Learn to write quickly with a pen. How to quickly learn to write beautifully with a pen for adults and children? A few words about statements

Remember your "favorite" teacher at the institute, who dictated at the speed of light, and then asked strictly according to the outline! How then I wanted to know how to make him speak slower or how to learn to write quickly. Let's help our smaller brothers, in the sense of youth, and tell you what to do to write quickly, understandably, so that the hand does not get tired.

Where and how to write

To start writing quickly, sit comfortably. For this you need a table, a comfortable chair, on the back of which you can lean your elbows. The posture in which you sit while writing should be comfortable, comfortable. Back, arm, leg - nothing should be suspended, numb from skewing and uncomfortable positioning. Keep your back straight, shoulders on one flat horizontal line. Two of your palms should fit from your chest to the table.

Paper and pen

The piece of paper should lie slightly to the right of the middle of your chest, so your right hand won't reach for the paper. The handle should be comfortable for your fingers. Someone will fit thin, someone wide, smooth, ribbed. It is necessary to choose, taking into account the individual characteristics of the brush. The pen should be easy to write so that you do not have to make an effort to make the pen leave a mark. Many people therefore prefer helium pens.


To understand how to quickly learn to write beautifully, you need to learn one more rule. It is very important to be extremely attentive during the lecture. If you are sitting and dreaming of how it will be fun in the evening with friends, then you will not be able to write quickly in any case, no matter what talents you have. Think about what you write. Try to understand what the teacher is saying and predict the course of his thoughts. Do not be distracted by the comments of neighbors, do not talk, do not correspond. The focus on the subject of the lecture must be one hundred percent!

Hand exercises

The hand that you have to learn to write quickly must be strong, so buy a manual expander and train your hands. This is useful not only for writing quickly, but also for general physical development.

Develop fine motor skills. Do you like jewelry made from beads? Then take small beads and weave bracelets from them. If you do not have a creative vision, then just tear the old beads and put them back together. It is better if you have several colors and you string the beads in a specific order. This exercise not only develops fine motor skills, but also spoken language, because it affects several centers of the cerebral cortex at once. By the way, beading helps men much better!

Modeling also develops motor skills well. Sculpt a small animal. Now stick his eyes, mouth, nose, ears from plasticine of a different color. These will be very small details, so do your best. On the third or fourth figure, the mouth will already be in place, and the eyes will not be on the back of the head!

Now you know how to learn to write quickly with a pen. I would also like to note that the point is not only in the listed exercises, but also in constant training. If you write often and a lot, your speed will be sufficient to take notes of even the fastest speaking teachers.

XXI century - the century of computer technology. Many texts and documents are printed on a computer. But, thank God, humanity has not yet forgotten how to write with a ballpoint pen on paper. This skill is still quite in demand. Many people today do not know how to write quickly. This is especially necessary for students at lectures, journalists, tourists who lead travel notes and yes to an ordinary person such a skill will not hurt.

Anyone from a schoolboy to a pensioner can learn to write quickly by hand, there is nothing tricky about it. To master this skill, there are several key points to keep in mind.

  • So that a person can write quickly for a long time, it is necessary that the hand does not get tired for a long time. So train your hands. An ordinary hand expander will be a good helper in this matter. It is also useful for general development.
  • It is important to choose the right furniture so that it is comfortable. If you have to squat somewhere on the edge of the table, bending over into three deaths, you will hardly be able to write quickly. And you get tired in an uncomfortable position very quickly. The table and chair should be suitable for height so that your feet are flat on the floor, bend at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. The back is straight, rests on the back of the chair. The right elbow should not be suspended, otherwise the right arm will quickly get tired from unnecessary tension.
  • Important right choice pens to write. Here it is already very individual, who likes what. Find the best option for yourself, try several types of pens in the store.

  • There is one general pattern - it is easier to write with a thick pen, it is “to blame” for this fine motor skills fingers. After all, everyone knows that it is more difficult to sort out small objects than large ones. Develop finger motor skills, beading, especially colored beading, helps a lot in this. Several centers of the brain are involved in the process, and this also develops spoken language.
  • The shaft of the pen should write softly and lightly so that unnecessary pressure is not wasted. For this reason, gel refills are often chosen.
  • The handle should be held with three fingers, the hand is not tense, rests on the edge of the palm and the little finger.
  • The sheet of paper is shifted slightly to the right so that the right hand does not reach for it. The corner of the leaf should be towards the middle of the chest.
  • If you are taking the lecture notes, be extremely careful, do not be distracted by extraneous moments. Focus on the topic of the lecture. If you are reading somewhere in the clouds while taking notes, it will be difficult to keep up with the lecturer.

  • If you didn't have time to write something down, leave an empty space, add it later. Just do it as quickly as possible, before the necessary information flew out of your head.
  • Learn to make abbreviations of words when taking notes, especially very long ones. For example, a revolution - "r - ia", is directed - "nap - sya". Just do not go to the point of absurdity, do not forget that you will have to read these notes after some time. Handwritten text must be clear and readable. Do not turn it into gibberish, which you yourself will not be able to make out later.
  • If the same definitions are often repeated throughout the lecture, select symbols for them. This will significantly save time and increase the recording speed. Just make a small list of these icons and their transcripts for yourself, so that in the near future, reading the synopsis does not turn into solving a puzzle.
  • Some terms and concepts can be denoted by icons that coincide in meaning and will be understandable even with a cursory reading of the entries. For example, the words “growing”, “increasing”, “increasing” can be replaced with an upward pointing arrow, the word “about” with “~”, the word “infinite” with an inverted eight, and so on.

So you see for yourself, everything is quite simple, no more complicated than on a computer keyboard. It takes some time for this skill to become a habit for you, but it all depends on your desire and patience. Try it, practice and you will succeed.

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For some, writing by hand today is akin to hunting mammoths, so their life is unthinkable without the familiar Word program. Such people consider spending on stationery and paper pointless. But there are also those who cannot do without writing skills: these are schoolchildren, students. Older people often have to deal with writing statements, receipts, petitions. These documents should be written with a pen. Therefore, for this category, it is so important to know how to learn to write quickly.

We follow simple rules

Following some rules will help you achieve excellent results in learning to write:

  • Furniture for writing must be suitable. This means a comfortable back of the chair, matching the height of the table. It is unlikely that the training process will be successful if a person decides to sit in a bed or in a chair, using their own knees as a support for a notebook.

  • Thinking about how to learn to write quickly and beautifully, you need to pay attention to the position of your body. First of all, a comfortable position is chosen. The back should be straight, let the back of the chair serve as a support for it. Sitting at the table, you need to check the position of the knees. Ninety degrees - let them be bent at this angle.
  • We pay attention to the sheet of paper. It is more correct if it lies slightly to the right of the human body.

Handle selection

  • Let's figure out how to learn to write quickly, and our next point will be the selection of a pen. Here you can not do without visiting the stationery departments and stores. And even if the choice turns out to be difficult and slow, the effort and time spent will still pay off. You will have to get acquainted with handles that differ in thickness, shape, material. The choice of the rod depends on your own preferences. Someone is more comfortable writing with a thin rod, someone with a thick one.
  • Are you wondering how to learn to write quickly and beautifully? This means that you have to observe how you hold the pen. Three fingers should be involved. The big and the index will need to hold it. The middle is the finger on which the pen will rest. It remains to take a closer look at the ring finger and little finger. They need to be bent a little, relaxed and fixed in one position. The handle should be held without tension, without squeezing.

Hand training

It happens that all the recommendations are followed, but the hand, nevertheless, begins to get tired. Then it makes sense to think about her training. An expander is needed from additional devices. Ten minutes of daily practice should be sufficient. You can choose a model for both adults and children. By the way, children can buy a special "chewing gum" to help develop the brush.

You can try writing texts at speed. Then, within the allotted time, for example 10 minutes, try to write as much as possible. The timer is now in both watches and mobile phones.

How to learn to write quickly and beautifully without mistakes

Keeping an eye on the beauty of letters, we must not forget about elementary literacy. If difficulties arise with the last point, then you can:

  • Spend time periodically reading aloud.
  • Memorizing poems.
  • Performing special exercises, such as daily copying of book texts on paper.
  • Careful reading of the written text. Moreover, you can do this more than once.
  • To test the knowledge gained, it would be nice to carry out control dictations.

Learning to write with your left hand

Today, another question is relevant: how to quickly learn to write with your left hand? After all, having developed the skill of writing with this particular hand, you can increase the level of development of your intuition, creative abilities, as well as a sense of humor. And it is even more important to know how to quickly learn to write with your left hand if you are right-handed.

  • We start with the correct position of the sheet. For less stress on the arms, its upper left corner must be raised above the right one.
  • For left-handers, it is much more convenient to grip the pen or pencil higher, so their length should be longer.
  • At the initial stage of learning, it is better to use a lined sheet so as not to worry about the straightness of the lines. You can start by breeding large block letters, then proceed to capital letters. It is not necessary to plan exclusively calligraphy lessons; you can write down phone numbers, movie titles. And it is with the left hand.
  • Drawing will help the full development of the motor skills of this hand, as well as the speedy learning to write. You need to start by putting down the points-contours of the intended image, after which they are connected. Another recommendation for those who are interested in how to write quickly is synchronous drawing with both hands. After that, you can make a smooth transition to drawing with your left hand.

If you experience fatigue or cramps, it is best to take a break immediately. Regular training will allow you to achieve results in a shorter time frame. Doing the exercises shouldn't take long. Let it not be a long daily procedure, rather than a periodic one that takes more than one hour.

Attention: handwriting

You can make it understandable to other people with the help of training in the recipes. After working on each letter, they move on to writing whole words and sentences. Another option is to use squared notebooks. In this case, the words are displayed in such a way that only one letter can be placed in the cell.

Compliance with the listed simple rules and constant training will improve the writing technique. And then the appearance of beautiful letters and words on paper will be just around the corner, and worries about how to learn to write quickly will be much less.

Determine what time of day you are most productive. Some people write quickly and efficiently in the morning, others work better in the evening. Practice at different times of the day and choose the time that works best for you. Next, begin to complete a significant part of the written work during this period.

  • Try writing during moments of productivity and reviewing work at other times.
  • Even owls are productive in the morning. Write at different times to decide.
  • Make a plan tasks. Read the assignment to know what to write about. Study the materials and write the main points of an essay, abstract or story in a plan format. Each item can include 2-3 sub-items. This will keep your plan clear and concise, which will reduce the number of subsequent edits.

    • For example, the main points of your article may be called "Description of circuits" and "Batteries of electrical appliances". The item "Description of circuits" may include the sub-items "Explanation of simple circuits" and "How to make up a power circuit".
    • Studying information in the middle of the writing process takes up valuable time.
    • Include sources in your plan to save time, especially if you need to include a bibliography. If using electronic sources, save the links on your computer. In the plan, you can make notes about how you want to use the sources and what information you intend to include in the text.
  • Set realistic goals and deadlines. If you are new to written works or are not used to the timing, then you are more likely to handle it slower than an experienced writer. Set goals for yourself and taking into account your capabilities. If the chosen goal depresses you and seems impossible, then it is better to set yourself a simpler task.

    • Raise your goals gradually, rather than abruptly and too quickly.
    • If you haven't written a lot before, then nothing will work out without practice.
    • For example, you might set a goal to write a certain number of pages or words in a day. If you're still working on increasing speed, then daily goals will seem more attainable than shorter-term goals (such as hourly goals).
  • Use a timer. If you want to improve your writing speed, you need a way to measure speed in order to improve. Set a timer according to your goal to try and meet the specified time. If you don't have a stopwatch or timer, there are dedicated electronic apps.

    • The timer shouldn't make you nervous. It is used to remind you of the time you spent on the writing assignment.
    • Take breaks for 3-5 minutes every half hour or hour to prevent burnout.
  • Quickly write a draft and start reviewing. Write concisely and neatly, but don't get obsessed with grammar and spelling in draft. Write a draft first, and you can check and edit later. This will prevent you from wasting your time switching between different kinds activities and focus on one thing.

    • Excessive attention to detail takes time and delays the process.
    • If you are not satisfied with the paragraph, then come back to it later with a fresh look.
  • Eliminate distractions. Internet searches, TV, or open messaging software will reduce your efficiency and slow down the process. Choose a secluded spot where you won't be distracted from your business.

    • Organize your desk to avoid distractions and improve efficiency.
    • If possible, put your phone, tablet, and other devices aside to avoid the temptation to enter social media or browse the pages. You can also use special programs and extensions that can increase productivity by temporarily blocking access to some sites (for example, StayFocused).
  • Does the child do his homework for a long time, does not have time to complete the exercises in the classroom? Very often this is due to the fact that the student writes slowly, and it does not matter if it will be letters, words or numbers. How to teach a child to write quickly, how to make him or her?

    The main reasons for the slow writing speed of younger students

    Improper grip on the writing medium

    In a hurry to teach their child to write, parents often do not pay due attention to the formation of the correct grip in him - that is, how he holds a pen or pencil. If a student holds them incorrectly, then he does not have a sufficient overview of the part of the sheet on which he writes, which leads to a slowdown in the pace of writing, frequent blots and misspellings.

    When starting to teach writing, parents should teach their child to memorize the correct position of the fingers. If necessary, you can purchase special triangular nozzles for a pen or pencils with three edges, the use of these devices will help to form the correct grip.

    Insufficient development of fine motor skills

    Very often, the formation of a wrong grip is the result of a bad thing. This deficiency must be corrected by conducting the following classes and procedures: finger gymnastics, massage of palms, playing with lacing, etc. An excellent way to develop fine motor skills and effectively prepare your hand for correct writing are tasks for drawing patterns of varying complexity, drawing by points, and other graphic tasks.

    Ergonomics of the workplace

    The table at which the child prepares homework at home, the degree of its inclination, and its location in relation to the light source, the correct ratio of the height of the chair and the desktop - all this directly affects the writing speed, and, accordingly, the speed of completing homework.

    It is also necessary to monitor the state of the student's posture, because if the child slouches or holds his back tilted to one side more than the other, then his brain does not receive the necessary nutrition. And an excessive tilt of the head towards the shoulder can contribute to the malfunction of individual vessels, which can lead to headaches and vision problems. All of these factors have a direct impact on how quickly a student learns calligraphy.

    How to teach your child to write legibly and quickly

    Mastering the oblique line

    In order for the child to clearly and correctly place the letters on the line, he needs to learn how to correctly evaluate the space of the place where the letter will be written. To do this, ask him to first circle the cell for the letter, indicated by two vertical oblique lines and two horizontal ones. Then have him shade that space. Repeat the task several times. This will help teach the student to correctly place letters on the lines, adjust their size when writing.

    We write letters along the given routes

    It is proposed to write all the letters in the recipes, adhering to a certain sequence of actions. It is necessary to teach the child to adhere to a given sequence in writing letters. It is important to focus the student's attention on the fact that incorrect spelling of letters leads to an increase in the number of blots and mistakes, and this, in turn, will lead to a decrease in the teacher's grade.


    The oval element - the letter "O" is involved in writing a number of letters: "c," d "," a "," b ". Correct placement of the letter "O" to the right of the oblique line and its correct spelling along the given route will help in the future to avoid unnecessary strokes (which are often used by schoolchildren) and poorly recognized letter combinations.

    "Difficult" letter combinations

    There are certain combinations of letters that schoolchildren cannot write quickly, so you need to pay special attention to working out their writing.

    These are combinations:

    "CL", "YAYA", "NYA", "MYA", "OYa", "AYa"

    Difficulties arise at the junction of these letters, namely, in the writing of the "tails" of the letters "l" and "I" and their subsequent union with other letters. In order to help the student, it is necessary to gradually master the writing of these letter combinations with strict adherence to the route. It will be easier to teach these combinations to write faster if you first work out the element of connecting these letters on a separate line, after practicing several times.

    There may also be problems when moving from writing individual letters and syllables to writing whole words. The most likely places for numerous mistakes and blots will be those words or places in a word that contain the following letter combinations:

    "SHI", "ISH", "IM", "LI", "MI", "SHISH"

    This is due to the fact that the child does not always see where one letter ends and where another begins, the number of similar elements in the letters "I" and "W" confuses him. To help the student cope with this problem, invite him to highlight the letter "W", "M", "I" in the sample word that he is rewriting. The letter can be highlighted by drawing a circle. After the student has rewritten the right word, let him find the problem letter in the sample he has already written and also analyze it - how much it corresponds to the correct spelling.

    Change the handle

    If the child has poorly developed visual-motor coordination and fine motor skills, then you can try to change the ballpoint pen, which he usually writes with, for a fountain pen. The pen glides on paper much slower than a ballpoint pen, and the child manages to track and remember the route of writing a letter, moreover, in order for such a pen to write well, it must be held correctly. Consolidation of the acquired skills in this case will be slower, but more effective, since the student will be forced to control himself.

    Exercises and games

    Polymath writer

    Choose a certain time period during which the player must write: five names of girls or boys, five names of flowers or cars, five capitals of states, five names of animals or fish. This list can be varied indefinitely: five antonyms, five synonyms, five writers or poets, etc.

    The time interval also changes: if the child quickly and successfully copes with the task, and and, then you can reduce the time to complete to three minutes or increase the number of word forms - for example, not five, but seven.

    This game can be conducted in the form of a competition, gathering a child and several of his friends, and assigning a certain number of points to the tasks - for the speed of execution, for the accuracy of writing, etc. The winner will be the player with the most points.

    Your own controller

    Try giving your child more independence. Before starting his writing homework, set an alarm clock on the table and ask how long it will take him to write the exercise beautifully and without blots. The child will determine for himself a time interval, at the end of which it is necessary to check whether he really coped with the task within the specified time frame.

    This task is good in that it stimulates the child's desire for independence, teaches a responsible attitude to lessons and learning. Over time, the student will select for himself the optimal speed of completing homework, which will allow him to perform exercises (including writing) quickly and efficiently.

    Formation of handwriting and individual characteristics of the student

    No matter how well and diligently children learn to write in elementary school, by the end of school, each student forms his individual handwriting. This is due to many factors: the characteristics of the physiology and temperament of the student, the level home preparation and a personal desire to learn to write clearly and beautifully.

    We can say that it is not fundamentally important what letters the student writes - large or small, rounded or square. The most important thing is how readable the formed handwriting will be. After all, the risk of getting an unsatisfactory assessment simply because the examiner failed to make out what was written is quite large.

    That is why timely and correct measures for the formation of clear, easy-to-read and fast writing skills in the child are absolutely necessary.

    Teacher, specialist of the children's development center
    Druzhinina Elena

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