Anna Gavalda: biography. Anna Gavalda (French writer) - Books and quotes from books Anna Gavald now

Anna Gavalda was born on December 9, 1970 in Boulogne Bellancur (France). After the divorce of parents, from fourteen years lived in the guesthouse. He studied in Sorbonne, worked as a cashier and waitress, engaged in journalism. In 1992 he won the national competition for the best love letter. In 1998, she won the "Blood in Celence" award for the Aristote Novel and won in two literary contests.

In 1999, the book Anna Gavalda was published "I would like to have been waiting for someone somewhere ...", awarded in 2000 RTL Grand Prix. This novel collection over the next four years has been translated almost 30 languages \u200b\u200band brought its author to the fame of the new star of French literature. In 2002, the first Roman Gavalda came out - "I loved it," and next year she continues to work on the novel "Ensemble, C" EST TUT ".

Books (6)

35 Kilo Hope

"35 kilo hopes" - a poetic parable about the main thing: about choosing a life path, about the strength of love and devotion. About family. That dreams can and should come true. It is only necessary to want very much. And very try to try.

Solving his "children's" problems, a thirteen-year-old hero is looking for an exit - and finds him, yes so that the adults have something to learn from the boy.

Sip of freedom

The "sip of freedom" is a story about excellent weekends.

About the meeting of brother with your favorite sisters, about their merry shoot from a family celebration, about a trip to the castle to visit the younger brother Venasan, about the adventures of the "magnificent four", about Luar wines, about mutual understanding, about the joy of life, about creativity, about love.

I would like to wait anyone somewhere

12 Novel, who conquered the world: This book has already been translated into 36 languages.

In her first compilation, Novella Anna Gavalda, rightly discouraged the glory of the "gentle Welbek" and the new star of French literature, brightly and penetrately paints the most ordinary life, the external prosperity of which hides in itself the inconspicient treasures of hidden desires, fears, dreams and offended, And most importantly - love in a wide variety of its manifestations. You only need to be able to see them, and the surprising will be near. And the most impercessary story with a light hand of the author may unexpectedly turn into a farce or become a genuine tragedy.

Full of soft irony Laconic everyday sketches and portraits not at all "heroic" heroes fascinate reader psychological depth and emotional style saturation.

Just together

Stunningly wise and kind book about love and loneliness, about life. About happiness.

The second novel Anna Gavalda is an amazing story, full of laughter, and tears, gracefully woven from the taper-friendly friendship, from failures and inadvertent victories, from randomness, happy and not very.

For the year, this book has conquered the hearts of millions of readers, collected a huge number of literary awards, translated into 36 languages \u200b\u200band the film is already removed (with Charlotte GensBo in the lead role).

Comforting Party Games in Petanque

Charles of Balant - successful architect forty-six years. Lives in Paris with his beloved woman - Beauty Lorans and her daughter Matilda. It works a lot, rarely happens at home, everything has achieved our own difficulty, calm, reasonable, bricks behind the brick, builds and places your life. In general, it is all as it should be, and there are no surprises at such age. But one day he will receive a letter that will caress him by surprise. A letter from the past, which he had forgotten about, and how far it will lead it from a fashionable way ...

Smart, beautiful romance about people, about life, love.

I loved her. I loved him

Roman "I loved her / I loved him" - a sad and beautiful book about love, revealing the most sharp and hidden faces of this beautiful and mysterious feeling.

Readers comments

Inna / 24.12.2015 Wonderful books! I read everything. Books touched to the depths of the soul with their semantic content. Thanks to the author! I would love to read new works.

Ivan. / 26.09.2015 too primitive, from the French ladies you can read only Mrs. de Stelle, how everything washed

Lika / 08.22.2015 All books are great, she knows how to revive her heroes, and not good when you read her books, you begin to love the heroes that the rarity of the current authors is difficult to create interesting heroes, and when you read it, they have a breath on every page. I advise you to start reading it from 35 kilo hopes and just together.

Anna Gavalda.

Popular french writer.

Date and place of birth - December 9, 1970, Boulogne Biyankur, O-de Saint, France.

Anna Gavalda was born in a prestigious suburb of Paris. Anna's great-grandmother was a native of St. Petersburg (line of ancestors on the name of Fulda). After the divorce of parents, from fourteen years lived in the guesthouse, then he received an education in Sorbonne. In 1992 he won the national competition for the best love letter. In 1998, she won the "Blood in Celence" award for the Aristote Novel and won in two literary contests.

In 1999, working as a teacher in high school, released the first compilation of the novel "I would like to have been waiting for someone somewhere," which was warmly met with critics. For this collection, Anna was awarded the RTL Grand Prix. "I would like someone somewhere I waited somewhere" was translated almost 30 languages \u200b\u200band brought to my author to the fame of the new star of French literature. However, the real success Anna brought novels "I loved her. I loved him "and" just together ", the last of which collected a huge number of literary awards.

All three books have become bestsellers and were sold out with circulations of 1,885,000, 1,259,000 and 2,040,000 copies, respectively, from 2004 to 2008, and brought the author more than 32 million euros.

In March 2007, the film of Claude Berry "Just Together" came out on the screens of France with Audrey Toyo in the lead role, shot on the novel of Anna Gavald. French critics met the film with enthusiasm and did not bother to praise. For four weeks of rental in France, the picture was viewed by almost 2 million spectators, and on the sixth International Forum of Literature and Cinema, held in Monaco, the director received a premium for the best film adaptation of the novel. In 2009, Isabel Brightman took off the film on the novel "I loved her. I loved him "with Daniel Othele in the lead role.

R Omana

Just together -march 2004.

Stunningly wise and kind book about love and loneliness, about life. About happiness. The second novel Anna Gavalda is an amazing story, full of laughter and tears, gracefully woven from the taper-friendly friendship, from failures and unspecified victories, of accidents, happy and not very. This book has conquered the hearts of millions of readers, collected a huge number of literary awards, translated into 36 languages \u200b\u200band the film has already been filmed

I loved her. I loved him - October 2003

The first published novel of the French writer Anna Gavalda. Heroine, Chloe, threw her husband Adrian with two young children. Father Adriana, Pierre, takes the daughter-in-law with granddaughters in a country house. There is a frank conversation between Chloe and Pierre, in which Pierre tells the story of his love for Matilde, which he hid from all for 20 years.

In the spring of 2009, the novel was filled with director Isabel Brightman. The main characters were played by Daniel Oti and Marie-Jose Croz.

R Tray Freedom - August 2010

The "sip of freedom" is a story about the existed weekend. About the meeting of his brother with his beloved sisters, about their merry shoot from a family celebration, about a trip to the castle to visit the younger brother Venasan, about the adventures of the "magnificent four", about Luar wines, about mutual understanding, about the joy of life, about creativity, about love. Anna Gavalda is one of the most readable authors of the world. It is called "star of French literature" and "New Francoise Sagan"

B Llya - 2014
I n - 2014
35 Kilo Hope

Thirteen-year-old Grehuhir remembers well, as his first teacher spoke about him: "Head like a sieve, golden hands and a hasty heart ..." So he lives day after day: loves his grandfather, he loves his grandfathers and hates school, where his parents hide him every morning . Once, having learned that there is a lyceum in the world, where the boys are something mesh, he, closing in his room, writes a funny and touching letter to allow him to learn Invested in the envelope drawings of its first invention - the machines for cleaning the bananas - and ... excitedly waiting. Maybe, in fact, the mark is not the most important thing and much more important to know what you want from life?

C Itaty and Aphorisms

If I drink, I drink too much if I smoke, I'm smoking, if I fall in love, I lose weight, and when I work, I bring myself to exhaustion ... I don't know how to do anything normally, calmly.

A good thing is a friend's hand. Neither obliges anyone who stretches it, and very comforting the one who shakes her.

Well, fell in love, what is there ... you too fall in love, you will see ... it is impossible not to love ... This guy, he ... He can highlight the whole city ...

Today you want one thing - die, and tomorrow you wake up and you understand that you just needed to go down on a few steps, find the switch on the wall and see life in a completely different light ...

And she begins to cry. Not because she is sad, but in order to cope with all this. Tears are liquid, they help to digest stone rubbish, and then she can breathe again.

In order to be together. Just be together. And this is difficult, it is very difficult, and not only schizophrenic and ortim. Everyone is difficult to reveal, believe, give, reckon, tolerate, understand. It is so difficult that sometimes the prospect to die from loneliness seems not the worst option.

Ideal people such a bore ...

She was merry.
Sad, but merry.

To live together people hinders their nonsense, not the differences.

The only girl in the universe, capable of carrying his babuli scarf, remaining beauty, never will belong to him.
Idiot life ...

She loved him - and did not love, was ready to surrender - and was not given, she tried - and herself did not believe.

Hell is when you can no longer see those who love ... everything else is not considered.

For the first time in a very long time, tomorrow seemed to her ... possible.

Anna Gavalda (French writer) - Books and quotes from books Updated: January 19, 2017 by the author: website

The Russian reader, Anna Gavalda, is not too famous for the Russian reader, although the collection of her novel "came out a little over a year ago," I would like someone somewhere waited for me. "Drew attention and readers, and critics. In this case, despite the close Russian-French cultural ties, our fatherland is somewhat lagging behind the European public, which already knows this brand well. Under it is the most read books in the world, such as "just together" - the novel, who became a bestseller in France, translated into 36 languages \u200b\u200band provoked the beginning of the filming of a feature film with Charlotte Gensbar in the lead role.

- Anna, why does your book have a happy end?

You know, this is the first happy end in my life. Previously, I always left the end open. So that the reader could not say, the story or bad ended well. But in this book ... you see, the heroes of this book were unhappy for so long, they had to survive so much, they felt like lonely, rejected ... In general, I just wanted to let them be happy. This is not a real ending. Such is "God from the car." You know, as in the plays of classicism, when it seems that everything is terrible, and suddenly miraculously everything becomes good.

- That is, you do not believe that the people you describe, maybe everything is good?

No, I do not believe that such people in real life can simply catch up and be happy. But I did not want the end to be like in life. This is a fairytale. And the fairy tale should have a happy finale. Because in life all is not at all.

- Final fabulous, and the story itself has at the heart of any real events? What kind of situation did you watch in life?

No no. This is all fictional. Initially, I wanted to write a book about the cook. And in general, people who stand at the stove - in restaurants, in a cafe. I always admired the chefs, because they work very much and work hard. And besides, I wanted to write a love story that happens between two very different people and begins with some conflict situation. It was interesting for me to describe how these two people face constantly on some territory, as they interfere with each other, how they fight with each other, try to force each other to change positions. Honestly, when I started writing this novel, I did not really know what he would be. I just came up with the characters and started writing, and then went behind them. For me, for example, for example, a complete surprise was that Filiber marries Suzy. I did not originate anything like that.

- Did you not have written off the family of Filibris too? Or did you meet such families?

Filibra family just has a prototype. Even a few. I had to meet representatives of such aristocratic families who live according to some old stands and traditions. In such apartments. You know, in Paris, there are still a lot of apartments that look like that in the yard of the XIX century. And people who live like there is no technical progress. And they are absolutely the same as they look increasingly. They live in some kind of Mirka, and there is no case to the surrounding world.

- Please tell me how you started writing? Did you want to do this since childhood?

Before I started writing, I did not think that I would become a writer. Actually, I said that I want to become a journalist. But in fact, apparently, I did not really want, because I failed exams. As a result, I began to teach French. In the first grade of college, eleven and twelve-year-old children. So for a while I was a teacher. And then started writing. I had several ideas for stories. I recorded these stories, and one of them turned out my first book.

- She ends with a story about the novice writer and her communication with the publisher. Is this your own experience?

No, it's all fiction. That is, of course, the feelings of a young woman who sends the first manuscript to the publisher - how she worries, as she is frightened, is all partly me familiar to me. But in fact, my story was different. I immediately spoke no, no one even wanted to meet with me. And then one publisher agreed my stories to publish. But we also did not meet - they just talked on the phone. So I first thought at all that this is a joke.

- Do your books really not autobiographical books?

Not. Not at all.

- It is so unpreicious for a woman writer. Women writers often love to compose books about themselves and about their lives.

I do not think you are right. At least, you can hardly right in terms of big writers. I do not know how in Russia, but for French writers, this statement is unfair. Georges Sand, Francoise Sagan - they never wrote about themselves. As for me, I just uninterest to write about myself. This topic does not intrigue me too much. About anything, but not about yourself. In order to write about yourself, you need to be a genius.

- Does anyone look like you among your characters?

No, I would not say. I wanted to be a boy as a child. And most of my characters are men. For example, the book I write now is about male friendship. That is, there both main characters are men.

- But your characters are similar to each other. For example, they are all strange.

Strange people and in life, and in the literature seem to me more interesting. I always preferred marginals.

- And lonely.

Are not all people alone? Even if they have friends, they are still alone in the depths of the soul. Is not it so?

- And they have almost all problems with mothers. Why?

This is a good question. In my next book, the one that is about male friendship will be a wonderful portrait of a mother. And in all the previous my books, some not very good roles are really assigned to the mothers of characters. I even do not know why. I have the most excellent mom. In the next book, the mother of one of the young people will be the heroine of the book, and she is a very good man.

"I really liked the story, where a woman gets acquainted with a man on the Boulevard San Germain and he invites her for a date. How did this story appear?

I once walked on the Boulevard San Germain and saw an attractive man. But there was no story. He just looked at me - nothing more. He did not fit and did not invite me to date. But I thought: what would happen if he did it? And then everything was played in my imagination. And this was the time when all mobile phones began to appear. They were called all the time at the most inopportune moment, and it was terribly annoyed.

- You are now very popular in France. How do you feel about your fame?

Oh, I hate her. You see, in my opinion, fame is very harmful to the writer. My life, my work, my pleasure is to witness and watch people. This is the main charm of what I do. But when everyone knows you, observe and remain unnoticed already impossible.

- Do you often find out on the street?

While, fortunately, not very. I do not specifically put on books my photo. In addition, I don't often appear on television too often, because I do not like it. In general, while I find out very, very rarely. And this is good.

Success dilettanta

Although Anna Gavalda and argues that the writer was not going to become the writer, but she wrote from 17 years old, participated on a small scale of literary contests and he won from time to time. Anna Gavald's name ranked in 1999, when after the failure of several publishers, Le Dilettante published her collection novel I would like to have anyone anywhere somewhere ... The book was translated in more than 20 languages \u200b\u200band had a stunning success, despite That she pretended to the reader so smallest today the genre of the story. Three years passed, before Gavalda appeared again on the literary arena - now I loved him with Roman. But it was all only a prelude to the real success, which brought Anne Gavalda in 2004, just together, eclipsed in France even Da Vinci. Now the 35-year-old writer lives in Paris, raises two children and continues to compose books.

She prefers to stay in the shade. And quite infrequently communicates with journalists. After all, everything she wanted or wants to say - there is in her books.

Want to know what Gavald thinks about?

Read her books.

Want to know who Gavalda is, and what is it - read her books. After all, every writer's book is a particle of his own, his worldview, thoughts, actions. In short, in books about their author - there is everything ...

She, of course, no "New Sagan", as the literary critics sometimes call it. She is Anna Gavalda. Very original writer, to read the books of which it is interesting, since they are our daily life in all its a bitty with joys, hopes and disappointments.

Anna Gavalda has, as well as many outstanding people of the West, Russian roots. Her great-grandmother on the motherboard is a native of St. Petersburg, emigrated to France. Therefore, Anna was born in Paris, in a secured family, and did not know grief up to 14 years. And then her parents divorced her, and Anna was given - it's good or in bad, the question is controversial - to upbringing in a private board. The girl was with character, separation with his parents suffered precisely and after the end of the guesthouse entered the largest world university center - Sorbonne. There in 1992, in one of the literary competitions for the best love message, being a 22-year-old student, working as a waitress and cashier, she completely unconditionally won, leaving all other contestants far behind them.

No, she believed in his literary calling at once. At first, she began to work as a teacher of French in high school, in the table "of the stories and novels. They were about life, love, about human relations at all. In 1988, she decided to publish the novel "Aristote" and won the literary premium "Blood in the inkwell". And then he delivered 12 of his novel into the publishing house, absolutely not counting on world glory.

This collection of the novel called "I would like to have been waiting for anyone somewhere ...", was published in 1999 and made a real extension in France. And by 2003 it was already translated almost 30 languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Success wondered, and Anna publishes his first novel in 2002 "I loved her. I loved him, "the sad story of love, for the external simplicity of which the filled depth of thinking about the faces of this mysterious, happy and painful feeling is hidden.

The next novel "Just together" and fun, and sadly narrated about the lives of four people in each other, who found themselves in the same apartment. He became an undoubted bestseller, was translated into 36 world languages \u200b\u200band was shielded. As a result, the first three books Anna Gavald were sold out with a total circulation of more than 5 million. copies and brought the author of 32 million euros with kopecks.

She now lives in a small number of about 38 thousand inhabitants, the town of copper under Paris, raises two children and continues to write novels. Already appeared in the Russian translation of the "sip of freedom" and "Comforting Party of the game in Petanque."

Our reader refers to the works of Anna Gavald in different ways. Someone considers them superficial and similar to the novels of our writer Ulitska. Someone relates them to the books "on an amateur". And someone considers the same collection of novels with pearls of prose, amazing and touching. Of course, to make your opinion about themelles and novels Anna Gavalda, you must read them. And read them - it is ...


Anná Gavaldá. (Fr. Anna Gavalda.; Rod. December 9, Boulog-Biyankour) - Popular French Writer.


Anna Gavalda was born in a prestigious suburb of Paris. Anna's great-grandmother was a native of St. Petersburg (line of ancestors on the name of Fulda). After the divorce of parents, from fourteen years lived in the guesthouse, then he received an education in Sorbonne. In 1992 he won the national competition for the best love letter. In 1998, she won the "Blood in Celence" award for the Aristote Novel and won in two literary contests. In 1999, working as a teacher in high school, released the first compilation of the novel "I would like to have been waiting for someone somewhere," which was warmly met with critics. For this collection, Anna was awarded the RTL Grand Prix. "I would like someone somewhere I waited somewhere" was translated almost 30 languages \u200b\u200band brought to my author to the fame of the new star of French literature. However, the real success Anna brought novels "I loved her. I loved him "and" just together ", the last of which collected a huge number of literary awards. All three books have become bestsellers and were sold out with circulations of 1,885,000, 1,259,000 and 2,040,000 copies, respectively, from 2004 to 2008, and brought the author more than 32 million euros.

In March 2007, the film of Claude Berry "Just Together" came out on the screens of France with Audrey Toyo in the lead role, shot on the novel of Anna Gavald. French critics met the film with enthusiasm and did not bother to praise. For four weeks of rental in France, the picture was viewed by almost 2 million spectators, and on the sixth International Forum of Literature and Cinema, held in Monaco, the director received a premium for the best film adaptation of the novel. In 2009, Isabel Brightman took off the film on the novel "I loved her. I loved him "with Daniel Othele in the lead role.

Among the Russian readers, this writer is not so popular yet, as in the West, where the name Anna Gavalda has long become a brand.

Ironic, elegant and everyday sketches, in which there is sentimentality lookscing despair, - dessert for literary gourmets, prepared with truly French charm.

Now Anna Gavalda lives in the city of Melan, writes every day for three hours of novels and articles for the magazine "Elle" and raises two children.

"Gavalda - the main French literary sensation" - the newspaper "Interlocutor" "The plots of her novel and there is life itself in all of its multi-fifty" - "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

List of works

  • I would like to wait anyone somewhere (September 1999)
  • I loved her. I loved him (October 2003; Fixed (Fr.)russian in 2009);
  • Just together (March 2004; was shielded in 2007);
  • Comforting Party Games in Petanque (March 2008);
  • Sip of freedom (August 2010);
  • Billy (2014).
  • Yang (2014)
  • Matilda (2015)
Junior novels
  • 35 Kilo Hope (2002)

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Excerpt characterizing Gavalda, Anna

This meant that Tikhon filed him not the vest he wanted. Another time he stopped, asked:
- And soon she will give birth? - And, with reproach shook his head, said: - Not good! Go on, go on.
For the third time, when Prince Andrew ended the description, the old man was filled with a false and senile voice: "Malbroug S" en Va T en Guerre. Dieu Sait Guand Reviendra "[Malbruck's campaign gathered. God knows return when.]
Son just smiled.
"I'm not saying that it was a plan that I approve," the son said, "I just told you that there is." Napoleon has already compiled its plan no worse than this.
- Well, you didn't say anything new to me. - And the old man thoughtfully spoke to himself with a patter: - Dieu Sait Quand Reviendra. - Go to the headpiece.

At the appointed hour, frown and shaved, the prince went out to the dining room, where his daughter-in-law was expected, Princess Marya, M Lle Sturgeon and the architect of Prince, in a strange whim, his allowed to the table, although in his position a slight person could not count on such an honor . Prince, firmly held in the life of the differences between states and rarely allowed even important provincial officials to the table, suddenly on the architect Mikhail Ivanovich, frowned in the corner in a checkered handkerchief, argued that all people are equal, and again inspired her daughter, that Mikhaila Ivanovich nothing Worse than us with you. At the table, the prince most often applied to the wondly Mikhail Ivanovich.
In the dining room, hugely high, like all the rooms in the house, expected the release of the prince home and waiters, stood for each chair; The butler, with a napkin on his hand, looked around the serving, blinking the lacquers and constantly running a restless look from the wall clock to the door, from which the prince had to appear. Prince Andrei looked at a huge, new for him, the gold frame with the image of the genealogical tree of the princes of Bolkonsky, hanging opposite the same huge frame with a badly made (apparently, the hand of a home painter) by the image of the Prince of the Prince in the crown, which was supposed to occur from Rurik and be a hence The genus Bolkonsky. Prince Andrei looked at this genealogy tree, shaking his head, and laughed with the kind, with what they look at a similar to a funny portrait.
- How I recognize it all here! - he said to the princess Marya, approached him.
Princess Marya looked at his brother with surprise. She did not understand what he was smiling. Everyone made by her father excited in it awe, which was not subject to discussion.
"Everyone has his own Achilles heel," Prince Andrei continued. - With his huge mind of Donner Dans Ce Ridicule! [Gone to this petty!]
Princess Marya could not understand the courage of the judgments of his brother and was preparing to object to him, as expected steps heard from the office: the prince entered quickly, fun, as he always walked, as if deliberately with her feeding manners representing the opposite of strict order at home.
At the same instant, the big hours struck two, and with a thin voice, others were responded to the living room. Prince stopped; From under the hanging thick eyebrows, brilliant, brilliant, strict eyes looked at everyone and stopped at the young princess. The young princess was tested at that time the feeling of what the courteous in the royal exit was experiencing, the feeling of fear and respect, which was excited by this old man in all approximate. He stroked the princess on his head and then his awkward movement fell on her head.
"I am glad, I'm glad," he said, and, closely looking at her eyes, quickly moved away and sat down in his place. - Sit down, sit down! Mikhail Ivanovich, sit down.
He pointed out the daughter-in-law. The waiter pushed a chair for her.

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