Speed ​​reading for children. Speed ​​Reading Books

Teaching a child to read is not an easy task in terms of quality. It is necessary for the child not only to mechanically repeat the written words, but to understand their meaning and be able to remember what he read. If reading difficulties arise, then children have no interest in learning something, so it is advisable to make this process fun and not difficult. The speed reading technique, which is receiving more and more attention, can help in this. The book "Speed ​​Reading for Children" by Guzel Abdulova will increase the reading speed by 2-3 times, without losing quality, but increasing it.

The book offers exercises that have been used by representatives of the EIDOS Center for 25 years. The exercises have a different focus, help correct pronunciation errors, teach the child to read meaningfully and carefully. There is a special table that indicates the reading problem. For example, this is the inability to separate sentences, read to oneself, poor vocabulary and others. And next to the indicated problems are numbers of exercises that allow you to fix it. Parents are given explanations for each task. Everything is clear and easy.

The author of the book gives more than 60 tasks, rebuses and puzzles that contribute to the development of intelligence and speed reading skills. The child will perform them with great interest... An individual system of classes is offered, there is a success diary for motivation, you can build a graph of the child's progress. All this makes learning effective and fun for both the child and his parents.

The work belongs to the genre of Pedagogy. It was published in 2017 by AST Publishing House. The book is part of the "Teach a child. How?" Series. On our site you can download the book "Speed ​​Reading for Children" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 3 out of 5. Here you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinions before reading. In the online store of our partner, you can buy and read a book in paper form.

On this issue it is written a large number of literature, which presents a variety of techniques, methods, techniques, as well as practical lessons for speed reading. Let's see what speed reading is and why we need it.

Terminology and basic methods of speed reading

Speed ​​reading are techniques and techniques that allow a person to speed up the reading process, without losing the concept of the meaning of the read literature. This does not require much effort, books on the topic of speed reading can help.

They describe in detail how to learn quickly, read and memorize the meaning of what you read. What techniques are commonly used for people who want to learn how to quickly learn to read books:

  • Increase the visual reach of the text... It uses techniques that involve capturing multiple words, sentences, or paragraphs. Thanks to such exercises, a person will be able to grasp a lot more information.
  • Improving the memorization of words... Often, when reading, people go back to reread a particular word. This significantly slows down the speed of the pages being read.
  • Surface Reading... The techniques involve scanning information that doesn't make much sense.
  • Workout instant discovery of the essence thought, discarding all unnecessary.
  • Block pronunciation of text... The training here is unambiguous - you need to memorize the words. The more the meaning is understood, the faster the reading process will be.

There are many techniques and techniques, and it is not necessary to seek professional help. It is quite possible to help yourself.

Books for teaching fast reading

There are a lot of books on speed reading today, however, it is always clear that you need to choose the one that suits you. We will carry out short review what are best books for speed reading.

Peter Kamp “Speed ​​Reading. How to memorize more by reading 8 times faster "()

This book is a unique guide, because it is not like other literature with similar topics... It contains techniques, techniques and exercises that will be difficult to find in other manuals. One of the main rules for speed reading is to complete all prescribed tasks three times faster.

Prices for Peter Kamp Speed ​​Reading. How to memorize more by reading 8 times faster

Where to buy a book / audiobook:

Oleg Andreev "Learn to read quickly" ()

The literature provides recommendations on how to understand and memorize the text. This book is more psychological in nature. It discusses the issues of why people read slowly, how quickly you can learn to increase the speed skill, and presents techniques to improve reading. We also learn good technique for better memorization.

The book contains 10 conversations with various tasks and tests that will allow you to solve and understand the reasons for slow reading yourself.

Where to buy a book / audiobook:

Pavel Palagin “Speed ​​reading in practice. How to read quickly and remember what you read well "()

Super trainer, which helps to learn all the basics of speed reading, to understand the meaning of the book, using a number of techniques. Speed ​​is important in the world today, so this book will become a real reader.

The manual contains the best exercises, techniques, and techniques that can systematically build an algorithm to increase the speed of readers.

Prices for Pavel Palagin Speed ​​reading in practice. How to read quickly and remember what you read well

Where to buy a book / audiobook:

Marat Ziganov “Speed ​​reading. A unique course for developing rational reading skills "()

Is one of the most big books on this topic. There are more than a hundred interesting and informative exercises, tests, diagrams, tables here.

There are also lectures and advice from psychologists, doctors, physiologists, teachers, associate professors from all over the world. This book is truly unique because it allows you to give full assurance that the material will be firmly assimilated without any effort.

Where to buy a book / audiobook:

Uzorova, Nefedova "The fastest way to learn to read" ()

The book was created under the slogan: He who reads quickly, thinks quickly. This guide is considered an excellent option for caring parents who are eager to help their child learn well, read without stumbling. All information and tasks are presented from easy to more difficult.

Prices for Uzorova, Nefedova The fastest way to learn to read

Guzel Abdulova "Speed ​​reading for children" ()

Children are the flowers of life, so their development is the most important thing. For this start to be successful, you need to help your baby learn to read. And books, like nothing else, can help in this situation.

Prices for Guzel Abdulova Speed ​​reading for children

Where to buy a book / audiobook:

Name: We study Speed ​​Reading.

This famous book is used in more than a hundred universities and colleges in the United States and around the world. Contains a description of the most modern methods of teaching speed reading.

Anyone who can read can learn to do it faster and better.
Most effective method achieving professionalism in any business is a constant practice under professional guidance.
Therefore, it is necessary to read, read and read again, following an effective method.
This book is a guide containing the most modern methods learning speed reading. The book focuses on five basic principles, the observance of which: will sharpen your perception, accelerate understanding, increase the efficiency and speed of reading.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book We Study Speed ​​Reading - Romanchik Yu.V. - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • We study speed reading - How to learn to read faster and better - Romanchik Yu.V.
  • Not Mental arithmetic, The system for teaching a child rapid multiplication and division in 21 days, Training book for parents of children 8-12 years old, Akhmadullin Sh.T., 2017
  • Not Mental arithmetic, A system for teaching a child to quickly add and subtract in 21 days, A training book for parents of children 7-11 years old, Akhmadullin Sh.T., 2017
  • How to teach a child to write correctly, Step-by-step system of teaching literacy in 15 lessons, Training book for parents of children 7-8 years old, Akhmadullin Sh.T., 2017

What is speed reading

Speed ​​reading is a set of techniques that can significantly increase the speed of reading a speed reader without a significant loss of understanding of the book read. In particular, it should be borne in mind that there is no generally accepted distinction between "slow" and fast methods of perceiving information, for the reason that many readers use their familiar reading exercises.

Basic techniques of speed reading and memory development

  • Expansion of the field of view... They use special exercises (for example, the Shulte table), aimed at increasing the coverage of two or three words, several paragraphs. With a wide angle of view, a one-stop reader can capture much more information than an untrained person.
  • Elimination, regression, stops, recurrent eye movements... With the traditional way of reading, reversions to previous words are common, which significantly slows down the reading speed and reduces the memorization of the text read.
  • Surface Reading... Scanning without carefully focusing on pieces of information of little significance.
  • Practicing the skill of instant selection main idea text, cutting off unnecessary information and perception of useful and effective information.
  • Suppressing spoken text- development of a new reading strategy: I see the word - I see the image of the text - I understand the meaning. The average reader has the necessary visual reading skills. For example, logos are immediately understood, ("Ford", "GM", "Nike", "Pepsi",). Many familiar phrases are perceived in a way. At the same time, it should be understood that little-known words must be read by decoding them into sound images, that is, the text must be pronounced.
There are many schools of directions, courses, techniques that train the skill of fast reading. Most of them, to one degree or another, are based on the speed reading techniques described above.

Training the angle of view for speed reading

Speed ​​Reading Books for Free Download

Sergey Mikhailov& "Speed ​​reading - shamanism over the book"(first chapters)

The book is a collection of trainings, technologies and exercises for the development of speed reading skills. The articles are based on the results of personal training and based on the books I have read. They are the result of conducting an Internet conference dedicated to the development of human intellectual capabilities.

Vasilieva E.E., Vasiliev V.Yu. b"Super memory for everyone"

You can learn to memorize any tables, legal and economic articles, encyclopedic information, complex texts and definitions, poems, lists, price lists and much more, using the special techniques and methods outlined in this book.

Yu.K. Pugach "Development of memory - figurative memory"

The Molto system creates favorable opportunities for significantly accelerating the processes of memorizing and processing information, for the purposeful development of abilities.

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