Mayor of Krasnodar Vladimir Yevlanov: “The problems of the townspeople will be solved. Biography Mayor will pull "United Russia"

It looks like the 12-year rule of Vladimir Evlanov over Krasnodar is blowing the final whistle. The head of the Kuban, Veniamin Kondratyev, offered the mayor of the regional center to run for the State Duma in the next elections to be held in September. And this means that Evlanov will still have to vacate his chair. To whom, of course, it is not known yet. The new city manager is likely to be introduced in the next few months.

The city needs to move forward. Vladimir Lazarevich, the city needs your experience, which has been acquired over decades. I suggest you run for the State Duma in the Krasnodar single-mandate constituency and make Krasnodar even more beautiful, even more convenient and comfortable for living. I ask you to make a correct, balanced and necessary decision for the residents, - suggested Veniamin Kondratyev at an expanded meeting of the Duma.

Evlanov himself was probably ready for such a turn in his career. Although the recent complaints about his work could have yielded much more dramatic results. And after the sensational debriefing at the ZSK session, no one would be particularly surprised at the resignation to nowhere. However, the proposal of the governor to change the mayor's job does not mean a guaranteed mandate for Evlanov. Even if Vladimir Lazarevich decides to take this step, he will face a serious struggle in the upcoming elections in September.

I am grateful for the criticism, I understand that the city needs a reboot and new approaches. There are many tasks, time has given rise to new problems that did not exist before. Today they are acute. And in any case, wherever I am, I will continue to deal with them and help solve problems. I hope 12 years have passed with the benefit of the city, - said Vladimir Yevlanov.

For the city, Yevlanov's entry into the State Duma is a very profitable step. First of all, this is a great opportunity to strengthen your position at the state level. And a reliable person in the federal center will not hurt the whole Kuban.

Today we heard from the governor an assessment of the work of the mayor and his new team - he noted both the pros and cons. But one must understand that many of the city's problems cannot be resolved on the spot - a federal level is needed, - said Nikolai Petropavlovsky, deputy of the ZSK. - The governor needs people in the government, the Federation Council and the State Duma who will work for the good of the region. And for Vladimir Yevlanov, this is a good option to prove himself in the status of a deputy.

Meanwhile, political scientists and experts are already predicting a heated election struggle and are speculating what advantages the region will receive if Yevlanov still gets to Moscow.

If Yevlanov still runs and gets into the State Duma, then Kuban will receive one of the most experienced administrators in the parliament. One can argue for a long time about the quality of Yevlanov's work, but none of the current establishment has such experience in managing the regional center as he has. The hottest election battle will unfold in Krasnodar, and for the ruling party, Yevlanov is a really strong candidate. The previously predicted success of the communists in the elections now does not seem at all obvious, - political scientist Alexander Topalov believes.

As mayor, Vladimir Yevlanov has been working since 2005, and he is also a member of the United Russia party.

This was the first reaction of Kuban politicians on social networks. Aleksey Gusak is happily jumping on the sidelines, and Sergei Obukhov is waiting for a serious election contest.


Krasnodar Territory in the State Duma of the 6th convocation is represented by 18 people. Among them, 11 are from the United Russia party. However, with the exception of Alexander Remezkov and Alexei Tkachev, many surnames from the list of people's deputies will not tell the Kuban people anything at all.

Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from Krasnodar Territory - Vitaly Ignatenko.

Hello, my name is Ekaterina Nikolaevna Skripnik. My mother lives on 16 Drozdov Brothers Street, and I am on Suvorov Street. Mom is 90 years old, and I have to visit her every day. Someone dug a month ago the passage from Zheleznodorozhnaya Street and the Drozdov Brothers between houses 26 and 22. The mud is now knee-deep there. And next to a kindergarten, a school. Plus, the road is there with a slight slope, and we slide, we fall. We cannot find the extreme ones to fill up the hole.

V. Evlanov:

- We know about this situation. In the coming days, when the rains stop and it becomes possible to asphalt that section, the services will take care of this.

- Thank you very much, goodbye.

Good afternoon, Vladimir Lazarevich. My name is Elena Nikolaevna Simakova. Every time a heavy rainfall causes a flood on a number of city streets. Suvorov, Thermal Power Plant, Severnye Bridges, Stavropolskaya ... Cars stall, immediately there are congestions. Will the issue of the storm sewer throughput be fundamentally resolved?

V. Evlanov:

- Indeed, after heavy rains in the city, roads and streets are flooded. It is not always caused by the low throughput of storm sewers. It so happens that the amount of precipitation in a short period of time exceeds the average monthly norms and, as a result, local areas of flooding appear in places. To eliminate flooding that occurs during unfavorable weather conditions, 4 operational teams have been created to pump out rainwater after heavy rainfall using vacuum machines. In addition, in the fall, storm sewers are clogged with fallen leaves, and municipal services of the districts are cleaning the storm water wells of foliage. About 12 teams are engaged in this work every day.

Vladimir Lazarevich, you are worried about Sobol Alexander Ivanovich. I am taking my granddaughter to school No. 47, this is the corner of Sadovaya and Serov streets. There is impassable dirt near the tramway. Children after rain cannot get through. There is a plot of 20 meters. Can the road be asphalted?

V. Evlanov:

- Experts will look at this place. What can be done will be determined. Dug roads are a citywide problem. As soon as there are communication failures, utilities take permission from the administration, dig, but, as a rule, they do not have time to close the pits. We will definitely resolve this issue.

Good morning. You are worried about Boris Nikolaevich. I live in Krasnodar on Kurskaya Street. It is between Alma-Atinskaya and Minskaya streets. When the Alma-Ata was reconstructed, our street was badly damaged by freight transport. Now, by the efforts of residents, asphalt has been laid from Tulskaya Street to Tashkentskaya Street. And from Tashkent to Kharkov, where pensioners mainly live, it was not possible to patch up the potholes. Do you plan to reconstruct Kurskaya Street?

V. Evlanov:

- Now, while the weather is favorable, the task is to complete the reconstruction of Alma-Atinskaya street to Kalyaev. Light poles have been installed there; they will soon make sidewalks. Upon completion of the repair, we will put in order those roads that were touched, violated. Everything will be restored. Including Kurskaya street.

Many thanks. One more question. Now I live in the area railway station and I often see people lying right on the sidewalk in such weather. I understand that they have no housing and they have no one to go to. Today I came to a bus stop, there is a man with a broken face. I turned to the police officer. But the policeman did not listen to me, he said that it was not in his competence. I began to dial 01, 03. Everyone said that this did not concern them. The only ones who listened to me were this administration service - 050. They seem to have promised to take action. It's a pity, because they are people! They build shelters for dogs! How do we solve this problem?

V. Evlanov:

- Indeed, this is a serious problem and we are working on solving it. First, we have homeless shelters. But people themselves do not always agree to be present in these houses. Thank you for noticing this issue. The fact that you turned to the policeman and he did not take any action is an outrage. Unfortunately, such cases happen everywhere, and we will talk with the police again to react.

We will deal with non-payments!

Hello Vladimir Lazarevich. My wife works as a nurse in the antenatal clinic. In "Arguments and Facts" I once read that the salary should be no less than the subsistence minimum for able-bodied population... And her salary is 2900 rubles. I know that there are some extra payments from the city of 1000 rubles for those who have a small salary. So in consultation No. 4 there are no such surcharges. Why is not clear. Well, how can you live on three thousand? They do the dirtiest work. Do you agree?

V. Evlanov:

- I agree that our service personnel, both medical and educational, have a very low salary. But the level of wages itself is not determined by the municipality. Therefore, we have introduced our own municipal supplement for low-paid categories of workers in medicine and education. It should be everywhere. Therefore, we will definitely figure out why additional payments are not made in this consultation.

- Thank you! We have a mayor in his place.

Hello, I'm worried about Nina Vasilievna, at the request of her husband, a disabled person of the third group. On April 29, 2008, the regional law "On compensation for expenses related to the operation of vehicles" was adopted. This Law does not indicate disabled persons of the third group for a general disease who received a car through social protection. Although until 2004 he received compensation. Please tell me is this a mistake, or is this category of disabled people specifically not included?

V. Evlanov:

- I have to clarify this issue. Since the social protection of the population is attributed to the competence of the subjects of the Federation, that is, the regional authorities. Therefore, in your case, we will find out and answer.

Housing problems are being solved

Good afternoon, Vladimir Lazarevich. My name is Michael. I live on Rashpilevskaya street, 30. I am calling on behalf of all residents. All communications in our house were destroyed, major repairs were not carried out, they say all the time that we are going to be demolished. But no movement is being made in this direction.

V. Evlanov:

- Do you want to be demolished? We have such a problem - there are new comfortable apartments, which, in accordance with the Law, we can provide. But there is resistance from residents, including dilapidated, dilapidated houses. Many do not want to move from the city center to those apartments that are built, for example, in the Gidrostroy area, the Komsomolsky microdistrict and are intended specifically for resettlement under the current 185 Federal Law. If you and your neighbors agree to a solution to this issue, we will demolish your house and relocate everyone.

Hello, my name is Olga Borisovna Britko. In 2004, money was invested in the shared construction of the house, which is being carried out by StroyInvest LLC at ul. Stasov, 183/1. Now the construction is coming to an end, the apartments built with our money are refusing to give us back, they are demanding payment of the cost of the apartments at a price that is four times higher than the one specified in the contract. Help us get our apartments!

V. Evlanov:

- The fact is that a difficult situation with the construction of this house arose due to a dispute between two companies - the developer - Krasnodarstroy and the contractor - Stroyinvest. The Department of Construction makes sure that the dates for the commissioning of the facility are not violated as much as possible. As for the relationship between the developer and the citizens who purchased apartments in this building, these disputes can only be resolved in court.

Good afternoon. Resident of Rossiyskaya street worries. Thanks for the trip. I would like to draw your attention to one more problem. Since the 80s, there has been talk that a trolleybus will be allowed in our direction. Is there such a prospect?

V. Evlanov:

- In the future, this issue will be resolved. Now the city services are busy repairing the remaining one and a half kilometers of the roadway. We have to be in time before winter. Already in the spring we will complete the improvement of the street - we will put in order the sidewalks, we will make lighting, green spaces, etc. In addition, this microdistrict, now in the new part of Moskovskaya Street, is intended for the construction of cottages. Therefore, given a large number of people living along Rossiyskaya Street with access to the Rostov highway, it will be necessary to resolve the issue of starting the trolleybus. But we will talk about this in five years. Now we must launch the promised routes - to Lukyanenko Street with access to the roofing material plant along the Elizavetinskaya highway and others.

The buses will be back on the route!

Good afternoon, this is a resident of Krasnodar, Gennady Gennadievich Pototsky. I live in the Vitaminkombinat area. There used to be a stadium where we used to train as children. Now it is practically nonexistent. Where are the basketball courts, tennis tables?

V. Evlanov:

- We plan to put this object in order next year. I was there recently, I saw that the stadium was really half-abandoned. And this microdistrict is developing, next year a large construction is planned there. Therefore, there will be order.

And one more question. Previously, bus No. 6 used to go to our area, but now there are mostly fixed-route taxis. But the fact is that not everyone can fit there. Are there plans to restore large bus routes?

V. Evlanov:

- It is planned, and in the near future. We have now entered federal program on equipping Russian cities with buses. At the end of the year, taking into account serious funding from the federal budget and co-financing at the regional and city levels, we will receive 54 large city buses and 16 new trolleybuses. First of all, this transport will run on the longest routes of the city. We will also restore the 6th route.

Hello, you are worried about Shklyaev Evgeny Vladimirovich. On the territory of the destroyed brewery "Fakel" it would be possible to make a parking lot. In this area, due to the presence of the fire station, there is a high congestion of cars. There is nowhere to park your car. A multi-level car park would solve this problem.

V. Evlanov:

- The fact is that this territory was bought by an investor - the company "Investspetsstroy", and he must decide what kind of object to build there. As for the congestion with transport, then, indeed, this problem is especially acute in the old city center, where there are narrow streets and a large number of institutions, cultural facilities, shopping centers.

We are planning to build multi-storey car parks in the immediate vicinity of the indicated territory - on Pushkin Square. In September this year, at the economic forum in Sochi, an agreement was signed with the company " Modern technologies»On the construction of such a parking lot for a thousand spaces under the square. I think this will help solve the problem of transport placement in this area.

And again about tariffs

Good afternoon, Vladimir Lazarevich! This is Elena Grishova. I am interested in such a question. Prices for housing and communal services rose several times a year. Now, during the crisis, the payment for the "communal apartment" is becoming an increasingly heavy burden. Will there be another "post-New Year" rise in prices and how much will the tariffs rise?

V. Evlanov:

- As you know, the city determines and approves only tariffs for water, sewerage and garbage collection. The rest is within the competence of the regional and federal authorities. According to the figures that have already been brought to our attention, next year the increase in tariffs for electricity will be 10 percent, for gas - in the first quarter - 5 percent, in the second - 15 percent. Accordingly, heating charges will increase by 10 percent. The tariff for water will increase by 5.7 percent, for sewerage - by 7.4 percent.

About cold batteries

Hello, I'm Leonid Naumovich Sukharev. Our house is panel (Gagarina, 79). According to today's standards, the thermal conductivity of the walls does not pass. They should be much thicker. In winter, the radiators can hardly be called warm. They say that the temperature in the house should be 18 degrees. This is the Soviet approach. In market conditions, we should buy heat, not lukewarm water. Apparently gas savings more important than serving heat. But they save gas even in summer, when the heating period ends, its pressure drops sharply.

V. Evlanov:

- According to the rules for the provision of utilities, which are established by the Government of Russia, the air temperature in residential premises must be at least +18 degrees in ordinary rooms and +20 degrees in corner rooms. Our specialists went to the place and measured the temperature in this apartment, it was +22 degrees. If there are any problems in winter, you need to call specialists and watch.

Hello, my name is Maria Koretskaya. The batteries in our house are almost cold. We are supplied from the REP No. 16. In the office itself, in the garages in the utility yard, the pipes are hot. And the warmth does not reach us. Let's fight - it gets a little better. All the time we were told that the reason was the poor condition of the in-house heating networks. This year everything was changed, but it did not get any warmer. We have to be heated by air conditioning and electric heaters. Help.

V. Evlanov:

- REP specialists visited the place and checked how this apartment is heated. No deviations were found, the air temperature in the room was above 20 degrees.

The problem of "self-willed"

Good afternoon. I am Irina Nekhai. We have a plot for individual housing construction on Plotnichenko Street, 51. Nearby they have built an apartment building, there are no communications on this street, in particular, there is no sewage system. After last year's appeal, representatives of the administration came, and later a letter came with information that a court between the administration and the developer would solve the problem. However, apartments are being sold today, one family is already living. The most deplorable thing is that the developer dug a drain hole behind the fence of the house, in close proximity to the neighbors. This is generally prohibited. The pit is small, obviously it will not be enough, and everything will flow to the neighbors. When the inspectors came, the developer filled the entrance to the pit with concrete - it seems that it is not there. What to do?

V. Evlanov:

- Specialists of the municipal control department conducted an audit of the legality of use land plot at st. Plotnichenko, 57. A multi-apartment four-storey residential building has been erected here, there is no permits for it. The owner of the house has already been brought to administrative responsibility for failure to comply with the requirements of the rules of land use and development. The case is currently pending in court.

On the one hand, our legal department filed a lawsuit against the demolition of unauthorized buildings, on the other hand, the equity holders who have already purchased apartments there are demanding recognition of their ownership rights. So the situation is difficult, and not only at this address. This a common problem for the whole city. People should understand where they are investing money, and carefully check the documents with the developer, so that later they do not get into difficult situation... Clean, clean and clean!

Good afternoon, Vladimir Lazarevich. Nina Frantsevna Dzhantieva worries. Our cube has always had poor water pressure. The speakers do not light up. In the summer we sat without water. Some work was being done, the repairmen said they were looking for the cause of the low pressure. After that, in the morning and in the evening, the water practically disappeared. Help! And further. On our Volzhskaya street from Novorossiyskaya to Uralskaya, all the hatches are open and filled with garbage. The Karasun administration admits the problem, but they say that the cleaners receive so little that it is impossible to demand that they also clean the hatches. If it rains, the street will simply flood!

V. Evlanov:

- Employees of the Krasnodar Vodokanal enterprise examined the water supply networks along Volzhskaya Street from Uralskaya to Borodin. However, unfortunately, the situation has not yet returned to normal. Experts are planning to replace this section of the water supply and promise to carry out the work this year. As for the hatches, I will definitely instruct the administration of the Karasunsky district to put things in order and remove all the garbage.

Why other names?

Hello, Anna Bazaeva worries. Are there really no other problems in the City Duma, except for the renaming of squares and parks? Why don't people ask if they agree or not?

V. Evlanov:

- The initiative to rename certain objects comes, as a rule, from the residents of the city themselves, representatives of the public. Then the relevant documents are prepared by the relevant committee of the city Duma.

The issue of renaming certain urban objects is rather delicate and controversial. Someone likes it, some don't, but this process is objective. For example, already about a year ago, our main city square became Teatralnaya. And, I think, the majority of city residents approve of this decision of the parliamentarians.

Will they give money for repairs ...

- Good day. When will the roads inside residential yards be repaired?

V. Evlanov:

- In previous years, we have completed a fairly large amount of landscaping work within the framework of the “Yards of Krasnodar” program. This year, due to the difficult economic situation, the program was not approved, but as soon as the financial situation begins to improve, we will definitely return to it.

Good afternoon, my name is Vera Strokina. A house in YUMR, for 70 years of October, which is serviced by REP No. 32, fell under a major overhaul program. Is it just a replacement for hot and cold water pipes? Will the hoods and staircases be repaired?

V. Evlanov:

- The fact is, dear Vera Ivanovna, that this program is regulated by the 185th Federal Law, which clearly spells out not only the procedure for providing financial aid, but also a list of works. This is the repair of engineering networks, repair and replacement of elevators, repair of basements, roofs and some others.

Unfortunately, the repair of staircases and hoods does not apply to works that can be carried out at the expense of the Housing and Utilities Reform Fund. To carry out them, you need to contact the REP.

Hello. I, Lydia Kolesnikova, live in the 2nd department of the Solnechny state farm. There is no hot water and gas, they promise to spend two years already. When to expect communal amenities?

V. Evlanov:

- The situation is difficult now. For the next year, we do not plan capital works on gas supply to this microdistrict. But as soon as the finances become better, we will plan these works as well.

The nurses returned the surcharge

The head of the regional center, Vladimir Lazarevich Yevlanov, is always happy to take part in live broadcasts, hotlines, online conferences - where there is an opportunity to communicate directly with the townspeople, learn about specific problems, about what concerns Krasnodar residents. After such meetings, effective measures are always taken, even if at the private requests of citizens.

All calls from the townspeople received by the editorial office of "AiF-Yug", Yevlanov put on personal control. So, during the "Direct Line", our reader called Vladimir Lazarevich and asked a question about compensation from the city authorities to the staff of medical institutions with low wages. It is known that the Krasnodar authorities allocate 1,000 rubles a month, for example, to nurses whose "pay" does not reach the subsistence level. “But in the antenatal clinic at maternity hospital No. 4, the management for some reason does not pay these funds. Nurses receive at a rate of 2900 rubles, ”said Krasnodar. Vladimir Yevlanov promised to figure it out.

Before the issue was signed for publication, the reader called the editorial office again. “The mayor kept his word,” he said happily. - Everyone who was supposed to be paid this money made a recalculation and transferred 8000 rubles to salary cards - 8 months in arrears! Thank you!"


Kuban State University (1991)
PhD in Economics

Professional activity

From 1967 to 1969 he served in the ranks of the Armed Forces, then worked as an electrician and assistant captain on ships of the fleet of the ocean fishing base on Sakhalin, in Korsakov. The work of V.L. Evlanov in party and Soviet bodies.

From 1972 to 1984 he held various positions in the Korsakov City Executive Committee. In 1979 he graduated from the Khabarovsk Higher Party School.

In 1984 Evlanov and his family moved to Krasnodar, where he headed the housing production and maintenance trust in the Pervomaisky district of the capital of the Kuban. In 1985 he was appointed deputy head of the housing and communal services department, and in 1986 - head production management housing facilities "Gorzhilkhoz". In Krasnodar V.L. Evlanov finishes Faculty of Economics Kuban State University, and then defended his Ph.D. thesis on "Strategy for the development of the city's industry in a market economy."

In 1994 V.L. Evlanov became the head of the Central administrative district Krasnodar, has been repeatedly elected as a deputy of the city and regional Councils of People's Deputies.

Since 1996, he has been the first vice-mayor of the regional center. For four years, Vladimir Evlanov has been closely involved in the social sphere of Krasnodar, culture and sports. Supervised the housing and communal complex of the capital of the Kuban. During his tenure as first vice-mayor, he has repeatedly solved the problems of large families, disabled people, low-income citizens. In those years, under the administration of the city, on the initiative of V. Yevlanov, public councils were created, citizens who took an active life position took part in their work, together with the city leadership, they determined the strategy and tactics of the political and public life of the capital of the Kuban. In 1999, Vladimir Evlanov was awarded the title "Honored Worker of the Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation".

From 2001 to 2004, V.L. Evlanov worked as the chairman of the Committee for Housing and Communal Services of the Krasnodar Territory. Under his leadership, a number of programs have been developed concerning the reform of the housing and communal services of the Krasnodar Territory. Work was actively carried out to attract investors, both Russian and foreign, to the housing and communal services of the Kuban. When disaster strikes struck the Krasnodar Territory one after another, as a result of which thousands of residential buildings disappeared under water streams, and tens of thousands of Kuban residents were left homeless, Vladimir Evlanov personally visited almost all of the victims settlements... Under his leadership, new micro-districts were put into operation, the life support system was restored in the disaster areas.

In 2003, Vladimir Yevlanov was awarded a commemorative medal "For Outstanding Contribution to the Development of the Kuban" 1st degree for his great personal contribution to the restoration of housing and communal facilities in the region in areas affected by floods.

On October 5, 2004 V.L. Evlanov was appointed as the 1st Deputy, Acting chapters municipality Krasnodar city. In the elections on September 18, 2005, the overwhelming number of voters (about 65%) cast their votes for the candidate V.L. Yevlanov, he won a convincing victory and at a meeting of the City Duma solemnly took office as head of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar.

October 5, 2016 elected as a Deputy of the State Duma of the seventh convocation as part of the United Russia faction, Member of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, innovative development and entrepreneurship.

Awards and titles

For his great contribution to strengthening the power and glory of Russia, Vladimir Evlanov was awarded the title of laureate of the Public Recognition Forum.

In 2006, Patriarch of All Russia Alexy II awarded Vladimir Yevlanov with the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, second degree, for his fruitful work and the strengthening of Orthodoxy in the Kuban capital.

By the decision of the Presidium of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia, Vladimir Yevlanov was awarded a Diploma for active support of the activities of the CCIs of Kuban and Krasnodar.

In 2008 the International Academy social sciences awarded the head of Krasnodar, Vladimir Yevlanov, a high award - the badge of the Order of Ivan Kalita. The Krasnodar mayor became a laureate of the national public award "For the arrangement of the Russian Land" in the "Serving the Fatherland" nomination. The ceremony of awarding the winners of the regional round was held in Moscow - in the Hall of Church Cathedrals of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

In April 2008, the head of Krasnodar, Vladimir Yevlanov, was awarded the Order of Honor. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on awarding the Krasnodar mayor, thereby noting the labor successes and many years of conscientious work of the head of the capital of Kuban.

In September 2010, the Governor of the Kuban A. Tkachev presented the head of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar V. L. Evlanov with the highest award of the Krasnodar Territory - the medal "Hero of Labor of the Kuban."

In September 2011, Nikolai Kondratenko, a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, presented the head of Krasnodar, Vladimir Yevlanov, with the Order of the Russian Nation.

In October 2012, by the Order of the Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations and Liquidation natural Disasters the head of the Kuban capital, Vladimir Yevlanov, was awarded a commemorative medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "Marshal Vasily Chuikov".

A few months before leaving the post of head of Krasnodar, Vladimir Yevlanov deprived the city of 33.7 hectares of land worth more than 1.3 billion rubles.

The documents confirming this were at the disposal of the Voice of Kuban.

Sergey Atmozhyan and Shagokat Stepanyan, due to bureaucratic delays in the Krasnodar administration, received 33.7 hectares of urban land as compensation for damage by a court decision, the cadastral value of which exceeds 1.3 billion rubles.

Yevlanov agreed with this decision and deprived the city administration of the opportunity to appeal this decision.

In March 2016, two individuals, Sergey Atmozhyan and Shagokat Stepanyan, who are tenants of three land plots in Krasnodar. In court, the tenants asked to declare illegal the actions of the Krasnodar administration in the failure to provide certificates of reconciliation of settlements under lease agreements. Atmozhyan and Stepanyan argue that because of this they could not use the leased plots for their intended purpose. City officials were unable to provide formal documents for more than 5 months, so the court sided with the tenants.

After that, Atmozhyan and Stepanyan decided to demand from the administration as compensation for damage to transfer them into ownership of a plot of more than 33 hectares at st. Voronezhskaya 59, the cadastral value of the site exceeds 1.3 billion rubles. The court granted their claims.

To clarify, Stepanyan rented 2 plots from the city in February 2012 at 138 and 140 Sormovskaya str., The size of the plots is 9.59 and 9.99 ares.

The total cadastral value of the two plots is 5.99 million rubles. The construction of shops was supposed to be on the plots. Atmozhyan received his plot for lease at the end of 2010 at st. School 17/7. A plot of 18.27 acres was leased to accommodate garages. The cadastral value of the site is 32.39 million rubles.

Thus, as compensation for the inability to use the leased plots, entrepreneurs already receive ownership of the plot, the cost of which is more than 30 times the cost of the leased plots, and the size - more than 80 times!

This could be attributed to a miscarriage of justice. And the city administration did not agree with this decision, its representative filed an appeal with the regional court.

Member of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Industryand entrepreneurship.

Vladimir Evlanov was born on August 3, 1948 in the city of Samara. In 1967 he graduated from the Kuibyshev Aviation Technical School, now Samara, with a degree in Electronic Technician-Electrician. From 1967 to 1969 passed conscript service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

1969-1972 - electrician, captain's mate on ships of the fleet of the ocean fishery base on Sakhalin in the city of Korsakov. From 1972 to 1984 he worked in the Korsakov city executive committee, served as deputy chairman of the city executive committee. In 1979 he graduated from the Khabarovsk Higher Party School.

In 1984 he moved to Krasnodar. He headed the housing production and operation trust of the Pervomaisky district of Krasnodar. In 1985 he was appointed Deputy Head of the Department of Housing and Communal Services of Krasnodar. Since 1986 - head of the production department of the housing sector "Gorzhilkhoz".

In 1991 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Kuban State University. In 1994 he was appointed head of the Central Administrative District of Krasnodar. Was elected as a deputy of the city and district councils of people's deputies of the regional center. Since 1996 - the first vice-mayor of Krasnodar. Supervised social sphere, culture, sports, housing and communal complex of the city.

In 2000 in the Kuban state university defended his thesis on "Economic strategy local community for the development of the city's industry ", having received academic degree- Candidate of Economic Sciences.

2001-2004 - Chairman of the Committee for Housing and Communal Services of the Krasnodar Territory. In October 2004 he was appointed first deputy, acting. head of Krasnodar. On September 18, 2005, he was elected the head of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar, having received 64.75% of the vote. He participated in the elections by self-nomination. The second place was taken by the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Alexander Kiryushin - 11.68%.

In March 2010, Vladimir Yevlanov again won the mayoral elections in Krasnodar, ran for the United Russia party. Member of the regional political council of the branch of the United Russia party in the Krasnodar Territory.

Evlanov Vladimir - Honored Worker of the Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation. Awarded with the order Honor, awarded the commemorative medal "For Outstanding Contribution to the Development of the Kuban" I degree, the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree, awards International Academy social sciences - the Order of Ivan Kalita, the medal "Hero of Labor of the Kuban".

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Vladimir Lazarevich Yevlanov was elected a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation from electoral district 0046, Krasnodar - Krasnodar Territory. Member of the United Russia faction. Member of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship. The start date of powers is September 18, 2016.

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