MKOU Gilib School of the Charodian district. Design work on the topic "Rhyme"

MKOU OOS №13 P.Shturm

Student of class 2

Ustinov Arseny

MKOU OOS number 13

Project Manager:

Schekotikhina S.A.

2016 year.

1. Objectives and objectives of the project ....3

2. Rhyme is ... 4

3. Methods of rhymes ... 5,6

4. Self-task ... 7

5. Final part ... 8

Formation of the concept of rhyme;

Development of creative potential;

Formation of interest in the work done;

Enrichment of children's and parental relations with the experience of joint activities.

Introduce a child S. different species rhymes;

Teach children to use reference, popular science literature, modern sources of information;

Give parents and children the opportunity to demonstrate the results of their joint activities;

Improve in children the level of accumulative practical skills.

Rhyme - This is the consonance of the endings of poetic lines.

In antiquity, people composed rhymes and folded poems. Songs wrote on poems.

For example:

Shop - Orange

Snowball - Berezhok

Showcase - ink0

Patty - cottage cheese

Pie - cottage cheese.

That's what I did:


Mom bought cottage cheese

And baked a cake.


Mom asks Orange

I had to run to the store.


I see the shop window

In it black ink.


I forgot about the cake

I bought my pate.

Rhymma - the order of alternation of rhymes in verse, their mutual arrangement.

Rhymma methods:

1. Related or pair rhythm(Scheme: AABB),

the first line is rhymes with the second, the third - with the fourth.

There Stupa with Baboy Yagoh

Comes, wanders itselfoh ;

There king kinging over the kilt hoknet ;

There is a Russian spirit ... there is ruusoknet !

(A.S. Pushkin)

2. Cross rhymes(Scheme: ABB),

the first line is rhymes with the third, the second is the fourth.

At Lukomorye Oak Slandyoyny ;
Children's chain on oak t
oh. :
And day and night cat uch
Everything goes around the circuit

(A.S. Pushkin)

3. Zhancing (ring) rhyme(Scheme: ABBA),

the first rhyme with the fourth, the second one - with the third.

And there I am the ball, and honey I pil. ;

By the sea saw Oak greenyoyny ;

Under him sitting and catyoyny

Your fairy tales talkil. .

(A.S. Pushkin)

4. Hosting Rhymma(Scheme: AVSV),

the first and third lines are not rhyme, the second and fourth -


Grass green eT. ,
Sun blast
iT. ,
Swallow with spring
In sense to us
iT. .

(A. Plescheev)

It is necessary to choose the rhyme word and finish the proposal

1. Mikhail played football

And scored in the gate Goal ..

2. She sewed the kitten of the sneakers,

So that in the winter did not murge Paws .

3. In our house on the window

Sit gray Cats .

4. Bear cries and roar:

Thanks to the project: "RHYME" , i:

I could understand what rhyme is;

Could show on the example what methods of rhymes are;

I learned a lot of new and interesting.

Theme lesson: Lesson-project "Rhyme".

purpose: Formulate an idea of \u200b\u200brhyme.

Introduce the concept of rhyme

Teach pick rhymes to words

Develop speech students; enrich students spending; enrich vocabulary

Reliable respect for friends, collectivism.

Planned results:

Regulatory:aiming for successful activities, complement the opinions expressed on the merits of the task received, accept and maintain training goal and the task, complement the opinions expressed, be able to listen to in accordance with the target installation, accept and save educational task And the goal, to establish the compliance of the result obtained.

Communicative:agregate its position, to show activity in solving a cognitive task, argue its position, to show activity in collective activities and attention to the judgment of comrades, to negotiate and come to the general opinion in joint activities.

Cognitive:search and highlight necessary information, discuss problematic issues, analyze the results of the study, justify the choice.

Personal:express a positive attitude towards the process of knowledge, to show attention, apply the rules for business cooperation, evaluate their own and collective activities, form the presence of motivation to creative work, work on the result.

    Organizing time

P. Speech workout

Imagine a sunny day. You walk in the garden. And suddenly!.. Beautiful flower Carnations, like a beautiful light, burns in a flower bed. What did you feel? Have you wanted to show it to someone? Call with the desired intonation of your friends.

Read about this poem:

Look, looked like!

What kind of red light?

This is a thin carnation

Roast celebrates day.


Read this poem expressive.

Sh. Introduction to the topic of classes. Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the poetic speech.

Read the text:

Hot summer day. Red terry cloves, like lights, burn among other flowers.

Compare two texts. What is in common with them? (Both - about carnation)

Right. They have common topic: Description of cloves. These texts are close in content.

What is the difference between texts? (One - poems, second - prose)

What is the poetic speech from Prosecical? (Convening strings).

What is the name of this consonance, who guessed? (Rhyme)

What words are rhymed in poem? (Look and Carnation; Spark - Day)

What do you think we will talk about today in the lesson, what is the subject of the lesson, what will we do?

So, poems from prose are distinguished by rhyme. And what else?

Take the conclusion, what else is in the poem? (Rhythm)

Which of the descriptions of the carnation is expressive, brighter, in what more clearly expressed feelings, mood, attitude to the flower? (In poem)

What else is the poetic speech from Prosecical?

And finally, the last. In which of the descriptions describes in more detail about the summer day and about the carnation flower? (In prosaic text)

What else is the poetic text from prosaic? (Brevity, accuracy).

Summarizing said. List features poetic speech.

IV. Work on the textbook of the Kanakina 2 class with. 8-9

Read the name of the project. (Rhyme)

Since ancient times, people, writing proverbs, riddles, patters, tried to decorate these works of oral folk creativity, rhyme ends rows.

To compose poems, you need to be very attentive person, To be able to observe, notice around the brightest and unusual, be able to select expressive words. But the most important thing is to be able to rhyme.

What is rhyme?

What are rhymes for?

Read the definition in the textbook.

V.. Work in groups

- Perform an exercise 1.

Read the poem.

How did you understand the meaning of the word rhyme?

In groups, work and write down the rhyme words from this exercise.

- Perform an exercise 2, 3

Explore these patters and try using the study results in exercise 3.

Check the results of your research

(The board comes to 1 person from each group and read their rhyme options)

VI. Fizkultminutka

On the swamp toad lived

And each other was friends!

They jumped around bumps,

Slept together with dark nights.

And waking up in the morning,

Started again the game:

Sit down and get up

And two jumps ...

Together there is always fun.


VII. Continuing the work on the lesson.

Exercise 1

Game "Board Lream"

Elephant steps on the road,

That's how the trunk!

That's how my feet!

Under the elephant rushed bridge.

The elephant is huge ... (growth)

How beautiful peacocks!

He has a vice one:

All Pavlinia Beauty

Starts with ... (tail)

On the chamomile at the gate

Helicopter lowered -

Golden eyes.

Who is it? ... (dragonfly)

Exercise 2

Game "Sochine the last line and compare with the author"

Cards are distributed, where there is no last line.

Card 1.


I sat down on the branch of Snailing.

I splashed rain - it wets,

Breeze, sway slightly

(Snegiring to us)

- Discuss with the groups ending. Read the beginning of the poem. What can I say in the last row?

What word should I find rhyme? Finish the poem. Compare with how finished the author.

Card 2.

Boring rain

Tired, tired -

Watch in the sky, the sun are waiting for

And on the ground that is

(Lovely darker rain)

VIII. . Preparation for project implementation

What project should we fulfill today?

Read the tasks in the textbook 4, 5, 6 page 9.

Distribute work in groups. Determine who will create rhymed lines who will be the editor of texts who will perform illustrations.

Assign the term to which all work will be ready.

1x. Summarizing

Highlight the values \u200b\u200bof today's lesson. Do we need such a lesson? What did you like? What did you learn? What did you know new? What discovery did?

What is the difference between the poetic speech from prose?

H. Homework

We will meet with you in 10 days.

Prepare the presentation of compiled dictionaries and poetic lines. Illustrate your work. Individual work is also accepted.

Rhyme is the consonance of the ends of the poetic lines.

1. Read the poem. What words are rhymes in it?

- Now, -
He told me a man -
It's time to play.
I will
Give words
you should rhyme.

He pulled the word kochka,
And I replied: barrel,
AND line, I. shirt,
And at once two leaf,
And for sale - point

D. Chiardy

Play - rhyme,
Kochka - barrel - a line - a shirt - leafle - point.

2. Explore whether there are rhyme words in patter.

Tuchci-lambs drink water from the river.
The river flows, bake the stove.

Rhymes: Tucci lambs - Rivers,
Leech - bake, river - stove.

  • Explain how to record patterns as we write a poetic text.

Drink water from river.

River flows,
bake stove.

3. Pick up the rhymed word and complete the offer.

Beetle saw a dandelion
And sat down like a sofa.

4. Soec poems to the specified rhymes. You can come up with funny, funny two-bending.
The chicken is a shoe, a girlfriend - the cheese, a bird - a match.

Restlessly quouch hen
Played nearby dudge.

My boasted girlfriend
She was cheesecake.

Dropped a twist -
It turned out this.

5. Read the starts of the poems. Try to continue 1 - 2 of them. Pick words so as to express your thought and keep rhythm and rhyme.

The rain resulted from Tuchka,
Wet guys pants.

"Here is a good place," -
Wash the mouse in the stove.

6. Make up the sad rhyme sadness to any of these words.

accurate - Durable - East - Midnight
Rattle - Toy - Town - Chastushka
Noise - Daughter - Point - Chain - Stritch
Squirrel - Girl - Plate - Arrogo
Bird - Bin - Match - page
Book - Haircut - Boy - Brother

Bird - Sichka

Match - page


in Russian

on the topic:


Fulfilled the student

Grade 4

Salimzhanova Galia.

What is rhyme?

What types of rhymes are?

How to learn to pick up rhyme?

Rhyme is the consonance of the endings of poetic lines.

Cross rhyme


Adjacent rhyme


Washing rhyme


I am the same old old woman

It grows down the head,

Love and friendships

I jump on the canvas,

Not in summer it grows, and in winter.

Reach the gloomy shutters,

And the thread is long from the ear,

But the sun is punctured

How in these cavalry holes

As a web, I'm pulling.

She will pay and die.

My free voice comes.

Types of rhymes

Cross rhyme

Dislike our sea
Day and night is noise;
In the fatal spacious
Many troubles are buried.

Adjacent rhyme

There Stupa with Baboy Yaga

Goes, wanders itself;

There, the king kinging over the kilt is awesome;

There is a Russian spirit ... there is rules!

Washing rhyme

And there I was, and honey I drank;

By the sea saw the oak green;

Under him sitting, and the cat is a scientist

I spoke your fairy tales to me.

Story of poems.

Rhymed poems appeared in the 18th century. Antique poetry did not know the rhyme. Even Shakespeare did not use it in his tragedies. I thought that the poems write easily: just need to position the words by the column. It turned out that this is not at all. In order for the rhyme to be felt like a rhyme, it is necessary that the reest words have the resemblance to sound, and the difference (in meaning). To this conclusion, I came by comparing the rhymed and unimposed texts.


Burim (from Franz. Bout - End, Rime - Rhyme) is a cheerful game, a poetic task where you need to write poems to the rhyme specified in advance. Rhymes for Burim must beunexpected and slightly strange. The main requirement for the future poem:common sense and humor.

On the cleaner came outbunny .
Sees - there is a pan
steak .
He opened his own
casket ,
Gave tit with poppy

The verses are important rhyme.

It must be learn to pick up.

Drum will help you. Play

Together at home everywhere!

... neighbor

... cannibal

... cannibal


... not bad


In the Zoo Bezphemot

Swallowed hedgehog. And so…

Looking for poor hedgehogs

…He has a stomach ache,

Crying poor hippo.

Now play

Check your hearing, combine the words in pairs in which they rhymes

A) water, fire, socks, trim, close, from dust, young, not you.

B) glove, needle, sweet, rod, was, the language, the same, used.

C) conversation, call, chorus, arrival, dove, china, about love, pull.

I call the first line, and you compose the second.

He served Gavril Pedagogue ...

Reporter, janitor, engineer, teacher, deputy, acrobat.

What words are not suitable and why?

Cleaner rhymes

You can directly "on the go" invent rhymes-cleaning. They help to feel the rhythm of the verse.
- Cha-Cha-cha, we were at ...
- Zhai Ms., found in the forest ...
- From-from-from, purring red ...
- IB-IB-IB, in the Locker grew ...

Tips beginner poets

1. The poem of the children's poet.


3. Her species (cross, adjacent, encircling).

4. Try to compose your poem on the same topic.

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