Professional selection in the FSB. Psychological Testing Tips

Working for the FSB seems very attractive to many, because it is associated with adventures that are often shown in action films. But in fact, both working in and getting there is quite difficult.

What are the requirements for candidates:

  • You must be a citizen of Russia permanently residing on its territory.
  • You must be between 18 and 40 years old.
  • You must be in excellent physical health.
  • Your mental performance should be perfect.
  • None of your relatives should have a criminal record.
  • Your personal history must be completely "clean".

Selection criteria

In order to get into the service, you will not only have to go through an interview with the FSB, but go through many tests, trials and checks. Among them:

  • Tests for the level of professional training.
  • Intelligence tests.
  • Psychological tests and checks.
  • Military medical check.
  • Testing for the speed of reaction and thinking.
  • Lie detector test.

How to behave during these checks

A future FSB officer must be a serious, intellectually developed and very reliable person. Therefore, be prepared for provocative questions, the purpose of which is to find out how much you can be trusted, how easy it is to get you to give out classified information, and what willpower and endurance you have.

Interview with the FSB questions:

  • Why did you decide to work for the FSB?
  • Are you ready to devote your life to your profession?
  • Do you realize the full responsibility and seriousness of such work?
  • Are you ready to change your place of residence and abandon all your friends and acquaintances in order to complete the task?

When answering any questions, it is important to remember that you must prove that you are ready to maintain complete confidentiality and follow any orders. Also make it clear that you fully understand and accept the essence of the work.

What documents will be required:

  • Copy of the passport.
  • A copy of a military ID, a military certificate or a citizen who is subject to conscription military service.
  • Document about.

If you fit all the criteria and express a great desire to become an FSB officer, you undoubtedly have such a chance.

Domino - test (D-48) - intelligence test, created by A. Enstey in 1943 and is designed to measure non-verbal intellectual abilities in persons over 12 years old.

Test description

Dominoes - the test consists of 44 basic tasks and 4 examples. The tasks are arranged in the order of increasing difficulty, established during the design of the methodology. The main element of all test items is an image of domino pieces arranged in accordance with various patterns. One of the chips (the last in the row) is "empty" and is indicated by a dotted outline.

The number of tokens in tasks is different (from 4 to 14) and increases as you move from task to task. The test subject must identify the principle according to which the chips are lined up, and determine the one that should be put in the place indicated by the dotted line. Despite the fact that the same stimulus material is used in all tasks, the principles of solution are very diverse. The Domino test does not require mathematical knowledge or arithmetic skills, although the subject works with numbers. The first four tasks are used as training tasks.


Before starting work, the subject is informed about the time regulation of the work. The total time to complete the test is 25 minutes. The subject writes down the answers in the form, using any variant of notation - two numbers indicating the number of dots on the last bone can be written through a comma (2,3), through a dash (2-3) or as a fraction (2/3), or simply as a two-digit number (23).

10 minutes before the end of the work, the subject is warned about the remaining time at his disposal. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. The maximum score is 44 points.

Rating scale

Primary grades are converted to percentiles or IQ scores. Research shows that this test is practically highly saturated with factor G and is considered one of the "cleanest" in relation to the measurement of this factor. results factor analysis indicate that the Domino test scores are predominantly associated with fluid abilities. The knowledge and experience acquired by the individual, or crystallized abilities, affect the results to a lesser extent (V. Miglierini, 1982). The technique has all the advantages of non-verbal tests. Domino - the test is highly reliable. Thus, the coefficient of reliability of parts of the test, obtained by splitting into two parts, was r = 0.781 - 0.818 in different samples. The safety factor, calculated using the Kyuder-Richardson formula, r = 0.771 - 0.867. Reliability factor of retest rt = 0.758.

The discriminativeness of 2 test items when comparing 27% of the samples of subjects with low and high results was rphi = 0.74. Internal consistency index r = 0.36. The data on the validity of the construct were obtained on the basis of comparing the Domino test with the most common non-verbal tests of general abilities (r = 0.68-0.80), there is a high connection between the results of the Domino test and with test batteries focused on measuring general intelligence factors (V. Miglierini, 1982). When analyzing the validity of the criteria by comparing the test results with the criteria for the performance of schoolchildren, the coefficients of validity in different samples were distributed in the range of r = 0.31-0.80.

The norms determined for the French and Czech samples turned out to be very close, which indicates the relative resistance of the Domino test to interethnic factors. Also, there were no statistically significant differences in the performance of the test by men and women (V. Cherny, T. Kollarik, 1988). In the first years after development, the test was used only in the army, later it began to be used for civilian population, the age limits of application have been significantly expanded. Today Domino - the test is used in the field of professional counseling, school psychodiagnostics. It is effective to combine Domino - test in a battery with verbal tests. In domestic practice, the Domino test has found application in clinical psychodiagnostics (V.M.Bleikher I.V. Kruk. Pathopsychological diagnostics... Kiev, 1986).

Domino scale

Anstey (1943) was proposed to replace Raven's matrices. It was statistically shown that the Domino test is more homogeneous in relation to the so-called factor G according to C. Spearmen (1904). He experimentally found that tests aimed at identifying individual abilities are connected with each other by significant positive correlations and came to the conclusion that there is a certain general, general factor G, which affects all the studied variables (tests). The general factor highlighted by S. Spearmen is interpreted as a plastic function of the central nervous system... Thus, general intelligence is seen as a biologically determined property.

The concept of the general factor is still the subject of discussions among supporters of various 3 directions. In testology, the Domino scale is still considered to be aimed at measuring general (innate) intelligence. Since it is believed that the general factor is especially sensitive to pathological disorders of mental activity, the domino scale is considered as a test especially suitable for the study of intelligence in psychiatric practice. At the same time, it is also believed that, in contrast to verbal tests that reflect the intellectual level that preceded the disease, the domino scale reflects the level at the time of the study, that is, we are talking about tests with constant and variable results.

Of course, the assessment of the results of the tasks on the test is very one-sided and cannot characterize intelligence in all its manifestations. However, this technique is very simple, it depends little on the level of general education, it can easily be used not only for individual, but also for mass research and, in this regard, can be used in a complex of techniques aimed at characterizing the level of generalization. In addition, the "Domino" scale can be used for preliminary pre-medical screening - diagnostics of mild oligophrenia in the practice of labor expertise.

Domino test in the FSB: Example of a task

Domino test in the FSB: answers

Answer Answer
1 2/2 23 4/2
2 3/5 24 2/4
3 3/1 25 4/0
4 4/2 26 5/3
5 5/5 27 6/0
6 1/1 28 4/3
7 4/1 29 0/2
8 6/4 30 0/6
9 4/2 31 3/0
10 4/4 32 6/0
11 4/0 33 6/6
12 3/2 34 3/6
13 3/4 35 0/2
14 4/2 36 2/1
15 6/4 37 5/4
16 6/2 38 4/5
17 5/4 39 6/6
18 3/4 40 6/0
19 2/3 41 4/3
20 3/5 42 5/5
21 6/5 43 2/6
22 3/3 44 2/4

Order of the FSB of the Russian Federation of April 13, 2011 N 151
"On approval of the Instructions for the organization and conduct of professional psychological selection in the bodies of the federal security service "

With changes and additions from:

1. To approve the Instruction on the organization and conduct of professional psychological selection in the bodies of the federal security service (attached).

2. The heads, chiefs of subdivisions of the FSB of Russia, bodies of the federal security service ensure the implementation of the Instruction approved by this order in subordinate subdivisions and bodies.

3. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Military Medical Directorate of the FSB of Russia and the Human Resources Directorate of the Organizational and Personnel Work Service of the FSB of Russia.


A. Bortnikov

Registration N 20926

The Instruction on the organization and conduct of psychological professional selection in the bodies of the federal security service was approved.

The instruction establishes the procedure for organizing and conducting selection events, requirements for entering military service under a contract, federal civil service, work in educational institutions for targeted contract training. The rules for determining professional suitability (including through psychophysiological research) are fixed.

Selection is part of systems of psychological support of operational and service activities, one of the types of professional selection of personnel. Its goals are to determine the professional suitability for specific types of activity and the presence of risk factors that prevent admission. This is done during the psychological evaluation process.

In the course of the latter, a comprehensive examination is carried out using psychological and psychophysiological techniques, the compliance of the level of development of these qualities with professional requirements is determined. The success of mastering the profession, the effectiveness of service / work are also predicted.

Requirements are established on the basis of a psychological analysis of the service, work. They are divided into 2 groups: general and special. The former are presented to all candidates, the latter are determined by the characteristics of specific specialties, areas of study. On the basis of professional requirements, complexes of psychodiagnostic tests are formed. They are needed to determine the level of development of professionally important qualities.

The appropriate departments and specialists are responsible for the selection. The former include the Central Research Laboratory of Psychophysiology and Labor Psychology of the FSB of Russia, psychophysiological centers and laboratories of military medical units of territorial security agencies, psychological professional selection groups educational institutions Services. Specialists are military personnel and civilian personnel of security agencies who have the required level of education and substitute positions, the regulations for which provide for the implementation of selection measures.

If the staff of the territorial security body does not provide for a selection unit, then the positions of selection specialists are introduced into the military medical unit.

Order of the FSB of the Russian Federation of April 13, 2011 N 151 "On approval of the Instruction on the organization and conduct of professional psychological selection in the federal security service"

People always strive to check the truth of the words of a communication partner. To do this, you have to peer at facial expressions and gestures, listen to the intonation of the voice, analyze the information heard. Similar techniques are used at the household level.

However, there are areas where the veracity of the information received must be absolutely accurate. For the most objective assessment of a person's honesty, some structures use a lie detector.

The polygraph is used in the Federal Security Service (FSB) when hiring. Let's find out how the process of checking in the FSB is going on, and can the results of a psychophysiological study on a polygraph in the FSB really be recognized as the ultimate truth?

The truth will win, but it is necessary to help her decisively.
Julius Fucik

Volga Federal District in the FSB: what is it, duration, questions

The Volga Federal District in the FSB is a Psycho-Physiological Examination of a person entering the service of the FSB.

Volga Federal District in the FSB includes includes the following types of testing:

  • Medical examination of the state of health.
  • Psychological tests, namely a set of specialized IQ tests (SMIL, CAT, Eysenck tests, etc.).
  • Visual memory tests - accuracy of memorization and reproduction visual images, the speed of visual memorization.
  • Writing by the candidate an autobiography, essays on the topic proposed by the psychologist.
  • Answers to the psychologist's questions (about, about health, about sex life, about the use of alcohol, drugs).
Further, all the material is analyzed and compiled psychological picture candidate.
Duration of the Volga Federal District: 6 o'clock.

Tip: Get a good night's sleep before the Volga Federal District and polygraph testing! You will need a "bright" head for the whole day.

According to the results of the Volga Federal District (successful), a candidate for service in the FSB is assigned a polygraph test (more details below).

If a psychologist in the FSB, based on the results of the Volga Federal District, gives the candidate the verdict "Psychologically unfit for service in the FSB," then they will not be sent for a polygraph test.

Polygraph: principle of work

The polygraph is a rather complex technical tool designed to verify the veracity of information communicated by a person. The better known name for this device is a lie detector.

The polygraph evaluates the reliability of the data on the basis of monitoring and fixing the parameters of cardiovascular activity, as well as respiration, electrical resistance of the skin and other indicators of the physiological activity of the person being tested.

A modern polygraph consists of a portable PC, on the monitor of which indicators are displayed, and all the information received is stored in the memory, as well as sensors that register indicators of physiological parameters. The sensors record the following indicators:

  • breathing (chest and diaphragmatic or abdominal);
    electrical conductivity of the skin;
    pulse or blood pressure.

    These are the main indicators. An analysis of each of them is required to make a decision about the truth or falsity of the information received. If at least one of the listed characteristics is excluded, the research results are considered unreliable (invalid).

    There are sensors that check other parameters: voice changes, body tremors (physical activity). They are optional. It is impossible to make a decision based solely on these indicators.

    Polygram structure components

    Background - individual indicators of the physiological processes of the subject, who is at rest, when he is not asked questions.

    Reaction - a significant change in the dynamics of the course of physiological parameters, observed in response to a certain stimulus (question). It can be expressed in the strengthening or weakening of the intensity of the dynamics of the course of processes.

    Artifact - a change in the activity of the flow of physiological parameters caused by the influence of destabilizing factors (external or internal). It can be a cough, reaction to external noise, pain. They are not related to the questions being asked.

    The reactions shown by the subject are not specific. This means that it is impossible to establish exactly what stimulus caused them (lie, fear, association). The main criterion is the stability and stability of a pronounced response to a stimulus (significant).

    Polygraph in the FSB: in what cases is it used

    All applicants for any position in the FSB pass a polygraph test.

    This is necessary to check the presence of hidden negative features of the character of a potential employee, selfish motives for joining the service, to identify "dark" spots in the biography (fraud, convictions, the presence of addictions, corruption and other illegal actions).

    Also, to control the activities of employees, a scheduled polygraph test can be carried out. In some situations, it is used to fire employees. This is necessary in order to identify violations in the course of work.

    How to pass a polygraph in the FSB: procedure

    • First, the subject is instructed, signs documents confirming consent to pass the lie detector.
      To pass the polygraph, a person sits in a test chair. It is important that he was comfortable to sit, no factors (hard sitting, uncomfortable posture) caused discomfort.
      Before starting testing, all the necessary sensors are connected to the body, which will record physiological indicators during testing and transmit them to a computer (polygraph). To reduce psychological stress, the specialist explains what each sensor is intended for.
      Then comes the main testing phase - answers on questions.

      The check takes about 2 hours:

      • First carried out instrument calibration(setting it up). Its essence is that questions are asked, the answers to which are known and obvious. The subject needs to answer honestly or lie.
        Then follows testing stage... During the answers to the questions, the sensors constantly read the physiological parameters of the subject. When he lies, the indicators change. This happens because any lie for the human body - stressful situation... The reaction is formed at the subconscious level, therefore it is practically impossible to control it consciously. It requires high level self-control, which is developed by long years of careful and systematic training. Scouts are taught similar techniques.
        In most cases, on final stage research conducted "silent test". Its essence is that a person answers questions in his mind, without saying the answers. This is necessary to eliminate the likelihood of using polygraph countermeasures.
        After completing the test, the polygraph examiner carefully analyzes the data obtained (polygram). Based on this analysis, he draws conclusions about the reliability of the information provided by the person.

        Statistics show that out of 10 people, only 1–2 candidates for a certain position pass a polygraph test at the FSB.

        The truth of life is that it is not easy in life for someone who always speaks the truth.
        Aurelius Markov

        Questions asked during polygraph testing

        For all passing the polygraph in the FSB, set standard questions. Their set does not depend on what position the person is applying for.

        All questions are related to identifying whether a person has problems with alcohol, drugs and the law... It is determined whether there are connections with criminal groups, loans, debts, gambling addiction, experience of forging documents, whether a person took bribes, whether his relatives have problems with the law.

        There are also questions that are aimed at identifying the candidate's conscious intentions to harm the organization.

        Questions are asked in a chaotic manner so that a person does not have the opportunity to psychologically prepare for it and think over the answer in advance.

        If the subject reacts too emotionally to the testing procedure itself, the indicators are very "blurred". In this case, you have to set important questions several times. The result is determined by statistical parameters.

        During the polygraph test, three types of questions are asked:

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