A summary of the speech therapy classes for literacy theme "Sound and Letter A". Abstract of frontal classes "Sound Front lesson sound A

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten №16 of the recreational orientation"

Abstract speech therapy classes By learning literacy

Subject: " Sound [A] and Letter A »

(Preparatory for School Compensation Group Group)

Amounted to and spent: Fedichina N.N.,

teacher speech therapist.


A summary of literacy training.

Subject: Sound[ BUT] and letter A.

purpose : Fasten the correct pronunciation of sound [a], introduce the letter A.


Correctional - educational:

Clarify the pronunciation of sound [a]; determine the position of the sound in the word; Teach children allocate

sound [A] from the composition of the syllables, words, introduce the letter A.

Correctional - educational:

Develop fine, general and articulation motorcy; Teach children to change the strength and height of the voice; Develop a phonmematic hearing and perception.

Correctional - educational:

Rail the skills of organized behavior.

Structure occupation

I. . The introductory part (organizational moment).

The rule of behavior in the classroom.

One, two, three, four, five

We will be now again

Watch, listen, think

But do not interfere with each other.

Clearly talk clearly

Do not spin, not to stitch.

II. . Main part.

1. Message Topics Classes.

Guys, guess the riddle.

Green striped ball

With stuffing scaria like heat

Lies on the garden, as if the cargo,

Tell me that it is. (Watermelon )

Right. What is the first sound in the word "watermelon"? (sound [a])

Today in the class we will talk about the sound [a].

2. Development of articulation motility.

But for starters, let's break our sponges and tongue.

Lip exercises: Smile - Trulling, Chief;

Exercises for language: "Delicious jam", "watch".

3. Work on the development of speech breathing and voice.

Development of diaphragmal respiration.

And now let's inflate the tummy like a ball.

Here we inflate the ball,

And check the hand (inflation to the stomach).

The ball burst - I exhale,

Our muscles relax.

Now let's say the sound [a] silently, just sponges - whisper - quietly - loud;

And now, on the contrary: loud - quietly - whisper - silent articulation.

4. Acoustic - articulation of sound.

Guys, and now let's say the sound [A] and let's see what position our sponges take? (the mouth is wide open ). And how is the tongue in the mouth? (language calmly lies downstairs, tip of the tongue behind the bottom teeth ).

Look like it is pronounced: the air in the mouth does not meet barriers, the sound is called voice.

This sound is always coming,

This sound, like a song, pours.

Sound, freely you fly,

No barriers on the way!

In the schemes we denote vowel sounds with a red circle.

5. Fizminutka "Leaflets".

And now let's turn into leaves.

We are autumn leaves

We sit on the branches.

Dulled the wind - flew.

We flew, we flew

And on Earth quietly sat down.

The wind came up again

And the leaves loose everything.

Splits - fleece

And I sat on the ground again.

6. Development phondeMectic hearing.

Guys, on the board hang pictures. Let's call what is depicted there?

You need to select those pictures in which there is sound [a]. We speak the name of the subject, longing the sound [a].

7. Determination of the sound of the sound in the word.

The words:stork, bus, orange, hand, cancer, moon, alphabet, shark, vase.

8. The ratio of sound with the letter.

Guys, look at the board. This letter A. Remember, the sound [a] on the letter is denoted by the letter A.

Here are two pillar of the painter,

And between them - the belt.

Do you know this letter? BUT?

Before you letterBUT .

Let's try to make the letter and from our fingers (the index and middle fingers of the right hand are lowered down, the rest are compressed in a fist, and the index finger of the left hand forms the "belt" ). And let's make a letter and from counting sticks. And write the letter and in the air.

9. Summing up the lessons.

So guys, what kind of sound and the letter we studied today?

Adjust the word to the end: OS ... A, Kos ... A, Fox ... A, Lun ... A, Spoon ... A, Berez ... Ah, Pine ... And Things ... A, Osin ... A, Dogs ... Ah, Kalin ... Ah, Ryabin …but.

Sound [ BUT ] What? (vowel)

Organization: Madou number 9

Locality: Olenegorsk

The generalization of the material has passed on vowels and consonant sounds and letters.


1. Fix graphic, spectatical images vowels and consonant letters.

2. Fasten the knowledge of children about vowels and consonant sounds.

3. Continue to fix the ability to determine the number of syllables in the word.

4. Be careful in the sound analysis of words.

5. Fold the skills in the preparation of simple, with beautiful words, with a small word of proposals.


1. Wear speech, attention, thinking.

2. Ride spectacular perception, phonderatic hearing.


1. Recompret the benevolent relations to each other, the desire to speak beautifully, right.

2. Form the skills of cooperation, independence, initiative.

Methodological techniques:

1.Muzical accompaniment for mobile game "Attention"

2. Snow (questions, explanation).

3. Conceptual (subject pictures, interactive table).

4. player (mobile game)

5.Practive (exercise).

Monitoring the work of children, help, tips.


Demonstration material: Side pictures, poster "Different letters"

Distribution material: cards with circles, subject pictures, schemes for the preparation of proposals, letters.

Integration with other educational areas.

1. FIZ. Culture: Movable game

2. Health: Checking compliance with the rules of dispersion of the tables.

3. Socialization: to educate benevolent relationships to each other, to learn to come to each other for help.

4.Trud: Help in the distribution of handouts for classes, cleaning your place.

5. Communication: develop speech, the desire to speak beautifully, correctly,

to carefully listen to each other and do not interrupt.

I. Organizational moment.

(L): - Guys, guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them.

(L): - Stop in a circle. Look at me and do not get distracted. We are already big and today we will show our guests what we learned to you. And so that our tongue worked well, we will charge for the tongue.

Articulating gymnastics

Thick grandchildren came to visit, (children inflated cheeks)

With them thin - only skin yes bone. (pulled the cheeks)

Grandma and grandparently smiled, (wide smile)

Kiss they all reached out. (imitation of a kiss)

In the morning I woke up - in a lip smile, (a wide smile)

We cleaned our top teeth. (Tag moves - between the upper lip and teeth)

Right and left, inside and outside,

We are friends with lower teeth too.

II. Introduction to the subject of classes.

(L): - Today you have to go through difficult tests. And to help move from one test to another, these multicolored shooters will help us.

(L): - I came in the morning in the morning kindergarten And I saw this picture. What do you think here is shown? (Letters)

(L): - Select only those letters that you know.

(L): - You know what the letter is graphic image Sound. And how did you determine what is the letter, not the sound? (Letters we see and write, and the sounds we hear and pronounce)

(L): - What are the sounds? (Vowels and consonants)

(L): - What are the difference between vowel sounds from consonants? (Vowels can come in - no barrier, and the consonants can not be passed - interferes with tongue, teeth, lips)

(L): - The consonant sounds, which are divided (on soft and solid, ringing and deaf)

(L): Well done, you all said correctly.

1. The game "Live Arrogo" (Name the first, the last sound in the word)

(L): - Now I will check how you know how to determine the sounds at the beginning and in the end of the word and give a sound characteristic. Stop in a circle.

(L): - "Arrow" will be each of you in turn. The first round will rise ... (the child gets into the center of the circle and depicts the "arrow". The child is spinning around him, stretching forward his right hand. The rest of the children, holding hands go around the circle with the words:

Our shooter revived

Quickly, quickly spinning!

Make a circle and wrap,

And now stop!

The child stops and indicates one of the children. Who did the "Arrow" pointed out, pulls the picture from the bag ", determining the first and last sound in it and gives it a characteristic.

(L): - Well, and with this task you coped.

(L): - Stop in the loose.

2. Movable game "Attention" (split words to syllables)

(L): - When you hear the "Attention", see the image set and if in the word 1 syllable (build in the column one by one), if 2 syllables (via 2 people), if 3 syllables (3 people), if 4 syllables (four people). Do not forget to boil the word.

3. Playing on an interactive table "Sound schemes"

(L): - Come on everything to the table. Carefully look and tell me what is depicted on it? (Sound scheme) Think and tell me what picture comes to this scheme? Why?

4.What analysis of the word (every child different words, depending on the possibilities)

(L): Well done, and now pass the tables and lay out each of your sound scheme in the picture. Choose pictures and work.

(L): Asks: Read the Word, leading your finger for each sound. How many vowels, consonant sounds? At what place is the sound ....? In third place, what kind of sound? How many syllables in the word? Why?

5. Offer according to the scheme

(L): - And now in this picture, come up with an offer and post it according to the scheme.

(L): It works with each individual.

(L): Asks: Read the offer by leading your finger for each word. How many words in the sentence? Where is it worth short word ....? In third place, what word?

6. Guess the letter

(L): - Umnichki, it was very difficult, but you coped. Come to me, turn your back to the guests.

(L): - I will draw the letter on your back, and you try to guess the letter and lay out it from various items that you have on the tables.

III. Outcome.

(L): - How did we do today?

(L): - What kind of task was difficult?

(L): - What task did you like most? Why?

Anna Tatartseva
The abstract of the front speech therapy lesson training in preparatory group On the topic "Sound [A], Letter A"

Completeness of the frontal speech therapy leaking

in preparatory group on the topic: « Sound, the letter a


Correctional - educational:

Introduce them to sounds [a], letter A..

Specify right articulation sound;

Learn to allocate sound [A] from syllables, words, give a characteristic;

Learn to be letter from counting sticks, prescribe letter in tetrajes.

Correctional - developing:

Develop visual and auditory attention, memory;

Develop a shallow motor

Develop phonmematic hearing and perception;


educate the ability to work in the team, interest in classes.

Equipment: Subject pictures on sound, image card letters A., notebooks, pencils, split alphabets, individual mirrors, red mugs, countable sticks.

Structure occupation

I. Organizational moment.

Rule of behavior by classes.

One, two, three, four, five

We will be now again

Watch, listen, think

But do not interfere with each other.

Clearly talk clearly

Do not spin, not to stitch.

Reiteration sound [U], remembering previously reviewed pictures on W.

Someone who names items on sound [U].

II. Main part.

1. Topics message classes.

Guys, who is drawn in your notebooks? (Girl)

What she does? (Crying)

How is the girl crying? (A - a - a - a)

Today on classes We will get to know the sound [A].

2. Development of articulation motility.

But for starters, let's break our sponges and tongue.

- Lip exercises: "Tube", "Fence";

- Language Exercises: "Delicious jam", "ASIA".

3. Work on the development of speech breathing.

The breeze blows weakly, then stronger ...

4. Acoustic - Articulation Image sound.

Guys, and now let's say sound [a] and seeWhat position do our sponges take? (mouth wide open). What makes the tongue in the mouth? (Language calmly lies downstairs, tip of the tongue behind the bottom teeth).

5. Characteristic sound.

We can come in sound? (Yes)

I pull our thread as it turned out? (Long)

If we can pass sound means which? (Vowel)

What house do vowels live in? (In red)

When we pronounce sound [A] Gorlashko rings, check? (Yes)

So sound [a] what? (voiced)

6. Development of phonderatic hearing.

Clemen if you hear sound: Oh, U, A, and, A, E, Y, A, OU, OU, ON, ON, YU, AN, HERP, Umbrella, watermelon, walrus, sneakers, ....

Guys, our girl Anya cries, because can't find pictures on sound [A] Let's help her. Speak the name of the picture, long pronouncing sound [A] and determine where it is at the beginning, in the middle or in the end of the word.

7. Phys. Minute: "Stork"

Stork, stork long-legged,

Show home the road. (Stork answers.)

Put the nagging law

Tops left nagu

Again - the right nag

Again - left nagu.

After - the right nag

After - Left Nego.

And then come home.

8. Relationship sound with letter.

Guys, look at the board. it the letter a. Remember sound [and] on the letter is denoted letter A..

How many elements consists the letter a?

Here are two pillar of the painter,

And between them - the belt.

You are this let the letter know? BUT?

Before Toby the letter a.

Make letter and from fingers.

Lay out letter And with the help of counting sticks. And write letter and in the air.

9. Work in notebooks

Find and paint those objects whose names begin with sound.

Waging and paint watermelon and orange. Meet the place sound [a] in words.

Collect pictures. Meet the place sound [a] in words: Fish, handle, cancer.

Find letter"BUT" In his notebook. Spend your finger (Drive). We will color letter And the color of that house in which she lives. Which house lives the letter a? (In red). So we will color it in red. - Because sound"BUT" Vowel and we denote it in red.

III. Summarizing classes.

What the sound was studied?

Why is he a vowel?

Remember the words of SO sound [a] at the beginning of the word, in the middle, at the end.

Well done! Today you have worked well and coped with all the tasks.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract frontal speech therapy class "Sound [and] and letter and" The subject of classes: "The sound and letter" and ". Objectives: 1. Secure the knowledge of children about sound and; 2. To introduce children with the letter and; 3. Development of phonematics.

The abstract of the frontal expectation of a detectologist for learning a letter "Sound and Letter and" Completeness of the frontal lesson for learning a certificate of defectologist Theme: "Sound and Letter and" Purpose: 1) To acquaint the sound and the letter and using.

A summary of the speech therapy classes for literacy in the preparatory group "Sounds [K], [K '], letter K" Subject: Sounds [K], [K ']. Letter K. Purpose: Acquaintance with the letter to and sounds [K], [K ']. Tasks: 1. Fastening the skill of clear pronunciation of sounds.

Objectives: Correctional - Educational: fixing proponunciation Sounds, expansion and clarification of knowledge about sound and the letter.

An abstract of classes on the topic "Fastening knowledge about the sound" A "and the letter" A "


Speech therapy occupation conducted by a student 505 of the group of the Defectological Faculty of MPGU Yastrebova T.V. in group number 8 for children with general underdevelopment Doch Dou№1043 Southern Training District of Moscow

Purpose:create knowledge of children about sound a and letter A.


1. Secure the development of a clear pronunciation of sound "A".

2. Secure the ability to produce a plural nouns with the end of

3. Develop auditory attention, drinking sound and isolated, in syllables, in words.

4. Secure the selection of sound and from a number of vowels.

5. Secure knowledge about the letter A.

6. Develop a shallow motor.


Doll, symbol (card) sound "A", red square, card with letter "A", pictures.

I. Organizational moment(3 minutes)

Speech therapist: - Questions for children on the topic of fruit. Summates the one who will correctly respond to my question.

2. Introduction to the subject of classes:(2 minutes)

Speech therapist: Guys, we have a doll today. Her name is Ann. She prepared for you a task.

Listen and name the first sound in words:

arch, Stork, Watermelon, August

II. Main part.

3. Sound articulation. (4 minutes)

Speech therapist: - Let's together sound say "BUT".

Wide mouth open

Doll affectionately. (Pronounce individually and chorus, with different power of voice - quieter, louder)

Speech therapist:- That's right, the sound "A" is heard. This sound is a vowel, he will come in and we are in the mouth, when I do not feel the obstacles. Look at the picture: The girl points out the doll and sings her Aaaa. (The girl with a doll is hanging on the board)

4.Logoped: - The task was performed. Now look, I have a red square in my hands, this is a symbol of all vowels, including the sound "A". So we will denote it.

5. Speech therapist: Anya's doll prepared you a game, she calls the game "Slothers in your hands, if you hear the sound" A ": (3 minutes)

a, y, o, a, s, and, a, e, y, a.




sun, May, face, street, umbrella, finger

6. Speech therapist: - Anya doll forgot the name of the pictures, let's help her remember them. Look at the pictures carefully and name them, tell me where the sound is at the beginning or at the end. (3 minutes)

(pictures and schemes are hung on the board: at the beginning or in the end of the word sound)

Mouse, cat, stork, watermelon, apricot, bus, plum, orange, book, angel, shark, giraffe. Snail, bee.

7. Physical Minute(3 minutes)

Stork, stork long-legged, show us the road.

(Stop legs, after hand to show aside) Stork answers: "Tops right legs, to the left leg.

(Stop left foot, grind the right foot) Shaped with the right foot, shape with my left foot, then come home! (step by right foot, step by left foot, walking in place)

Speech therapist: Guys, in what words you heard the sound "A", name them.

6. Education multiple nouns with the end of "A"(4 minutes)

Speech therapist: - Guys, let's play the game, "one and a lot"

I will hang the picture in the singular, and you will have to find a couple of this picture, where many these items. (for example: window - windows)

House - houses;

Face person;

Train train;

Glass - glass;

Horn rog;

Eye - eyes;

The foals - foals;

Doctor - Doctor;

Child - guys;

Kitten - kittens;

Bucket - buckets;

Egg - eggs;

Ring - rings;

Elephant - elephant.

8. Acquaintance with the letter "A".(2 minutes)

Speech therapist:- Listen to the poem:

High and slight letter A.

It looks very similar to the arch.

Speech therapist:- Look here it is the letter "A". (A card depicting the letter "A") is set.

Speech therapist:- Let's draw a letter and magic pencil in the air together.

9. Individual work(4 minutes)

Speech therapist: Laying the letter "A" from sticks.

Let's try to fold together.

10. Outcome, assessment of children.(1 minute)

Speech therapist:- Guys, remember what sound did we meet today at the lesson?

What letter?

What color do you indicate?

What did you like most?

Well done, engaged well, listened carefully, answered questions.

Sankova Christina Viktorovna

Lesson No. _____

Theme "Sound A"

Correctional educational purposes. To acquaint children with sound [a], to teach clearly to pronounce the sound [a], remember his articulation, learn to hear it and allocate from a number of other sounds, to learn to determine the direction of sound in space, to learn the sound [a] in the impact position at the beginning of the word. .

Correctional and developing goals.Development of skills speech communication, connected speech, auditory perception and attention, phonderatic hearing, thinking, coordinating speech with movement.

Correctional educational purposes.Formation of cooperation skills, interaction, independence, initiative.

Equipment. Subject pictures, in the title of which there are studied sound, workbooks, container with pencils, mirror for each child, symbols of sounds (squares), rattle.

Structure occupation

1. Orgmant. Exercise "Where did the sound come from?"

Children cover their eyes. The speech therapist rings a rattle, and children should point out with hand where the sound is heard.

2. Articulating gymnastics.

3. Acquaintance with sound [a].

The speech therapist offers children to listen to a number of words, with the voice allocates the sound [A] in all these words.

Speech therapist: What same sound is heard at the beginning of all these words?

The speech therapist shows the children and explains the articulation of sound [A]:When we pronounce the sound [a], then:

Sponges in calm condition;

Rotik is wide open;

The tongue quietly lies in the mouth;

Gorlashko "works"(For fixing the work of voice ligaments, the hands of children lie on the neck).

After displaying and explaining the speech therapy, children correctly pronounce the sound [a] in front of the mirror, and then reproduce the sound articulation without voice.

4. Sound characteristic [A].

The speech therapist tells children that the sound [a]vowel (It can be singing, because the air in its path does not meet the barrier). To refer to all vowel sounds usedred square.

The speech therapist introduces children with a symbol of sound [A]:the girl tells the doll and sings her: ahh ...

5. Phonetic exercises.

a) Pronounce after the speaker's smooth long exhalation:

The girl is scolding a doll: aaaaaaaa ...

b) Pronounce after the speech therapist will passibly:

What is asking for a doctor when inspecting the throat? - Aaaa ...

c) Pronounce yourself the sound [y] we will break as many times how many times the speech therapist claps in your hands.

6. Exercise "Locks in the palm, if you hear the sound [a]".

The speech therapist utters different sounds, and the children clap into the palm when they hear the sound:

a, U, O, A, A, P, A K, B, A, A ...

7. Exercise "4th extra":

The speech therapist asks the children to call the unnecessary word in a row, (that which does not begin to sound [a]):Orange, artist,soup, astronomer.

8. The game "Boarding Loudly and name the first sound in the Word."

The speech therapist reads the children a poem and asks them to finish the last word in it, and then call the first sound in this word. Children perform appropriate movements.

He is big like a ball football,Hands - semicircle in front of him.

If ripe - everyone is satisfied.Stroking the right hand of tummy.So pleasant it tastes

And his name is - ... (watermelon)

9. Fizminutka

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

Stork, stork long-legged,

Show home the road!

Tops permanently

Tops left foot

Again - the right foot

Again - left foot,

After - the right foot

After - left foot,

Then come home!

10. Exercise "Attentive ears":

The speech therapist reads the poem and asks children to answer what the same sound is often heard in it, and then call all the words from this poem, starting with the sound [A].

What do you carry, car?When lingifying fruit, children

All that is in the letter A:howl hand consistently bend

Here are watermelons, oranges,fingers of the left hand.

Apricots and quince.

11. Fingering gymnastics.

We divided the orange;For each word compress the fingers of the hands

A lot of us, and he is alone.in a cam.

This slicker is for hedgehog,Left hand alternately bending the pal

This slicing is for striking,chiki right hand.

This slicker - for ducks,

This slicing is for kittens,

This slicing is for beauty,

And for the wolf - the skin.

12. Work in the notebook.

Children draw an antenna in notebooks.

13. Outcome classes.

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