Panorama Afula. Virtual tour Afula

Location and population of the city

The city in the Northern District is known as the "Capital of Valley" because of its strategic location in the Israel Valley. The modern city was founded in 1925 by Jews of the settlers. Currently, about 50 thousand people live in it. Among the population speaking about one third of Russian. Last year, it was decided to build seven new quarters, which would double the population of the city.
This area is called Galilee. The name happened from the word in Hebrew "Gal" - a wave. Indeed, the alternation of the mountains (not more than 600m height) and the valleys, the impression of the waves.
There is an Israel valley between these waves, which is also called the Megiddo Valley - 10 km from Afula, which is located in her center, is Mount Megiddo. This area of \u200b\u200bArmagedon, where the battle of good with evil, described in the Apocalypse - the Christian prophecy of the end of the world. And it is here, after the end of the world, the kingdom of God must come. At the entrance to the city, Mount Favor is visible, about 600 meters high. According to the Christian legend, it was here that the transformation of the Lord was happening - the phenomenon of Jesus Christ in closest students.

Story history

It is possible that this is the area of \u200b\u200bthe Official, which is mentioned in the lists of Pharaoh Tutamos III, was also identified with the ancient Israeli city mentioned in the Jewish Bible. With the destruction of the Israeli kingdom, the region continued to be inhabited, and the excavations revealed artifacts of periods of Persian and Roman rule. It is also a suggestion that the city is identical to Cyriaf of Slaf, a place where the Samaritans lived in the 7th century.

In 2011, the construction of a large-scale project on the reconstruction of the rut railway From Haifa to Beit Shean with Station in Aful. The railway runs approximately along the same route as the historic railway of the beginning of the 20th century in the Israel Valley. Israeli railways began passenger traffic at the new way in 2016.
In Alon Tavor, the industrial zone located to the northeast on the highway 65. There is a plant of air conditioners and two plastic manufacturing plants. There are more than 20 schools in which about 9,000 students are being trained.

Afula Lower, located 45 meters below sea level, Upper Afula Ilit and Givat-A-Maeub - three district of the city. Givat-A-Mahe, Moraine Mountain, this is a frozen volcano, basalt breeds dominate - the result of eruption in ancient times. The mountain is covered with pine forests, in which the crop of mushrooms can be collected in winter.

Afula Israel reviews and questions of repatriates

Below are some reviews of new repatriates who arrived in the city in early 2018.

My family was met, taken to temporary housing in Sable, and a few days ago we shot a new apartment in an ort. Employees of the Ministry of Absorption helped us to rent an apartment, find furniture, arrange children in kindergarten and to school, solve some paramount tasks.
I arrived from Russia, from Yekaterinburg, here in December 2017. To say that we were surrounded by care, it means nothing to say. The reception was very warm. The city administration and private charitable organizations helped us. We have already been here for 2 weeks and so far we needed that we provide free technics, some things will always prompt and always help. Help with the design of documents absolutely all. So far from Aful only pleasant impressions. In addition, we came from the harsh winter (we had a minus 36 degrees), and here such a warm, pleasant winter, beautiful clean air, excellent views from Givat-A-Mahe.
I and my family began new stage in life. I did not plan before that it will be carried out in Afus, it was a daughter's decision that came here before. And now I am sincerely glad that we came in this city. I live now very close to my daughter and from my grandchildren, there is an opportunity to meet with them. Secondly, I did not expect that we will meet us here. I am genuinely grateful for this Iria city and directly to those people who work in the repatriate reception department: Oru, Belle, Lie, Thane, Marianne and many many others. They are very sincere, do a lot for us and take care of us.

How much can approximately cost an apartment rental? What is the cost of life?

The cost of living in the north is lower than in the center of Israel. The cost of the long-term rental apartment in Aful in 2018:
1-room 1.4 / 2.0 thousand shekels; 2-bedroom thousand shekels; 3-room 2.1 / 3.0 thousand shekels; 4-room 2.5 / 4.0 thousand shekels.

How to find work in Afule?

In the city, periodically, several times a year, organizes employment fairs. There is no good sentences, but it is quite possible to find something for yourself.

The city's attractions

Sights of Afula:

  • Water tower - built in the 1930s
  • Palm Alley - on the central street, on which the composition in the style of "Japanese Garden" - low trees, as if put on the street in pots, remind bannsai.
  • Old Railway Station Building and Platform - Until 1904, a railway connected to Haifa and Damascus took place through the city. Now there is a draft point Tsyal - the house of a soldier.
  • Monument to Soldier. - Near the youth center. The sculpture is made in full growth, the soldier relies on the drawer with projectiles.
  • Tel-Afula - Ancient Kurgan, is located near the city center. The southern vertex of Kurgan is the most surviving part. The first excavations in Tel-Aful, spent in 1948, discovered the remains of the early Bronze Age. Near the urban water tower, the tomb of the early bronze age, the middle bronze century, the late Bronze Age, the Iron Age and the Roman period were found.

Afula Israel Card

The city is located in the north at the intersection of the highway 65, which connects coastal plains with Galilee and Highway 60 which connects Beer Shev with Nazareth. Afula, this is a crossroads of roads going to Tiberia, Nazareth, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem.

Earth? Go to Aful - a small town right in the middle of the Israel Valley, surrounded by authentic kibbatin and original nature. Founded in the height of the settlement of Afula is a vivid example of the purposefulness and hard work of the Jews, which were able to build a full-fledged highly developed city in less than 100 years, where all the conditions for a favorable life were created.

A little about the city

Facts about the city of Afula:

  • the year of the founding of Aful is considered to be 1925 (but the status of the city has received only in 1972);
  • earth for the construction of a new city was acquired by the Zionist American Development Fund;
  • Afula is one of the first cities that appeared on the map of Israel in the twentieth century by prior plan (today it is administrative center Israel valley);
  • the city is well developed industry, which is mainly represented by food (sugar, flock) and light industry (textile, paper);
  • the population of Aful is almost 45,000 people, 92% of which Jews (a sharp influx of the population was observed in the 90s, mostly there were immigrants from countries former USSR);
  • in Aful, the most delicious seeds in Israel (this city is also called "Maatsa Hareit", which means "powered seeds", on the outskirts along the roads stretch the sunflower fields);
  • among all urban institutions, the Teacher College "Emeques Israel" (one of the branches of the Haifa University) and the Medical Complex "A-Emek" are especially worthy, in which there is a school nurses that produce highly qualified personnel.

Attractions Aful

Afula is not the city of Israel, where you can make an impressive photo. Ancient historical monuments that were on these lands, unfortunately, were not preserved. When building a municipality was not focused on tourist interest, but on the improvement of local residents. Therefore, the architecture in Aful is quite modest. All attractions are reduced only to traditional urban objects: parks, squares, Palace of Culture, Library. Among the unusual monumental compositions, the water tower and a monument to the victims of terror can be distinguished.

However, this does not mean, you will have to miss Afula. You can go to fascinating tour By nearby surroundings. Alternately there are already three National Park:

In addition to the ruins of ancient settlements, unique archaeological monuments and artifacts, you will see the natural attractions here and meet the culture of some kibbutsev Israel valley.

Also near Afula are such interesting places, as church of Annunciation, well Mary., natural Reserve "Source Harod", church of Gabriel, museum Khankina,

Where to stay?

Afula is a city in Israel, which is not particularly popular among tourists. Therefore, there is not a single hotel. However, if you still decided to visit this Israeli town, you will not stay without sleeping. In the surrounding area there are many options for accommodating tourists, ranging from modest guest houses and ending with multi-storey hotels. We offer a selection of booking options located within a radius of 10 km from Aful:

Lovers of recreation in big cities can settle in Nazareth, near Afula. Want to live in a more secluded place, book house in Mizre., Gar Nare or Kfar Baruch.

Where to eat?

There are many cafes and restaurants in Afuly, where you can enjoy traditional Israeli and international dishes. The most popular among them:

Also in Afula there are places where you can eat tasty and cheap: pizzeria, bistro, burger Bars.

Things to do?

Afula is a city where many youth lives, so there are cafes and restaurants, where there is an exciting time to spend time.

Mount Gilboa is a center for the organization of flights to hot-air balloon. You can additionally order the photo operator services, champagne and delicious lunch with you. From the height of a bird's eye view, you will see an incredible panorama of the Israel Valley.

Weather in Aful

The climate in Afuly is moderately warm. Summer arid, and in winter there are more precipitation. The dry month is July. Very rarely, when it rains this month. But almost all January in Afula waits. In the first month of the year, almost a quarter of all annual precipitation falls. At the same time, the temperature drops to its minimum. Its average in January is + 12 ° C. It is hotstay in Afuy in August. The average temperature of the last summer month + 28 ° C.

How to get?

Distance from Aful to the nearest cities:

  • up to - 92 km;
  • up to - 12 km;
  • up to - 35 km;
  • up to - 75 km.

Afula is on the suppression of two main Israeli roads: leading from west to east and from north to south. Therefore, it is convenient to get to this city from any part. Here are often route buses from Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Afula (IVR. עֲפֻלָּה, עפולה; Arab. الففولة, al-'afūlaḧ) - the city in Israel, founded in 1925 in the midst of Jewish settlement in the Israel valley. The population is 39,800 residents (2009).

In the times of Israeli conquest of Canaan on the site of the current Aful, there was a settlement of the office (or an offer), which means the "tower", or the "fortified settlement on the elevation". It is likely that it was here that the altar of Gideon, the hero of Tanah, one of the judges of Israel: "And Gedeon arranged the altar of the Lord and called him: Jehovah Shalom. He is still in the afternoon of Aviezer "(court. 6:24). In 1799, at the time of the Egyptian hike, Napoleon, near the current location of modern Afuly, the Favor's battle of the French has occurred with the Turks. Not far from Aful, on the site of today's kibbuta "Merhavia", there was a small Arab village of Al-Affulu (al-Fula). Residents, selling the land Jewish settlers left this area. Modern Afula was founded in 1925 at the height of Jewish settlement in the Israel Valley. The city is located on the lands acquired with the help of the Zionist American Land Fund for the Zionist American Land Fund. These were wetlands, unsuitable areas for a person. Gradually began to appear Jewish agricultural settlements. As a result archaeological excavations Under the guidance of Professor of the Jerusalem University of Eleezer Sokenik, caused by new Aful development plans in 1926-31, a lot of cultural layers were opened, testifying to people here, from the times of Halkolita (third millennium BC) and up to the last Arab settlement. There is also a lack of continuity of these settlements, that is, there were times of decline and launch, when no one lived on these lands. The city of Afula was laid in the center of the valley. Nevdibex took place the Haifa Railway - Damascus. The first portion of the Haifa Railway - Beit Shean was put into operation in January 1904, and in March 1948, after the explosion of bridges on the river, the Farmuk was discontinued on this road. "Rocket A-Emek" (train valley) is the branch of the Hijaz railway. Afula is an important strategic point at the crossroads of the roads of two main directions: the West - East and South - North. One of these roads connects Aful with Tel Aviv, and the other with Jerusalem, Schham (Nablus) and Jenin. In 1972, Afula received the status of the city. From the mid-80s of the twentieth century, its population increased by 14,000 and is 39800 people (according to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics as of December 31, 2009). According to a promising development plan for the next 20 years, the population of the city will grow up to 100,000 people. Afula consists of three big Areas: Asto Afula, Upper Afula (Afula-ort) and GIV'AT A-MEU. The area of \u200b\u200bGuil'at Amore is located on the slopes of Maure Mountain, at an altitude of 250-400 meters above sea level. These areas are removed from the Nizhny city, Afula, located 45 meters below the sea level ...

November 22nd, 2016, 03:30 PM

Afula is a gloomy northern city of repatriates, a kind of "Russian ghetto" never manil. This happiness is plenty of where in Israel is enough, and usually in the course of their trips, I try to see something ... less social. But the rumors reached me that there is an archaeological ancient hill in Aful as well as several architectural structuresrequiring my attention. And I decided that the time came - it's time to go. Well, in order to brighten a greenery of a gray city, it was decided to dilute also by hikes in two very interesting museumIn the kibbutz nearby.

The ancient Tel-Afula hill is located in the heart of the city, in the middle of the residential quarter

It looks all this, alas, completely abandoned. Seen only a few fragments of the wall and a couple of sarcophagus

Meanwhile, there were ten archaeological layers on the hill, testifying that there were continuously settlements in Afuly, starting from the Copper Century (Halcholite's Epoch) and to the Jerusalem kingdom, who graduated from its existence in 1291, when the glorious city of Accra

Modern Afula was founded in 1925 by the Zionist Organization of American Zion Commonwealth, which bought the land of the future city from the famous Arab feudal of Elias Sursok, whose family belonged to numerous lands in Eretz Israel. Specifically, 500 tenant peasants lived on these lands, whose hut focused in a tiny village called Il Fula. In the center of the village was a hill that served (how can it be other than the Arabs) - a trash. The Jews who moved to this land used ashes from the garbage burned by Arabs because he was rich organic substancesand discovered ancient facilities. The branch of the British mandate for the management of antiquities immediately gave the instructions to stop the excavation of the garbage, and caused representatives of the archaeological department of the Jewish University, headed by Eliezer Lipa Sokenik, who spent the first excavations here, finding out that there is an ancient hill here.

On the hill found a square tower, built of large stones, and sarcophages of the Roman era of II, III and IV century. According to one of the versions, the tower was built in the Middle Ages Arabs, and the sarcophagus they dragged from nearby Roman cemeteries. The second version, less popular, says that there was a fortress of the Crusaders. The excavations were carried out here twice in the thirties, then in the fifties, then stopped. In 1999, residential buildings began to be built next to the hill (there was not enough places in Afuly), and the hill itself was badly damaged in preparations for construction and archaeological attractions on it. Pizdets. In 2107, it is planned to restore the hill (I guess what is about the same way as it is planned to build a tram in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv). In the meantime, everything is worth it.

And you still have a sad spectacle, I went to look for, you can see what else in Afula.

I must say that the city causes almost the same depressing impression as the ancient hill. What is a bit strange, as Richard Kaufman himself designed Aful -, and the plans were truly Napoleon. Sometimes in life it happens - they bought these lands of Americans, but it was somehow not Komilfo for these elites. Then the Earth bought Polish Jews, but they were destroyed during the Holocaust. Then relatives of those killed during the catastrophe claimed part of the lands, but Israel had never given anything to anyone, and the land in 1948 "nationalized". And only in the nineties in Afuy there was some life, because the repatriates began to come here - they were espaired from the countries of the former USSR, then from Ethiopia.

From the early attractions in Afula, this synagogue of the twenties has been preserved. I was pleased with a curious story - when I tried to enter inside, I tried to stop some Ethiopian Jew for a long time, it's impossible to tear that the synagogue is intended only for the Jews, and "others" can not be included.

Building the synagogue began in 1928, and finished in 1932. Designed the building of the architect Zelig Axelrod, also responsible for the villa lies -. It is noteworthy that the synagogue was one of the first and most famous structures built in the style of Eretz-Israel - the synthesis of Western European architecture and the local East Arabic. Alexander Bervald, Joseph Barban and Akiv Wece, founder of Tel Aviv, are considered by the genericants of this style. The most famous Eretz Isral style facilities are a building of Technone in Haifa and the Gymnasium "Herzliya" in Tel Aviv, alas, not to the present day. In addition, the House of Akiva Weissa in Tel Aviv, stunning Merhavia - Bervald, as well as Beit Herzl in the Holdd forest (I was not there, and I have long since I want to go), and Yemen's houses in Kerem Ben Shemen (I also really want ) Barski. In addition, the Barca designed the first kiosk in Tel Aviv on the Rothschild Boulevard, which has tremendous popularity and today.

This is the historic railway station Afula

Afula is the fourth station from the famous eight way to the famous Hijaz Railway, built to connect Damascus and Mecca.

The Israeli part of this road is called Rocket Ha-Emeques (the train of the valley - since it passes through the Israelian valley), and the two essence of its stations, Elrow and Kfar Yehushua, we have already visited.

Interesting, by the way, how many things in Israel such stations - I would like to visit them all.

But returning to our deeds - from the moment of construction, the station has become shopping center Settlements, and in 1922, a post office was even built here. In addition, as we see, the station was water tower on the territory of the station.

On the first floor of the tower there was a fire station.

On November 14, 1942, a train from Vienna, held through Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey and Syria, arrived at this station on November 14, 1942, and on it, Jews with British passports, whom the Nazis exchanged at the Templers who lived at the same time in Eretz Israel. It is these Jews that, 69 people, for the first time delivered sediders about the brutals of the Germans in Europe, namely, the mass destruction of Jews in gas chambers and the final decision of the Jewish question.

And again a sharp transition - Nowadays the station, perhaps the only pastoral place in Aful.

Opposite the railway station, there is a police station, also in its kind historical - it is made in the style of Tegart (named after the British engineer, who became their initiator). A kind of fortress or a militarized fort, which the British built throughout Eretz Israel during the time of the mandate. There are 70 such forts, and the overwhelming majority is still used.

The most ridiculous thing is that in many Forts of Tegarta in Israel I was not, but it was in the fact that in Ramalle -, right next to the Mausoleum of Arafat.

This phone has become a kind of symbol of Afus for me. If you surprise, why I do not write about the modern city at all - it's because there is nothing to write. He seemed to froze in time from the most thirties. Just like this telephone machine. Well, we go further - in Kibbutz Ein Harod.

In fact, today it is two kibbutz, Ein Harod Ihud (Ein Harod Association) and Ein Harod Meauhad (Ein Harod United). As typically for Israel - two places with the name of the association, which are essentially divided. But not the essence - I was not interested in the history of Kibbuts, which is certainly wonderful in itself, but two museums located on the territory of one of them, which Meahad. The first is the Museum of Haim Navigarman.

Pay attention to the rosette on the second frame. The museum, as written above, was founded in 1941 with a bias on natural science - taking stuffed animals there from local fauna, natural landscapes and so on. It interests me less, and in the museum they attracted me two other things - firstly the building itself.

It is so pleasant impressive, at least me.

Well, secondly, the archaeological exhibits put in the yard around the museum.

They are also so pleasantly impressive, at least me.

There are richly decorated sarcophages

In large quantities

And columns

And just separate reliefs

It is a pity that some exhibits are simply dropped into a bunch.

Finally, as always - an attempt of an artistic frame

The second museum in the kibbutz - the art of art named Haim Atar, or the Art Museum

Few people seem to know, but the art museum in Ein Haroda is considered one of the largest and most important museums of art in Israel. It is also one of the first three museums built in Eretz Israel, and dedicated to art.

The peculiarity of the museum is in the community collection of Israeli art and in the architectural advantages of the museum building, which allows the exhibits with the help of natural light, and not artificial lighting.

True, check this approval and enjoy naturally illuminated exhibits I could not - the museum was closed. Do not ride children, walk on weekends - even in the secular kibbutz.

However, this does not have chib to upset. To be honest - to Israeli art, especially modern, I treat more than cool. It was much nice to wander just outside. Especially since the building is really beautiful.

And sculptures around quite yourself wow

Some truth is a little strain

Next to the museum is a cafe, it also has several sculptures.

Kibbutz himself is quite well maintained and beautiful, unlike Aful. You can wander half an hour.

From here I went to the neighboring Kibbutz Tel Yosef. But since I was asked not to tire the reader with an abundance of Bucaff and photos, then about the continuation of the trip - next time.

The city of Afula, as the map shows, is located in the north of Israel and is located in the heart of the Israel Valley. At the moment, the city is very dynamically developing, the infrastructure has a further expansion.


The city was founded in the distance 1925 at the time of settlement and development. Located on the lands who acquired the Zionist American Land Development Fund. The founder of the city is the Behahoshua Khankin, a migranet from Russia. He scooped at pretty reasonable prices land In the valley. The place, initially, was wetched and completely inappropriate for the life and cultivation of crops.

But perseverance and will gave their positive results. Earth with a permanent il and humus gave an impetus for the nutrient layers, over time it contributed to the collection of good yields. In 1972, the settlement was assigned the status of the city, after which the population in Braza began to increase much faster.

Also, the development of the city contributed to its strategic location, the most important directions from the north to the south were crossed and from the west to the East. Migrants from other lands rushed to the city, and after the independence of the state, Israel, the number of newcomers increases at times. In the period of the 80s - 90s, the number of inhabitants increased by 14,000 people, mainly due to Aliya (emigration) from the countries of the former USSR. At the moment, 30% of the population is immigrants from the CIS countries.

Modern Afula

At the moment, the city accommodates two areas of Hyl'at A-Sea and Afula-ort, spread on Mount Moria. The second area is relatively young and respectively new. It constantly contains housing for the population. The third district is not only small and far, but also "deep" - its location above sea level below 40 meters. In the city, on an ongoing basis, the construction of municipal and industrial buildings is underway, there is a large hospital complex with the army of qualified medical personnel, which at any moment are ready to treat and improve residents of the city and industrial zone workers.

The city of Afula is a great place to explore the country of Israel.

Afula is the center of the sugar industry and not in vain proud of its refinery. Also in the city there is a textile factory, where the main direction is the manufacture of nylon. In the valley there are fields of sunflowers, so the production of seeds occupies one of the leading positions in the industry. Seeds are very tasty here and are popular with residents of the city. In industrial zones there are corps and branches of several well-known companies.

On the outskirts of the city is the college of Emeques Israel, which will soon become one of the main universities of Galilee.

What to see

Afula is located 30 km from the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea and offers beautiful green landscapes to residents and guests. In the area there is a Mount Favor, which is famous for its round form. 30 km from the north-east is the largest lake of Israel - Kineriet. The lake is the only source of stocks. fresh water For the next villages. From the south side there is a mountain range Carmel, saving residents of the valley from dry cyclones. If you wish to explore the attractions of the attractions, do not miss the road from Megido to Afula. The road is considered the most direct in the country. Her joke is called the Road-line.


The weather in the city depends on the natural relief and humidity. In winter, there is much more precipitation in Afuly than in the summer, although on a general background, the annual precipitation is slightly 468 mm, the average temperature of 20 degrees.

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