general, against the background of emotional, even exalted colleagues, he struck with restraint and cocoa self-profit as if he was defeated by a certain mystery, which he was in herself. Nevertheless, they were treated with special respect, this is evidenced by the memories of contemporaries. It's amazing how differently they saw him how difficult it was to betray even the idea of \u200b\u200bhis appearance. Someone called the block very beautiful, someone spoke of a fixed, as if carved out of stone, face. Andrei White wrote about the light of this face, as if covered with a golden-pink tan. Zinaida Hippius found something cute, childish. The main lady of the literary Petersburg, which very sharply judged his contemporaries, he wrote about the block of Hippius almost gently. Chukovsky recalled the special about the magic proceeding from this person. And his friend, then the enemy, the opponent in Lububyddrey White, after his death he will write the autobiographical trilogy, where it will be again and again with him, the dead continue to find out the relationship.

It is surprising that in the era of the "silver century", the time of people of talented, even ingenious, but noisy, emotional, explosive, prone to the bohemian lifestyle, this silent person was recognized as the greatest authority. And it's not just a poetic genius, but the identity of the block. There was something in him from the mysterious medieval knight, or this Pushkin "knight of the poor":

Lived in the light Knight poor

Silent and simple

Seemingly gloomy and pale,

Bold and straight

He had one vision, an incomprehensible mind ...

Vision or dream of a vision - you have started a block. Then everyone dreamed of revelations. The young people were familiar with the poet, the philosopher, mysticism Vladimir Solovyov, who, among other works, wrote the poem "Three Dates", where he described three mystical meetings when he was a woman he considered Sophia Wrought. For a block, acquaintance with the work of Solovyov was a shock.

Those unclear dreams, signs in nature, which was worried about him, about whom he did not speak to anyone, received a sudden explanation, justification. From the record books of the block, September 1901: "I saw a tricky dream in the banner. Something broke into time. And she clearly appeared to me ... and a secret was revealed. I saw the family went out, and I stayed in the door in front of her. She fell towards and said the strange word that I am with love for her. I, holding Tom Solovyov in my hand. I filed her, and suddenly I see, one hundred is no longer poems, but a small German book ... "

The block did not doubt that this was the same woman that he was Solovyov three times, he did not doubt the reality of this event and waited for him, in reality. He believed that his poems were a phenomenon of mystical. "This is a diary in which God allowed me to speak in verses."In it, first waiting for a wonderful phenomenon. Then the pain and despair, when something happened in the world, the pink dawns went out. Then the vortices and blizzards appeared in his verses. And then everything was silent, and the block repeated in different verses " As a hard dead among people, "said that the soul was dead .

And then the body died. No one could say why the unit died in just 40 years. And maybe it was just that rare case , when the body simply deviates, abandoned by heavenly light. After 1914 he did not write anything, and everything altered and reworked his youthful "poems about the beautiful lady." He was aware of their immaturity. But still believed that this is the best that it is written. Someone has even mentioned that he does not consider themselves their author that they were dictated by over. In the "verse about the beautiful lady" there is some kind of special tension, purification before it arrival.

Antimony you. Years pass by -

Everything in the guise of one anticipation of you.

The entire horizon in the fire - and clear unbearably,

And I'm silently waiting, - longing and loving.

However, someone can say that "poems about the beautiful lady" were created during the period. When the block was in love with a petner, his future wife. And these poems are addressed to it. In his memoirs, Lyubov Dmitrievna writes that it was often when the block read her poems, she suspected that they were addressed to her, but with a jealous feeling he did not find themselves in his lady. She was a very earthy girl - ruddy, with a thick oblique, there was nothing from the infertile lady. It annoyed it, and once she even decided to break with him, writing in a letter: "You are looking at me, as a certain abstract idea, you have made any unnecessary things about me, and for this fiction, which is alive only in your imagination, you I was not noticed by a living person with a living soul. "

She did not send him this letter, as did not send the letter the letter, which he then wrote her to the case of gap: "My life, i.e. The ability to live is unthinkable without some of you some vaguely felt spirits. If we are divided into thoughts or divided in life, my strength weakens, only longing remains. " In their lives there will be different periods - and bright young joy, and change, and misunderstandings. The block will write once: "Lyuba brought mom to illness. Lyuba created the unbearable complexity and tiriness of the relationship, which is now. Lyuba on earth is a terrible message in order to torment and destroy the values \u200b\u200bof the earth ... But 1898-1902 did what I can't part with her and love her. " These were just the years of lovely ladies, premonitions and insights that they survived together when her strength, energy was needed.

The block was a man of a different world, he thought and felt differently, and we should not try to explain it. Just in his verses, it will be unclear about us to flicker then the image of the beloved woman, then the appearance of a great wife. He lived in another dimension, saw the reality what seems to be fantastic visions. But if you take the block, you need to accept the reality of its visions and mystical experiences.

He has an amazing article " ABOUT modern condition Symbolism"She is about the world of his poetry, about the reality that he considers the only one, and which makes sense to his work. He writes in her about the worlds in the light of the radiant sword, about the purple-lilac worlds "Golden Sword flared up dazzling and pierces the heart of the poet. Already begins to drive a face among heavenly roses. There is a dialogue ... but, as if jealous, poet, someone suddenly stops the golden thread. The blade of the radiant sword is fading and stops feeling in the heart. The worlds that were penetrated by the golden light, losing a purple shade, like through the broken dam, the blue-lilac dusk bursts. " And then the face that has come among roses, disappeared. And in his place - a dead doll.

The poet is surrounded by the demons, they are submissive by the will of the poet, in those lilac worlds, they grow in search of the best jewels, so that with their help the poet created a terrestrial miracle, beauty-doll, "stranger." The block was often asked why his wonderful lady turned into a stranger? He dismissed. He could not explain to every conversational that this is the essence of his mental drama. Once he wrote: "O. As the pad and sore, and low, not defeated the fatal dream ... "did not overcome, could not be clean enough and high or high? But who when he thought about what worlds do poems come if they are beautiful? Only block. And in this high spiritual demandingness - his greatness. They say he loved only his youthful poems. We can't not admire his "stranger."

"Stranger" was written in 1906. Vague, disturbing, time. Bloody events of the first Russian revolution. Block will write about real life Russia began the beginning of the century, but it is more worried about the shifts in the other dimension that he perceived as a reality. And the storm of earthly life considered the echoes of the storms there. He is sure: "As something fell into us, so broke in Russia." I almost vinyl in the Russian tragedy. And another gestrate phrase block: "We were prophets, wished to become poets."

In 1907, the cycle of poems "Snow Mask" is born. They are also dedicated to a woman in love with a block in the cold blurring winter of 1907 - Natalia Nikolaevna Volokhova, actresses of the Komissarzhevskaya Theater, an excellent woman with "cyboard eyes." In that blizzard, his "Balant" was put in the theater. There were many young people around, carnivals were arranged, rushed in the sleigh on the snow-covered streets, and the block was cheerful. And in his verses of this period - blizzard, blizzard, cold and confusion.

And again, shifting the wicnup bowl,

You settled fear in the heart

Innocent smile

In heavy-haired hair.

I tilter in dark jets

And again inhale, not love

Forgotten sleep about kisses,

About snow blizzards.

It is unlikely that these verses are really associated with N. N. Volokhova. This blizzard was in the soul of the block, which lived his, a separate life. Returning to the article on the symbolism, I will give a quote: "Art is hell. No wonder Bryusov bequeathed by the artist: "As a Dante, the underground flame you should burn your cheeks." In the countless circles of hell, only the one who has a satellite, a teacher and the head of a dream about the one that will lead there, where does not dare to enter the teacher ... anyway, the purple worlds swept Lermontov, who rushed under the gun to his will. And Gogol, who burned himself, floundering in velvet pawn paws. " And he described her fate in verses:

How did it happen, how did it happen?
I was poor, weak and small.
But certain mystery
I was opened until time
I learned high.
Unworthy slave, treasure
I am presented not to keep,
I was a king and the guard random.
Sonslam Low Monsters
Filled at me.

And at the end of these lines:

I do not fall before you
Look at me:
I stand among the fires,
Dried tongues

Interestingly, Andrei White, remembering the young block, writes about the golden-pink haze of his face. Then he wrote that the face of the block was, as if underacted. And the block wrote about the same: "We are offered: sing, they have fun, and our faces are fused by a purple dusk." But in that lilac dusk, the music sounded, poems were born. That is disastrous and tragic, then complete silent sorrow.

There were bursts of feelings, gusts for life, joy:

Oh, I want to live insanely:

All existing - perpetuate,

Impersonal - to see

Unstable - to realize!

The block will slightly catch the music of the elements and embody it in poetry. Love is part of the world element. And the cycle "Carmen" will be born.

Oh yes, love free, like a bird,
Yes, anyway - I'm yours!
Yes, I still will dream
Your camp, your fire!

Vorki Elements He will hear in history, and they will sound in his cycle "on the field of Kulikov"

And eternal fight! Rest only in our dreams

Through blood and dust ...

Flies, the steppe mare flies

And Mount Kovyl ...

And then the music began to be served, the "iron day" came and she was silent .. Only once the zealous element sounded in his verses: in the poem "Twelve". Having written it, he exclaimed: "Today I am a genius." The poem did not like neither right or left. The Bolsheviks did not want to recognize the revolution in this demonsky whirlwind, their opponents decided that the block was sold red. And he is just in last time He heard and recorded the music he was used to capture in the world.

Black evening.
White snow.
Wind, wind!
There is no man on the legs.
Wind, wind -
For all God's light!

Element of the revolution, let the terrible element, replaced by world vulgarity, so disastrous for the poet. And the soul died.

How hard to walk among people
And pretend to be unwinning
And about the game of tragic passions
Neat not yet lived.

And, peering into your nightmare,
The system find in a non-stroke of the feeling,
To the pale gorants of art
Find out the life of a disgusting fire!

The epigraph of this block poem has become a line of feta: "There is a man burned down" . We think that poetry is a cozy light, where you can warm your hands in the cold, soul - in sorrow. And poetry can be a terrible fire that burns one who is too close. Those who fly into this flame - madness, but they are the best of those who lived on Earth.

  1. Young publisher and playwright
  2. Poems O. beautiful lady
  3. "Art and Revolution"

And Lexander Block wrote his first poems before the gymnasium. At the age of 14, he published the handwritten magazine "Vestnik", at 17 - put the play on the scene of the home theater and played them, at 22 - published his poems in Almanac Valery Brysova "Northern Flowers". The creator of the poetic and mysterious image of the beautiful lady, the author of critical articles, the block became one of the most famous poets Silver century.

Young publisher and playwright

Alexander Blok was born on November 28, 1880 in St. Petersburg. His father, Alexander Blok - Elder, was a nobleman and private professor of the department state law Warsaw University, and Alexander's mother - the daughter of the rector of St. Petersburg University Andrei Betetova. After the birth of the son, the parents of the block broke up. In 1883-1884, Alexander Block lived abroad, in Italy - with mother, aunt and grandmother. The official marriage of the Blok's parents was terminated by the Synod in 1889. At the same time, the mother was re-married - for the officer Guard Franz Cormotsky-Piottuch.

Poet's mother Alexander Blok. 1880. Warsaw. Photo:

Alexander Block with mother and stepfather.1895. Petersburg. Photo:

Alexander Block in childhood. Photo:

In 1891, Alexander Blok was given immediately into the second class of the introduced gymnasium. By that time, the boy had already tried to compose - and prose, and poems. In 1894, the block began to produce the magazine "Vestnik", and in his literary game The whole family participated. The editor was the two cousin, a rosulid brother and mother. Grandmother Elizabeth Beketova wrote stories, grandfather Andrei Beketov illustrated materials. The total numbers of the "Bulletin" came out. In addition to poems and articles, Alexander Blok composed for him a novel in the style of Main Reed: he went out in the first eight rooms of the magazine.

In 1897, the block went with his mother to Germany, in the resort town of Bad Naphim. Here, for the first time he really fell in love - to the wife of the Stat adviser Ksenia Sadovskaya. The block at that time was 17 years old, his beloved - 37. The poet dedicated to the Sadovsky poem "Night to Earth. We are alone with you, "which became the first autobiographic work in his lyrics.

Their meetings were rare: the Block's mother was categorically against the communication of the Son with an adult married lady. However, the passion of the young poet did not leave in St. Petersburg, where he met several times with his heart lady.

In 1898, Alexander Blok graduated from the gymnasium, and in August of the same year he entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University. However, the jurisprudence of the young poet did not attract. He became interested in theater. Almost every vacation block conducted in the estate of the grandfather - Chess. In the neighboring manor of Boblovo in the summer of 1899, he put the performances - Boris Godunova , "Hamlet" , "Stone Guest" . And he himself played.

Poems about the beautiful lady

Alexander Blok and his wife Love Mendeleev. Photo:

Andrey White. Photo:

Three years later, the block was transferred to the historical and philological faculty. He began to get acquainted with the St. Petersburg literary elite. In 1902, he became friends with Zinaida Hippius And Dmitry Merezhkovsky. Valery Bryusov placed the poems of Alexander Blok in Almanacia "Northern Flowers".

In 1903, the block married Mendeleev's love - the beautiful lady of Blokovskaya love lyrics. They were familiar at that time for eight years, about five years the block was in love. Soon the "Northern colors" came out cycle "Poems about the beautiful lady" - The name for him was offered Bryusus.

In 1904, the block became acquainted with Andrei White (Boris Bugaev), who became his "sworn friend": White was in love with Mendeleev's love. The block is idle and extolled his wife, proud of their spiritual relationship. However, this did not interfere with him regularly start the novels - with actress Natalia Volokhova, the opera singer with the love of Andreyev-Delmas. And Andrei White the poet then quarreled, then reiterated. They criticized each other, mutually admired the work and caused each other to duel.

In 1905, Russia shook the first revolution. She reflected in the work of Alexander Blok. New motives appeared in his lyrics - blizzards, blizzards, elements. In 1907, the poet finished the cycle "Snow Mask", drama "Stranger" and "Balant" . The block published in the editions of the symbolists - "Questions of Life", "Scales", "Pass". In the journal " The Golden Fleece"In 1907, the poet began to lead the critical department. A year later, the third block collection was released - "Earth in verse."

Society of Jesetteers of the Art Word

Alexander Block in the role of Hamlet. 1898. Boblovo. Photo:

Mendeleev's love in the role of Ophelia. 1898. Boblovo. Photo:

Alexander Blok as King Claudia and the love of Mendeleev as Ophelia in the home play "Hamlet". 1898. Boblovo. Photo:

In 1909, Alexander Blok died father and adoptive son - the love of Mendeleev gave birth to Davidovsky's actor. To recover after shocks, the poet with his wife went on a trip to Italy and Germany. On the impressions of the trip, Alexander Blok wrote the "Italian poems" cycle.

After the publication of the cycle, the block was accepted in the "Academy of Verse", it is the "Society of Associate Professional Society". He was organized with the magazine "Apollo" Vyaconlav Ivanov, and Annensky Innocent, Valery Bryusov, were also there.

In 1911, the block again went on a journey abroad - this time France, Belgium and the Netherlands. In France did not like the poet.

"The inalienable quality of the French (and Bretons seem to be the advantage) - non-declapful dirt, first of all - physical, and then spiritual. The first dirt is better not to describe; Speaking briefly, a person any dismantling will not agree to settle in France. "

Alexander Blok

In the same year his next poetic collection was released - "Night clock". A year later, Alexander Block finished play "Rose and Cross" and amounted to a three-volume assembly of poems from five of its collections. During the lifetime of the poet, it was reprinted twice. The block wrote literary and critical articles, spoke with reports, lectured.

At the end of 1912, Alexander Blok undertook to rewrite the Rose and Cross. He finished it in January 1913, in April read in the society of poets and personally Stanislavsky. In August, the drama was printed in Almanaci "Sirin". However, they set the play not soon - only a few years later Mkate.

In December 1913, the block personally met with Anna Ahmatova. - She came to him with a visit, bringing a block three-volume with him. The first two volumes poet signed "Akhmatova - block", in the third, he inspired the pre-prepared Madrigal, who later entered all the collections of his poems - "Beauty is terrible - you will say".

In 1916, the block called for a service, a tabler in the engineering part of the All-Russian Union. The troops were based in Belarus.

"I brought, half a day with a horse in the forests, fields and swamps driving around, almost imperprised; Then - I drink samovars tea, scold the bosses, sleep or fall asleep, stretch in the office, sometimes sit on Zavaling and look at pigs and geese. "

"Art and Revolution"

Scythians. His articles came out with a separate collection - "Art and Revolution". The block made reports in the free philosophical association, prepared his trilogy to reprint, was a member of the theater and literary commission and the editorial board of the publishing house "World Literature".

In February 1919, the block was arrested on charges with the left ester. However, two days later they were released - by the efforts of Anatoly Lunacharsky. In August of the same year, a new collection of poems was released - "Jamba", and the block was appointed by a member of the board of the literary department of the People's Commissariat. He worked a lot, very tired. In one of the letters, the poet wrote: "For almost a year I don't belong to myself, I learned to write poems and think about verses ..." The health of the block has worsened. However, he continued to write and act, in 1920 he prepared a collection of lyrics "Gray Morning". February 5, 1921 poem appeared "Pushkin House" , and on February 11, in the house of writers in the evening dedicated to Pushkin, the block said the famous speech "On the appointment of the poet".

In the spring of 1921, Alexander Blok asked a visa to treat abroad, but he was refused. The drama with a huge amount was played acting persons, in the center of which was a deadly sick poet. May 29 Maksim Gorky Posted by a Lunacharsky letter about the need to release a block in Finland for treatment. June 18, the block destroyed part of the archives, July 3 - several notebooks. Lunacharsky and Kamenev overturned permission to leave on July 23. But the state of the block worsened, and on July 29, Gorky again wrote a petition - so that the Block's wife would accompany him. On August 1, the documents were signed, but Gorky learned about it only five days later. It was too late: on the morning of August 7, Alexander Blok died in his apartment in Petrograd. The poet buried at the Smolensk cemetery.

Starting a new heading on the site "Tree of poetry", I want to wish all the real readers of joyful reading, creative excitement When opening new information. Poetry, in my opinion, is the best that remains for centuries and can fill with beauty. Poetry No need to freeze, it is always more alive of all monuments of material values: if you start reading it, it will immediately sound! And if it goes into a song, it turns out at all cool, friends.

New heading - "Poetic Taste". If you like to eat, then, of course, understand me. Pasta with cheese especially tasty when to miss them beef stew. All this is supposed to drink compote and eat foreign bacon. Here and with poetry. She in some sense has his own taste. But only here it is not about the satisfaction of bodily needs, but about the spiritual tastewhen soul inside out to taste beauty, truth, truth and joy. Well, good luck to everyone, cheerfully so with your head - dive in poetry!

I present you a poem Alexander Blok.


The city has grown a desert quarter
On the soil of swamp and ifil.
There lived poets - and everyone met
Another arrogant smile.

In vain and day the light got up
Above this sad swamp;
His inhabitant devoted his day
Wine and hard work.

When they drove, then in friendship swore,
Chatted cynically and straight.
Under the morning they rushed. Then, locked,
Worked stupid and zealo.

Then they got out of the booth like dogs,
Watched the sea burning.
And gold of each passerby braids
Filmed with knowledge of the case.

Blending, dreamed of an eyelid,
Scolded publishers together.
And cried bitterly over a small flower,
Above the little torment pearl ...

You think maybe - worse

Your philistine puddle?

In extreme, there is a poet

You are not available all this! ..

With its constitution kutsy

And there is little constitutions!

That blizzard kissed me!

Start over. The desert quarter has grown outside the city. That is, outside the city where the main population lives, was formed some quarterly settlement Practically on the swamps, in the smokers, how bums live, with tenants - poets. Block does not allow to learn more about mysterious Quarter, about its origin. But it is not very important for us. The main thing - we understood, there poetic Tusovka.

Okay. Poets Tusyli, all such creative, I smiled arrogantly, because everyone after all, a dog, - proud, thinks that he is the most genius. If you ever have been in such a medium, then you understand me. Further Block He says that the place was so rotten that the day was in vain to get over him: poets constantly indulged in drunkenness and wrote poems.

And how it happens creative people, especially writers, Drutting, felt in each other fellow in Peru, here immediately begin promises to support, oaths in friendship, and all sorts of saliva. Then the apotheosis of alcohol in the heads and sick stomachs occurred: creative people Roded is not childish.

Passing the flour, departing, filming, poet, feeling the approach of death because of the poisoning of the body, begins to work with Zano: he writes and writes, writes and writes ...

Having written a lot of things genial, poets We were tired of eternity, got out of their booths, or where they lived on the swamps, - and looked at the sun, on the girls passing, and their heart flutter.

Then they finally came to a more or less normal condition: they sat somewhere on the verandas, drank cathe, smoked, talk about literature, about gadas publishers who do not have to publish them, about lack of money and trust all the things. Later poets Padded in longing, regret ourselves, they began to regret everything around: the homeless small, flower under the fence tuchka In the sky ... and, of course, after that they drove again.

So lived poets. Reader and friend!
You think maybe - worse
Your daily powerless sweep,
Your philistine puddle?

That is, who did not understand: friend, you think these fell poets Live worse you, your daily stupid senseless movements about social SocietyWhen nothing happens new, stupidity, repetitions ...

No, cute reader, my critic blind!
In extreme, there is a poet
And braids, and faucet, and the eyelids are golden
You are not available all this! ..

And then: poets Even there is an advantage: In addition to acception, there are experiences, excitement, ecstasy, life in all its glory, pain, suffering, love… BUT common man With "Framework" happinesswhere there are all attributes norma: House, Wife, Sunday Pie, Stable Salary, Electric Stove, Mistress, Cottage With Cherries, Children - Boy and Girl, Weekend After Work ... You can list two days and even three ... common man Nothing it has it and the main thing does not want to have.

You will be pleased with yourself and wife,
With its constitution kutsy
But the poet is the worldwide
And there is little constitutions!

Common man Satisfied with his life, apartment, mink, his dead happiness, happiness is siley, kutsaya constitution, it is practically a skeleton. A W. poet life between life and death - he drinks worldwide - he will not be determined, does not fit in one and even in several constitutions, legislation written and not written laws multi-residents of Marginals.

And in conclusion poem A.blok. Says already about himself:

Let me die under the fence like a dog
Let life in the land of Vtoptala, -
I believe: that God lied me with snow,
That blizzard kissed me!

I think - nothing is needed to rush, and so everything is clear. Here is like philological analysis of text It turned out. To new meetings. Long read Russian classic literature, less drink and smoke, play computer games less and smaller, friends! Good luck.

Alexander Tennbaum

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