Claim Differentiation f sh. Speech Studies Speech Studies on Sound Differentiation

Abstract speech therapy classes in grade 1 VII type.

Subject. "Differentiation of sounds [sh] - [F]."

Purpose:motor, cognitive and speech activity In the course learning activities In children of younger school age.


I. Educational.

1. Differentiation of sounds [sh], [F].

2. Fastening skills proponunciation, PhondeMectic analysis, synthesis.

3. Clarification and expansion of the dictionary of students.

II. Correctional.

1. Develop PVF.

2. Develop an articulation, common and small motor.

3. Develop communicative functions in children.

III. Educational.

1. To form a positive emotional attitude on speech therapy occupations based on the game moment.

2. To educate the desire to learn and develop cognitive interest.

3. Rail a culture of the educational process.

Form of holding:subgroup lesson.

Equipment: Mirrors, computer, educational - developing program "Learn to speak correctly", subject pictures, cards with tasks, pictures with professions.

Plan lesson

1. Organizing time.

3. Announcement of the subject of classes.

6. Development of phonderatic hearing. Differentiation of sounds in words. Suitable and graphic analysis of words.

7. Fiz. Minute.

8. Lexico - grammatical exercises.
9. Outcome classes.

Travel course.

1. Org. moment

Children go to the office, sit per desk. Hello with speechoped and guests.

Speech therapist: - Hello guys, guests came to our occupation. Let's say hello.

Children and guests greet each other.

2. Articulating gymnastics.

Speech therapist: - In order for our speech to be a clear and understandable,

You need to make a tongue charging!

"Tale O. Cheerful to the tongue. "

There was a cheerful tongue in his house. What is this house?

In the house it

Red doors,

Next to the doors

White animals.

Love beasts

Candy and buns.

Guess? This house is the mouth.

(While doing articulating gymnastics, each exercise is repeated

5 - 7 times).

The doors in the house are open, it is closed. Like this (mouth closed, open).The restless tongue does not sit on the spot. He often runs out of the house (stick out tongue).But it is impossible to run away from home, let's punish a naughty language (Opening the mouth, put a tongue on the upper lip and, dumping with lips, pronounces the sounds five-five).So he came out to warm in the sun, relax on the porch (Language "Shovel" on the bottom lip).Pile breeze, tongue shifted (Language "Arrogance"),hidden in the house and closed the door behind him (Remove the tongue, close your mouth),And in the yard the sun hid for the tuchci and rain rain (tongue knocking in the teeth, pronounce "Dr. D-D").The tongue did not miss the house, drove the kitten with milk. He lacqual milk (drive the tongue on the upper lip from above down, the mouth is open),then the kitten lied (lick the upper and lower sponges to the right left, left to right)and sweetly yawned (mouth wide open).The tongue looked at the clock, they were ticked: "Tick-so" (The mouth is open, lips in a smile, tongue tongue tonging to corners of the mouth).The kitten curled the glomerulum. "It's time for me to sleep," the tongue thought.

3. Announcement of the subject of classes.

Speech therapist:Today we will continue to distinguish between the pronunciation and writing sounds of W.

4. Fastening learning statements by sound characteristics.

Vowels or consonant sounds w - sh? (children's responses)

Solid or soft these consonants?

Which of these consonant sounds is ringing, and what deaf? (children's responses).

5. Prophoving isolated sounds.

I say everything together W-che .

Say all together g -zh -zh (during the pronouncement of sound is reminded proper articulation, the tip of the tongue rises for the upper teeth, the teeth are almost compressed, between them only the narrow slit reminding the correct) .

6. Development of phonderatic hearing. Differentiation of sounds in words.

Suitable and graphic analysis of words.

Speech therapist: - What to learn how well you learned to distinguish the sound of Sh - F, I prepared for you various tasks.

Work with computer

Includes training - the developing program "Learn to speak correctly", section " Speech sounds", Topic:" Sounds - twins, Game: "Place the sounds of" F "," sh ".

Fuss. Minute for the eyes.

Speech therapist: -With the task on the computer you successfully coped, you correctly distinguished sounds. The following task will be more comprehensive.

Listen to the words: Fire, ball.

Show pictures that comes to the word HEAT,... BALL.

- Repeat, which is painted at each picture. Tell me what is HEATand what is BALL.

In what word - HEATor BALL- There is a sound [F]? At the beginning, at the end or in the middle of the word, this sound;

What is the first sound in the word BALL?

Name all the sounds in order in the word HEAT,... BALL.

What letters need to write in empty cells?

Read the words between the pictures. Find a card with a word on the table BALL,... HEAT.

What letters are the same in these words? And what letters in these words are different?

Write a word BALL.Write a word HEAT.

Come up with an offer with any of these words. .


Similarly, perform the task with the words BUG- Noise, meadow - gun.



loose Pu-shock

7. Fiz. Minute.

Bear in more often lived. "

Bear in more often, they turned his head:

That's how it is like this, still so

Messenger Honey was looking for, a friendly tree swung:

That's how it is so, a friendly tree swung.

Walked and walked water from the river:

That's how so, they drank water from the river,

And then they danced friendly paws raised

So and so, together the paws raised.

Children imitate the games cubs.

8. Lexiko -Grammatic exercises.

"Playing the ball."

Speech therapist: Shows the picture with the profession (shoemaker, seamstress, fire, miner, driver, artist). The ball rushes and the question is asked: - What profession is depicted. The student throws the ball and calls the profession.

Questions are also asked: - What does the shoemaker do at work? Seamstress ... etc.

What kind of sound is "g" or "sh" in the word shoemaker? Seamstress ... etc.

9. Outcome classes.

What sounds distinguished today in class? - What are the sounds of the pronunciation? (w - ringing, sh is deaf).

10. Evaluation of the work of children in class.

Thank you for children good work In class (name). We say goodbye to guests and children come out of the office.


Differentiation of sounds sh is in syllables, in words and suggestions.


Teach a child to distinguish sounds and sh. Allow them in words and suggestions.


Form articulation, general and fine motor skills.

Form phonematical perception Based on a clear difference in sounds on the grounds: deaf - ringing.

Develop a sense of rhythm, auditory perception, phondematic hearing, attention, memory.

Be able to differentiate sounds in words.

Develop a coherent speech.


Ball, toys: Beetle, snake; Schematic pictures, computer game "Spread pictures",


Today we will go to the forest to get acquainted with fabulous heroes. See who flies to us! Bug! Look carefully what a beetle will tell you. The speech therapist takes the beetle toy and says: "Hello, I Shouch, I was in a hurry to meet with you, that I lost my zhaka!"

The speech therapist appeals to the child: "Who is it? What did you lose? What sounds confused a beetle? What kind of sound is heard in the word beetle? What kind of sound is heard in the word cap? We will teach the beetle not to confuse the sounds of sh-w.

Main part

Come to the mirror and show the beetle exercises that need to be performed to correctly pronounce sounds.

1. Articulation exercises

1. - "Fence" - "Window" - "Bridge" - "shovel" - "Spade digging" - "Delicious jam" - "Focus" - "Warm Wind" - Snake Ships - Shh-sh.

2. - "Fence" - "Window" - "Bridge" - "Shovel" - "Shovel" - "Delicious jam" - "Focus" - "Warm Wind" - Beetle buzzing - Zh.

2. Speech respiratory gymnastics.

Suggest the syllables on one exhale. Development of lamination "speech" breathing.

jel Zhu Zh

jO Zhu zh

sha Sho Shi Shi

sha sho sho sho

3. Differentiation of sounds in syllables.

Prepare for sound analysis. Continue to work on the formation syllated structure. Develop a shallow motor.

The speech therapist offers a child to guess the description who hides in the woods behind the Christmas tree. According to the description, the child recognizes the snake. Snake appears.

What kind of sound says the snake when ships w or f?

Game "Zhuk-rogach". Logo exercise. Develop an auditory perception, shallow motorcy, memory, voice, intonation expressiveness. Secure the skill to perform movements in accordance with music and song text.

The child on the melody guess the song. Sings it by performing the corresponding movement text:

Here is a flying Rogach -

The very first strong

Hands are located at the chest level. Fingers are compressed in cams. Hand throwing forward, while simultaneously squeezing the fingers.

He has a beetle

On the head - horns.

Hands are located at the chest level. The child mechanics "horns", raising up the second and third fingers. On the word of the horns, changes the position of the fingers, exposing the second and fourth fingers.

The game "Slothers - Topney" on the syllable of Ms. - Slap in your hands, to the syllable of Sha - stupid the foot. Slots pronounced alternately, then complicated by the number and change of syllables, observing the rhythmic pattern. (For example: Zhay, 2 times clap, Sha-Sha-Sha, 3 times stupid, then on the contrary). This exercise develops a sense of rhythm, auditory perception, phonderatic hearing, attention.

4. Isolation of sounds of g -sh from words.

Learning to differentiate sounds in words.

The speech therapy asks the child to teach the beetle to pronounce the sounds of sh - w in words. Computer game "Spread pictures". The pictures with sound should be moved to one basket, and with the sound to another.

5. Heading and pronouncing cleanrs.

Lived on pine

Two big bumps.

Lived - were under the pine

Two funny mice.

And sleigh mice:

Hey, you are there on the tower,

Down Go down, bumps!

Surprised cones:

Wait, mice!

You can't call you

And, as in a fairy tale, heal.

6. Changing words. Playing ball. The speech therapist throws the ball about the floor, calling the word with the sound of sh, the child catches and throws the ball back, calls the word too, replacing the sound sh on w:

Sew - live live - sewing

Shawl - Sorry Life - Shito

Shalite - sting lying - Lesha

Joke - terribly smeared - mahut

Ears - Fresh Loading - Stripe

7. Fizkultminutka. "Wind"

The wind blows into our face!

(Poured and mad hands in front of them)

Tired of the village

(Raised your hands above your head and shocked)

The village is higher above.

(Stretched hands up, raising, on tiptoe.)

The breeze is all quieter, quieter.

(Slowly lower hands and sit down)

8 Make proposals about hedgehog, beetle, mouse and pronounce them with different intonation.

9. Chain structure stories.

Develop a coherent speech. The speech therapist reads the story, the child retells it with the help of schematic pictures.

1) The lawn spread around the forest.

In the lawn walked Zhenya.

Zhenya saw the beetle.

Beetle was sitting on blackberry.

Blackberry Zhenya put in the janger.

In the Zhabane, Zhenya buzzed plaintively bug.

Beetle regretted Zhenya.

Zhenya put the beetle on the blackberry.

2) Shura went to the Chapito circus.

In Shapito joked and laughed the people of the jester.

The jester told funny jokes.

Jokes of the jester launched a shur.

10. Summing up the classes.


Vashchenko Natlala
teacher speech therapist

Subject: "Differentiation of sounds [F] - [[[Ш] in words, sentences."

Purpose: Learning to distinguish sounds [F] - [sh] in words, sentences.


Correctional training:

1. To teach differentiate sounds [F] and [W] in words and suggestions.

2. Develop the ability to allocate words with sounds [F] and [sh].

3. Secure the program of writing the life.

4. Learning to compare word-paronims in meaning and sounding, writing.

5. Learn to work on deformed offers.

6. Learning to make proposals on schemes.


1. Develop, enrich and clarify the dictionary.

2. Develop and activate the motility of the articulation apparatus.

3. Develop fine motor skills.

4. Develop spectacular perception, memory, attention, thinking.


1. Email the ability to think about their actions, exercise

solutions in accordance with the specified rules.

2. Rail a self-control.

3. To form an emotional focus on obtaining a joint positive result during the game.

4. To form motivation to learning activities.

Equipment: mirrors, christmas trees, New Year's toys, computer.

Travel course.

    Organizing time.

Speech therapist: Here the call again rings.

The lesson begins.

Got up smoothly, pulled up ...

And smiled at each other.

II.. Introduction to the subject of classes.

Speech therapist: And now he will sit down who names words with the sounds [F] and [sh].

(Children's responses)

Speech therapist: Slice exactly, put hands on the desk, legs should touch the floor.

Articulating gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Now take the mirrors, we will perform articulation exercises.

(Children perform Ex. "Fence", "Dudge")

Finger gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Now do the exercises "Ball", "check box."

(Children following the speech therapist perform exercises).

Work on poems.

Speech therapist: And now let's read the poem. What kind of sound is more often found in the poem?

Toad, the toad suggested

Blackberry delicious jam.

Blackberry? - she asked -

Well, then, perhaps, eat!

Children: Sound [F].

Speech therapist: Please note what punctuation signs are found here?

Children: Question mark, exclamation mark, point, dash.

Speech therapist: Read the poem, do not forget about signs.

(Children read)

Speech therapist: And now let's read another poem. What kind of sound is more often found in the poem?

Three small mice

In silence night rustle,

If the cat suddenly hear

Then they are rustling.

Children: Sound [sh].

(Children read)

Speech therapist: Guys, who of you guessed, we will work at the superstreams today?

Children: We will work on the sounds [F] and [sh].

    Work on the topic of classes.

Speech therapist: Today we will work on the sounds [F] - [sh]. The theme of today's lesson: "Differentiation of sounds [F] - [Ш]."

Speech therapist: Open the notebook, take the handles, write down the number and theme of classes.

(Children are recorded in the notebook number and theme.)

Speech therapist:Our long-time acquaintances came to visit us. These are gnomes of fat and chic. They brought us many different tasks. We will definitely cope with them.

And now tell me what the first sound is in the name of the fat?

Children:Sound [F].

Speech therapist:And now tell me, what is the first sound in the name chic?

Children:Sound [sh].

Speech therapist:Let's give the characteristic of the sound [F].

Children:Sound [F] - consonant solid ringing.

Speech therapist: Let's give the characteristic of the sound [sh].

Children:Sound [sh] - consonant solid deaf.

Speech therapist:What is common at the sounds [zhm]?

Children:These sounds consonant and always solid.

Speech therapist:What varying the sounds [zh-sh]?

Children:Sound [F] - ringing, and the sound [sh] - deaf.

Speech therapist:What letter in the letter is denoted by the sound [F]?

Children:Sound [F] is indicated by the letter of the letter "HE".

Speech therapist:What letter in the letter is denoted by the sound [sh]?

Children:The sound [sh] is indicated by the letter "Sha".

Speech therapist:Our gnomes want to play with us in the game "Call-deaf".I will call you words, and you, if you hear [F] - clap your hands, and if you hear the sound [sh] - close your ears. Prepared, started ...

Speech therapist: Satim task you coped well, and now another test. Who will say, what is the holiday soon?

Children: New Year!

Speech therapist: Right! For the new year, it is customary to dress up the Christmas tree. Let's help you make a quiet and chic. On the Christmas tree, hang toys with sound [F], and on the Christmas tree chic with sound [sh].

Game "Fucking the Christmas tree".

(Children get out of the bag toys and hang them in the Christmas trees.)

Speech therapist:Well done!

And here's another task "Sounds, letters call - Collect the word. "

You must name the first sounds (letters will appear on the screen), make a word. According to the word to make a proposal.

Children:Cap - [Sh], letter "Sha"

Pineapple - [a], letter "A"

Giraffe - [F], Letter "HE"

OsS - [o], letter "O"

Crane - [K], letter "ka"


Maldled first chamber.

Work over Paronims.

Speech therapist:Guys, carefully listen to suggestions and find words that differ only with one sound.

Sasha has a red ball.

Misha has a strong heat.


Speech therapist:


Sound. In the word ball - [sh], and in the word heat - [F].

By writing. In the word Shar-letter "Sha", and in the word heat-letter "HE".

By meaning. The ball is ... The heat is ...

Speech therapist:

The hare has a long ears.

Freck live in the grass.


Speech therapist:Well done! Right! Tell me, how do words differ from each other?


Sound. In the word ears - [sh], and in the word Couples - [F]

By writing. In the word ears, the letter "Sha", in the word Freck-letter "HE".

By meaning. Ears are ... Couples - this ...

Speech therapist:Correct guys!

Words similar to sound, but differing in meaning called paronyms. Repeat.


Speech therapist:And now this words in the notebook.

(Pay attention to landing, notebook position ...)

Words write down, and the letters "Sha" and "HE" we emphasize. Tell me, what kind of pencil will we need?

Children:Blue pencil, because These sounds are always solid.


Speech therapist:Now play the game " One is a lot. " I will call items in the singular, and you are in the multiple.

(Children call words in multiple number)

Speech therapist:Who guessed why some syllables are highlighted in red? Tell me, from which orthogram you met here?

Children:Red color dangerous. You can make a mistake.

Libe-shi write with the letter I.

Speech therapist:Guys, let's carry out the tasks on the cards. Each will choose a task (one of the 3rd) and try to execute it.

We work with zh and Shi.

Level 1:

Ё .. k, .. r,, kuv..n, pi .., ..

Level 2:

Nata .. .. Chi .. and Strey ...

3 level:

Masha and Misha in Chulana joined the mouse.

Charging for eyes

Speech therapist:Well done! Look, the gnomes prepared us riddles. But these are not easy riddles, the gnomes encrypted entire proposals in them. Let's look at the schemes and make a proposal on them (in the first scheme: Masha, Crane, Pear. In the second scheme: Grandmother, Talking, socks).

Children: Masha washes a pear.

Grandma knits socks.

Grandma knits socks from multicolored yarn.

Speech therapist:We write these suggestions in the notebook. And to the board will go ...

(Work on the board and in notebooks).

We emphasize the letter with a blue pencil.

Well done! Guys, bark and chic performed homeworkwere proposals. Look, is everything right with them?

Scarf put Zhenya in a woolen wardrobe.

Let's fix the error.

Children: Zhenya put a woolen scarf in the closet.

Speech therapist:A passenger had a passenger at the leather sacry.

Children: The passenger has a leather sac bath.

Speech therapist:Well done guys, you coped with the task.

But again a new test. It is necessary to make proposals using words and pictures. Who will try to do it? (Dana words: Shura, collected, and. Pictures: blackberry, gooseberry.

Children:Shura collected blackberry and gooseberry.

Speech therapist:

Children:Shura - [sh], blackberry - [F], gooseberry - [g].

Speech therapist:Let's make the following sentence (given words: smart, runs, for. Pictures: foal, horse).

Children:Shouter foal runs behind the horse.

Speech therapist:Name words with sounds [F] and [Ш].

Children:Shourse - [sh], foal - [F], runs - [F], behind the horse - [sh].


Guys, today we have fulfilled a lot of tasks. Gnomes are satisfied with your work.

Tell me, did you like the lesson?

What did you like most?

What tasks caused difficulties?

What mood you go with classes?

Topic: Differentiation "F" - "sh" in words


  1. Correctional - "DIFFERENCIATION" F "-" sh "in words"
  2. Grammatical - "The consonant sounds of" F "-" sh ", the rule of writing zhi, Shi
  3. Lexical - "Clothing"


  1. Develop the ability to differentiate the sounds "F" - "sh" in words
  2. Develop the skill of phondematic analysis and synthesis on the material of the words of various sound structure
  3. Activate Subject Dictionary on "Clothing"
  4. Develop a spatial orientation
  5. Develop a shallow motor

Equipment: Side pictures, "Pyramids" for sound characteristics, sound rules, objects of dishes, letters, notebooks, handles.

Plan lesson

I. Organizational moment

II. Main part

1. Exercises for the development of spatial orientation
2. Exercises for the allocation of general consonant sound in words
3. Message Topics and Objectives
4. Repetition of sound characteristics
5. Exercise for determination of the presence of sounds "F", "sh" in words
6. Exercise on determining the place of sounds of "F", "W" in words
7. Development of sequence of sound analysis
8. Combined development exercise small Motoriki and quantitative sound analysis
9. Laying the scheme of the word "clothes"
10. Clarify the meaning of the words "right", "left", "between"
11. Fizminutka with elements of psychohymnastics
12. Game "Find letters"
13. Reading syllables with the simultaneous development of spatial orientation
14. The game "Not Mistor"
15. Written off words in the notebook

III. Outcome

Structure occupation


Hello guys. I am very glad to see you in class. Today we will be in class

Main part
Development of spatial orientation
"Clown" game
- Raise up my right hand
- And now the left.
- Hurry up with your right hand on the left shoulder.
- And now with your left hand tap the tip of the nose. Well done!
- Consider the items depicted on the slide. Name the subject in the upper right corner; in the lower left corner; in the lower right corner; in the upper left corner.

Pupils are placed slide with pictures located in the corners
Pictures: Giraffe, Mice, Cat, Jersey

Exercise on the allocation of general consonant sound in words
- Name the general consonant sound in the words "skis" "Toad" "Circle"
- Name the general consonant sound in the words "ears" "Shalash" "Poros

Sound " J.»

Sound " Sh»

Message Topics and Objectives
- Guys, try to guess what sounds we will distinguish today at the lesson.

Right. The topic of our classes "Sounds" F "-" sh ". We will learn to distinguish these sounds in words

Sounds "_ Z_» - «_ Sh

Repetition of sound characteristics
Well - consonant, ringing, always solid

W - consonant, deaf, always solid

Each student has three pyramids, with four edges. On the edges of the pyramids depicted:

  1. pyramid - Red and Blue Circles
  2. pyramid - bell, crossed bell
  3. pyramid - stone and grass

Pupils turn the pyramids with the desired edge. Thus give the characteristics of the sounds "_ Z_» - «_ Sh

Reading syllables with simultaneous hands raising.
Under each syllable letters are prescribed:
In - raise up both hands
P - right hand up
L - left hand up

Ms Shchi Msi Sho Zhu
In l in p l n in

Slide with syllables

Exercise on the definition of the presence of sounds "_ J.__» - «_ Sh__ "in words: spoon, pear, valley, magazine, school, puddle, ball, cup, zhenya, dasha

Pupils, having heard in the word sound "_ Sh__ "fold hands in the form of a ball (connect the tips of the fingers). If there is a sound in the word " W " Picture beetles: squeeze your fingers in the cam, index and the little finger are bred on the sides

Exercise on the definition of sounds of sounds in the names of the pictures: car, knife, beetle,

Development of sequence audio analysis
- What is the sound " J.»In words: knives, mug,
- What is the sound "_ Sh_ "In words: frog, bag, noise

Students show an answer to the help of sound line

Exercise on the development of shallow motility hands

"We Mesili's dough, we Mesili's dough: we carefully made everything carefully, but how many people don't and how many people do not, and again get rome.

Determine the number of sounds in words
- Put so many peas on the left palm as sounds in words: ball, heat, pea,

Put so many peas on the right palm how many sounds in words:

Pupils lower hands in a container with peas, make movements imitating hands when kneading test and pronounce text.

Gaying a riddle. Laying the word scheme
Snake on the tree crawled
Saved the tree saved:
When winds flew away,
She warmed tree.

Students using sound signs, lay out the word scheme

Legs, legs (show alternate legs)

Where have you been?
For firewood in the forest went! (Breedbacks to the right and left)
Pens, handles, where have you been? (Turn and show hands)
We cut the wood in the woods. (Movements with hands - "woodcut")
Wow, Wow, Wow!

Game "Guess where letters?"
On the slide there is an image of one letter "and", the remaining letters are closed with objects. Children gives a task using the prompt to guess where the given letters are located.
- Letter "_ J._ "Is above and the right of the letter" and ". Find the letter J.
- Letter "__ Sh__ "is below and left the letters" and ". Tell me for what item hid the letter "sh"

Read the resulting syllables. Consolidation of the rules of writing zhi

Students call the subject, for which, in their opinion, hid a given letter.

Game "not mistaken"
On the slide recorded words in which letters are missing. Students are invited to call the missed letter. Name in one word.

The words:
... Ilet, ... Uba, Vare ... Ki, ... Ots, Pi ... Ama, Ruba ... ka

Writing off words in the notebook

Summing up the classes
What did you study in the classroom?
What task did you like most?

Cow OO "Petropavlovskaya Special (Correctional) comprehensive school - boarding viii of the form "

Abstract front speech therapy

on this topic " Differentiation of sounds [F] - [sh] in syllables, words, sentences "

Compiler: Teacher - speech therapist

Kotifrovna Galina Mikhailovna

Subject: Differentiation of sounds [F] - [sh] in syllables, words, sentences.

Purpose: Forming the ability to differentiate consonants according to articulation features.


Consolidate knowledge of consonant sounds [F] - [Ш], learn to allocate sounds [F] - [sh] in syllables, words, sentences, consolidate knowledge of spelling norms;

Develop phonmematic hearing skills sound-alphabetic analysis and synthesis at the level of syllables and words, develop visual and auditory perception, attention and memory;

Rail a positive motivation to teaching, hard work and purposefulness in work.

Equipment: Cards with tasks, Pictures of items, Cardboard Rectangles white color, Green, blue, red squares.

Structure occupation

1. The organizational moment.

2. Actualization of knowledge. Hello guys! Let's talk the rule of beautiful speech:

We are always saying beautiful

Clearly and leisurely

Sounds pronounce intelligence

To be all clear!

3. Now we must guess the topic of our classes. Listen to the poem, and tell me, what kind of sound is most often found?

The reeds rustled mouse:
The wind disrul you quiet!
Whispering quietly roasting:
Quiet, mouse, not a sturgeon!

Rain, rain, no rain!

Rain, rain, wait!

I sit on a branch

And the buzz, the buzz, the buzz! "

Grandfather Sedoy.

4. Target installation.

Will we work today? (with the sounds [F] and [sh], with letters w (same) and w (sha))

II. Main part.

1.After swift.

Look at these individuals, what are different.

What are they depicting? (fear, grief, surprise, interest, wines)

Picture the evil Babu - Yagu, a good wizard, sad Alyonushka, distressed Ivan - Tsarevich.

2. Articulating gymnastics.

We will fulfill articulation exercises






Delicious jam


2. Now we have to guess the topic of our classes. Listen to the poem, and tell me, what kind of sound is most often found?

The reeds rustled mouse:
The wind disrul you quiet!
Whispering quietly roasting:
Quiet, mouse, not a sturgeon!

What kind of sound we hear most often? ([Sh])

Rain, rain, no rain!

Rain, rain, wait!

I sit on a branch

And the buzz, the buzz, the buzz! "

Grandfather Sedoy.

What kind of sound we hear most often? (F])

3. Target installation.

Will we work today? (with the sounds [F] and [sh], with letters w (same) and w (sha)).

4. Listen to the rows of words and repeat them in the same sequence, quickly and clearly:

msO - Sha

msk - Sha - Sha

sha Peda - Sha

shah - Sha - Ms.

zhu - Shu - Zhu

shi - Zhi - Shi

shu - Zhu - Shu

zhi - Shi -

And now look carefully on the board, read the words:

lived - Shil

ears - Sizz

ball - Fire

3. Say, what do these couples vary? (Letters and w). Let's give together the characteristics of the sounds that indicate the letters and w:

[F] - consonant, ringing, solid;

[Sh] - consonant, deaf, solid.

What are they like? What is the difference?

4. To tell the articulation of these sounds on mmotable.

5. Now you must independently perform tasks on the cards: from this word it is necessary to form a new word, replacing the letter sh on J.

Card number 1.

shila - ...

six - …

prank - ...

great - ...

stew - ...

twist - ...

waste - ...

Sasha - ...

(After executing a task, check is performed, it appeals once again attention to that, with the help of which new words were formed).

6. Read the words recorded on the board carefully, indicating the missed letter:

well ... L.

sh ... Lo

w ... Peit

well ... Vet.

Which letter we inserted into all the words? (and) why exactly and? Do you remember the rule of writing words with a combination of Libi?

(Children call the rule on the spelling of Libi).

7. Fingering gymnastics.

Song of cheerful lands.

Two palms I have. (Alternately shown palms).

We are my palms. (Cotton)

We will play with them (squeeze and sprinkle cams).

Once, two, three, four, five (alternately bend fingers).

Together fun play. (Cotton)

8. On the board you see pictures, carefully consider them. Determine the presence and place of sounds [F] and [W] in the names of the pictures

(Yeough - [F] First Sound, Cap - [Sh] First Sound, Frog - [Sh] Fifth Sound, Toad - [F] First Sound, Cupcake - [F] Fifth Sound. Pear - [Sh] Fourth Sound, Beetle - [F] First sound, eggplant - [F] Sixth sound, Machine - [sh] Third sound, tire - [sh] First sound).

9. Fizminutka.

10. "Find extra object." Do not forget that the game offers you sounds. On the screen pictures:

Shub, shirt, shorts, vest. (What is the subject extra? Why? Where in the word Vest stands the sound [F]?

Scissors, passage, spatula, hacksaw.

Hedgehog, cat, giraffe, foal.

Spoon, cup, knife, jug.

11. And now, guys, you have to fulfill collective work. Look carefully, the desk lie rectangles, the longest - denotes the proposal that I call you, those that are shorter - these are words in this offer. Alterk, these are syllables in these words, and the squares (blue, green and red colors) are the sounds of which these syllables consist in words. Now I will call you an offer, and you need to make a right scheme:

Graveyard Book Baked Cookies


Tell me how many sounds? [W] and [sh] met in this sentence? (Two sounds [sh], one sound [F]).

12. The game "Board Liplot", I will read the beginning of the word, and you must add a syllable of the LOK or shock in the sense:

I ....., Pu ....., the pussy ....., lu ....., pyro ....., I climb ....., creative ....., paw ....., Sapo ....., sleep ....., Pet ....., Core ....., STI ....., Kru ....., Fla. ....

The last task, I will call you words, and you must read them back:

Freck (IZZA), Ball (Rush), Mouse (PWM), Knives (Izhon), Ski (Izil), puddles (Izhul).

The results of the classes.

1.Where studied at the lesson?

2. What sounds did we work today? What letters?

3. What rule did we repeat?

4. Let's once again characterize the sounds [F] and [sh]?

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