Spellings with words and or not. Lesson and presentation on computer science on the topic "True statements with the words" not "," and "," or "

MBOU "School №33" Masan this amazing world Author: Nikishova Svetlana Nikolaevna Teacher primary classes 1 Qualification category Today you will learn about the most unusual trees that have long ago many centuries ago Unusual trees There are about 100,000 different types of trees, including a quarter of all kinds of live plants on Earth. But among billion trees around the world there are completely unique and amazing representatives. Get acquainted with some of them. METHUSELAH

Until 2013, the old detached tree on Earth was considered the Tree Methusale detected by Botany Edmund Schulman in 1953. His age is 4846 years old. This tree grows in the White Mountains of California (North America) and belongs to the Pine Pine Pine Multiple

Oak Angel

In the United States in the state of South Carolina, Oak is growing for 1500 years, which is referred to as an angel oak. The approximate height of this giant is 20 meters, the barrel in diameter is 2.7 meters, and the longest branch is 27 meters. It is located in the deaf wooded area of \u200b\u200bJohn Island.

Mendosino tree

The highest tree of the planet. In the period from December 1996 to August 2000, it was the highest tree in the world, it was found in the city of Montgomery Woods.

Tula is the biggest tree in the world Tis - the oldest tree of Europe, the age of tees, growing in the cemetery of the village of Llangenny in North Wales, is also evaluated at least 4,000 years. The tree was able to exist so long due to the fact that it was constantly allowed new shoots. It is difficult to determine the thickness of the tree, since it consists of several trunks, and a tree reaches 10.75 m. Rainbow Eucalyptus is the brightest tree on the planet Rainbow Eucalyptus the only variety of eucalyptus growing in the northern hemisphere. In addition to the fact that eucalyptus grows up to 70 meters in height, it also shines with all the colors of the rainbow: its bark can be painted in yellow, green, orange and even purple Wisteria is the most beautiful tree in the world an ancient and extremely beautiful plant ... Wisteria as a whole is a number of large riveted deciduous lian. Most often, Glyciny is called the type of Visteria Chinese, growing in Japan, and some other species. A long-term well-developed plant has a height of up to 15-18 m, with drooping lianam branches, non-parpeterial leaves up to 30 cm long, with 7-13 leaves. Flowers in spring at the end of March - Purple fragrant flowers are formed, collected in the hanging brushes. Visteria, or wisteria, is one of the most beautiful curly plants, which represents large deciduous lianas with a rigid oned withdrawal barrel. Wisteria flowers having a thin sweetish fragrance, collected in large hanging brushes of various colors: white, blue, purple, purple blue, purple, pink or purple. Visteria, or wisteria, is one of the most beautiful curly plants, which represents large deciduous lianas with a rigid oned withdrawal barrel. Wisteria flowers having a thin sweetish fragrance, collected in large hanging brushes of various colors: white, blue, purple, purple blue, purple, pink or purple. The height of this plant reaches 15 meters, which allows you to create huge frames to support Lian. Sequoia trees were so called in honor of the Chief Chief Chief of the Cherokea. This tribe was previously occupied by the land of California, considering the huge thick trunks of trees with housing of woody spirits. And indeed, looking at the trunks of the sequel, it is easy to imagine how someone lives inside - they are very different. The height of them is more than 100 meters, and the age of some trees is calculated by thousands of years! Trees were so named after the Chief Chief Chief of the Sequoia. This tribe was previously occupied by the land of California, considering the huge thick trunks of trees with housing of woody spirits. And indeed, looking at the trunks of the sequel, it is easy to imagine how someone lives inside - they are very different. The height of them is more than 100 meters, and the age of some trees is calculated by thousands of years! Peach palm this tree is inherent in central and South AmericaAlthough his homeland is Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Peach palm tree is armed with rows of black sharp spikes, which are located rings all over the barrel from the roots to the top of the tree. Usually this palm trees grow to about 20 meters. Leaves reach 3 meters long. Indigenous Americans usually ate the fruits of this palm, after they wandered. The frozen peach palm tree remains popular delicacy, and to this day. Bottle Tree Bottle Tree Namibia is one of the most deadly trees on Earth. Milky juice of the plant is very poisonous and used in the past Bushmen as a poison for arrows. It was so named because of the form of his barrel, in addition, this tree usually grows in the mountainous regions of Namibia desert, which makes it similar to a bottle just amazing. The flowers of the bottle tree were described as "beautiful." Flowers, as a rule, pink or white colormoving in dark red to the center. Jabotics This plant belongs to the Mytrent family. He is called Jabotics, or a Brazilian grape tree. It is fruitful, and it is cultivated in tropical latitudes. The plant has small leaflets that differ in the pool aroma. It can grow up to 12 meters, but on plantations does not exceed five. Their fruits appear not at the ends of the twigs, but on the trunk itself. - walking trees near Lake Baikal are also unusual plants that belong to the sights of this area. These are ordinary larchs and pines that differ in their roots. They protrude from sandy soil. Over the years, the wind blew sands, and the roots were denied a few meters. But the complex root system helps the tree to hold on the surface. From the outside it seems that plants are standing on the piles. The most famous grove from the "walking trees" grows in a sandy bay. In this place, the roots go out by more than two meters. Bombats these trees are very difficult to find, and there is only a certain place where they can be seen by traveling by south-East Asia. Trees are Samoa a distinctive feature Temple "That Prokm. The roots of the bombats are tired of the ancient temple, and the trees themselves are growing to an impressive height. Dragon Baobab's blood with these magnificent trees growing in Madagascar, more than 1000 years. Baobab refers to the endangered species of trees. Many trees of this species reaches more than 80 meters in height, and their trunks grow to 25 meters in gripping. Baobab's swelling trunks are a source of water, delivering it in the drought season. Baobab flowers are in blooming only 24 hours. "Underwater" mangrove tree

Mangrove trees are trees growing in the sea. Rather, on the verge between the shore and the sea.

Tree - basket This is one of the most famous copies of the "Wood Circus" Axel Erish. Axel was born in 1884, was the son of Swedish immigrants settled in Canada, and lived in having grown legumes and grain crops. It is said that this is the occupation, more precisely, the intricate kind of intertwined flexible stems inspired Ericheson on experiments with trees. Tree 40 fruit This amazing project Sam Wang Eykena will delight any fan of fruit. On one tree, the artist from New York managed to grow 40 different types of bone. In the spring tree blooms with a variety of shades of pink, raspberry and white colors, and in the summer brings fruit. This amazing project Sam Wang Eykena will delight any fan of fruit. On one tree, the artist from New York managed to grow 40 different types of bone. In the spring tree blooms with a variety of shades of pink, raspberry and white colors, and in the summer brings fruit. Bamboo forest of Japan We do not cease to admire the beauty of the trees on our planet. But not only she attracts us to these amazing creations of nature. Trees are among the most long-lived organisms on earth, and they play a very important role in the planet ecosystem. They purify air and produce oxygen. Remember the children! Take care of trees! Photo source taken from Internet resources

Create conditions for expanding students' knowledge, raising a sense of responsibility and care towards our smaller brothers, the development of interest in the study of zoology.
- formation of mental actions
- activation of the intellectual activity of students through the use of the technological triad of individual-oriented education task - dialogue - a game based on personal experience;
- the development of the variability of thinking, creative abilities, imagination and constructive skills;
- formation of cognitive interest, strengthening positive learning motivation;
- Development of reflection skills;
- expansion of the horizon in the subject educational areas;
- the development of speech (the ability to justify your beliefs, to build the simplest conclusions);
- Environmental education.
Rules of the game
There is a struggle for the personal championship. To get into teremok, you need to solve the tasks proposed by animals. For each correct answer, 1 Ohm will be issued, one who will gain the most of the OROM.
1 Slide:
Hello guys, dear guests.
Oh, what world is huge!
In it, animals are different!
Leopards, Tigers, Lions
And giraffes, and elephants,
Zebra, bison and lemurs,
Crocodiles in thick skin,
Monkeys and raccoons,
Lamantins, hippos.
There are animals in the forest.
You will find a fox there,
Hare, squirrel, badger,
Wolf - "Gray Boca".
Plunge into the sea with you.
We pay with whales.
We will meet Medus, squid
The medium of wonderful corals.
Birds are in the sky -
These are swallows, sitsy,
Lark, Sparrow
And starlings, and nightinga
Quail and cuckoo -
All gathered on the edge!
Listed impossible
World living on earth.
We need to save it
And you, my friend, and me!
2 Slide: The topic of our today's event is "this amazing world of animals."
Once, walking through the forest, I saw teremok on the clearing. It is not low, not high. There are animated and guys are waiting for visitors. And to get to the teremok, you need to perform the tasks of the mouse-nomushki, frogs-cakes, bunny-shoot, chanterelle sisters and gray Wolf.. For each correct answer, I will give you 1 Ohm (world around)
3 Slide: The first test is the mysteries of the riddles.
4 Slide: What kind of animal sleeps all winter down his head (bat)
5 Slide: This cat is the king of beasts. Call it soon. (Lion)
6 Slide: Winter sleeps - in the summer of the hives. (Bear)
7 Slide: Who changes milk on the hay? (Cow)
8 Slide: What kind of forest animal is dried on the trees of mushrooms? (Squirrel)
9 Slide:
It looks like a shepherd.
That neither the tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs, overlooking the mouth,
The sheep is ready to attack. (Wolf)
10 Slide:
Summer rolls a tangle,

He has a spiny side.
He hunts night
For beetles and mice. (Hedgehog)
11 Slide:
This beast with two fangs,
With very powerful legs
And with a cassette on the nose.
He roets the land in the forest. (Boar)
12 Slide:
He has big ears.
He is the owner obedient.
And although he is small,
But lucky like a truck. (Donkey)
13 Slide:
What a miracle? That's so miracle:
Top dish, bottom dish.
Walks a miracle on the road
Head sticks out yes legs. (Turtle)
14 Slide:
To fulfill the second test, first listen to the fox history.
15 Slide:
The world has a huge number of monuments to animals. Probably, most famous monument The dog is installed in Paris, on r. Hay. This is a monument to Senbernar Barry - a statue of a dog with a child climbed to her. The inscription reads: "Barry, who saved forty man and killed forty first."
16 Slide:
The Kazan breed of cats was widely known in the XVII - XVIII centuries. She became famous for its large sizes and extraordinary dexterity. There was such a fame about cats that in 1745 Empress Elizabeth ordered to catch the largest representatives of this kind and bring them to St. Petersburg. Pussies have become not only a decoration of the house, but also excellent rescuers from rodents. Their descendants still "work" in the Hermitage. A B. late XIX. A century 45 individuals of this noble genus were bought and taken out to protect the Louvre. Alas, no representative of the Kazan breed has left in Kazan. But the monument to the Kazan cat is.
17 Slide:
Monument in Berdyansk "Bull-Kormiltsiltsy", fish, saving residents of the city from hungry death in Lhacety.
18 Slide:
Monument to leeches installed on the territory International Center Medical leech in a specific contribution to the struggle for human health.
19 Slide:
Monument and ordinary sparrow won. In Boston, USA, a monument to this bird was given in gratitude to the salvation of gardens and crops from the invasion of the caterpillars. Also, a sparrow monument is in Belarus in the city of Baranovichi and St. Petersburg - the famous hero of the song Chizhik-Pyzhik.
20 Slide:
And now I suggest you to be sculptors and yourself to build monuments by the animal proposed by me. Your task is to justify that you will build a monument to an animal. Win in this test one who will have the most complete answer.
1st Monument - Kangaroo
2nd - Pavlin
3rd - rooster
21 Slide:
To go through the third test, you need to listen to the wolf facts carefully.
22 Slide:
Starfish can turn out his stomach inside out
23 Slide:
Animal that is longer than all
may not drink - rat
24 Slide:
Mole can break the tunnel of 76 meters long in one night
25 Slide:
Snail about 25,000 teeth
26 Slide:
Hummingbirds can not walk
27 Slide:
Crocodiles swallow stones to dive deeper.
28 Slide:
Despite the hump, the spine at the camel is straight.
29 Slide:
It takes 40 minutes to cook boot-boiled ostrich egg
30 Slide:
For grasshopper Blood white
31 Slide:
And now, answer questions to find out who has a rectangular pupil.
- How many minutes are Ostrich boiled eggs?
- Who can not drink any longer?
- Who can break through for one night tunnel in 76 meters long?
- Who swallows stones to dive deeper?
- Who has a teeth about 25,000?
- What color are blood from the grasshopper?
- Who can turn out his stomach
inside out?
- What kind of bird can not go?
- Who has a rectangular pupil? (At octopus)
32 Slide:
I offer you the fourth test - "taunies lessons". It is necessary to listen to poems and say whether it is possible to do so or not and why.
33 Slide:
Fell a chick from the nest,
It is impossible to touch us! (Right)

Anthill we will find
Let's watch and leave. (Right)

We have seen a short
And he was taken home. (Wrong)

If we catch a small fish,
then we throw it a cat. (Wrong)

34 Slide:
The nest in the grass we saw
And played with chicks. (Wrong)

In the forest of dogs we take
Calre birds will be in it! (Wrong)

We collect flowers,
Saccut butterflies chasing. (Wrong)

We guard snails,
Prudovikov do not offend. (Right)

Slides 35-36:
AND last test _ "Frogies ears". You need to know who owns one or another voice. (1-Filin, 2- horse, 3-sheep, 4-bees, fly, 5- ishak, 6-monkey, 7-wolf)
Slide 37:
So, we fell into teremok, and while you look at the slideshow about animals, the jury will determine who has more ohms.
Slide 38:
You are the owner.
We argue with you
We do not want and can not.
But without us -
You will appear! -
Will there be land
I thank everyone for your attention, take care of our smaller brothers!
Information sources:
1. V. Boulevcanker "from China and to Cota"


Omms for the correct answers:


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This amazing world presentation

The unusual stone houses of the round form are building residents of the African state Lesotho. Dome is covered with a straw roof. Such a house retains the coolness well, you can hide an extrusion of the African Sun

Some old house-caves of the village in Cappadocia (Turkey) are simply wounded in the rocks and resemble an anthill.

In Thailand, warm, their lightest huts are local residents and today are built from bamboo and cane

From ancient times, some nations (for example, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz) moved along with their herds from one pasture to another, without having a permanent place of residence.

And now the walkers of their households are in the old man with themselves, as tourists are their tents. Such a tent tent is called "yurt", it is round.

War down nomads long stick-rods will link them among themselves to the manner of cells, will cover with all sides with felt (very dense woolen material, felt boots are made) - and the house is ready for just a few hours.

On the distant north, where the trees are very small (they are called - dwarf) to build, too, especially nothing about. But without home, it is impossible in the north terrible frosts!

The dwelling of the northerners - Chukchi - called "Yaranga". It looks like a yurt, but Ostrich, the walls in it - from deer skins. This dwelling could be easily disassembled, to transport, and then collect anew.

On Yaranga, the Indian Vigvam looks like, and not surprisingly, these peoples have once had common ancestors for a long time. Wigwama was built in the form of a dome from thin trunks of trees and covered on top of branches, bark, skins or multi-colored wovel mats (mats).

The needle is a house from the snow. And Canadian Eskimos build from that. What falls from the sky itself! The needle is their snowy house, it protects against wind and bad weather, and from the inside for heat it is lined with animal skins.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

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Author's design on the subject " The world"(Umk" Primary School XXI century, "1 class). Lesson number 1" This amazing world ". In the presentation with the animation, the materials of the textbook and the additional mortality of this topic were used,

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"Presentation to the lesson" This amazing world "(" Initial School of the XXI century ", grade 1)"

Hello, earthlings!

We are glad to see you on our planet of green little men.

Tell me what your planet looks like? What is there on it?

What's the beautiful!

What an amazing world surrounds you!

World of Nature


World of people

World of things

In nature, everything is surrounded by:

sun, air, water, rivers and lakes, mountains and forests, plants, animals and man himself.

Nature is called everything that surrounds us and not done by the hands of a person.

1. born; 2. have a lifespan - they grow;

3. Food; 4. breathe;

5. Move; 6. Give offspring

7. Die

1. All the guys got together


2. And on the spot they stumbled.

(Walking in place.)

3. On the socks stretched.

(Fog back, put your hands behind the head.)

4. How the springs we sat down

(Sit down.)

5. And quietly sat down.

(Straighten and sit down.)

Well, now - Fizkultminutka

Consider drawings

On page 5 textbook.

We divide them into 2 groups.

Explain your decision.

The world around us is what is around us: Live and non-fat nature, people and everything created by a person.

Go to us when you find out new about your planet!

Before the session!

Thanks guys, for interesting story About your planet. It was very interesting.

- I am satisfied with my work

- at work allowed errors, but I coped

- I am unhappy with my work, I need help.

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