What does it mean to leave your mark. What does it mean to leave your mark on the earth? - Maybe it was you who grew the ear

Text No. 14

Task number 1. Read the text by K. Chukovsky, answer the questions and fill in the table:

A life-affirming, dynamic, inexhaustibly active nature, Chekhov strove not only to describe life, but also to remake, build it, not up in the clouds.

That is busy with the construction of the first People's House in Moscow with a reading room, a library, an auditorium, a theater.

That achieves that right there, in Moscow, a clinic for skin diseases was built.

That is busy with the device in the Crimea of ​​the first biological station.

That collects books for Sakhalin schools and sends them there in batches.

That is building schools for peasant children not far from Moscow, and at the same time a bell tower and a fire shed for peasants. And later, having settled in the Crimea, he builds a fourth school there.

In general, any construction fascinates Chekhov, since, in his opinion, it always increases the amount of human happiness.

“I remember his childhood joy,” says Stanislavsky, “when I once told him about a large house under construction at the Red Gate in Moscow to replace the inferior one-story mansion that was demolished. Anton Pavlovich told about this long after with enthusiasm to everyone who came to visit him.

Once Gorky read to him his proud song about a man-builder, eager to transform the whole planet by tireless agriculture and construction, and this song said:

The circle of the earth would pass and plow all over,

A century would go - city fenced,

He would build churches and plant gardens!

I would decorate the earth like a girl ...

Chekhov could not help but like this song, since it fully expressed his own faith in the saving power of our thousand-year-old gardening and architecture.

“If every person on a piece of his land would do everything he can, how beautiful our land would be!” he said at the same time to Gorky. And he wrote in his book: “A Muslim digs a well to save his soul. It would be good if each of us left behind a school, a well, or something like that, so that life does not pass and does not go into eternity without a trace.

(K. Chukovsky)

1. What is the theme of K. Chukovsky's text?

2. What are the main problems of the text can you identify?

3. How can you characterize the problem of the text (select one):



· serious;




· deep;



Task number 2. Restore the entry in the table ("Subject"); independently formulate the problems of the text and identify the author's position, based on the material of the table:

Task number 3. Read the text of the student essay and answer the questions:

Each person tries to leave a good memory of himself on earth: he plants trees, writes books, builds temples ... But he does all this not for himself, not out of vanity - for the benefit of others. This is exactly what is described in the text of K. Chukovsky.

The question of what it is necessary to leave behind a “useful memory”, to create what people need, is important and significant for each of us. But in order not to live life in vain, it is necessary to choose the right goal in life, not to be deceived in this choice. It is necessary to begin such a “building” of a beautiful life around oneself so that it increases “the sum of human happiness of all people on earth.” From this position, the problem raised by K. Chukovsky can be called philosophical and moral.

The author seeks to convey to the reader the idea: “it would be good if each of us left behind” something useful. At the same time, K. Chukovsky focuses our attention : “if every man on a piece of earth would do everything he can,” then “our earth would be beautiful.” In addition, he concludes: life will not pass and will not go "into eternity without a trace" if each of us takes care of what he leaves for the next generation.

I cannot but agree with the author who calls to leave behind something necessary for everyone and everyone: someone will build a school, someone will dig a well, and someone will put an abandoned playground in order. The main thing is that children's eyes will look into your face with gratitude and complete strangers will be happy.

Many Russian poets and writers addressed the question that a deed should be beneficial in order to remain in people's memory. So, in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's War and Peace, one of the main characters, Pierre Bezukhov, not only thinks about the need to do useful things, but also puts his plan into practice. He opens schools and hospitals for peasant children deprived of the opportunity to learn to read and write, builds hospitals for the poor. Pierre Bezukhov does this at the behest of his heart, which tells him that this is how he will fulfill his civic duty.

In addition, in the history of our Fatherland there are many examples of "beautiful, creative" construction. So, many of the famous doctors of the 9th - early 20th centuries laid the foundation for a tradition: they initiated the construction of hospitals for the poor, those who were "at the bottom" of life. The names of S.P. will remain in our memory. Botkina, N.I. Pirogov, N.F. Filatov. It would be nice if this tradition was revived in our days! ..

So, after reading the text of K. Chukovsky, I came to the conclusion that each of us needs to try to leave our mark on the life of our family, our city, and maybe the state as a whole. But this will happen only if we strive for universal, and not our own personal happiness. Only then will our life not go "into eternity without a trace."

2. Is the topic of the text transformed into a problematic question? /(highlight the design with colored paste, put the symbol on the margins Fri**)

3. What, according to the student's work, is the main (main) idea of ​​K. Chukovsky's text?

4. With what constructions in his work does the student draw up a commentary on the problem stated by the author of this text K. Chukovsky? (Highlight these designs with colored paste, put the symbol on the margins KP***)

5. With what constructions in his essay does the student draw up the position of the author (K. Chukovsky), who talks about the importance of the problem to leave his mark on the earth? (Highlight these designs with colored paste, put the symbol on the margins PA****);

6. With what constructions in his essay does the student formulate his opinion on the problem of the text? Is a part of the text a reasoning, or is it a statement: a statement-agreement with the position of the author of the text K. Chukovsky? (Highlight these designs with colored paste, put the symbol on the margins CM*****);

7. Are students given evidence own opinion on the problem indicated by the author of the text? Does the evidence contain illustrations of the argument put forward? (Highlight in the evidence with colored paste the argument itself and the illustration to the argument, put the symbols ****** in the margins D1, A1, Il1; D2, A2, Il2).

8. Has the student made a conclusion that completes the reasoning on the text of K. Chukovsky? (Select the construction that draws up the conclusion in the student's essay with colored paste, and put the symbol in the margins AT*******)

Task number 4. Do a self-test using the prompt given in this task:

Each person leaves behind a trace on the Earth. It will be good or bad, everyone's choice. But after all, the more good a person does, the better our world becomes, although it seems that this is imperceptible. But every deed has its consequences, and the more good deeds there are, the more beautiful and better our world will become.

What a good footprint you can leave on Earth

You can come up with many good deeds and ideas on how to make the world a better place, what to leave a mark on, and how to make future generations proud of us and our world. Here is what you can do to help yourself and others, because you need to give only good, evil, and so much:

  • You can help orphanages. Children in such places really need any support: material and moral.
  • You can help people with incurable diseases or those who need an expensive operation. Even a small amount of money can save a person.
  • You can help animal shelters. Nowadays, there are a lot of animals that do not have enough food. Bring food or toys for the animal to the shelter, this can help them a lot.
  • You also need to choose a profession for yourself. This will help to live in harmony, because work is an important part of every person's life. You need to go up the career ladder, achieve success or even experiment. After all, everyone has a chance to become famous and respected person like Albert Einstein, Alexander Pushkin or Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In this way, you can make a huge contribution to the development of our world.
  • In addition, you need to leave a good mark on yourself in the family circle. It is very important that future generations be proud of you. We must strive to be a good wife, mother, grandmother or husband, father, grandfather. To do this, you need to help your family, raise children, take care of your soulmate and create comfort and warmth in the house.

Is it difficult to leave a good mark on the Earth about yourself

I think that it takes a lot of effort, but you need to try. I want to leave only a positive and kind trace and for this I will help people, learn according to my vocation and give joy to others.

Classroom for 3rd grade.

Topic: "What does it mean to leave your mark on the earth?"

Purpose: To reveal with students an understanding of the problem of the meaning of life, their mark on the earth


1) Define goals for your later life;

2) Rdevelopability to analyzecompare,makefindings; distinguish between good and evil;

3) To promote the correct attitude towards the actions of other people and their own;carefulrelationtonature.

Equipment: Computer, projector, pictures with traces, envelope with phantoms presentation about famous people, a picture of the globe, carved footprints on desks, pens. (attach the numbers 1,2,3,4 under the desks before the start of the lesson for playing Fanta)

Class schedule:

    Showing pictures with traces, determining the topic of the class hour

    Game "forfeits"

    Talk and show a presentation about people who left a mark on the earth.

    The yes-no game

    Write your dreams or 1 thing you would like to do for the benefit of other people.


Event progress

Hello guys. My name is Olga Viktorovna. We are not alone today, we have many guests, let's stand up and greet them.

I'm glad we're all here.

Let us hardly know each other,
But I hope we understand each other
And the pictures will help us with this,

From which Classroom hour we will start .

(a picture of the globe hangs on the board)

demonstration of pictures with traces (hang them on a board around the globe)

(children guess who owns the footprints

1.cat footprints

2. bird tracks

3. human footprints in the sand

4. trash.

Guys, what do you think, what are we going to talk about today (presumable answers of children)

Today we will talk on the topic: “What does it mean to leave your mark on the earth?”

But before we start talking about it. I want to invite you to play with me. There are numbers under the covers of your desks.

(4 people call to the board).

Game "forfeits"

Guys, I did not choose this game by accident. Do you know where it came from?

(Previously, sweets were not wrapped in wrappers, they were placed in special boxes. Thomas Edison invented candy wrappers - this is paraffin-impregnated paper, it helped sweets be stored longer. We still use his invention today)

Candy wrapper slide

Guys, what do you know about Thomas Edison? (children's answers)

Information about Edison

SLIDE portrait of Edison

light bulb slide

Guys, look at these slides now. What do you see on them?

(children's answers)

And on this slideGerman politician and orator, founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich, German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler.

SLIDE 3 war-torn houses

SLIDE 4 bombs

SLIDE 5 crying people

SLIDE 6 Hitler

Summing up our conversation, I would like to hear from you what kind of person did you remember today with positive side, and what with negative?

Slide + and -

It turns out that these people left traces of their lives on earth.

We can take other examples and consider good traces left by a person or evil ones.

Some examples carry a creative force (love, goodness), others - a destructive force. It all depends on what goals a person sets for himself, what he dreams of.

To learn to distinguish between good and evil, we will play a little

Game yes-no

I hope that our conversation with you today sunk into your hearts and you will follow very carefully what mark you want to leave on earth.

I invite you to think about what you would like to become in order to bring many benefits to all people.

(you can write what kind deed you would like to do for the benefit of other people)

Slide with the globe

There are carved footprints on the tables (ask the children to write their dream or one thing that you think would be the beginning of your good deeds on earth)

After the children have written, everyone voices their idea and attaches it to the globe with a magnet.

game yes no

Underrated genius

As a child, Edison was considered mentally retarded.

Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in the small town of Mylen, located in Ohio, USA.

In childhood, Thomas was inferior in height to many of his peers, looking a little sickly and frail. He was severely ill with scarlet fever and almost lost his hearing. This influenced his studies at school - the future inventor studied there for only three months, after which he was sent to home schooling with an insulting verdict of the teacher "limited". As a result, the mother was engaged in the education of her son, who managed to instill in him an interest in life.

The first experience of inventive activity did not bring fame to Thomas. Nobody needed his first apparatus for counting votes during the elections - American parliamentarians considered him completely useless. After the first failures, Edison began to adhere to his golden rule - do not invent something that is not in demand.

    Mimeograph - a device for printing and reproducing written sources in small print runs, which Russian revolutionaries liked to use.

    The method of storing organic food in a glass container was patented in 1881 and involved the creation of a vacuum environment in the dishes.

    Kinetoscope - a device for viewing a movie by one person. It was a massive box with an eyepiece through which it was possible to see a recording lasting up to 30 seconds. It was in good demand before the advent of film projectors, which seriously lost in mass viewing.

    telephone membrane - a device for sound reproduction, which laid the foundations of modern telephony.

    Stencil pen - a pneumatic device for perforating printed paper, patented in 1876. For its time, it was the most efficient device capable of copying documents. After 15 years, S. O'Reilly created a tattoo machine based on this pen.

    Fluoroscope - an apparatus for fluoroscopy, which was developed by Edison's assistant K. Delly. In those times X-rays were not considered particularly dangerous, so he tested the operation of the device on his own hands. As a result, both limbs were amputated successively, and he himself died of cancer.

    electric car - Edison was obsessed with electricity in a good way and believed that he had a real future. In 1899, he developed an alkaline battery and intended to improve it in the direction of increasing the resource. Despite the fact that more than a quarter of cars in the United States were electric at the beginning of the 20th century, Thomas soon abandoned this idea due to the mass distribution of gasoline engines.

    Electric lamp

A person is not born in order to disappear without a trace as a speck of dust unknown to anyone. A person is born in order to leave a mark on himself - eternal.

Man leaves himself first of all in man. This is our immortality. We live in order to imprint ourselves in a son or daughter, in order to live in their passions and work. This is the highest happiness and the meaning of life. If you want to stay in the human heart, raise your children. The upbringing of a person is the most important social duty.

On how clearly a person sees the highest meaning of his being in fatherhood and motherhood, his moral character depends. Our important educational mission is to ensure that the person we create is responsible not only for his current behavior, but also for the future, and the future is the mind, feelings, beliefs of a living person, whose roots are laid in the present. On the day the girls come of age, when they turn sixteen, I tell them the Ukrainian legend "Who is the most skilled craftsman on earth."

I strive to ensure that all the years of schooling a person comprehends a very subtle and complex science - the ability to see oneself. For everyone to think already in adolescence: what am I able to leave in people, in work, in living and blooming? What even a small drop of me will enter the eternal ocean of human existence?

What does that require? How to lead educational work in this direction?

To see yourself small man must learn to see life. To see a person, to understand and feel the beauty in him, to admire and be amazed by it, to correlate himself with what he saw and understand, as if trying on his own merits with what he considers a model. I consider it very important to tell teenagers, boys and girls about their lives. About what a person has done in his life, how he reports to the generations that take over from him the baton of creativity, creation, as in the story of a vibrant human life - “The most happy man on the ground".

You are stepping into life, young men and women. Before you is the sun of your captivating day - it has just risen above the horizon, its path is still ahead. You plow the land and build houses, build bridges and graze cattle, rejoice at the arrival of birds from a warm land and worry about the fate of a tender blade of grass - a green sprout of wheat, go on distant campaigns and shoot at the enemy if he decides to violate the sacred borders of our Motherland. In all this you will leave some grain of your soul, mind, talent. But you can fully invest your soul only in a person. Do not forget that you are to be fathers and mothers. In fatherhood and motherhood - the most difficult labor wisdom. This is work, work and a thousand times more work. You will have to listen with bated breath to the cry of a newborn son, father (I am addressing you now as future fathers). You will have to give birth to sons and daughters in pain and anguish, mother (I am addressing you as future mothers). Going to distant life path, remember that you need to take with you as much riches as possible from adolescence and youth - you need these riches for the creation of Man.

There is folk tale about the Voidflower Man. This man loved to sing, have fun, he could not linger in one place for a long time - he constantly moved from a green field to a flowering meadow, from a flowering meadow to a shady grove. And so his son was born. The Barren Flower Man hung the cradle on an oak branch and sits singing. And the son is growing by leaps and bounds. He jumped out of the cradle, went up to his father and said:

“Father, show me what you have done with your own hands?”

The father was surprised at such wise speeches of his son, he smiled. Thinking about what to show your son? The son is waiting, but the father is silent, and he stopped singing. The son looks at the tall oak and asks:

“Maybe it was you who planted the oak?”

Father bowed his head, silent.

The son of his father led him into the field, looked at the full ear of wheat, and asked:

- Maybe it was you who grew the ear?

The father bowed his head even lower, silent.

The son and father came to the deep, the son looks at blue sky reflected in the water, and says:

- Father, say a wise word ...

And the Hollow Flower Man not only cannot do anything with his hands, but he also cannot say a wise word. He bowed his head even lower and was silent... And so he turned into an empty grass. It blooms from spring to autumn, but does not give fruits or seeds.

Like the greatest grief, be afraid, young men and girls, to enter life as an empty flower. You will be ashamed in front of your son, in front of your daughter, in front of people for a life lived without a trace.

It’s scary at the thought that this could be: an old person walks the earth, as if he deserves respect, but it turns out that no one knows who this person is, and he deserves neither respect nor memory.

I often tell teenagers and young men about a respected, worthy person who has passed away, trying to awaken an ardent desire to leave a bright mark on the earth after me. These stories are grains that make up living history our modernity. To convey to the consciousness, to the soul of a teenager the meaning of a rich, rich life given to people is not a memorial for the dead, but a hymn to life.

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky is an outstanding Soviet teacher and innovator. How to raise a real person: (Ethics of communist education)

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Leave a trace (traces) LEAVING TRAIL(S). LEAVE A TRAIL(S). Express. Having done something significant, having achieved significant results in something, to retain recognition among someone. It can be seen that the head of the museum was an outstanding person, who managed to leave a mark on herself and infect with love for her work.(L. Anisov. Originally from Yelabuga). Chekhov's heroes, despite their brief existence in Russian and world spiritual history, left their indelible marks. And now the images created by Chekhov are the series that is immortal for us.(S. Zalygin. Genius of tact).

Phraseological dictionary of Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Leave a trace (traces)" in other dictionaries:

    LEAVING TRAIL(S). LEAVE A TRAIL(S). Express. Having done something significant, having achieved significant results in something, to retain recognition among someone. It can be seen that the head of the museum was an outstanding person, which she managed to ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

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