§5.Technics of sounding speech. Intonation - a distinctive sign of oral speech

A person's voice makes a certain impression on others, serves as a tool exposure. By the nature of speech sound, we judge the temperament, the consumption of the speaker. Sound decoration of speech is an emotional background of performances, conversation, which can be positive (pleasant) or negative (unpleasant). The shortcomings of pronunciation (screaming, shortness of breath, hoarseness, sharpness, gentleness, vigilance, the oddness of articulation) are "barriers" of communication exchange, "Cut the ear". In addition, a well-sounding voice tones nervous system Speaking itself gives confidence, creates a mood.

Speech flaws are very stable. Of the household speech, they often "move" in the public, in business conversation. However, the official situation, in contrast to the casual, requires voice management, the ownership of the full pronunciation style, i.e., a clear pronalization at an average pace. For example, the phrases "Hello", "she says" in full style it sounds like this: [Hello], [Na Hukhrit], and in incomplete, there is a strong reduction (reduction of vowels), sometimes even skipping syllables: [... 'b], [nu grit].

Own speech technology - it means to achieve intonation mobility and expressiveness, soft, free, clear sound; To be able to use the nuances of the tone.

What is the mechanism of voice formation? Describe a person's pronunciation, consisting of four parts: respiratory organs, vibrators, resonators, articulants. The respiratory organs (muscles) allow you to pull the air into the lungs and push out. On the way of passing the air jet through the lads there are vocal ligaments - vibrators. These are elastic formations, located on the left and right side of the larynx and elongated from the front. The front ends of the ligaments are at an angle to each other. The voice is created as a result of periodic oscillations of these speech muscles, which come closer and stretched. It is in the larynx that is born sound wave. It then enters the resonators (nasopharynk, nasal and mouth cavity) that enhance and enrich the sound. Articulators are completed: language, lips, lower jaw, soft sky. They turn the musical tone (voice) in the sounds of the speech of the native language.

All parts of the speech apparatus are involved in the creation of acoustic characteristics: tempo, volume, height, timbre, clarity and clarity of pronunciation. Temp - speaking speed - can be fast, medium, slow. The optimal condition of light perception is the average pace - approximately 100-120 words per minute. Speech speed depends on the meaning of the statement, the emotional attitude, life situation. The slowdown allows you to portray the subject, emphasize its importance, allocate. Volume is the intensity of sound, a large or smaller pronunciation force, depending on the situation of communication, verbal content. In height, the voice is high, medium and low, it depends on its nature. Russian speech is inclined to some minority, and often in his voice is heard of high focusless notes, capricious - a leery sound, good prevention against which is a decrease in tone. The height of the sound should be changed when speech pronunciation, otherwise monotonicity occurs. A special increase in tone, accompanied by a strengthening of verbal stress, greater intensity of the shock syllable, is called logical stress. The timbre is an additional articulating and acoustic color of the voice, its color, "color". Each person has its own timbre - deaf, trembling, ringing, sharp, hard, velvet, metallic, etc. Clarity and clarity of pronunciation are called good diction. She prepares speech apparatus To the creative process, makes the usual accurate articulation of all sounds. Helps expressive words. A good diction assumes the ability to "keep pause", diversify the rhythmic organization of speech. There are physiological (good breath), grammatical (punctuation marks), logical (senseless) and psycholinguistic pause (subtext, emotional color).

The system of the above phonetic means (high-altitude, power, temporary) is often called intonation, as well as aspect.

Speaker, an interlocutor who knows how to easily change the pace, volume and speech height, which has a good diction and timbre, can express various feelings and experiences by voice. This is possible with proper speech (lancing) breathing. Its foundation is a diaphragm-ripe breathing, when inhale and exhale are performed due to changes in the volume of the chest due to the reduction of the diaphragm, intercostal and abdominal muscles. When speech pronunciation, after a short breath, a pause should be a pause to strengthen the abdominal press, and then a long sound exhalation, during which you need to be able to rationally spend the reserve of air. The relaxation of the muscles holding the chest in an extended state must occur gradually, obeying the will of the speaker. Through the nose inhales only before the start of the monologue or on large pauses. Improper breathing generates insufficient sound (i.e. force, flexibility, mobility), which in turn changes the voice of the voice.

Voices set by nature are rarely found. Each person can "raise" a voice, i.e. to develop and strengthen. Speech technique - an important element of culture speech activity - Includes working on breathing, voice, diction. The technical side of the sounding speech can be training through special exercises. They must be fulfilled regularly, as well as contact them, preparing for a speech, to a meeting with people, in order to "be in voice" at the moment of contact.

The range of speech gymnastics exercises was drawn up on the recommendations of S. T. Nikolskaya, contained in the work of the "Technique of Speech" (M., 1978).

1. Traveling speech breathing.

1) "Warm air". Imagine that you have frozen your hands, - Step them with breathing. Exhalation must be even slow. Keep one hand on your stomach.

2) "Candle". Slowly blow on the flame. Instead of a candle, you can take a strip of paper 2 - 3 cm wide and 10 cm long.

3) "Candles". On one breath (no goodness) extinguish 3 candles (4, 5 ... 10), dividing exhalation on portions.

4) "Pump". Stand straight, legs on the width of the shoulders. Left ahead and take the handle of the imaginary car pump with two hands. Start pumping the air: straightening, do breathe, and leaning, - exhale on the sound "f".

5) "Piliers". Share the cross the cross - the cross. Right hands - your drank, left log. One pulls on the "saw", imitating the sound "s" on the exhalation, the other takes a drink on itself: "C".

6) "Start". Take in your hands the clock with a second arrow and start out loud to count the time in seconds: "Ten! Nine ... one! Start!". Counting is loud, detribably, evenly, in one breath, without a good air.

7) EDORKI. Distribute exhale on three portions, reading loud, evenly text, take a pause after each third (fifth, eighth, eleventh) "EGEGICS": "Like a hill, on a hillside (inhale), there are thirty-three york (inhalation): Jergic times, Two Egorka, Three Egorchi (inhale), Four Echorks, Five Egorkov, Six Egoricles (inhale), etc.

1) "Bayukny". You have to burn kid by the quiet mock through closed lips: "M".

3) Gradually and smoothly increase and lower the voice, make it loud, then quiet from start to the end of the text:

Spread the field with a wavy cloth

And with the sky merged dark - the blue face,

And in the sky transparent shield gold

The brilliant sun shines over it.

Listen - Listen,

Sovereign people


Go to the red gate

On the red royal yard!

From the red courtyard in the new sense,

On frequent steps

In oak doors,

In the sovereign chamber,

The court to judge, ride a row.

5) Determine what the speech rate you have, reading the poem of S. Yesenin in one minute, "I do not regret it, I do not cry ...". Strive to develop a normal pace.

6) Say the phrase "You are not interested", facing listeners who do not comply with silence, with different intonations: with anger, with a threat, with surprise, censure, in the form of a request, indifferent, with a hub. Contact the present: "Ladies and gentlemen", expressing the voice of feelings (indifferent, solemnly, ironically, joyfully, with a request).

7) Try to pronounce the words: Hello. "I listen to you", "Good afternoon", "Good evening", "nice to see you", "Hi", "Hello" and the like with the maximum friendly voice. Use for training all day.

8) Read the lines of K. S. Powesty expressive, finding a word with a logical strip in each phrase, make a tape recorder: "Tchaikovsky sat down for the piano. Now the amazing and cheerful will begin: the sauced house will sing from the first sounds of the piano. The simplest musical theme was played by this house as a symphony.

Sometimes at night, waking up, Tchaikovsky heard, how, crackling, it feels one, then another floorboard, as if remembering his daily music and snatching his beloved note from it.

Listening to the night sounds, he often thought that she was going on, and nothing really was done ... I never managed to convey that easy delight that arises from the spectacle of the rainbow, from Auchania of peasant girls in more often, from the easiest phenomena of the surrounding life . He never waited inspiration. He worked, worked ... and the inspiration was born in work. "

111.Articulate exercises.

1) wide opening mouth, clearly utter sounds and syllables:

And, e, a, o, y, s;

E, I, Y, Yu;

IA, EA, AA, OA, UA, Ya;

EA, Yaa, Ya, Yua;

B - P, G - K, D - T, B - F;

AB, Abi, Abe, Aba, Abu, Aby;

Bib - Bib - BIP; BEB - BEB - BEP;

Bab - Bab - BAP; Bob - Bob - BOP;

Bub - Bub - BUP; Byb - byb - bypa;

Yes, di, up, do, ha, gi, go, gu, va, vi,

In, Wu, Ba, bi, bo, bu;

Sha, Sho, Shu, Shea,

sho, Shu, Shi, She,

shu, Shi, She, Sha,

shi, She, Sha, sho;

Sha, Ms., Ms., Maj, Sha,

sho, jo, jo, jo, sho,

shi, Zh, Zh, Zh, soup

she, the same, the same, neck;

S - z - s ...; Tr - p ..., more - p ...;


2) Read the readors (phrases with repeated sounds or sound combinations):

Bhktuhubub, stupid bull; By Bull Bela's lip was Tup.

From the topot of the hoof dust flies on the field.

Radish rarely grew on the garden, the garden was rarely in order.

It was Frol, Frolu on the laurel lurved, will go to the laurel, Lavra on Frol Nauthrow.

Cuckoo cuckoo sewed a hood. Puting cuckoo hood: like in the hood it is ridiculous.

Heron Mokla, Heron Sere, Heron Chashla, Heron died.

Protocol about the protocol protocol was configured.

Schetka in Chushya, scales in a pinch.

Chitinka flows in Chita.

Not that stupid, who is the words of a stupid, and that stupid, who is stupid.

3) Read speigned (they are built on combinations of words, including sounds that require continuous restructuring of the speech apparatus, shifting articulation) first by syllables, then making small stops before each phonetic wordAnd then - fast pace:

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass;

do not rub firewood on the grass of the yard.

Carl from Clara stole corals, and Clara had a clarinet from Karl.

King - Eagle.

Libretto "Rigoletto".

Precedent with the applicant.

Konstantin stated.

Picky pike triggered bream.

4) Read the replicas in the dialog, highlighting intonationally important words by meaning:

Replica - stimulic - reaction1. The question - doubt an apple from the apple tree falls near? Murder will out?! Until the sharp axles?! Areas are sharp to pore?! Near Cola - Bells ?! Apple approval from the apple tree does not fall far. Murder will out! Axes are sharpness to the pore! For the time being sharp! Near Cola - Bells! Near the cola of the bell! 2. The surprise - surprise ate well done thirty-three pie with the cake, and everything with cottage cheese? Admiration ate well done thirty-three pie with a cake, and everything with cottage cheese! 3. Aggness. Standing Pop on Shop, cap on the Pope! Copna - under Pop! Himself under the hood! Shagala Shackal with a wallet, found a sulk sulk cushion (distrust). Standing Pop on Shop! Cap on the pope? Shop under Pop? Himself - under the hood? Shagal Shakal with a wallet, found a silk sulka?

5) Read "Informational Message" clearly, calmly:

"From - under the Kostroma, from - under Kostroma, Senka Sanka is lucky with Sonya. Yes, I am lucky with typors and the filmlet: they say, the auntiere was sitting on a tree, from the tree - the shadow of TETEREV, they say, the goose must not seek, do not get used; Like, what Savva, such as Glory. Sperating, speaking, yes so all the patters and did not re-outreach. "

6) Blanc names: 253, 749, following articulation.

7) Pronounce words with a whisper, but clearly and clearly, to hear them, sitting at some distance from you:

correspondence preceding

rapidly caused by

transported, catastrophic,

vigorous, sincerity, published,

usually improvement

presence, office work, artillery,

barricading, spectrograph.

1. The example examples of artificial iconic systems.

2. What is the level view of the language system?

3. What is dominant in modern life - written or oral?

4.Why written monologue and oral dialogue are polar speech species?

5. Transfer situations in which public dialogic speech sounds.

6. Is there any differences between thinking and internal speech?

7. How do you understand the words of F. I. Tyutchev: "The thought of the spent is a lie!"?

8. Oncenges N. I. Zhinkina showed that speech hearing develops with repeated repetition, i.e., as a result of the strengthened training of the voice apparatus, speech muscles. Based on this, explain why it is very effective to increase spelling literacy method of dictation?

9. In what situations are appropriately reflexive, and in what non-reflective audience?

10. In the advantage of the ability to listen to effectively, according to A. Morua: "Many women made a brilliant career, able to listen carefully, to answer wisely and say when it is already necessary"? Are you right, in your opinion, is a French writer?

11. One of the American techniques of the hearing recommends: "Listen that a person can say can not say, does not want to say." How do you understand this advice?

12. How the sound is formed?

13. What makes the intonation?

14. What a role is played by pauses in oral speech?

16. In the difference between the full style of pronunciation from incomplete?

17. What is the difference between the chefs of the patter?

18.I. Andronikov is a famous literary critic, the performer of oral stories - read Lermontov verses very rhythmically, sprayedly alternated pauses. Is it possible to explain such perfection in innocent musical hearing a master? Should I recommend singing for the development of speech techniques?

1. Why is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe language as the system is fixed by the word "language", and not "speech"? Explain this, relying on an etymology (see: Fasmere M. Etymological Dictionary Russian language. - M., 1996; Shan N. M., Bobrova T. A. School etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1997)

2. In what values \u200b\u200bthe words "language" and "speech" are used, give synonyms: it does not own the language. He speaks a heavy language. Byword. And I'll call me any language in it. My tongue is my enemy. Language of formulas. Difficult to understand language. Clapper. The rough language of the poster. He studies Russian.

One is not a proverb. The study of native speech is a great thing. Commonwealth. Speech heard, but it was not seen. Do not believe your eyes, believe my speeches. Own speech. Dar speech. Displays speech. Poetic speech. Smart speeches are nice and listen. It's out of the question. Come up with speech. He studies Russian speech

3. Consider which type of speech is presented in the following situations:

a) the student tells by heart the poem A. S. Pushkin;

b) the student listens reproduces the definition of the concept of "speech activity" by memory;

c) the playwright wrote the dialogue of the heroes of his new work;

d) a journalist prepares for publishing text interviews with a famous businessman;

e) managers 2 firms lead a business conversation;

(e) Scientists - Pholology came out with a voice recorder to the streets with the aim of recording urban dialogues for the subsequent study of modern conversational speech.

4. Look at the speakers of television, try to determine, the text is also occasionally or the improvisation sounds.

5. Then the features of the oral monologic speech, analyzing the fragment of the speeches at the meeting - the conferences of the Labor team - Vice-President of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant Yu. B. Stepanova (Newspaper "Autostruiter", October 24, 1997): "Before you start a vote, I would like to dispel some erroneous opinions that sounded.

Probably no one is a secret that waiting for help, the help of material from the Volga automotive factory, which today is not just in the most difficult conditions ... These conditions are difficult to describe, because they are such that we are required in addition to all current payments, in addition The taxes that are already paying, paying huge amounts of debt that were formed, and this is not a secret for you - why. These debts were formed at the time of the decree of the tenth car on the Volzhsky automotive factory. And no ruble has been spent anymore anything, which is confirmed by any commissions of the government. But these debts are huge, they are trillion. And today we are in hopeless situation. We are obliged to pay. In accordance with 254 Government Decisions, any non-payment for two months in a row or twice the year leads to immediate bankruptcy. Therefore, all speeches that sounded - there is a rich uncle, who will solve all our problems, they are not true. "

Did you notice the redundancy of speech (reversals of the said, different kind of clarification, explanations), savings of language means (skip words), interruptions? What prevented to understand the speaker, and what, on the contrary, helped?

6. Explain the fragment of the above text with imitation under living speech. To do this, mark the semantic strokes ("), possible pauses (///), changes in volume (, ), lifting or slowing the tempo.

7. To better realize your manner to listen, answer the test questions from the book of the American researcher M. Berkley - Alain "Forgotten Art of listening" (SPb, 1997). Options for answers: 1) "In most cases," 2) "often", 3) "Sometimes", 4) "almost never".

1. Do you "disconnect" if you listen to those people with whom you disagree or which you do not want to listen?

2. Do you see it on what is said even when it is not interesting for you?

3. Do you listen to listening to the speaker if you know what is he going to say?

4. Do you feel heard in your own words?

5. Do you listen to the point of view of another person, even if she diverges with yours?

6. Do you behave anything from each interlocutor, maybe even the most insignificant?

7. Do you know what strangers who heard you mean?

8. Do you mentally expressly, while the interlocutor says?

9. Do you think that you listen to when you really don't listen at all?

10. Do you have thoughts somewhere far away when someone says with you?

11. Do you represent a message entirely, including his verbal and incredible expression?

12. Will you know the same words for different people Mean different?

13. Do you only do you want to hear without noticing the rest?

14. Do you look at the speaker?

15. Do you continue to be more important or on appearance speaking?

16. Do you know what words and expressions are you most reacting emotionally?

17. Do you think in advance what purpose are you going to achieve in this act of communication?

18. Do you take time when it is better to express your thought?

19. Do you think about how another person will react to what you have said?

20. Do you consider how it is better to carry out an act of communication (in writing, orally, by phone, using the bulletin board, notes, etc.)?

21. Do you mean, with what kind of person say (hostile, disinterested, shy, stubborn ...).

22. Do you translate the speaker?

23. Do you sometimes think: "And I assumed that he should know it?"

24. Do you translate your conversation to express his negative attitude towards you without taking a defensive position?

25. Do you regularly exercise to improve your ability to listen?

26. Will you record "for memory"?

27. Do you distract extruded sounds and noise?

28. Do you listen to the speaker, do not criticize him and not condemning?

29. Do you receive the instructions and messages to make sure that you correctly understood them?

30. Do you mean in your own words what, in your opinion, feels talking?

Calculate the result by replacing the response point:

Question number

1 in most cases

4 almost never

8. Select true statements from the following:

1) audition is an involuntary process.

2) Skill Listen - acquired skill.

3) a little energy is spent on the hearing process; This is a simple process.

4) speaking more important view speech activity than listening.

5) Some distort the partner's speech so that they only perceive what they want to hear.

6) When a person is immersed in his thoughts, he is not able to listen to what he is told.

7) Professional training is influenced by the perception of the heard life experience, personality knowledge.

8) responsibility for the success of communication completely lies on the speaker.

9) In the ability to listen to the pupil of man.

10) During the audience, it is better not to show interest in the other party, demonstrating their own if not indifferent, then a little interested attitude.

Based on the analysis of passages from the Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", characterize the style of the hearing of Pierre Lesuzova and Natasha Rostova in situations: "Listening to the stories of the captain, as it often happens to the late evening, and under the influence of wine, Pierre followed all those What Captain said, he understood everything and at the same time he watched a number of personal memories, suddenly for some reason who thought it was imagination. When he listened to these stories of love, his own love for Natasha unexpectedly suddenly remembered him, and, and, in his imagination, a picture of this love, he mentally compared them with the stories. Watching the story about the struggle of the house with love, Pierre saw all the slightest details of his last meeting with the subject of his love from the Sukhareye Tower. Then this meeting did not affect him; He never even remembered her. But now it seemed to him that this meeting had something very significant and poetic "(t 3, and xx1x, part 11);

"Pierre listened to her with a disclosed mouth and not descending from her eyes, full tears. Listening to her, he did not think about Prince Andrei, nor about death, nor about what she told. He listened to her and only regretted her for the suffering that she experienced now, telling "(t 4, ch. XV1, h v1);

"Pierre told his adherence as he had never told them to anyone, as he himself had never remembered them with him. He now saw as if a new meaning in all that he survived. Now that he told all this Natasha, he experienced that rare pleasure that women listening to a man - not smart women who, listening, trying or remember what they were told to enrich their mind and at the case of retelling The same or to adapt to his intelligent speeches developed in his small mental farm; And then the pleasure that real women give, gifted by the ability of choosing and absorption of all the best, which is only in manifestations of a man. Natasha, herself is not knowing this, there was all the attention: she did not miss the word nor voting votes, nor glad, nor shuddered by the muscle face nor the gesture of Pierre. She caught the evening yet expressed word and directly introduced into his opened heart, guessing secret meaning all mental state of Pierre "(T 4, ch. XV11, part 111).

10. Entertain the game "Snowball". Participants should be no more than ten. The first player begins to tell something (story, story, fairy tale), for example, "I am yesterday". The second must repeat what the first one said, and continue the message: "I go home yesterday." The third participant recovers what the first and second narrator said, inserts a new word. The one who missed turns inaccurately reproduced heard, coming out of the game. Wins the remaining latter.

Answer questions: "Are you distracted? Why? In which cases? Have you interrupted the interlocutor? "

11. Radio - or teleexalen: Listen to someone with someone and check how many positions I remember.

12. Try to determine the main disadvantages. own voice, Diction, using a tape recorder. Make a speech training plan

1.Twerler I. Ya. I listen to you - M., 1988.

2.berli - Alain M. Forgotten art listen. - St. Petersburg, 1997.

3.Vedrenskaya L. A., Cervinsky P. P. Theory and practice of Russian speech. - Rostov - to Don, 1997.

4. Zhinkin N. I. Speech Mechanisms. - M., 1958.

5.Kozlyaninova I. P. Pronunciation and diction. - M., 1977.

6. Realoneev A. A. Language, speech, speech activity. - M., 1972.

7.Nikolskaya S. T. Technique Speech. - M., 1978.

8.Panov E. N. Signs, symbols, languages. - M., 1983.

9.reformatsky A. A. Introduction to linguistics. - M., 1996.

10.Sharya L. V. To the secrets of thought and words - M., 1983.

11.TUMIN L. E. Learn to listen // Russian in school, 1993, №1.

13.Scheterba L. V. Language system and speech activity. - M., 1974.

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Intonation - distinctive feature Oral speech

In the oral sounding speech, a variety of means are used, which enrich it makes expressive, emotional, enhance its impact on the listeners.

What is this money? What do they imagine?

Famous Russian Linguist A.B. Shapiro characterizes them in this way:

In verbal speech, we make a lot of such pauses, increasing and lowering, slowdowns and lifting the speech pace, changes in voice timbre, etc., which are never marked and cannot be celebrated in the written text, one after the day that the day would require A huge number of diverse signs - probably no less, and possibly more than them is required for musical texts (Wed: Dieza, Bemoli, Syncopes, etc.).

The intonation conveys the semantic and emotional differences in statements, reflects the state and mood of speakers, their attitude to the subject of the conversation or to each other.

Transmitting the intonation of speech of heroes, the writer reveals their inner state, their experiences: the feeling of the guilt of Stepan Arkadyevich (pathetic voice, with voices shake);insult, despair his wife (with pain and malice).Soul tension deceived

In the intonation of the heroes of the work, the reader understands, in what condition they are, what feelings reach them.

The intonation distinguishes orally from writing, makes it richer, expressive, gives it a unique, individual character.

However, this does not exhaust the purpose of intonation. It performs the syntax function: indicates the end of the phrase, its completeness or incompleteness, then the type of proposal includes whether it contains a question, exclamation or narration. IN written speech On the syntactic role of intonation, the reader learns from punctuation signs.

Intonation is a complex phenomenon. It includes four acoustic components: voice tone, intensity or sound strength, speech rate and voice timbre. What are the components of intonation?

But before we remember that the sound as an acoustic unit also contains signs of height, strength, timbre and durability. The height of the sound is the number of vocal ligaments. It is measured in Hertz per second: the more hertz per second, the higher the sound. The power of the sound, its intensity depends on the amplitude of vocal ligament fluctuations and are measured in decibels. The timbre is a set of primary tones and overtones. Opertones (inter-frequency oscillations of air particles) are formed in the oral cavity. Their difference depends on the form and volume of the mouth, changing during the articulation of sounds. The duration of sound is determined by the number of time required to pronounce sound.

It should be emphasized that sounds and intonation consist of the same acoustic components. This is explained by the fact that the formation of sounds and intonation is a single articulating-acoustic process.

Before describing the components of intonation, turn to the history of its study.

8.2. From the history of the study of intonation

The intonation is inherent in speech since the beginning of its origin.

But on the question when it was noted at her when she became an object of scientific study and why, to answer without knowledge of the history of science, difficult.

Intonation first of all interested theorists oratory. still in antique times. The speaker should be able to speak clearly, it is clear that everyone understood what he was talking about. In addition, the speaker should affect not only the mind, but also on the senses of listeners, be able to conquer their sympathy, to incline to his side, cause him the reaction necessary to him, he needs to know how to do it, what means of sounding speech it is necessary to use for this. That is why orators Ancient Greece And ancient Rome, laying the foundations of oratory art, wrote about intonation.

In their works that have come down to us, a speech melody has been described, determined its difference from musical, characterized by rhythm, pace, pauses, the importance of separating speech flow into semantic parts. You can really say that Intonation began to be interested in the times of the legendary Romulus, founded Rome.

The problem of intonation attracted the attention of public speech theorists and in the Middle Ages. But for us greater interest Representations that appeared in the XVIII century. It is at this time that the main theoretical provisions of the oratory, which remain relevant and today are formulated. One of these theorists was M.V. Lomonosov, part of his "brief guide to rhetoric" is called "Pronunciation". Here he writes that the pronunciation "has great power"Therefore," who is a genuine rituit to be wishes, that in a decent word pronunciation must often exercise and observe the following rules. "

In the XVII - XIX centuries. With the development of theatrical art, intonation begins to consider as an important element of the stage speech. For the actor, as well as for the speaker, the sounding speech is the main means of transmitting thoughts, feelings, means of exposure to the audience, so the actor should be able to use all the possibilities of the language, to know its laws.

Specialists in expressive reading, acting, "comparing stage speech with ordinary, determined the features of her intonation. On the example of the analysis of the artwork, they showed what function performs intonation, what are its components, with which intonation should read something or another.

Special attention was paid to the connection of punctuation with the nature of the pronunciation of text, it was emphasized that the punctuation marks determine the pauses and their duration, indicate the boundaries of speech segments, require an increase or decrease in tone. Already at that time, the dependence of the intensity of pronunciation from the logical stress was determined, on the order of words in the proposal, on which part of speech belongs to the word, what a member of the sentence is and what place it takes.

Theoretical statements about the nature of Russian intonation and advice on practical use in the stage speech summed up and developed further outstanding director, actor, teacher, theorist of theatrical art Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky (1863-1938). In the compositions of the "Work of the actor on themselves", "the work of the actor over the role", "my life in art" he repeatedly appeals to the question of sounding speech, expresses a number of interesting judgments and always clothe them in a living, colorful, fascinating shape. Reades his writings are a pleasure. Much otherwise you start to perceive and understand.

Conducting experiments with his voice, following his changes as a result of special exercises, carefully listening to the intonation of dramatic and opera actors, chatting with masters of the scene on their work on the voice, Stanislavsky came to the conclusion: the nature of intonation, the color of the voice depend on the sound of both vowels, So consonants. He loved to repeat the phrase: "vowels - river, consonant - shores." Singing with loose consonants, according to Stanislavsky, is likened to the river without the shores, which turned into spill with the marsh, with the tops in which words are tight and drown.

Working out the theory of intonation, he seeks to comprehend the role and function of consonant in the sounding speech, their distinctive physiological and acoustic features.

According to the deep conviction of Stanislavsky to master in perfect intonation, it is necessary to know with what position the mouth, lips, the language are formed by certain sounds, i.e. know the device of the speech apparatus, its resonators. And not only know his device, to and clearly represent, what a tone acquires the sound depending on which cavity it resonates where it is directed. For example, vocal specialists believe that the sound that "puts on the teeth" or is sent "to the bone", that is, in the skull, it acquires metal and power; Sounds that fall into the soft parts of the sky or in the voice gap resonate, as in the cotton.

And lips? How important to form sounds well developed their articulation? Here is what, according to Stanislavsky, it happens at the trained artist:

I carefully followed his lips. They reminded me of carefully selected valves of the brass musical instrument. When they open or closing, the air does not succeed in the slot. Thanks to this mathematical accuracy, the sound receives exceptional clarity and purity. In such a perfect speech apparatus<...> Lip articulation is made with incredible ease, speed and accuracy.

Then Stanislavsky compares what he seen with the articulation of his lips:

I do not have it. As the valves of the cheap tool of a bad factory, my lips are not sufficient enough. They skip the air, they bounce, they have a bad seal. Thanks to this, the consonants do not receive the necessary clarity and purity.

The reasoning on the role of the articulation of the lips words is:

When you realize this, as I understood it, you yourself can consciously want to do and develop the articulation of a lipstick, language and all those parts that are clearly pulled out and make out consonants.

Was at K.S. Stanislavsky and your view on the origin of sounds, syllables, words. He believed that they were not invented by man, but appeared natural way, "Suggested by our instinct, intentions, nature itself, time and place, life itself."

Hence the conclusion:

All sounds, of which the Word is developing, their soul, their nature, its content that should feel speaking. If the word is not associated with life and is pronounced formally, mechanically sluggish, soulless, empty, then it is like a corpse in which the pulse is not beaten. Live word is saturated from the inside. It has its own definite face and should remain as created by its nature.

And this soul of words, of which the phrases are folded, the text is formed, its internal content, the meaning that the speaker must be able to uncover, convey to others, using all the wealth of intonation, its melody.

However, not every person has a strong, flexible, with a large voice range. It can be hoarse, bent, very weak, faded, inexpressive. Stanislavsky warns that some flaws of vocal are incorrigible, such is their natural property or the result of voice illness. But most often voice flaws can be eliminated by proper setting Sound, and with disease - with the help of treatment. In any case, it is necessary to use all the means to be always "in the voice", i.e., "feel that you can manage your sound that he will obey you that he sound and strongly conveys all the slightest details, overflow, shades of creativity."

"How to achieve this?" - you ask. After all, you also need to know. Especially if you dream to serve as art, be an actor or will become a scientist; Well, whoever you are, a politician, businessman, a doctor, teacher, lawyer, a priest, should learn to own and manage their voice.

There are special literature available to everyone who realized the importance and necessity of such classes to teach culture and technique of speech. We only note that Stanislavsky, starting the classes to correct their speech, gave Villas: "I will always constantly follow myself and for a voice! Turn life into a solid lesson! In this way, I'm going to speak wrong. " Shouldn't you listen to these words?

IN late XIX. in. Linguists began to study the intonation. This does not mean that earlier in their works was not mentioned about intonation. They wrote about it, for example, in teaching aids. However, they were given only general characteristics intonation without appropriate analysis. For example, we turn to "Russian grammar" M.V. Lomonosov published in 1755

Aside great importance She gave her author of intonation, says that he began with chapter under the name "On Voice". In her Lomonosov, first of all, writes about the great gift, which nature has gone to a person - about hearing and voice. Lomonosov is surprised at how many diverse "ideas" is perceived by vision, "but it is hardly less to divide them to the inclous of their set, by means of a hearing acceptable." So Mikhail Vasilyevich thinks about the endless possibilities of intonation, its wealth and diversity.

Then we are talking about the components of intonation. Although the author's terminology differs from modern, but according to the description it is clear that it distinguishes the tone ("exaltation and omission" of the voice), the pace ("stretching with longitude and brevity"), the intensity of the sound ("voltage volume and quiet").

Curious statement of a scientist about the voice of a voice, which, in his opinion, does not depend on raising, voltage and stretching:

Such changes notes in the appearance, call, stupid and in other voices of different. The abolition of them is numerous, from that see we can, that from the great set of familiar people everyone will find out in a voice, in the face without seeing.

Basics scientific approach By studying intonation in the domestic linguistics, Vasily Alekseevich Bogoroditsky (1857-1941) was laid, which he created the first experimental phonetic laboratory in Russia, Alexander Matveyevich Peshkovsky (1878-1933), Lvom Vladimirovich Shcherbo (1880-1944), who led the Leningrad Phonological School. Initially, intonation was interested in scientists as an acoustic means of registration of proposals, i.e. its syntactic aspect. Linguists described quite detail the intonation of questionative, exclamation, motivating, narrative proposals, were investigated and showed how intonation issues a statement, helps to distinguish between their parts, taking into account their importance.

From the middle of the xx century. They began to clarify the structure of the intonation, allocate its components. In this issue, the opinions of researchers diverged. In one of the work on intonation, the frequency list of its elements allocated by the authors of 85 studies published in the XIX - XX centuries is given. Most authors for intonation include melody (83), pace (71), strength or intensity of sound (55). Then there are pauses (47), timbre (45), stress (27), rhythm (17), range (3). As you can see, some of the researchers in the intonation include pa-uz, the emphasis is distinguished as it composite part Rhythm, voice range.

Scientists have long established that intonation performs three main functions: semantic, syntactic and stylistic.In the last two

decades have increased interest in learning the stylistic function of intonation, its role in the formation of text.

Since any text is pronounced in a certain style (official-business, scientific, journalistic, everyday-conversational), belongs to some kind of genre, linguists find out how intonation changes accordingly and genre. Attracts researchers and the role of intonation in the artworks in which it serves finea tool helps to reveal the nature of the characters

In the works of a stylistic nature, special attention is paid to intellectualthe value of intonation, since it allows the speaking to allocate in the statement what is the most important at the time of speech.

In addition to intellectual, intonation has voluntative(LAT. voluntas -"Will") meaning when it expresses volitional acts: order, prohibition, request, warning, warning, threat, command, polly, reproach, resolution, teaching, protest, exhortation, consent, dulling, recommendation, conspira. In this regard, three communicative types of influence on the will and actions of students are distinguished: 1) Reinproving or prompting (order, requirement, request); 2) the command to stop (prohibition, threat, reproach); 3) belief (offer, advice, instruction). Consequently, intonation is considered in terms of its impact on the listener,

The study of intonation is currently being conducted at a high scientific level using the latest achievements of technology, including computer.

The results of the study of the intonation are used in teaching native and foreign languages, diagnosing some diseases, and when it is necessary to establish who owns a voice recorded on a magnetic tape or on any of the recording devices - in other words, the identification of identification is established by intonation, as well as emotional condition man while recording speech.

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The ability to follow your speech - important basis In the art of communication

"Understand what I mean?"

"You know, yes?"

"Do you understand me?"

The habit of ending any offer ascending characteristic precisely) intonation creates the impression from the interlocutor, as if you want to hear his approval before continuing the conversation. Such a manner gives speech insecurity, and it is more characteristic of women than for men.

♦ N.

♦ as if

♦ in fact

♦ In general

♦ In principle

Vernyysposobnaytiusebyaeti "sins" -zapisatsvoyurechnadiktofon, apotom proslushatee and calculate naskolkochasto you eat anything neznachaschieslova, vyrazheniyaipredlozheniya,dimosti.Takzhemozhno ask a colleague that he will follow your speech and noted the approximate number and chastotuukazannyhoploshnostey,henii.Durnye habits easily attached, but get rid of them Then hard.

No need to apologize all the time before the interlocutor.

Berats and straightforward: do not go around yes about to express your proposal, henocaparvizvinets. Increasenachable: "I would like you to come for work this week" or: "Do you want to drink a cupcuccouk to me?". But it should not say that: "I thought, the guidance, can, agree, well, how, to take this work this week?" Or: "I thought that if they were across the ones, well, Ie, ifvacked, which could, maybe you want, in general, it ... drink a cup of coffee with me?"

Also should not be overly justified. For example: "I am embarrassed to contact you by this regard, but the next day I was left without a car, she needed her husband - he went on it to London, aeronatrichkztratvatravemenneen - not, maybe

being you could give me to work? "

It is better to simply simply: "Laura, you could not miss the change to work? And then I am now without a car ... "

If you need to apologize, do not scatter in apologies, but simply tell me: "I apologize." Or, if you want your words to sound more convincingly, you can say: "I have to apologize to you, I was wrong."

In order for your self-confident, use first-person statements. For example:

♦ It seems to me

♦ I think

♦ In my opinion

♦ I prefer

as far as I understand

♦ I think

Avoid expressing negative judgments, for example:

"I will not mean anything in it"

"You know me, from me in this case any sense"

"I can not die ..."

People will eventually believe it in it, and you yourself will also believe. If your brain will tell you that you are not able to do anything, then you really can not be!

The most sufficiently visible, as a matter of the words, the words of the vowels - for example, "necessary" or "please".

Thus, the proposal of "Namo-Topred," expressrates theoretteless needlessness, the chaffrase "We could do something", containing a shade of questionality. The statement "We are obliged to do something" sounds, rather, as described by the process: "Yaorbazan? And really?" Or: "Should I? What do you say! " And saying: "You must take into account ...", you can completely get the answer: "What is this meant?"

At the hearings, it has a huge impact of how the sounds of our speech: By this, I mean not so much pronunciation (although it also carries a lot of information), how much about paint, sonicity, emotionality and intonational variety of votes.

Remember, for example, how do you speak with a sick person? Sixty, sympathetically, with understanding. How do you welcome an old friend, envy him on the other side of the street? How do you warn the child so that it is unprecedented by the roadway? How does your voice sound when you report someone?

If you say monotonously, your speech is made boring and uninteresting (regardless of its content) and does not cause any trust. But the convincing force of his statement depends on the confidence in the speaker. You will never succeed in achieving the goal if you speak sluggish and inexpressively!

True hold-of-banditamplers, to make emotional. To do this, it helps reading out loud to small children well: you will have to read expressively and "for different voices" - otherwise children will simply won't listen to you.

If you speak a very high "childish" voice (this is mainly concerned with women), you are easy-to-peelurry, slowtopreach, increase the duration of the pause and slightly lower the voice.

Take the rule to speak clearly, a sonorous and even voice, without breaking on a cry, but also nebubnosybepodnos. The creative readbrouply tears, obligatory visual contact and with those who are farther from you: it will help you convey

before them the meaning of his speech.

To clean the contact with a person, adjust the submractive speech and the voice tone. It does not mean that you should be a monkey: just if a person speaks softly and slowly, lower his voice and slow down the tempo of speech. If a person speaks quickly, try to withstand the same pace.

Independently spellbauchelovascularityProductachantachant, formerly to interestingly grave. Avent, how to talk to how to talk, and what words to use. We all familiar with people who love to eat high-profileproofessional jargonidifiate attacking the interlocutor in an awkward position or remake it. In this case, do not allow yourself to embarrass yourself and, I hear incomprehensible words for you, do not apologize: "Sorry, please, but I do not quite understand you." If your interlocutor says so - it is his fault, so just politely and kindly tell me: "Explain, please what you mean."

You must believe in the importance of your words and transfer this confidence to others. Than expressive item, shagolevo-modishes. One way to be toochorable, forgetting cruisers: excessive nativesism of rejection. So, we already approached the topic of our next chapter - the hearing.

The article is prepared on materials of the book Polina ROUSON "Technique of Communication"

A person's voice makes a certain impression on others, serves as a tool exposure. By the nature of speech sound, we judge the temperament, the consumption of the speaker. Sound decoration of speech is an emotional background of performances, conversation, which can be positive (pleasant) or negative (unpleasant). The shortcomings of pronunciation (screaming, shortness of breath, hoarseness, sharpness, gentleness, vigilance, the oddness of articulation) are "barriers" of communication exchange, "Cut the ear". In addition, a well-sounding voice tones the nervous system of the speaking itself, attributes confidence, creates a mood.

Speech flaws are very stable. Of the household speech, they often "move" in the public, in business communication. However, the official situation, in contrast to the casual, requires voice management, the ownership of the full pronunciation style, i.e., a clear pronalization at an average pace. For example, the phrases "Hello", "she says" in full style sounds like this: [Hello], [? In r? Viguits], and in incomplete the strong reduction (reduction of vowels), sometimes even skipping syllables: [... 'b], [? on the grit].

Own speech technology - it means to achieve intonation mobility and expressiveness, soft, free, clear sound; To be able to use the nuances of the tone.

All parts of the speech apparatus are involved in the creation of acoustic characteristics: tempo, volume, height, timbre, clarity and clarity of pronunciation. Temp - speaking speed - can be fast, medium, slow. The optimal condition of light perception is the average pace - approximately 100-120 words per minute. Speech speed depends on the meaning of the statement, the emotional attitude, life situation. The slowdown allows you to portray the subject, emphasize its importance, allocate. Volume is the intensity of sound, a large or smaller pronunciation force, depending on the situation of communication, verbal content. In height, the voice is high, medium and low, it depends on its nature. Russian speech is inclined to some minority, and often in his voice is heard of high focusless notes, capricious - a leery sound, good prevention against which is a decrease in tone. The height of the sound should be changed when speech pronunciation, otherwise monotonicity occurs. A special increase in tone, accompanied by a strengthening of verbal stress, greater intensity of the shock syllable, is called logical stress. The timbre is an additional articulating and acoustic color of the voice, its color, "color". Each person has its own timbre - deaf, trembling, ringing, sharp, hard, velvet, metallic, etc. Clarity and clarity of pronunciation are called good diction. It prepares the speech apparatus to the creative process, makes the usual accurate articulation of all sounds. Helps expressive words. A good diction assumes the ability to "keep pause", diversify the rhythmic organization of speech. There are physiological (good breath), grammatical (punctuation marks), logical (senseless) and psycholinguistic pause (subtext, emotional color).

The system of the above phonetic means (high-altitude, power, temporary) is often called intonation, as well as aspect.

Speaker, an interlocutor who knows how to easily change the pace, volume and speech height, which has a good diction and timbre, can express various feelings and experiences by voice. This is possible with proper speech (lancing) breathing. Its foundation is a diaphragm-ripe breathing, when inhale and exhale are performed due to changes in the volume of the chest due to the reduction of the diaphragm, intercostal and abdominal muscles. When speech pronunciation, after a short breath, a pause should be a pause to strengthen the abdominal press, and then a long sound exhalation, during which you need to be able to rationally spend the reserve of air. The relaxation of the muscles holding the chest in an extended state must occur gradually, obeying the will of the speaker. Through the nose inhales only before the start of the monologue or on large pauses. Improper breathing generates insufficient sound (i.e. force, flexibility, mobility), which in turn changes the voice of the voice.

Voices set by nature are rarely found. Each person can "raise" a voice, i.e. to develop and strengthen. Speech technique is an important element of culture of speech activity - includes work on breathing, voice, diction. The technical side of the sounding speech can be training through special exercises. They must be fulfilled regularly, as well as contact them, preparing for a speech, to a meeting with people, in order to "be in voice" at the moment of contact. There are various complexes of speech gymnastics exercises.

1. Determine what type of speech is presented in the following situations:

a) the student tells by heart the poem A. S. Pushkin;

b) the student listens reproduces the definition of the concept of "speech activity" by memory;

c) the playwright wrote the dialogue of the heroes of his new work;

d) a journalist prepares for publishing text interviews with a famous businessman;

e) managers 2 firms lead a business conversation;

(e) Scientists - Pholology came out with a voice recorder to the streets with the aim of recording urban dialogues for the subsequent study of modern conversational speech.

2. Look at the speakers of television, try to determine whether the text is occupied or improvisation sounds.

3. Intellite the features of oral monologue speech, analyzing a fragment of speeches at the meeting - conferences of the Labor Group - Vice President of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant Yu.B. Stepanova (newspaper "Autostrup", October 24, 1997): "Before you begin to vote, I would like to dispel some erroneous opinions that sounded.

Probably no one is a secret that waiting for help, the help of material from the Volga automotive factory, which today is not just in the most difficult conditions ... These conditions are difficult to describe, because they are such that we are required in addition to all current payments, in addition The taxes that are already paying, paying huge amounts of debt that were formed, and this is not a secret for you - why. These debts were formed at the time of the decree of the tenth car on the Volzhsky automotive factory. And no ruble has been spent anymore anything, which is confirmed by any commissions of the government. But these debts are huge, they are trillion. And today we are in a hopeless situation. We are obliged to pay. In accordance with 254 Government Decisions, any non-payment for two months in a row or twice the year leads to immediate bankruptcy. Therefore, all speeches that sounded - there is a rich uncle, who will solve all our problems, they are not true. "

Did you notice the redundancy of speech (reversals of the said, different kind of clarification, explanations), savings of language means (skip words), interruptions? What prevented to understand the speaker, and what, on the contrary, helped?

4. Based on the analysis of passages from the Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Describe the style of listening to the listening style of Pierre Nazhova and Natasha Rostova in situations: "Listening to the stories of the captain, as it often happens in the late evening, under the influence of wine, Pierre followed To all what the captain said, I understood everything and at the same time he watched a number of personal memories, suddenly for some reason who thought it was imagination. When he listened to these stories of love, his own love for Natasha unexpectedly suddenly remembered him, and, and, in his imagination, a picture of this love, he mentally compared them with the stories. Watching the story about the struggle of the house with love, Pierre saw all the slightest details of his last meeting with the subject of his love from the Sukhareye Tower. Then this meeting did not affect him; He never even remembered her. But now it seemed to him that this meeting had something very significant and poetic "(t 3, and xx1x, part 11);

"Pierre listened to her with a disclosed mouth and not descending from her eyes, full tears. Listening to her, he did not think about Prince Andrei, nor about death, nor about what she told. He listened to her and only regretted her for the suffering that she experienced now, telling "(t 4, ch. XV1, h v1);

"Pierre told his adherence as he had never told them to anyone, as he himself had never remembered them with him. He now saw as if a new meaning in all that he survived. Now that he told all this Natasha, he experienced that rare pleasure that women listening to a man - not smart women who, listening, trying or remember what they were told to enrich their mind and at the case of retelling The same or to adapt to his intelligent speeches developed in his small mental farm; And then the pleasure that real women give, gifted by the ability of choosing and absorption of all the best, which is only in manifestations of a man. Natasha, herself is not knowing this, there was all the attention: she did not miss the word nor voting votes, nor glad, nor shuddered by the muscle face nor the gesture of Pierre. She caught not yet expressed his word on the fly and directly introduced into his opened heart, guessing the secret meaning of all state work of Pierre "(T 4, ch. XV11, part 111).

3. Text as a result of speech activity

A person's voice makes a certain impression on others, serves as a tool exposure. By the nature of speech sound, we judge the temperament, the consumption of the speaker. Sound registration of speech is an emotional background of speaking, conversation, which can be positive (pleasant) or negative (unpleasant) shortcomings of pronunciation (cruck, shortness of breath, hoarseness, sharpness, gentleness, vigilance, accuracy of articulation) will be "barriers" of communication exchange, "Cut the ear " Excluding above said, a well-sounding voice tones the nervous system of the speaking itself, attributes confidence, creates a mood.

Speech flaws are very stable. Of the household speech, they often "move" in the public, in business communication. At the same time, the official situation, in contrast to the casual, requires voice management, the ownership of the full style of pronunciation, i.e., clearly pronouncing at an average pace. For example, the phrases "Hello", "she says" in full style it sounds like this: [Hello], [Na Hukhrit], and in incomplete, there is a strong reduction (reduction of vowels), sometimes even skipping syllables: [... 'b], [nu grit].

Own speech technique - it means to achieve intonation mobility and expressiveness, soft, ςʙᴏ-like, clear sound; To be able to use the nuances of the tone.

What is the mechanism of voice formation? Describe a person's pronunciation, consisting of four parts: respiratory organs, vibrators, resonators, articulants. The respiratory organs (muscles) allow you to pull the air into the lungs and push out. On the way of passing the air jet through the lads there are vocal ligaments - vibrators. These are elastic formations, located on the left and right side of the larynx and elongated from the front. The front ends of the ligaments are at an angle to each other. The voice is created as a result of periodic vibrations of these speech muscles, which are brought together and stretched. It is in the larynx that a sound wave is born. It then enters the resonators (nasopharynk, nasal and mouth cavity), which are enhanced and enrich the sound. Articulators are completed: language, lips, lower jaw, soft sky. It is worth noting that they turn the musical tone (voice) in the sounds of the speech of the native language.

All parts of the speech apparatus are involved in the creation of acoustic characteristics: tempo, volume, height, timbre, clarity and clarity of pronunciation. Note that the pace is the speed of speaking - may be fast, medium, slow. It is appropriate to note that the optimal condition of light perception will be the average pace - about 100 - 120 words per minute. Speech speed depends on the meaning of the statement, the emotional attitude, life situation. The slowdown allows you to portray the subject, emphasize its importance, allocate. Volume - ϶ᴛᴏ The intensity of sound, a large or smaller pronunciation force, depending on the situation of communication, verbal content. Height voice is high, medium and low, ϶ᴛᴏ depends on its nature. Russian is prone to some minority, and often in his voice is heard high foxive notes, capricious - leaking sound, good prophylaxis against kum serves a decrease in tone. The height of the sound should be changed when speech pronunciation, otherwise monotonicity occurs.
It is worth noting that a special increase in tone, accompanied by an increase in verbal stress, greater intensity of the shock syllable, is called logical stress. Note that the timbre is an additional articulating and acoustic color of the voice, its color, "color". Each person has the timbre - deaf, trembling, ringing, sharp, hard, velvet, metal, etc. Clarity and clarity of pronunciation are called good diction. It is worth noting that it prepares the speech apparatus to the creative process, makes the usual accurate articulation of all sounds. Helps expressive words. A good diction assumes the ability to "keep pause", diversify the rhythmic organization of speech. Distinguish physiological (good breathing), grammatical (punctuation marks), logical (senseless) and psycholinguistic pause (subtext, emotional color)

The system of the above phonetic means (high-altitude, power, temporary) is often called intonation, as well as aspect.

Speaker, an interlocutor who knows how to easily change the pace, volume and speech height, which has a good diction and timbre, can express various feelings and experiences by voice. This is possible with proper speech (lancing) breathing. Its basis will be a diaphragm-ripe breathing, when the breath and exhalation are made due to changes in the volume of the chest due to the reduction of the diaphragm, intercostal and abdominal muscles. When speech pronunciation after a short breath, a pause should be a pause to strengthen the abdominal press, and then - a long sound exhale, during Kᴏᴛᴏᴩ, you need to be able to rationally spend the reserve of air. The relaxation of the muscles holding the chest in an extended state must occur gradually, obeying the will of the speaker. Through the nose inhales only before the start of the monologue or on large pauses. Incorrect breathing generates insufficient sound (i.e. strength, flexibility, mobility), Kᴏᴛᴏᴩyu in the queue changes the voice of voice.

Voices set by nature are rarely found. Note that each person can "raise" a voice, that is, to develop and strengthen. Note that the technique of speech is an important element of culture of speech activity - includes work on breathing, voice, diction. Note that the technical side of the sounding speech can be training through special exercises. They must be performed regularly, as well as contact them, preparing for a speech, to a meeting with people, ɥᴛᴏ in the moment of contact "be in a voice."

The range of speech gymnastics exercises is compiled on the recommendations of S. T. Nikolskaya, contained in the work "We note that the technique of speech" (M., 1978)

1. Traveling speech breathing.

1) "We note that warm air." Imagine that you have frozen your hands, - Step them with breathing. Exhalation must be even slow. It is important to notice that keep one hand on the stomach.

2) "Candle". Slowly blow on the flame. Instead of a candle, you can take a strip of paper 2 - 3 cm wide and 10 cm long.

3) "Candles". On one breath (no goodness) extinguish 3 candles (4, 5 ... 10), dividing exhalation on portions.

4) "Pump". Stand straight, legs on the width of the shoulders. Left ahead and take the handle of the imaginary car pump with two hands. Start pumping the air: straightening, do breathe, and leaning, - exhale on the sound "f".

5) "Piliers". Share the cross the cross - the cross. Right hands - your drank, left log. It is important to note that one pulls the "saw" by imitating the sound "s" on the exhalation, the other takes the drink on itself: "C".

6) "Start". Take in your hands the clock with a second arrow and start out loud to count the time in seconds: "Ten! Nine ... It is important to see that one! Start!". Counting is loud, detribably, evenly, in one breath, without a good air.

7) EDORKI. Distribute exhale on three portions, reading loud, evenly text, take a pause after each third (fifth, eighth, eleventh) "EGEGICS": "Like a hill, on a hillside (inhale), there are thirty-three york (inhalation): Jergic times, Two Egorka, Three Egorchi (inhale), Four Echorks, Five Egorkov, Six Egoricles (inhale), etc.

1) "Bayukny". Do not forget that you will have to burn the kid by the quiet mock through closed lips: "M".

3) Gradually and smoothly increase and lower the voice, make it loud, then quiet from start to the end of the text:

Spread the field with a wavy cloth

And with the sky merged dark - the blue face,

And in the sky transparent shield gold

The brilliant sun shines over it.

Listen - Listen,

Sovereign people


Go to the red gate

On the red royal yard!

From the red courtyard in the new sense,

On frequent steps

In oak doors,

In the sovereign chamber,

The court to judge, ride a row.

5) Determine what the speech rate you have, reading the poem of S. Yesenin in one minute, "I do not regret it, I do not cry ...". Strive to develop a normal pace.

6) Say the phrase "Do not forget that you are not interested," facing listeners who do not comply with silence, with different intonations: with anger, with a threat, with surprise, censure, in the form of a request, indifferent, with a hub. Refer to those present: "Ladies and gentlemen", expressing the voice of feelings (indifferent, solemnly, ironic, happily, with a request)

7) Try to pronounce the words: Hello. "I listen to you", "Good afternoon", "Good evening", "nice to see you", "Hi", "Hello" and the like with the maximum friendly voice. Use for training all day.

8) Read the lines of K. S. Powesty expressive, finding a word with a logical strip in each phrase, make a tape recorder: "Tchaikovsky sat down for the piano. Now the amazing and cheerful will begin: the sauced house will sing from the first sounds of the piano. The simplest musical theme was played by this house as a symphony.

Sometimes at night, waking up, Tchaikovsky heard, how, crackling, it feels one, then another floorboard, as if remembering his daily music and snatching his beloved note from it.

Listening to the night sounds, he often thought that she was going on, and nothing really was done ... I never managed to convey that easy delight that arises from the spectacle of the rainbow, from Auchania of peasant girls in more often, from the easiest phenomena of the surrounding life . He never waited inspiration. It is worth noting that he worked, worked ... and inspiration was born in work. "

111.Articulate exercises.

1) wide opening mouth, clearly utter sounds and syllables:

And, e, a, o, y, s;

E, I, Y, Yu;

IA, EA, AA, OA, UA, Ya;

EA, Yaa, Ya, Yua;

B - P, G - K, D - T, B - F;

AB, Abi, Abe, Aba, Abu, Aby;

Bib - Bib - BIP; BEB - BEB - BEP;

Bab - Bab - BAP; Bob - Bob - BOP;

Bub - Bub - BUP; Byb - byb - bypa;

Yes, di, up, do, ha, gi, go, gu, va, vi,

In, Wu, Ba, bi, bo, bu;

Sha, Sho, Shu, Shea,

sho, Shu, Shi, She,

shu, Shi, She, Sha,

shi, She, Sha, sho;

Sha, Ms., Ms., Maj, Sha,

sho, jo, jo, jo, sho,

shi, Zh, Zh, Zh, soup

she, the same, the same, neck;

S - z - s ...; Tr - p ..., more - p ...;


2) Read the readors (phrases with repeated sounds or sound combinations):

Bhktuhubub, stupid bull; By Bull Bela's lip was Tup.

From the topot of the hoof dust flies on the field.

Radish rarely grew on the garden, the garden was rarely in order.

It was Frol, Frolu on the laurel lurved, will go to the laurel, Lavra on Frol Nauthrow.

Cuckoo cuckoo sewed a hood. Puting cuckoo hood: like in the hood it is ridiculous.

Heron Mokla, Heron Sere, Heron Chashla, Heron died.

Protocol about the protocol protocol was configured.

Schetka in Chushya, scales in a pinch.

Chitinka flows in Chita.

Not that stupid, who is the words of a stupid, and that stupid, who is stupid.

3) Read the spells (they are built on combinations of words, including sounds that require continuous restructuring of the speech apparatus, shifting articulation) first by syllables, then making small stops before each phonetic word, and after ϶ᴛᴏgo - fast pace:

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass;

do not rub firewood on the grass of the yard.

Carl from Clara stole corals, and Clara had a clarinet from Karl.

King - Eagle.

Libretto "Rigoletto".

Precedent with the applicant.

Konstantin stated.

Picky pike triggered bream.

4) Read the replicas in the dialog, highlighting intonationally important words by meaning:

Replica - stimulic - reaction1. The question - doubt an apple from the apple tree falls near? Murder will out?! Until the sharp axles?! Areas are sharp to pore?! Near Cola - Bells ?! Apple approval from the apple tree does not fall far. Murder will out! Axes are sharpness to the pore! For the time being sharp! Near Cola - Bells! Near the cola of the bell! 2. The surprise - surprise ate well done thirty-three pie with the cake, and everything with cottage cheese? Admiration ate well done thirty-three pie with a cake, and everything with cottage cheese! 3. Aggness. Standing Pop on Shop, cap on the Pope! Copna - under Pop! Himself under the hood! Chakal walked with a wallet, found a sulk sulk cut (distrust) standing on a copper! Cap on the pope? Shop under Pop? Himself - under the hood? Shagal Shakal with a wallet, found a silk sulka?

5) Read "Informational Message" clearly, calmly:

"From - under the Kostroma, from - under Kostroma, Senka Sanka is lucky with Sonya. Yes, I am lucky with typors and the filmlet: they say, the auntiere was sitting on a tree, from the tree - the shadow of TETEREV, they say, the goose must not seek, do not get used; Like, what Savva, such as Glory. Sperating, speaking, yes so all the patters and did not re-outreach. "

6) Blanc names: 253, 749, following articulation.

7) Try the words with a whisper, but clearly and distinctly, ... they were heard by a person sitting on a certain distance from you:

correspondence preceding

rapidly caused by

transported, catastrophic,

vigorous, sincerity, published,

usually improvement

presence, office work, artillery,

barricading, spectrograph.

1. The example examples of artificial iconic systems.

2. What is the level view of the language system?

3. What is dominant in modern life - written or oral?

4.Why written monologue and oral dialogue are polar speech species?

5. Transfer situations, the public dialogic speech sounds in kum.

6. Is there any differences between thinking and internal speech?

7. How do you understand the words of F. I. Tyutchev: "The thought of the spent is a lie!"?

8. Oncenges N. I. Zhinkina showed that speech hearing develops with repeated repetition, i.e., as a result of the strengthened training of the voice apparatus, speech muscles. Based on ϶ᴛᴏgo, explain why is it very effective to increase spelling literacy method of dictation?

9. In what situations are appropriately reflexive, and in what non-reflective audience?

10. In the advantage of the ability to listen to effectively, according to A. Morua: "Many women made a brilliant career, knowing how to listen carefully, to answer wisely and say when ϶ᴛᴏ is already necessary"? Are you right, in your opinion, is a French writer?

11. It is important to note that one of the American techniques of the hearing recommends: "Listen, that a person can say, can not say, does not want to say." How do you understand the advice?

12. How the sound is formed?

13. What makes the intonation?

14. What role is played by pauses in oral speech?

16. In the difference between the full style of pronunciation from incomplete?

17. What is the difference between the chefs of the patter?

18.I. Andronikov is a famous literary critic, the performer of oral stories - read Lermontov verses very rhythmically, sprayedly alternated pauses. Is it possible to explain such perfection in innocent musical hearing a master? Should I recommend singing for the development of speech techniques?

1. Why is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe language as the system is fixed by the word "language", and not "speech"? Explain ϶ᴛᴏ, based on the dataology (see: FASMER M. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language. - M., 1996; Shansky N. M., Bobrova T. A. School Drug Dictionary. - M., 1997)

2. In what values \u200b\u200bthe words "language" and "speech" are used, give synonyms: it does not own the language. He speaks a heavy language. Byword. And I'll call me any language in it. My tongue is my enemy. Language of formulas. Difficult to understand language. Clapper. The rough language of the poster. It is worth noting that he studies Russian.

It is important to note that one is not a proverb. The study of native speech is a great thing. Commonwealth. Speech heard, but it was not seen. Do not believe our eyes, believe my speeches. Own speech. Dar speech. Displays speech. Poetic speech. Smart speeches are nice and listen. We cannot have any speech. Come up with speech. It is worth noting that he studies Russian

3. Consider which type of speech is presented in the following situations:

a) the student tells by heart the poem A. S. Pushkin;

b) the student listens reproduces the definition of the concept of "speech activity" by memory;

c) the playwright instructed the dialogue of the heroes of the new work;

d) a journalist prepares for publishing text interviews with a famous businessman;

e) managers 2 firms lead a business conversation;

(e) Scientists - Pholology came out with a voice recorder to the streets with the aim of recording urban dialogues for the subsequent study of modern conversational speech.

4. Look at the speakers of television, try to determine, the text is also occasionally or the improvisation sounds.

5. Then the features of the oral monologic speech, analyzing the fragment of the speeches at the meeting - the conferences of the Labor team - Vice-President of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant Yu. B. Stepanova (Newspaper "Autostruiter", October 24, 1997): "Before you start a vote, I would like to dispel some erroneous opinions, Kᴏᴛᴏᴩyi sounded.

Probably, it's no secret that waiting for help, the help of material from the Volga Automobile Plant, which is not just in the most difficult conditions ... These conditions are difficult to describe, because they are such that we are required in addition to all current payments, in addition Those taxes, which are already paying, paying huge amounts of debt, kums were formed, and for you no secret - why. These debts were formed at the time of the decree of the tenth car on the Volzhsky automotive factory. And no ruble has been spent anymore anything, which is confirmed by any commissions of the government. But debt data are enormous, they are trillion. And today we are in a hopeless situation. We are obliged to pay. In ςᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛςᴛʙi with 254 Government Decisions, any non-payment for two months in a row or twice the year leads to immediate bankruptcy. I'll see all the performances, which were sounded - there is a rich uncle, which will solve all our problems, they are not true. "

Did you notice the redundancy of speech (reversals of the said, different kind of clarification, explanations), savings of language means (skip words), interruptions? What prevented to understand the speaker, and what, on the contrary, helped?

6. Explain the fragment of the above text with imitation under living speech. It is worth saying, for ϶ᴛᴏgo, mark the semantic strokes ("), possible pauses (/, //), changes in volume (, ), lifting or slowing the tempo.

7. It is better to be better to realize the manner to listen, answer the test questions from the book of the American researcher M. Berkley - Alain "Forgotten Art of listening" (SPb, 1997) should not forget that the answer options: 1) "In most cases", 2) "Often", 3) "Sometimes", 4) "almost never".

1. "Whether you" disconnect "if you listen to those people, you do not agree with Kᴏᴛᴏᴩ, you do not want to listen?

2. Do you see it on what is said even when ϶ᴛᴏ are not interested?

3. Do you listen to listening to the speaker if you know what is he going to say?

4. Do you feel heard with ςʙᴏim?

5. Do you listen to the point of view of another person, even if she diverges with yours?

6. Do you behave anything from each interlocutor, maybe even the most insignificant?

7. Do you know what strangers who heard you mean?

8. Do you mentally expressly, while the interlocutor says?

9. Do you think that you listen to when you really don't listen at all?

10. Do you have thoughts somewhere far away when someone says with you?

11. Do you represent a message entirely, including his verbal and incredible expression?

12. Will you know the same words for different people know different?

13. Do you only do you want to hear without noticing the rest?

14. Do you look at the speaker?

15. Do you continue to be more important or on the appearance of the speaker?

16. Do you know what words and expressions are you most reacting emotionally?

17. Do you think in advance what purpose are you going to achieve in this act of communication?

18. Do you take time when it is better to express my thought?

19. Do you think about how another person will react to what you have said?

20. Do you consider how it is better to carry out an act of communication (in writing, orally, by phone, using the bulletin board, notes, etc.)?

21. Do you mean, with what kind of person say (hostile, disinterested, shy, stubborn ...)

22. Do you translate the speaker?

23. Do you sometimes think: "And I assumed that he should know"?

24. Do you translate your conversation to express his negative attitude towards you without taking a defensive position?

25. Do you regularly exercise for improving the ability to listen?

26. Will you record "for memory"?

27. Do you distract extruded sounds and noise?

28. Do you listen to the speaker, do not criticize him and not condemning?

29. Do you receive the instructions and messages, would make sure that you correctly understood?

30. Do you think that, in your opinion, feels talking?

Calculate the result by replacing the response point:

Question number

1 in most cases

4 almost never

8. Select true statements from the following:

1) audition - ϶ᴛᴏ involuntary process.

2) Skill Listen - acquired skill.

3) a little energy is spent on the hearing process; ϶ᴛᴏ Easy process.

4) speaking is a more important type of speech activity than to audience.

5) Some distort the partner's speech so that they only perceive what they want to hear.

6) When a person is immersed in the thoughts, he is not able to listen to what he is told.

7) The perception of the heard is influenced by professional training, life experience, personality knowledge.

8) responsibility for the success of communication completely lies on the speaker.

9) In the ability to listen to the pupil of man.

10) During audition, it is better not to show interest in the other side, demonstrating ςʙᴏ if it is not indifferent, then a little interested attitude.

Based on the analysis of passages from the Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", characterize the style of the hearing of Pierre Leshov and Natasha Rostova in situations: "Listening to the stories of the captain, as ϶ᴛᴏ often happens to the late evening, and under the influence of wine, Pierre followed everything By what Captain said, he understood everything and at the same time he watched a number of personal memories, suddenly for some reason that had imagining him. When he listened to these stories of love, his own love for Natasha unexpectedly suddenly remembered to him, and, turning through the imagination of the painting of love, he mentally compared them with the stories. Watching the story about the struggle of the house with love, Pierre saw all the slightest details of the last meeting with the subject of love with the Sukhareva Tower. Then this meeting did not affect him; He never even remembered her. But now it seemed to him that this meeting had something very significant and submitted "(t 3, and xx1x, part 11);

"Pierre listened to her open mouth and not descending from her eyes, full tears. Listening to her, he did not think about Prince Andrei, nor about death, nor about what she told. It is worth noting that he listened to her and only regretted her for that suffering, she had been tested now, telling "(t 4, ch. XV1, h V1);

"Pierre told ςʙᴏ and adherence as he had never told them to anyone, as he himself had never remembered them with him. It is worth noting that he now saw a new meaning in all that he survived. Now we note that now, when he told everything ϶ᴛᴏ Natasha, he experienced that rare pleasure, there is a woman who listening to a man - not smart women, who listen to, try or remember what they say, in order to enrich the mind and at the case of retelling the same or admitted to it and reports as soon as possible, smart speeches, developed in the small mental economy; And then the pleasure, there is a real woman, gifted by the ability of choosing and suction all the best, which is only in manifestations of a man. Natasha, not knowing it, there was all the attention: she did not miss a word, nor voting votes, nor glad, nor shuddered a muscle face nor a pierre gesture. It is worth noting that she caught not yet expressed the word on the summer and directly introduced a revealed heart in ςʙᴏ, guessing the secret meaning of all state work of Pierre "(t 4, ch. XV11, part 111)

10. Entertain the game "Snowball". Participants should be no more than ten. The first player begins to tell something (story, story, fairy tale), for example, "I am yesterday". The second must repeat what the first one said, and continue the message: "I go home yesterday." The third participant recovers what the first and second narrator said, inserts a new word. The one who missed the queue inaccurately reproduced heard, coming out of the game. Wins the remaining latter.

Answer questions: "Are you distracted? Why? In which cases? Have you interrupted the interlocutor? "

11. Radio - or teleexalen: Listen to someone with someone and check how many positions I remember.

12. Try to determine the basic disadvantages of your own voice, dictation using the tape recorder. Make a speech training plan

1.Atvater I. Ya. Do not forget what I listen to you - M., 1988.

2.berli - Alain M. Forgotten art listen. - St. Petersburg, 1997.

3.Vedrenskaya L. A., Cervinsky P. P. We note that the theory and practice of Russian speech. - Rostov - to Don, 1997.

4. Zhinkin N. I. Speech Mechanisms. - M., 1958.

5.Kozlyaninova I. P. Pronunciation and diction. - M., 1977.

6. Realoneev A. A. Language, speech, speech activity. - M., 1972.

7.Nikolskaya S. T. Note that the technique of speech. - M., 1978.

8.Panov E. N. Signs, symbols, languages. - M., 1983.

9.reformatsky A. A. Introduction to linguistics. - M., 1996.

10.Sharya L. V. To the secrets of thought and words - M., 1983.

11.TUMIN L. E. Learn to listen // Russian in school, 1993, №1.

13.Stherba L.V. Language system and speech activity. - M., 1974.

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