Examples of humanitarian attitude to prisoners of war. On the European rules of humane attitude to prisoners of war

(Shakin V. I.)

("Military Legal Journal", 2010, N 2)

Laws and Customs of War in Russian Military History

V. I. Shaikin

Shaikin V. I., Associate Professor of the Tactics of the Ryazan Supreme Military Command Command Communication, Member of the Military Academy of Sciences, Colonel of Reserve, Candidate of Military Sciences.

The system of laws and customs of war has developed over a long historical period; Her appointment is as far as possible to "humanize" the war, somewhat soften its difficult consequences. It is important to note that Russia made a noticeable contribution to the humanization of laws and customs of war. Rules of war on Russia were traditionally less cruel than in other states. Well known usual for Old Russian state The rate of the war declaration of war, for example, the saying of one of the most militant Russian princes, Prince Svyatoslav, "I want to you". His father, Prince Igor, took the campaign to Constantinople in 941, ordered a friend to spare the enemy and take the Greeks in captivity alive. Prince Vladimir Monomakh Maryl of the warring, feeding the example of piousness and justice, urged his heirs to live in peace and harmony. With the adoption of Christianity in Russia, they tried to follow the postulates of the Nagorno Protection: "Blessed are merciful, for they will be pardon", "Blessed peacekeepers, for they will be informed by the sons of God."

Special, uncharacteristic for most other states and armies of that time were attributed to the prisoner. For the first time in Russia, the mutual issuance of prisoners without redemption was produced under Ivan III after the battle with crimean Tatars. The charter of rolling, cannon and other cases relating to military science ... 1621 banned "without obedience to captivate someone and learn arsums."

It is well known respect for Peter the Great to his enemy, his desire to learn from experienced and smart enemies. After the crushing defeat of the Russian troops near Narva in 1700, he stated: "Thanks to Brother Carlo - there will be time, and we will repay him for the lessons." A nine years after the brilliant victory, in Poltava Peter, a feast was arranged on the field of Brani and, returning the sword with Swedish generals, raised the Cup for his teachers in a military business.

After the Baltic lands were again as part of Russia, Peter gave new privileges, including the inviolability of the language, confession, vessels, etc. The war for Peter was not the goal, and the means, a temporary disaster with whom he had to put up kid national Development And the welfare of the people. In front of the Poltava battle, he turned to soldiers with the words: "... And about Peter, I see that his life is not a road, just lived Russia, glory, honor and well-being of it." Teaching his people "Military and Civic Sciences", the first emperor of Russia consoled himself to think that in the face of Russians he creates new jealousness of education, culture and civilization for humanity.

Peter I demanded from its troops of strict compliance with the customs and laws of warfare. Russian troops strictly adhered to the norms of the Institute of Military Captivity, showed proper humanity in relation to patients and wounded enemy, as well as to the civilian population in someone else's territory. In this sense, the instructions for the persecution of the Army of Charles XII, given by Peter Prince Volkonsky on June 1, 1709, was categorically forbidden to rob local residents: "No dear and violence to do not to repair anyone, and about the whole team in the death penalty Fresh. "

Peter I was ready to conclude a general agreement on prisoners of war on the basis of some principles, in particular an equal attitude towards prisoners of war, regardless of their national affiliation with the possibility of exemption from captivity under honestly. As General Feldmarshal Sheremethev noted, "The Great Number of Officers and Soldiers, taken under Poltava, admit that the king did with them with extreme mercy, although, judging by disasters, what kind of prisoners of war are undergoing in Sweden, and they do not deserve such mercies and blessings . They recognize that the king left by the king of them and taken in the field and in the forests of the soldier ordered to treat all sorts. "

The government of Peter I paid great attention to the life of prisoners of war. The captivity was allowed only in the conditions of hostilities, and all the formalities of the enemy's surrender were observed. In the XVIII century The rule was canceled, according to which the fate of prisoners of war was solved by those who captured them. Responsibility for their fate was assigned to command or administrative authorities. Already in this century, in Russia, unlike other countries, self-government against the prisoners of war punishable by the death penalty. According to the testimony of the Danish Messenger, any ranks of the Russian army were punished for a self-voluntary injection of the prisoners (unprincipled them command). The Charter of the Military 1716 categorically forbidden to kill prisoners after the surrender of the garrison or military unit, they also established the death penalty for the looting of enemy cities and villages occupied without resistance. For the first time, the requirement to preserve schools, hospitals, churches, private buildings in settlements occupied by Russian troops appear. In the same period in Russia, rules for humane attitudes towards wounded, sick, old people, women and children, as well as strict penalties for retreat from these rules were established.

In addition, in contrast, for example, the Swedes, the Russians were not captured by civilians. Legal acts were adopted, regulating an attempt to escape prisoners of war, as well as the possibility of their repatriation to their homeland under honestly. Captive officers received a salary. The prisoner of war was provided to regularly correspond with their relatives - the phenomenon for those times is unique. In addition, they could come to the Russian army only under the condition of their consent.

The noble traditions of the Petrovsk epoch were preserved and multiplied throughout all the wars of the XVIII century.

For example, during the seven-year war 1756 - 1763, where the military genius of Peter Alekseevich Rumyantseva revealed, the first great Russian commander of the postpell epoch, all the divisional commanders and brigade generals were ordered "... wounded and patients with the most-time doctors at headquarters testify, and examining seriously wounded and difficult to patients on the lazaar carts and other shelf carts at one headquarters, headquarters and the satisfied number of drugs with sufficient converge to send, and prisoners of the wounded on the same wagons to accommodate and in good supervision, which for the sake of the Provitmouser Maslov ordered all prisoners of war, wounded, healthy and deserters by baked bread at the time in which they will be on the road. "

A. V. Suvorov, who wrote: "My tactic: appeal, courage, insight, insight, order, measure, rule, eye meter, speed, launch, humanity." In 1778, in the Order of the Kuban Corps of A. V. Suvorov demanded from subordinates "... with the prisoners to do humans, to be ashamed of barbarism ... no less than weapons to hit the enemy by humanity." Aphorism from the "Science to win" "Warrior will rule the power to crushing, and unarmed not struck" was and remains an immutable leadership to action for every soldier of Russia.

During the assault Warsaw on October 24, 1794, after taking her suburbs, a delegation was arrived at Suvorov with a letter from the King of Poland Stanislav understood. The delegation was delighted by the extraordinary modesty of the conditions proposed by the winner: "Weapons, artillery and shells folded outside the city in an agreed place. A solemn promise is given to the name of the Russian Empress that everything will be satisfied with the oblivion and that Polish troops, by the addition of weapons, will be dissolved at homes, with the provision of personal freedom and property of each. The same is guaranteed and peaceful people. " The deputies were surprised by generosity and benevolence, with whom Suvorov took them, treated and talked.

Upon joining the Russian troops in Warsaw on October 29, 1794, Suvorov received the keys from the senior member of her magistrate and, kissing them, thanked God loudly, after which he became fraternal to hug with members of the urban government. The fully, fair and benevolent attitude of Suvorov to the Poles in a large extent contributed to the fact that the voluntary peaceful disarmament of Poland was completed soon. Feldmarshal always adhered to the rules that "the wider the winner shows his generosity, the more complete the result of the refinement." "Not a striving, and generosity was conquered by Poland," said A. V. Suvorov, who was a sample of administrative wisdom when he peacefully regulated in this country during the year.

In 190 compiled in December 1790, the dispositions at the assault of Izmail Suvorov did not forget to write: "Christians and disarmed not deprived of life, of course the same thing about all women and children." In Poland, attention was also paid to the instructions on the storm of Prague: "Not to run into the house; unarmed not kill; do not fight with babs; youngsters do not touch. "

Suvorov demanded a humane attitude towards prisoners of war. He bought off in captivity, he obligated to keep life: "Vali on the spot, drive, if, the rest come to mercy. Sin is in vain to kill: they are the same people. " Suvorov pointed out that the destruction of the respondents could only increase the opponent's resistance.

The commander sought a fair attitude towards the civilian population. "There are no people offended, he will also feed us," this requirement constantly repeated in Suvorov orders. Thus, in the order of the troops of the Kuban and Crimean buildings, Suvorov wrote: "In standing and on the campaigns of Marauders, do not tolerate and punish it cruelly, that hour in place ... where it happens to forage, to repair that for troops, according to the rules, with extreme order. Are there any prudence, where to deprive himself the very current current consequences; Satisfied subsitulation and roof. Watch it in hostile land. Make and in a complaint of every man in the street immediately due to the pleasure. Not less than weapons to hit the enemy with humans. "

The great commander practical actions confirmed the correctness of his views, which was particularly clearly manifested in the campaign of 1799 in the Alps, where, due to its ability to comply with the measure and manifest humanity, he could not only achieve the support of the local population, which often provided him with information about the opponent and assisted rear security, but also to strengthen the confidence and respect for your own troops.

Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov also distinguished exceptional tact and excerpt. By participating in the Polish campaign of 1792, M. I. Kutuzov demanded from subordinates not to cause inspired by the inhabitants of this country, to maintain national wealth. It characterizes it and the fact that, for example, he forbade chop trees planted along the road to Warsaw, and, respecting the national dignity of the Poles, did not allow Russian armed detachments to the Polish capital.

During the Russian-Austro-French War of 1805, Kutuzov turned to his subordinates with the call to "do not repair the inhabitants no offend". He showed sincere care about the prisoners of officers and enemy soldiers, took measures to strengthen the discipline in the army, the modern provision of its food, equipment and ammunition. The commander demanded the strict fulfillment of all his orders and orders, which concerned, in particular, and such a question as the behavior of Russian servicemen in other people's countries. For example, in an order about the attitude towards the Austrian population and the Austrian officers from October 3, 1805, it was said: "... to confirm all the narrative ranks, so that no people are offended and displeasure, but try to run away from all that may be a reason for any Quarrels and complaints, and try the most insension and good severity with the owners to tie the inhabitants of the Earth. " The order to strengthen the discipline of November 20, 1805 obliging "... residents, both in the villages and on the roads of going, not to offend the same bad word. For any crime, the feeding of troops depends on any crime. "

During the overseas campaign of the Russian Army 1813 - 1814. Polish and German peoples were huge help and support, which was largely a consequence of a humane attitude towards them from Russian warriors. By preparing the army to the hikes, Kutuzov ordered to observe the strictest discipline during the passage of troops through the territory of foreign states. He sought to exclude everything that could lead to a complication in allied relations and cause unfavorable sense of the Russian army in Europe.

An important role in the progressive development of the laws and customs of war was also played by Russian warlords halves XIX. in. Thus, General Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev became famous for not only the roasted feats, but also a humane attitude towards prisoners and civilians. "Bey enemy without grace, while he holds his weapon in his hands," the screels inspired his subordinate. "But as soon as he gave up, I requested an amine, he became a prisoner - a friend he and brother to you. I myself do not daily - give him. He needs it ... and take care of him, how about yourself! "

Skobelian soldiers respectfully treated the civilian population and Central AsiaAnd in Bulgaria, they took him under their defense. Cases of ladderhood were not allowed and rigidly punished. All wounded: both, and the enemy - was ensured equal care.

During the Russian-Turkish War, 1877 - 1878. After the fight, the scrajeliev enters the Turkish Reduce. "Return the saber with captivity, it is holy to keep their property so that they do not lose one crumbs ... Warn, I will shoot for robbery! You fought nicely, bravo ... Move them that such opponents make the honor ... They are brave soldiers. "

In one place, Skobelev sent a bouquet in unknown as collected colors. It has not yet come to be time, and there were no such in the vicinity.

- Where does it come from?

- Thanks ... from Turkish women ... for the fact that their honor was not broken, for the fact that the immunity of haremov holy was respected by your troops.

"It's completely in vain," there was a response, "Russians are not fighting with women!

In the report of the head of the Imitliy Detachment of Lieutenant-General Skobelev's commander of the 8th Army Corps of January 3, 1878. It was said: "I saw the Sanitars of the Red Crescent Society, mostly Swiss, who, despite the danger of their position, were engaged in a dressing of wounded; I immediately appreciated the guard to them. "

As soon as the Plevna fell, Romanians - the Allies of Russia rushed to rob the city. Immediately after his appointment, the Military Governor of the city of Skobelev caused Romanian officers and stated them: "... Flight and warn yours that I will shoot such winners ... anyone caught on the looting will be killed like a dog. So remember ... yours are offended by women - I imagine to judge how nagged it ... Know - no complaint will remain without consequences, no crime will be unpunished. "

Turks called Skobelian "Fair". When he accepted the city, then it turned out to be a lot of wounded and patients. "When you need to fight, there is no time to treat," Osman Pasha said. - wounded and patients - an extra burden. Sultan and Turkey they are not needed. " Skobeliev looked at it differently. He immediately opened the hospital, and a large detachment of doctors and sanitation was sent to the treatment of the Turks. After visiting the general of the mosque, where the wounded prisoners were also lying, the Turks said: "You have better than we have, now we see it ... Your ak-Pasha and Turk attends, their enemies, and our Osman never saw us."

In a conversation with Skobelev, after taking the piers of Osman Pasha, said: "I know that you are assisting a wounded enemy, but Asker knows one thing: he will come with him as he arrives. And so that he does not escape in your climb, I have to close my eyes on his cruelty. This is the law of war, general. " In response, he heard: "This is a violation of the laws of war, Pasha."

An excellent example of using the rules of the rule of war to strengthen the discipline can be the following statement of General M. D. Skobelev: "The boss who admits robbery, violence against residents and prisoners in his troops, puts the most disastrous foundations for moral decomposition of troops and the key to their faithful defeat by the enemy " This statement is another confirmation of the idea that ignoring such actions, such as acts of personal revenge or looting, in which there is no deterrent ethical component, undermines the effectiveness of the actions of troops. Of course, such behavior leads to the loss of control from the commanders for the actions of subordinates. Moreover, unlimited cruelty distracts servicemen from fulfilling the task and often leads to a violation of the basic principles of martial arts, such as saving forces and means, unity and simplicity of action.

Summing up the foregoing, it should be noted that the laws and customs of war are not a new and alien concept for Russia and its armed forces. Their observance was a natural element of the activities of all without exception of great military leaders. Military successes Rumyantsev, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Skobelev prove the importance of warfare in compliance with the principles of humanity. One of the main features of the combat activities of Russian commander was easually compliance They are laws and customs of warfare that subsequently become one of the sources of international humanitarian law used today in the conditions of wars and armed conflicts.

And during the Great Patriotic War, as Georgy, Konstantinovich Zhukov, emphasized, "Our army showed the great humanism of nobility." Single cases of desires in relation to civilians of the country of defeated enemy were hard to stop, and soon the civilian population of Germany was convinced that the Soviet soldier could not be afraid. Later Marshal of Zhukov on the question of how managed to keep anger and venge after joining soviet troops In Berlin, the capital of the enemy, who allowed unprecedented atrocities in Soviet territory, answered: "Honestly, when the war went, we were all, and I, including, were determined to pay all the fascists for their increasingness. But we kept your anger. Our ideological beliefs, international feelings did not allow to surrender to blind hatred. A huge role here played educational work In the troops and generosity peculiar to our people. "


Today, when there are so many violence and cruelty in the world, it is not difficult to forget about the simple human compassion in the face of danger. But people in these photos said "no" hatred and instead chose love. They should serve as an example of all of us. It's time to stop and remember what humanity is.

(Just 41 photos)

1. Private Dick L. Powell shares his dinner with a homeless puppy. Korean War, 1951.

2. Residents of Ferguson, Missouri, USA, united to protect shops from marauders. year 2014.

3. Medic bandages the wounded child. Second world War, 1944.

4. Copy Christian protects Muslims during the Egyptian revolution. Cairo, 2011.

5. The Russian policeman carries a child saved from the school captured by terrorists. Beslan, 2004.

6. The infantryman soothes the comrade. Korean War, 1950-1953

7. The Bosnian soldier takes care of a child saved during evacuation in Mauda. 1995.

8. Demonstrators soothe upset officer Hoselito Seville during a protest action in Manila, Philippines, 2013.

9. The German soldier bandages the wounded Russian girl. World War II, 1941.

10. The Afghan soldier carries a crying child from the explosion site. Afghan War, 2001-2014

11. The German soldier shares his solder with his mother and her child. Meat Bor, World War II, 1941.

12. The Egyptians pumped the hands of the military, who abandoned the shoot of civilians. Egyptian revolution, 2011.

13. Journalist Reimond Walker runs through the bridge to France with the child he saved from the Spanish Civil War. 1936.

14. Soldier GDR ignores the order not to let anyone and helps the boy, who produced on the other side of the Berlin wall separated from his family. 1961 year.

15. American soldiers pushed the car with two seriously wounded German soldiers. World War II, January 26, 1945.

16. Joseph Duyer carries a wounded boy in a safe place away from fire. Iraq war, 2003-2011

17. Officer Ryan Lee and his dog Valdo sleep on the floor. Both escaped seemingly imminent death. Afghan War, 2011.

18. Woman protects the wounded demonstratrant from the military bulldozer. Egypt, 2013.

19. Sergeant Frank Putril feeds a kitten, whose mother died under the firing. Korean War, 1953.

20. Military Sanitary Richard Barnett holds a child whose family disappeared during a shootout. Iraq war, 2003.

21. The French soldier helps the family run from the Spanish Civil War. OK. 1938.

22. Ukrainian soldier kisses his girlfriend through the gate on the basis, surrounded by Russian military. year 2014.

23. The Jordanian soldier warms the handle of the Syrian child saved from the country covered by the war. Syrian civil War, OK. year 2013.

24. The priest soothes the wounded soldier in the midst of sniper fire. Rebellion in Venezuela, 1962.

25. Tunisian girl holds a rose soldier after the military refused to shoot demonstrators and announced that they would "protect the revolution". Tunisian revolution, 2011.

26. Soccer game Between British and German soldiers on the West Front. World War II, December 24, 1914.

27. The boy leads a blind old man for the ruled war destroyed. Korean War, 1951.

28. American woman soldier and afghan girl. Afghan war, 2010.

29. The soldier shares water and eating with three children on Saipan. July, 1944.

30. German soldiers play with a homeless kitten. World War II, 1943.

31. German soldiers help the Frenchman, stuck in the swamp in Verden. First World War, 1916.

24.05.2008 06:45

Many events and results of World War II are permanent falsification. Did not have time to subscribe disputes about who made a decisive contribution to the defeat of fascism, as appeared new topic For political speculations - about the ill-treatment of Soviet soldiers and officers, as well as authorities with prisoners of war. And what do archival documents and witnesses say about it?

It is well known that many events and the results of the Second World War are permanent falsification. Not only Western politicians and scientists are engaged in this non-casing, but, unfortunately, individual domestic Russophobes. They did not have time to subscribe to those who made a decisive contribution to the defeat of fascism, as a new topic appeared for political speculations - about the ill-treatment of Soviet soldiers and officers, as well as authorities with the enemy prisoners of war.

And what do archival documents and witnesses say about it?

After the end of the war, the military tribunal of the military of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Voronezh was convicted of five German generals and a large group of senior officers captured as a result of the defeat of the German troops and their satellites on the territory of the front.

Among them was, for example, Hokhbaum Fredrich Wilhelm, Lieutenant-General from infanteria, the commander of the Infantry Division, the subordinate parts of which and Gendarmery were brought in the Oryol and Voronezh regions.

Another high rank is Schwatlo-Gesterding, headquarters of the 7th Army Corps. In his direction, 20 people were shot in the territory of the state farm named Stalin, 12 people in the village of Maiden, including several teenagers aged 13-14 years for the fact that they allegedly stolen from german soldier Patch cigarettes.

At the very elbows were in the blood of Hilsher Rudolf, former to Schwatlo-Gesterding by the head of the 7th Army Corps headquarters. He was given the order of gendarmerie on July 14, 1942 "Clean" the premises of the psychucleaper of Orlovka from the mentally ill-tested Soviet citizens. In the execution of this order, the gendarmerie was shot by 721 people, including 700 mentally ill, 13 wounded servicemen of the Soviet army, 6 civilians and physicians of a mental hospital. Gruss and Reznikov with an infant child. In addition, in July-September 1942, 28 people from civilians were shot under his leadership in the territory of the state farm, in the sand log - 450 people, in the village of Maiden - 50 people, in a lounge - 66 people, in the village of Medvezhye - 50 people . Hinsher was the author of the instructions for the destruction of Voronezh.

After reading and shuddering from these atrocities, the reader, for sure, decided that the executioners earned the most severe punishment - the death penalty. Nothing like this! We have retained their lives and gave them to 25 years of correctional labor camps. I think that many will surprise such a conditionally soft sentence: they will be in the Nuremberg process or in any other country of the anti-Hitler coalition - they would certainly hang them.

I repeat: the prisoners were sent not to the concentration camp, but in a correctional labor camp. But the American authorities on the second day after the attack on Pearl Harbor were in line with more than 100 thousand Japanese to the concentration camp in Nevada, where they were held before the end of the war.

Of course, it can be different in different ways to the conditions of detention in the camsimensive officers, but from archival materials and communication with eyewitness, it is reliably known to me that senior officers are usually on physical work Not used. Starting from the colonels and above the rank had the right to keep orders-jams.

And how did the captured generals and colonels? One painted, the second was engaged in burning and carving on a tree, the third was fond of the sewing case (she sewed the costumes even for employees of the NKVD management).

In the camps for the Japanese prisoners of war first time, officers, starting with Major, were even allowed to wear Palashi - samurai swords, but after several cases of the commission of Harakiri the most fanatical officers, this privilege was canceled.

But the most striking fact was that the prisoners of officers were fed on the standards, where they were, except for bread and cereals, fish and, twice a week, meat. With every camp was medical part. The commandant camp of Japanese prisoners of war, which was under the bushes, told the author of these notes, which at first, from our food, many Japanese began to suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. Thille thinking, the bosses of the camp beat the telegram in the name I.V. Stalin (then it was accepted). A month later, a car with rice and a wagon with sea fish are enrolled in the camp. I do not know how other people of my generation were fed in those years, but I collected spikelets in Siberia in the spring and the murge potatoes on the collective farm fields.

That's what a former Japanese intelligence officer told me, convicted after the war to 25 years of correctional camps and serving a sentence in the Ivanovo region (he was released after 12 years). "We fed us in the camp as yours did not eat and on the will. For 12 years, no one has touched my finger. Home returned completely healthy. I and my children, and grandchildren punished, so that they did not do anything thin against Russia. "

In the fact that the Russian person is genetically characteristic of mercy, probably, no one is not necessary to convince. This can explain so humane and liberal attitude towards prisoners. As for the Germans, they had to feel during their stay in captivity on their own experience to feel that the Russians were not barbarvars, which they were convinced of decades, and a humane, civilized nation, very sensitive to someone else's grief. I believe that our authorities have pursued here and far-reaching goals - we had to live in the territory, which later became the GDR and work with the citizens of this country. And for sure: the otside of 8-10-12 years old, many prisoners of war returned to Germany and settled in the Soviet sector of the occupation.

Moreover, a significant percentage of the GGB of GDR was staffed by former military officers who passed the courses of anti-fascist schools. The time of their stay in the USSR, communication with Soviet people, their benevolent attitude to yesterday's enemies did not pass without a trace. They knew that for the salvation of the wounded and sick German officers, our doctors poured them the blood of the Voronezh peasant, her husband, son or brother whom they may have killed.

Close to me the poet of V. Pankratov, unfortunately, now the deceased, told how many Voronezh women knew on the side of the road, according to which the prisoners drove to work, mainly on construction sites to suck someone a potato or a piece of bread.

Working for several years in the GDR, I was constantly communicating with the former prisoners of war in the service and in a non-fast setting, but I do not remember a single case to make any of them even after using a solid dose of the hottest (and the Germans loved Khalyava) complained about the difficult conditions of stay in captivity. On the contrary, they thanked Soviet people for humanity, mercy and altruism.

I am far from thought in a pink light to present the life of prisoners of war and outlaw only the facts that I have become known from archival documents and eyewitness stories.

At the International Conference, held April 14-15 in agricultural UniversityThe Italian Professor M. Jousti, who drew a terrifying picture of the content of Italian prisoners of war in the camps of the Tambov region (we did not have them).

She told that 17 thousand prisoners of war were died of hunger and disease. When the professor stated that her countrymen fed poorly, I could not resist and asked: Did she submit our people-winner in 1946-1947? I had her information to question because the leadership of the country knew: Italian occupiers hurt less Germans and Magyar, and in some cases there were even loyalty to the local population, and therefore, it was a non-malformed by such a cruel treatment with their prisoners of war.

I want to get to the SUTI on this issue: I turned to the management of our FSB management with a request to request from Tambov an official certificate on this issue.

How to fill the deficit of the truth about the war? First of all, you do not need to rewrite your story, but to perceive it as it was.

The archival materials should not be prepared from the standpoint of the current political feasibility. It is still done on the scale of the country, and on the ground. .

It is also not necessary to leave without attention and responding to the falsification of Western politicians and scientists who continue to subside our people.

Under this concept, a number of agreements are meant, including four conventions and three additional protocols, signed for a long period of time until 2005, they all in one degree or another concern various aspects of international humanitarian law. We are interested in documents adopted before the beginning of World War II. In August 1864, 12 States present at the Diplomatic Conference in Geneva introduced the symbolism of the Red Cross known to us and signed the "Geneva Convention on the improvement of the participants of the wounded soldiers on the battlefield." Russia did not accept the participation in this conference, but signed the Convention in 1867. Germany in its modern concept was represented by individual states: Baden, Hesse, Prussia and Württemberg. Hermann Empirelike new state EducationFounded in 1871, signed an agreement only in 1907, which was associated with tightening in ratification by individual entities, mainly due to the friction between Austria and Prussia. In a short time after the signing of the Convention in the scientific world of Europe, publications appeared with criticism of the provisions of the Agreement in terms of its dogmatism and inconsistency modern conditions. In 1906, the first Geneva Convention was redesigned and adopted in a modified edition. An extremely important change was the abolition of the former amendment, which prescribed compliance with the terms of the Convention only by country satellites. These changes were also approved by Germany and Russia. The first Geneva Convention in the 1906 editorial office was used to develop the text of the Hague Convention of 1907, which allows us to talk about the general humanitarian and legal database of two international agreements.

ADN-ZB / Archiv
II. WELTKRIEG 1939-1945
An der Front Im Süden der Sowjetunion; Juli 1942.
Gefangene Rotarmisten Müssen Ihren Durst An Einem Tümpel Stillen.
Aufnahme: Gehrmann.

In July 1929, three new humanitarian law agreements were signed in Geneva: "On improving the participants of the wounded and patients in the current armies" (upgraded version of the relevant agreement 1864/1906), "On improving the participants of the wounded, patients and victims of shipwreck in the military -Momsky fleet "and finally" about handling prisoners of war. "
The new international act regarding the humane treatment with the prisoners of the enemy consisted of 97 articles and was noticeably the volume of the Hague document of 1907, directly in Art. 1 It was said that the provisions of this Agreement apply to the persons listed in Art. 1, 2 and 3 of the 1907 Hague agreement in Art. 89 was present a direct reference to the Hague Conventions 1899 and 1907. The main provisions and innovations of this document:

Art. 2 emphasized that prisoners of war are in the power of the enemy power, but by no means a separate military unit, which took captivity. With them it is necessary to constantly manage humanly, to protect against violence, insults and curiosity of the crowd. The article forbade repression towards them.

Art. 3 for the first time spoke of a special handling of prisoners ("according to their semi").

Art. 4 strictly regulated, in what cases the various content of prisoners of war is possible, which was a significant refinement in comparison from 1907.

Art. 5 prohibited insults, bullying and threats if the tweak refuses to inform the information of a military nature.

Art. 10 provided guarantees for hygiene, health, heating and lighting in buildings to place prisoners of war.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe premises and the individual space at the disposal of the prisoners of war should have been no less than the soldier of the Power, in the hands of which was a tweeted.

The authors of the Convention recorded an important innovation in it in comparison with the 1907 Hague Agreement. 82 Personal: "If in case of war, one of the warring parties will be not participating in the Convention, however, the provisions are obligatory for all warring, the convention of the signatories."

The agreement "On the handling of prisoners of war" signed and ratified 47 states. Germany has signed this agreement directly at the conference. In 1934, the document was ratified and received in Germany the highest legal status of the "Imperial Law". The Soviet Union did not participate in the conference and, accordingly, did not sign this agreement.

The reasons for the unspecifications of the Geneva Convention of the USSR

The reasons for the unspecuting of the Geneva Convention "On the Arrival of Prisoners of Security" by the USSR are considered proven in historiography. A. Schneer indicates: "One of the reasons why the Soviet Union did not sign the Geneva Convention as a whole was disagreement with the division of prisoners on a national basis. According to the leaders of the USSR, this provision contradicted the principles of internationalism. " An unequivocal answer to the question makes the conclusion of the Malitsky consultant for the draft resolution of the CEC and SNK of the USSR "Regulations on the prisoners of war" dated March 27, 1931. This document arose after the adoption of the CEC and SCC of the USSR of Resolution No. 46 on approval of the draft Decree of the CEC and SCA of the USSR "Provision on prisoners of war "Dated 19.03.1931, i.e. National legislation from 45 articles on humane treatment of prisoners of war. Malitsky lists the differences between the Soviet "Regulations" from the Geneva Convention of 1929

All differences between the National Soviet and international legal acts in this area were in the ideological plane. The unequal position of soldiers and officers, density and limited functions of collective representative offices of prisoners of war (camp committees) contradict the fundamental dominant settings in the USSR. Consequently, the Geneva Agreement "On Arriving Printing" could not be signed on behalf of the Soviet government.

Further comparison of two documents shows that Moscow gave the prisoner of war in their desire to not work at all (Article 34 of the provisions of 1931), intended to emphasize the supremacy of Soviet laws in the camp (Article 8.), but at the same time did not prevent the departure of religious The cults in the absence of interference with the routine of the camp (Article 13), although in the early 1930s. The ideology of militant atheism continued to operate in the USSR. Also draws attention to the conciseness of the wording. Generally, comparative analysis Two documents make it possible to conclude that the basic prisoners of war were in the same way and with identical content are spelled out both in the Geneva Convention "On Arriving Printing" 1929 and in the decision of the CEC and SCA of the USSR "Regulations on prisoners of war" 1931. However, The disadvantage of the Soviet legislative act was its national status, which prevented the norm of the obligatory implementation of these prescriptions by the armies of other states of the world in relation to the prisoners of the RKKKA military personnel.

In August 1931, in the declaration of the head of the NKID M. Litvinova, Moscow announced his accession to one of the three conventions approved in 1929 in Geneva, "On improving the participants of the wounded and patients in the current armies", and the decision of the CEC dates back to May 1930 . The fact of joining the USSR to this convention is confirmed by foreign sources, for example, this is stated in the instrumental document of Austria and in the comments to the international humanitarian law, placed in the basis of legislative acts of the Federal Chancellor of Austria. The agreement consisted of 39 articles. It prescribed to treat humanly with injuries and sick, regardless of their citizenship and belonging to a certain warning army (Article 1), and in Art. 2 Especially emphasized the nature of the relationship to the wounded prisoners of war: with the use of general international law.

Nazi approach

Nazi Germany before the first shot in the German-Soviet border proclaimed a racial and "civilizational" nature of the future war against the USSR. Adopted by the Wehrmacht in 1938. "Instruction regarding prisoners of war" GDV 38/2, which, in general, consisted of the provisions of the Geneva Convention, was irrelevant for a new military campaign. The position of official Berlin regarding the future handling of prisoner soldiers and the officers of the Red Army was announced by Hitler 30.03.1941 in the speech before the German general: "Bolshevik enemy and before, and after (captive - D.S.) is not a comrade." The disposal of the head of the OKV / AVa General G. Rainek, who was subordinated to the Department of Prisoners of Secand, from 06/16/1941 and his order No. 3058/41 and his order for the protection of Soviet prisoners of war were also published and widely well known. Dated September 08.09.1941 . In these documents, the veschite command was openly prescribed to contact the prisoners of the Red Army's prisoners in a clear contradiction with the provisions of the Hague and Geneva Conventions. Finally, in the order of the OKOV and OKM dated 10/21/1941, signed by General-Starmaster E. Wagner was directly stated on non-compliance with the 1929 Geneva Agreement in relation to Soviet prisoners of war: "... 7. The Soviet Union did not join the agreement on the treatment of prisoners of June 27, 1929. For this reason, on our part, there is no obligation to provide Soviet prisoners of war to the amount of food and provided for by the quota established by this agreement (...) Non-working Soviet prisoners of war can die from hunger. "

K. Strette, the largest specialist in the study of the residence of Soviet soldiers and officers in German captivity, summarizes: "It (the German leadership - D.S.) did not want to subordinate himself to any restrictions in the methods of warfare, nor in relation to Soviet Prisoner of war or occupying policies. No less significant factor that determined the fate of Soviet prisoners of war was the desire to lead Germany to spend the minimum number of resources to maintain the lives of prisoners. The dominant was the supply of the Wehrmacht at the expense of food reserves of the occupied territories, which was envisaged by the Barbarossa plan, as well as the use of Soviet prisoners of war as a free labor force, which was encouraged by the Germans called to the Front.

In practice in 1941-1945 Soviet prisoners of war were hungry, were in unexpected conditions for life, up to earthlings, faced with a massive impairment of sanitary and hygienic standards. After the captivity, the RKKK and Soviet partisans were forced to disclose the information of a military nature, including the use of threats and torture. According to a number of orders, certain categories of Soviet prisoners of war (Jews, parbullies, Commissioners, often and officers) were subject to "breeding" and shooting. In the front-line strip of the German armies, during the hiking and in the "souls", wounded and weakened prisoners of war were executed by guarding. Honey services in the camps were minimal. The wounded and patients of the captives were not exempted from transportation to other camps, including in Germany, without military necessity. Soviet prisoners were attracted to forced labor In the Military Industry "Reich", worked without days off. Practically in all industrial industries (metalworking, chemical and mining, railway sector, loading) Soviet prisoners had to work in conditions of harmful health; Technical safety standards have not been respected. Sentences for the "guilty" Soviet prisoners of war were carried out in perfecting "on the ambulance hand", the investigation and the court were more exception than the rule. In each camp there was a CARTER or a different insulated place of strict content. In relation to the prisoners of the Soviet soldiers, corporal punishments were used everywhere, for example, for a neurode for work (even in case of illness or physical impossibility of actions) or for refusal to join ROA and other collaborationist formations. Soviet prisoners of war were often sent to stationary places of conclusions, not intended for their content in the sense of international law, for example, in the Gestapo prison and in concentration camp under the jurisdiction of the SS. In a short exception, the Soviet prisoners did not have the opportunity to send correspondence to their homeland. Neither the state structures of the USSR, nor the family knew about their location. The satisfaction of cultural and religious needs could not be speech, with the exception of roligent activities. separate representatives The church, which, however, was allowed by the Nazis only in propaganda purposes, in the occupied territory and in a short period. Women's prisoners of war under violence and bullying. Thus, the Wehrmacht and the leadership of Germany consciously and purposefully violated most of the provisions of the Hague and Geneva Conventions.

Attempts by the USSR to improve the position of prisoners of war

For the Soviet leadership, the sudden was not only the assault assault on the USSR, but also the tragic failures of the first days and weeks of war, and, as a result of the position at the front, a large number of prisoners. Military actions meant a break of diplomatic relations, and, consequently, direct contacts between Moscow and Berlin. The first response to the created situation was the adoption of the SNK of the USSR of the new "Decree on Prisoners of Secand" No. 1798-800 d d dated July 7, 1941, it entered into force together with the order of the USSR NKVD No. 0342 dated July 21, 1941. The ruling consisted of seven chapters: General , Evacuation of prisoners of war, placement of prisoners of war and their legal status, criminal and disciplinary responsibility of prisoners of war, reference information and assistance to prisoners of war. New rules envisaged close cooperation with the Red Cross International Committee. The meaningful part of the decision corresponded to the Hague and Geneva Conventions. The form of the resolution largely repeated the structure of these documents.

07/17/1941 The Kremlin appealed to the Government of Sweden with a note, in which he expressed his readiness to comply with the Hague Convention of 1907 on the terms of reciprocity from Germany. According to Strette, the Soviet Union, announced for itself a mandatory agreement signed by the Tsarist Government, completed the process of his accession to the Hague Convention. " Germany rejected this note on August 25, 1941. Proof of serious intentions of Moscow is the following document rarely cited in russian literature: "Telegram from Moscow on August 8, 1941, Mr. Huber, president of the Committee of the International Red Cross, Geneva. In response to your (note) No. 7162, the NKID of the USSR on the instruction of the Soviet government has the honor to report that the Soviet government has already been expressed by the Government of Sweden, representing the interests of Germany in the USSR: the Soviet Union considers it necessary to comply with the listed in IV. The Hague Convention of October 18, 1907. The rules for warfare regarding laws and customs of the land war, with the mandatory condition for the compliance with the rules of Germany and its allies. The Soviet government in accordance with the exchange of information about the wounded and patients of prisoners of war, as provided for by Art. 14 in Appendix to the title Convention and Art. 4 Geneva Convention dated July 26, 1929 "On the improvement of the participants of the wounded and patients in the existing armies". Vyshinsky, Deputy People's Commissioner of Foreign Affairs. "

The following notes of protest signed by V. Molotov followed November 25, 1941 and 04/25/1942 NKID of the USSR in the note of November 25, 1941, which appeared on the Nuremberg process as the document "USSR-51", led concrete examples of inhuman and cruel Nazis's appeals with Soviet prisoners of war. Chapter 6 of this document was called "the extermination of Soviet prisoners of war." This note demonstrates the lack of making a problem from the Kremlin and contradicts the thesis of the alleged "indifference of Stalin" to the fate of Soviet prisoners of war. At this attempt to indirect appeals to the German government, essentially was discontinued.


Based on the facts set forth in the article, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. By the time the Great Patriotic War began in international humanitarian law, the conditions for humane treatment of prisoners of war were clearly spelled.

2. The Soviet side recognized the Hague Convention of 1907. Even if not to consider the decree of the 2013 Century of the Central Executive Committee of 1918 as recognition of this document, notes of July 17, 1944, November 25, 1944 and 04/25/1942, no doubt about the unambiguous obligations Moscow.

3. The 1929 Geneva Convention contained the obligations of the Current Party to comply with the terms of the agreement against the military's military personnel who did not sign the Convention.

4. National Soviet humanitarian law regarding prisoners of war of the opponent 1931 and 1941. It corresponded to the Hague and Geneva Conventions.

5. Nazi Germany after July 22, 1941 continued to be bound by international humanitarian law. She deliberately refused to abide by their Soviet prisoners of war, which was recorded documented and implemented in practice. The reasons for the refusal were an ideological, military and economic nature. Berlin systematically violated the Geneva Convention "On improving the participants of the wounded and patients in the existing armies", which before the war, both sides were recognized.

6. It is problematic to determine whether "sufficient" attempts to Moscow facilitate the fate of their citizens in Nazi captivity. A significant role was played by the unpretentiousness of Germany to finally and irrevocably recognize the norms of international humanitarian law in relation to the Soviet prisoners of war. A long and unsuccessful negotiation process caused Skepticism from Moscow regarding the possibility of the ICRC to seriously affect the situation. Negatively, it is necessary to evaluate the excessive suspicion of the Soviet leadership, its readiness to protect himself "from interference in internal affairs" from the "capitalists", as well as the unwillingness of orthodox-ideological reasons to recognize the Geneva Convention completely. Nevertheless, it is doubtful that further efforts to establish contact with the leadership of Germany through mediation states and structures would lead to success.

7. In terms of a series of military defeats 1941-1942. and total war of war Soviet leadership had extremely limited opportunities Influence the situation of their citizens in captivity. Such possibilities include notes of protest and statements to the international red cross and governments of neutral states. It was implemented in practice. There were no other levers of influence on the fate of the prisoner of the Soviet soldier from the moment of captivity until Moscow did not have.

This electronic publication is an abbreviated version of the article: Stratyevsky D. Soviet prisoners of war Second World and humanitarian law. Could Moscow save their citizens? // Journal of Russian and Eastern European Studies. 2014. No. 1 (5). P. 79-90. You can get acquainted with the full text of the article.

Dmitry Stratyevsky

Doctor of History, Master of Political Science, Deputy. Directors of the Berlin Center of Eastern Europe (Germany)

"The prisoner of war is a soldier, captured" from the dictionary S.I. Ozhegova Objectives: 1. Trade in literary material attitude towards prisoners of war. 2. Consider "the main provisions of the Geneva Conventions and additional protocols to them", section III "Protection of prisoners of war." 3. To convey the student existing problem and find out their opinion towards prisoners of war. 4. Consider the role of the ICRC on this issue.

Tasks: 1. To convey to the information of the student relevance of the issue of prisoners of war. 2. Show horrors of war on literary examples. 3. With the help of the survey, it is necessary to think about schoolchildren about the problems associated with captivity. 4. Submit information on the rights and obligations of prisoners of war.

Research methods: 1. Studying stories and stories on the proposed topics. 2. Consideration of the found works in chronological order their writing. 3. Identify the features of the relationship to the prisoner of war in a certain period of time. 4. Examine the "main provisions of the Geneva Conventions and additional protocols to them", section III "Protection of Prisoners of Secand". 5. The survey of modern schoolchildren on the problem of prisoners of war. 6. Consider the literature on the ICRC deposit on prisoners of war.

The relevance of this problem is natural, since there is no such day in the world and even such a minute so that in some kind of corner of our planet did not go. And none of the warring parties do without loss: some dying, others are captured. And we must treat this issue with understanding, because every life is priceless, because every dead or captured soldiers are, first of all, a person, a soul with his dreams about the future, with his past, and not a military unit. And the present of this captive personality (the deceased is no longer there is no future, it can only be corrected relative and decent to bury) depends on the content in captivity. The relevance of this problem is natural, since there is no such day in the world and even such a minute so that in some kind of corner of our planet did not go. And none of the warring parties do without loss: some dying, others are captured. And we must treat this issue with understanding, because every life is priceless, because every dead or captured soldiers are, first of all, a person, a soul with his dreams about the future, with his past, and not a military unit. And the present of this captive personality (the deceased is no longer there is no future, it can only be corrected relative and decent to bury) depends on the content in captivity.

Attitude towards the prisoners in Russia has long been humane. Mercy demanded the "Cathedral Code" of Moscow Rus (1649): "The enemy, asking for mercy, shoot; unarmed not to kill; do not fight with babes; do not touch youngsters. With prisoners to do humans, to be ashamed of barbarism. Not less than weapons hit the enemy Personalize. The warrior will power the power enemy crushing, and not unarmed struck. " And so came the centuries.

Attitude towards prisoners of war on the example of literary works written during the Great Patriotic War and after it. Relationship formula for prisoners of war: 1) attitude to Soviet prisoners of war: a) who are in Germans; b) returned from German captivity. 2) Attitude towards the German prisoners of war.

War! The peculiarities of this heavy time dictate an irreconcilable attitude to the enemy. Consequently, during the war, prisoners of war from the ranks of those who invaded someone else's territory are a beast, a non-human, devoid of any human qualities. Proprustic or liberation war, this is one of the aspects that affects the attitude towards the prisoner of war. The invaders are tighter than the liberators. And this is not surprising, since the one who protects his native land, born and focused on this land, is fighting for each of her centimeter, for each blade and epic. Having come to someone else's territory, peaceful residents suffer from the hands of the invaders. And this is someone native and relatives. And then revenge settles in the heart of people and gradually masters them.

With the same feelings, the worst horrors of the captivity are fighting, and that is a visual example from the story of M. Sholokhov "Science of Hate" 1942. Lieutenant Gerasimov, visited captivity and experienced all the captivity of captivity: "Bey in camp fists, sticks, butts. They beat so simple, from boredom or for entertainment ... We slept right in the mud, there were neither straw litters, nothing. Let's knock on a close bunch, lying. All night there is a quiet way: they are angry those that are from above. It was not a dream, but bitter flour. " Recent words, in my opinion, have a double meaning. After liberation from the camp, it returns to the front, but can not see the living Hitlirovtsev, "it is alive, there is nothing on the dead ... even with pleasure, but the prisoners will see and either the eyes closes and sits pale and sweaty, or will turn away and leave." The words of the chief hero are very significant: "... And they learned to fight truly, and hate, and love." With the same feelings, the worst horrors of the captivity are fighting, and that is a visual example from the story of M. Sholokhov "Science of Hate" 1942. Lieutenant Gerasimov, visited captivity and experienced all the captivity of captivity: "Bey in camp fists, sticks, butts. They beat so simple, from boredom or for entertainment ... We slept right in the mud, there were neither straw litters, nothing. Let's knock on a close bunch, lying. All night there is a quiet way: they are angry those that are from above. It was not a dream, but bitter flour. " Recent words, in my opinion, have a double meaning. After liberation from the camp, it returns to the front, but can not see the living Hitlirovtsev, "it is alive, there is nothing on the dead ... even with pleasure, but the prisoners will see and either the eyes closes and sits pale and sweaty, or will turn away and leave." The words of the chief hero are very significant: "... And they learned to fight truly, and hate, and love." Sholokhov M.

The autobiographical story is we, Lord! Was written in 1943. Exactly 30 days later in the underground, knowing that the deadly danger is near and need to have time, wrote K. Vorobyov about what happened to him to survive in the fascist captivity. Scary paintings pass before the reader's eyes: Stripped heads, bare legs and hands in the forest sticking out of the snow on the sides of the road. These people went to the place of torture and the flour camps of prisoners of war, and they did not reach, they fell on the way ... and silently and Groznyly gate the curse of the killers, having drowned his hand from under the snow, as if he had a revenge! Revenge! Revenge! The autobiographical story is we, Lord! Was written in 1943. Exactly 30 days later in the underground, knowing that the deadly danger is near and need to have time, wrote K. Vorobyov about what happened to him to survive in the fascist captivity. Scary paintings pass before the reader's eyes: Stripped heads, bare legs and hands in the forest sticking out of the snow on the sides of the road. These people went to the place of torture and the flour camps of prisoners of war, and they did not reach, they fell on the way ... and silently and Groznyly gate the curse of the killers, having drowned his hand from under the snow, as if he had a revenge! Revenge! Revenge! Vorobiev K.

There is also such a kind of prisoners of war, where special detachments are deliberately capturing in the rear of the enemy of the military, which own important information about their troops, these are the so-called "languages". Such prisoners of war are very highly valued. This case is described in the story of K. Vorobyva "Language" my - my enemy ", written in 1943. Accordingly, the "language" was treated as a precious product, because it had to bring alive to his superiors. Since the story was written in 1943, then the "Languages" are shown faceless. But what is interesting, becas, the main character The story, "led the list of his" languages \u200b\u200b"and all of them were under the names: Kurt, Willie, Richard, another Kurt, Fritz, Helmut, Michel, Adolf, and another Richard. Beksov, finding out that the German name is Carl, lost all interest to him. " Vorobiev K.

The attitude to the prisoner of war depends on which stage is the war (beginning, a turning point, end), the duration of duration, the economic condition of the army and its martial spirit, is there an idea or the ultimate goal, for which the warring parties are fighting. The literature of the post-war period, in addition to the disclosure of a new look at the problems of wartime, it became differently to the prisoners of war. In the captive, human qualities began to manifest itself, there were some traits of character, even the appearance began to acquire individual traits. And during the war, any representative of the enemy army is a fascist, a monster, a soulless creation. This was a certain meaning. Thus, in a soldier, the image of an irreconcilable enemy was formed, on the other hand, they raised the morale and strengthened the feeling of patriotism. The literature of the post-war period, in addition to the disclosure of a new look at the problems of wartime, it became differently to the prisoners of war. In the captive, human qualities began to manifest itself, there were some traits of character, even the appearance began to acquire individual traits. And during the war, any representative of the enemy army is a fascist, a monster, a soulless creation. This was a certain meaning. Thus, in a soldier, the image of an irreconcilable enemy was formed, on the other hand, they raised the morale and strengthened the feeling of patriotism.

The story "One Day Ivan Denisovich" 1962 Alexandra Isaevich Solzhenitsyn depicts one day from the life of Zeka: "It is considered in the case that Schukhov for treason of his homeland. And he gave the testimony, so yes, he gave up, wanting to change his homeland, and returned from captivity because he carried out the task of German intelligence. " But what a task - neither shukhov, could not come up with the investigator. So it remains just "task". Shukhov and was in captivity two days, and then ran away, yes not one, but in a fist. Three died in wandering. Two survived. Ivan Denisovich dwells in the camp of 10 years due to the fact that he mentioned two days of captivity, glading that he fled from captivity. Such fate suffered many prisoners of war. And it is not surprising, as the slogan during the Second World War was: "Melci and not give up!". Solzhenitsyn A.I.

In the story "Sasha" 1979 Vyacheslav Kondratyeva The protagonist is ordinary Sasha, talking to the German, who was captured by him. He even says that he experienced "a great sense of power over the prisoner: I want to kill, I want to eat." But he cannot kill just so unarmed man by order of the Kombat. Even violating the charter, it is looking for possible options to keep him (young german studentwho says he is not a fascist, but the German soldier), life. The honesty and straightness of the soldier are in the soul of Sasha respect for the prisoner of war: "He also gave oath." I was struck by the description of the gaze of a person who was doomed to death: "... Their eyes - Lightly some, detached, already from that light as if the eyes were dying before. He also beat his heart, breathed breasts, and his eyes ... Eyes already sacrificed. " The response of the Kombat in a story in relation to the prisoners of war is clear, he can also sympathize, because in the face of the prisoner he sees the culprit of the death of his beloved girl of Kati, who died on the same day. Kondratyev V.

The literature of the military period reflects the state of affairs during the war, the morale of the army and the people. Nothing increases the sense of patriotism as a war. Proven! At the beginning of hostilities, the soldiers could not understand how to treat the enemy, as they could not accept the very fact of war. After the fascists began to build concentration camps, burn the village and sat down, kill everyone from Mala to Velik, mock the prisoners of war, a feeling of merciless revenge and cruelty in relation to the enemy arose. And any German began to be perceived as something shapeless and faceless. But until the turning point during the war, lintures had a slogan character, I would say optimistic-pessimistic. "There is nothing worse than the beast cornered in the corner of the beast," says folk wisdom. And this statement is fair, as the story has shown.

In the literature, in my opinion, the attitude towards the prisoners of war is mainly subjective, and literature considers some typical situations. The attitude in the literature towards the prisoner of war depends on the circumstances of the circumstances, although it has common features. At the end of the war, attitudes towards the enemy and the prisoners of war, respectively, was condescending, because the soldiers premeditated a close victory and were tired of the war. Post-war literature about the Second World War, revised its attitude to war, seeing mistakes and shortcomings of command, the meaninglessness of some orders and actions of military leaders, looked in a new way and on prisoners of war: a prisoner of war - a man with his problems, dreams, character and optional fascist.

Luneva O.S. And Lunev A. Passionate Soldier War - Toy for Verry, War - Toy for Verry, the game of politicians walking out. The game of politicians going against. Innocent this virus struck, innocent, this virus struck, and grief enters each house. And the grief is included in every house. Soldier, you are completely equipped, soldiers, you are completely equipped, Silen, sure, packed, Silen, I am sure, packaged, and gauge, worthy praise, and gauge, decent praise, and discipline - extractor, heat. And discipline - extractor, heat. Before you the unfortunate plated ... In front of you, the unfortunate twisted ... Yesterday he was also sure, yesterday he was also sure that there was no brave on earth. What no brave on Earth. Today ... He is defeated, today ... it should be defeated, extractable, injured, neutralized. Mixed, wounded, neutralized. You can also be captured, you can also be captured, disarmed, even depressed. Disarmed, even depressed. And every age of war is disfigured, and every age of war is disfigured, and every year the war is infected. And every year the war is infected 2009.

HISTORICAL REFERENCE. Until the 2nd half of the XIX century, there were no multilateral agreements in international law establishing the Military Captivity regime. The first convention on the laws and customs of the land war, which recorded the norms regulating the regime of the military captivity was adopted in 1899 at the 1st World Conference in the Hague. Until the 2nd half of the XIX century, there were no multilateral agreements in international law establishing the Military Captivity regime. The first convention on the laws and customs of the land war, which recorded the norms regulating the regime of the military captivity was adopted in 1899 at the 1st World Conference in the Hague.

The 2nd Hague Conference of the World (1907) developed a new convention, a more fully determined legal transfer regime. The 1st World War aroused the need for the further development of the rules of the military captivity, and in 1929 the Geneva Convention on Prisoners of Secand was adopted. The 2nd Hague Conference of the World (1907) developed a new convention, a more fully determined legal transfer regime. The 1st World War aroused the need for the further development of the rules of the military captivity, and in 1929 the Geneva Convention on Prisoners of Secand was adopted. In the period of World War II, Germany, I asked the International Conventions, subjected to prisoners of war tortured and mass destruction. In order to prevent the arbitrariness of the warring in 1949, the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war, aimed at humanization of war rules, was developed and subscribed. In the period of World War II, Germany, I asked the International Conventions, subjected to prisoners of war tortured and mass destruction. In order to prevent the arbitrariness of the warring in 1949, the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war, aimed at humanization of war rules, was developed and subscribed.

This convention included fundamentally new norms: prohibition of discrimination against prisoners of war for the reasons of race, skin color, religion, gender, origin or property; The establishment of criminal liability for violation of the provisions of the Convention and others. This convention included fundamentally new norms: prohibition of discrimination against prisoners of war for the reasons of race, skin color, religion, gender, origin or property; The establishment of criminal liability for violation of the provisions of the Convention and other innovation was the dissemination of the provisions of the Convention on the Civil and the so-called "national liberation" wars. Thus, the main conventions regulating the regime of the military captivity are: the Regulation on the laws and customs of the land warp (annex to the 4th Hague Convention 1907) and the Geneva Convention 1949 on the treatment of prisoners of war. The innovation was the dissemination of the provisions of the Convention on the Civil and the so-called "national liberation" wars. Thus, the main conventions regulating the regime of the military captivity are: the Regulation on the laws and customs of the land warp (annex to the 4th Hague Convention 1907) and the Geneva Convention 1949 on the treatment of prisoners of war.

According to various estimates, the number of Soviet soldiers in German captivity in the GG. Mis to different estimates the number of Soviet soldiers in German captivity in the GG. ranged from to man. from to man.

After 1945, we had 4 million Germans, Japanese, Hungarians, Austrians, Romanians, Italians, Finns ... What was the attitude towards them? They were sorry. From the prisoners of Germans, we survived two thirds, from ours in German camps - a third! "In captivity, we were fed better than the Russians themselves. I left the part of my heart in Russia," testifies one of the German veterans, who has survived the Soviet captivity and returned to his homeland in Germany. The daily diet of the ordinary prisoner force on the standards of boiler satisfaction for prisoners of war in the NKVD camps was 600 grams of rye bread, 40 grams of meat, 120 grams of fish, 600 grams of potatoes and vegetables, other products with a total energy value of 2533 kcal per day. After 1945, we had 4 million Germans, Japanese, Hungarians, Austrians, Romanians, Italians, Finns ... What was the attitude towards them? They were sorry. From the prisoners of Germans, we survived two thirds, from ours in German camps - a third! "In captivity, we were fed better than the Russians themselves. I left the part of my heart in Russia," testifies one of the German veterans, who has survived the Soviet captivity and returned to his homeland in Germany. The daily diet of the ordinary prisoner force on the standards of boiler satisfaction for prisoners of war in the NKVD camps was 600 grams of rye bread, 40 grams of meat, 120 grams of fish, 600 grams of potatoes and vegetables, other products with a total energy value of 2533 kcal per day. Unfortunately, the majority of the provisions of the Geneva Conventions "about the treatment of prisoners of war" remained only on paper. German captivity is one of the most gloomy phenomena of the Second World War. The picture of the fascist captivity was very difficult, the whole of the atrocities did not stop. Everyone knows that they did during World War II "Cultural" Germans and the Japanese, conducting experiments on people, mocking over them in death camps ... Unfortunately, most of the provisions of the Geneva Conventions "about the handling of prisoners of war" remained only on paper. German captivity is one of the most gloomy phenomena of the Second World War. The picture of the fascist captivity was very difficult, the whole of the atrocities did not stop. Everyone knows what they did during the Second World War "Cultural" Germans and the Japanese, conducting experiments on people, mocking over them in death camps ...

The main provisions of international law relating to prisoners of war look like this: encroachment on life and physical integrity of the prisoner of war (murder, causing injury, ill-treatment, torture and torture), as well as encroachment on their human dignity, including offensive and degrading treatment are prohibited . An encroachment on the life and physical integrity of the prisoner of war (murder, causing injury, ill-treatment, torture and torture), as well as an encroachment on their human dignity, including offensive and degrading treatment, are prohibited. No prisoners of war may be physically crossed, as well as scientific or medical experience, if it is not justified by the considerations of treatment. No prisoners of war may be physically crossed, as well as scientific or medical experience, if it is not justified by the considerations of treatment. The state in whose power is prisoners of war, is obliged to keep them for free, as well as provide them with proper medical care; Prisoners of war must use the same food, premises and clothing, as the troops of the state that took them in captivity. The state in whose power is prisoners of war, is obliged to keep them for free, as well as provide them with proper medical care; Prisoners of war must use the same food, premises and clothing, as the troops of the state that took them in captivity.

Personally owned by prisoners of war, with the exception of weapons, military property and military documents, remains in their possession; They are provided absolute freedom The departure of religious rites is allowed to send and receive letters, individual or collective parcels and remittances. Personally owned by prisoners of war, with the exception of weapons, military property and military documents, remains in their possession; They are provided with complete freedom to send religious rituals, it is allowed to send and receive letters, individual or collective parcels and remittances. Prisoners of war (with the exception of officers) can be involved in work that is not related to military actions; The prisoners of war cannot be used on dangerous or health-threatening work without their consent. The work performed by the prisoners of war must be paid: part of the salary is held on the costs of the maintenance of prisoners of war, and the remaining amount is issued to them during liberation. Prisoners of war (with the exception of officers) can be involved in work that is not related to military actions; The prisoners of war cannot be used on dangerous or health-threatening work without their consent. The work performed by the prisoners of war must be paid: part of the salary is held on the costs of the maintenance of prisoners of war, and the remaining amount is issued to them during liberation. Prisoners of war must obey the laws, charters and orders acting in armed Forcesah states, whose captivity they are; For disobedience, judicial or disciplinary measures can be applied to them (collective punishments for individual misconducts are prohibited). Prisoners of war must obey the laws, charters and orders acting in the Armed Forces of the State, which are in captivity of which they are; For disobedience, judicial or disciplinary measures can be applied to them (collective punishments for individual misconducts are prohibited).

Prisoners of war may not be betrayed by a court or condemned for the actions that are not punishable under the legislation of the state in which they are in power; It is impossible to apply penalties, except for those provided for the same acts committed by persons from the armed forces of the state in captivity. Prisoners of war may not be betrayed by a court or condemned for the actions that are not punishable under the legislation of the state in which they are in power; It is impossible to apply penalties, except for those provided for the same acts committed by persons from the armed forces of the state in captivity. For a failed escape, prisoners of war are punished only in a disciplinary order. For a failed escape, prisoners of war are punished only in a disciplinary order. Any illegal act or the inaction of the state-holding state leading to the death of prisoners of war or affecting their health is prohibited and qualified as serious violations of the Convention. Persons guilty in such actions are considered war criminals and are subject to criminal responsibility. Any illegal act or the inaction of the state-holding state leading to the death of prisoners of war or affecting their health is prohibited and qualified as serious violations of the Convention. Persons guilty in such actions are considered war criminals and are subject to criminal responsibility.

Socioxus socio surroduction The look of modern schoolchildren on the problem of staying in captivity. We offer you to participate in the survey. Please, rely on questions seriously. Mark your version of the answer checkbox next to the proposed statements. Answer quickly, since the first person's first reaction is important. If you got to war, and during the hostilities, you would have to communicate with prisoners of war, how would you behave in relation to them? If you got to war, and during the hostilities, you would have to communicate with prisoners of war, how would you behave in relation to them? A) I would try to know the problems of these people and would like to help them a) I would try to know the problems of these people and would like to help them b) I would try to humiliate their dignity b) I would try to humiliate their dignity in) I would try to exchange them on your prisoners of war in ) I would try to exchange them on your prisoners of war) I would like to identify as much information about the opponent d) I would like to identify as much information about the opponent D) would lead myself to them in accordance with the Convention on Human Rights D) would lead themselves Relationship to them according to the Convention on Human Rights E) (Other) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you, being a military, captured, how would you behave in this situation? If you, being a military, was captured, how would you behave in this situation? A) would tell about everything that he knew about his army. A) would tell about everything that he knew about his army. B) would rush hysterics. B) would rush hysterics. C) who would be aggressively in relation to those who were captured by C) would be aggressive in relation to those who came to captivity d) would have come to humble with what was happening) would accept the life of suicide E) would endorse the life of suicide e) would try to escape E) would try to escape g) I would try to contact the opponent and find a way out of the situation that I created) would try to contact the opponent and find a way out of the situation. Thank you! THANK YOU!

The boom of 8, 11 classes (37 students) took part in socio survey. The boom of 8, 11 classes (37 students) took part in socio survey. Of the 19 eighth graders on the II question (if you got to war, and during the hostilities, you would have to communicate with prisoners of war, how would you behave in relation to them?), Pupils delivered in the questionnaire gave such answers from 19 eight schools On the II question (if you got to war, and during the hostilities, you would have to communicate with the prisoners of war, how would you behave in relation to them?), Pupils delivered in the questionnaire gave such answers a) I would try to know the problems These people would have sought to help them - 6 Uch-Xia, 31.5% a) would try to know the problems of these people and would like to help them - 6 Uch-Xia, 31.5% b) would try to humiliate their dignity 0 0 b ) I would try to humiliate their dignity 0 0 c) I would try to exchange them on your prisoners of war 4 Uch-Xia, 21% c) would try to exchange them on their prisoners of war 4 studies, 21% d) would like to identify as much information about Announcement 9 ICA, 47.5% d) I would like to identify as much information about the opponent 9 ICA, 47.5% e) would be himself in relation to them according to the Convention on Human Rights 0 0 e) would lead themselves in relation to them according to the Convention on Human Rights 0 0 on the II Question (if you, being a military, was captured, how would you behave yourself In this situation?) The eighthms answered in this way on the II question (if you, being a military, was captured, how would you behave in this situation?) The eighthms answered in this way a) would tell about everything that he knew about His army. 0 a) would tell about everything that knew about his army. 0 0 b) would have rolled hysterics. 0 0 b) would have rolled hysterics. 0 ° C) Would be aggressively in relation to those who were captured by 1 student 5% c) would be aggressively in relation to those who were captured by 1 studying 5% d) would come to accept 5% g) with what is happening 1, I would accept 5% e) with what is happening 1% e) would commit suicide 0 0 e) would commit suicide 0 0 0 Е) I would try to run away with 26% E) would try 26% g) would run on 26% g) would try to contact the opponent and find a way out) would try to contact the opponent and find a way out of the established position12 Uch-XI 64% of the situation 124%

The survey conducted among 11 (participated in the polling of 18 people), gave the following indicators. The survey conducted among 11 (participated in the polling of 18 people), gave the following indicators. On the Ith question (if you got to war, and during the hostilities, you would have to communicate with prisoners of war, how would you behave in relation to them?) The opinion of the 11th was divided like this: on the Ith question (if Would you get on the war, and during the hostilities you would have to communicate with the prisoners of war, how would you behave in relation to them?) The opinion of the 11th divided as follows: a) I would try to know the problems of these people and sought to help them 3 I study 17% a) I would try to know the problems of these people and would like to help them 3 Uch-Xia 17% b) would try to humiliate their dignity 0 0 b) would try to humiliate their dignity 0 0 c) would try to exchange them on their own 28% of the prisoners of war in 28% c) would try to exchange them on their prisoners of war 5 student 28% d) I would like to replace as much information about the opponent 10 Uch-Xia 55% d) I would like to identify as much information about the opponent 10 Uch-Xia 55% d) would lead themselves in relation to them according to the Convention on Human Rights 0 0 e) would lead themselves in relation to them Lasno Convention on Human Rights 0 0 on the II question (if you, being a military, was captured, how would you lead yourself in this situation?) High school students answered in this way: on the II question (if you were, being The military, captured, how would you behave in this situation?) High school students answered in this way: a) would tell about everything that he knew about his army. 1 Uch-Xia 5.5% a) would tell about everything that he knew about his army. 1 Uch-Xia 5.5% b) would rush hysterics. 0 0 b) would have rolled hysterics. 0 0 c) Would be aggressively in relation to those who were captured by 1 studying 5.5% c) would be aggressively in relation to those who were captured by 1 studying 5.5% D) would accept 5.5% d) with what is happening 1) would accept 5.5% e) with what is happening 1) would commit suicide 0 0 d) would commit suicide 0 0 0 Е) would try to run away "50% E) would try to run away from 50% g) to come into contact with the enemy and find a way out) would try to contact the enemy and find a way out of the situation that created 6 Uch-Xia 33.5% Created position 6 Uch-Xia 33.5%

Monitoring to the I-MU Question a) I would try to know the problems of these people and would like to help them a) would try to know the problems of these people and would like to help them in) would try to exchange them on their prisoners of war c) would try to exchange them on their prisoners of war D) I would like to identify as much information about the opponent d) I would like to identify as much information about the opponent as possible.

Monitoring to the II question A) would tell about everything that he knew about his army. A) would tell about everything that he knew about his army. C) behaved aggressively towards who he was captured by c) who would be aggressive in relation to those who were captured by d) would come to accept with what was happening d) would come to compete with what was happening) ) I would try to escape g) I would try to contact the opponent and find a way out) I would try to contact the opponent and find a way out of the situation created from the situation

Observations show that students and 8th., And 11 classes emphasize attention and allocate certain items from the proposed list. It is a pity that none of the students noted in the I-M questionpuncture (he would lead themselves towards them (prison) in accordance with the Convention on Human Rights). I think this is due to the fact that schoolchildren are not familiar with the 3rd section: "Protection of prisoners of war" from the "basic provisions of the Geneva Conventions and additional protocols to them."

ICRC and prisoners of war (Section 3) 10. Assistance provided by the ICRC and other Assistance Sociras 10. Assistance provided by the ICRC and other Assistance Societies Aid Assistance, ICRC and Red Cross Societies and a Red Crescent in providing assistance to prisoners of war during the two world wars was so Significantly that the Convention devotes them a whole article to encourage their activities and to promote it in every way. The role of aid society, the ICRC and the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in the provision of prisoners of war during the two world wars was so significant that the Convention devotes them a whole article to encourage their activities and to promote it in every way. In accordance with this article, Power is obliged to provide them with their properly authorized delegates to all conditions for visiting prisoners of war, distributing parcels of assistance and materials of any origin intended for religious and educational purposes, as well as to help prisoners of war to organize their leisure in the camps. The special position of the International Committee of the Red Cross in this area should always be recognized and respected. In accordance with this article, Power is obliged to provide them with their properly authorized delegates to all conditions for visiting prisoners of war, distributing parcels of assistance and materials of any origin intended for religious and educational purposes, as well as to help prisoners of war to organize their leisure in the camps. The special position of the International Committee of the Red Cross in this area should always be recognized and respected.

11. The right of detectors and the ICRC to visit prisoners of war 11. The right of defenssment of patrons and the ICRC to visit the prisoners of war next to the Convention, it is envisaged that representatives or delegates of Poppool must be allowed to visit all the places where prisoners of war, in particular the place of interning, imprisonment and work . They must have access to all rooms used by prisoners of war. Representatives of the ICRC enjoy the same rights. The appointment of these representatives is subject to the approval of the Power, holding prisoners of war, which should be visited. Further, the Convention provides that representatives or delegates of Porpotsers must be allowed to visit all places where prisoners of war, in particular the place of interchange, conclusion and work. They must have access to all rooms used by prisoners of war. Representatives of the ICRC enjoy the same rights. The appointment of these representatives is subject to the approval of the Power, holding prisoners of war, which should be visited. The parties in the conflict must provide the International Committee of the Red Cross all means within their ability to allow him to fulfill its humane mission entrusted to him by the Conventions and the Protocol in order to ensure protection and assistance to conflict victims. The ICRC may also carry out any other humanitarian activities in favor of such victims with the consent of the stakeholders who are in conflict. The Federation of Red Cross Societies and the National Society of the Red Cross and Red Crescent are also entitled to all possible assistance in the fulfillment of their humane mission. The parties in the conflict must provide the International Committee of the Red Cross all means within their ability to allow him to fulfill its humane mission entrusted to him by the Conventions and the Protocol in order to ensure protection and assistance to conflict victims. The ICRC may also carry out any other humanitarian activities in favor of such victims with the consent of the stakeholders who are in conflict. The Federation of Red Cross Societies and the National Society of the Red Cross and Red Crescent are also entitled to all possible assistance in the fulfillment of their humane mission.

Luneva O.S. Angel of the world is in a hurry to help the Red Cross, humanity in our world glorifying, humiliated with shelter and bread, throughout the land of human rights protecting. Humanities of grain carries in the heart of people, the captive hand will stretch, hurries ... where the glow of passions is reigning, our angel of the world wings spreads! 2009

Materials used: 1. "For the sake of peace on Earth, the stories soviet writers About the Second World War, Moscow, Publisher "Pravda", 1990. 2. "Russian literature of the twentieth century" Reader, Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1997. 3. "The main provisions of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols to them", the International Committee of the Red Cross, Moscow, 2003. 4. Internet resources.

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