Modern method of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bas a science: problems and prospects. Modern methods of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bin high school Modern teaching methods

Modern method of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bas science: problems and prospects

Galskova N.D.

The article discusses the actual problems of the methods of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bas science, revealed factors that cause the specifics of its development from the methodological recommendations and the private methodology to the theory of learning foreign languages. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the relationship between the technique with philosophy, linguistics, psychology and didactics, as well as the description of its characteristic features, as interdisciplinary, anthropocentricity, and multi-levelness. The specificity of the object and subject area of \u200b\u200bthe technique as science is justified. Training Foreign language Methodology

This article is devoted to the analysis of the specific characteristics of the modern method of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200b(my) as science, its status and place in the system of scientific knowledge. As is known, at the beginning of its path (the beginning of the last century), MOEIs were interpreted as a set of techniques and a sequence of steps used by the teacher so that students learned the necessary content of the training of a foreign language (IA). The first was the so-called private techniques in which a description of practical steps in learning students of concrete ya was given. Gradually, as cognitive observations in the field of teaching and their generalizations are accumulated, a methodological scientific thinking was developed, which already in the middle of the last century has formed a general methodological scientific picture1. It is from this period that the golden age of domestic mine begins as an independent scientific direction and the concept of "Methods" of learning, according to the expansion value. Representatives of the Golden Generation of Methodists, to the number of which, with full right, can be: A.A. Miroolubova, I.V. Rakhmanova, I.L. Bim, S.K. Folomkin, N.I. GEZ, etc., conducted an intensive and long-term scientific and educational search for evidence that the technique is not a simple set of recommendations and regulations that allow you to organize an educational process on Iia. They accumulated a rich fund of methodological knowledge, representing mine as a science, exploring goals, content, methods, means and methods of learning and educating the means by the means of law, which allows to explore the effectiveness of different models of foreign language learning. In recent decades of the current century, MOEA is interpreted as the theory of learning, which is a strictly structured system of knowledge about the laws of the "admission" of the student to the new linguer culture (language + culture) in relationship with the native language and the initial culture of the student.

Thus, modern mine has passed a complex and rich way of scientific knowledge: from exclusively empirical understanding of the learning process of the Ivey to the theoretical substantiation of a holistic, developing system of scientific concepts, methods and means of methodological scientific knowledge. She proved its ability to formulate its own theoretical postulates within the framework of the historically determined, socially and culturally determined in its development methodological (conceptual) system of students of the student to linguistic experience and implement them in specific educational materials, technologies, learning tools, in real educational pro1 under the scientific picture Peace we, Following V.S. Stepiny, we understand the generalized characteristic of the subject of the study of science, i.e., generalized schemes - images of the subject of a study by which the main system characteristics of the studied reality are recorded.

cessa. Therefore, some skepticism, expressed often in relation to the status of mine as a scientific discipline, is a manifestation of certain ignorance and dilettania.

On the formation of mine as sciences had and affected various factors. These should be attributed to them, first of all, those tasks that society put forward in a particular historical era in front of the methodological science. In addition, the influence on my has the condition of other sciences. Its theoretical postulates have always taken into account and take into account the paradigmal view of philosophers and didakts on the phenomena "Education" and "Training", linguists - to the "Image of Language" as the main object of research, psychologists - to the process of knowledge and teachings. This is due to the interdisciplinary nature of my as science, which in its research related to the theoretical and methodological substantiation of methodological phenomena and the wording of its own system of concepts, does not closes in its content and is not limited to the internal reserves of self-improvement, but in contact with other scientific regions and, above all , with philosophy, linguistics, psychology, pedagogy and didactics. At the same time, one should also keep in mind that another important factor that causes the specifics of methodical knowledge. This is the preceding history of the methods of learning a ya and the current state of development in itself methodical science. In this regard, it is important to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat features are characteristic of her existence at the modern historical stage. On some of them we will stop more.

As you know, mine as scientific discipline is related to the educational environment, which is created by a person and in which he is the main acting person. This gives reason to attribute my homes to the number of humanitarian scientific disciplines, which "concentrate around the problem of a person" and the research subject of which includes the "person, his consciousness and often acts as a text having a human meaning", "value-semantic" measurements.

In the humanitarian sphere, the objective patterns of socio-social development and individual interests, motives, the needs and possibilities of a particular person are closely intertwined. Therefore, my as humanitarian science First of all, it is focused on solving socio-practical problems related to the implementation of the current needs of society in the study of its citizens of non-standard languages \u200b\u200band with improving the quality of language education. At the same time, it, relying on the objective patterns of social development and science, takes into account the value-semantic relationships arising in society in education. This provision gives a methodological knowledge of a unique essential feature - anthropocentricity.

Anthropocentricity manifests itself, first of all, in the adoption of modern methodologists of the anthropocentric paradigm of scientific research, which required the "reversal" of scientific search towards the ability of a person to a non-standard language, its general and key competencies as constituting personality characteristics. In the context of this paradigm, the personality of everyone who is included in the educational activity in the field of IA becomes a natural point of reference in the analysis and substantiation of the patterns of foreign language education.

It is the person in the measurement of at least two linguistics, it is recognized in modern lingvoddactics as a value, while the categories such as: personal experience, emotions, opinions, feelings are particularly important. This gives reason to link foreign language education not only with the "assignment" of a learning certain set of foreign language knowledge, skills and skills, but also with a change in its motives, relationships, personal positions, systems of values \u200b\u200band meanings. This is the main purpose of foreign language education at the present stage of its development.

The anthropocentric paradigm of lingvodidactic and methodological studies in the most naturally spread the boundaries of the research "field" and led to a reversal of scientific search towards the linguistic personality of subjects of training activities, and in relation to learning foreign languages \u200b\u200b- a secondary / bicultural language personality. At the same time, the personality acts as a product, and as a carrier of a specific lingopotnoculture. In relation to the essence of foreign language education, this means that students in an educational situation should show their own activity to solve communicative and cognitive tasks that are creative and problematic nature, and they should also realize that they are in measurements of several cultures. At the same time, since, from the position of the anthropocentric paradigm, a person masters the language through the awareness of its theoretical and practical activity on it and with the help of it, the new semantic components of the methodological theories / concepts / approaches are put forward: "Initial education is not for life, but after all life ! "," Learn is not ia, but with the help of Ia. " It has and well-defined methodical "consequences", postulated as new lingu formation principles. For example, the actualization of cognitive, creative and research activities of the studying; transfer of accent from teaching activities related to language learning / mastering language; reduction of "simulation" of foreign language communication in favor of "authentic communication in the study"; solving diverse tasks using the language; Activation of productive activities of students with yield into a real sociocultural context, etc.

At the same time, the inclusion in the composition of the methodological knowledge, as well as any humanitarian knowledge, "human meanings, ethical and aesthetic values" creates certain problems for my. They are due to internal contradictions between the need for scientific rationality of methodological knowledge (as you know, any science seeks to establish objective laws of development of their research facility) and large "anthroporosis" or "manifection" of methodical knowledge.

Of course, a researcher engaged in the learning problems of the "Human dimension" in the sphere of their scientific interests, take into account the features of the person, who knows someone else's language and other culture that communicates with the carriers of the latter organizing educational process. And here, the so-called interpretative methods of explaining scientific facts often come into force. They closely intertwined objective patterns and individual interests, motives, needs and capabilities of a particular researcher, which may question the objectivity of the scientific results obtained2. In this regard, the question becomes particularly relevant, whether Mother is able to give objective knowledge of its object and subject area. So, E.I. Pasi writes: "... if we compare, say, physical reality (natural reality, which physics studies, with educational reality (with the process of foreign language education), then it is easy to note the fundamental difference between them: while physical reality is created by nature and lives and develops for

2 of philosophy is well known that any scientific knowledge is aimed at identifying the truth characteristics of the surrounding reality (in our case: foreign language education, learning, IA) and is designed to give a knowledge about its objective connections and patterns. In other words, the installation on an objective study of the subject of the study, including in the humanitarian sphere, the search for laws and patterns is the mandatory characteristics of the scientific approach.

kons, independent of the will of the person, educational reality and is created by a person, and depends on it. Although it should be recognized that there are "non-manual" components in the methodological object, for example, the psycho-physiological patterns of perception of language signs, the patterns of mastering speech skills and others. How to be with the objectivity of the object? It turns out, it is more subjective and "man-made". " Hence the following conclusion is obvious. The main pathos of methodological research should be aimed at removing the contradiction between, on the one hand, the need for scientific rationality and objectivity and, on the other, - a high level of human-product methodological knowledge due to the anthropic principle of scientific research, the need to apply the extralyinguistic data obtained during the study Observations for the educational process, experiments and approbations.

It is known that, being pedagogical science, my most closely connected with the didactic. The latter is defined as the overall "theory of learning", exploring the patterns of training and the organizing activity as a social phenomenon. Therefore, since the methodology is interested in the learning process to a certain learning subject (In our case, Iya), it is often qualified as private didactics. And it is difficult to disagree with it. The learning subject "Foreign language" is just one of the elements of the general educational system. Yes, and the training itself is understood by the methodologies, following Didakts, as a special way (institutionally), a systematic, planned and systematic process, during which, as a result of the interaction of the student and teachers, learned and reproduce certain experience (in our case linguocultural) in accordance with A given goal. Consequently, from this point of view, it is possible to state that the problem of "boundaryness" between the didactic and methodological components is of a non-essential character, and the targeted, meaningful and organizational parameters of the learning process of the IA should always be considered through the prism of the general compliant requirements. It is not by chance that such proximity of the didactics and the technique gives the basis to individual scientists to consider the latter only as "procedural design of the method, the method and form of its implementation, the set and sequence of methodological techniques". With this approach, it is obvious that the technique does not have its research goals and does not find out those or other features of the educational process according to IA. Its goal is only to organize this process, choose the most adek © Galskova N.G., 2013 / article posted on the site: 02.26.13 ISSN 2224-0209 Electronic magazine "Bulletin MGOU" / . - 2013. - №1 7 Pedagogy cotton facilities, methods and techniques of training and education, based exclusively on prolonged positions.

It seems that from this point of view, it can be partially agreed only if you interpret the methodology as a set of prescriptions or recommendations for the teacher / teacher regarding certain sections or aspects of the foreign language learning discipline (see above the various meaning of the term "technique" ). In such an understanding, the technique is designed to develop a system of training actions (teaching technology) aimed at introducing students to the content of training in specific training conditions. But we are not talking about the technique in the so-called "technological" meaning. We are talking about mine as a science, the interdisciplinality of which, due to the complexity and multidimensity of its object-subject area, does not reason be limited exclusively by prolonged positions.

Of course, the circle of the main problems in which my own is actually didactic, which, as noted above, is quite natural, as well as the fact that goals, contents, methods and methods of learning ia are formulated in the methodology, taking into account and in context, before In total, the general compliant requirements. But it is impossible not to recognize the fact that my own research object is, namely, a kind of social phenomenon, mastering which students occurs independently of the knowledge of the laws of this phenomenon or with a very limited amount of these knowledge (L.V. Shcherba). This social phenomenon is actually a language that is for students non-rig. As you know, today this phenomenon, due to the fact that the "image" of the language has changed, and in the philosophy of the language, and in the actual linguistic science, is interpreted. Consequently, as an object of teaching and study is not just a means of communication and certainly not systemic language phenomena. This object (in other words, linguoculture) is something more coming to the human attitude towards the language, and on the problems of its introduction to other linguistics in all the diversity of its manifestation, including at the level of empathy, the meanings of fundamental ideological concepts, ideas, concepts, reflecting the orientation and existential needs of the speakers of a particular language of a particular era. It is obvious and the specifics of the experience gained by students during the development of the language of the tongue. This experience that can be called linguistic, make up speech foreign language skills and skills, cognitive and sociocultural knowledge, values, personal qualities, abilities and readiness, purchased by students based on the realization of their native language and native culture. Such complexity of the object of study, teaching and studying allows my "to dissociate" from other techniques. But it is especially important, it gives grounds, on the one hand, to interpret the prolonged states in its own way, "in their own interests", while maintaining a common orientation on the strategic vector of the development of state educational policies in every particular historical period, and on the other, - Not to be limited to regularities that have exclusively the general sound.

If you follow the philosophers dealing with the problems of science studies, and recognize my independent science, it can be considered as a multi-faceted phenomenon whose specificity is expressed in its multi-term. By accepting a certain conventionality aspect separation of the technique, we will dwell on the analysis of the following components: my as specific activities and mine as a knowledge system.

Moys as specific activities are, in fact, a system of cognitive actions aimed at the production and systematization of reliable knowledge of education in the field of law, namely: the structure, principles, forms, the history of this knowledge and methods of obtaining it.

Thus, the methodological knowledge is the main object and the result of knowledge of my. At the same time, scientific knowledge, the content and sequence of cognitive actions proceed in the educational discourse always on two levels: theoretical and empirical. At the theoretical level of the methodological knowledge of the most important methods of research are abstraction and idealization, allowing the scientist to be distracted from a variety of factors that influence the real and very complex process of teaching and studying, and formulate methodical concepts, substantiate the concept (models) of training, as well as methodical approaches to learning to ya. In other words, the result of scientific research of methodologists are formulated theoretical postulates and theoretical constructs, which, as a rule, are checked in practice, and also confirmed by the practice of learning. At the empirical level, such methods such as observation and experiment are used as an analytical tool, the basis for primary theoretical understanding of certain methodological phenomena, when certain submissions, information, information having a special significance for educational space are mined in direct interaction with Reality and taking into account the identified objective patterns.

Consequently, such a ratio of methodological knowledge and experience gives the basis to qualify mine as a theoretic science, i.e., as a specialized area of \u200b\u200bmethodological knowledge, which combines data from scientific (theoretical) reflection and analysis of language training in various learning conditions. However, regardless of what level, the analysis and generalization of the methodological knowledge, the specific activity of methodological knowledge is aimed at the implementation of the three main functions of mine as science. The first function is associated with the analysis, classification and systematization of the methodological concepts and categories associated with the sphere of foreign language education, and bringing them to a logical relationship, and ultimately, into the system, theory. The second function of the methodology as science is interpretation, explaining and understanding the specific facts of real educational practice on the subject in the context of the concept of learning accepted in each historical period. And finally, the third function is to predict the future methodological system according to the definition of the horizons of its nearest and promising development.

Mojah as a knowledge system, i.e., as a conceptually interrelated, holistic and logical system, the system of scientific ideas about learning and foreign-language education, discloses and describes certain patterns, regular bonds, fundamental properties inherent in foreign language education as a system, process , result, values \u200b\u200band learning as the main way to obtain this education.

From philosophy, it is known that any system of scientific knowledge is built on three levels: the methaneoretical, theoretical and empirical. Thus, on the metatoretical level of methodological knowledge, it is, first of all, the scientific picture of the scientific picture of the studied reality under studying in a certain historical period. We also note that the development of mine as a science is the path of the methodical knowledge and changing types of scientific paints of educational reality related to teaching and studying the IAI.

At the metatoretical level, the ideals and norms of scientific research are important in the professional community, as well as philosophical foundations of science. For my methodological foundation, in addition to the philosophy of education, it is certainly a philosophy of language. This fact brings together methodological science with linguistics, psycholinguistics, methods of learning native language. It is known that from the 80s. The last century issues related to the development of a methodology for learning a ya, and today - the methodology of foreign language education, transferred to the discharge of the most relevant. In this regard, we take over the courage to express the following assumption that in the near future we can witness the emergence of a new application industry of philosophy - the philosophy of foreign language education. Its key problems can and should be: the rationale for ideals, norms, purposes of foreign language education; methodology of its value reflection; Methodology of methodological knowledge and knowledge; methods of design and practical activity in foreign language education; The basis of the scientific picture of the reality of foreign language education and others.

In other words, the philosophy of foreign language education can not only push the "borders" of scientific research in the field of foreign language education, but to facilitate the identification of objective patterns, according to which it should develop and evolve.

We believe that the future scientific direction will be specialized in the study of lingual knowledge and lingu formative values \u200b\u200band it has every chance of becoming a special research area.

In the second, theoretical, the level of concepts, categories, laws, principles, theory hypothesis are substantiated, that is, those structural elements from which scientific methodical knowledge is developing. It is the theory that is the most developed and committed form of organization of knowledge obtained as a result of the study of the training of Iia and foreign language education. It builds a methodological knowledge in the form of a connected logical system of scientific methodical concepts, methods and means of methodological scientific knowledge. The theory "by definition" is a conceptual system containing generalized provisions (principles, postulates, axioms), abstract constructs, concepts and laws that represent the object under study in the form of a structured set of elements and their correlations. It can be said that on theoretical level, the technique determines "due", i.e., those major categories that constitute a categorical and conceptual framework of an ideal (projected) methodological system, the concept of foreign language education, scientific theory.

As for the empirical level of theoretical knowledge, it consists of these observations, including during the experiment and experienced training, as well as from those scientific facts that are displayed in the process of comparing these empirical data with common © Galskova N.G., 2013 / The article is posted on the website: 02.26.13 ISSN 2224-0209 Electronic magazine "Bulletin MGOU" / - 2013. - №1 11 Pedagogy theoretical provisions and abstract constructs, justified on the theoretical level. Such an informational exchange serves as the basis of testing empirically by scientific reliability of theoretical results and, at the same time, makes it possible to summarize empirical knowledge at a higher level, relate them to the methodical theory as a whole. Consequently, there are two scenarios for the development of this information exchange. The first implies empirical observation of the process of teaching and studying the IAI. This is important for the accumulation of empirical experience and obtaining information that allows you to theoretically comprehend those or other methodical phenomena. The second path is associated with the inspection in the practice of working hypotheses nominated during scientific (theoretical) research of scientists and lingvodidaks (experiment, experienced training, implementation).

It should be noted that the upper levels of structuring (metatoretical and theoretical) knowledge are based on analytical and generalizing procedures, since we are talking about the substantiation of theoretical constructs, as the main elements of which are theoretical objects such as goals, principles, content, methods and means of learning or foreign language education. It is on these tiers that the initial methodological concepts are formulated, around which general scientific approaches to learning in any ya and / or concrete ya are being built. In turn, the empirical tier, which is most closely associated with the educational process, and the description of the "existing", is responsible for the introduction of target, meaningful and technological aspects of learning in real educational practice. Thus, the procedure for the rationale for my theory includes the establishment of the connection of the initial empirical knowledge and theoretical, often abstract positions and constructs, which, in turn, are confirmed or refuted by the practice of learning the II and the methodological knowledge gained on the empirical level. It can be said that the modern methodology as the theory is designed to answer questions about how to act to achieve the planned result of foreign language education, how to build an educational process so that it can be about its effectiveness not only in terms of mastering the learning language as a means of communication and Cognition and other culture in correlation with the native culture of the student, but also in the context of its development and education, etc.

It is well known that since the middle of the last century, the domestic mine is actively evolving as a theory, systematic © Galskova N.G., 2013 / article posted on the site: 02.26.13 ISSN 2224-0209 Electronic magazine "Bulletin MGOU" / www.evestnik- - 2013. - №1 12 Pedagogy Ski streamlining its categorical-conceptual apparatus and building a conceptual system of learning IA, and today is a system of foreign language education. The strategic goal of scientific search in my - the rationale for general theoretical provisions that exist is not autonomously, but are peculiar "technological recipes" for educational practices, which determine the undoubted value of methodical knowledge. But it should also be taken into account the following: Moja as the theory builds the ideal image of foreign language education as a subject of scientific activity, in turn, the practice of learning focuses on this image, i.e., on the ideal idea of \u200b\u200bthe learning process by foreign languages. The degree of "approximation" to the theoretically built ideal depends on the level of qualifications of the scientist and the author of the program and training funds, from the professional competence of the practice teacher and its individual interpretations, as well as from awareness at the level of the state, society and the specific personality value of foreign language education and the significance of languages At a certain stage of social development. This in the aggregate determines the complexity and multifactivity of the scientific search process in the methodological region and makes the object of mine diffuse, the study and adequate description of which are possible only under the condition of the synthesis of reflexive-analytical and reflexive-empirical components of methodological knowledge.

As is known, in the scientific knowledge of the reality of interest to us, that is, in. Interesting education, scientists may be interested in various objects. This gives grounds for the appearance of a number of systemically organized and informed theories in the methodological science, for example, the "theory of learning theory", the "theory of foreign language education", the "Theory of the textbook on the basis", the "Theory of early foreign language education" and others. Such a branching is a consequence Internal differentiation of methodological science, due to its need to penetrate into the complex structure of research objects, which are the training of IA and foreign language education. The consequence of the development of science due to differentiation is also, for example, the allocation of currently lingvoddetactics and methods or theory and methods of learning, methods as theories and as learning and development technologies, techniques and technology of foreign language education. All this indicates that Mojah is a developing knowledge system that does not end in any stage of its development to achieve the final and comprehensive painting of the process of mastering a person / human learning to him with a language / non-standard language.

In addition, it, like any science, is "by definition a continuously innovative system", generating all new ideas and their decisions, and today, the desire for the "technicalization" of methodical knowledge, which is a sign of scientific thought in the post-industrial era.


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Education is one of the social instruments for the integration of Kazakhstan's society into the world society (multi-stage training of specialists, convertibility of Kazakhstani diplomas) After studying the progressive views of modern scientists, it can be concluded that only poliosal learning is one of the possibilities of the most effective reform of foreign languages \u200b\u200bin school. It is poliosal learning in the center of attention of languages \u200b\u200bresearchers and is considered as a very promising direction. The radical model of poliosal education is multilingual learning to second language from the very beginning of study at school.

Based on the concept of ethnocultural education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, we consider our topic relevant, as well as developing linvistic abilities in students, we create a policultural personality. Our topic corresponds to the modern state and the prospects for the development of science, in its content it meets the tasks and requirements of modern education as, knowledge of the native and state languages, the study of a foreign language expands the horizontal of the personality, contributes to its multifaceted development, contributes to the formation of the installation on tolerance and the volume vision of the world .

With the entry into the pan-European house, the question of the admission of a resident of the coming century to world culture, about the approach of his educational level to the European standard, about ownership of them at least two foreign languages \u200b\u200bwas approached. By the authors of temporary state educational Standard According to a foreign language, an expanded interpretation of the goal of learning a foreign language in Kazakhstan schools is put forward - the formation of communicative competence.

In the course of work on our graduation work we used such research methods and techniques: analysis of psychological and pedagogical and methodological literature on the issue of research; study of special literature on information technology and the structure of computer networks; Analysis of modern teaching technologies by foreign languages; Systematization of obtained information for experimental research, experiment, generalization, observation.

The fact that at the end of the XX cent is obvious. In Kazakhstan, a "revolution" occurred in the methods of teaching English. Previously, all priorities without a residue were given to grammar, almost mechanical mastering in a vocabular, reading and literary translation. These are the principles of the "old school", which (worth paying proper) nevertheless brought the fruit. Mastering the language was carried out through long routine labor. The tasks were proposed sufficiently monotonous: reading text, translation, memorization of new words, retelling, exercises in the text. Sometimes, for the sake of the necessary change of activity, - an essay or dictation, plus phonetic carriage as rest. When priorities were given to reading and working on the "tops", only one language function was implemented - informative. It is not surprising that the language well knew units: only very purposeful and hardworking people could master them at a high level. But according to the degree of ownership of grammar, they could boldly with graduates of Cambridge. True, they received good compensation for the works: the profession of a foreign language teacher or the translator was considered in demand. Now, for achieving such a high social situation, a lot of urinary, perseverance and everyday life is also required. But truly "revolutionary" is that the language has become in one form or another available to the majority.

The inclusion in the target training in a foreign language, as a full-fledged component, will ensure the learning of the realities of another national culture, the expansion of their overall outlook, which will also lead to an increase in interest in the investigated and resistant motivation.

The functions of the teacher in the educational process have changed significantly. For a change, a mentor teacher, a teacher-observer, a teacher, a mediator teacher, a teacher, "Developer" and "Head". Although the personality of the teacher in this case goes into the background, the influence of its audience is not reduced, but, on the contrary , increases.

In this regard, the knowledge of the history of the methods of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bwill help the novice teacher is freely oriented in the choice of teaching techniques, rationally combine them in their work, consciously and creatively apply the recommendations of leading teachers.

Now no one doubts that the teaching methodology in foreign languages \u200b\u200bis science. The very first determination of the technique was given by E.M. Rut in 1930, which wrote: "The method of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bis a practical application of comparative linguistics."

Progress and fundamental changes in language learning methods are undoubtedly related to innovations in the field of personality psychology and group. Now there are noticeable changes in the consciousness of people and the development of new thinking: the need for self-actualization and self-realization appears. The psychological factor of studying foreign languages \u200b\u200bis highlighted for leading positions. Authenticity of communication, weighted requirements and claims, mutually benefit, respect for the freedom of other people is a set of unwritten rules for building constructive relations in the teacher-student system.

Democratic changes recent years, Legislatively enshrined right to freedom of pedagogical creativity freed from prohibitions for many years artificially contained creative potential. Many educational institutions They began to incarnate the most secret projects of their best teachers and managers.

Today, the teacher is also not constrained in the choice: methods and techniques of learning - from games and trainings to synchronous translation; in organizing classes; In the choice of textbooks and teaching aids - from a wide range of domestic publications to Oxford, Cambridge, London, New York and Sydney. The teacher can now pick up, create, combine, modify.

Subject of study: modern methods of teaching foreign languages.

Object of study: Training process by foreign languages.

The purpose of this graduation work: It is widely examined by questions regarding the application of modern technologies in the training of a foreign language and prove that the study, selection and application of innovative technologies will help make the educational process more efficient.


Studying at least 25 sources of literature, for a more complete disclosure of the topic;

Study of all aspects of the topic for applying to this thesis;

Carrying out practical work and coverage of results in our work;

Study the opinions of teachers on this topic;

Select fundamental learning methods and describe their advantages.

Hypothesis: if in the process of learning a foreign language to apply innovative technologies, it will help to achieve success and effective results in teaching a foreign language.

The awareness of the need for at least one foreign language has come to our society. Any specialist if he wants to succeed in his area, knowledge of a foreign language is vital. Therefore, the motivation to study it has increased dramatically. Unfortunately, almost all foreign language textbooks are developed on a certain average student. You can compensate for this deficiency and necessary due to the methods developed in the methods, approaches and technologies for studying their study and practical application.

Considering all the foregoing and understanding the increased interest of teachers to this topic, we consider the topic of this thesis relevant to date. In this accommodation work, we speak and highlight such questions as a description, analysis, practical application of modern technologies. So in chapter 1 we give a description to the most relevant teaching technologies in foreign language. Show positive aspects of this or that technology in teaching. Chapter 2 contains a description of the practical application of some technologies, as well as analysis and results for this work. Accordingly, the main subject of research of our work is modern technologies Learning in foreign language.

The bulk of materials for analysis and systematization of scientific knowledge of this work was taken in the rooms of the journal "Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bin School" for various years. EI works were also widely used. Passov and G.N. Kilgorodskaya.

1. Modern teaching technologies in secondary schools

1.1 Personal- oriented learning approach

Personal-oriented education - education, ensuring the development and self-development of the identity of the child with identifying individual characteristics as a subject of knowledge and objective activities. It is based on recognition for each student the right to choose its own way of development through the creation of alternative forms of learning.

Personality-oriented training provides every student based on his abilities, inclinations, interests and subjective experience, the opportunity to realize themselves in knowledge and training activities.

A schoolboy, as is known, perceives only what he wants and may, refracting educational and educational effects through the prism of its integral individuality, that is, as a subject.

The cultural environment of the school is the basis of human formation, as a person is the highest value and the highest goal of education and education. The process of forming a human personality, identifying creative potential in each child, the development of the child's abilities to make their choice, the creation of conditions for variable education - the main features of the pedagogy of the future, personal-oriented school environment.

In the consciousness of modern high school students, an image of a school, which fully corresponds to the goals of humanistic, personal-oriented pedagogy.

Currently, language training is considered at an angle of view of learning communicative activities, communication. It is logical to refer to the reading in a foreign language, including individual home reading, as one of the important sources of cognitive needs of students and as a means of teaching personal-oriented communication.

The possibility of developing oral speech on the read-based database never caused doubts. Many modern methods and practice teachers recommend and successfully use reading as a means of learning to spelling at all stages and in different conditions.

Let us see briefly on the characteristics of the concept of personal-oriented communication. B.V. Lomom calls personal forms of communication, in which there is no object of activity, external in relation to the interaction of partners, or this subject plays only a tool role. Driving power Such communication is the value that his partners are present for each other, and objects that are involved in this process play the role of intermediaries or signs, in whose language the subjects reveal themselves to each other. Under personal-oriented communication in the educational process, we understand communication based on the interest of a person to a person, on a friendly, tactful, respectful relationship of the interlocutors, knowledge and taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of their character, temperament.

Such communication, expressed in the appropriate speech form, contributes to self-expression. One of the sources of development of the structure of personal-oriented foreign language communication are various intensive methods of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200b(G.A. Khorgorodskaya, E.G. Chalkova).

A characteristic feature of most forms of personal-oriented communication is the orientation of the subject of communication to get an answer from the interlocutor immediately to perceive his reaction and in accordance with this decide in which direction to act further. In this case, the transformation of the process of mastering the language in the process of personality becomes important. The transfer of personal and meaningful information will stimulate further new statements of students, which is explained by the ambiguity of the perception of such information. In other words, in this case, the translation of speech activity in the field of mental processes becomes possible. With this approach, the main task of the methodology is to increase the intellectual-mental activity of the trainees.

A personal-oriented approach to learning allows for each child effective assistance in becoming a mature and comprehensively developed personality. The implementation of the priority of morality involves the formation of moral orientation of the individual, the development of its moral and creative attitude to reality. It is important to form in children the feeling of involvement in the world around the world, the ability to take care of its conservation and improvement.

So the orientation for the priority of creativity is a universal mechanism that ensures the entry of a young man into the world of culture and the formation of a way of existence in this world. Live perception of time, his understanding is impossible without self-consciousness, understanding its place in the world, aspiration for the future.

Innovative requirements for the design of the language learning lesson, including not native, require such an organization from a teacher educational processIn which the student takes an active position, is not an object, but a subject of learning. The educational system of the Republic of Kazakhstan is experiencing a reform period, the content of education is enriched, new approaches are developed in the method of learning to various subjects, the requirements for the final result are changed - the level of graduate studies.

The graduate of the school must have the necessary knowledge, skills, skills, carry out various activities, be able to use new information technology, be ready to cooperate, seeking to avoid and overcome conflicts. All this can be achieved only with a personal-oriented approach to education and upbringing, when the needs of the schoolboy are taken into account.

A personal-oriented approach affects all components of the education system and on the entire educational process, contributing to a favorable environment. A personal-oriented approach involves flexibility in determining the goals, takes into account the personal interests of schoolchildren and their individual features and creates prerequisites for greater learning performance. At the same time, the approach creates a special relationship between students and the teacher, between the students themselves, multiple learning and raising media are formed with exit outside the lesson and school. Personal-oriented training includes project method, training in collaboration, contextual training, intensive training and multi-level learning. Training in collaboration. Modern teaching aids on pedagogical psychology (Guy R. lefranzois "Psychology for Teaching", 1991; Earnst T. Goetz, Patricia A. Alexander, Michael J. Ash "Educational Psychology. A Classroom Perspective", 1992) refer to the humanistic direction in training Three Didactic Systems: So-called Open Schools (Open Education or Open Classroom), Individual Learning Style (The Learning-Styles Approach) and COOPERTIVE Learning. In the UK, Australia, the United States has experience learning students on individual plans, in accordance with the individual learning style. For the mass school, the most interesting learning experience in collaboration as general didactic conceptual approach, especially, should be taken into account that these technologies are well organically fit into the urban system, do not affect the content of learning, allow you to most effectively achieve projected learning outcomes and disclose potential Opportunities for each student. Considering the specifics of the subject "Foreign language", these technologies can provide the necessary conditions for the intensification of the cognitive and speech activities of each student of the group, providing each of them the opportunity to realize, comprehend the new language material, to obtain sufficient oral practice to form the necessary skills and skills.

The ideology of training in cooperation was developed in detail by three groups of American teachers: R. Slavic from John Hopkins University; R. Johnson and D. Johnson from the University of Minnesota; Group E. Aronson from the University of California. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis technology is to create conditions for the active joint learning activities of students in different training situations. Different students: some quickly "grab" all explanations of the teacher, easily master lexical material, communicative skills; Another required not only much more time to understand the material, but also additional examples, explanations. Such guys, as a rule, shy to ask questions with the whole class, and sometimes they simply do not realize that they do not understand exactly, they cannot formulate the question correctly.

If in such cases, combine the guys into small groups (3-4 people) and give them one general task, having arisen the role of each student of the group in the implementation of this task, the situation in which everyone responds not only for the result of its work arises (which often Leaves a schoolboy indifferent), but, which is especially important, for the result of the whole group. Therefore, weak students try to find out with strong all the questions incomprehensible to them, and strong students are interested in all members of the group, primarily a weak student, thoroughly figured out the material (at the same time, a strong schoolboy has the opportunity to check out his own understanding of the issue, reach the very essence ). Thus, booms are eliminated by joint efforts. Such is the overall idea of \u200b\u200btraining in collaboration. Practice shows that together learning not only easier and more interesting, but also more efficiently. It is important that this efficiency concerns not only not only academic success, but also their intellectual and moral development. Learn together, and not just something to do together - this is what is the essence of this approach. The idea of \u200b\u200btraining in collaboration received its development by the efforts of many teachers in many countries of the world, for the very idea of \u200b\u200bextremely humane in its essence, and, consequently, pedagogical, although it has noticeable differences in the versions of different countries. There are many diverse training options in collaboration. List them:

A group of students are formed by the teacher to the lesson, of course, taking into account the psychological compatibility of children. At the same time, each group should have a strong, medium and weak student, girls and boys. If the group works nicely the composition can not be changed. If work for some reason does not glue, the group composition can be changed from the lesson lesson.

The group gives one task, but when it is fulfilled, the distribution of roles between the members of the group is provided.

The work is estimated not to one student, but the whole group; It is important that not so much knowledge is evaluated as the effort of students. At the same time, in some cases, it can be provided by the guys themselves to evaluate the results.

· The teacher himself selects the student group, which must report for the task. In some cases it may be a weak student. If a weak student is able to thoroughly set out the results of the team's collaboration, respond to questions of other groups, it means that the goal has been achieved and the group coped with the task. So, we give some training options in collaboration.

1. Student Team Learning (STL, Team Learning). In this embodiment, the implementation of training in collaboration is paid to "group purposes" (Team Goals) and the success of the entire group (Team Success), which can be achieved only as a result of the independent work of each member of the group (team) in constant interaction with other students of the same Groups when working on the topic / problem / issue to be studied. Options for this approach can be considered:

a) Individual Group (Student - Teams - Achievement Divisions - Stad)

b) Command-gaming (Teams - Games - Tournament - TGT) work.

2. Another version of the organization of training in collaboration was developed by Professor E. Aronson in 1978 and called it Jigsaw. In pedagogical practice, this approach is indicated by the abbreviated "drank". Students are organized in groups of 4-6 people to work on educational material, which is divided into fragments (logical or semantic blocks). Such work, neither the lessons of law is organized at the stage of creative use of language material. Each member of the group finds material in its subtop. Then schoolchildren studying the same question, but working in different groups, are encountered and exchanged information as experts on this issue. This is called "Expert Meetings". Then the guys return to their groups and taught everything new, which recognized comrades in their group. Those, in turn, tell about their part of the task. All communication is conducted on the basis. Reported throughout the topic every student individually and the whole team as a whole.

3. Another example of training in collaboration - Learning Together (Learning together) developed at the University of Minnesota in 1987 (D. Johnson and R. Johnson). The class is divided into groups of 3-4 people. Each group receives one task that is part of any big topicOver which the whole class works. Each group is given a task to prepare its part. As a result of the collaboration of individual groups and all groups, generally achieves the assimilation of the material in full. It should be borne in mind that all the necessary vocabulary on the topic is learned during the previous work in other lessons. The main ideas inherent in all those described here are the training options in collaboration, give the teacher to be oriented for each student. This is a personal-oriented approach in a cooling-up system, one of the possible ways to implement it. When using training in collaboration, it is hard to achieve that students in small groups communicate either. But practice shows that with a fairly persistent attention from the teacher, this requirement is performed first with difficulty, and then gradually with obvious pleasure. It should be noted that it is not enough to form groups and give them a corresponding task. The point is that the student himself wants to acquire knowledge. The problem of motivating independent training activities is no less important than the organization, conditions and methods of work on the task.

1.2 Communicative learning method

The nomination of foreign language culture as a matter of learning caused the emergence of the need to create a new methodological system, which could ensure that this goal achieves the most efficient and rational way. Then the team of the Department of Teaching Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bof Lipetsk State pedagogical Institute For a number of years led to the development of the principles of communicative techniques. The logic of developing a communicative technique and led to the final nomination of foreign language culture as a goal of learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bat school. A similar system can only be built on a communicative basis. In addition, as the practice of using the communicative technique has shown, it provides not only the assimilation of a foreign language as a means of communication, but also the development of the comprehensive qualities of the individual personality. The communicative method was the basis for creating textbooks in English in high school.

Communicative training is built in such a way that all its content and organization are permeated novelty.

Novelty prescribes the use of texts and exercises containing something new for students, refusal to repeatedly read the same text and exercises with the same task, the variability of texts of different content, but built on the same material. Thus, novelty provides a refusal of arbitrary exhaustion, develops the pro-produce, heuristicness and productivity of speech skills of students, is of interest to learning activities.

As mentioned earlier, many modern techniques are communicatively oriented, and one of the most important goals is training to communicate and spending speech funds. Each methodology uses different means, methods and principles. That is, each of the techniques has distinctive specific features.

The very first specific feature of the communicative technique is that the purpose of learning is not in mastering a foreign language, but by the "foreign language culture", which includes a cognitive, educational, developing and educational aspect. These aspects include acquaintance and study of not only the linguistic and grammatical language system, but also its culture, the relationship between it with their native culture, as well as the building of someone else's language, its character, features, similarities and differences with their native language. They also include the satisfaction of the personal cognitive interests of the trainee in any of their areas of activity. The last factor provides additional motivation to the study of a foreign language by the student, in this not interested.

The second specific feature of the communicative technique is mastering all aspects of foreign language culture through communication. It was the communicative technique for the first time that put forward that communication should be trained only through communication, which became for modern methods One of the characteristic features. In the communicative methodology of training, communication performs the functions of learning, knowledge, development and upbringing.

The next distinguishing feature of the proposed concept is to use all the functions of the situation. Communicative training is based on situations that (in contrast to others methodical schools) It is understood as a system of relationship. The chief emphasis here is not to reproduce with the help of funds of visibility or verbal description of fragments of reality, but to create a situation as a system of relationships between trainees. Discussion of situations built on the basis of the relationships of the students, makes it possible to make the process of learning foreign-language culture as natural and approximate to the conditions of actual communication.

The communicative technique also includes the mastery of non-verbal means of communication: such as gestures, facial expressions, postures, distance, which is an additional factor when memorizing lexical and any other material.

A specific feature of the communicative technique is also the use of conditionally speech exercises, that is, exercises that are built on a full or partial repetition of the representative of the teacher. As knowledge and skills acquired, the nature of the speech exercises is becoming increasingly difficult until the need for them does not exhaust themselves when the statements of the students do not become independent and meaningful.

Communication - involves building learning as models of communication process. In order to learn the main features of the communication process, firstly, it is necessary to switch to personal communication with students, thanks to which a normal psychological climate is in working with the audience. Secondly, to solve this task, it is necessary to use all methods of communication - interactive (when the teacher interacts with students based on any activity, in addition to the study),

Persisisitive (when there is a perception of each other as personalities, bypassing the statuses of the teacher and the student),

Information (when a student and teacher change their thoughts, feelings, not words and grammatical structures). And the third necessary condition is the creation of communicative motivation - the need that encourages students to participate in communication, in order to change the relationship with the interlocutor. Communication should be constructed in such a way that the gradual mastering of speech material occurs.

The communicative method is designed to teach speaking. Based on this method, different systems of learning can be created, depending on which language is also trained in any conditions. For example, teaching speaking in English in the language (non-language) school. In addition, communication, as a category of technique, can serve as a basis for creating training methods and other types of speech activities - audience, reading, writing, translation. In this case, the nomenclature of the principles will be somewhat different.

Why is a foreign language lesson often remains only a language lesson, but does not become a lesson of foreign language culture? First of all, because the teacher himself is not (and often does not want to be) the connoisseur and user of that very foreign-language culture, the development of which, he must do together with the disciples. But culture comes to the student, primarily through the language itself, through communication in the language. Teachers often miss the fact that a significant part of the training process is occupied by training that can become the main projection of foreign language culture in the lesson. To successfully develop speaking, you need to create a linguistic environment:

Intimate talk;


- "warming up";

Raffle and others.

An error would think that the communicative method is intended only for easy secular conversation. Those who want to be a professional in a specific area regularly read publications on their topics in foreign publications. Possessing a great vocabulary, they are easily focused in the text, but to support a conversation with a foreign counterpart on the same topic they are tremendous effort. The communicative method is intended, first of all, to remove the fear of communication. A man armed with a standard set of grammatical structures and a vocabulary of 600-1000 words will be easy mutual language In an unfamiliar country. However, there is also a reverse side of the medal: clashing phrases and poor lexicon. Add to this mass of grammatical errors, and you will understand that the only way is not to be surrounded, say, so, a stupid source - high attention to partners, knowledge of etiquette and a constant desire to improve. Those who study on the communicative technique - "light cavalry". They garbage under the walls of the fortress, make rapid attacks and want to disrupt the flag, not noticing how beautiful the precipitated citadel.

Speaking about the role and place of this technology in the educational process, it should be noted that in the concept of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the task of a serious restructuring of the teaching of a foreign language is tasked, since it is necessary to improve the communicative orientation of training.

1.3 Multi-level learning

Multi-level learning - a person is so multifaceted that it is sometimes very difficult to consider possible turns in its development. Based on testing for individual subjects to create groups of different levels: "A", "B", "C". The guys continue to learn in their classes, but they go to their groups for lessons on individual subjects. Throughout the training, the system of tests and verification works are valid, at any time if the student shows higher results and express the desire to move to another higher-level group, it will be given such an opportunity. By 14 years, the guys may well determine their capabilities and abilities in different subjects. Practice shows that Teachers have long realized the need for a differentiated approach to learning, so that more time can be given to the lagging disciples, without missing the rest, creating favorable conditions for everyone and everyone in accordance with their abilities and capabilities, the peculiarities of their mental development and nature.

Under the multi-level training, we understand this organization of the educational process, in which each student has the opportunity to master the educational material on individual school subjects at different levels, but not lower than the basic, depending on its abilities and individual characteristics. At the same time, his efforts to master this material, creative use, are accepted for the criterion for assessing the student's activities.

1.4 Intensive learning technique

Intensive English learning technique acquires special popularity. She helps everyone for whom the phrase "time is money" and "money - time" is equivalent. Study English intensively allows a high degree of template - this language consists of a 25% cliché. I remember and practicing a certain circle of "sustainable expressions", you can in principle can be explained and understand the interlocutor. Of course, the intensive element would not be able to enjoy reading Bairon in the original, but after all, the goals of this course are completely different. The intensive method is aimed at the formation of "expressive speech behavior", and therefore often has a linguistic nature. At the good courses, you will most likely provide opportunities for unlimited communication and maximum potential realization, and your needs will fall into the focus of the course. Each student will be able to feel like a person. And the training techniques will most likely have dialogical communication and trainings.

As for the deadlines, to learn English even at the simplest level "in two weeks" is difficult and in a fantastic dream, but in 2-3 months - already more real.

In modern conditions, the rapid development of science and technology, the problem of the transition to the intensive path of development is also solved in all spheres of society and at all stages of the formation of personality and specialists. It is also relevant for learning foreign languages. The search for optimal ways to solve this issue was caused at the end of the 60s - early 70s of our century the emergence of a method based on a suggestive impact on students.

The Suggestopean direction appeared in connection with the attempt by the Bulgarian doctor-psychotherapist Georgy Lozanova to use Suggestion as a means of enhancing reserve mental opportunities in the educational process, in particular, in teaching foreign languages.

The ideas of Lozanova were a starting point for building a number of methodological systems intensive training in foreign languages. Initially, the intensive learning model in foreign languages \u200b\u200bwas developed for the use of an adult contingent of students in short-term courses, but in the future the experience of successfully implementing the intensive method of learning and in other conditions was positive.

Currently, intensive training in foreign languages \u200b\u200bis implemented in various developing, newly created and existing methodical systems. This is due to the diversity of specific learning goals of the foreign language of the various contingent of trainees, as well as the diversity of training conditions (grid of school hours, their number, consulting school).

For followers of Lozanova in our country, developing his ideas, became G.A. Khorgorodskaya, N.V. Smirnova, I.Yu. Shekter and others.

The most famous currently is the method of enhancing the reserve capabilities of the personality and team G.A. Kilgorodskaya. In the activation method, the concept of intensive learning in foreign language is most clearly reflected.

1.5 Dialogue of Cultures

The updated content of domestic education is designed to provide an adequate global level and professional culture Personality, its integration into the system of world and national cultures.

The basis of the cultural approach in education is the following pattern: the development of a harmonious personality depends on the level of development of basic humanitarian culture.

Knowing other languages, a person gets the opportunity to cross the border of his native culture and meetings with other cultures. There is a dialogue of cultures. Foreign language is an integral part of cultural education. The task of cultural education, including well-developed for a foreign language, is the creation of conditions in which the human person can manifest itself in all its diversity and self-determination, leading a dialogue in the horizon of culture. The personality is alive only in its conversion to others, in the perception of another in attention to another, in communicating with another (or himself as another). So the personality is where there is a dialogue. All methods, techniques and means of teaching a foreign language in the context of the dialogue of cultures are aimed at recognizing and understanding the new culture. In turn, such installations create a need to ensure such an organization of the educational process, which would contribute to the formation and development of the personality of the studying. The basis of training in a foreign language in the context of a personal activity should be not only not only and not so much memorization of information as the active participation of students in mastering knowledge, the formation of their ability to independently productive activities in a foreign language. This provides for the opportunity to use a series of creative tasks, role-playing games, situations, etc. The process of cognition, understanding, recognition of the new culture is very difficult. Since the student often considers the cultural phenomena of another people from the point of view of the internal perspective, through the prism of their own culture, it becomes clear why allowed gross mistakes, Sometimes you break the process of communication, and sometimes you are simply impossible. For a member of the German researcher, the city of Fisher, we have the case with the so-called "civilian interference" in this case.

In teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bin the context of the dialogue of cultures, unlimited educational opportunities arise if a foreign language is used as a means of introducing students to the spiritual culture of other peoples and the knowledge of reality by foreign language communication, as a method of self-knowledge and self-expression in the process of communication.

Studying authentic texts, reading newspapers and magazines in a foreign language, listening to audio cassettes, viewing video films introduces students with a culture of another people, helps to identify the similarities and differences in the culture of two peoples, gives students the opportunity to take a different look at the problems of their peers in the country studied, Get acquainted with the specifics of the mentality of the people, the businesses, customs, the style of the country's life of the language under study. When studying a foreign language in the context of the dialogue of cultures, it should be proceeded from the principle of equality of all human cultures (L. Gotze). This thesis, however, does not least detract from the autonomy of the culture of any people and at the same time helps to avoid ethnocentrism, i.e. Feelings of superiority of their own language and culture. The teacher must occupy this position in the process of pedagogical activity at which he will educate the students respect for the culture of another people, to give an objective assessment of the cultural culture of another people, awakening the desire to learn as much as possible about the country under study, taking into account the possibility of mutual enrichment cultures. Only in this case it will be possible to talk about the dialogue of cultures in the broad sense of the word, which implies mutual understanding and mutual enrichment. Who wants to know a foreign language and correctly use it, he must, above all, know the world of people who speak this language.

2. Practical application of modern technologies in the educational process

2.1 Project method

In practice, 2 modern teaching technologies in foreign language were tested for observing and obtaining results: project technology and information technology. These technologies are innovative technologies. The concept of "innovation" in the modern dictionary of foreign words is interpreted as an innovation. In scientific literature russian word The "innovation" is defined as a targeted change in the implementation medium, new stable elements causing the system transition from one state to another.

Among the modern methods of training, the project method is the most promising, it allows in a real educational process to achieve any program, the standard of education for each academic subject by other, alternative traditional methods, while maintaining all the achievements of didactics, pedagogical psychology, private techniques. Currently, the project method is located in the center of the scientific interests of many researchers. Therefore, if we are talking about project methods, we mean it is a way to achieve a didactic goal through the detailed development of the problem (technology). Development should be completed quite real, tangible practical result, decorated in one way or another. So, for example, starting the topic "My Motherland" in grade 7 with the number of students in 18 people, it was decided to make a collage. Task in groups: Determine what we understand under the word "My Motherland", which is for us than we are proud of. Our task was to bring old magazines, scissors, glue, paper and markers, providing students with Russian-English dictionaries and formulating a task. Inside the group, students (4-5 people) duties were distributed: someone draws up a collage, someone is looking for words in the dictionary. During operation, the teacher only advised about the faithful use of certain foreign language words. At the end of the work, the group represented his project and defended him (as she did - they also decide for themselves). It may be a story, interview, song, etc. Of course, a prerequisite is in a foreign language. And then work on this topic is already easier and more interesting, since the disciples themselves imbued with this topic, thought, determined the main points of studying the topic. Projects provide personal responsibility for each student. Throughout work on the project, each student is responsible for a certain type (stage) of work.

This work has created a completely different psychological climate in the class team. Every student understood personal responsibility to the group, class. This type of work allowed us to use my vocabulary, the ability to express in the language as, the method of projects is based on the development of cognitive, creative skills of students, the abilities independently design their knowledge, skills to navigate information space, Development of critical thinking. Upon completion of the project, we carried out monitoring to identify the degree of interest in this type of work. The essence of the concept of "project" is the pragmatic focus on the result we received when working on a collage. The result of this work could be seen, comprehended. To achieve such a result, it was necessary to teach children to think independently, find and solve problems, attracting their research potential for this purpose.

The school is an open socio-pedagogical system, which is created by society and is designed to perform socially significant functions. As the Company is updated and the School change changes and the school is changing. The current situation is characterized by global changes in all spheres of life, and in education in particular.

Chart 2.1.

The country's transition to the path of innovative development is directly declared today and is discussed in a number of regulatory documents, considering several key concepts of innovative development. Actually, innovative activities are aimed at the opening to turn into the invention, the invention is to the project, the project - in the technology of real activity, the results of which, in fact, and act as innovation. One of these innovations is the technology of the project.

The project method arose at the beginning of the century, when the minds of teachers, philosophers were aimed at finding ways, ways to develop active independent thinking of the child to teach it not just to memorize and reproduce the knowledge that gives them educational institution, and be able to apply them in practice. That is why US teachers J. Dewey, kilpatrick and others turned to the active cognitive and creative joint activities of children in solving one common problem. Its solution required knowledge from various areas. That is why the initial method of projects was called problematic. The project method involves essentially using a wide range of problem, research, search methods focused clearly on a practical result.

In order to develop research skills, we conducted a project in grade 9 in the amount of 17 people on the topic "Environment". This work allowed independently working with information, conduct research, develop the ability to work in groups, comply with certain requirements. And one of the most important advantages of this work is a connection with life and reality. What gave an incentive to work on a creative project. This project method was widely used in this class because it allowed it to organically integrate the knowledge of students from different areas when solving one problem, made it possible to apply the knowledge gained in practice, while generating new ideas.

Project method is needed in the teaching of foreign languages. First of all, a foreign language teacher teaches children to speech activities, so we are talking about communicative competence as one of the main objectives of foreign language learning. The purpose of learning is not a language system, but speech activity, and not by itself, but as a means of intercultural interaction. To form schoolchildren with the necessary skills and skills in one form of speech activities, as well as linguistic competence at the level of a certain program and standards, an active oral practice is needed for each student of the group. So that students perceived the language as a means of intercultural interaction, it is necessary not only to acquaint them with the country's subject, but also to look for ways to include them into the active dialogue of cultures. The main idea of \u200b\u200ba similar approach to foreign language training is, thus, is to move the focus with a different type of exercise on the active mental activity of students requiring them to design certain language means. Among students of 5 classes, a project was conducted on the topic "My Family Tree". Most students worked independently to tell about their family. The study of one family awakened interest among students. Thus, they independently enriched their vocabulary. When summing up, the members of the expert group handed each participant a memorable sign with the inscription. For example, "A Music Family", "A Nice Family", etc. Next, the guys were expressed that I liked the most, which of the projects, and why. This work allowed not only to check the vocabulary on the topic, but also to track the correctness of the preparation of proposals.

Also when working with this class (Grade 5) "My Flat" we tried to withstand the basic requirements for the use of project method:

1. The presence of a significant problem in a research, creative plan (tasks requiring integrated knowledge, research search for its solution), for example, the organization of travels to different countries, the problem of the free time of youth, the problem of home improvement, the problem of relations between generations, etc.

2. Practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the alleged results (tourist route program, newspaper issue, flat layout, report from events, interview with "star", etc.)

3. Independent (individual, steam room, group) activities of students.

Determination of the end targets of joint / individual projects.

4. Definition of the intercondiscunity of the basic knowledge necessary for work on the project.

5. Structuring the substantive part of the project (with the indication of phased results).

6. Using research methods:

Determining the problem arising from it the objectives of the study;

Nomination of the hypothesis of its solution, discussion of research methods;

Registration of finite results;

Analysis of the data obtained;

Summing up, adjustment, conclusions.

Fragment of the conducted lesson in grade 5 on the topic "My Flat".

The purpose of the lesson: Training students in independent use of vocabulary on the topic,

Tasks of the lesson: Learn to describe the room, familiarize yourself with English predictions, educate love for your home.

Equipment: a set of toy furniture, pictures on the topic.

Stage of application practical knowledge With independent training. Pupils arranged toy furniture and discussing the interior using the Table Table with English pretexts. Thus, work was held in pairs. Next was the description of the room on a chain, individual work:

T: ANSWER MY QUESTIS, PLEASE! What Kind of Room Is This? Is IT Big Or Small? Where Isue Table? ETC.

The picture description went on a chain in a logical sequence.

25 minutes was spent on the preparation of this project. To solve the problem of time to prepare, it is worth thinking about the project for a certain time before the top of the topic. In practice, students are very fascinated by work on projects.

We present several examples of projects and analyze the results.

One of the projects in grade 5 on "Would You Like A Cup of TEA?" - also caused interest in independent work, since the work was carried out in 4 groups (one of them is expert). Students prepared a draft party about the birthday of one of their comrades. Each group represented this student, according to his own advantage of his merits, and, explaining why they wanted to prepare him an unforgettable evening. Then followed the story about how to cover the table, what to cook, how to decorate the house, which contests to hold, what gifts to give, and the original cake recipes were offered. The result led the expert group. Practice has shown that it is not only easy to learn together, but also interesting. To help a friend to solve any problems together, divide the joy of success, or bitter failure, it would also be natural how to laugh, sing. Learn together, and not just something to do together - this is what was the essence of this project.

It was assumed that students on the situation proposed by him should formulate the problem, our task was forecasting results in several possible options. Students called some of them, to others we were led by the guys with the subjects, situations, etc. To eliminate lexico-grammatical difficulties, it was necessary before the project began to introduce and consolidate vocabulary and grammar on this topic (as the work on the project was carried out at the beginning of the topics of the topic). Summing up the work done we spent checking - Control of knowledge in students of lexico - grammatical material. This control was carried out in all groups, including in the expert group. Below are the results of monitoring the quality of knowledge on this topic.

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Prepared: BELA T.A. English teacher MBOU SOSH №9

Foreign Language Training Mettown

The whole complex of methods is selected, based on the purposes of a particular student or group. We do not put the task of being fashionable and apply only modern learning methods.

When preparing for international examinations, fundamental and classical methods combined with linguosocyuctural and communicative methods are better working if you need to master the language in a short time - intensive methods are what you need if you want to get a good balanced result and are ready to spend a little More time - the communicative technique will fit perfectly!

In the entire history of mankind, a great many different educational techniques were developed. At first, all methods of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bwere borrowed from programs developed for learning the so-called "dead languages" - Latin and Greek, within which almost the entire educational process came down to reading and translating.

Fundamental technique.

This is really the oldest and traditional method of learning English.

The fundamental methodology is seriously based on language universities. When preparing for serious exams. The translator is never sure of his knowledge of a foreign language, he perfectly understands the unpredictability of the emerging speech situations. Taking on the classical technique, students not only operate with the most diverse lexical formations, but also learn to look at the world with the eyes of the "Native Speaker" - the carrier of the English language.

Perhaps the most famous representative of the classical methodology of teaching English is N.A. Bonk. Her textbooks of English, written in conjunction with other authors, have long become a classic genre and withstood the competition of recent years. The classical methodology for learning English is otherwise called fundamental: no one promises that it will be easy that you will not have to do at home and the teacher's experience will save from mistakes in pronunciation and grammar.

The fundamental methodology for learning English suggests that your favorite question is "Why?" That you are not pleased with the explanations "so necessary", but ready to plunge into an interesting, complex and very logical world, the name of which is a language system.

Classic approach to learning English

In this regard, a classic approach to learning English, but the unshakable principles of the "classics" of domestic language techniques have been preserved. Sometimes they actively apply in schools of other methodical directions. The classic English course is focused on students in different ages and most often involves learning English from scratch. The tasks of the teacher's English language include traditional, but important aspects of the production of pronunciation, the formation of a grammatical base, the elimination of a psychological and linguistic barrier impeding communication. "Classic" has not changed the goals, but methods, due to the new approach, are already the others.

The classical approach is based on an understanding of the English language as a real and full-fledged means of communication, which means that all language components are oral and written speech, audience, etc. - need to develop from students systematically and harmoniously. The classical technique partly turns English into an inlets, but it cannot be considered a disadvantage. Such an integrated approach is directed, first of all, to develop the ability to understand and create a speech.

The technique involves classes with russian teachersBut such an order (although not quite "fashionable") cannot be considered a minus: a teacher who is not a native speaker has the ability to analyze and compare two language systems, compare designs, it is better to inform information, explaining grammatical rules, prevent possible errors. Universal passionateness by foreign experts is temporary, because the Western world appreciated the priority of bilinguality (possession of two languages). The greatest value in the modern world is a teacher who can think in the context of two cultures and to convey to students a corresponding complex of knowledge.

It is this method that the foundations of which were laid by the enlighteners at the end of the XVIII century, took shape for the middle of the XX-th titled "Grammar-Translational Method" (grammatically-transferable method).

According to this method, the language proficiency is the ownership of grammar and the dictionary. The process of improvement is understood as a movement from one grammatical scheme to another. Thus, the teacher who is planning a course on this method first thinks about what grammatical schemes he wants to illuminate. Then, these topics are selected texts from which individual offers are allocated, and the translation ends. First, from a foreign language on the native, then - on the contrary. As for the text, it usually happens the so-called artificial text in which it is practically no meaningful of meaning (not so important that you say, it is important how you say it).

Despite some deserved complaints, this method has a number of advantages. First, it really allows you to absorb grammar at a very high level. Secondly, this method is very good for people with highly developed logical thinking, for whom it is natural to perceive the language precisely as a totality of grammatical formulas. The main disadvantage is that the method creates ideal prerequisites for the emergence of the so-called language barrier, since a person in the learning process ceases to express itself and begins not to say, but simply combine words through some rules. This method of studying foreign languages \u200b\u200bprevained until the end of the 50s and was almost the only one with which everyone was taught. By the way, all ingenious and phenomenally educated translators suffered until recently in this way.

"Silent Way" (Silence Method)

According to this method, which appeared in the mid-60s, the principle of learning a foreign language is as follows. Knowledge of the language was initially laid in that man who wants to study him, and most importantly - do not interfere with the student and not impose a point of view of the teacher.

Following this technique, the teacher initially does not say anything. Teaching on the younger levels of pronunciation, it uses complex color tables, on which each color or symbol indicates a certain sound, and so presents new words. For example, to "say" the word "table", you first need to show the square, denoting the sound "T", then the square indicating the sound "Hey" and so on. Thus, by manipulating in the process of learning by all these squares, chopsticks and similar symbols, the trained is moving towards the intended goal, working out the material passed with its one-laugures.

What are the advantages of this method? Probably, the level of knowledge of the language of the teacher practically does not have influence on the level of knowledge of the student's language, and in the end, it may be so that the student will know the language better than his teacher. In addition, in the learning process, the student is forced to self-effect freely. It should be noted that this method is very good for high-tech lovers.

"Total-Physical Response" (physical response method)

The basic rule of this method reads: It is impossible to understand what you did not miss through ourselves. According to this theory, it is a student at the first stages of training says nothing. First, he must get a sufficient number of knowledge that go into a passive. For about the first twenty lessons, the student constantly listens to a foreign speech, he reads something, but does not say any words in the language studied. Then the period occurs during the learning process when it should already respond to the heard or read - but respond only by action. It all starts with the study of words meaning physical movements. For example, when you study the word "get up", everyone gets up, "sit down" - sit down, and so on. And only then, when the student has accumulated quite a lot of information (he first listened, then moved), he becomes ready to start talking.

This method is good, first of all, the fact that the student in the learning process feels very comfortable. The necessary effect is achieved due to the fact that the entire information received by the person passes through itself. It is also important that in the process of learning a language on this method, students communicate (directly or indirectly) not only with the teacher, but also among themselves.

Immersion Method ("SUGESTO PEDIA")

It is impossible not to pay attention to this method, the celebration of which was in the 70s. According to this technique, it is possible to master a foreign language, becoming (at least for the period of training) with a completely different person. Studying the language in this way, all students in the group choose new names, invent new biographies. Due to this, the audience creates the illusion that they are in a completely different world - in the world of the studied language. All this is done so that anyone in the learning process can fully relax, reveal, and his speech has become the most fictional "John". Powder to the original. So that he says, for example, not as a real "Peter", but how

english language training programs in the city, which is interesting to the majority - in London! We propose to study the language of the unique method - the "dive" method. The uniqueness of this method is that a person is completely immersed in an English-speaking environment. And in such an extreme stressful situation, he needs to live! And, he, intuitively begins to understand some words, phrases, actions of the British in one situation or another, and so on, and use them for their own purposes.

"Audio-Lingual Method" (audiolinguistic method)

The next way to study foreign languages, which I would like to tell, appeared in the late 70s. Its essence is as follows: At the first stage of training, the student repeats repeatedly heard after the teacher or phonogram. And only starting from the second level, it is allowed to talk one or two phrases from herself, everything else consists again of repeats.

Linguosocultural method

includes two aspects of communication - language and intercultural, our lexicon has been replenished with a new word biculture - a person who is easily focused on national features, history, culture, customs of two countries, civilizations, if you want, worlds. For a student of the language university not so much high level Reading, letters, translation (although this is not excluded), and "linguosocyuctural competence" - the ability to "prepare" the language under the microscope of culture.

Linguosocultural method was born at the stake of concepts and culture ..

Classics, in particular, Ozhegov, understood the language as "tool to communicate, exchange thoughts and mutual understanding of people in society." The distance referred to the language easier - as to "the aggregate of all the words of the people and their faithful combination, to transfer their thoughts." But the language as a system of signs and means of expressing emotions and mood is in animals. What does the speech of "human"? Today, the language is "not only vocabulary, but also a person to express oneself." It serves for "Communication Goals and is able to express the entire totality of knowledge and representations of a person about the world."

In the West, the language is understood as a "communication system", which consists of certain fragments and a set of rules used for the purpose of communication. A very important difference between Western linguistic thinking - understanding of the language not only in connection with a certain state, but also with a certain part of the country, a region, etc.

With this approach, the language goes hand in hand with the culture of the country, area, that is, with ideas, customs of a certain group of people, society. Sometimes under the culture is understood by the society itself, civilization.

The definition of supporters of the linguosocyuctural method does not exaggerate the strength and values \u200b\u200bof the language in the modern world. In their opinion, the language is "a powerful public weapon forming a human stream into an ethnos, forging the nation through the storage and transmission of culture, traditions, the public self-consciousness of this speech complex. In this approach to the language of intercultural communication - first of all," adequate mutual understanding of two interlocutors or people , exchanging information belonging to different national cultures. "Then their language becomes a" familiarity of his carriers to a certain society "in LLC Center of Business Development Highway We are trying to teach to understand the subtext of pronounced phrases, their socio-cultural significance other than our perception of the world.

However, culture often acts as not only to the means of association, identification, but also the instrument of disagreement of people.

For example, in medieval Russia, a foreigner first called German, that is, the "dumb", which does not own the language, then the foreign guest began to call an alien, that is, "someone else's among their". And finally, when the National Consciousness allowed to smooth this opposition "their own strangers," a foreigner appeared.

If you think about the Russian word is a foreign word, then the origin of the "conflict of cultures" is clearer: "His inner form is absolutely transparent: from other countries. Native, not from other countries, culture unites people and at the same time separates them from others, other people. In other words The native culture is both a shield guarding the national peculiarity of the people, and a deaf fence, separating from other peoples and cultures. "

Linguosocultural method combines linguistic structures (grammar, vocabulary, etc.) with non-language factors. Then at the junction of the worldview on a national scale and language, that is, a kind of way of thinking (we will not forget that a person belongs to that country, whose language thinks), the rich world of the language is born, which Linguist V. von Humboldt : "Through the diversity of the language for us, wealth of the world and the diversity of what we know in it ..."

Linguosocyuctural technique is based on the next axiom: "The basis of the language structures is the structure of sociocultural." We will know the world by thinking in a certain cultural field and use the language to express their impressions, opinions, emotions, perceptions.

The purpose of learning a language with the help of this method is to facilitate the understanding of the interlocutor, the formation of perception at an intuitive level. Therefore, each student who choose such an organic and holistic approach should relate to the language as a mirror, which reflects geography, climate, the history of the people, the conditions of his life, tradition, life, everyday behavior, creativity.

Intensive teaching methods of foreign languages.

A group of methods of teaching a foreign language, leading its beginning from the 60s developed in the 60s. Bulgarian scientist G. Lozanov Suggestopeedic method and currently comprising the following methods:

The method of enhancing the reserve capabilities of the trainee (g. A. Kitamiorodskaya),

Emotional-semantic method (I. Yu. Shechter),

Suggestokybernetic integral method of accelerated adult learning (V. V. Petrusinsky),

Immersion method (A. S. Plesnevich),

Course of speech behavior (A. A. Akishin),

Rhythmopedia (M. Burdenyuk, etc.),

Hypoptee and others.

These methods are directed mainly on mastering an oral foreign language speech in a short time and with a significant daily concentration of study clock. Intensive learning methods. Rely on the psychological reserves of the student's personality in ordinary learning.

For intensive teaching methods, a wide attraction of collective forms of work is characterized by the use of persistent means of impact (authority, infantilization, behavior, intonation and rhythm, concert pseudation).

From traditional training, intensive teaching methods are distinguished by ways of organizing and conducting classes: high attention is paid to various forms of pedagogical communication, the socio-psychological climate in the group, creating adequate learning motivation, withdrawing psychological barriers to the assimilation of language material and speech communication.

The use of intensive learning methods is most appropriate in conditions of short-term language learning and when planning the development of oral speech in a short time.

Method for enhancing the reserve capabilities of a person and the team (G.A. Khorgorodskaya)

Your method G.A. Kitchenskaya, then the INAZ teacher, began to develop in the 70s; Its origins - in the ideas of the Bulgarian psychologist of Lozanova, whose method of "full dive", or "Suggestia", then gained popularity in many countries.

The main theoretical provisions of the activation method are related to the concepts psychological school and ideas about speech activities developed by domestic psycholinguistics, as well as using the reserves of the scope of the unconscious in training.

On this basis, two interrelated problems are solved:

1) the creation of managed relationships in the system "teacher - collective-collective";

2) Organization of managed speech communication in the educational process.

The official name of the method of the S.D. "Method of activating the reserve capabilities of the personality and the team". They are engaged in it only in the group, it is possible in large.

The specifics of the method under consideration lies in the use of those capabilities that are discovered when considering the study group as a temporary team of students carrying out joint activities.

The task of the authors of the method and teachers is to offer the training team such modern activities of the teaching, which would be personally significant for each trainee, would have paid people and contributed to the active formation of the person through the system of mutual interpersonal relations.

Based on the main goal of intensive learning, two main factors can be distinguished, which characterize it:

1. The minimum required period of study to achieve the goal (communication within household subjects) with the maximum possible for the implementation of this purpose the volume of educational material with the corresponding organization,

2. The maximum use of all the reserves of the student personality, achieved in a special interaction in the educational group in the creative impact of the individual during the teaching.

The method is based on the following principles:

The principle of collective interaction. This principle connects the goals of training and education, characterizes the means, methods and conditions of the unified educational process. Group training contributes to the personality of additional socio-psychological incentives to teaching, supports such a psychological atmosphere in the educational team, in which the students receive opportunities to meet the very important socio-psychological needs of people: recognition, respect, attention from others. All this additionally stimulates the cognitive activity of students. In the context of collective joint activities, a general fund information is formed about the subject, in which each student introduces its contribution, and they all use it together. The main "means" of mastering the subject becomes, therefore, communication with partners in the group.

The principle of personality-oriented communication. In communication, each trainee is both affected and exposed. Under these conditions, the process of forming a person is due to a person's attitude towards a person, their communication. Language ownership is, first of all, the ability to participate in real communication. The system of concepts in which communication can be described includes the concept of "role". Communication turns into a creative, personally motivated process. In this case, the student does not imitate activity, but "owns" the motive of activity, i.e. makes motivated speech actions. Personality-speech communication is the basis for building an educational and educational process in intensive training in foreign languages.

The principle of the role organization of the educational process. Role Communication is both game and educational, and speech activities. If a role-playing communication is a game, then from the position of the teacher is the basic form of the organization of the educational process. In accordance with the idea, the main educational text for the trainees is a polylog, and students described in it themselves. Thus, one of the techniques of the method of non-viewing regulation of the student's behavior in the group is implemented.

The principle of concentration in the organization of educational material and the educational process. This principle characterizes not only high-quality, but also quantitative specificity of intensive communication. This specific feature is manifested in various aspects: the concentration of learning situations, classes, the concentration of educational material associated with its volume and distribution in the course of study. A large amount of educational material, especially at the initial stage of training, makes it possible at the first lesson to organize situations as close as possible to real communication. This creates a high motivation of the teaching, as if approaching the result of training for its beginning. The concentration in the organization of educational material entails a specific organization of the educational process, which manifests itself, in particular, in a high "communication density", the diversity of species and forms of work, etc. In the conditions of a large amount of educational material, it is effective: a) the plot construction of the course and individual microcycles; b) the plot organization of classes and their fragments; c) building educational texts as a model of speech behavior in certain situations, etc.

The principle of polyfunctionality of exercises. This principle reflects the specifics of the exercise system in the activation method. Language skill formed in neustal conditions is definitely not capable of transfer. Therefore, a productive approach to learning, in which simultaneous and parallel mastering with linguistic material and speech activity is carried out.

The bottom line is that students are on the play, as it were, inside the play, written for them and about them. At first, its text for the "soufleus" - as a teacher, then they are allowed to be "chief" - the construction of its own phrases on the basis of configuration structures. But what seems to be fun improvisation is actually a carefully fixed and methodically verified language training, where each word and action carries a training function.

Not everyone takes to school in the School of the Kitgorodskaya. If you are closed, not inclined to casual communication, you may not accept. (The degree of sociability is determined at the introductory interview). And also to engage in this method, you need a little "go to childhood." As a child in games, it is reincarnated in the pipeline, then in an aliens, comprehending the world, and the student must "play" in Pierre or Mary, to heal in the world (and language) of his characters.

I must say that the teaching aids, and the training technique that teachers enjoy are based on the newest psychological research Memory, types of consciousness, functions of the right and left hemispheres of the brain, and contain elements of suggestion, allowing students easier to be born into reality simulated in classes. And skeptics who do not want to believe that the stick is a gun, it is better to immediately find other courses, without waiting for them until they say: "Take our Tsatqq and go from my sandbox. I do not care with you!"

Emotional-semantic method.

Designed by I.Yu. Shechter an emotional-semantic method proposes to perceive a foreign language in the first place, as a means of communication, which cannot be reduced only to the set of formulas and rules.

Shechter method is based on the position that any description of the language, its structure and patterns of construction is secondary, since it is studied by the already established and functioning system.

According to this method, the study of English should begin with an understanding of the meaning, not forms. In fact, it is proposed to master a foreign language in the most natural way, just as children learn to speak their native language without having no longer idea of \u200b\u200bthe very existence of grammar.

At the first stage of the initial learning cycle, the student is provided with the opportunity to listen to foreign speech until he starts to catch the overall meaning of heard, gradually overcoming his fear of foreign language and approved in the thought that the mastering of the language at home is quite feasible.

At the second stage of the first cycle, when foreign speech does not seem to be a plate, the listener may not just be engaged in the language, but to live these three hours of classes, communicating in a foreign language and solving the proposed situational tasks. Thus, overcomes the language barrier And the speech initiative arises - the main factor of owning a foreign language. At the end of the first cycle, which lasts about a month, the listeners can already express themselves in a foreign language, begin to read the press and watch news programs.

After a 2-month-month break, the classes are resumed on the second training cycle during which students are mastering the rules of grammar and pronunciation, already knowing how to read and speak. In fact, the reading and speech correction occurs.

The third cycle fixes the skills obtained earlier.

Students of courses are actively involved in discussions, expressing their thoughts on read works and viewed films, lead their arguments, refute the opinions of opponents. Speech tasks are complicated, the skills of oral sequential translation and referencing are mastered.

Suggestokybernetic integral method of accelerated learning in a foreign language (V.V. Petrusinsky).

The basis of this method is the "cybernetization" of suggestive management of the condition of the state and the perception of the student in order to enhance the various components of meremic activities.

The learning process is carried out by one technical means without a teacher. The teacher is necessary only for the preparation and selection of educational material, carrying out the control of knowledge, skills and skills.

An important role in the implementation of this method plays the presentation of information by large arrays for a holistic memorization. The method allows you to automate the vocabulary and model of the initial stage for a limited period of time.

The usual duration of 10 days. The method is suitable for students who speak foreign languages \u200b\u200bwithin the secondary school.

The lack of a teacher, the presence of complex technical equipment, the presentation of a large amount of educational material are the main disadvantages of the Suggestokabernetic learning method.

Communicative method.

The 70s were marked by the appearance and the so-called communicative method, the main purpose of which is to teach a person to communicate, make it so that his speech is understandable to the interlocutor. In accordance with this technique, it is possible to achieve this by teaching a person in the so-called natural conditions - natural, above all, from the point of view of common sense. For example, the question of the teacher "What is it?" With an indication of the table, it can be considered natural only if he really does not know what it is. That method called the Communicative, now, in fact, they are no longer, although it is haunted by the same goal - to teach a person to communicate.

The average communicative method is a harmonious combination of many and many ways to teach foreign languages, which is probably at the top of the evolutionary pyramid of various educational techniques.

Supporters of the communicative approach believed that the learning of a foreign language occurs according to the same principles - as learning the language means of expressing a function or another.

For several years, this approach to learning has won the leading position in the Western European and American methodology.

Based on the work of the Council of Europe in the 60s of the last century, the first wave of "communicative revolution" was based on the idea of \u200b\u200bgrouping of units of the language according to the communicative function ("speech act" on the terminology of American linguists), such as: apology, request, advice, and t ..

Set the direct relationship between the language and the function was infrequently, because The same function can be expressed by several linguistic means, as well as a rather non-language. However, where direct relationship can be installed (for example, "Apologies" as an apology, "Do You Mind If I + Present Simple as a request for permission, etc.), it was considered only as an agreement for use for training purposes, And not for a true linguistic description.

Such units of the language were named "Samples" (EXPONENT). A set of "samples" covering an area from official to informal styles can be correlated with any language function. Students taught such "samples" often to the detriment of grammar. At this stage of development, a certain method of studying a foreign language was not yet suggested, so the exercises of the "Listen and repeat" exercises continued in the classes, "listen and continue" and is not capable, since the applicability of these phrase-samples in speech largely depend on The correctness of the rhythm and intonation. Thus, different kind of "Drill" remained the main means of learning.

The second wave of "Communicative Revolution" arose by the beginning of the 80s, spreading mainly from the UK.

The main principle of it was the division of work in the classroom on the correctness of speech and work on its fluency.

The purpose of the first to compete new units of the language (grammatical samples, functional models, vocabulary, etc.),

The second was guided not to use the material studied in speech, involving students in a free discussion.

Serious confusion arose when a foreign language teachers tried to teach these two types of work as inextricably linked with each other, so that the work on the correct speech inevitably moves to work on fluency.

The basic principle of all communicative tasks, regardless of whether they are directed to the correctness or fluency of speech, there was a "information gap."

The "communicative revolution" was solid and deep. Through the "information gap" she penetrated into each aspect of the method, in training the correctness of speech and her fluency. As an example of a task aimed at learning the correctness of speech, using the information gap can be mentioned "Communicative Drill", when students ask each other about their daily activities (controlled use of Present Simple). As an example of a task aimed at learning the correctness of speech, a free discussion is deserved using an information space when students discuss the real problem. The teacher does not interrupt the discussion, making the mark on mistakes to return to them later.

In the late 70s, the theory of learning in a foreign language was spread to the village, developed by Stephen Painted (Stephen Krasheni), according to which the student learns a foreign language, if they "adhere to the diet of true communication" (as the child absorbs native language), and they only teach the language, because They are "feeding the exercises." As a result, many foreign language teachers believed that the unconscious "assimilation" is deeper and better than the conscious "study". Such teachers decided that the audience should become a kind of extensive "true" communication. Such an attitude is preserved in many audiences and now, the price of almost complete abandonment of a conscious language learning. It is "such a type of learning Howatt called a" strong "type of communicative training. According to Howatt, there are two varieties:" strong "and" weak. "

The "weak" version, which became popular in the second half of the 70s - early 80s of the last century, focuses on the preparation of students to use the language under study in communicative purposes and, therefore, is trying to introduce relevant activities in the process of teaching a foreign language.

The "strong" version of communicative learning highlights the idea that the language is absorbed through communication, so the question is not only about the activation of existing, but passive knowledge of the language, but about stimulating the development of the language system as such.

In other words, if the first option may be briefly described "to learn to use", the latter is "use to learn."

However, since then there have been a number of different mixed models based on studying-perception (including Bllyystok models, Long, and Rutherford). And the mixed model seems to be the most popular at the moment, because The trainee constantly operates with both processes - study and perception - with variable prevalence of one or another. In addition, it is now believed that the teacher cannot affect how, in what sequence and with what intensity these mechanisms are used by their students "

For some researchers, communicative language learning denotes more than a simple combination of grammatical and functional learning.

Some consider it as the use of activities where students work in pairs or groups using all the accumulated linguistic potential in the process of solving the hard tasks. For example, the National Program for Teaching English in elementary school, the fundamental principle is the principle of communicative conditionality, determines the forms of the language "In the introduction to this document it is said that the objectives of communication goals may be the most different:

Containment level (language as a means of communication)

Linguistic and instrumental level (Language Semiotic system and learning object)

Emotional level of interpersonal relationship and behavior (language as a means of expressing assessments and judgments about himself and others)

The level of individual educational needs (corrective learning based on error analysis).

Education level of extralyinguistic

These goals are considered as general applicable in any academic situation. More specific goals of communicative learning cannot be defined at an abstract level, because Learning is focused on students' needs. Preference can be given to reading, writing, auditing or speaking. The plan and objectives of training for each specific course reflect specific aspects of communicative competence in accordance with the needs of students and their level of preparedness.

Significant in determining the objectives of communicative learning is that at least two participating parties are involved in interaction, where one of the parties has an intention (intention), and the other develops or reacts to it in one way or another.

The main place in communicatively in foreign language is occupied by gaming situations, Working with a partner, tasks for finding errors that not only allow you to build a lexical stock, but learned to think analytically.

Communicative technique is, first of all, a pragmatic approach to learning, a foreign language. It sacrifice the fundamental knowledge to a certain extent to prepare a student to use a foreign language in life in a shorter time. The Center for Business Development Center Highway Communicative Methodology is the main ones in foreign language, but we do not in any way neglect the grammar and the purely technical component of the vocabulary replenishment.

David Nunan (David Nunan) highlights the five main characteristics of communicative learning:

Emphasis on learning communication through real communication at the language studied.

Introduction of authentic texts into an educational situation.

Providing students with the opportunity to focus not only in the language studied, but also on the learning process as such

Attraction personal experience Training as one islements of the learning process.

An attempt to associate an academic learning language using it in real communication.

Development in the 60-70s of the 20th century adjacent to the methods of science - linguistics, psychology, general didactics, the emergence of psycholinguistics, social psychology, the theory of activity caused a communicative, activity, personal-oriented method to life, which is commonly called the communicative approach or communicative method . The focus of this method is the formation of communicative competence, the creation of communicative motivation of the educational process, accounting for personal characteristics of the student. Leontiev A.A., Shubin E.P., K., E.I., was engaged in the development of communicative techniques. And other scientists.

Communication is determined in theoretical studies as an approaching the process of learning the real communication process, i.e. Training based on communication. The communicative method is based on the learning process is the communication process model.

Conceptual provisions of the communicative method according to E.I. Passs are the following:

  • 1. A foreign language, in contrast to other school subjects, is both the goal and a means of learning.
  • 2. Language is a means of communication, identification, socialization and admission of an individual to the cultural values \u200b\u200bof the country under study.
  • 3. Mastering a foreign language differs from mastering the families of mastering; information density in communication; the inclusion of language into communicative activities; A combination of realizable functions.

Communicative foreign language training is active, since speech communication is carried out through speech activity, which, in turn, serves to solve problems of productive human activity in social interaction. Participants in communication are trying to solve the real and imaginary tasks of joint ventures with the help of a foreign language.

With this approach, positive conditions are created for the active and free development of the person in operation. In general, these conditions are reduced to the following: students are able to freely express their thoughts and feelings in the process of communication; Each participant of communication remains in the focus of the attention of the rest; The self-expression of the individual is becoming more important than a demonstration of language knowledge; Participants in communication feel safe from criticism for mistakes; The use of language material is subject to the task of an individual speech plan; Language material corresponds to the reading capabilities of the speaker; Relationships are built on accuracy, noncriticality and "empathy" (empathy and understanding of the experiences of others).

A gradual transition to communicatively oriented learning meant that a foreign language training paradigm has changed. The main change was that the subject of training was not only the language and its expressive opportunities, but also the behavior of speaking in the context of speech communication.

The behavior of the speaker in speech communication is understood today, first of all, both active and activity of language, psychological and socio-cultural knowledge necessary for students for effective foreign language communication. These knowledge includes mastering the language as a discourse, i.e. as a way to deploy thoughts in the text. Such knowledge implies the possession of the methods of refunction and the construction of oral and written texts of various genres. These knowledge suggests accounting for the individual psychological characteristics of participants in communication and their sociocultural experience. Finally, knowledge is designed to form at the student tolerance to cultural diversity and orientation on the "whole world", in which the language of communication is "global english".

Communicative system-active approach in modern form is a synthesis of tested methods and methods for creating a general basis for foreign language training. Communicative system-activity approach implies the implementation of such a training method, in which, based on all interactions components, an orderly, systematized and virtual mastering in a foreign language is implemented in the conditions of speech-based speech activities, which is an integral and integral part of the overall (extrallinguistic) activity.

The communicative method is focused on owning a language as a system of practical interaction of a number of competencies, including linguistic, speech, communicative, socio-cultural, compensation and educational. Language ownership as a specialty also includes linguistic, metalinguistic and intercultural competence. Each competence corresponds to a group of skills, although in reality all formed skills are predominantly integrated. Accordingly, the objectives of learning skills are grouped as follows: 1) the ability to possess the aspects of the studied language (phonetic, grammar, vocabulary); 2) the skills of possession of speech activities - speaking, audit, reading, writing; 3) the ability to implement in training the basic functions of the language (communicative, expressive and cognitive); 4) Communicative, perceptual and interactive skills of using the language in different fields of communication; 5) the ability to implement the basic functional aspects of communication (communicative, perceptual, interactive); 6) reflective skills, including self-assessment skills, self-control and self-correction; 7) Training skills, including the skills of a research and methodical nature. These groups of skills characterize full and comprehensive practical possession of a foreign language.

Communicative system-activity approach involves the following meaningful stages of training components:

  • 1) Language preparation;
  • 2) specialized speech training;
  • 3) Communicative and functional training in situations of use under the foreign language studied;
  • 4) the practice of using a foreign language in communicative, expressive and cognitive functions.

All training in a foreign language and the framework of this approach is built in the sequence of seven blocks: 1) the introduction of a foreign language speech mother of Ala; 2) the formation of the skills of ownership of them; 3) the activation of the use of assimilated material in speech activity during the formation of relevant speech and communicative skills; 4) the formation of the primary experience of ownership by a foreign language in the process of practicing foreign language speech activities and communication; 5) self-esteem and testing of owning foreign language; 6) learning correction and self-correction by foreign language; 7) Formation of the foundations and zone of nearest development for further mastering them.

In all named blocks, a common exercise system and methodological techniques are used, differentiated to functional complexes in accordance with specific groups of skills. Each form of training and the stage of mastering a foreign language corresponds to a certain list of speech, communicative and intercultural skills.

The basic principles of the content of training using the communicative method of learning were formulated by EI. Passs.

  • 1. The speech orientation of the educational process is not so much that the speech practical goal is persecuted, how long is that the path to this goal is there is a language practice or foreign language communication. Practical speech orientation is not only a goal, but also a means of achieving it. When organizing a speech lesson, students interacting with each other are the center of cognitive activity in the lesson, which has a beneficial effect on the assimilation of a foreign language, since the goal, motive, content and method of work belong to the student, and this means that learning in the lesson turns into a teaching.
  • 2. The individualization of training of foreign language speech activities involves the record of all properties and qualities of the student as an individuality, its abilities, personal psychological features, the abilities to carry out speech and training activities, life experience, the spheres of interest, the status in the team, as well as the lead, for each trainee, the style of the teachings (visual, auditory or motor).
  • 3. The functionality of the linguistic units. Any language form And the speech unit performs certain speech functions in the communication process. And to master units of language and speech, it is necessary as they function in the process of real communication of the native speakers. The basis of the organization of language units in the educational process should be their speech functions. Functionality assumes that both words and grammatical forms are absorbed immediately in operation: the student performs any speech task and in the process of this assimilates the necessary words or grammatical forms. It follows from this that functionality is manifested in the fact that the object of assimilation is not speech funds themselves, but the functions performed by these means. The selection and organization of the material is carried out depending on the need to express students of certain speech functions. In the ways of organizing language units in communicative training, the situation, social contact and the problem should be considered.
  • 4. Sitizerity. Communicative technique involves the use of speech situations as the basis for learning foreign language speech activities. The situation is a special case of speech activity, the form in which the speech interaction of people speaking in this language is carried out. In other words, the situation is the role organization of the educational process. In addition to speech interaction and relationships of the interlocutors, the speech situation assumes the presence of two or more people, a communicative goal or intention, place and time, when communication takes place. The situation is considered as an integrative system of socio-status, role, activity and moral relations of subjects of communication. It is a universal form of learning process and serves as a way of organizing language funds, the way they are presentation, the prerequisite for training the strategy and communication tactics.

The "Educational Situation" as a unit of training that simulates the situation as a unit of communication maintains all the main qualities of the real communication process, all the variety of relationships communicating. This is what allows you to use the situation as a basis for educational cooperation. The desire to say appears in students only in a real or recreated situation affecting the speaker.

5. Novelty. For the development of interest and increasing the motivation of the teachings, it is necessary to continuously implement novelty to all components of the educational process. Novelty concerns the content of training, constant change of problems of discussion, forms of the organization of the educational process (non-standard forms of lesson, TSO), species, techniques and forms academic work, new interlocutors.

Thus, novelty provides a refusal of arbitrary memorization (statements, dialogues, texts), develops a speech industry, heuristic and productivity of speech skills of students, is of interest to educational, cognitive and other activities. Students do not receive direct instructions to memorize - it becomes a by-product of speech activity with material (involuntary memorization).

6. Modeling. The volume of country and linguistic knowledge is very large and cannot be learned within the framework of the school course. Therefore, it is necessary to select the amount of knowledge that will be needed to present the culture of the country and the language system in the concentrated, model form, i.e. Build a model of the content of the object of knowledge. This model is a kind of shared model, a source of knowledge for all students.

The meaningfulness of the educational aspect is ensured by modeling the meaningful side of communication in various types of speech activities. The meaningful side of communication makes up problems selected taking into account the age and individual interests of students, as well as their activities and interprecietary relations. In other words, the meaningful side of the tongue should be problems, and not the topic.

The communicative method as the ultimate goal of learning implies the formation of communicative competence, which consists of linguistic, speech, subject, socio-cultural, educational and compensatory competencies. The main thing for the communicative-oriented method is training through educational communicative activities, approximate to real, accounting for individual characteristics of students, creating real situations Communication by formulation of read-minded tasks. Methodical support Intelligent foreign language communication in the lessons was the subject of great research work, which continues today.

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