Urgent service in the navy. How many years are now serving in the Russian Army and the Marine Fleet: the term of the conscript service

How many years is the service life in the army of the Russian Federation and in the Navy?

The question of how many years young people need to spend on military service has always interested them and their relatives. This article will try to deal with all the existing deadlines.

How many years are they now serving in the Russian Army: the term of conscript military service

  • A few years ago, the term of service in the army of conscripts was 2 years. Then this period of time was reduced to 18 months. Soldiers have served in the army since 2008 Russian Federation only one year, you mean twelve months. As the Russian government promises in 2017-2018, this figure will remain unchanged.
  • The draft age is 18-27 years old.
  • Concerning contract service in the army, then those who want to earn good money and experience today have the opportunity to conclude a contract for 2 or 3 years. However, such guys need to know that contract soldiers can be sent to hot spots at any time.
  • The officer corps concludes a contract for 5 years.
  • The limitation for contract military service is the age of 65.

How many years are they now serving in the Russian Marine Fleet: the term of the conscript service

Service life in the Navy of the Russian Federation
  • Navy for recruits in Soviet times, it sounded like a sentence. The fact is that until 1996 the service life in such troops was the maximum - 3 years or 36 months. Since 1996, the Marine Fleet of the Russian Federation began to call for a period of 24 months. And in 2008, the army reform reduced the service life in the Russian Marine Fleet to 12 months.
  • As for the contractors, it is possible to conclude a service contract in the Morflot for 24 or 36 months. A re-contract can already be concluded for a period from one year to the age limit. At the same time, after retirement, a person also has the right to be a contract soldier. In this case, the contract between the Russian Marine Fleet and the seaman is concluded for a period of one to 10 years.

In this article we will consider the conditions for passing military service under contract in the Russian Navy... In particular, we will touch on such issues of concern such as contract vacancies in the Navy in 2019, the salaries of those serving on contract in the Navy, as well as the conditions of contract service in the Navy for military personnel and their families. A separate place in our article will be occupied by the Navy.

But, before you find yourself a place for the service, we recommend that you study the following materials:

For those who have decided to link their life, or at least part of it, with service in the Navy, I highly recommend that you study the composition of the Navy and the location of units and subdivisions of the Russian Navy.

So, a short educational program:

You can sign a contract for the Northern Fleet in the following cities: the main base of the KSF is the city of Severomorsk. Also, contract candidates can choose between these settlements as Gadzhievo, Vidyaevo, Polyarny, pos. Pechenga, pos. Sputnik, Severodvinsk.

Vacancies for a contract in the Northern Fleet are very diverse. Here there is an opportunity to go to serve both in the crew of a submarine and a surface ship. They are actively recruiting for a contract in the coastal troops of the Northern Fleet.

Coastal troops of the Northern Fleet - there are a lot of units. But the most demanded place of service among candidates for a contract in the coastal troops is the 61st separate Red Banner regiment of the Northern Fleet marines and the 80th separate motorized rifle brigade (Arctic) from the village of Alakurtti, Murmansk region.

Read more about contract service in the Northern Fleet in the following articles.

Those who have already decided to become a "contract soldier" in the Baltic Fleet will have to choose a place for their future service from two regions: St. Petersburg and the Kaliningrad region. To be more precise, these are the city of Kronstadt and the city of Baltiysk in the Kaliningrad region.

Vacancies under the contract in the Baltic Fleet consist mainly of the positions of the crew of surface ships. Also, the 2KBF includes the 336th Separate Guards Marine Brigade (stationed in Baltiysk).

Read more about contract service in the Baltic Fleet in the following articles.

You will have contract military service in the Russian Black Sea Fleet in the following cities: Sevastopol, Feodosia, Novorossiysk, Belbek, Yalta, Sudak.

There are vacancies for both seafarers (surface ships and submarines) and the coastal forces of the Navy (and an artillery brigade). Soon an airborne regiment will be formed on the Crimean peninsula, where contract servicemen will also be required.

Read all about in one of our articles.

The Pacific Fleet is on Far East our country. Therefore, the service of future servicemen under the contract will be held in the same place. The main base of the Pacific Fleet of the Navy is located in the city of Vladivostok. The 44th brigade of anti-submarine ships, consisting of large anti-submarine ships (BOD), and the 155th separate brigade Marine Corps.

The next place for service under the contract can be ZATO Fokino. The Primorskaya flotilla of diverse forces is based here. It is here that the flagship of the Pacific Fleet, the missile cruiser Varyag, is located. Also, they are recruiting for a contract in the 100th brigade of landing ships.

One of the most remote duty stations not only in the Pacific Fleet, but also in the Russian Army as a whole is the Kamchatka Peninsula. You can serve on a contract basis in Kamchatka in the following units: in the 10th submarine division (based in Krasheninnikov Bay), in the 25th submarine division in ZATO Vilyuchinsk.

The coastal troops of the Pacific Fleet in Kamchatka are represented by the following military units: the 40th separate brigade of the marines and the 1532th anti-aircraft missile regiment (stationed in the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky).

For those who decided to serve on a contract basis in the Caspian Flotilla, they will have to choose a duty station from 3 cities: Astrakhan, Makhachkala, Kaspiysk (Republic of Dagestan)

Basically, in the Caspian Flotilla, contract vacancies are represented by military positions of the seafarers of surface ships and privates and sergeants of the marine corps.

The headquarters of the KKFl is located in the city of Astrakhan, parts of the 73 brigade of ships for the protection of the water area and the 727th separate battalion of the marines are also based here. Also, contract service in the Caspian can be performed in units of the 106th brigade of surface ships (based in the city of Makhachkala) and the 414th separate battalion of the marines (the city of Kaspiysk). There are vacancies in the Marine Corps Missile Division (Kaspiysk city).


Our Navy is developing rapidly. More and more ships and submarines are entering service, which are equipped with the most modern equipment and military equipment... This means that the fleet constantly requires professional military personnel.

For example, for many years now only contract servicemen have served on naval submarines, and the same is expected to be done in the future on naval surface ships.

The choice of where exactly to undergo further service is influenced by many factors. For example: contract service in the Northern Fleet and Pacific Fleet attracts candidates for a contract with an increased salary and a number of other benefits compared to other regions of Russia. The Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Sea have a warm and favorable climate. The Baltic Fleet has a more developed social infrastructure for life. In terms of the level of pay, there is also a difference in where to serve. In the coastal forces of the Navy, as a rule, the salary of contract soldiers is lower than that of a contract soldier undergoing military service on a ship or submarine (but here a lot, if not everything, depends on the position and the tariff category for it)

Here everyone needs to choose for himself what you want from life and, in general, how long you are going to serve under contract in the Navy Russia.

Boys who dream of serving as a "conscript" on a battleship or submarine, it seems, will soon be disappointed. The entire crew of the Russian Navy, as they said, " Russian newspaper"in the military department, in the near future it will consist exclusively of the number of contract soldiers.

Such a task has been set for the admirals, since modern destroyers, cruisers and submarines, equipped with the latest technology, are increasingly arriving at the fleet. And it will be problematic for a conscript who came to the army for only one year to cope with complex electronic systems. Therefore, those who dream of service at sea will have to conclude a contract with the Ministry of Defense and delve into the profession especially carefully.

On Tuesday, some media reported that the entire ship crew of the Northern Fleet already consists of contract soldiers. The military department told Rossiyskaya Gazeta that this was not a fait accompli, but an intended goal towards which the military was actively moving. In addition, such a "course towards contract servicemen" concerns not only the Northern Fleet, but also the entire crew of the Navy.

The conscripts will find a place in the future in the navy, of course, but they will have to serve on the ground - in service and support units. For service at sea, the qualifications of conscripts are simply not enough.

The Ministry of Defense also confirmed the information that the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov and the heavy nuclear cruiser Peter the Great, which had just returned from a campaign in the Mediterranean Sea, where they helped our military to fight terrorists in Syria, have already been equipped exclusively with contract soldiers. Last year, the commander of the Northern Fleet, Vice-Admiral Nikolai Evmenov, said that work is underway to recruit private and junior command personnel with contract servicemen. In 2016, he said, more than 2,300 people were appointed. "The submarine personnel and a significant part of surface ships that carry out long-range missions, as well as units of constant combat readiness and special purpose, were fully staffed with contract servicemen," the commander explained. In addition, on the islands of the Arctic Ocean Kotelny and Alexandra Land, where the deployment of bases of the Northern Fleet continues, only contract servicemen also serve.

The cruisers Admiral Kuznetsov and Peter the Great, sailing to the shores of Syria, are already equipped with contract soldiers

It is worth recalling that in the Soviet Navy, the service life in the ship's personnel was 3 years, which is a year longer than in other troops. In the Russian Navy, this period was first reduced to 2 years, and later it was equalized with the rest of the conscripts - the sailors began to serve for only 12 months. In this regard, another problem began to arise. Sailors often go on long voyages that can last more than six months. And what to do with soldiers whose service life ends in the middle sea ​​voyage, the commanders did not always know.

By the way, transferring to a contract is a general army trend. At the end of last year, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the number of contract soldiers in 4 years has more than doubled and exceeded the number of conscripts. Now, over 370 thousand contract soldiers are serving in the posts of privates and sergeants, warrant officers and warrant officers. By 2020, this figure should exceed half a million.

V Soviet time The naval fleet was used to frighten recruits in the military registration and enlistment offices, since the service life in it reached 36 months, which was a year more than that of recruits in other branches of the military. The conscripts are still afraid of getting into the navy, because they do not know if the duration of conscription service has been changed there. So, let's figure out how many years conscripts and contract soldiers have served in the Marine Fleet.

How the service life in the fleet has changed

Due to the difficulties and the need to go to navigation during the Soviet era, the service life in the fleet was different and amounted to three years. This frightened the conscripts, but at the same time gave the country the opportunity to train specialists capable of working on a variety of sea vessels.

Most of the conscripts, except for those who wanted to be engaged in shipping in the future, tried to avoid being drafted into the Morflot, since it would have been necessary to spend 12 months more in the service. Although the conditions in the navy were much better than in the barracks of other types of troops. Due to the difficulties of carrying out service, the soldiers were offered enhanced food and a sparing day regimen there.

In 1996, the question of how long they serve in the Navy ceased to be relevant. Despite the fact that the sailors retained their own ranks and features of keeping watch, the terms of service on the ships of the Navy were equated to the usual one. Now conscripts were sent to these troops for 24 months. This provision has been regulated by law. Since then, changes in service life have begun to affect the entire army, including the Navy.

How many conscripts are serving now and how to get into the fleet

Now the army is undergoing a global reform, which began in 2007. According to it, the army becomes a contract, and recruits take a course for a young soldier in one year. This change also affected the fleet. Since 2008, recruits have been sent to serve in the Navy for only 12 months.

There are several mandatory requirements for an applicant for service in the Navy:

  • have a second group of neuropsychic stability;
  • have a suitability category A3 and above;
  • growth should not exceed 180 centimeters.

In some cases, the Navy, on the contrary, selects tall conscripts. They serve in the coast guard and the honor guard at the headquarters. However, only Slavs are hired for such positions.

The conscripts are most likely to get into the Baltic Fleet, since its number is higher than that of the Black Sea Fleet. Soon, the Navy will call on a very small number of recruits, as they plan that the units of these troops will completely switch to a contract basis. Whether it will turn out to be so, we will find out in a few years, when the reform in the army is over.

How long can contract service last

People get on the contract basis in the Navy:

  • with middle vocational education related to shipping;
  • with a related specialty, which has an analogue in military registration professions;
  • With high degree neuropsychic stability;
  • with a health group above A-3.

Welders, radio technicians and engineers are highly regarded in the Navy. Therefore, if you have a diploma of obtaining a suitable profession, the chances of signing a contract for service in the Navy will be higher. Also, be prepared to move to the unit's location.

In the Navy there are special people who have good health, well-being and mental stability... In Soviet times, a soldier who entered the military registration and enlistment office had to serve at least 36 months - this period was increased by 12 months compared to other units.

Some conscripts today consider it an honor to serve in the Navy. Others are still cautiously interested in whether they will have to repay their debt to the Motherland, sacrificing one year of their life, not every recruit agrees to this.

How did the period of service in the Navy change?

Three years of serviceable service in the Navy during the Soviet era made it possible to prepare conscripts and contract soldiers well; at the end of the service period, they clearly knew what the work on sea ​​vessel... In 1996, the service life was sharply reduced by 1 year. At the same time, sailors still receive ranks, the ranks already issued also remained valid, and the subtleties of keeping a watch did not change.

In 2007, the Russian government began to carry out a global reform, which invited Russians to join the Navy on a contract basis. How does this happen?

The army is a contract army, and conscripts become full-fledged fighters after a year of intensive training.

How to get to serve in the Navy on conscription

If a contractor wants to serve in the navy, he must meet several requirements that are mandatory for implementation:

  • results psychological testing indicate the second group of neuropsychic stability;
  • the category of fitness, determined by the state of health, is fixed in category A3 and more;
  • height up to 180 cm inclusive.

However, in some units in the Navy, on the contrary, they select tall, tall guys - such soldiers are snapped up for the coast guard and the guard of honor located at the headquarters. Here the national characteristic is also important - only high Slavs can compete for a "warm" place in the navy.

Most often, contract servicemen end up serving in the Navy on the Baltic Sea - more soldiers are required here than, for example, Black Sea Fleet... In 2017, the minimum recruitment of recruits was announced, since the qualified main team, consisting of young, but already experienced guys, has been formed. The reform in the army should be completed in a few years, then it will become clear whether soldiers will be conscripted on a free basis or not.

How to get to serve in the Navy

If you are serious about getting into the ranks of the Navy, your chances of service can be increased by possessing the following skills:

  • already have a graduation diploma naval school and are familiar with the skills of working on ships;
  • mastered one of the specialties that can be useful in the navy - a welder, minder, radio technician, locksmith. The Navy appreciates the ability to work with hands, to repair;
  • if you are applying for the service of a sailor on a ship, it is enough to have a category of suitability A or at least B4, the latter option implies coastal troops.

Experienced servicemen give advice on how to get into the Navy by conscription:

  1. When you are undergoing a routine medical examination, ask an employee of the military commissariat to enroll you in the ranks of the team that serves in the Navy.
  2. If you like a specific part, visit the appropriate HR department. If there is a vacancy that is consistent with your skills, specialty, you will receive an invitation in writing, which should be passed to the accountable person at the military registration and enlistment office.

Features of service in the Navy under the contract

The following Russian citizens can become contractors in the Navy in 2017:

  • if you are familiar with shipping firsthand;
  • own a related profession that has an analogue in military specialties;
  • stress-resistant, reliable, responsible, not prone to suspiciousness and decadent moods, hard-working and strong-minded soldiers.

Contractors who have expressed a desire to serve in the Navy are often sent to submarines. Recruits are trying in every possible way to find themselves on those who run on diesel fuel. But those whose height is above 180 cm will definitely not be taken here - it is extremely inconvenient and difficult for tall people to move inside such a vessel, especially when an emergency occurs. Nuclear submarines much larger and not constrained in square meters.

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