Summary of a lesson on the development of dysgraphia concepts. Summary of a lesson on dysgraphia correction on the topic “sounds and letters v and f”

Look carefully at the letters and name them.

Find the hidden letters "A"

Name the crossed out letters.

Circle only the letter A:

Highlight a familiar letter.

Trace the outlines of the letters.

Exercises for correction
optical dysgraphia letter B

Look carefully at the letters, find similarities and differences.

Find the hidden letters "B". Circle them.

Name the crossed out letters.

Identify the letter in the wrong position.

Trace and color only those balls with the letter B on them.
written correctly. Connect them with strings from Pinocchio.

Add the missing letter element.

Highlight a familiar letter

Trace the outline of the letters.

Exercises for correction
optical dysgraphia letter B

Find the hidden letters "B". Circle them.

Name the crossed out letters.

Identify the letter in the wrong position.

Color only those mittens on which the letter B is written correctly.

Add the missing letter element.

Highlight a familiar letter

Trace the outline of the letters.

Trace the outline of the letters.

Exercises for correction
optical dysgraphia letter G

Look carefully at the letters, find similarities and differences.

Find the hidden letters "G". Circle them.

Name the crossed out letters.

Identify the letter in the wrong position.

Color only those pears on which the letter G is written correctly.

Add the missing letter element.

Highlight a familiar letter

Trace the outline of the letters.

Exercises for correction
optical dysgraphia letter D

Look carefully at the letters, find similarities and differences.

Find the hidden letters "D". Circle them.

Name the crossed out letters.

Identify the letter in the wrong position.

Add the missing letter element.

Highlight a familiar letter.

Trace the outline of the letters.

Exercises for correction
optical dysgraphia letter E

Look carefully at the letters, find similarities and differences.

Find the hidden letters “E” and “E”. Circle them.

Name the crossed out letters.

Identify the letter in the wrong position.

Add the missing letter element.

Color only those soap bubbles on which the letter E is written correctly.

Highlight a familiar letter.

Trace and color only those balls on which the letter E is written.
Connect them with strings with a hedgehog.

Trace the outline of the letters.

Exercises for correction
optical dysgraphia letter Z

Look carefully at the letters, find similarities and differences.

Find the hidden letters "F". Circle them.

Name the crossed out letters.

Identify the letter in the wrong position.

Color the balls with the letter Z written on them. Connect them with strings to the giraffe.

Add the missing part to make the letter Z.

Highlight a familiar letter.

Trace the outline of the letters.

Exercises for correction
optical dysgraphia letter Z

Look carefully at the letters, find similarities and differences.

Find the hidden letters "Z". Circle them.

Name the crossed out letters.

Identify the letter in the wrong position.

Highlight a familiar letter.

Color the kites on which the letter Z is written correctly. Connect them with strings with a bunny.

Add the missing letter element.

Which key will fit the lock? Connect the key to the lock.

Trace the outline of the letters.

Exercises for correction
optical dysgraphia letter I

Look carefully at the letters, find similarities and differences.

Find the hidden letters "I" and "Y". Circle them.

Name the crossed out letters.

Identify the letter in the wrong position.

Repair the letters:

Highlight a familiar letter.

Color only those cubes that have the letter Y written on them.

Trace the outline of the letters.

Exercises for correction
optical dysgraphia letter K

Look carefully at the letters, find similarities and differences.

Find the hidden letters "K". Circle them.

Name the crossed out letters.

Identify the letter in the wrong position.

Trace and color only those balls on which the letter K is written correctly. Connect them with strings to Carlson.

Highlight a familiar letter.

Add the missing letter element.

Trace the outline of the letters.

Exercises for correction
optical dysgraphia letter L

Look carefully at the letters, find similarities and differences.

Find the hidden letters "L". Circle them.

Name the crossed out letters.

Color only those flags on which the letter L is written correctly.

Identify the letter in the wrong position.

Highlight a familiar letter.

Color only those light bulbs that have the letter L on them.

Trace the outline of the letters.

Exercises for correction
optical dysgraphia letter M

Look carefully at the letters, find similarities and differences.

Find the hidden letters "M". Circle them.

Name the crossed out letters.

Identify the letter in the wrong position.

Highlight a familiar letter.

Add the missing letter element.

Trace the outline of the letters.

SUMMARY OF SUB-GROUP Speech Therapy Session

for the correction of optical dysgraphia in 2nd grade students

Lesson time – 40 minutes.

Grammar topic:differentiation letters I-U in syllables and words.

Lexical topic: professions.


Activation of speech and intellectual activity of schoolchildren;

Development visual perception, memory, visual-spatial orientation;

Differentiation sounds E-U and corresponding letters;

Development of complex forms of phonemic analysis and synthesis;

Development of logical thinking;

Clarification among schoolchildren of the meanings and updating of words of the semantic group “profession”;

Updating synonyms;

Improving self-control in activities, skills in checking written work;

Instilling in children a sense of confidence in their abilities and satisfaction from the success of the work performed;

Cultivating interest in speech therapy classes, educational activities In Russian.

Equipment: geometric figures various colors, pictures of animals, a playing field and a “trained” fly, for the game “Fly”, multi-colored figures and a playing field, for the game “Figures”, cards with images of letters y - and and elements of the letters y - and, pictures depicting the letters (U, I), cards for individual work.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizing time.

Hello. Sit down first those who have a red circle on their desk, and then those who have a yellow square, then those who have a green triangle sit down.

Well done. Everyone completed the task.

2. Development visual memory and visuospatial orientation

1) Game “Animals”.

Look carefully at the board. It contains six pictures of animals. Remember their sequence, and then I'll take them off. After that, you will tell me in what order the animals were placed.

(horse, pig, dog, elephant, giraffe, fly).

Well done, they called it right. Now think about which animal is the odd one out and why(fly because it is an insect).

That's right, is it possible to separate the remaining animals into groups? If yes, then which ones?(Yes, you can. A horse, pig, dog are domestic animals, an elephant, a giraffe are wild).

2) Now let’s play the game “Fly”.

There is an envelope on the edge of each desk. Take it and take out the “trained” fly and the playing field.

Place the fly in the middle of the field. This fly moves only in the imagination of the players. You can't move her hands.

I will give commands, and you mentally move the fly around the playing field. Keep an eye on her, she should not go beyond the playing field.

The fly flies to the upper right corner, then to the lower right corner, to the upper left corner, to the lower left corner.

Now take the fly and place it where it should be now.

Well done. Now put everything in an envelope and put it on the edge of the table.

3) Game "Shapes"

Now I will give everyone colorful figures and a playing field. You will need to not get confused and put the pieces in those cells of the playing field that I will call.

Place a red circle in the center of the field, a blue triangle in the upper right corner, and a yellow diamond underneath it. Place a green diamond in the lower left corner, and a black square to the right of it. And put a brown circle in the upper left corner.

Now let's check it out. Look at the picture on the board. This is how your pieces should have been positioned.

Well done, put everything in an envelope and put it on the edge of the table.

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

Now I will give everyone a set of letter elements. Make letters out of them.

What letters did you get? ( I-U).

Today in class we will practice distinguishing the letters I-U.

1) Comparison of letters I-U by style

- How many elements are used to write each letter?(Two)

What elements do they consist of?(hooks, loop)

Which elements are the same?(hooks)

How are these letters different?(the letter U has a loop)

Let's imagine that we are writing letters in the air. First we write I, then U.

Now close your eyes, I give each person a letter template, you will have to feel it and say what letter you have in your hands.

Let's now write down in a notebook the letters that I will pronounce: I, U, U, I, U. Well done. Everyone did it.

2) Development of letter gnosis.

Work on individual cards.

You have a card on your desk with letters written on it. Circle the letters U in red and I in blue.

4.Development of phonemic awareness. Correlating sounds with corresponding letters.

Listen to the sounds, syllables and words and when you hear the letter U or I, then pick up the corresponding picture that shows it:

Sounds: i, a, u, i, sch, i, u, v, o, i, i, u.

Syllables: po, pi, tu, wu, vi, li, lu, zhu, tsu, chi.

Words: puddle, book, chickens, leaf, minute, glasses, lessons.

5. Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills.

Look at the letters written on the board. Try to make as many words as possible from these letters: i, r, g, y, a, w, k. (Hand, cancer, game, circle, ears, skin, ears, Shura, toy.)

6. Physical exercise. Children read poems and perform actions.

Grasshoppers are jumping

They raise their shoulders.

One, two. One, two -

Head is spinning.

7. Written exercises.

1) Game “Replacement”

Listen carefully to the riddle.

You will find me on a tree

In the flowerbed and in the garden,

In the magazine and in the album,

Both in the book and in the notebook

Did you guess it? (Sheet)

Now listen to another riddle and replace one letter in a word with another to make a new word:

But I wanted to become a bird -

And I don't need the letter L.

Write to me at the beginning,

And what is my name - decide.(Stork)

What new word did you come up with?(Stork)

Write these two words in your notebook.

What is the place of sound in these words? Between what sounds AND in the word LEAF? STORK?

2) Game “Find word friends”

Now I will give everyone cards with words that are close in meaning. They are written in two columns. Read them. Use a pencil to fill in the missing letters. (Hint: the only letters missing are the ones we're talking about in today's lesson.)

Cutting in advance

friend is loyal

r and s u nok u became

have success achievement

the tea smelled like

u th and vy goods and sch

y hearty about and occurrences and e

long lasting flipper

Now connect words that are similar in meaning with an arrow.

Say a few words.

Make up two word combinations each. Write them down in your notebook.

Underline the letters I-U.

8. Message of the lexical topic.

Let's solve the riddles:

Who is the most useful in days of illness,
And cures us of all diseases?



We must fight fire with fire
We are partners with water.
People really need us,
Answer quickly, who are we?


We get up very early
After all, our concern is to take everyone to work in the morning.


How can you describe the words you guessed in one word? What it is?(Professions)

8. Vocabulary development. Consolidating knowledge about professions.

Look at the pictures and tell me what work the people depicted do?(pictures are posted on the board: a cleaner, a football player, a hockey player, a guitarist, a violinist, a teacher, a builder, a chimney sweep).

What professions can be combined into one group? Why?(Violinist, guitarist - musicians; football player, hockey player - athletes.)

9. Making up phrases.

Make up a phrase with each of the words of the previous task and write it down, indicate in this phrase the letters of the lesson - I-U.

Write down two phrases you made. Underline the letters I-U.

10. Peer review.

Exchange notebooks, take green pencils, check the work of your friends and give them grades.

The speech therapist checks the work and reports the results.

11. Lesson summary.

Our lesson has come to an end.

What letters did we work with in today's lesson?

- Remember and tell how the letters U-I are similar and different.

Well done! You were attentive and worked well in class today.

Lesson is over, goodbye guys!

Zinaida Privedentseva
Abstract speech therapy session on correction of optical dysgraphia with 4th grade students

"Differentiation optically similar letters p-t »

Target: Differentiation optical images of lowercase letters p-t in isolation, in syllables, in words, phrases and sentences.


Correctional educational: teach children to distinguish optically similar lower case p-t; strengthening the skills of sound analysis and synthesis; prevention of letter substitutions.

Correctional and developmental: development of coordination of speech with movement; develop visual gnosis, mnesis, spatial representations; attention, memory, imagination and thinking; fine motor skills; development of phonemic awareness; reading and writing skills.

Correctional and educational: to cultivate self-control of speech in children; cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the answers of comrades, the desire to help in case of difficulties; cultivate activity, the desire to obtain positive results, and accuracy.

Health-saving: activate the brain, interhemispheric interaction, strengthen the eye muscles.

Equipment: printed and capital letters P-T, p-t, geometric shapes different color, forms,

size, sheets of cardboard, letter elements, reflection ladder, little men, cards with

letters, notebooks, pens, chalk, riddle words, mnemonic cards, marker,

massage mats.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.


Speech therapist: - Guys, good morning! A new wonderful day has arrived. Now I will smile at you, and you will smile at me and smile at each other. It's so good that we are here with you today. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate! We are all healthy! Please take a deep breath through your nose. Imagine that you are breathing in the freshness, kindness, and beauty of today! Now exhale. Inhale again and exhale. AND last time inhale and exhale. Well done! Let's smile at each other again and begin our class.

Speech therapist: The one who correctly reads what is written on his card will sit down.

II. Main part.

1. Mobilizing stage. Kinesiological warm-up.

But before we start completing the tasks, let’s complete finger gymnastics "Polyanka"

In the clearing, on the lawn

Bunnies galloped all day long.

And rolled on the grass

From the tail to the head.

The hares galloped like this for a long time,

But we jumped and got tired.

Snakes crawled past

"Good morning!"- they were told.

I began to stroke and caress

All bunnies have a mother hare.

Children jump with all their fingers on the rug.

Roll your palms from the base to the fingertips.

They jump and place their palms on the mat.

They crawl with their palms like snakes.

Iron the rug with your palms alternately.

The bear was walking sleepily,

And behind her is a bear cub.

And then the kids came

They brought books in briefcases. They step with the edge of their palms like a clumsy bear.

They go with the second and third fingers. They clench and unclench their fists.

Psychological mood of children class.

Our ears listen carefully.

Our little eyes are watching carefully.

Our pens do not interfere, but help.

2. Training optical stimuli.

Didactic exercise "Geometric dictation"

A) There are sheets in front of the children white cardboard, and in the plates there are geometric shapes of different colors, sizes, shapes.

Children are offered:

Find the big red circle and place it in the center of the sheet.

Find blue small square and put it in the upper right corner.

Find the big yellow triangle and put it in the lower left corner.

Find green big square and put it in the upper left corner.

Find the small black triangle and put it in the lower right corner.

B) Self-test using the model on the board.

3. Introduction to the topic classes.

Speech therapist: Guys, what date is today? What month? Let's write today's date in our notebook. (Children write in notebooks)

Speech therapist: Your eyes are ready to work, they know how to look carefully and remember. Why do you need to be able to look carefully and remember? (to remember letters, read and write correctly.)

Speech therapist: Today we have two letters as guests. Guess which ones?

We will find this letter

Looking into the doorway. (Letters P)

Speech therapist: Find the letter P and show it. (printed)

The hammer is knocking: knock Knock.

To this letter I am an old friend. (Letter T)

Speech therapist: Find the letter T and show it. (printed)

Speech therapist: That's right, guys. You guessed. This printed letters P and T, we can meet them in books.

How are the written letters p - t written? (The next student goes to the board, writes down letters: p-t).

I brought you large written letters p-t. Look at them, for some reason they are sad. (Sad faces are drawn on the letters). Want to know why? They brought a letter. Let's read it.

"Dear Guys!

We are very sad because we are often confused by students. Instead of shoes they will write - puffles, instead of a steamer - a tarokhod. We can't do this anymore! Help us!

Letters P and T"

4. Subject message classes.

Speech therapist: Everything is now clear why our letters are so sad. To make them funny, you should not confuse them. Today I will teach you to distinguish the letters p-t.

5. Training stage.

Examination and comparison of lowercase letters n-t.

Speech therapist: Let's take a close look at these letters.

How are these letters similar? (Identical elements)

What is the difference? (the letter p has two elements, and the letter t has three).

Using a mnemonic device to make it easier to memorize letters.

Speech therapist: And now the most main point our lesson. I'll tell you how to remember the spelling of such similar letters. Be careful!

The letter t has three elements (a card is placed "t-3".)

The letter p has two elements (a card is placed "p-2")

Constructing letters from elements.

Each student has an envelope on his desk with elements of the letters p and t mixed in.

Instructions: Construct a letter from the elements,hearing the corresponding sound in words:


Letter graphics.

Children with eyes closed draw lowercase letters p, etc. in the air with their hands.

6. Differentiation of letters p-t in syllables.

Reading syllabic table.

A game "Magic Eraser"

Speech therapist: One day a magic eraser came to visit the letters and erased the crossbars in the letters p and t. Look what happened. Read the syllables based on the number of legs of the letters.

Restore the crossbars in the syllables and write down all the syllables.

In children's notebooks: pu, ta, pat, pu, you, sweat, ta, tet, pyo.

Didactic exercise “Find the letters among others”

i n t k r p g sh t n k p sh i l n t r sh p

Speech therapist: Find the letters t and p among other letters. Underline the letter t, circle the letter p.

7. Dynamic pause.

We worked great

Don't mind taking a break now

And charging is familiar to us

Comes to class at Class.

Above the hand, above the heel.

Smile more cheerfully!

We'll jump like bunnies

We'll all become more cheerful right away!

We stretched and sighed,

Have you rested?

Have a rest!

Speech therapist: And now I would like to know how you navigate the right and left sides of space.

Take your left ear with your right hand.

With your left hand behind your right elbow.

Close your right eye with your right hand.

With your left hand, touch your right knee.

You need to raise your hands up if you hear the sound P in words, if you hear the sound T - sit down. Words: CANNON, DANCE, SHOOTING SHOOT, PEACOCK, GREAT, TANK. TIGER, DESK, CHAIR, LAMP, CHILDREN.

8. Working with cards.

A game "Scouts"

Speech therapist: You need to decipher the words.


Speech therapist: Determine which word is superfluous and why. (The extra word is hat. A hat is a headdress, and everything else is a piece of furniture.)

A game "Confusion"

Talto, topolok, treacle, tepuh, tarkep, pulut, tjapnitsa.

A game "Secret Agents"

Speech therapist: Read the words on the cards and decipher them.


9. Gymnastics for the eyes. Training with visual cues according to V.F. Bazarny.

Speech therapist: Are our eyes tired? Let's take a little rest.

On account "once"- square.

On account "two"- circle.

On account "three"- triangle.

On account "four"- rectangle.

In various equidistant areas of the office, bright objects that attract attention are recorded - visual cues. (geometric figures). Speech therapist asks the children for the bill "once" quickly turn towards one mark and fix your gaze on it, counting "two" children turn and fix their gaze on another mark, etc. The duration of the gymnastics is 1.5 -2 minutes.

10. Working with the proposal.

Speech therapist: Write the sentences using the letters p or t.

Natasha has ///yo//lye ///a//ki.

Tanya //odme///ae/// //ol.

Where///and I’m going///to the ka///ok.

Pa//a ku//il ///or///.

Speech therapist: Our lesson has come to an end.

1. What letters did you learn to recognize today?

2. How many elements does the letter t have? How do you remember it? (t – three elements)

3. How many elements does the letter p have? How do you remember it? (n – two elements)

Speech therapist: Look, our letters immediately became more cheerful. Why do you think?

Right. We have learned to distinguish them, and will no longer confuse them in writing.

Guys, you did a very good job today. thanks for class.

c) in phrases;

d) in sentences and text.

Consonant differentiation:

a) isolated;

b) in syllables and words;

c) in a phrase;

d) in sentences and text.

Work at this stage is carried out throughout the entire training period. At this stage of work, frontal and individual lessons by albums 1-2.

4th stage. Final .

Goals and objectives

Consolidation of acquired skills.

Transfer of acquired knowledge to other activities.

Work at this stage is carried out at the end of training.

For the convenience of the teacher, all the most frequently mixed pairs of letters are presented in the table.

Lesson notes for correction of optical dysgraphia

Lesson 1. Differentiation of letters o - a.

Tasks: teach children to compare letters o - a by design; consolidate knowledge about the spelling of these letters in syllables and words; teach differentiation of letters o - A in syllables and words; develop optical-spatial concepts; introduce children to paronymous words; develop vocabulary.

Equipment: letters o-ah(On the desk); tables of letters (on the board); word models; crossword; cards for individual work - “Notes”, album 2.

Progress of the lesson

I . Organizational moment

1. Introduction to tables.

Speech therapist: Look at the tables of letters (posted on the board) and find letters that are similar in style. Write them down in pairs.

2. Comparison of letters that are similar in style.

The speech therapist invites the children (one at a time) to name the written pairs of letters and compare them with each other.

II . Main part of the lesson

1 . Comparison of letters that are similar in style (task 1. p. 3*). Introducing a couple of lettersO- A . Recording the topic of the lesson. Listening to a fairy tale about the letters of the sisters. Speech therapist: Listen to the story about the sister letters.

Sections: Primary School

Lesson No. 1

Subject: Differentiation of sounds S-C in syllables, words

Target: learn to differentiate sounds S-C that have articulatory-acoustic similarities, determine their position in syllables, words/


  • teach to differentiate sounds S-Ts based on articulatory, visual and motor sensations;
  • develop skills in sound-letter analysis and phonemic perception, self-control skills;
  • develop spelling vigilance;
  • expand lexicon through word formation;
  • cultivate interest in classes, form positive learning motivation;

Equipment: demonstration pictures, graphic profiles of sounds S-C.


I. Organizational moment

- Today everyone good mood, look at each other, smile sweetly and get ready for class. To begin, listen to the task and prepare to answer.
– What two groups of sounds do you know? (Vowels and consonants)
– Name the vowels of the first row; II row.
– What do the first row vowels indicate? II row?
- Well done!

II. Main part

Introduction to the topic

– Read the words written on the board.
– What do these words mean?
– What two sounds differ between these words? (Sounds S-Ts)
– Who guessed and is ready to voice the topic of our lesson?
– Write down today’s date and topic of the lesson:
[S] – [C]
– And also write down the names of the paintings that differ in the sounds S-C. Underline the letters: C with one line, C with two lines.

1. Characteristics of sounds according to articulatory and acoustic characteristics, based on a graphic diagram of sound (on the board, accompanied by a pointer)

– In order to write S and Ch correctly, you need to learn to distinguish the sounds corresponding to them.
– Take a mirror (the speech therapist shows each movement of the tongue along the way)
the tip of the tongue rests behind the lower teeth, the teeth come closer together, take a deep breath and, exhaling the air, say: S-S-S-S….
– Now bring the back of your hand to your lips and pronounce the sound S for a long time.
– Do you feel what a thin, cold stream of air is being exhaled? Do you hear a whistle? That's why it's called "whistling." The sound is simple. The vocal cords are resting.
– Let’s also clarify the pronunciation of the sound Ts. The sound Ts is formed by merging the sounds T and S. Take a mirror (the speech therapist shows each movement of the tongue along the way), the tip of the tongue rests behind the lower front teeth and the sounds T and S are pronounced at the same time. Inhale deeply and, exhaling the air, quickly say: TS.
– Bring the back of your hand to your lips and say: TS.
-What do you feel? Cold air is exhaled with a jolt and does not last long. The sound is explosive and complex. Vocal cords resting.
– Thus, we have clarified how the sounds S and C are pronounced.
- We'll write it down in our notebooks. brief description sound:
[C] – agree, hard, deaf, simple;
[C] – agreeable, hard, deaf, complex;

2. Correlating the sounds S - C with symbols (water from the tap, a finger put to the lips)

– We hear the sounds S and C in the world around us. Here are the pictures for you. Try to guess which one goes with which sound? Why?
– And indeed, we hear the sound C when water flows from the tap, C - that’s how mom asks you to be quieter. (Attach the symbols next to the sounds on the board)
– Make the appropriate sound when I point to the picture. (2 times)

3. Reading syllables from the board (in chorus):

tsa - sa tso - so tsu - su tsy - sy
atsa – asa otso – oso utsu – usu ytsy – ysy

4. Game “Clap and Stomp”

– Let’s play the game “Clap and Stomp” and find out who is very attentive. I will call words with the sounds S - Ts. For words with the sound S - clap, with the sound C - stomp.
(plum, chain, dog, fox, circus, compass, stork, net, wheat, pan, circus performer)

5. Finding pictures with sounds S-C, determining the place of the sound in a word (at the beginning, middle, end). (On A5 format there are pictures in which the sounds S - C are pronounced).

– Here are picture words in which the sounds S-C are pronounced. I suggest finding them and marking them with chips. Words with the sound S - green chips, with the sound C - blue.
– Two people will work at the board, and the rest will check the correctness of the task.
(After the children find the pictures, you should clarify the place of the sound in the word: at the beginning, middle, end.)
– We name the object and the place of the sound in the word: at the beginning, middle, end.
- Well done, everyone completed the task.

6. Copying from the board.

– In the next task, copy down the words, insert the missing letters S-C, underline C with one line, C with two. Find the “extra” word, mark it with a cross and explain why?

Kol_o, kol_o, ku_ty, three_ta;
Fingerboards, dust_a, polo_a, linen_e;
_i_terna, _ini_a, _oln_e, _pi_a;
_quore_, pe_ _y, _ _ena, _e_arka.

7. Graphic image words.

– Let’s practice isolating syllables with the letters S-C in words. Let's depict this graphically. We continue to work in notebooks. Sample: sa ___ ___ ,
boots, vacuum cleaner, sheep, ring, heart, beauty, hotel, tit.
– I remind you of the sequence of work. You read the word, count the number of syllables based on the number of vowels, draw the number of syllables, determine the place of the syllable in the word, write down the syllable.

8. Guessing riddles.

– The time has come for ingenuity. If you solve the riddles, you will solve the crossword puzzle.

1. Guess what kind of bird it is:
Afraid of bright light
Beak with a hook, eyes with a snout,
Eared head. This … (owl)

2. I fly everywhere
I know everything in the world
I know every bush in the forest,
I carry the news on my tail. (Magpie)

3. And they don’t swim in the sea,
And they don't have bristles,
And yet they are called
They are sea... (pigs)

4. The house is guarded all night long -
A stranger will not enter a house without an owner.
You can take it with you on a difficult hike,
It is impossible to find a better friend. (Dog)

5. Who is without notes and without a pipe
He produces trills best of all,
More vocal, more tender?
Who is this? ... (nightingale)

6. There is a palace on the pole,
There is a singer in the palace,
And his name is... (starling)

7. In the summer he tears up the grass in the field,
And in winter he lives in a barn:
They give her plenty of hay
Yes, they are waiting for a lamb to profit.
Not horned, not alert,
Restless, fearful.
Her fur is being cut,
They knit and weave from it. (Sheep)

8. Whoever is afraid of everyone
He's saving himself under a bush,
Does it catch the wolf's teeth? (Hare)

9. Long thin beak
He'll grab the frog.
A drop drips from the beak
Who is this? (Heron)

10. Clucking, clucking, cackling
Collects all the children. (Chicken)

– Read the answers carefully again. Think about who the riddles were about. Name it in one word. (Animals, birds)
– Write down the names of animals in the first column, the names of birds in the second. Underline C with one line, C with two.

9. Physical exercise “Owl”

– The day is coming, everything comes to life!
(Children depict flying birds, beetles, butterflies, dragonflies - they wave their winged hands).
- Night!
(All children must freeze in position).

10. Word formation of feminine nouns denoting persons by their actions.

Exercise “He – She”.

– There are many professions. Both men and women master the profession. What professions do you know?
– Now let’s practice naming professions correctly. When you grow up, he is a writer, and she? (Writer)

teacher - pilot -
welder - worker -
scout - artist -
barman - skier -
master - gardener -

11. Work on the proposal. (A proposal is written on the board)

Children laugh, looking out the window at the clear sun.

- Read the sentence.
- What are the children doing? (Laugh)
-Where are the children looking? (In the window)
– What did they see at the window? (Sun)
-What sun did you see? (Clear)
- How many words are in this sentence? (Eight)
– What pretexts did you see? (In, on)
– How are prepositions written? (Separately)
– In what words did you see the letters S and C? Let's highlight them.
– After what word is a comma placed? (laugh)
– Pay attention to how the word “sun” is spelled.
– Let’s read the sentence, pronouncing each word syllable by syllable.
– Let’s practice remembering this sentence. First, we will say it in chorus 2 times, and then each one independently - in a low voice.
– Once again – with your eyes closed.
- And now I’m closing the recording, let’s write from dictation.
– Underline the letter C with one line, C with two lines.
– Let’s read the entry, checking it with the board.

III. Lesson summary

– What sounds did we learn to distinguish today?
- Describe these sounds.
– Thank you everyone for the lesson, be healthy!

Lesson No. 2

Subject: Differentiation of sounds S-C

Target: develop a clear differentiation of the sounds S-C and their correct designation in writing with the appropriate letters.


  • learn to differentiate S-C sounds in words, phrases and sentences;
  • improve the skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis, phonemic awareness;
  • activate and enrich vocabulary and improve grammatical forms speeches;
  • develop coherent speech; visual attention and memory;
  • maintain continuity in work with the teacher;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards birds and nature;

Equipment: demonstration pictures, cards of letters S - C, graphic profiles of sounds, cards letters S-C, digital rulers for determining the place of sound in a word and chips, the text of the story “Our Friends”.


I. Organizational moment

- Hello children. Sit down.
– Remember the names of all the months in order.
– How many winter months are there in total?
– Name the last month of winter.
– What time of year comes after winter?

II. Main part

Introduction to the topic

– What do you see in the pictures? Name them. (Ear of corn, well)
– Let’s clarify what they mean.
– What sounds are pronounced at the end of words? (S-C)
– I think that you can easily voice the topic of our lesson.
Topic message
– Yes, today we will continue to work on distinguishing the sounds S-C
– Write down the date, month, topic. [S – C]
– And also write down the words: EAR, WELL. Underline the letters: C with one line, C with two lines. Name the syllable with the letter C in the word EAR, the syllable with the letter C - WELL. (VOC, DEC)
- Let's remember what we talked about in the previous lesson.

1. Clarification and comparison of the correct articulation of sounds.

– Let’s clarify and compare the correct pronunciation of sounds. Let's give a brief description of the sounds. (Graphic sound profiles hang on the board)
– When pronouncing the sound C – the tip of the tongue rests behind the lower teeth, the teeth come closer together, under the pressure of exhaled air it is pronounced: S-S-S-S…. The vocal cords are resting.
– The sound Ts is formed by merging the sounds TS. When pronouncing the sound C, the tip of the tongue rests behind the lower front teeth and, under the pressure of exhaled air, the sounds T and S are simultaneously pronounced. The vocal cords rest.
– Let us characterize the sounds S-C.
– Sound C – consonant, hard, dull, simple.
– The sound C is consonant, hard, dull, complex.

2. Reproduction of pure sayings.

As-as-as - we have pineapple at home
Os-os-os - Sanya has a coconut in her bag
Us-us-us – there is a ficus on Sonya’s window
Ys-ys-ys - Denis, drink kumiss.
Tsa-tsa-tsa - the chicken cackles
Tso-tso-tso - a beautiful ring
Tsk-tsk-tsk - the bells are ringing

3. Game “Who is attentive?”

- Listen to the task. I will say words with the sounds S-C, and you pick up a card with the corresponding letter: share, bag, hare, chicken, bridge, saucer, gardener, water, writer.

4. Write words in two columns C – C.

– I dictate the words, and you write them in the appropriate columns. We emphasize syllables with the letter S - one stroke, C - two. (Writer, bread maker, teacher, candy maker, gardener, mechanic, welder, varenitsa, thrush)
– Read the words that you wrote in the first column. We read in a “chain”, name the syllable in the word with the letter C. Think and say what we call these objects in one word. (Professions)
– Read the words of the second column, call the syllable. What do the words in the second column mean? (Dishes)

5. Working with numbers

– The next task is to determine the place of sound in the digital series. We will work with black chips. Let me remind you of the sequence of work: listen to the word, pronounce it to yourself, determine the location of the sound, place the chip. First, let's define the sound C: pan, snowball, appetizer, cabbage, pine, height, word;
– Let’s define the sound C: pollen, fingers, well, chain, onion, bird, officer.

6. Compiling phrases

– Here are words and pictures. You should match the words in the first column with pictures to make phrases. Pronounce word combinations clearly pronouncing the words.

(Another option: write down phrases in a notebook, matching the words in the first column with words from the references. Underline syllables with the letter S - one stroke, C - two.)

Variegated water
Clean chicken
The capital is shining
Officer to letter
valuable sun
Moscow - border

7. Physical exercise

8. Work at the board.

– In the next task you need to complete sentences by inserting words instead of pictures. We carry out the work only on the board, in a “chain”. One writes down, the rest are checked. We highlight syllables with the letters S and C.

Growing in the garden...
It's shining brightly today...
Hanging on a hanger….
Barking in the yard...
Performing on stage...
Grew up in the garden...
There is... near the river.
Riding along the road….

(Currants, sun, towel, dog, cucumber, mill, motorcycle)

9. Reading the text.

- Here is the text. The story is called "Our Friends". Let's read it in a chain.

Our friends

There are many insects in gardens and fields. Caterpillars are especially dangerous for trees. Caterpillars eat leaves. The trees are dying. Insects are eaten by starlings, bullfinches, tits and other birds. In winter, the guys help the birds. They make bird feeders. Food is poured into the feeders. Tits, bullfinches and other birds fly to these feeders. Birds are our friends. They must be protected.

Let's answer the questions:

- Why do trees die?
– Who protects trees from caterpillars?
– It turns out that various worms and caterpillars are the main food for birds living in the forest. Everything in nature is interconnected, nothing is superfluous. Therefore, when you come to the forest, do not try to disrupt its vital activity. The owners of the forest are birds and animals. They know what and how to protect. We should be grateful to the inhabitants of the forest for the fact that people have the opportunity to come to the forest, admire its beauty, and collect edible mushrooms and berries. The gifts of the forest will be enough for everyone - people, animals and birds.
– Name the words from the story with the sounds S-C.
– After reading the story, what useful information did you learn?

III. Lesson summary

– What sounds did we distinguish today?
– What words do you remember with the sounds S – C? Name them.
– What tasks did you like?
– Thank you all for your work, goodbye!

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