Words with the prefix pan before vowel and. Foreign (foreign language) consoles in Russian and their meaning? Prefix Greek Origin

Khalitdinov Rustam

Everyone since childhood know that the consoles are part of the word, standing in front of the root and serving to form new words and forms. Among the consoles there are Russian and foreign language. Russian consoles are many, they are known to everyone: and others. There are consoles that occurred from minewritable words: for example:

Initial consoles in Russian mainly of Greek and Latin origin




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Grade 10 student

Khalitdinov R.I.

Initial consoles in Russian.

Everyone since childhood know that the consoles are part of the word, standing in front of the root and serving to form new words and forms. Among the consoles there are Russian and foreign language. Russian consoles many, they are known to everyone:b-, the procedure for transfers,other. There are consoles that emerged from minewritable words:Near-, between-, counter, over-, after- For example: international, confrontation, superconductivity, afterword.

Intailing consoles in Russian mainly of Greek and Latin origin:

  • Greek prefixa- (AN-) synonymous Russian console not - , It has the meaning of denying or lacking any property, quality:asymmetry, arrhythmia, immoral;
  • anti- , also greek, corresponds to Russiancounter Used to form words with the meaning of opposites, hostility, counteraction:antisocial, anti-fascist, antiterror, anti-Semit, antichrist, antibiotic- These words have all hearing. Antipode is a person opposite to his beliefs, traits, tastes to someone else. We read in Grigorovich: By nature my antipode Pechorin and hate Lovelasov and Donjuanov>> ;
  • archway - This prefix indicates the highest degree of manifestation of something, expressed in the second part of the word:archiving - very important, archikonservative- extremely conservative,archlut - The word speaks for itself;
  • hyper and hypo- - Two consoles with opposite values \u200b\u200b(hyper- "over, above", hypo "downstairs, under" ) Indicate the provision over and below the required norm. Comparehypertension and hypotension - increased and reduced blood pressure.Hydodina - In the era of technical progress, the reduced mobility of the human body, leading to many diseases.Gipocentre - Hearth earthquake in depth earth crust (hypo -Pod, downstairs).

Latin consolesde and des- denote cancellation, removal, denial and synonymous with Russian accrehensionsfrom-, non-

  • decqualification - Loss of qualifications,disinfection - in Russian disinfection,disinformation - incorrect, false information,deactivation - a very topical word in our atomic age, means the removal of radioactive contaminants from the surface of various items, from soil, water and other objects;
  • deportation means the expulsion, expulsion from the country or the violent resettlement of individuals, groups, peoples. Example: Deportation of Zakayev from England.

Latin prefixinter- Also known to everyone. Equivalent to the Russian consolebetween or word in the middle:

  • Intervidio, Interclub, Intervidio, Intercluband even the interdebent.

Less consumableinfra- corresponds to the meaning of the wordunder, below, near: infrared rays -electro magnetic radiation, invisible to the eye,infrase - oscillations that are not perceived by the human ear. In the course now the word from the political vocabulary -infrastructure, or the substructure, industry in the economy and social life, having a subordinate and auxiliary nature, for example:The production infrastructure includes roads, canals, bridges, ports, transport, communications, and so on; The Belarusian side undertakes to provide the necessary infrastructurepremises, roads, electricity, as well as service personnel(from newspapers)

We continue to talk about the meaning of Greek-Latin consoles in Russian.

Here is the famous Latin prefixcounter, contrad, or in Russian against , denotes opposition, opposition, the opposite of what is pronounced in the second part of the word:counter revolution, counter attack, counter intelligence, counter blow, contrary. In the word counter-admiral which is written through a hyphen, partcounter- it does not matter against: Admiral - Word from frenchin which it fell from Arabic, and means military rank Or the rank of the highest officer of the Navy. And consolescounter and vice indicate the order of seniority.

As for the Latin consolecon , synonymous to our consoleor or and denoting the connection, escort, joint action, in the dictionary foreign words There are about 60 words with this prefix. In some words, it clearly stands out, for example, in wordskon. federation, union, association of any organizations, states,kon Sensus (Con- and Sensus in Latinfeeling - literally sympathy or general agreement according to the controversial issue, achieved as a result of the discussion -Duma deputies came to consensus), consolidation (Cohesion, strengthening, strengthening).

So, the prefix connects co- or . But in many words she merged with the root and is not perceived as a prefix. These are words likecontext, Design, Conglomerate, Consortium and many others.

The next prefix also from Latin -fast- . It has the importance of the onset, after something, after anything:fast impressionism is a direction in art. Latin expressionfast factume - literally\u003e, that is, after something has already happened, it was accomplished.Fast scripts (literally\u003e) - Posted in the letter after the subscription, denoted by P.S.

We know a lot of words starting with a syllablere-: re design, re vaccination, re organizations broadcast and others. In these words there is a latin prefixre- Meaning renewal, repetition: Revaccination - This is repeated after a certain time the introduction of a vaccine to achieve the immunity of the body to infection. The second value of this console is the opposite effect or opposition.Re evacuation - return from the site of the initial stay, accommodation.

Sub- or in Russian Located below what is designated the basis of the word. Each military, and a civilian person, knows the wordsub ordination is a system of service subordination of junior seniors, based on the rules of service discipline. When they say: disrupted the subordination means, it did not obey the boss.IN the branch was strictly observed by subordination, and the assistant chassis did not bother to read the newspaper before the columnist (Serafimovich).

In the words of subtropics, subarctic this prefix denotes the location nearby, near anything.

Super prefix it is used in the language of youth already as a separate estimated word, means the highest manifestation of any sign, actions:Cinema - super! (unlock adjective)Rested - super! (adverb). IN separate words This prefix has the same meaning:super express, super fashionable. There is still a value "main" or "located on top, following something":super Market, Super Cover.

Next prefixthe ex- in the names of persons spent through a hyphen and matters "former":ex-chapion, ex - the president. Another meaning of this console is the Russian Prefixfrom-, for example: Ex EX-Humanization (EX - from, Humus latin "Earth, soil").Ex TRADITION (EX -, out and traditio - Transfer) - issuance of a person who violated the laws of this state.

Extra- synonymous consolesuper- , denote "the highest, going beyond the usual:extraordinary, extravagant- Unusual, not corresponding to generally accepted standards, fashion. There is an independent wordextra Meaning the "best", if we are talking about a grade of goods. In Russian, this is a unclear noun.

On this we will end the conversation about foreign-language consoles and advise everyone to write consoles correctly, and it is also more likely to think about the meaning of not only the whole word, but also its parts, remembering the words of the Great Pushkin:\u003e.

  • A- / An-\u003e
  • Anti-\u003e
  • Arch-\u003e
  • Hyper-\u003e
  • Hypo down against the norm \u003e\u003e
  • De / des-\u003e
  • RE-\u003e
  • Pro -\u003e
  • Protoc\u003e
  • Trans-\u003e
  • Pan-\u003e

Answer from Irina Kulömin[master]
in politics, and not there is

Answer from Katyuha Alchevskaya[master]
ab-, ABS-) - Prefix, meaning "Delete", "Deviation"; corresponds to the Russian console "from-".
anti prefix with the meaning of the opposite
bi- two twice duality
Hyper ... - 1. Initial part complex wordsImpact: exceeding
Derivatives with the prefix de-(des-) refer to the processes of destruction of what was the essence of the past: desnetsis - "Liquidation or conversion of advice as organs state power"; deindustrialization - "The process of disaggregation, simplifying the structure of industrial production"; Deburocratization - "Refusal to bureaucratic management methods, destruction of bureaucracy" and under. "According to its functional role, the prefix is \u200b\u200bdedicted to denial," notes V. V. Baranov, but this denial differs from the denial expressed by the prefix.
Di ... (Greek di ...), prefix meaning "twice"
In ancient Greek: Prefix, denying a positive meaning of the word (dismenes "ill-quality") or reinforcing negative (dispententhes "causing terrible suffering").
In Russian, the value of the prefix dis- "is called the absence of the absence of the opposite of what is called by the motivating word"; In addition, the prefix acquired an additional value of the violation, difficulty, disorders of any system.
For example:
1. Borrowed words with data prefix: dyspepsia (digestion violation); imbalance, dysfunction, dystrophy.
2. Words formed in Russian: disqualification, disharmony, uncomfortable.
The prefix is \u200b\u200bproductive in Russian (especially in scientific terminology) in the field of adjective and nouns.
(Lat. Inter between, among, mutually) prefix, meaning: location between structures, compound, interaction between them; Corresponds to the Russian "between", "among", "mutually".
the counterproof (in the meaning "against", it is always written in a punk - although it means "against", but obeys the basic law of spelling of our consoles!
greek prefix "Pan-" means "all", "universal. Also," everywhere "everywhere" - medicine
Poly- (Poly-)
prefix denoting: 1. A large number of; lots of. 2. Extreme degree of manifestation of any sign. 3. Considered; Amazing various parts of the body.
re- "opposite action" or "opposition"
Sub ..
The prefix in the words of the words that are valid: 1) is lower than or under the fact that it is indicating - but the basis of the word, for example. : subcortic, subakvalny; 2) indicating submission, on the dependence of one action or object from the other, for example. : subordination, sub-sector;
3) a smaller one or another parameter than what is indicated by the basis of the word, for example. : Subgigant, subcontinent; 4) Located so what is indicated by the basis of the word, for example. : Supportal, subtropics.
eKS- (EK-)
In ancient Greek, the prefix had meanings:
1) movement outward, distance, removal (Eksago "displays");
2) Completion (Eksidasko "Learn");
3) High degree of a sign (EkSelos "Very clear").
M. N. Slavyantic notes that "most words with the prefix of ex-Latin origin (EX-)". In Russian, the prefix is \u200b\u200bmainly used in the first sense (synonymized by the Russian prefix "out of-"); The use of ex- in the value of the "high degree of a sign". New values \u200b\u200bin Russian Greek prefix did not acquire.
Examples of words: Ecstasy (from EKS- " higher degree Sign of "," Movement outward "and Stase" Strike ", Riot, Stop, Transformation" - the highest degree of delight, enthusiasm); Eczema (from Eksemo "Expite, erupt"; rash on skin, disease with characteristic rash); Exeergia (from EK-, EKS- "Higher Sign" and Ergon "Work" - the maximum work that the thermodynamic system can perform), ectopia (literally "offset" - congenital or acquired offset internal organ or tissue with exit to the surface of the body).
Prefix Productive in Medical Terminology

Foreign (foreign language) consoles in Russian and their meaning?

    In Russian, there are quite a few borrowed consoles from other languages, and most of all from the ancient Greek and latin language -Pro-, A, -An-, -Dia-, -Kvazi, -re-, -Meta, -pal, -Sub- from Arabic -al- alchemy, algebra, a lot of consoles taken from modern European languages, more Total from English, German, French, -Su-Extra, Trans and so on.

    Inowaging consoles entered the Russian language gradually. They have a Greek and Latin origin. Not all consoles are used in modern language To construct verbal structures, such are unproductive and have several sense values \u200b\u200b(for example, amphi, ana-, apo). By now, there are such:

    but- No quality (atypical, immoral)

    anti- The same as the oppositeness of the opposite (antitrust)

    amphi Double, on all sides (amphibia, amphitheater)

    ana Repeability, reverse action, separation (anachronism, anabiosis)

    anti- Opportunity (anti-alcohol, antiotopia)

    apo denial, absence, origin from anything (apophiz, apocenter)

    archway Higher degree (archiving, archimandrite)

    bio- Reliable (biology, biocenosis)

    hyper- Excess rate, analogue super- (hypertension, hypersensitivity)

    hypo Nonachment of the norm (hypotension, hypodynamia)

    dia- Through traffic (dialogue, diagonal)

    dis- (Diz-) de- (s / s-) separation, denial (dysfunction, disqualification, disassembly, deodorant)

    inter- Intrend, between (international, interpretation)

    infra- Below, sub- (infrastructure, infraser)

    kat (cat-, café) movement from top to bottom (cataclysm, catastrophe)

    counter- against (counteroffensive, counterparty)

    meta- Intermediate, change of state (methagoactic, metamorphosis)

    pan- Comprehensive (Pandemic, Pan American)

    couple- Finding near or deviation (paralympic, parapsychology)

    per- About, near (perihelium, perigelitis)

    fast- After (postsential, postimigariasis)

    pro- continuation of time, preference (prolonged, proofased)

    proto- Source, Chief (Protozoy, Protodian)

    re- Renewal or opposite effect (relay, reorganization)


    sub- Subordinate, not chief (subculture, subducation)

    trance- Crossing, movement through (transgenic, transatlantic)

    ultra- Higher degree, super- (ultrafinal, ultra-modern)

    the ex- outward or preceding (exudate, excess)

    epi on top of something (epidermis, epigram)

    extra- Higher degree (extractable extramode)

    The most common foreign language consoles applied in Russian, the following: super, ex-, hyper-, sub-, anti, hypo. Thes of them, respectively: very replacement, expressing denial, low-flowing.

    Prefix ex It has the value former. Example: Ex-chapter.

    Prefix ultra It has the value extreme. Example: ultramarine.

    Prefix trans It has the value quot ;roid; Example: transatlantic.

    Prefix Super It has the value better quality. Example: Superman.

    Prefix sub It has the value underqot; Example: subtropical.

    Re It has a value resumption. Example: Restoration.

    Prefix pseudo It has a value imaginary;. Example: pseudobol.

    Prefix post It has the value after. Example: post-Soviet.

    Prefix poly It has a value different quality; Example: polymer.

    Prefix pa It has a value about. Example: Parastauka.

    In Russian there are several dozen foreign-speaking consoles. These are mainly the prefixes of Greek and Latin origin.

    Prefix Greek Origin

    All of them are 20 pieces. Here is some of them:

    A-: the absence of anything, denial, opposite. For example: immoral, asocial.

    Anti: opposite. For example: antisocial.

    Architecture: Higher degree. For example: Archwalk.

    Hyper-: Exceeding norm. For example: hyperplane.

    Gyo-: Non-Norma Norma. For example: hypodymna.

    Prefixes of Latin origin

    Some such consoles:

    Extras: over. For example: extrapolation.

    Sub-: under something. For example: subtropics.

    Inter-: Between. For example: Intercontinental.

    Now the consoles in Russian appeared quite a lot, just not all of them are spelled out in dictionaries. For example mega mill, macro, gig, tera, kil, Santi - These prefix are used primarily to designate values. But some are transferred to other areas: Megascids.

    But the list of the most common foreign language consoles, their values \u200b\u200band examples:

    There are many foreign language consoles in Russian. I will specify some of them, the most common and often found in words.

    Console but- expresses denial, the absence of any sign, quality, such as an alogichic, asocial, immoral;

    console ultra- So over, more, more thanquot ;: Trendy, ultra-modern;

    console anti Expresses denial: anti-people, anti-war;

    console extra It has the value super or out ofquot ;: extraordinary;

    console hyper - Over, a lot: hypersensitive, hyperactative;

    console trance - Between: transcontinental, transarctic;

    console super - Very: supervisory;

    console hypo Indicates the lack of something, a small dose: hypoallergenic, hypodynamia.

E.A. Macoves, teacher of the Russian language MOU SOSH No. 1 of Adygeysk,
A.I. Arkhipova, Professor of the Kuban State University

§ 2. Spelling consoles

Console, prefix (from lat. Praefixus."Attached ahead") - part of the word before the root. In Russian words, before the root can be from 1 to 3 consoles: pick-trembling, at-co-smit, at a time-from-wing. Most Russian consoles coincide in shape and partly in value with pretexts (off-road - without a road, separable - from the verb, empty, improving - from under the forehead), particles (unchanged - not to appear). Among the consoles of the Russian language there are some of the borrowed: but In the meaning "not", anti-"Against", Arch - "Very", counter - "against", Pan - "All", sub - "under", Trans - "Through" and etc.

2.1. Specifying unchanged consoles
Most consoles in Russian are immutable, i.e. Regardless of the sound in one position or another, they are written uniformly. The spelling of such consoles should be memorized. List of unchangeable consoles See Table:

calculated, stop, sediment, numb

get to walk, guess

believe, the farm, cut, rely

peel, gap, trick, grow

In a special meaning: (kinship value) great-grandmother, praask

attack, cover, catch up

set, enclosed, pick up, score

Above- (need-)

hang off, put up, label, tangle

Sub- (sub-)

make up, treat, prompt, wait

From- (OTO)

give, rest, move away, open


christmas cutting, wipe, walk around

V- (V-)

sharp, enter, clutch, involve


chairman, predecessor, to predict


humus, pour, skew

C- (co-)

get down
to do

No consoles in words:
not Zigi
and single.

2.2. The spelling of the consoles on ... s - ... with
In Russian, there are consoles in which the alternations of letters occurs Z. and FROM :
Effective, variation / races, variable / expenditures, variations, from / excessive / nis-, through / too- (Eightly / Cres-)

In .. to buy; for nor .. ..do; ra.

The choice of consonants is carried out at the following rule:

2.3. The spelling of the consoles of prefixes

Words starting with pre- and pri-, have in Russian different origins.
Some came from Latin. In such words Latin prefix prae- It became part of the Russian root (president, presidium, presumption, predicate, premie, claim, challenger, prefect, precedent, preparation, presentation). The Russian language borrowed Latin words with the root starting at the priority, privilege, private).
Others have an old Slavonic origin. For them is characterized by the Slavic prefix pre-which is often included in the modern root (obstacle, to be pressed, the advantage is beautiful). In the language, these words retain book character.
Finally many words with pre- and pri- They have actually Russian origin.

It is clear that it is impossible to make a clear rule for all cases. Therefore, the proposed orphotographic rule suited is primarily for words in which the value of the prefix is \u200b\u200bclearly guessed.

We remember some cases:

give a shape
dowry bride
teeta Temple
window window
arrive for a train
focus the door stick
touch the head to the shoulder
strike in the doorway
spray Syarotus
start deeds
inaccessible bastion
coming doctor
attach efforts
imprint (slightly reduce)
not applicable reception
torture to difficulties
to be present at the meeting

take a friend, dreams
predy land
old legend
patience limit
the successor of the head
the continuity of generations
validation, informations of fate
give the ideas of life
bare on vacation
reclude in trifles
stick head as a sign of respect
adamant man, old age,
book before talent
despise cowers
punch the law
it has overgrown
impact law
understand (significantly reduce)
putty (die)
stumbling stone
underwent deprivation
invertible, incessant

2.4. The spelling of vowels in the prefixes does not and in
indefinite and negative pronouns
Playless negative adverbs.

Note.The rule applies to the words of other parts of speech in the event that they are formed from negative proncesses and the shortcomings: nothing, insignificant, worthless, nikudny, in a draw.

2.5. Spelling consonants at the junction of the console and root.

Pere + tale \u003d retelling (-С-)
ra + tale \u003d story (-s-)
races + quarrel \u003d to climb (-s-)

Remember:calculation (Ras + Chet), but: calculate (races + count);
Current (demon + c + even).

In words smash One 3 is written.

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