“The land issue has not yet been resolved. Identify a sentence in which the word is not spelled with the word `` Slit '' Solved so far question

Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write this word out.

(Un) sold out toys were discounted.

Dunya is (not) devoid of charm.

The project is (not) agreed.

He was worried about the (un) resolved issue so far.

(Not) luck, but painstaking work was the key to his success.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here's the correct spelling:

Unsold toys were discounted.

Dunya is not devoid of charm.

The project has not been approved.

He was worried about the still unresolved issue.

Not luck, but painstaking work was the key to his success.

Answer: UNSALE.

Answer: unsold

Relevance: Used since 2015

Difficulty: normal

Codifier section: Merged and separate spelling NOT with different parts of speech. Spelling NOT and NOR.

Rule: Task 13. Merged and separate spelling of NOT and NO with in different parts speeches

Spelling NOT and NOR.

According to the specification in the task of this type checked:

- the ability to distinguish a NOT particle from a NO particle;

- the ability to distinguish the prefix NOT from the prefix NI;

- the ability to write together or separately NOT with all parts of speech.

In this regard, we draw attention to the fact that the condition of the tasks, depending on its goals, can differ significantly. In this case, we also note that in typical tasks of the exam(authors Tsybulko I.P., Lvov, Egoraeva) only the ability to write together or separately NOT with different parts of speech is checked, and in the tasks of other authors, including Senina, MMIO (StatGrad), tasks are also presented to choose from NOT or NOT. The RESHUEEGE editors also consider it necessary to expand the types of this task within the specification of the current year.

We also draw attention to the fact that a number of rules by which the spelling is checked are not studied in the school course. Such rules are marked with a *.

12.1 Merged and separate spelling of particles NOT and NO.

The particle is not written separately:

1) If there is or implies opposition with names, adverbs and participles.

A distinction should be made between a direct opposition, in which one of the two features called adjectives is denied, and the second is affirmed, and a contrast with a concessive connotation of meaning, in which both features called adjectives are attributed to the subject, that is, there is an opposition, but without negation ...

Wed: The lake is not deep, but shallow (the sign "deep" is denied and the sign "shallow" is approved). - The lake is shallow, but wide (both signs are approved: "both shallow and wide"; "although shallow, but wide e") ...

1) This is not happiness, but grief. The river is not shallow (deep). You are not my friend. We walked slowly, not fast. Not a dying, but a growing rumble.
2) * With adjectives, adverbs in -o and participles, words in -m, if opposition is implied and negation is reinforced with the words:

a) not at all, not at all, far from, not at all, not at all;

b) negative pronouns: not at all, not in any way, no one, no one, no one, never, nowhere, no, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, etc.

For convenience of explanation, we call them the reference and amplifiers.

a) This is not true at all; This case is not at all unique; This is by no means obvious; She is far from being brave; He is not in the least stupid man; It's no fun to talk about it; Not in the least embarrassed; She is not at all more educated than her husband;

b) The case is in no way suitable; A worthless project; He's not my friend; not at all envious, not needed by anyone, in no way useless, not good for anything, not capable of anything, not interesting in any way; He is no more beautiful than his sister;

3) * With short adjectives that are not used in full.3) not happy, should not, not right, not visible, not intending, not disposed, not ready, not obligated, not needed, disagree.
4) With full participles in the presence of dependent words (except for words of power amplifiers, see the list) or opposition (as a general rule)4) There were fields of rye that had not yet been harvested. Not a laughing child, but a crying child.
4) * C verbal adjectives formed from transitive imperfective verbs using the suffixes -em-, -im- only if there is a dependent word in the instrumental case.4) The subject I did not like was to be taken this year.

This case requires additional clarification. It is necessary to distinguish spelling not with words in -my, formed from transitive imperfective verbs: such words can be both present passive participles and adjectives (in the first case, the spelling is not separate, in the second - continuous). They are participles if the instrumental case is used as an explanatory word character, less often instrumental tools (the so-called instrumental); in the presence of other explanatory words, they become adjectives (they lose the meaning of passivity and the meaning of time and acquire a qualitative meaning). Wed: a child not loved by a mother - games that are unloved in childhood (in the second case, the word unloved indicates a constant sign, means approximately the same as “unpleasant”, “undesirable”); motion not impeded by air is the side of the moon invisible from the earth.

Adjectives of this type include: invisible, irresponsible, non-flaming, non-extinguishing, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, invisible, unchangeable, unloved, unthinkable, non-taxable, non-alienable, untranslatable, indescribable, unknowable, unverifiable, unconjugated, intolerant other Wed their spelling in the presence of explanatory words: indivisible by three, meetings unforgettable for us, through tears invisible to the world, records unthinkable in the recent past, indescribable in simple words feelings, unverifiable accounts for a long time, dirt impenetrable in springtime, nouns that are not in the Russian language, behavior intolerable in our society, etc.

5) With verbs, gerunds, short participles, with numerals, conjunctions, particles, prepositions:5) was not, could not, not recognizing, not ordered, not removed, not one, not five, not that ... not that, not only, not above us.
6) * With adverbs and words of the category of state

a) comparatively

b) in the role of an impersonal predicate predicate

6) did not move louder, spoke no faster

I don't need, she doesn't need

7) in negative pronouns with a preposition with stress7) not with anyone, not in anything, not about anyone
7) in negative pronouns with a preposition without stress7) with no one, nothing, no one

12.2 Conjoint spelling of NOT and NOR.

The particle is not written together:

1) If the word without NOT is not used.but) Nouns: fiction, tumbler, ignorance, ignorance, adversity, unseen, invisible, slave, villain, touchy, ailment, forget-me-not, hatred, bad weather, malfunction, fidget, slob, unintentional, loser, infidel;

b) adjectives and adverbs derived from them: careless, inconspicuous, irreversible, intact, inevitable, unchanging, ridiculous, necessary, invincible, incessant, inseparable, unspeakable, endless, incessant, undoubted, incomparable, awkward, unhappy, awkward, unbearable, unshakable, unquestionable, irrepressible; carelessly, absurdly, necessary, undoubtedly;

in) Verbs: dislike, dislike, resent, be ill, uncomfortable, hate, unwell, feel unwell, bewildered, absent, itch;

G) adverbs and other unchangeable words: unbearable, unbearable, unbearable, unaware, by chance, overwhelming, impossible, inadvertently, really, reluctantly; despite, regardless of (prepositions)

2) * is NOT part of the prefix NEDO, which gives verbs the meaning of incompleteness, insufficiency in comparison with any norm. " The same rule works in participles formed from verbs with the prefix NEDO. The NEDO-prefix is ​​often the opposite of the PER- prefix: undersalt - oversalt, underfulfill - overfulfill, underfill - overflow, underfill - transfer.2) The child was very lacking in parental care. During the war, children were UNEATED and UNEATED. Rozhdestvensky believed too much in his own strength, considering himself a genius, but UNDERLY appreciated the abilities of his opponent.
3) With nouns, adjectives, adverbs in -o, -e, when a new word is formed, a new concept, often with a negative quality.3) misfortune (trouble), not easy (difficult), not easy, ugly, not far (close), nearby
4) * In combination with adjectives and adverbs, words denoting the degree of quality: very, extremely, very, extremely, obviously, quite (quite), enough, blatantly, exclusively, extremely do not affect the continuous or separate spelling, therefore it is NOT written together.

For the sake of clarity, we call them y s and l and t eles and degrees.

4) A very unpleasant incident. A completely uninteresting game was invented. He spoke rather incomprehensibly.
5) With full participles in the absence of dependent words or * when dependent words are the power amplifiers5) We walked along the unlit streets of the town. I made a completely ill-considered decision.
6) * In verbal adjectives formed from intransitive verbs or transitive verbs of the perfect form using the suffixes -em-, -im-. These are not participles, since participles with the suffixes -em, -im should only be of an imperfect form, they are the present tense.6) unfading, inexhaustible, irreconcilable, irresistible, indomitable, inexhaustible, indestructible.
7) in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs, depending on the stress, E or I, but together.7) no-no-one, no-nothing, no-no-no, no-nothing, nowhere-nowhere, nowhere-nowhere, nothing-nothing, once-never.

12.3. Particles NOT and NOR differ in meaning:

For the right choice particles NOT and NO should take into account their semantic differences. Let's reflect them in tables.

The main uses of negative particles

Particle NOT usedNI particle is used
1) to express negation:

There were no letters or telegrams.

The brother does not look like a deceiver.

Not the moon, not the stars interest me, but only meteorites.

1) to strengthen the negation expressed by the particle NOT

There were no letters or telegrams.

The brother does not look like a deceiver or a joker.

I'm not interested in the stars or the moon.

2) to express a statement with a touch of obligation (double negation):

He could not help but call.

We couldn't help but notice.

2) to express quantitative negation:

The sky is clear.

Not a dewdrop in my mouth.

3) to express impossibility in impersonal sentences:

You cannot catch up with the mad three!

There will be no war-fire!

3) for the emotional expression of a prohibition, order, obligation:

No step back!

Not a sound! Not a day without a line!

4) when expressing uncertainty, fear or admiration:

Are you not my guest?

No matter how frost hits!

Why not a hero!

4) to express uncertainty:

He is neither old nor young, neither fat nor thin (compare: He is either old or young).

In phraseological units: Neither this nor that, neither fish nor meat.

5) in interrogative-exclamation sentences when expressing an underlined statement:

Who did not curse station keepers who did not quarrel with them!

(A. Pushkin)

Isn't it true that we have grown wiser?

How not to marry with your condition? (L. Tolstoy)

5) in clauses with a generalized amplifying meaning (with union words: whoever .., whatever .., wherever .. etc.).

Whatever the child is amused with, as long as it does not cry.

Whenever you ask him, he won't go into his pocket for a word.

Difficult cases of distinguishing between NO and NOT

1. In subordinate clauses. Compare:
DOES NOT express negation:

When the brother did not come, everyone felt bored.

There are no wars where soldiers do not die.

NI expresses a statement with a tinge of generalization:

Whenever a brother came, he always brought animation and joy.

Wherever soldiers die, they should be remembered and honored.

2. In turnover not one and not one; not once and not once... Compare:
Doesn't express denial:

Not one of us (i.e. many) was ready for the ascent.

More than once (that is, many times) I had to meet a wild beast.

Neither expresses the intensification of denial:

None of us (i.e., none) have been to the ascent.

Not a single time (i.e. never) have I met a wild beast.

3. In pronouns. Compare:
Highlights with DO NOT contain the meaning of latent opposition and are used in affirmative sentences (compare: none other, but ..)

None other than a woodpecker knocked dully in the forest.

Before us was nothing more than an ancient cave.

These phrases are used in negative sentences and serve to strengthen the negation: no one ... not; nothing is not:

No one else would lead us on the right path.

Nothing other than music fascinated me so much.


Composite amplification turns with particle neither:

no matter what, no matter what, no matter where, no matter where, as if nothing had happened, etc.

Spelling differs not with verbal adjectives in th and with participles on -my; in the presence of explanatory words, the first are written in one piece (as well as abusive adjectives), the second - separately, for example:

but) uninhabited for a long time an island, insoluble crystals in water, indistinguishable figures of people in the dark;

b) reserves not visited by hunters, unreadable non-specialist magazines, not loved mother child.

To adjectives in th includes words formed from intransitive verbs (for example: independent, waterproof, fireproof) or from perfective verbs (for example: incorrigible, impracticable, indestructible). These words apply general rules writing not with adjectives, that is, they are written together and in the presence of explanatory words (see examples above), as well as in short form(for example: island uninhabited, disease incurable, these countries are economically independent). However, the rule of separate spelling of adjectives with not, if pronouns and adverbs starting with nor, or a combination far from, not at all, not at all(see above, clause 6, note. 1. subparagraph 2), for example: with nothing incomparable impression, independent countries, by no means insoluble crystals; this phenomenon is neither from life nor from art not removable... The exception is words that without not not used, for example: by nobody invincible army, for no one incomprehensible case, under no circumstances unrepeatable experiment.


A distinction should be made between the spelling not with words on th, formed from transitive imperfective verbs: such words can be both passive present participles and adjectives (in the first case, spelling with not separate, in the second - solid). They are participles if, with them, the instrumental case of the character is used as an explanatory word, less often the instrumental case (the so-called instrumental); in the presence of other explanatory words, they become adjectives (they lose the meaning of passivity and the meaning of time and acquire a qualitative meaning). Wed: not loved mother child - unloved in childhood games (in the second case, the word unloved indicates a constant sign, means approximately the same as “unpleasant”, “undesirable”); movement, not inhibited by air - invisible from the earth side of the moon.

Adjectives of this type include: invisible, deranged, non-flammable, indestructible, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, invisible, unchangeable, unloved, unthinkable, non-taxable, inalienable, untranslatable, indescribable, unknowable, untestable, unconjugated, intolerant and others. their spelling in the presence of explanatory words: indivisible by three number, unforgettable meetings for us, through invisible to the world of tears, unthinkable records in the recent past, non-transferable in simple words, feelings, unverifiable for a long time accounts, impassable in the springtime, dirt, undecided in Russian, nouns, intolerable behavior in our society, etc.

1. Assignment 12 Determine whether the preposition, in which NOT with the word written is SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Na-stu-pi-la autumn with (not) scon-cha-e-we-wait-mi, wet-ry-mi do-ro-ha-mi, with tos-coy on ve-che-ram ...

The rain continued, but (not) strong, like in the morning, but weak, freezing.

And so (not) appeared on the stage, the re-vis-zor trembles all everyday life.

The window in the kitchen was (not) for-on-ve-she-but.

Answer: endless

2. Assignment 12 Determine whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Well-fed go-lod-no-go (not) ra-zu-me-et.

In the (un) usual-ven-noy ti-shi-not for-birth-yes-there is a light-up.

(Not) having received on the next day from-ve-that, he sent another letter.

For-da-cha (not) decision-she-na.

At home, he no longer (could not) keep up.

Answer: extraordinary

3. Assignment 12 Determine whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-pee-shi-te this word.

This film is not at all in-te-re-sen.

(Not) great rains have rained on all our plans.

He hardly (did not) sleep at night.

This can only be done by a person who is (not) thinking about the benefits of the forest.

Chintz (not) do-ro-goy, but des-she-yy.

Answer: incessant

4. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

It was a nobody (not) known artist.

Often (not) the decision is made to stand up to your convictions.

It came to me to re-live (not) under-yes-u-sh-h-e-ni-a-nii-nii-nii-nii-nii-niyu horror.

In him (there was) no co-essence, no good-ro-you, no honesty.

No one (could) call him an evil man.

Answer: missing

5. Task 12 Determine whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

I, (not) got right to the dre-mo, was already fast asleep.

Such people came to meet him (not) a little.

In the book (not) hwa-ta-lo a few pages.

The story told about nothing (not) comparable to my impression.

She, no-thing (not) responding, pro-should-zha-la look at the sky.

Answer: a lot

6. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

The bridge across the river is (not) built this year.

Mystery (not) disclosed.

We pro-ez-zha-whether past the (not) wide-ro-coy mountain river.

For a long time (not) stripped hairs mes-sha-li, climbed into the eyes.

Never (not) prayed for conscience was his faithful companion.

Answer: not wide

7. Assignment 12 Determine whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Dunya (not) is-she-on both-y-niya.

Project (not) co-gla-co-van.

His wave-but-shaft (not) resolved is still a question.

(Not) ve-zenie, but the blot-sweat-vaya work-b-ta appeared to be the log of his success.

Answer: unsold

8. Assignment 12 Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

You (do not) hold water in the solution.

A healthy person learns from other people's mistakes - stupid nothing (does not) teach.

(Not) how many women ho-di-li along the bank of the river.

Li-wen (not) stopped.

Answer: several

9. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

(Un) clear speech is a muddy mirror.

Port-ret is (not) finished yet, but the glory of ta-lant-l-vom hu-dog-no-ke quickly ob-le-te-la city.

They write (not) with the pen, but with the mind.

At all (not) you will please.

Chu-des-noe, never-ever (not) see-this maturity-li-shche ocha-ro-you-wa-et me.

Answer: unclear

10. Assignment 12 Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

All houses have long been (not) pieces-ka-tu-re-us.

The mountains, still (not) illuminated by the suns, you de-la-lis in the light left sky.

It was (not) bought, but his own captain.

Answer: no one

11. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-pee-shi-te this word.

The earth, for a long time (not) witnessing the rain, cracked.

The sun (not) you-no-si-mo burned.

The river, still (not) sk-van-naya with ice, gloomy, but ka-ti-la its leaden waters.

(Not) anyone to ask when he himself is vi-no-wat.

I have (not) been to my native side for a long time.

Answer: unbearable

12. Assignment 12 Determine whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-pee-shi-te this word.

Lying bread (not) do-bu-desh.

It is better (not) to re-add than over-re-pour.

(Not) seen this-year-nya not a single be-le-yu-shch-go pa-ru-sa.

Through the windows, still (not) closed for the night, the room-na-ta-na-half-n-las was delighted with fresh air.

In the morning, nothing (not) on-on-mi-na-lo yesterday-rush-nyu storm.

Answer: undersalt

13. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-pee-shi-te this word.

(Not) for-va-e-my-im-chat-lee-ti-la thunderstorm in the tree-rev-not.

(Do not) pitch-kav-shie not for a mi-nu-tu-ka-ka-ka-ka-you thunder with us and hold in a state of fear-ha.

In-words-wit-ts and in-go-v-ki have (not) only direct, but also trans-nasal meaning.

The windows were (not) closed.

Le-be-di pla-wa-li, (not) for-me-tea.

Answer: unforgettable

14. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Ba-bush-ka (not) ply-sa-la, but words-but ras-ska-zy-wa-la something.

None of us (didn't) interrupt her.

It was ti-shi-na, (not) na-ru-sha-e-may, not a single sound.

Every person (not) once recalls the day when he first crossed the threshold of the school.

Two not-de-whether pre-be-va-nia in the mountains pro-le-te-whether (not) is noticeable.

Answer: imperceptibly

15. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Still (not) see-di-my eye of the sun ras-ki-nu-lo across the sky a fan of pink rays.

Va-len-tin walked (not) hastily, but with a decisive step.

Tya-well-las deeper autumn, already (not) damp and rainy, but dry, windy.

There was no circle.

Foliage hanging (not) she-loh-nouve-shis.

Answer: unhurried

16. Assignment 12 Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

People who have (not) been to the ek-va-to-re cannot imagine the winter tro-pi-ch-sky rain.

As a child, Chekhov was (not) used to thinking.

An-drei entered the still (un) lit hall of the go-sti-ni-tsy.

I (didn't) want to go home.

Answer: inexhaustible

17. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Re-bya-ta went to the la-ger (not) quickly, but slowly, with long stops.

Stars, (not) seen with an armed gaze-home.

Prosh-ka, (not) for-hold-va-yas, rushed past.

The field is (not) clear white-le-lo around.

(Not) to strengthen-to-la-yu-ny, but ras-weak-la-yu-yu-si-ra-zo-ra-z-e-s-e-e-e-e-d-n-ny-ny.

Answer: unclear

18. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Waters pri-li-va shu-me-li (not) silent.

The wind of the co-leb-years stee-belek with the (not) dried-out dew.

To the right above the le-si-st-mi hol-ma-mi shone (not) mi-ha-yu-shi-da.

The answer to the request is still (not) received.

Le-vin-son heard-shal, (not) inter-shi-va-yas.

Answer: unblinking

19. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-pee-shi-te this word.

Lack of self-pleasure (not) na-do-ma-but Tolstym is a part of his living soul.

The room is cold, damp and (not) comfortable.

For a while he sat (not) walking.

A warm wind is already blowing across the steppe, (not) having had time to cool down during the night.

(Not) with whom it was not-to-pour, to-talk.

Answer: uncomfortable

20. Assignment 12 Determine whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

The thunderous crane was so kick-ass, as if it were (not) steel, but bam-boo-boo.

The river dragged along (not) you-from-to-go-ry-vi-one-to-one be-re-ga.

Tell them more (not) about anything.

Nobody (not) responded.

(Not) a place beautifies a person, but a person is a place.

Answer: low

21. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

The necessary book (not) about-chi-ta-na.

Kle-men-tyev left, (not) answering our questions.

The hero oka-zy-va-is-sya shout (not) according to his strength and to-gi-ba-et.

The (not) you-said reproach shone in the eyes of Sophia Ni-ko-la-ev-na.

(Not) sad, but ve-se-barking me-lo-diy sound-cha-la in the courtyard.

Answer: unspoken

22. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

(Not) looking at the deep autumn, the days are a hundred warm and clear.

Were you (not) bored?

Ob-lo-mov is a child, but (not) an unmoral ego-ist.

The bridge is still (not) built.

His face was (not) angry, but rather kind.

Answer: despite

23. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Only (not) squeezed in a thin one, she comes to a sad thought.

Pub-li-ka (not) perplexedly looking at the pri-go-to-le-nia of the art-tists.

Many issues are still (not) resolved.

We (didn't) have water.

Behind the forest, there are (not) for-se-yan-nye, but only plowed-up fields.

Answer: bewildered | bewildered

24. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Iron roof, for a long time (not) beautiful, red-no-la from rust-chi-ny.

Nothing (not) co-ed with horror, Gav-rik rushed forward.

(Not) mindful, Olga stayed.

The joy of labor is (not) comparable to any other para-do-mi.

We need (not) passive ones, but active ones.

Answer: bewildered

25. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

An affair with anticipation was thinking that he was about to continue living the (not) finished work yesterday.

In all the movements, there was some kind of (un) confidence.

In the close-up-shih-shih-sy-mer-kah, the power of people is already (not) visible.

The ex-ped-dition (not) had to start working.

March day with ka-pe-liu and the sun out-zap-but changed-sya-de-ny, with everything (not) ve-sen-nim ve-black-com.

Answer: uncertainty

26. Assignment 12 Determination of the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

The occurrence of the Tretyakovskaya ha-le-rhea left-vi-lo (not) for-by-for-my-im-chat-le-nie.

The gray-gay had to hear about this strange man-ve-ke a lot of responses, (not) de-la-yu-shih to that honor.

The river is still (not) frozen.

It was the (not) cheerful, daring dialect of spring, but a barely audible, sleepy chatter.

They are si-de-li, no-thing (not) a-thief.

Answer: unforgettable

27. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Thoughts about the (not) finished yesterday work-bo-those start-la-whether Mi-ha-i-la go faster.

The boy stubbornly kicked his head and decided to move the (not) stripped whirlwinds.

Who (does not) know the style of Push-ki-na!

Absolutely (not) in-te-res-ny film on-ka-za-whether ve-rum.

There was (not) a single glass in the windows.

Answer: unshorn

28. Task 12. Define-de-whether-those pre-lo-zenie, in which-to-rum NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Kru-gom is udi-vic-tel-naya, nothing (not) on-ru-sha-e-may ti-shi-na.

In the humid air there was (not) the second smell of the coming spring.

Not one entrance (not) would be similar to another.

(Not) waiting for my brother, I left.

(Not) the one who knows the measure will also speak in God.

Answer: unique

29. Task 12. Define-de-whether-those pre-lo-zenie, in which-to-rum NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

(Not) looking at the complexity of the study of my topic, we will try to sort it out as best we can.

Se-year-nya his words sound-cha-li (not) warm and las-ko-in, as before, but cold-but and somehow alienated.

Blue dawn-light for-look-zero in the (not) for-on-hung-up window.

For a long time he (not) breathed so easily.

The house stood in the middle of the steppe, nothing (not) wow-feminine.

Answer: despite

30. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Put-ni-ki walked without pri-wa-la all day, (not) feeling the mouth,

Pub-li-cyst for-ost-ril so-qi-al-pro-ble-ma-ti-ku essay, indicating (not) fairness


For me (not) to be angry with you.

She answered-ve-cha-la to him, not (not) embarrassed.

He never (does) look directly.

Answer: injustice

31. Task 12. Define-de-whether-those pre-lo-zenie, in which-to-rum NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

The old garden in the morning looks like a fairy-tale forest with (not) good-natured tro-pa-mi.

He shi-ro-ko walked along the streets (not) cleared from the snow.

Convenience (not) you-ve-ze-but to the fields.

There were still (not) big waits.

I'm (not) ready for the lesson.

Answer: untouched

32. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

The moon is (not) pale, but transparent, like crusty steel.

He did not receive any letters.

(Not) explored places draw me in, but deep jungle.

Do-ro-ha (not) smooth, but the shortest.

Cha-so-howl pro-po-steal them, (not) pro-faith pa-ro-la.

Answer: uneven

33. Task 12. In Opre-de-li-te, the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written, is SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Mal-chi-ki (not) recognized the forest.

(Not) the boiler is cooking, but cook-poo-ha.

Friend-s-e-ha-lis, and (not) someone to invite to visit.

The sun, still (not) hidden ob-la-ka-mi, illuminates a gloomy yellow-lil-cloud.

Some he is (not) like everyone else, quiet, lazy.

Answer: no one

34. Task 12. Define-de-whether-those pre-lo-zenie, in which-to-rum NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

The (not) bright flame in the ka-mi-not lit the writing-desk and the pictures on the walls.

(Not) anyone to ask, all say-chat.

It started raining, (not) stopped falling for hours.

(Not) sewn, but connected things I like more.

Answer: dim

35. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

In the vicinity live from nude (not) god-ha-chi.

Shadows fell on the snow (not) torn by anyone.

(Not) ras-pro-given games-rush-ki uce-ni-li.

Dunya (not) is-she-on both-y-niya.

Vasya never (not) strives for fame.

Answer: unsold

36. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

In-circle cha-well-were (not) skon-cha-e-wi-no-grad-ni-ki.

After all, you are (not) about anything.

Answer: endless

37. Task 12. In the Opre-de-li-te, the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written, is SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

The cat Ti-mo-fairy is (not) less than ten years old.

The air, which has not yet (not) become sultry, welcomes it.

Nastya had (not) correct, but pleasant facial features.

No-ko-barking pro-wa-lil-Xia into a heavy, (not) about-light-cha-yu-soul dream.

Answer: wrong

38. Task 12. In the Opre-de-li-te, the preposition, in which NOT with the word is written, is SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Ra-bo-tat came to the (not) explored-to-van-ny place.

Before us (not) reached-le-tal thunderingly exploded-shih-si-ryadov.

Nobody (not) is right from such comfort

There was (not) why to call the sol-dates.

Answer: unexplored

39. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Ni-ko-lai Ser-ge-ich asserted that the prince was (not) able to get to no-blah-kind-no-stup-ku.

Now (not) an easy devil-for-koi-ness, but something that looks like a thrashing about me.

Remained a box with ru-ko-pi-si-mi, no-one (not) needed.

What can you only (not) hear when all the mat-ro-sy are in the cub-ri-ke.

In the book ras-ska-za-but about the fate of the (un) happy old-ru-hee.

Answer: unhappy

40. Task 12. Define-de-whether-those pre-lo-zenie, in which-to-rum NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Old manor-ba sto-i-la on the (not) you-so-com hill.

Not-to-ry exercises-not-nia (not) you-half-not-us.

Lake Sevan - with nothing (not) comparable to the beauty of nature.

Answer: low

41. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Along the streets there are mountains of (not) growing snow.

Almost (not) thirty rivers and rivers flow into Sevan.

The water in these parts (not) is enough.

Artist se-year-nya (not) in the go-lo-se.

Answer: unmelted

42. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

A. N. Tolstoy died after (not) having finished writing the novel "Peter I".

(Not) an easy, but worthy lot awaits our hero.

War is (not) mi-ting.

(Not) met someone who was pa-me-ten for me that day, but co-happened with everything of a different order.

Answer: not easy | not easy

43. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

I feel that (not) about-ho-di-mo re-change the thread of the topic.

To so-zha-le-niyu, za-da-cha (not) decision-she-na.

Your daughter, Kli-Chet - in any way (not) do-Kli-Chet-Xia.

What is only (not) pro-is-ho-di-lo at that time.

This, gos-yes, is (not) anyone else but ka-pi-tan Ko-pei-kin.

Answer: it is necessary

44. Task 12. Define-de-whether-those pre-lo-zenie, in which-to-rum NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

(Not) ska-za-but there was not a word.

(There was) no one to ask how to get to the concert hall.

Nobody (un) marked, Ivan quickly disappeared.

No-barking, so-ver-shen-but (not) feeling the bodies, for-in-ro-chal-Xia, arrange-and-va-ya more comfortable.

Answer: no one

45. Task 12. Define-de-whether-those pre-lo-zenie, in which-to-rum NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

It was necessary (not) to hurry further.

From the middle of the 19th century, Russian scientists (not) times or-ga-ni-zo-va-whether ex-pe-di-tion to the vol-cana Kam-chat- Ki.

The (not) understandable statement of the hero is explained in the next chapter.

(Not) any way to behave in different ways with little-know-how-to-we-people-naturally.

Our co-man-da (not) tre-no-ro-wa-las and pro-game-ra-la.

Answer: incomprehensible

46. ​​Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

(Not) why think about bad things: everything will be good.

Gore-de-e-you lived in a house with bre-ven-cha-you-mi, still (not) pieces-ka-tu-ren-mi ste-na-mi.

Behind the steppe tu-man (not) you can see neither fields nor forests.

Ti-shi-na, (not) on-ru-sha-e-may, neither move-same-nor-em, nor sound-com, especially ben-but-ra-zi-tel-na.

Tu-ri-sts passed (not) less than ki-lo-meter.

Answer: no need

47. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

(Not) pre-beautiful-shav-sha-i-sya during the three days the blizzard buried a hundred-horn-ku with a dream.

After re-mon-ta com-na-that still (not) pri-ve-de-na in the row-dock.

(Not) remembering evil, for the good we return.

(Not) the usual ob-sta-nov-ka me-sha-la so-wed-up-to-chit-Xia.

(Don't) need to ask about the product.

Answer: unusual

48. Task 12. Define-de-whether-those pre-lo-zenie, in which-to-rum NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

The month (not) was in the sky, and the stars were brightly lit.

Until No-th year (not) more-she-no-de-li.

Ba-bush-ka, (not) looking at an advanced age, he sees and hears differently.

Seryozha (not) to-ro-drinking pe-re-ver-zero country-ni-tsu.

It’s all (not) a difficult task for a student.

Answer: despite

49. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

The computer is (not) connected to the network.

The perishing garden and (not) one hundred and one-sha-i-sya love are two internal-unrelated themes of the play.

Still (not) ras-po-stiv-shy-sya-tsve-tok is especially-ben-but-beautiful.

Accommodation (not) counts-that-but for such a number of people.

(Not) asking about anything, he understood everything.

Answer: failed

50. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

(Not) su-mev-shy re-a-li-zo-vat oneself in life, Ba-zorov shows his best qualities in the face of death.

The keys are still (not) found.

Pet-ro's house is (not) large, but very cozy.

Brother (not) was pleased to see Misha even look at home.

The building is (not) well-built but on time.

Answer: small

51. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Our companion turned out to be a mum-cha-l-v, (not) one-thief-chi-man.

The birds are driven south (not) by the cold, but by the lack of food.

More you-so-kie de-re-vya (not) you-would-hold-whether mo-ro-call.

The sun has already (not) burned so well, the days have become noticeable but co-ro-che.

Who among us (does not) love pri-ro-du!

Answer: taciturn

52. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

I didn’t want to think about the (not) you-complete promise yesterday.

The manor-bu is surrounded by (not) frequent, but you-with-cue fence.

There are three heights left, (not) more.

In no-go-do me, even on the wing-tso (not) you-go-ka-li.

Already from Christmas (not) there was bread of their own, and flour for a while.

Answer: infrequent

53. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

But did they seek this truth with everything (not) where their ideological counterparts are.

Sophia Ni-ko-la-ev-na (not) very old-re-la during this time.

(It was not) easy to chi-ta-te-lyu at that time to be-b-rat-Xia in anti-ti-re-chi-s assessments.

Kup-le-na (not) to-ro-gai, but cheap furniture.

Answer: not easy

54. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

This locality(not) marked on any card.

Iva-ni-hin, who was (not) sleeping from the pain in his leg, saw everything.

From-ve-you stu-den-ta were yes-le-co (not) true and knocked down-chi-you-mi.

The door to the room was (not) closed.

Through the (un) closed curtains, a brightly lit room was visible.

Answer: unlocked

55. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Ivan Iva-no-vich listened to his son with a strained and (not) mind-blowing smile.

The topic of co-chi-not-niya (not) disclosure.

Yes-le-ko (not) a clear plan for the development of the production of crit-ti-ko-va-li in the ministry.

This place is (not) for-nya-something.

No (not) necessary information.

Answer: perplexed

56. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

All this has gone (not) long before our departure.

Zhur-na-li-sta-za-za-lis (not) go-then-you to such a cut-in-to-in-ro-that co-existence.

On the so-rev-no-va-ni-yakh on five-bo-ryu Anton po-ka-hall da-le-ko (not) the best re-zul-tat.

The sections across the river were (not) built-up.

No-to-mu (not) known history.

Answer: shortly

57. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

His devil-in-to-and-la for a long (not) for-living wound.

He, obviously, is from-nude (not) le-no.

Jump-zero (not) you-so-ko, but low.

Into ka-zar-mu entered (not) you-so-ky officer with a shi-ro-kim eastern face.

The film is about the fate of the pro-vin-tsi-al-no-go, no-one (not) from-the-west-no-mu-zy-kan-ta.

Answer: low

58. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

It was a (not) difficult task at all.

Do-ro-ha was (not) illuminated.

The partners have proposed a new contract on extremely (not) favorable conditions.

(Not) pro-watch-roar to the end.

The Japanese maps of this in-be-re-zhya were (not) like the cards of the Euro-Pei na-vi-ga-to-ditch.

Answer: unprofitable

59. Task 12. Define-de-whether-those pre-lo-zenie, in which-to-rum NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

They walked along the (not) for-se-yan-no-th field.

The lessons were (not) great.

The answer of the other student also turned out to be (not) correct.

(Not) to-de-lan-naya until the end of the work-bo-ta not da-va-la Olesya rest.

On ek-za-me-not (not) de-sol-sha-it-sya use-zo-vat-sy-no-ki-mi help-ni-ka-mi and study-ni-ka- mi.

Answer: incorrect

60. Task 12. Define-de-whether-those pre-lo-zenie, in which-to-rum NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

This is (not) happiness, but grief.

Rooks gu-la-li in the still (not) white-levine rye.

(Not) pro-long ex-ped-di-tions pro-vo-di-lis with the aim of collecting a hundred-st-st-t-ch-c-t-ch information about on-se-le- nii.

In the dance went (not) only adults, but also children.

Not-to-ry gi-ma-lai-skie heights, yielding in their you-so-those zn-me-no-that Jo-mo-lung-me, (not) taken al -pi-ni-hundred-mi-lu-bi-te-la-mi until now.

Answer: short

61. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

I was (not) happy with our meeting.

My co-driver threw a very (un) hello-y look on me, but he was silent this time too.

At-nya-whether from-nude (not) the right decision.

Forgive me, dear mother, I was (wrong) right.

The (not) harvested rye fields have not yet appeared.

Answer: unfriendly

62. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

It was not at all (not) easy to get to the meeting with the scrapping.

On the wall hung a Per-Sid carpet with a nude (not) throw-kim or-na-ment.

Alec-san-dru did-la-li, so that every new day of his life was (not) similar to the previous ones.

Masha played-ra-la on pi-a-no-but very beautiful melo-diy (not) known to me com-to-zi-to-ra.

The table was (not) cleaned.

Answer: unknown

63. Task 12. Define-de-whether-those pre-lo-zenie, in which-to-rum NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

It was (not) easy, but very heavy.

Alek-sandr co-ver-sewed (not) ob-do-man-ny, but extremely daring in-st-pok.

Gri-go-ryev himself is not-so-small that he has-drank (not) in a friend-like manner.

In the collection, it turned out that there were not a few (not) known ba-bo-checks.

The plan was (not) you-complete.

Answer: thoughtless

64. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

It was not at all a vy-du-man-naya is-to-riya.

My (not) to-gad-li-yy by-put-chik did not-to-see anything.

Alek-sandr (not) ras-in-lo-wives was at once.

Se-year-nya to-var-rishch my was clearly (not) happy with the company.

The barge is just-a-la-la in the port yet (not) unloaded in the course of two weeks.

Answer: slow-witted

65. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

He ran (not) quickly, but slowly.

A (un) busy person can never wait for full happiness.

Remnants of (un) ras-ta-yav-she-go are still visible in the fields of snow.

Two days later, so-one-hundred-sya da-le-ko (not) an easy one-thief.

Mo-ti-you of his steps have remained (not) in-nya-you-mi.

Answer: misunderstood

66. Task 12. Define-de-whether-those pre-lo-zenie, in which-to-rum NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

These yes-le-ko (un) happy events have become a bad thing for us.

Some kind of strange feeling, to-se-le (not) used-py-tan-no, suddenly for praise me.

With the av-to-rum of the article, I was (not) in agreement.

In the is-to-richeskie, ras-say-zy-va-los about de-i-ni-princes-zey-in-i-nov, their struggle with the outside -my enemies and (not) skon-cha-e-my ras-spin.

The com-na-that was with-everything (not) illuminated.

Answer: endless

67. Task 12. Define-de-whether-those pre-lo-zenie, in which-to-rum NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Put-ni-ki walked without pri-wa-la all day, (not) feeling the mouth-lust.

The reasons for the mi-gras of these rare birds are (not) studied yet.

(Not) Happiness ensures success on ek-za-me-not, but good knowledge of the subject.

Don in the place of pe-re-great-you da-le-co (not) wide-ro-cue, only about so-ro-ka meters.

(Not) looking at the pouring rain, the children are beautifully-but feeling-wa-whether at the dacha.

Answer: despite

68. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Still (not) pro-dry-shaya after the rain to-ro-ha was a mustache-i-na lu-zha-mi.

(Not) to-say-zan-nosti de la et the ending of ro-ma-na open.

(Not) you-le-chen-naya in-time just can lead to serious complications-not-pits.

The computer is (not) connected to the network.

The brother (not) dignified him even with a reproach.

Answer: understatement

69. Task 12. Determine which letter, E or And, must be inserted in the place of the pro-start. You-pee-shi-those word, in which-rum NI is an attorney and writes merged.

In order (n ..) to remain without at-te-stat, it is necessary at some point (n ..) to pass an ek-za-me-ny.

What (n ..) ask-si, ras-tol-ku-et, na-teaches, to talk to her (n ..) when (n ..) na-ku-chit.

On the wet ground, pa-da-li (n ..) frequent drops of rain, wind noise (n ..) sti-khal (n ..) on mi-nu-tu.

As if we (n ..) tried, the tasks remained (n ..) you are full.

(N ..) one of us (n ..) was able to prove that he was (n ..) right.

Answer: never

70. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

This problem has not (not) been solved by the teacher.

Irina An-dre-ev-na go-in-ri-la (not) loudly, but very loudly.

I was (not) ready for such-in-ro-that events and in the dissolution of-ryan-but-sta-no-vil-sya.

(Do not) be silent until deep into the night, the sounds of mu-zy-ki na-po-mi-na-li about the proximity of the park at-trak-tsi-o-nov.

Of course, it was yes-le-ko (not) the best st-pok.

Answer: quietly

71. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Dunya (not) is-she-on both-y-niya.

Still (not) ras-pro-given games-rush-ki uce-ni-li.

He was (not) ready for such a time.

Even in the hot heat in the (not) big doo-doo-doo-oo-oo-oo, you feel-eat-lo-oo-cool.

(Not) bag-kaya neither mi-well-you, re-bya-ta-took-whether che-mo-da-ny.

Answer: small

72. Task 12. Define-de-whether-those pre-lo-zenie, in which-to-rum NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

Our companion was also (not) sitting idly by.

Put-ni-ki came out to the still (not) grown-she-th edge of ice by-re-gu.

And the young man even received money from him in advance, very (not) little money.

(Not) waiting for supper, we went to bed.

The reason for the laughter was the (not) funny places of his pro-vi-zation, and those gri-mas, who-rye behind his back, silt Ka-ra-u-catch.

Answer: considerable

73. Task 12. Determination of whether it is a preposition, in which NOT with the word is written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

(Do not) promise zhu-rav-la in the sky, give si-ni-tsu in your hands.

You all the same turned out to be (not) right, Stepan Ilyich!

Paradise considered himself to be a nude (not) old man.

Local n-se-le-nie raz-go-va-ri-va-lo in (not) an intelligible language.

In dreams, he discovered (un) explored lands.

Answer: incomprehensible

74. Task 12. Determine de-whether-those pre-lo-zenie, in which it is NOT with the word written SLIT-NO. Open-cut-those staples and you-write this word.

In the forest, as if in nothing (not) was-va-lo, ve-sen-nya life lasted.

Ty-nut-Xia along the Volga on-grungy ar-bu-za-mi bar-ka-sy with (not) you-so-ki-mi bor-ta-mi.

In full one-but-th, he just stood with mi-nu-tu, (not) deciding to move further.

She was already (not) glad that she had gone.

The place was absolutely (not) familiar to me.

Answer: low

Option 5

Read the text and complete assignments 1-3

(1) The human voice arises deep in the throat, where there is a solid tube - the larynx, in which there are vocal cords... (2) When we breathe, they lie quietly on the inner walls of the larynx, and when talking, singing or screaming, the flow of exhaled air passes by the tense vocal cords and causes them to vibrate rapidly. (3) (……) the vibration of the strained vocal cords produces a sound that we call the voice.

1. Indicate two sentences in which correctly conveyed THE MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

2) As a result of vibration of the throat, in which the vocal cords are located, a person breathes when talking, singing or screaming.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be at the place of the pass in third proposal? Write this word down.

Together with that


3. Read the snippet vocabulary entry, which gives the meanings of the word BIND. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the 3rd sentence. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

Bundle, -and, w.

1. Several similar items tied together. Bunch of keys.

2. Dense tissue fibrous formation connecting separate parts of the skeleton, individual organs. Muscle ligaments.

3. A group of people moving one after another, connected by a rope for belay. Walk in one bundle with someone.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the stress setting: the letter denoting impact sound... Write this word down.



ripped off

will open

5. In one of the following sentences WRONG used the highlighted word. Correct lexical error picking up to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the chosen word.

Iron, chromium, manganese, copper and nickel are COLORING substances and are found in many paints.

Marina Vasilievna was very excited, but nevertheless listened to her wise and PRACTICAL friend.

Excuse me, how did you get to this plant? Are you COMMANDED?

HUMANE attitude to children means, first of all, an understanding of the child's spiritual efforts, a respectful attitude to these searches and unobtrusive help.

They wandered for a long time in the old park, which was famous for its mighty Eternal oaks.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly


Ripe APRICOTS HARDER than wood a pair of STOCKINGS

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are allowed: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

B) error in construction complex sentence

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with

Inconsistent application

D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

E) violation of the temporal correlation of verb forms


1) Having received a message on e-mail, it was already late in the evening.

2) Those who save their efforts in preparing for the exam are unlikely to be able to pass it successfully.

3) A boat was lying on the shore, crashed by a wave.

4) Since childhood, she had a tendency to colds.

5) He ran home with friends and with a temperature.

6) He thought we had misunderstood him.

7) A section of clothes for newborns will be opened in the shopping center "Globus".

8) Prince Andrew, in his desire to become better, made many mistakes and judges himself for them much more severely than others.

9) Marya said that I had never been, not only in Moscow, but even in my district town.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root is missing. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.

parade..axal in..stable

aw..guard fire..beginning irresistible

9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words by inserting the missing letters.

pr..follow, pr..screw without..liminal, nor..tagging

under..live, mis..information super..interesting, time..skat

oh ... guess, by..confirm

10. Write down a word in which a letter is written at the place of the gap E.

Name..ce Thought..vy

thick ... to beat ... to beat ... to beat

11. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass.

independent ... help ... you

turn .. you wire .. you meet .. you

12. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written LITTELY? Expand the parentheses and write this word out.

(Not) a civic duty, but personal interest excites the hero of the novel.

Nikolai Ilyich, who (not) liked to talk about material things, said that the money was running out.

Andrei twice asked the (un) heard words.

The (un) resolved issue so far is again included in the agenda.

The bridge is (not) built.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written MUCH... Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

WHAT (WOULD) be completely honest, I will say: I am SO (SO) little pleased with your win, as I would be saddened by a loss.

Whatever they told me, I still examined the barn, and SO (SAME) the attic and basement of the old grandmother's house.

You always disappear as suddenly as you appear, and FOR (THIS) I value every minute of my meeting with you.

The block WOULD PREFER THAT (WOULD) the poet's "silent, withdrawn soul", for whom the whole world is a "booth", remained immersed in foggy dreams.

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which is written NN.

The fragile tocho (1) silhouette of the girl depicted in the picture (2) stands out against the background of the white (3) wall, along which mother-of-pearl shadows run

15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The goals of astrologers and alchemists were fantastic, but their observations and experiments contributed to the accumulation of knowledge in both astronomy and chemistry.

2) In the XII century, painters painted pictures with paints or ink on silk or paper scrolls.

3) On the street all December it is snowing or raining ...

4) The caravel had three masts with straight and oblique sails and could move in the right direction even with a headwind.

5) The sun warmed up quite like summer () and the starlings returning from the warm edges began to build nests.

16. Arrange punctuation marks:

Fishing boats (1) pulled ashore (2) formed on the white sand a long row of dark keels (3) resembling (4) the ridges of huge fish.

17. Arrange punctuation marks: specify all numbers in the place of which must be commas.

Now the oak is blooming, and (1) as expected (2) it has become cold.

I love northern nature with its silent gloom (3) should be (4) for primitive loneliness.

18. Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, in the place of which in the sentence must be commas.

The winding paths (1) smooth lines (2) which (3) beckon into the depth of the site (4) make the garden mysterious.

19. Arrange punctuation marks: List all numbers that must be followed by commas in the sentence.

Pyotr Ivanovich always tried to avoid talking at the table (1) and (2) when he was invited to dine (3) he just sat down (4) and ate in silence.

Read the text and complete assignments 20-25

(1) The Prut campaign of Peter the Great, undertaken in 1711, as they say, did not go well right away. (2) After the victory over the Swedes in the heads of many Russians statesmen began what would later be called the dizziness of success. (3) When the army of the Swedish king Karl XII, who had held the whole of Europe in check, was utterly defeated near Poltava, the army of the Swedish king Charles XII, who had never before been defeated, seemed to many that now nothing was impossible for Russian weapons, that the miraculous heroes would only whistle - and the Turks would immediately throw out the white flag. (4) But that was not the case. (5) The Turks cunningly lured Russian army into the waterless steppes, and then surrounded. (6) Terrible heat, hunger and thirst, Turkish horsemen, silently looming in the haze, like ghosts from the underworld, incessant sobs of the officers' wives - everything merged into funeral music, which was conducted by inevitability ... (7) Nobody knew what to do. (8) It is impossible to move forward, because the enemies outnumbered them by four times, it is impossible to stand still, allowing the Turks to pull together the encirclement. (9) But it is impossible to retreat. (10) Like water in a drying steppe well, forces melted, little by little despair and hopelessness took possession of the people who were trapped.

(11) Tsar Peter, perhaps, better than others understood the seriousness of the situation, but he had to think not about his own life, but about the fate of the country, which could lose its ruler. (12) Then the tsar sent a letter to the Boyar Duma, which would more correctly be called a will. (13) In a short message, he gives final instructions to his associates, asks them to be guided in their activities by state interests.

(14) The Turks seized the messenger, found the dispatch and read it carefully. (15) Karl XII, who was hiding with the Turks, rubbed his hands contentedly: the letter clearly indicated that the situation of the Russians was not just difficult, it was hopeless. (16) But the grand vizier, on the contrary, plunged into thoughtfulness, and then suddenly announced that he had decided to conclude an armistice with the surrounded Russian army and let him go on all four sides. (17) Karl decided that he had misheard: what kind of truce, who releases the enemy trapped? (18) Yes, this vizier is crazy! (19) The Swedish king asks, begs, demands, conjures, but the vizier unshakably shakes his head: from the intercepted message it is clear that the Russian tsar is already ready for death, which means that his soldiers will fight furiously, to the last breath, to the last drop blood. (20) Of course, the Turkish army of 150,000 is likely to defeat 40,000 Russian soldiers, but this will be a Pyrrhic victory. (21) It's better if the Russians just leave.

(22) This historical fact can cause different assessments, become a subject for deep sociological, philosophical and psychological generalizations. (23) The main thing is important: in this campaign, seemingly inglorious from the point of view of direct results, the force that is called the national spirit was clearly manifested. (24) Most often this force is characterized using the definitions "mysterious", "unknown", "incomprehensible", but there is nothing mystical about it. (25) She is born from the need to protect her family, friend, home, Motherland, that is, from the need to be responsible for something greater than her own life. (26) Yes, on that trip

military tasks were not solved, glorious victories were not won, but on the other hand, the main wisdom was gained: the winner is not the one with more people and weapons, and the one who has more stamina and courage.

(According to S. Pokrovsky *)

* Sergei Mikhailovich Pokrovsky (born in 1967) is a modern prose writer.

20. Which statement corresponds to the content of the text?

1) No one, except Peter, understood what a dramatic situation the Russian army was in.

2) The Grand Vizier decided to engage in battle with the Russian regiments, which outnumbered the Turkish troops by four times.

3) Peter decided, having got out of the trap, to move forward no matter what, because he did not want to tarnish the glory of the Russian army with the shame of the inglorious return.

4) The Swedish king dreamed of revenge for the defeat at Poltava, so he insisted that the Turks begin a battle with Peter's army.

21. Which of the following statements is erroneous?

1) Sentence 6 of the text contains a description element.

2) Sentences 8 to 9 are narrative.

3) Sentence 14 lists the actions that took place in sequence.

4) Proposals 22 - 23 present the reasoning.

22. Indicate a sentence that uses synonyms.

1) 5 2) 6 3) 19 4) 22

23. Among sentences 10 - 16, find one that is related to the previous one using contextual synonyms and personal pronouns. Write the number of this sentence.

24. “The author of the text, showing the confidence of many Russian statesmen in an easy victory over the Turks, uses the trope - BUT __________ (“the miracle heroes will only whistle - and the Turks will immediately throw out the white flag” in sentence 3). The plight of the Russian army is depicted using tropes such as B __________ ("scary heat", "funeral music") and IN __________ (for example, "like ghosts from the underworld" in sentence 6). Reception - G __________ ("not allowed" in sentence 8) - emphasizes the complexity of the situation described. "

List of terms:

1) lexical repetition 2) opposition

3) book words 4) parceling

5) comparison 6) epithet

7) dialecticism 8) irony

9) rhetorical question

Part 2

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid overquoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Argument your answer, relying primarily on the reading experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is rated zero.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Answers to option

Option 5



Six hundred




Will you help


Incorrect and simply shameless questions can ruin relationships with others in one second. These are the questions that should never be asked unless you want to be known as a prude and a sneak.

1. "Why are you still not married?" Do you think a girl would be pleased to hear such a question? If she still hasn't gone down the aisle, there are good reasons for this. And you don't need to know about them. Your sympathetic questions will only make it worse.

2. "How much do you earn?" Information about personal finances does not concern anyone. You are not a tax authority to ask such a question. A person can hide his earnings. And he has every right to do so. Not everyone advertises their wealth. And rightly so.

3. "And where did you get that awful sweater?" This can only be said by a great couturier. If asked. In other cases, it is simply uncivilized to ask such a question. The person buys what he likes, not you. Not the fact that you yourself are normally dressed.

4. "When are you going to have kids?" The question of childbearing is unmatched in its shamelessness. Maybe a person does not want to have children at all, this is his inalienable right. Or he cannot do it for health reasons. Your questions about children hurt you in the very heart.

5. "How many men (or women) did you have?" A question like this, even if it is addressed to a close friend, is not polite. No one is obliged to share with you the secrets of their personal life. And one more thing: for what purpose are you interested? Why do you need this information? Probably to spread gossip later.

6. "Do you know that your ex has a new passion?" Maybe the person knows. But he does not want to stir up the past. Why remind him once again of his former love. In general, such a question is asked for the purpose of provocation. See how the victim will react.

7. "Have you tried dieting?" The question is asked in a sympathetic tone with sadness in his eyes. Like, look at yourself, you have already completely turned into a fat pig. Let the person decide for themselves whether or not they should go on a diet.

8. "Why do you need two higher education Indeed, why should a person learn? You can safely go to work for a penny and not be interested in anything. Don't judge people by yourself. They will learn and develop as much as they see fit.

9. "How did you manage to marry him?" Such pitying questions indicate that a person does not know where politeness dwells. He allows himself to interfere in other people's family affairs. Although most certainly not everything is so smooth with a spouse (or wife).

10. "Why are you disfiguring yourself with tattoos?" The Constitution states that a person has full freedom action. He can do whatever he sees fit with his body. It is not necessary to obtain your permission. If a person likes tattoos, he will do them.

Never ask such questions to others. Or ask if you want to quarrel. Remember that a harsh question can come up with a tough answer.

Option 2


1) obvious (not) luck 3) not at all (not) capable

2) a very (not) pleasant thing 4) (not) to eat up during the war

2. In what example is NOT written separately with a word?

1) (not) able to work 3) extremely (not) deliberate decision

2) (not) love a classmate 4) (not) must believe


1) (not) waiting

2) not at all (not) an interesting story

3) (not) finished playing the sonata

4) (un) dwindling opportunities

4. In what example is NOT written separately with a word?

1) (Not) their parents are comfortably located away from the playing children.

2) For a long time (not) cut hair interfered, climbed into the eyes.

3) His eyes looked straight and (not) movable.

4) He had nothing (for) what to go there.

5. In what example is NOT written together with a word?

1) The motives of his action are by no means (not) noble.

2) The project is (not) agreed.

3) The (never) silent conscience was his faithful companion.

4) Fine, (not) perceptible to the eye, dust settled on the windows.

6. In what example is NOT written together with a word?

1) He twice asked the (un) heard words.

2) He was worried about the (not) resolved issue so far.

3) A strip of land (not) surmountable for fire separated the steppe from the fire.

4) The tasks set before us were (not) solved.

11. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which they are NOT written separately?

Not (1) the ceasing rain in not (2) a large provincial town, standing over a not (3) deep river, did not catch up with (4) transient longing for a visitor who had not (5) managed to find a worthy occupation for himself.

1) 3, 4, 4, 5 4) 5

12. In which sentence NOT with a word is written together?

1) Our janitor is (not) capable of offending a fly.

2) Without friendship, no communication (is) meaningful.

3) (Not) everyone is capable of noble deeds.

4) The (un) flattering review of Liza's abilities jarred Petrov.

13. In which sentence NOT with a word (or with words) is written as one?

1) Behave yourself: you are (not) smarter and (not) better than those around you!

2) The fields were (not) mown, the grain was (not) harvested; not for a minute the (not) ceasing rains caused the alarm of the villagers.

3) The (un) hasty boy liked the (not) hasty conversations with his father.

4) Is listening to your advice far (not) the best thing to do?

14. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which they are NOT written separately?

Not (1) looking at (2) the weather, the strawberries were not (3) large, but sweet and not (4) usually bright, not (5) Siberian aromatic.

1) 2, 3 2) 1, 3 3) 1, 5 4) 5

15. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which NOT (NO) is written in one piece?

I saw in Griboyedov a person not (1) ordinary; no (2) surmountable force was drawn to him, because he neither (3) when nor (4) before anyone and did not (5) thought to shine; his (6) unbearable attitude towards flatterers and saints was shown in everything.

1) 1, 2, 3, 6 2) 1, 3, 6 3) 2, 3, 6 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

16. In which sentence NOT with a word is written together?

1) (Not) his abilities helped him out, but great perseverance.

2) The windows were (not) washed and wide open.

3) (Not) where can Ilya Muromets wait for help!

4) Stepan was (not) accustomed to listening to women's advice.

17. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which NOT (NO) is written in one piece?

It was not a very (1) easy task: not yet (2) blooming roses to dig up and transplant to a new place not (3) far from home, where no (4) whoever (5) did not start (6) broke them.

1) 1, 3, 4, 5 2) 2, 3, 4, 5 3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

18. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which they are NOT written separately?

The student confusedly cited not (1) the facts necessary for the proof, did not (2) correct conclusions, did not (3) once made a mistake, naming the never (4) theories of famous scientists that never existed.

1) 1, 3 2) 1, 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 3 4) 3, 4

19. In which sentence NOT with a word is written together?

1) The rider (not) willingly dismounted from the horse and went to the fire.

2) This backpack is by no means (not) heavy.

3) You are my song, as yet (not) sung.

4) He was (not) the first to start a fight.

20. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which NOT (NO) is written in one piece?

In not (1) ordinary, nor (2) when not (3) heard silence, not (4) bright dawn is born; are not (5) movable pines.

1) 1, 3, 4, 5 2) 1, 3, 4, 5 3) 1, 2, 4, 5 4) 1, 2, 4

21. In which answer option are all the numbers indicated correctly, in the place of which they are NOT written separately?

Timofey was not (1) only not (2) happy with the appearance of the hunters - he did not (3) slowly ordered that these not (4) decent people should not be allowed into the forest (5).

1) 1, 2, 5 2) 1, 4, 5 3) 1, 2, 3, 5 4) 2, 3, 4, 5

22. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which they are NOT written separately?

The artist went on stage and, not at all (1) smiling, somehow did not (2) cleverly tried to joke, but not (3) this skillful attempt caused no (4) understanding of the audience, who did not (5) want to listen and see such things.

1) 1, 5 2) 1, 3, 5 3) 2, 3, 5 4) 2, 3, 4, 5

23. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which NOT (NO) is written separately?

I’m not (1) sorry for the years that were wasted in vain, not (2) sorry for the lilac bloom of the soul, a red mountain ash fire is burning in the garden, but (3) it cannot warm anyone (4).

1) 1, 2, 3 2) 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 4

24. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which NOT (NO) is written in one piece?

Not (1) the intricate song of a lark, not (2) the embracing azure expanse of heaven, gave birth to us absolutely not (3) a conveyed feeling of delight, not (4) a described joy: not (5) wanting to hold them back, we ran down with joyful cries on the slope.

1) 2, 3, 4, 5 2) 1, 3, 5 3) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

25. In which sentence NOT with a word is written together?

1) (Not) in vain I was in such a hurry to see you!

2) Spectators (not) went to the exit though.

3) If (not) sure that you are right, do not be stubborn.

4) Is dinner still (not) cooked?

26. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which NOT (NO) is written in one piece?

Neither (1) anything that (2) costs us so cheaply nor (3) is valued as much as politeness - the most un (4) quality in communication.

Show Answer

27. In which sentence NOT (NO) is written separately with the word?

1) Sounds were heard as if (not) from anywhere.

2) The boy was dressed (not) in a country style.

3) (Un) beloved is waiting for me at the window in the dark evenings.

4) An (not) thoughtful decision can turn into big trouble.

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28. In which sentence NOT with a word is written separately?

1) You have (not) bad taste.

2) He was a (not) vicious but picky person.

3) (Not) looking at anyone, the mother got up and left the upper room.

4) The (not) silent applause touched the artist.

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29. In which sentence NOT with a word is written together?

1) The student's (un) specious act angered the teacher.

2) (Not) the hut is red at the corners, and red with pies.

3) The tree (not) planted in time began to wither, crumble.

4) The diploma is (not) written yet.

Show Answer

30. In which sentence NOT with a word is written separately?

1) The letter (not) read by me remained on the table.

2) The (un) imaginable delight was caused by the performance of trapeze artists.

3) He had a (not) job to do.

4) During the war, many (did not) finish.

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31. Indicate the correct explanation for the spelling of the highlighted words.

At Rembrandt's painting "The Return of the Prodigal Son" I (N ..) CAN (N ..) STOP - she plunges me into an even and powerful stream of her mood.

1) I can't - a verb with a negative particle; not to stop is a verb with a particle that reinforces the negation.

2) I can not stop - no - no - a repeating union connecting verbs.

3) Neither I can - a verb with an amplifying particle; nor can I stop - a verb with a negative particle.

4) I can not help but stop - the particle is not in front of both verbs included in the combination, "double negation" has the meaning of an affirmation.

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32. In which answer option are all the numbers indicated correctly, in the place of which NOT is written?

The Baron n (1) regretted n (2) time, n (3) money to find the culprit of his shame and already n (4) what, besides revenge, n (5) could even think about.

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33. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which NO is written?

H (1) once I (2) had to (3) see, and (4) hear a leaking black grouse.

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34. In what sentence is I (NI) written at the place of the pass?

1) A traveler needs no special wisdom for friendly communication with local residents.

2) The prospect of waiting for several hours in the stuffy hall of the airport didn’t tempt us a little.

3) Our city was not at all ... distinguished by its architectural sights.

4) H..spectacular looks make an actor an actor.

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35. In place of which numbers (s) is NI written?

When would n (1) appear in the reading room, n (2) when it is without visitors n (3) happens. List those who (4) will show up for the exam.

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36. In place of which digits (s) is NI written?

The painting made n (1) with which n (2) a comparable impression. I used to be here n (3) n (4) times.

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37. In place of which numbers (s) is NI written?

I n (1) knew n (2) who would pick me up from those who came, n (3) that they would tell me something new. What thoughts n (4) came to mind!

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38. In place of which numbers (s) is NI written?

N (1) here, n (2) there n (3) spoke to him n (4) one person.

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39. In the place of which numbers (s) is NI written?

In the forest, as n (1) what n (2) happened, the spring life continued. N (3) one person n (4) began asking where to look for her.

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40. In place of which numbers (s) is NI written?

No matter how hot it was (1), it was like frost crackling (2), work (3) would stop for a minute (4).

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41. In place of which numbers (s) is NI written?

It is impossible not (1) to love the fatherland, whatever it is (2) it may be. What would n (3) see Petya now, n (4) what would n (5) surprise him.

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42. In place of which numbers (s) is NI written?

What n (1) ask, explain, teach, talk to her n (2) when n (3) gets bored. Where did he go (4)!

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43. In the place of which digits (s) is NI written?

Wherever fate would throw us (1) and happiness wherever (2) led, we are all the same ... Whoever n (3) once n (4) has been in the lower reaches of the Lefu River, that n (5) can imagine that there is going on.

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44. In the place of which digits (s) is NI written?

As Alexey n (1) tried, n (2) he could see n (3) joy, n (4) surprise on their faces.

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45. In which sentence is the letter I missing?

1) N .. once out of boredom he trusted me his dreams.

2) We can't n .. invite him.

3) Where only n .. this general fought!

4) As the road is difficult, it is necessary to move forward.

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46. ​​In which sentence is the letter E missing?

1) N .. who else could not perform this romance so splendidly.

2) Somehow it was, but Kirill answered my mocking remark quite seriously.

3) He is n .. alive n .. dead rushing back.

4) What n .. will present itself to the frightened imagination!

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47. In which sentence is the letter E missing?

1) Spring life continues in the forest as n .. in what has never happened.

2) All these days I have not ... once deviated from my system.

3) How n .. it was a pity for Levin to crumple the grass, he drove into the meadow.

4) H .. are these amazing results?

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48. In which sentence should there be a continuous spelling NOT or NOT?

1) Lisa did not dream of acting in films (neither) when she was a schoolgirl, (nor) when she studied at drama school.

2) For five years of service in the army, Ilya (not) even rose to the rank of corporal.

3) We noticed that the shirt on the conductor was wrinkled and the boots were (not) cleaned.

4) The young singer had a good ear, but a (not) delivered voice.

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49. In which sentence is the letter E missing?

1) When I n .. go to them, they immediately call me.

2) Makar returned by evening n .. alive n .. dead.

3) What the n..you say, and the performance of the artists was great.

4) Please, n .. words!

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50. In which sentence is the letter I missing?

1) Semyon came home in the evening as if nothing had happened.

2) H .. he never spoke about the upcoming trip.

3) Son n .. could n .. know about his father's illness.

4) Are you sick?

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