Options of the exam in geography.

Geography refers to the number of items that the graduate chooses to give them independently. It is impossible to say that this exam is accompanied by the schoolchildren with anchlage. In fact, it is needed only to those who go to country studies and tourism, geography, geology, oceanology, cartography, hydrometeorology and ecology.

Unfortunately, now these interesting specialties are far from Russia (the exception is except for the tourist sphere). Nevertheless, if you decide to tie life Path With one of these professions, you will have to pay time and strength to prepare for the exam on geography. Let's deal with whether there will be changes in the Cyahs of the Sample 2017, and also learn what the exam dates need to be navigate.

Demo version of EGE-2017

Dates ege on geography

The exam in geography will be held in the following dates:

  • Starting period. Day of early delivery will be March 24, 2017. Reserve day for early period - April 5, 2017. Write the exam before the main term may not have anyone. To do this, you need to get into one of these categories: graduates of past years; Athletes forced to miss the main exam due to competitions or fees of the general and international level; Participants of international I. all-Russian Olympiad or contests; Conscripts going to; Schoolchildren requiring treatment or prevention during the delivery period of the USE. The application for early delivery should be written before March 1, 2017;
  • The main stage. The main exam will be held on May 29, 2017.
  • Backup date. Just in case, Rosobrnadzor allocated two reserve dates - June 19, 2017 for geography and June 30, 2017 - for all items.

Statistical information

According to the latest data obtained from FII representatives, in 2016, approximately 17 thousand graduates came to this exam. According to the results of the inspection, it was found that the students became much better with geography - the minimum threshold equal to 37 points could not overcome 13% of the examining, which is 2.5% less than last year.

However, this indicator is high in comparison with other EGE and indicates the complexity of the subject. On average, graduates are gaining 52.8 points on the exam (minimum four level). Excellent rating In the range from 61 to 100 points deserved only 36.9% of eleventh graders. It is not easy to get a hundred points - for example, in 2015 it was managed to make only 73 people from more than 20 thousand examines!

Possible changes to the exam in geography

From the innovations of 2017, it can be noted that points for tasks under the numbers 3, 11, 14-15 are now enlarged to two, and for tasks 9, 12-13 and 19 - reduced to one score. The total number of points for the work has not changed and is 100. Primary score is 37. Also focus on graduates and parents at important news. Recently, in the field of education, they are increasingly talking about the need to introduce the third mandatory USE.

At the same time, the press slip information that this issue is solved and the third exam will be introduced in 2017. No accurate data on how it will be it will (and whether it will be at all) until it exists, but literally November 3, 2016 it became known that Olga Vasilyeva, holding the post of Minister of Education and Science Russian FederationSupported the initiative to introduce a mandatory exe on geography. So it is necessary to progress and more actively prepare for the delivery of this discipline.

What is included in the ticket and what is his structure?

Structurally, the ticket consists of 24 tasks distributed into two parts:

  • part of the first, involving the decision of 27 tasks. For each of them, the student must record a short response in the form of a number, several consistently recorded numbers, words or combinations of words;
  • part second, which contains 7 tasks involving the existence of a detailed answer. So, №28 will require a schoolboy to draw a picture, №29-34 - to solve the task or give a reasonable answer to the question.

There is a chance that geography will become the third mandatory ege

All tasks are divided into 3 levels: simple (44% of the ticket), medium (48%), in the tasks of which you need to demonstrate practical skills, and complex (8%) requiring in-depth knowledge. At the exam, schoolchildren will have to operate information on geographical objects and phenomena, lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, noosphere and biosphere, natural resources and environmental management, the movement of our planet, weather and climate, geographic chronology, world ocean, continents and countries.

In addition, the complex part of the exam includes tasks relating to the age of age and the peculiarities of its placement and migration, geography of industry, agriculture and transport, as well as exports and imports, both at the global level and at the level of the Russian Federation. Theoretical training and practical skills will support your ability to understand and draw up geographic models, maps and plans for certain locality.

How is the exam passes and what can you take with you?

The decision of the tasks in geography is given to 180 minutes. Reference materials necessary for this EGE, graduates will receive in place. With you, you can only take a ruler, transportation and computing machine of an unprogramable type. Recall that in eME time Conversations with neighbors are not welcome, it is not allowed to get up from your place and leave the examination class without accompanying observers. In addition, do not take with you a smartphone, tablet, smart watch, audio or video equipment.

Get ready for diligently as cheat sheets can cost you

All the same, before the beginning of the examination, all participants of this event pass through the metal detector: no matter how you try to carry a mobile phone, it will still be discovered. By the way, last year the phones were withdrawn from more than 2,000 students. I focus on the fact that only in 2015, 1124 students were removed for violation of the rules and regulations with the exam. Do not put yourself in unjustified risk!

The procedure for estimating the ege on geography

According to the latest information, it is possible that in 2017 the practice of transferring points for the exam will be returned to five-point systemAnd the exam results will have an impact on a certification rating. So far there are no reliable and unequivocal information on this issue, but for a general awareness, we give the system translation of points in the ratings:

  • a student who climbed from 0 to 36 points knows the geography in an unsatisfactory manner, and therefore receives "2";
  • a schoolboy who managed to dial from 37 to 50 points, demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and earns "3";
  • a graduate, who managed to dial from 51 to 66 points, has a good level of knowledge and skills on this subject, and therefore its assessment is "4";
  • those who are gaining from 67 points and higher, boast of excellent knowledge of geography and deservedly receive "5".

Recall that you can learn your scores for the exam in the announced time by registering on the US portal. To identify your personality, you will need to enter passport details.

When preparing, it is important to work with cards and break the demo version of the exam

How to prepare for the exam?

It will be much easier to prepare for geography if you decide to focus on demonstration versions of Kima 2017. They can be downloaded on our website (see the beginning of the article). Note that these tickets were developed by experts from the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, which are responsible for real tasks for the USE. Of course, one hundred percent coincidence in the tasks will not, but the theme and structure of these tickets will be identical and the demo version.

EGE 2017 Typical Geography test tasks Barabanov

M.: 2017. - 144 p.

Typical test tasks for geography contain 10 options for sets of tasks, compiled by all the newest changes and the requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2017. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers information on the structure and content of Kim 2017 by geography, the degree of difficulty of tasks. The authors of the tasks are leading scientists who are the developers of the EEE 2017. In the collection there are answers to all test options and solutions all the tasks of one of the options are given. In addition, samples of the forms used on the exam for recording answers and solutions are given. The manual is intended to teachers to prepare students for the exam in geography, as well as high school students for self-preparation and self-control.

Format: PDF.

The size: 13.2 MB

Watch, download:drive.google

Introduction 4.
Instructions for performing work 7
Option 1
Part 1 10.
Part 2 19.
Option 2.
Part 1 22.
Part 2 30.
Option 3.
Part 1 33.
Part 2 41.
Option 4.
Part 1 44.
Part 2 52.
Option 5.
Part 1 55.
Part 2 63.
Option 6.
Part 1 66.
Part 2 74.
Option 7.
Part 1 77.
Part 2 86.
Option 8.
Part 1 89.
Part 2 98.
Option 9.
Part 1 101.
Part 2 109.
Approximate option Examination with the analysis of tasks
Part 1 114.
Part 2 124.
Answers to option number 1 128
Answers to option number 2 129
Answers to option number 3 130
Answers to option number 4 132
Answers to option number 5 133
Answers to option number 6 134
Answers to option number 7 136
Answers to option number 8 137
Answers to option number 9 138

This manual is intended to prepare for the Unified State Exam on Geography.
The manual presents ten options for examination work, similar to those that will be used to verify the knowledge and skills in the exe geography in 2017. These options are training. In order to maximize the achievement of the efficiency of training in options, tasks inspecting most elements of the content of school geography causing the greatest difficulties from schoolchildren. Answers are answered to all questions and tasks.
Each option contains 34 tasks. They are checked by knowledge of all sections of the mandatory minimum content of school geographic education:
1. Sources of geographic information.
2. The nature of the earth and man.
3. The population of the world.
4. World economy.
5. Environmental management and geoecology.
6. Country studies.
7. Geography of Russia.
Training options Describe to give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich geographic knowledge from each theme of school geography is checked in the EE (facts, geographical nomenclature, spatial and space-time representations, causal relations, etc.). The questions of each of the tasks will concentrate your attention on particularly important aspects of preparation.
It is necessarily recommended to familiarize yourself with the demo and specification of KIM in Geography 2017 on the official website of the FII.
When executing tasks, pay attention to the instructions for performing each of them. This will allow you to get used to the correct design of the answers.
Exam the work of the USE Geography consists of two parts, characterized by types and levels of complexity of tasks.

EEE 2017 Geography Typical Test Tasks Drums

M.: 2017. - 144 p.

Typical test tasks in geography contain 10 options for sets of tasks drawn up with all the latest changes and the requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2017. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers information on the structure and content of Kim 2017 by geography, the degree of difficulty of tasks. The authors of the tasks are leading scientists who are the developers of the EEE 2017. In the collection there are answers to all test options and solutions all the tasks of one of the options are given. In addition, samples of the forms used on the exam for recording answers and solutions are given. The manual is intended to teachers to prepare students for the exam in geography, as well as high school students for self-preparation and self-control.

Format: PDF.

The size: 13.2 MB

Watch, download:drive.google

Introduction 4.
Instructions for performing work 7
Option 1
Part 1 10.
Part 2 19.
Option 2.
Part 1 22.
Part 2 30.
Option 3.
Part 1 33.
Part 2 41.
Option 4.
Part 1 44.
Part 2 52.
Option 5.
Part 1 55.
Part 2 63.
Option 6.
Part 1 66.
Part 2 74.
Option 7.
Part 1 77.
Part 2 86.
Option 8.
Part 1 89.
Part 2 98.
Option 9.
Part 1 101.
Part 2 109.
Approximate version of the examination work with the analysis of tasks
Part 1 114.
Part 2 124.
Answers to option number 1 128
Answers to option number 2 129
Answers to option number 3 130
Answers to option number 4 132
Answers to option number 5 133
Answers to option number 6 134
Answers to option number 7 136
Answers to option number 8 137
Answers to option number 9 138

This manual is intended to prepare for the Unified State Exam on Geography.
The manual presents ten options for examination work, similar to those that will be used to verify the knowledge and skills in the exe geography in 2017. These options are training. In order to maximize the achievement of the efficiency of training in options, tasks inspecting most elements of the content of school geography causing the greatest difficulties from schoolchildren. Answers are answered to all questions and tasks.
Each option contains 34 tasks. They are checked by knowledge of all sections of the mandatory minimum content of school geographic education:
1. Sources of geographic information.
2. The nature of the earth and man.
3. The population of the world.
4. World economy.
5. Environmental management and geoecology.
6. Country studies.
7. Geography of Russia.
Training options are designed to give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich geographic knowledge from each topic of school geography are checked in the EEG (facts, geographical nomenclature, spatial and space-time representations, causal relations, etc.). The questions of each of the tasks will concentrate your attention on particularly important aspects of preparation.
It is necessarily recommended to familiarize yourself with the demo and specification of KIM in Geography 2017 on the official website of the FII.
When executing tasks, pay attention to the instructions for performing each of them. This will allow you to get used to the correct design of the answers.
Examination work EGE on geography consists of two parts, characterized by the types and levels of complexity of tasks.

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