What an ancient civilization was the longest. The five most highly developed ancient civilizations of the Earth, about which everyone should know

The well-known Russian specialist claims that before the emergence of people on Earth, there were four more civilizations.

The well-known Russian specialist Ernst Muldashev, an ophthalmologist by profession and a researcher on calling on the profession of dispersed civilizations is searching for traces of dispersed civilizations. According to Muldashev, there were four civilizations on Earth, which disappeared by the time of humanity, but left their traces.


Asura, or self-care, were the first race on Earth, which appeared 10 million years ago. They were incredibly high, almost 50 meters, had an essential body, lived in ten thousand years, and to communicate with each other, telepathy was used. They had to move to Earth as a result of the death of the planet Phaeton.


Gradually, the asuras changed, their bodies became more dense. So gradually formed a new race of Atlantov, "born after. They were slightly smaller in size, they still did not have bones, but there was a third eye located between the eyebrows.


After the Atlantov, lemurians appeared on Earth. They dressed the Morahdo more on modern people, they had a bone skeleton, the division of sexual sign appeared, the third eye was still, but not so well developed as Atlanta. Lemuri growth was about 7-8 meters, and they lived at about a thousand years. According to Muldashev, they built Sphinx, Stonehenge and other amazing monuments.


This race has been formed later, its representatives were much lower, not more than 3-4 meters, the third eye was well hidden, and the rest of the authorities were very similar to human.

As Muldashev believes, approximately 25-30 thousand years ago on our planet occurred. nuclear catastrophe As a result of the conflict between lemuries and borea. Part of the Lemurians disappeared in the caves, where they fell into a state of a hibernation "somatia", and the other part flew into spacecraft.

Borey, or the late Atlanta, reached the unprecedented heights of development, but also could not preserve their civilization and died about 12 thousand years ago.


Our race, the fifth in the account, Muldashev calls the Aryan. The birth of the fifth civilization occurred about 12 thousand years ago, shortly before the death of Atlantis. The ancestors of modern people have already absent third eyes, so our civilization is developing so slowly.

The existence of more ancient civilization confirm archaeological finds, rock paintings, references to aircraft in legends and legends.

So that we can learn a reliable history of the development of the most ancient world civilizations, scientists had to make huge efforts with relevant studies. Thanks to the titanic work of historians and archaeologists, we know not only most of the customs, but we can build them in chronological order, from the most ancient to relatively "young".

Knowledge of the culture of the ancient peoples helps us understand how the formation of modern society occurred. In the study of the life and lifestyle of the oldest peoples, historians helps the detection of fossils, artifacts and ruins of cities, which are silent witnesses of events that took place many centuries ago. Knowing his story, humanity will be able to learn from the errors of the ancestors, not allowing them to continue.

However, before moving to the list of the top 10 of the oldest civilizations of the world, it is worth considering the formation of humanity from the first stage. The evolution of man began approximately 55 million years ago, as a result of which during a long evolutionary formation from other hominids and man-like monkeys, a view that we call Homo Sapiens were separated. In the image below you can watch the course of evolution.

But before the person rose two legs, many more years have passed. The adoption of the vertical position by our ancestors occurred about 5.8 million years ago. It should not be assumed that from this point on the evolution "suffered" with the speed of light. Humanity developed very slowly, step by step approaching the first civilization. The last step occurred about 5500 years ago. This period was marked by the development of agriculture.

When people realized that for normal life, it is not necessary to deal with only hunting and gathering, they left their caves, and began to settle small groups and family clans. This gave impetus to the emergence of the first settlements in Asia and Africa. All of them began in river valleys - ideal for growing crops. Now people did not have to lead a nomadic lifestyle in search of food. Instead, they settled in one place, which gradually grown to a large settlement, gradually turning into the city. Over time, the wheel, writing, government and other attributes of modern society appeared. So the civilization began!

Chavinian civilization (900 - 250 years BC. E.)

Chavin is one of the oldest South American cultures of the pre-colombian epoch, located in the territory of modern Peru. As the Middle East was the center of many great cultures of the old world, and South America "shelted" civilization of two Western continents. In the image of many ancient cultures, Chavin civilization was a religious society. The name itself comes from the religious city of Chavin de Untar, the former capital of all settlements.

Hittite civilization (1600 - 1178 years BC. E.)

Hetta is considered the first tribes that managed to extract iron and make weapons and tools from it. Basically, the first settlements of Hettites were located on the territory of modern Turkey (Anatoly). Despite the broader framework of the existence of the Hittch kingdom, the flourishing period of their culture is dated 1600 - 1178 to N. e. Hittons power directly depended on the acquired skills in iron processing, which made it possible to form the strongest army that time.

And also they are attributed to the invention of combat chariot, for many years has become the main weapon in the wars. At the peak of his power, the ruler of Hettov Muvatallalli II began military campaign Against Egypt to capture the lands of modern Palestines and Syria. The war lasted about 15 years, ending with the signing of a peace treaty, which became the first in the history of mankind such a document.

The decline of the Hett kingdom is associated with the concept of a bronze collapse (transition period from the bronze to the Iron Age), when the so-called peoples of the sea began their relocation in the territory of the Egyptians and Hettov, in the same time conquering all opposing settlements. The most significant role in the end of the Hett domination in Malaya Asia was played by Frigians, who captured their lands in the 1200s to N. e.

Mayan civilization (1200 BC e. - 900 years. E.)

Maya, perhaps, were the most developed meso-American civilization, passing the period of formation, flourishing and decline. Maja prosperity dated 1200 - 250 years BC. e. Their settlements were located in the modern territories of Mexico, El Salvador, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras. Maya's Indians belong to the invention of hieroglyphic writing - the only known in the territory of mesoamer.

In addition to manuscripts, Maya is known for their calendar, which made a lot of noise at the end of 2012, because it was supposed to end in December that many interpreted as a hint at the end of the world. In fact, everything turned out to be myth or improper interpretation of contemporaries. Maya were pagans, there were about 160 in their pantheon, each of whom personified one of the aspects of everyday life.

The period of sunset of this culture is dated 800 - 900 years. e. At this time, the tribes leave their stone cities. Scientists and historians still can not come to a common opinion, why it happened. Despite the wreck of the Mayan civilization, she left behind the impressive monuments of architecture and works of art. The Europeans who came after the discoveries, considered the local population of savages, however, 3 out of 10 ancient civilizations on our list belonged to the American continents, which speaks about the opposite.

Nubian civilization (2000 - 1000 years BC. E.)

Nubia was located on the territory of modern, Sudan and South Sudan. This African culture is the first major state of internal Africa. The ancient Egyptians called their land kingdom kush. You can safely be called Kush's successor Kerma's kingdom, which was equal to Egypt, as a result, was conquered by one of the Egyptian pharaohs. Kush also conflict with the northern neighbor. During the permanent wars, they alternately captured each other's territory.

India civilization (3300 - 1300 years BC. E.)

In some sources, the India civilization can go in third place in the "antiquity", being after Egypt. However, scientists managed to prove that the culture of the peoples of the Valley of the River Indus developed before the ancient Egyptian. This civilization is also called Harapp, and its origin occurred almost 5300 years ago. Of his heyday, the India civilization reached in 2600 BC. e. She stretched out a lot of kilometers along the Indus Valley, located on the territory of the modern states of Pakistan, India and Afghanistan. Archaeologists managed to find the ruins of the ancient cities of the Harapp of Civilization, among whom Mohenjo Daro was the largest. It is located in modern Pakistan and literally translates as the "Kurgan of the Dead." This settlement is considered one of the first cities in the history of mankind. The size of the city was approximately 200 hectares, which is 5 times the Vatican area.

Residents of the Harapp state developed an effective drainage system that protects settlements from flooding, built many public baths and wells with freshwater. Study Mohenjo Daro allowed historians to answer many questions about the development of the social and economic life of India civilization.

The oldest civilization of the world - Mesopotamia was located on the territory of modern Iraq, Kuwait and Syria. She is rightfully considered a cradle of civilization, since the first cities and empires appeared in Mesopotamia. The Greek word Mesopotamia means "between rivers", so it is often possible to meet the name of the international culture. Ancient Mesopotamia began its origin between the valleys of the Tiger River and Euphrates, surrounded on both sides by the Persian Bay and Malaya Asia.

The region is part of a fertile crescent, rich lands, ideal for agriculture. Such conditions allow developing multiple civilizations. It is worth it to lead exactly about several cultures that replace each other in Mesopotamia. Among them are the Babylonian, Sumerian, Akkada and Assyrian civilization. The most ancient was the kingdom of Sumer, which later connected with Akkad. Sumerums belongs to the championship in the invention of the wheel and the construction of the ship. This allows them to trade with other nations, which ultimately makes come up with a system of calculating for shopping and sales.

Due to soil fertility, the territory of Mesopotamia has always been a "tidacity" for conquerors. Misondrocheus moved to the possession of various peoples, which had a positive effect on the development of mankind, as Sumer-Akkada culture quickly spread and influenced future civilizations.


The history of mankind can be compared with the biography of one family - over time, the household leaves, others appear on the light, and everyone lives life in its own way, leaving certain memories of themselves. In the case of the Global "family" Homo Sapiens, whole civilizations are in the role of its members - some of them have been able to exist thousands of years, and some of them are not given to stretch and several centuries, but one way or another, the place of the deceased civilization immediately takes the following - in This great justice and great meaning of history.

1. Civilization Olmekov

Olmeki is one of the most ancient civilizations of Central America, with an outstanding culture and unusually high for its time level of development of science and technology.

The "calling card" of Olmekov is gigantic sculptures in the form of heads located in modern Mexico. The flourishing of the Olmek state came for the period between the 1500th and 400th to our era, according to historians, this people reached impressive success in architecture, agriculture, medicine, writing and other branches of knowledge. Olmekov had a pretty accurate calendar and a mathematical system in which the figure "0" was used, which can be considered a real breakthrough.

Having existed for more than a thousand years, the civilization of Olmekov on unexplained reasons has been declining until now, but other states arose on its ruins, such as ...

2. Aztec Empire

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The "golden age" of the Aztec civilization is the period between the 1428th and 1521 months - at this time the empire covered the huge territories where they lived, according to some estimates, about 5 million people, while the population of its capital, tenochtitlan, located on the site of modern Mexico City, amounted to about 200 thousand.

Aztecs borrowed a lot from the civilization of Olmekov, including religious beliefs, ritual games, the traditions of human sacrifice, language, calendar and some achievements of science and culture. The Aztec Empire was one of the richest and highly developed states of Decolumbovy America - it suffices to mention at least about the most complex activists designed to irrigate the famous floating gardens.

With the isolation of the Aztec state from the rest of the world, and at the same time with the state itself, it was encountered when Ernan Cortez's Spanish Conquistador's squad was allowed to enter the tenochtitlan. You can imagine the surprise of Spaniards who were waiting for a meeting with "primitive barbarians" - their eyes appeared a huge rich city with wide streets and amazingly beautiful architecture.

Probably greed, envy of the Spaniards to the wealth of citizens, as well as European diseases and contemporary weapons of conquistadors and led to the destruction

the Aztec state and the genocide of the Great People, and in just a few years the victim of European invaders fell another Indian Civilization ...

3. Empire Incov

The state of the Inca, which occupied the territory of modern Peru, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador, existed for more than three centuries - from the beginning of the XIII to the end of the XVI, when conquistadors came to the country under the head of the Spaniard Francisco Pizarro.

The capital of the Empire Incas was located in the mountains, on the site of the modern city of Cusco. Thanks to the extraordinarily high in the same time, the level of development of Inki technologies managed to build an effective agricultural system, turning the mountain slopes into fertile fields and developing their irrigation technologies. The highest mastery of Incan architects is evidenced by the construction of Machu Picchu and other facilities. Based on astronomical observations and its mathematical system Incas created an accurate calendar, they developed their own writing, achieved notable success in medicine and other sciences. Scientists still break their heads like people who did not have modern tools and adaptations, managed to build architectural and engineering masterpieces.

Familiarity with European civilization has become for the Inca (as well as for other indigenous peoples of the American continent) of the real tragedy - most of the population was destroyed by European diseases, conquistadors weapons and began various tribes, and their cities were looted.

Such is the sad fate of the once powerful country, the sizes of which were comparable to the largest Eurasian states, for example, what we call ...

4. Persian Empire

The Persian Empire for several centuries was among the main players on the global political arena. Possessing outstanding technologies and knowledge, the Persians built a unique in its extensiveness and quality of a network of roads that binding the most developed cities of the empire, which did not have any analogues of the sewage system, created the alphabet and numbers. They were the first to begin to use the assimilation of conquered peoples instead of their extermination, trying to make religious and cultural traditions of inomes part of their culture, thanks to which they managed to create one of the largest and most influential states on the planet, such examples in the history of humanity are quite rare and one of them ...

5. Macedonian Empire

With its existence, this state, by and large, is obliged to one person - Alexander Great. His empire covered part of modern Greece and Egypt, the territory of the former state of the achemenidov and part of India. Alexander was able to subjugate a lot of countries thanks to his talent of the commander and a high level of training for troops. The assimilation of the peoples of the captured territories - marriages between the soldiers of the Macedonian troops and representatives of the local population also played a latter role in creating the empire.

After the death of Alexander the Macedonian empire existed for about three centuries. As a result of numerous conflicts between the heirs of the legendary conqueror, the country broke up and its most part entered into a major state, called ...

6. Roman Empire

Roman civilization originated in the cities-states on the territory of modern Italy, the main of which was, of course, Rome. The empire was formed under the strong influence of Greek civilization - the Romans borrowed from the Greeks, many ideas of the state and public apparatus, which they managed to fully implement in

zNN, as a result of which one of the greatest empires in the history of humanity appeared on the world map. Under the rule of Caesar, the scattered areas of Italy united, and by the success of the Roman military leaders, the young state gradually turned into the most influential Empire of the world, which included modern Italy, Spain, Greece, France, significant parts of Germany and the United Kingdom, North Africa (including Egypt) and extensive territories in the Middle East.

The victorious procession of the Romans in the world prevented the collapse of the empire to the Western and Eastern part. The history of the Western Roman Empire ended in the 476th year, the Eastern Roman Empire, which is also called Byzantine, existed almost a thousand years longer - until 1453 years.

The United Roman Empire was one of the largest states in the entire history of mankind, in magnitude, only some giants exceeded, for example ...

7. Mongolian Empire

The state that covered the most extensive in the history of the adjacent territory was born in the will of the Great Mongolian commander, whose name became practically synonymous with successful gaining policies. The history of the Genghis Khan empire lasted a little over a century and a half, from 1206 to the 1368th - during this time, under the rule of the first great Khan and his successors, were territories modern Russia, India, China and some countries of Eastern EuropeIn total, the area of \u200b\u200bcaptured lands was about 33 million km2. Military successes of Mongols are explained, first of all, the use of cavalry - their opponents simply did not have a chance to cope with countless hordes of skillful riders who appeared as if they had anything and smashed infantry in the fluff and dust.

From the continuation of the conquest policy of Mongols held the death of the great Khan Ugheda, the Third Son of Genghis Khan. Who knows - if it were not for circumstances, perhaps Western Europe I would familiar with all the "charms" of the Mongolian invasion. During the struggle for the power of several Mongolian political leaders, the empire broke up into four states - Golden Horde, Ilhanat in the Middle East, Yuan Empire in China and Chagatai Ulus in Central Asia.

It is worth noting that the Mongols were not brainless barbarians, what they are often trying to present Western historians in their works. In the captured territories, they were injected quite humane laws in relation to the indigenous population - for example, it was strictly forbidden to persecute local residents for their religious beliefs. So progressive internal politics It would be worth learn for example, the elite of such a state as ...

8. Ancient Egypt

Located in the River Valley, the state in various forms existed for more than 4 thousand years. The history of Egyptian civilization is devoted to countless studies, thousands of books, artistic and documentary films, but scientists continue to argue about the technologies and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, which allowed them to create, for example, the famous pyramids of Giza and other wonders of architectural thought.

The heyday of ancient Egypt is characterized by the highest level of development of traditional religion, egyptian language, medicine, architecture, agricultural technologies, mathematics and different species Arts. Egypt enters the top three ancient states on the planet, among them - Sumerian and

India civilization, the latter is also called ...

9. Harappa civilization

India civilization is far from being so known as Ancient EgyptAlthough both states have formed approximate at one time - in the middle of the fourth millennium BC. The period of the existence of civilization located in the territory of modern Pakistan, covers more than one and a half thousand years.

One of distinctive features Harappa civilization can be considered a peaceful, creative policy of the authorities, and both internal and external.

As long as the rulers of other countries led the war and intimidated their own citizens, considering the main tool for strengthening the authority, the first persons of the Harapp state all forces were sent to the development of society, strengthening the economy and improve technologies.

Archaeologists argue that during the study of the settlements of the India civilization, they found only a large number of Weapons, while completely absent human remains with signs of violent death, which makes it possible to conclude about the peace-loving of the Indoch state.

Harappz lived in clean, well-planned cities with sewage and water systems, in almost every house there was a bathroom and a toilet. Unfortunately, it is known to us about the Indian civilization, however, the available information indicates that it was one of the most progressive countries of that era.

Goodwill and peacefulness were peculiar to the people who created the state on the caribbean islands - we know it under the name ...

10. Aravaki

Aravaki - the collective name of the whole group of peoples who inhabited the islands of the Caribbean and northern part South America. It was Aravaki first of the Indian tribes who became acquainted with Christofore Columbus on his arrival in New World. According to different estimates, during the first expedition times

Columbus The number of island Aravakov was from 300 to 400 thousand people, although in some sources other numbers are given - up to several million.

Possessing a developed culture, Aravaki were very friendly to each other and to foreign countries - according to the evidence of the participants of the expedition, the aborigines shouted to the European Courts approaching their islands: "Taino!", That in the translation from the local adverb means "peace". From here, the second common name of the island Aravak tribes is Taino.

Taino was engaged in trade, agriculture, fishing and hunting, unlike many other Indian tribes, they practically did not participate in military conflicts. The only people with whom Aravaki was begged were cannibals who lived in the territory of the modern state of Puerto Rico.

Aravaki civilization is characterized by a highly organized structure of society, its hierarchy, as well as the commitment of the population universal values - For example, Aravak women had the right to refuse a man in concluding a marriage, which for the Indians was unheard of, however, as for many Europeans of that time.

With the arrival of conquerors, the state of Aravakov quickly came into decay - the population of several times was reduced due to the lack of immunity to diseases of the old light and armed conflict With the Spaniards. Currently, Taino is considered extinct, although the remains of culture of this once highly developed civilization have been preserved in some of the Caribbean Islands.

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10 of the greatest changes in the last millennium

At the dawn of mankind, the southern part of the Mesopotamia, which in the classic era was called Babylonia, settled the very first civilization on Earth. Now this is the territory of modern Iraq, extending from Baghdad to the Persian Gulf, a total of about 26 thousand square meters. km.

The place is characterized by a very dry and hot climate with scorched and weathered, low-grade soils. The river plain, devoid of stones and minerals, the swamps, tightened by the cane, the complete absence of wood - this is exactly that this earth was more than three thousand years ago. But the people, who settled this territory and the world famous to the world, was endowed with a decisive and enterprising temper, an outstanding mind. He turned a lifeless plain into a flowering garden and created what would be called no other than the "first civilization on Earth".

Origin of Suchmers

There is no reliable information about the origin of the Sumerians. To date, scientists-historians and archaeologists are difficult to say whether they were indigenous inhabitants of Mesopotamia or came from these lands from the outside. The second option is considered as the most likely. Presumably, representatives came from the mountains of Zagros, or even Industan. Summers themselves about their origin did not write anything. In 1964, a proposal was made to consider this issue from various aspects: linguistic, racial, ethnic. After that, the search for truth was finally deepened in lingopology, to find out the genetic links of the Sumerian language, which is currently considered isolated.

Suchmers, which were founded by the first civilization on Earth, were never called themselves. In fact, this word denotes the territory, the south of Mesopotamia, the same name was "black-headed".

Language of Sumer

Linguists define Sumerian as agglutinative. This denotes that the formation of forms and derivatives is by adding unambiguous affixes. The tongue of the Sumerians consisted mainly of one-step words, so it was difficult to even imagine how many of them were, - the same sounding, but differ in meaning. In ancient sources, according to the estimates of scientists, there are about three thousand. At the same time, more than 100 words are used only 1-2 times, and the most frequently used only 23.

As already mentioned, one of the main features of the language is the abundance of homonyms. Most likely, a rich system of tones and larky sounds existed, which in the graph of clay plates is difficult to read. In addition, the first civilization on Earth had two dialects. Literary language (EME-GER) was used most widely, and the priests spoke on the secret diachy (Eme-Sal), which was given from the ancestors and, most likely, not tone.

Sumerian was a mediator and was used throughout the territory of Southern Mesopotamia. Therefore, his carrier was not necessarily an ethnic representative of this ancient people.


The question of creating writing superiments remains controversial. However, the fact is that they have improved it and transformed into the clig. They greatly appreciated the art of writing and include his appearance to the very beginning of creating their civilization. It is likely that at the dawn of writing history, it was not clay, but another, more easily collapsing material. Therefore, a lot of information is lost.

The very first civilization on Earth BC, to be impartial, created its own letter of writing. The process was long and complicated. The Gazelle shown by the ancient artist is an art or message? If he did it on the stone, in those places where many animals, it will be a full message for his comrades. It says: "There are many gazelles here, and therefore there will be a good hunt. The message could well include several drawings. For example, it is worth adding a lion, and the warning already sounds: "There are many gazelles, but there is a danger." This historical stage is considered the first step towards creating writing. Gradually, the drawings were transformed, simplified and became a schematic character. In the picture you see how this transformation happened. People noticed that it was easier to make an outtrend with a cane stick, and not draw. All rounding disappeared.

Ancient Suchmers - the first civilization on Earth, which has found it consisted of several hundred signs, and 300 were the most used. Most of them had several similar meanings. Floine was used in Mesopotamia almost 3000 years.

Religion of the people

The work of the Pantheon Sumerian gods can be compared with the Assembly, at the head of which was the supreme "king". This meeting was further divided into groups. The main one is known as the "Great Gods" and consisted of 50 deities. It is she who, according to the ideas of the Sumerians, peaks the fate of people.

According to mythology, it was created from clay, mixed on the blood of the gods. The universe consisted of two worlds (upper and lower), separated by the Earth. Interestingly, already in those days, Suchmers had a myth about the World Flood. In addition, we have reached the poem telling about the creation of the world, the individual episodes of which are very closely intersect with the main Christian shrine - the Bible. For example, the sequence of events, in particular, creation on the sixth day of a person. There are hot disputes about such a relationship of pagan religion and Christianity.


Sumerian culture is one of the most interesting and brightest among the other peoples who inhabid the two-frequency. By the third millennium, she reached his heyday. People lived in the period actively engaged in livestock and agriculture, fishing. Gradually exclusively agriculture replaced handicrafts: a pottery, foundry, weaving and stone production developed.

The characteristic features of architecture are: construction of buildings on artificial mounds, distribution around the indoor courtyard, separation of walls by vertical niches and the introduction of color. The two brightest monumental monument of 4 thousand BC. e. - Temples in Uruk.

Archaeologists found quite a lot of art objects: sculptures, remnants of images on stone walls, vessels, metal products. All of them are made with great skill. What is a magnificent helmet of pure gold (in the photo)! One of the most interesting inventions of Sumerians - printing. They were portrayed people, animals, scenes from life.

Earlynastic period: 1 stage

This is the time when genuine clinies have already been created, - 2750-2600 years BC. e. For this period, the existence of a large number of state cities is characterized, the center of which was a large temple economy. Over the limits there were largest communities. The main productive work was lying on the so-called temple clients who were deprived of ownership. The spiritual and political advantage of society already existed - a military leader and priest and, accordingly, their closest environment.

The ancient people had an outstanding mind and a certain inventive talent. In those distant times, people have already come to the idea of \u200b\u200birrigation, having studied the opportunity to collect and direct Euphrates and Tigger in the right direction. Enriching the soil in the fields and in the gardens of the organica, they raised its yield. But large-scale work, as you know, require a great workforce. The first civilization on Earth was familiar with slavery, moreover, it was legalized.

It is reliably aware of the existence of 14 Sumerian cities in the specified period. Moreover, the most developed, prosperous and cult was the Nippur, where the temple of the Chief God was located - Enlil.

Early Penal Period: 2 Stage

This period (2600-2500 BC) is characterized by military conflicts. Century began to defeat the ruler of the city of Kish, which allegedly caused the invasion of Elamites - residents ancient state On the territory of modern Iran. In the south, a number of cities-Nomov united in the Military Union. There was a tendency to centralize power.

Early Penate: 3 Stage

At the third stage of the early day, 500 years after that moment when the first civilization on Earth appeared (according to the assumptions of archaeologists), there is an increase and development of state cities, and in society there is a bundle, the growing of social contradictions. In this soil, the struggle of the rulers of Nomov for power is exacerbated. One military conflict was replaced by another in pursuit of hegemony of one city over everyone. In one of the ancient Hummer epos, dating back 2600 BC. E., refers to the union of Sumer under the rule of Gilgamesh - King Uruk. After another two hundred years, most of the state was conquered by the king of Akkada.

The Babylonian Empire shaking the strength of the Shumer to the middle of the second millennium BC. er, and Sumerist has lost the status of spoken even earlier. However, for a few thousand years, he remained as a literary. This is an approximate time when the Civilization of Sumerians ceased to exist as a political holistic formation.

Very often you can find information that mythical Atlantis - This is the first civilization on Earth. Atlants who inhabited it are the ancestors of modern people. However, most of the scientific world calls this fact no more than fiction, beautiful history. Indeed, every year information about mysterious mainland is becoming new in detail, but it does not have any historical reinforcement by facts or archaeological excavations.

In this regard, it becomes increasingly the opinion that the first civilization on Earth arose in the fourth millennium to our era, and these were nochmers.

Disputes of historians about what civilizations arose the first to where they appeared what kind of name had probably never stop. These issues have been occupied by the minds of scientists for many years. Discussions are conducted and about what of the first civilizations to consider the most ancient on Earth.

Rating of the first civilizations

To date, historians have evidence that make it possible to draw up a list of those civilizations that appeared among the first. Here is the first five.

Aboriginal Australia

Many scientists are supporters of the fact that in the Australian mainland, the civilization of the Aboriginal appeared among the first. Their lifestyle imparted an imprint on their life, cultural traditions and customs. For a long time, their culture was considered primitive, but it turned out to be quite rich, only too mysterious for us.


This civilization mentioned Plato. She existed near the Gibraltar Strait and sank because powerful earthquake. Many scientists doubt their existence.


There is also such a point of view that on a huge and mysterious continent, which existed more than 80 thousand years ago, there was an early civilization called Lemuria. She died because of a powerful earthquake. Some scientists believe that one of the achievements of this civilization was the construction of stones from stone.

Ancient Slavs.

There are no accurate data on the time of the existence of this civilization, which was called hyperbed. After changing the axis of rotation of our planet, the climate began to change, which led to the resettlement of Slavs to other lands. The resettlement and redistribution gave the basis for the formation of new civilizations. Slavic civilization reached its heyday in 7-9 centuries.


Most scientists among early civilizations are distinguished by Sumerian, believing that it is the most ancient.

Civilization from a northot

Sumerians are the most ancient civilization In the world, the majority of scientists consider. The time of its appearance is to approximately the end of the fourth millennium BC.

The most mysterious thing is that almost no one can explain where it came from. Support that Sumerians belong to the ancient Semitic tribe, which once dwells on our planet.

But these are just assumptions, no evidence does not exist so far. During the studies, no connections were found between Sumeri and Semitic tribes. These were two completely different civilizations, albeit both oldest.

So far, it has not become known to which race she belonged to Sumerians. All events that are to some extent are associated with this civilization are covered by a secret. They remain a mystery for scientists.

Secrets of Sumerian civilization

The most ancient civilization left behind a lot of secrets and unsolved mysteries. It is they forcing the archaeologists of the whole world that are still engaged in excavations and research to at least a little one to open the veil of this mystery.

Most scholars are associated with:

  • writing;
  • first metals processing skills;
  • invention of wheels;
  • the appearance of a pottery circle.

After himself, the Sumerians left a lot of manuscripts, decrypting which scientists do not cease to be surprised. It turns out that this civilization knew even something, to which our science had just reached relatively recently.

  1. Sumerians used a three-dimensional number system. It is used in modern computers.
  2. Sumerum was familiar to the principle of the golden section.
  3. Have deep knowledge in the field of chemistry, astronomy, physics and other sciences.
  4. Sumerians among the first learned to cook soap.
  5. For the first time made beer.
  6. According to archaeological finds, it was Sumerians first learned to do and burn bricks.
  7. Sumerian builders knew how to build beautiful temples and palaces that, in their beauty, exceeded many modern buildings.
  8. State device They had at a high level. They had management bodies, courts, laws that defended citizens.

It is necessary to take into account that all this was shimmers when ancient Greece and Rome did not exist. In terms of development, Sumerian civilization stood very close to modern society.

It was a civilization that had its ideas about the beautiful. During the excavations, there were signs on which proverbs, poems and whole works about adventures were depicted.

Archaeologists at the scene of the Sumerians found the mines in which gold mined. Why do they have such a large amount of precious metal in the Stone Age? Presumptuous answer can be obtained if you get acquainted with Sumerian mythology.

Myths Sumerov

Studying the records of this ancient civilization, scientists learned that Sumerians knew that 12 planets rotated around the sun. These are those who are well known at the present time and one more between Jupiter and Mars called Nabir.

This planet had such an elongated orbit that appeared in the solar system once every 3,600 years. According to modern calculations of astronomers, it must pass near our planet in the interval between 2100 and 2158.

According to Sumerian records, more than 4 billion years ago, a catastrophe occurred so ambitious that all solar systemMany planets changed the slope of their axis.

According to Sumerov, Anunaqi came up with the mysterious planet to our land. By the way, even in the Holy Scripture there is a mention of "those who have come down from heaven." They were incredibly high growth - from 4 to 5 meters, with a wide face and black hair. In the images, they always have big outflowed ears, in their understanding this is a symbol of wisdom.

According to the mythology of Sumerians, Inunaki created earthlings with the goal so that they were engaged in gold mining. The first attempts of the extraction of precious metal from the water of the Persian Gulf were unsuccessful. Then the search began to lead in the mines.

According to explanations, a huge amount of gold was required to protect the atmosphere with gold dust. It is worth recalling that such technologies are currently used in space projects. Gold was transported to the planet every 3,600 years, when she as close as possible approached the Earth.

In the chronicles of the Sumerians, you can find a lot of interesting and mysterious information, which is quite difficult to invest in mind modern man. All this is perceived as myths and faiths of an ancient civilization. I just can not believe that this is possible at the dawn of the origin of mankind.

To the question of which of the civilizations is the oldest, to answer problematic. There are many versions and theories, but one thing can be said for sure: Sumerskaya is the most mysterious and mysterious.

Despite the fact that the studies provided a lot of information about this civilization, so far still remains unknown, from where it appeared, and even with such a luggage of knowledge. You can only be sure that for many years, scientists around the world will be provided with the work on finding answers to this question. And in the future we will have to digest a lot of new information. Let's hope that it will be even more interesting and cognitive.

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