Executive committee to emperor alexander iii. The history of Russia in entertaining stories, parables and anecdotes of the 9th-19th centuries

Letter from the People's Will to Alexander III dated March 10, 1881

On the ninth day after the assassination of Alexander II, March 10, 1881, the Executive Committee of the "Narodnaya Volya" addressed a letter to his son - the new Russian autocrat Alexander III. We present this letter in its most important fragments:

“Your Majesty!

The bloody tragedy that played out on the Catherine Canal was not an accident and was not unexpected for anyone ...

You know, Your Majesty, that the government of the late emperor cannot be blamed for a lack of energy. We hanged the right and the guilty, prisons and remote provinces were overflowing with exiles. As many as dozens of the so-called "leaders" are overfished, outweighed.

The government, of course, can still overcap and outweigh many individuals. It can destroy many separate revolutionary groups. Let us assume that it destroys even the most serious revolutionary organization in existence. But all this will in no way change the state of affairs. The revolutionaries are created by circumstances, the general displeasure of the people, Russia's desire for new social forms ... Looking at the difficult decade we have experienced with an impartial glance, one can accurately predict the further course of the movement, if only the government's policy does not change ... Scary explosion, the bloody reshuffle, the convulsive revolutionary upheaval of all of Russia will complete this process of destruction of the old order.

There can be two ways out of this situation: either a revolution, completely inevitable, which cannot be prevented by any executions, or a voluntary appeal of the supreme power to the people.

We do not set conditions for you. Don't be shocked by our proposal. The conditions that are necessary for the revolutionary movement to be replaced by peaceful work were created not by us, but by history, we do not set, but only remind them.

In our opinion, these conditions are two:

1) general amnesty for all political crimes of the past, since these were not crimes, but execution of civic duty;

2) the convocation of representatives from the entire Russian people to revise the existing forms of state and public life and remake them in accordance with the people's desires.

We consider it necessary to remind, however, that the legalization of the supreme power by the people's representation can be achieved only if the elections are completely free. Therefore, elections must be made under the following circumstances:

1) deputies are sent from all classes and estates indifferently and in proportion to the number of inhabitants;

2) there should be no restrictions either for voters or for deputies;

3) the election campaign and the elections themselves must be carried out completely freely, and therefore the government must, in the form of a temporary measure, pending the decision of the people's assembly, allow:

but) complete freedom press, b) complete freedom of speech, c) complete freedom of gatherings, d) complete freedom of electoral programs.

So, Your Majesty, decide. There are two paths before you. The choice depends on you. Then we can only ask fate for your reason and conscience to suggest you a solution that is the only one consistent with the good of Russia, with your own dignity and obligations to your native country. "

Traditions always consolidate what has been achieved in public life, they are powerful social means of stabilizing social relations and the reproduction of these relations in the life of new generations. Therefore, the conservatism of the Russian peasantry was not so much a brake and hindrance on the path of reform, but rather acted as a means of keeping society from chaos and destruction, as a guarantor of the stability and self-preservation of the community in the face of a general crisis. According to Professor P.S. Kabytova (Samara State University), the global conflict in the post-reform village took place along the line of confrontation between peasant and industrial civilizations. As F. Braudel aptly put it, agrarian capital was “capitalism on a visit” and, as the powerful agrarian movement of the early 20th century shows, did not fall into the hands of the bulk of the peasantry. The way out of this conflict could be cooperation, because it allowed the peasant economy, while preserving its family-labor nature, to conduct an equal market dialogue with the industrial society. However, as a result, the industrial expansion into the countryside intensified, and the decaying latifundial economy exacerbated among the peasants the feeling of land cramped and the feeling of hatred for the privileged class.

In these conditions, the tsarist government, in its desire to transform the agrarian system according to European standards, began to violently destroy the traditional peasant way of life. "The village did not accept the alien values ​​imposed by it, and responded with a decisive radical agrarian revolution ..."

The most important part of Western economic "science", according to the Russian economist S.F.Sharapov, is the financial "science". The financial "science" of our time is like military science... Both invent new weapons of struggle. The financial "science" that Russian "young financiers" adopted was, however, intended not to strengthen Russia's position, but, on the contrary, so that the West could defeat our country. In “Paper Ruble” S. Sharapov wrote: “In an economy based on struggle, part of it, financial science, is a completely consistent instrument of struggle. Just as military techniques have recently invented all the most terrible weapons of destruction with the greatest speed, Western financial science, developing inexorably consistently in one direction, forged the most perfect weapon for the economic struggle, translated this struggle from a small single combat of some shoemaker with a consumer, or a usurer with a debtor for Rothschild's struggle with the whole of humanity, for the struggle of the Anglo-Saxon world with the German over the market for manufactures, or for America's struggle with Russia over gold and wheat. "
The poisonous fruits of the use of Western financial "science" in Russia began to ripen quite early. Sharapov writes: “Financial science puts forward its own laws, and life completely contradicts them. Financial science, on the basis of its speculations, recommends certain measures, life rejects them. Finally, financial science predicts phenomena, calculates them and understands, but in reality something quite different turns out, sometimes the exact opposite. "

According to S. Sharapov, outside Russia there were also minds that proposed alternative models of the financial structure, but in Russia their theories (and even names) were hushed up or spat on. Sharapov refers to the number of economists and statesmen and public figures who approached the understanding of how the financial system should be built: the financier-practitioner of the 18th century John Law (whose works are poorly understood and almost completely forgotten, and the appearance of John Law even in modern RF is demonized and distorted); some utopian socialists (without mentioning specific names); German economist Friedrich Liszt (as the first to recognize the great role of the moral principle in economics); Adolf Wagner (who specially dedicated a huge work to Russia, “for a long time considered something like a financial Gospel in our country”); Robertus ("unfortunately, only outlined the true laws of monetary circulation in his famous book" Studies in the field of national economy of classical antiquity ", but by no means solved them").
Carelessness, venality and ignorance are the pillars of Russian financial reforms. There are several reasons why Russia, in terms of its finances, lives with someone else's mind, according to S. Sharapov. Let's dwell on one. In Russia, by the middle of the 19th century, there was no necessary understanding of how the country's financial system should look like. The absence in Russia of its own financial theory led to disastrous consequences, expensive mistakes, for which, as Sharapov said, “we will still have to pay for a long time”: public opinion or the case of persons called upon to manage the state economy, one could safely be sure that the same wise alertness (above the author spoke of the alertness that the Russian Autocrats showed when it was proposed to issue an additional amount of paper banknotes - V.K. ) was also manifested in other branches of the financial business. The old credit institutions would not have been uselessly dismantled, other financial grounds for the great reform of 1861 would have been found, otherwise the Russian railways would have been built, so many foreign and domestic loans that oppress Russia would not have been made. But there was no financial science, there were doctrinaire theorists dressed in Western scholarship ”(“ Paper Ruble ”).

The sealed work (Volume 1) Figner Vera Nikolaevna

Letter The Executive Committee to Alexander III

Your Majesty!

While fully understanding the painful mood that you are experiencing at present, the Executive Committee does not consider itself entitled to succumb to a sense of natural delicacy, which may require waiting some time for the following explanation. There is something higher than the most legitimate feelings of a person - this is a duty to his home country, a duty to which a citizen is forced to sacrifice himself, his own feelings, and even the feelings of other people. Obeying this omnipotent duty, we decide to contact you immediately, without waiting for anything, since that historical process, which threatens us in the future with rivers of blood and the most severe shocks.

The bloody tragedy played out on the Catherine Canal was not an accident and was not unexpected for anyone. After all that has happened over the past decade, it was completely inevitable, and this is its deep meaning, which must be understood by a person placed by fate at the head of government power. Only a person who is completely incapable of analyzing the life of nations can explain such facts by the malicious intent of individuals or at least a "gang". For 10 whole years we see how in our country, despite the most severe persecution, despite the fact that the government of the late emperor sacrificed everything - freedom, the interests of all classes, the interests of industry and even its own dignity, of course, sacrificed everything to suppress the revolutionary movement, it nevertheless stubbornly grew, attracting to itself the best elements of the country, the most energetic and selfless people of Russia, and for three years now it entered into a desperate guerrilla warfare with the government. You know, Your Majesty, that the government of the late Emperor cannot be blamed for a lack of energy. We hanged the right and the guilty, prisons and remote provinces were overflowing with exiles. As many as dozens of the so-called leaders are overfished, outweighed; they perished with the courage and calmness of martyrs, but the movement did not stop, it grew and grew incessantly. Yes, Your Majesty, the revolutionary movement is not a matter that depends on individuals. This is a process of the people's organism, and the gallows erected for the most energetic exponents of this process are just as powerless to save the moribund order, just as the death of the savior on the cross did not save the corrupted ancient world from the triumph of reforming Christianity.

The government, of course, can still overcap and outweigh many individuals. It can destroy many separate revolutionary groups. Let us assume that it destroys even the most serious revolutionary organization in existence. But all this will not change the state of affairs in the least. The revolutionaries are created by circumstances, the general displeasure of the people, Russia's striving for new social forms. It is impossible to exterminate the entire people, nor is it possible to destroy their discontent by means of reprisals; displeasure, on the other hand, grows from it. Therefore, to replace the exterminated, new personalities, even more embittered, even more energetic, are constantly being nominated from the people. These individuals, in the interests of the struggle, of course, organize themselves, having the ready-made experience of their predecessors, therefore, the revolutionary organization must grow in the course of time both quantitatively and qualitatively. We have seen this in reality over the past ten years. What benefit did the death of Dolgushin people, Chaikovites, leaders of 1874 bring? They were replaced by much more resolute populists. Terrible government reprisals then brought the terrorists of 1878-1879 onto the scene. In vain did the government exterminate the Kovalsky, Dubrovins, Osinsky, Lizogubs. It was in vain to destroy dozens of revolutionary circles. From these imperfect organizations, only stronger forms are developed by natural selection. Finally, the Executive Committee appears, with which the government is still unable to cope.

Taking an impartial look at the difficult decade we have experienced, one can accurately predict the future course of the movement, unless the government's policy changes. The movement must grow, increase, facts of a terrorist nature must be repeated more and more sharply; the revolutionary organization will put forward in place of the exterminated groups more and more perfect and strong forms. Meanwhile, the total number of dissatisfied people in the country is increasing; trust in the government among the people should fall more and more, the idea of ​​revolution, about its possibility and inevitability, will develop more and more firmly in Russia. A terrible explosion, a bloody reshuffle, a convulsive revolutionary upheaval throughout Russia will complete this process of destruction of the old order.

What is causing this terrible prospect? Yes, your majesty, terrible and sad. Don't mistake this for a phrase. We understand better than anyone else how sad is the death of so many talents, such energy in the deeds of destruction, in bloody battles, at a time when these forces under different conditions could be spent directly on creative work, on the development of the people, its mind, the welfare of his civil society. Why does this sad necessity of a bloody struggle occur?

Because, your majesty, now we have no real government in its true sense. The government, by its very principle, should only express the people's aspirations, only carry out the people's will. Meanwhile, in our country, excuse the expression, the government has degenerated into a pure camarilla and deserves the name of a usurping gang much more than the Executive Committee.

Whatever the intentions of the sovereign, but the actions of the government have nothing to do with the people's benefit and aspirations. The imperial government subordinated the people to serfdom, gave the masses to the power of the nobility; at the present time it openly creates the most harmful class of speculators and profiteers. All his reforms lead only to the fact that the people fall into more and more slavery, more and more exploited. It has brought Russia to the point that at present the masses of the people are in a state of complete poverty and ruin, are not free from the most offensive supervision even at their home, they are not even in power in their worldly, public affairs. Only the predator, the exploiter, enjoys the protection of the law and the government; the most outrageous robberies go unpunished. But what a terrible fate awaits a person who sincerely thinks about the common good! You know well, Your Majesty, that not only socialists are exiled and persecuted. What is a government that maintains such "order"? Is this not a gang, is it not a manifestation of complete usurpation?

That is why the Russian government has no moral influence, no support among the people; that is why Russia gives birth to so many revolutionaries; that is why even such a fact as regicide evokes joy and sympathy in a huge part of the population! Yes, your majesty, do not be fooled by the testimonials of flatterers and servants. Regicide is very popular in Russia.

There can be two ways out of this situation: either a revolution, completely inevitable, which cannot be prevented by any executions, or a voluntary appeal of the supreme power to the people. In the interests of the native land, in order to avoid unnecessary loss of strength, in order to avoid those terrible calamities that always accompany the revolution, the Executive Committee turns to your Majesty with advice to choose the second path. Believe that, as soon as the supreme power ceases to be arbitrary, as soon as it firmly decides to fulfill only the demands of the people's conscience and conscience, you can safely drive out the spies who dishonor the government, send the escorts to the barracks and burn the gallows that corrupt the people. The Executive Committee itself will cease its activities, and the forces organized around it will disperse in order to devote themselves to cultural work for the benefit of the native people. Peaceful, ideological struggle will replace violence, which is repugnant to us more than to your servants, and which we practice only out of sad necessity.

We appeal to you, having cast aside all prejudices, suppressing the mistrust that has created the centuries-old government. We forget that you are a representative of the government that deceived the people so much, did them so much harm. We are addressing you as a citizen and an honest person. We hope that the feeling of personal bitterness will not drown out the consciousness of your responsibilities and the desire to know the truth in you. We can have anger as well. You've lost your father. We have lost not only fathers, but also brothers, wives, children, best friends. But we are ready to drown out personal feelings if the good of Russia demands it. We expect the same from you.

We do not put conditions on you. Don't be shocked by our proposal. The conditions that are necessary for the revolutionary movement to be replaced by peaceful work have not been created by us, but by history. We do not set, but only remind them.

These conditions, in our opinion, are two:

1) general amnesty for all political crimes of the past, since these were not crimes, but execution of civic duty;

2) the convocation of representatives from the entire Russian people to revise the existing forms of state and public life and remake them in accordance with the people's desires.

We consider it necessary to remind, however, that the legalization of the supreme power by the people's representation can be achieved only if the elections are completely free. Therefore, elections must be made under the following circumstances:

1) deputies are sent from all classes and estates indifferently and in proportion to the number of inhabitants;

2) there should be no restrictions either for voters or for deputies;

3) the election campaign and the elections themselves must be completely free, and therefore the government must, as a temporary measure, pending the decision of the People's Assembly, allow: a) complete freedom of the press, b) complete freedom of speech, c) complete freedom of gatherings, d) complete freedom electoral programs.

This is the only way to return Russia to the path of correct and peaceful development. We solemnly declare in front of our native country and the whole world that our party, for its part, will unconditionally obey the decision of the People's Assembly, elected in compliance with the above conditions, and will not allow itself in the future any violent opposition to the government sanctioned by the People's Assembly.

So, your majesty, decide. There are two paths before you. The choice depends on you, and then we can only ask fate, so that your mind and conscience would suggest to you a solution that is the only one consistent with the good of Russia, with your own dignity and obligations to your native country.

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Creation of the Executive Committee The next day, March 17, (according to the new style), representatives of public organizations and parties and elected an Executive Committee of 12 members. This meeting was, of course, representatives

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No. 2 Program of the Executive Committee of "Narodnaya Volya" 1879 (Extract) A. According to our basic convictions, we are socialists and populists. We are convinced that only on a socialist basis humanity can embody freedom, equality, fraternity in its life, ensure

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the author Goncharov Vladislav Lvovich

No. 89. Resolution of the Executive Committee of the Pskov Council S. and R. Deputies on the formation of shock battalions dated June 11, 1917, the Executive Committee of the Pskov Council of Soldiers and Workers' Deputies, having discussed together with the executive bureaus of the military in the working section

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No. 95. Protocol No. 2 of the Executive Committee of the Ukrainians of the Northern Front of September 10, 1917 The Executive Committee of the Ukrainians of the Northern Front at its meeting on September 10 of this year decided: to enter with a petition to the Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Front about

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No. 124. Telegram from the military department of the Executive Committee to all units of the Petrograd garrison. July 3, 1917 Emergency In all units: regimental, battalion committees of separate independent parts Petrograd garrison. According to information available to the executive

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No. 146. Telegram of the Executive Committee of the Western Front dated September 8, 1917 On September 8, the general meeting of Iskomzap members adopted the following resolution on the death penalty: “The death penalty must be abolished immediately.” Iskomzap Chairman Kozhevnikov Secretary Shchukin

From the book 1917. Decomposition of the army the author Goncharov Vladislav Lvovich

No. 189. Telegram of the Executive Committee of R. and S.D. of the city of Ufa to the Petrograd Soviet of R. and S.D. and to the Minister of War of June 10, 1917 On the 7th of June in the city, at the request of the crowd, mainly soldiers, the merchant Ivanov was searched, accused by rumor of concealment

From the book 1917. Decomposition of the army the author Goncharov Vladislav Lvovich

No. 226. Telegram from the chairman of the executive committee of the Western Front dated October 21, 1917 to the Central Executive Committee of the Soviets, the minister-chairman, the commander-in-chief, the warrior, the ruler Krasokar, the Comorsev, the Iskomituz, Arkom 2, 3, 10 Executive Committee

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No. 240. Telegram of the Executive Committee of the Southwestern Front of October 28, 1917 to Kerensky.

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No. 241. Telegram of the executive committee of the Council of Peasant Deputies of the armies of the Western Front to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief dated October 28, 1917, the Executive Committee of the Council of Peasant Deputies of the armies of the Western Front categorically protests against

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Program of the Executive Committee of the Narodnaya Volya Party of the AP According to our basic convictions, we are socialists and populists. We are convinced that only on a socialist basis humanity can embody freedom, equality, fraternity in its life, and provide a common

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FROM THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL OF SOLDIERS AND WORKERS 'DEPUTIES Comrades and citizens, the new government, which is being created from the socially moderate strata of society, announced today all those reforms that it undertakes to implement in part while still in the process of fighting the old

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In March 1881, Alexander II was killed by a bomb thrown by the Narodnaya Volya member Grinevitsky. Nine days later, on March 10, 1881, the Executive Committee of the "Narodnaya Volya" addressed a letter to the son of the newly murdered emperor - the new Russian autocrat Alexander III.

Here are snippets of this letter:

“Your Majesty!

The bloody tragedy that played out on the Catherine Canal was not an accident and was not unexpected for anyone ...

You know, Your Majesty, that the government of the late Emperor cannot be blamed for a lack of energy. We hanged the right and the guilty, prisons and remote provinces were overflowing with exiles. As many as dozens of the so-called "leaders" are overfished, outweighed.

The government, of course, can still overcap and outweigh many individuals. It can destroy many separate revolutionary groups. Let us assume that it destroys even the most serious revolutionary organization in existence. But all this will in no way change the state of affairs. The revolutionaries are created by circumstances, the general displeasure of the people, Russia's striving for new social forms ...

Looking with an impartial glance at the difficult decade we have experienced, one can accurately predict the further course of the movement, unless the government's policy changes ... A terrible explosion, a bloody reshuffle, a convulsive revolutionary upheaval throughout Russia will complete this process of destruction of the old order.

There can be two ways out of this situation: either a revolution, completely inevitable, which cannot be prevented by any executions, or a voluntary appeal of the supreme power to the people.

We do not put conditions on you. Don't be shocked by our proposal. The conditions that are necessary for the revolutionary movement to be replaced by peaceful work have not been created by us, but by history. We do not set, but only remind them.

These conditions, in our opinion, are two:

1) General amnesty for all political crimes of the past, since these were not crimes, but execution of civic duty;

2) Convening representatives from the entire Russian people to revise the existing forms of state and public life and remake them in accordance with the people's wishes.

We consider it necessary to remind, however, that the legalization of the supreme power by the people's representation can be achieved only if the elections are completely free. Therefore, elections must be made under the following circumstances:

1) Deputies are sent from all classes and estates indifferently and in proportion to the number of inhabitants;

2) There should be no restrictions either for voters or for deputies;

3) Election campaigning and the elections themselves must be completely free, and therefore the government must, as a temporary measure, pending the decision of the people's assembly, allow: a) complete freedom of the press, b) complete freedom of speech, c) complete freedom of gatherings, d) complete freedom of electoral programs.

So, your majesty, decide. There are two paths before you. The choice depends on you. Then we can only ask fate, so that your reason and conscience would prompt you a solution, the only one consistent with the good of Russia, with your own dignity and obligations to your native country. "

The moment of accession to the throne of Alexander III was in the thirty-seventh year. Since the time his elder brother Nikolai died and Alexander became heir to the throne, his occupations and his whole life have changed a lot. Since 1865, he was purposefully prepared for the upcoming mission that awaited the Tsarevich after the death of his father - to become an autocrat, concentrating in his hands all the threads of governing a huge empire.

Three people were mainly involved in the upbringing of Alexander: professor-lawyer of Moscow University Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev, his colleague professor-economist Chivilev and chief educator, named "trustee", Adjutant General Count Boris Alekseevich Perovsky. The Tsarevich took courses in political science and jurisprudence in the scope of the university, which allowed him not to look odious as Chancellor of the University of Helsingfors.

Good military training, corresponding to the program of the General Staff Academy, made him a professional when he held various army positions - from regiment commander to chieftain of the Cossack troops and commander of the Petersburg military district. And the fact that he had a chance to participate in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-

1878 years, gave the new emperor the well-deserved authority of a combat general.

Alexander III was a deeply Russian person, but his love for everything that was domestic passed into frank nationalism. He immediately ordered to simplify military uniform and make it more convenient. Catering to the tastes of the tsar, all the servicemen were dressed in half-caftans and wide trousers, girded with colored sashes and wearing lambskin hats on their heads. First of all, the generals of the suite were disguised. When, after the introduction of this innovation, the first court reception took place, only one of the generals, Prince Baryatinsky, the commander of the Preobrazhensky regiment, painfully proud of the regimental uniform and his belonging to the glorious aristocratic brotherhood of the Life Guard officers, violated the order and appeared at the reception in the same uniform.

When the minister of the court made a remark to him in this regard, the prince replied that he would not wear a peasant uniform. This answer was tantamount to resignation, and the prince had to wear his old uniform in Paris, but this time as a private person.

Alexander has driven austerity across all industries government controlled, especially by cutting back the expenses of the palace department. He greatly reduced the staff of the ministry of the court, reduced the number of servants and introduced strict supervision over the spending of money both in his family and in the families of the grand dukes.

Alexander III banned the purchase of foreign wines for his table, replacing them with Crimean and Caucasian ones, and limited the number of balls to four a year.

How many remarks were made by Alexander's ill-wishers in connection with his muzhikishness, uncouthness, absolutely not royal simplicity in everyday life! How many arrows were fired by left-wing journalists and émigré writers about his stupidity and insensitivity to art! And he more often than anyone else attended the opera, played very well, and played the trombone so skillfully that he was a soloist in palace quartets.

In 1869, a small orchestra of brass instruments began to gather at the Tsarevich, which included himself and eight other musicians - officers of the Guard. Over time, the circle grew and in 1881 became the "Society of Brass Music Lovers".

Alexander, when he was Tsarevich, became one of the founders of the Russian Historical Society, under his patronage was the Historical Museum in Moscow.

The crown prince began his serious passion for art with a tour of the palaces and museums of Copenhagen. Arriving there to see his father-in-law and mother-in-law, the Tsarevich, together with Maria Fedorovna, visited glass factories, factories for the production of faience and porcelain, jewelers' workshops, acquiring the best samples of products produced there, and then antique furniture, tapestries and a wide variety of antiques. Finally, it was the turn of the paintings. Here, contrary to the canons, he began to acquire canvases by contemporary artists, and once said about the school of old masters: "I must love it, because everyone recognizes the old masters as great, but I have no personal attraction."

In the Anichkov Palace, Alexander allocated two halls for a museum, and in Tsarskoye Selo, he housed a collection of paintings by Russian artists of the 20-50s of the XIX century.

Alexander III behaved impeccably in matters of family morality. Even in such an antimonarchist publication as New Materials on the Biography of Russian Crowned Persons, Compiled on the Basis of Foreign Documents, the author of Volume XII A. Kolosov wrote that Alexander III “, unlike all his predecessors on the Russian throne, adhered to strict family morality. He lived in honest monogamy with Maria Feodorovna, not having a second morganatic wife or a harem of mistresses. "

If we talk about the negative qualities of Alexander III, first of all, one should note the militant nationalism characteristic of him, which soon grew into chauvinism. Forced Russification, the prohibition of teaching many "foreigners" in their native languages, open anti-Semitism - were also an integral part of the worldview of Alexander III.

Another negative feature of it was a certain class obscurantism. Alexander believed that education could not be a common property and should remain the privilege of the nobility and wealthy estates, and the common people - the so-called "cook's children" - should only be able to read, write and count. On this issue, Alexander III fully shared the views of his mentor Pobedonostsev, who argued that true enlightenment does not depend on the number of schools, but on those who teach in these schools. If long-haired nihilists and ladies who smoke cigarettes have settled in schools, then they can give children not education, but only corruption. True enlightenment begins with morality, and in this case a much better teacher will not be a revolutionary who has gone to the people, but a modest, moral and loyal to the tsar priest or even a sexton.

In 1889, an open "Letter to Emperor Alexander III" was published in Geneva, written by the famous writer, editor of the journal "Education and Education" Maria Konstantinovna Tsebrikova. This letter was soon distributed in numerous lists, as it touched upon many painful questions of the history and life of Russian society.

Here it is, this letter:

“Your Majesty! The laws of my fatherland punish for free speech ... Russian emperors are doomed to see and hear the bureaucracy that stands as a wall between them and the Russian zemstvo, that is, millions who are not listed in public service. Penalties for abuse of power, for impudent robbery, for lying are so rare that they do not affect the general order. Each governor is an autocrat in a province, a police officer in a district, a police officer in a camp, a police officer in a volost. The direct benefit of every boss is to deny and cover up the subordinate's abuse.

Alexander I also said that honest people in the government were an accident and that he had such ministers whom he would not like to have as lackeys. And the lives of millions will always be in the hands of chance, where the will of one decides the choice.

If you saw the life of the people not by the pictures that are exposed to you during your trips across Russia, met the Russian people not in the person of the volost elders and village elders, when they in festive caftans bring you bread and salt on silver dishes , if you could pass invisibly through the cities and villages to learn the life of the Russian people, you would see his work, his poverty, you would see how the governors lead the army to shoot workers who do not obey fraudulent fines and reduction of wages, when and with the previous live only from hand to mouth; You would see how the governors lead the army to shoot the peasants, rioting on their knees, without leaving the soil drenched in sweat and blood, which is legally robbed from them. strongest of the world this.

Then you would understand that the order maintained by an army of millions, legions of bureaucracy and hosts of spies, the order in whose name every indignant word for the people and against arbitrariness is stifled, is not order, but bureaucratic anarchy. Anarchy is peculiar: the bureaucratic mechanism operates harmoniously - instructions, reports and reports go their own way, and life goes on its own way. The direct benefit of each official is to prove the unfairness of complaints against him and his subordinates and to declare that everything is all right in his department.

It is rumored that you do not tolerate lies.

How can you not understand that the one of your officials who is against publicity in court and in the press, he finds his benefit in darkness and secrecy. Every honest person, whoever he is - a minister or a mere mortal - who does not say: “This is my whole life, let the world judge me, there are no dirty spots on my conscience,” he cannot be an honest person.

Our people are poor. A large percentage of him live from hand to mouth, and in a harvest year a large percentage of the people eat bread with chaff. Its huts are damp, stinking shacks. There is nothing to heat. Under the stove is a shelter for newborn calves, lambs, poultry. More than half of children die at an early age from poor mother's food, exhausted work, from a parent - a consequence of the weakness of the body or poisoning with harmful air. Children left unattended while their mother is at work are also victims of accidents.

The people have almost no hospitals; the number that exists is negligible in the millions. Landless laborers, urban workers have no shelter for old age. Having exhausted all the strength at work, you have to die wherever you have to - under the fence, in the roadside ditch.

There are no funds for schools and hospitals, for the establishment of orphanages for children, for the elderly, but there are funds for a lot of unproductive expenses - the construction and purchase of palaces, the ministry of the court, the management of the royal estates.

You've been persuaded to make a secret of almost everything with reason state necessity but the government, hiding in darkness and resorting to immoral means, is digging its own grave.

You are frightened away from publicity by arguments that publicity undermines public confidence in the government by its revelations, that even without that society is ready to believe anything bad about those in power.

If this is so, then this proves one thing: that the bitter experience of centuries has undermined public confidence in the government and the government has long ago lost all moral charm - and nothing can revive all this, because there is no justification for arbitrariness. Mystery testifies to lack of faith in oneself. He who believes in himself is not afraid of the light. The secret is needed only for those who realize that they are not supported by moral, but by one material force.

Scientist world Western Europe noticed that over the past twenty years, not only the level of talent, but also the conscientious attitude towards science and human dignity has greatly decreased in our representatives of science.

The dismal fact noticed is a direct consequence of the systematic weeding out of talented youth by the hands of the state police. The larger the force, the less it puts up with oppression. The stronger the love of knowledge in a young man, the less he can honor the science taught for police purposes.

Youth joins practical life without the necessary preparation. The youth who survived because they did not know another God except their career - the youth who lied and corrupt, will breed bureaucratic anarchy - to plant today, and tomorrow they will pluck out what is being planted by order of the authorities, to bring even more poisonous decomposition into the ulcers that are corroding their native country.

Our censorship leads to the fact that young people eagerly throw themselves not only at what is true in our underground and foreign press, but also at absurdities. If they persecute the word, then they are afraid of the truth.

A writer is a toy of censor's arbitrariness and can never know how one or another censor will look at his work and at what moment. It happened that the Moscow censorship missed what the Petersburg censorship forbade and vice versa.

Finally, the censorship reached the pillars of Hercules - Emperor Alexander II turned out to be obscene in his empire: the press was forbidden to reprint his speech to the Bulgarians on the constitution.

The government recognizes the power of the printed word because it subsidizes its press and promotes it through police officers and police officers. It opens its arms to defectors from the opposition and revolutionary press - and is mistaken in counting on the strength of their support: the word of a traitor cannot have the power of sincere conviction.

When the color of thought and creativity is not on the side of the government, then this is proof that the idea that created it has died out and that it is supported only by one material, spiritless force. Only a living idea can inspire talents.

The press is persecuted when it points to the evil of those measures by which the powerful of this world, not knowing the life of the people, break it in the name of theories invented in their offices and offices.

The mass of bureaucrats and officers are entirely careerists, who, by order, plant today what they will weed out tomorrow, and vice versa, and always prove that planting and weeding are for the good of Russia, because there is the highest will for that. They themselves know very well what they are doing, but their usual motto is: "Enough for our age and our children, and there at least the grass does not grow!".

The supreme power cannot be guided by such a motto: it bears responsibility not only for the present, but also for the future of the country, on which all its measures inevitably respond. The autocratic monarch is inevitably responsible for every crumb of evil: he appoints officials in charge of Russia, he persecutes all exposures of evil, he turns out to be in solidarity with every governor, ruling in Shemyakin's way, with every speculator who is fattening at the expense of the people, with every officer. - hold back, with every spy, on whose denunciation a person who is politically innocent or even guilty will be sent to Siberia.

People of the word, people of science are embittered, because only the word of a lie is tolerated, slavishly glorifying, crucifying to prove that everything is going for the best, which he himself does not believe, because not science is needed, but its slavish mask, but the overexposure and manipulation of scientific facts to justify bureaucratic anarchy.

If you want to leave a dark mark in history, you will not hear the curses of posterity, your children will hear them, and what a terrible legacy you will pass on to them! "

For the dissemination of this letter, M. K. Tsebrikova was exiled under police supervision to the Vologda province.


Your Majesty! While fully understanding the painful mood that you are experiencing at the present moment, the Executive Committee does not consider itself entitled to succumb to a sense of natural delicacy, which may require waiting some time for the following explanation. There is something higher than the most legitimate feelings of a person: it is a duty to his native country, a duty to which a citizen is forced to sacrifice himself, and his feelings, and even the feelings of other people. Obeying this omnipotent duty, we decide to turn to you immediately, without waiting for anything, since the historical process that threatens us in the future with rivers of blood and the most severe upheavals does not await.

The bloody tragedy played out on the Catherine Canal was not an accident and was not unexpected for anyone. After all that has happened over the past decade, it was completely inevitable, and this is its deep meaning, which must be understood by a person placed by fate at the head of government power. Only a person who is completely incapable of analyzing the life of nations can explain such facts by the malicious intent of individuals or at least a "gang". For 10 whole years, we see how in our country, despite the most severe persecution, despite the fact that the government of the late emperor sacrificed everything - freedom, the interests of all classes, the interests of industry and even its own dignity - it certainly sacrificed everything to suppress the revolutionary movement, it nevertheless stubbornly grew, attracting to itself the best elements of the country, the most energetic and selfless people of Russia, and for three years now it entered into a desperate, partisan war with the government.

You know, Your Majesty, that the government of the late emperor cannot be blamed for a lack of energy. We hanged the right and the guilty, prisons and remote provinces were overflowing with exiles. As many as dozens of the so-called "leaders" are overfished, outweighed. They perished with the courage and calmness of martyrs, but the movement did not stop, it grew and grew incessantly. Yes, Your Majesty, the revolutionary movement is not a matter that depends on individuals. This is a process of the people's organism, and the gallows, erected for the most energetic exponents of this process, are just as powerless to save the moribund order, as the death of the Savior on the cross did not save the corrupted ancient world from the triumph of reforming Christianity.

The government, of course, can still overcap and outweigh many individuals. It can destroy many separate revolutionary groups. Let us assume that it destroys even the most serious revolutionary organization in existence. But all this will in no way change the state of affairs. The revolutionaries are created by circumstances, the general displeasure of the people, Russia's striving for new social forms. It is impossible to exterminate the entire people, and it is impossible to destroy their discontent by means of reprisals: displeasure, on the contrary, grows from this. Therefore, to replace the exterminated, new personalities, even more embittered, even more energetic, are constantly being nominated from the people. These individuals, in the interests of the struggle, of course, organize themselves, having the ready-made experience of their predecessors; therefore, the revolutionary organization must be strengthened over time, both quantitatively and qualitatively. We have seen this in reality over the past 10 years. What benefit did the government benefit from the deaths of the Dolgushins, Tchaikovites, and leaders of 74? They were replaced by much more resolute populists. Terrible government repressions then brought the terrorists of 78 -79 to the scene. In vain did the government exterminate the Kovalsky, Dubrovins, Osinsky, Lizogubs. It was in vain to destroy dozens of revolutionary circles. From these imperfect organizations, only stronger forms are developed by natural selection. Finally, the Executive Committee appears, with which the government is still unable to cope.

Taking an impartial look at the difficult decade we have experienced, one can accurately predict the future course of the movement, unless the government's policy changes. The movement must grow, increase, facts of a terrorist nature must be repeated more and more sharply; the revolutionary organization will put forward in place of the exterminated groups more and more perfect, strong forms. Meanwhile, the total number of dissatisfied people in the country is increasing; trust in the government among the people should fall more and more, the idea of ​​revolution, about its possibility and inevitability, will develop more and more firmly in Russia. A terrible explosion, a bloody reshuffle, a convulsive revolutionary upheaval throughout Russia will complete this process of destruction of the old order.

What is causing this terrible prospect? Yes, Your Majesty, terrible and sad. Don't mistake this for a phrase. We understand better than anyone else how sad is the death of so many talents, such energy in the deeds of destruction, in bloody battles, at a time when these forces under different conditions could be spent directly on creative work, on the development of the people, its intelligence, welfare, his civil society. Why does this sad necessity of a bloody struggle occur?

Because, Your Majesty, now we have no real government in its true sense. The government, by its very principle, should only express the people's aspirations, only carry out the people's will. Meanwhile, in our country - excuse the expression - the government has degenerated into a pure camarilla and deserves the name of a usurper gang much more than the Executive Committee. Whatever the intentions of the sovereign, but the actions of the government have nothing to do with the people's benefit and aspirations. The imperial government subordinated the people to serfdom, gave the masses to the power of the nobility; at the present time it openly creates the most harmful class of speculators and profiteers. All his reforms lead only to the fact that the people fall into more and more slavery, more and more exploited. It has brought Russia to the point that at present the masses of the people are in a state of complete poverty and ruin, not free from the most offensive supervision even at their home, powerless even in their worldly, public affairs. Only the predator, the exploiter, enjoys the protection of the law and the government: the most outrageous robberies remain unpunished. But what a terrible fate awaits a person who sincerely thinks about the common good. You know well, Your Majesty, that not only socialists are exiled and persecuted. What is a government that maintains such an "order"? Is this not a gang, is it not a manifestation of complete usurpation?

That is why the Russian government has no moral influence, no support among the people; that is why Russia gives birth to so many revolutionaries; that is why even such a fact as regicide evokes joy and sympathy in a huge part of the population! Yes, Your Majesty, do not be fooled by the reviews of flatterers and servants. Regicide is very popular in Russia.

There can be two ways out of this situation: either a revolution, completely inevitable, which cannot be prevented by any executions, or a voluntary appeal of the supreme power to the people. In the interests of the native land, in order to avoid unnecessary loss of strength, in order to avoid those terrible calamities that always accompany the revolution, the Executive Committee appeals to Your Majesty with advice to choose the second path. Believe that as soon as the supreme power ceases to be arbitrary, as soon as it firmly decides to fulfill only the demands of the people's consciousness and conscience, you can safely drive out the spies who dishonor the government, send the escorts to the barracks and burn the gallows that corrupt the people. The executive committee [is] itself will cease its activities, and the forces organized around it will disperse in order to devote themselves to cultural work for the benefit of the native people. Peaceful, ideological struggle will replace violence, which is repugnant to us more than to your servants, and which we practice only out of sad necessity.

We appeal to you, having cast aside all prejudices, suppressing the mistrust that has created the centuries-old government activity. We forget that you are a representative of the government that deceived the people so much, did them so much harm. We are addressing you as a citizen and an honest person. We hope that the feeling of personal bitterness will not drown out the consciousness of your duties and desire to know the truth in you. We can have anger as well. You've lost your father. We lost not only fathers, but also brothers, wives, children, best friends. But we are ready to drown out personal feelings if the good of Russia demands it. We expect the same from you.

We do not set conditions for you. Don't be shocked by our proposal. The conditions that are necessary for the revolutionary movement to be replaced by peaceful work have not been created by us, but by history. We do not set, but only remind them.

These conditions, in our opinion, are two:

1) general amnesty for all political crimes of the past, since these were not crimes, but execution of civic duty;

2) the convocation of representatives from the entire Russian people to revise the existing forms of state and public life and remake them in accordance with the people's desires.

We consider it necessary to remind, however, that the legalization of the supreme power by the people's representation can be achieved only if the elections are completely free. Therefore, elections must be made under the following circumstances:

1) deputies are sent from all classes and estates indifferently and in proportion to the number of inhabitants;

2) there should be no restrictions either for voters or for deputies;

3) the election campaign and the elections themselves must be carried out completely freely, and therefore the government must, in the form of a temporary measure, pending the decision of the people's assembly, allow: a) complete freedom of the press, b) complete freedom of speech, c) complete freedom of gatherings, d) complete freedom of electoral programs.

This is the only way to return Russia to the path of correct and peaceful development. We solemnly declare in front of our native country and the whole world that our party, for its part, will unconditionally obey the decision of the People's Assembly, elected under the above conditions, and will not allow itself in the future any violent opposition to the government sanctioned by the People's Assembly.

So, Your Majesty, decide. There are two paths before you. The choice depends on you. Then we can only ask fate for your reason and conscience to suggest you a solution that is the only one consistent with the good of Russia, with your own dignity and obligations to your native country.

Executive Committee, March 10, 1881 Printing house of "Narodnaya Volya", March 12, 1881

Printed by: Revolutionary populism of the 70s. XIX century, T. 2, p. 235-236.

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In Moscow, not far from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a monument to Emperor Alexander II was unveiled. When covering this event, federal TV channels did not fail to report that Alexander II was a "reformer", it was during his reign that serfdom was abolished, and for this Alexander Nikolaevich Romanov was named "Tsar-Liberator" and showed a close-up of those gathered at the opening ceremony of the monument. The spectators could once again observe the touching unity of the "right-wing" patriots-"soil" and Western liberals. Monarchists with bushy beards stood shoulder to shoulder, politely sad to the anthems of tsarist Russia, and Radzinsky's televitiya, telling in his specific voice before a microphone about the "benefits" of the liberal reforms of Alexander II. It is clear that each of them had their own reason: the monarchists paid homage to Alexander II, since he is a tsar, liberals, since he is a reformer. But all the same, this unnatural union was impressive.

And of course, our very "politically correct" journalists did not hesitate to throw mud at the party "Narodnaya Volya", whose bombers killed the "Tsar-Liberator" on March 1, 1881 on the Catherine Canal in St. Petersburg. A lively journalist, commenting quickly on this tragedy of a century ago, said that some "modern historians" - he did not bother to name them - believe that "terrorists-socialists", they say, killed the "tsar-reformer" for allegedly improved the life of the people and, therefore, hindered the development of a revolutionary situation.

It is not so much outright ignorance that shocks national history our television "masters of minds" - it seems that many are already accustomed to this - how much is the very attitude towards their ideological opponents on the part of people who proudly call themselves "enlightened liberals" and "Russian Europeans." From them you will not get recognition like this: we, they say, do not share the political views of the Russian Narodnaya Volya, and even more so, we do not approve of the political practice of terror that they have chosen, but we understand that although they were mistaken in some way, they were still people honest, selfless, courageous and in their own way wished their homeland well. Indeed, in fact, the tragedy of that situation was precisely in the fact that both the tsar and the Narodnaya Volya terrorists were not pathological villains. For all his reformism, Alexander II was still not a puppet, not remembering kinship, with a team of American advisers behind his back, like the current "reformers" who declare themselves to be the successors of the "tsar-liberator" cause. And the terrorists of the late 19th century did not work for foreign funds and special services, as Russian terrorists the beginning of the 21st century. Thus, both Tsar Alexander II and his associates, and members of the Narodnaya Volya party, were nevertheless patriots of Russia, striving for the good for their homeland. They just understood this blessing in different ways; and this misunderstanding reached such a depth that dialogue between them was no longer possible: the tsar ordered the Narodniks to be thrown into prison and hanged, and the Narodniks, in turn, threw bombs into the Tsar's carriage and organized explosions in his palace.

However, this could be said by a person who may not really favor Narodnaya Volya, but at the same time honest, able to rise above the ideological foam, whatever color it may be, in the end, just loving our history, in the words of the great poet, such, what God gave it to us ... But this is not to be expected from a talker from television ... He is used to serving the authorities - at first the old, "stagnant", now the current, "liberal". Moreover, he does it extremely clumsy: creating black and white simplified schemes, demonizing and vulgarizing those who do not like the current government ... Previously, he instilled that all Russian tsars were idlers and dumb, only thinking how to rob the people, and he praised Zhelyabov and Perovskaya - now, on the contrary, he pours tubs of slop on the Narodnaya Volya and glorifies the reforming tsars.

It would seem that one should not pay attention to this, alas, a typical example for our time ... At the same time, I think, the case with the People's Will and the "Tsar-Liberator" is special, since in fact it is very relevant precisely in our days, when new "reformers" are in power, worse than the previous ones ...

So, why did the Narodnaya Volya kill the reformer tsar? On whose side was the truth: on the side of Alexander Romanov or Andrei Zhelyabov?

I don’t know what kind of "modern historians" our TV journalist found - apparently from among those who go to television shows and amaze real specialists with their surprisingly free handling of facts and figures - but it would be interesting and useful to know: how the People's Will themselves explained their an attempt on the king. After all, revolutionaries differ from politicians with the burden of power in that they can quite frankly, without looking back at political situation and on the alignment of political forces, to say: what they think and what they feel. Alexander II could not publicly express what was in his soul and mind, often, he could not publicly say even a simple truth, he obeyed decency, protocol, ceremony, the interests of the state, finally. Andrey Zhelyabov could afford such liberty. Sincerity and truth are one of the few privileges of revolutionaries, for which they pay with reproaches from society, imprisonment and life itself.

A few days after the assassination of Alexander II, on March 10, 1881, the executive committee of the People's Will drew up, discussed and approved a letter to the heir to the throne, the son of the deceased Tsar, the future Emperor Alexander III. It was printed in 13 thousand copies in an underground printing house and distributed (one copy, printed on the best paper, was mailed to the palace). There Narodnaya Volya resolutely rejected the official explanation of what had happened, which is now being "raised on the shield" by journalists who sympathize with the new government: a person who is completely incapable of analyzing the life of peoples .... "The following statement of the Narodnaya Volya also sounds quite justified:" Revolutionaries are created by circumstances, the general displeasure of the people, Russia's desire for new social forms ... ". What are these circumstances in which Russia found itself under Alexander II? Narodnaya Volya very colorfully describe the consequences of the reforms of the "tsar-liberator": "the imperial government ... has given the masses to the power of the nobility, at present it is openly creating the most harmful class of speculators and profiteers. All its reforms lead only to the fact that the people are falling into more and more slavery is more and more exploited. It has brought Russia to the point that at present the masses of the people are in a state of complete poverty and ruin ... Only the predator, the exploiter, enjoys the protection of the law and the government; the most outrageous robberies remain unpunished. "

But why do revolutionaries express their discontent through such a brutal political method as terror? Here too, the Narodnaya Volya members give a completely clear justification, which, if it does not justify them from the point of view of the eternal commandment (however, the same reproach - in violation of the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" can be turned to the opposite side), then in any case is not devoid of logic. Narodnaya Volya point out that the government itself does not allow the intelligentsia to peacefully propagandize those views that they consider to be true, openly and publicly criticize the government, pointing out to it the ulcers of public life, the corruption of officials, the plight in the countryside and in factories. Moreover, the authorities imprison and hang representatives of the intelligentsia who dared to raise their voices against the outrageousness of Russian life: “You know, your Majesty, that the government of the late emperor cannot be blamed for a lack of energy. As many as dozens of the so-called "leaders" are overfished, outweighed. But responding to criticism, proposals and propaganda with arrests, exile, executions, the authorities achieve only the opposite effect, the growth of the revolutionary movement: "What benefit did the government benefit from the death of the Dolgushins, Tchaikovites, and leaders of 1874? They were replaced by much more decisive Narodniks. Terrible government reprisals later called the terrorists of 1878-1879 onto the stage. Committee..".

Proceeding from this, the Narodnaya Volya members posed a dilemma for the tsar: "There can be only two ways out of such a situation: either a revolution, completely inevitable, which cannot be prevented by any executions, or a voluntary appeal of the supreme power to the people." And then comes the most unexpected thing: the Narodnaya Volya members resolutely spoke out ... against the revolution. "In the interests of the native land, in order to avoid unnecessary loss of strength, in order to avoid those terrible calamities that always accompany the revolution, the Executive Committee appeals to your Majesty with advice to choose the second path."

The letter ended with the formulation of the demands of the Narodnaya Volya party, the fulfillment of which by the tsar would eliminate the danger of a people's revolution. These are: "... a general political amnesty for all political crimes ..., the convocation of representatives from the entire Russian people ...". Moreover, to this supreme body of people's representation: "deputies are sent from all classes of estates indifferently and in proportion to the number of residents ... there should be no restrictions either for voters or for deputies ... the election campaign and the elections themselves must be made freely ... ".

If the tsar fulfills these conditions, the Narodnaya Volya party promised to end the terror and dissolve itself: “Believe that as soon as the supreme power ceases to be arbitrary, as soon as it firmly decides to fulfill only the demands of the people's consciousness and conscience ... will cease its activity and the forces organized around it will disperse in order to devote themselves to cultural work for the benefit of the native people. A peaceful, ideological struggle will replace violence, which is more repugnant to us than to your servants ... ".

So, according to the Narodnaya Volya themselves, the reasons for passing and enforcing the death sentence to Alexander II were as follows:

The perniciousness for the people and, above all, the peasantry, which stands for the communal life order, of those liberal reforms or those forms of "liberation" that the tsar carried out;

The reluctance of the "tsar-liberator" to listen to the people themselves and to the intelligentsia, their desire to continue to rule, based only on their own arbitrariness and rejecting the principle of democracy;

Terror deployed against the revolutionary intelligentsia by the state, which does not allow revolutionaries to use peaceful methods of propaganda and influence the opinion of the people.

The very enumeration of these reasons immediately forces us to question the canonical image of the People's Will, which has long been rooted in the Russian consciousness. It is no secret that semi-official Soviet propaganda sought to present practically all currents of the revolutionary movement in Russia as a kind of predecessors of the Bolsheviks. And although it did not hide the disagreements between the Narodniks and the Marxists, all the same, this official "genealogy of the revolution" produced a corresponding latent effect on the minds, so that the Narodnaya Volya members were unconsciously perceived by many as "Bolsheviks before the Bolsheviks." Now the post-Soviet agitprop is intensively exploiting this stereotype of ancient times, hence the stories about terror fanatics who dreamed of creating a revolutionary situation. The reality, as we see, is completely different.

First, the Narodnaya Volya were not fanatics of terror at all. They considered the terror of the opposition forced measure, a response to government terror. That is, the Narodnaya Volya members were principled opponents of terror as public policy... In this they differed from the Bolsheviks, who believed that the state as a repressive institution, if necessary, could and should resort to terror. Lenin criticized the policy of the autocracy not for terror as such, but for the fact that this terror came not from the revolutionary and proletarian, but from the capitalist-landlord and absolutist state. And this is natural, Lenin was a Marxist, a supporter of the class approach and the dictatorship of the proletariat. The Narodniks, on the contrary, were not supporters of the dictatorship of any one, albeit the most "advanced" class, but the self-government of the entire people. This stemmed from their essentially Slavophil views on the people as the only source of historical truth. Having no special sympathy for either the nobility or the clergy, the Narodniks believed, as we saw in the letter to Alexander III, that these estates should also be represented in the organ of the people's representation. If the people did not choose the path that the populist revolutionaries dreamed of, they were ready to accept this decision anyway and not oppose it, imposing the will of the minority on the majority by violence. It is clear from this letter that the People's Will would accept the monarchy as well, if it were not absolutist, but approved and, therefore, limited by the will of the people (however, not as a permanent institution, but as a transitional link to full democracy, which, in this case, was to be established in as a result of peaceful propaganda of the ideas of democracy among the peasant majority). By the way, according to the testimony of historians, such an opinion was openly expressed by N. Morozov, a member of the Executive Committee of "Narodnaya Volya".

Secondly, the Narodnaya Volya members were not at all fanatics of the political revolution and did not at all want to create a revolutionary situation at any cost. The Narodnaya Volya members were unconditional supporters of only a social revolution, that is, a revolution in public life, which would consist in the transition from capitalism, which they considered alien to us and a destructive product of Western culture, to Russian peasant socialism, communal land tenure and economic management. But the social revolution, in their opinion, did not necessarily have to be accompanied by a political revolution, that is, the violent overthrow of the state through an uprising. Of course, in the program of "Narodnaya Volya" there was an item on the uprising, but, as we see from the letter to the tsar, it was also viewed as an extreme and undesirable measure. Much more acceptable for the Narodnaya Volya was a peaceful, bloodless transition to popular representation, by the decision of the tsar himself, albeit taken under the pressure of the revolutionary intelligentsia. Obviously, this position has little in common with the teaching of revolutionary Marxism that the transition from one social formation to the other occurs according to the law of dialectics necessarily by way of political revolution. And again, this was due to the fact that the Narodniks were not at all Marxists, but left Slavophiles (their difference from the Right Slavophils consisted only in the fact that in the triad "Orthodoxy-autocracy-nationality" they focused on nationality, at the same at the time, their protest against capitalism and the apology of the Russian community were quite consonant with the criticism of the Petersburg period and the reforms of Peter Khomyakov and Kireevsky). Therefore, the Narodniks saw history not as a series of socio-economic formations, driven by the "locomotives of history" - revolutions, but as the work of the geniuses of the peoples, embodied in the activities of an active minority, the intelligentsia, selflessly serving their people.

One can only be sincerely surprised that Orthodox patriots-native speakers curse the Russian populists - the most consistent and decisive opponents of the establishment of Western-type capitalism in Russia, defenders of the special Russian path of development, albeit leftists, but nevertheless the successors of the cause of the Slavophiles, and glorify the Emperor Alexander II - another "best German" on the Russian throne, a zealous Westernizer, like all the Romanovs after Peter, his liberal reforms just imposing capitalism of the European model (albeit from the best patriotic aspirations). No less surprising is the fact that people who call themselves democrats vilify almost the first consistent and principled democrats in Russia, uncompromising supporters of popular representation and broad political freedoms, and utter praises to the autocratic ruler, who ruled the country at his own discretion, was responsible for the most severe censorship, political lawlessness of the majority of the population and police persecution of democrats ...

The correctness of the prediction of the Narodnaya Volya was proved by the very subsequent development of events. It is known how Tsar Alexander III reacted to this letter. Naturally, he did not even think about any democratic elections and amnesties for political prisoners. The People's Will were captured and sentenced to death by hanging. When the philosopher Vladimir Soloviev suggested to Alexander III to forgive the regicides in a Christian way and replace death with another punishment, the "Orthodox sovereign" replied with a phrase that rather unflatteringly characterizes the great Russian philosopher - so much so that I am ashamed to quote it here.

And then everything happened as the letter of the Narodnaya Volya predicted. State repressions intensified, the revolutionary movement, in spite of this, but rather thanks to this, grew. The Narodnaya Volya was replaced by the terrorists-Socialist-Revolutionaries, the Social Democrats carried on propaganda among the workers, the intelligentsia was completely engulfed in Cadet ideas. Terror on the part of the state, which could have an effect as an extreme and short-term measure, being turned into a permanent policy, only embittered the revolutionaries, made them stronger, hardened, more irreconcilable. At the same time, capitalist reforms, destroying the traditional Russian life order, continued, causing more and more indignation of all segments of the population, except for speculators and capitalists who profited from these reforms. S.G. Kara-Murza called Stolypin, this follower of the liberal cause of Alexander II, the true father of the Russian revolution. In a sense, the reform of 1861 was the predecessor of Stolypin's reforms. The point was not that Alexander II finally freed the peasants from serfdom. The fact is that the emancipation was arranged in such a way that it opened the way for the destruction of the peasant community, for the development of capitalism in Russia. The Narodnaya Volya members were absolutely right in saying that such reforms are beneficial only to a handful of speculators and capitalists (the irony of history: these reforms ultimately proved to be unprofitable even for tsarism itself, undermining its foundation, the village patriarchal community!).

The result of the capitalization of Russia, produced by the imperious hand of the Westernizing autocracy, turned out to be quite natural, foreseen by the Narodnaya Volya back in the 80s. 19th century. Dissatisfaction with the government gripped so broad strata of the population that the three-hundred-year-old monarchy of the Romanovs fell in February 17th in three days, with the complete indifference of its subjects.

However, let us imagine that a miracle would happen and the ideal of the populists would be realized - a peasant, socialist federal Russia with a body of broad popular representation at the head and without any firm vertical of power would be formed. Naturally, the cessation of capitalist reforms, a complete transition to communal land ownership, to peasant socialism responded to the urges of the Russian soul and would have been accomplished by the necessary correction of the dislocation inflicted on it by Westernization. However, the naive democratism of the populists, their rejection of the ideas of a strong, if required, and dictatorial state, one can be sure, would only lead to the collapse of this state. History itself has shown that such a huge country like Russia, inhabited by many peoples with a communal psychology, which directly hinders self-organization like Western civil society, a country in a hostile environment, which only thinks how to grab a piece from Russian territories, can be controlled only if help from authoritarian means. Periods of democratic freedom in Russia inevitably coincide with periods of deep state and social decline and, as a result, the revival of foreign enemies, who are buried in the wealth of Russia. The same can be said about the populist idealization of the peasantry and the rejection of industrialism. Russia needed modernization - industrialization, cultural revolution. Even the defeat in the Crimean War showed that the creation of its own scientific, technical and industrial base, not inferior to the West, for Russia is a matter of life and death. However, how could a populist Russia, consisting of closed peasant communities and deserted due to the inclination towards the countryside and the absence of a strong central government of the cities, do this?

In fact, starting from the first half of the 19th century, an ever-widening gap was outlined between the Russian intelligentsia and the autocratic Russian government. At the end of the 19th century, this gap turned into a sluggish civil war: blood was poured - both revolutionaries and government officials, explosions were heard in the streets, gallows were erected in prisons ... And the main feature of civil wars is that they are opposed by each other. a friend is not an absolute truth and an absolute delusion, as journalists tend to imagine, praising, depending on the conjuncture, one or the other side, but two half-truths. Part of the truth in the position of each side ensures its sincere appeal to romantics - the best types of civil war, its true heart. Some of the lies make this position narrow-minded and utopian.

What was the truth of the reformer king? Obviously, Russia could no longer remain patriarchal, communal-peasant, non-industrial. Time challenges, requirements national security- all this imperiously required modernization. At the same time, the tsar quite rightly believed that in our country, modernization can only be carried out from above, authoritarianly, by the forces of the state, and therefore did not rush even with a scanty constitution.

What was the truth of the Narodniks? The fact that capitalism is unacceptable in Russia, it conflicts with the very foundations of the national existence of the Russian people, it leads to the degradation of all aspects of society. The Narodniks quite rightly believed that Russia should continue to remain a country with a communal form of life, should preserve its socialist basis, which has existed in it from time immemorial.

What were the delusions of tsarism? Naturally, in dogmatic Westernism. At the heart of the reforms envisaged by both Alexander II and Alexander III and Nicholas II was the latent conviction that there is only one path of development - the capitalist one, similar to the one that the West went through. This was a natural conviction for the dynasty, which Prince Nikolai Sergeevich Trubetskoy called antinational, Romano-Germanic (Russian tsars from the Romanov dynasty after Peter the Great for the most part were not only actually Germans, having, especially by the twentieth century, in their veins an insignificant admixture of Russian blood , they also felt like Germans, remember that the father of Alexander II, Nicholas I, called himself the best Prusak in Europe. Naturally, they were kind of patriots of Russia, but at the same time they perceived Russia as a barbaric country that needs to be civilized in a European manner).

And the delusion of the Narodniks consisted, as we have already said, in their antietatism and anti-industrialism. Terror on the part of the autocratic state instilled in the populists an aversion to any kind of strong state, even a revolutionary one, mental pain for the enslaved and suffering peasantry - rejection of urban culture, industry, which they already looked at through the eyes of the peasants, as something alien and hostile.

We have before us the Hegelian thesis and antithesis, which must "remove" and complement each other in synthesis. And such a synthesis was the Leninist-Stalinist idea of ​​a non-bourgeois, non-European socialist modernization under the leadership of a strong revolutionary state. The victors in the war between the revolutionaries and the autocracy were the revolutionaries, but by no means the populists.

Well, the victor in a civil war is always the side that managed to be reborn, somehow absorb at least a part of the truth that was dear to the opposite side and earnestly defended it. Let us recall that the peculiarity of the position of the Leninists and Stalinists consisted, on the one hand, in the fact that, even if they did not openly declare this, they accepted the Slavophil motives of the Narodniks, abandoned the idea of ​​a pure proletarian revolution (Trotsky, the irreconcilable enemy of Stalin, remained faithful to it). advocated an alliance between the workers and the peasantry - a "reactionary and obsolete" class, if we follow the Marxist Westernizing dogma of "progressive capitalism" (it was not for nothing that the Bundists and Mensheviks called Lenin a Marxist Slavophile, while Trotsky generally called Stalin an Ustryalovist and a Russian imperialist and nationalist). On the other hand, the Leninists and even more so Stalin were Jacobins in politics, advocated a strong, authoritarian, dictatorial power, reminiscent, albeit unaccountably to themselves, of autocracy. It was such Lenin who created his own party, and then, following its model, the Soviet state, and thanks to this, his party and state became the only capable power in the chaos of the civil war. Moments of Slavophilism, mixed with the moments of autocracy and all this on a Marxist basis, a synthesis of autocracy and populism in the context of Marxist modernism - this is the characteristic of Leninism and Stalinism, and this is the key to their political success.

Could the Russian Orthodox monarchy have won this war against the revolutionaries? She could, if she did the same, would degenerate on the side of Slavophilism and socialism, absolutely symmetrically to the degeneration of revolutionary Marxists in the direction of Jacobinism and Slavophilism. Moreover, the corresponding ideological project already existed - this is Orthodox, monarchical socialism, which was developed by Konstantin Leontyev and Fyodor Dostoevsky Leontyev's words that Russia needs to freeze are usually understood primitively - as a call for increased repression against revolutionaries. In fact, the great Russian conservative philosopher had something else in mind - a departure from Westernism, a return to national roots, including the communal life order, a kind of Russian socialism or, as he put it about the peasant community, "Slavic, protective communism", but under the shadow of autocratic power and the Orthodox Church.

But the emperors of the Romanov dynasty, imbued with Eurocentrism, instead only went further and further along the path of westernizing Russia, aggravating the crisis and slowly moving towards the line beyond which there was a catastrophe.

It seems that the experience of Alexander II, the predecessor of Stolypin, a liberal and Westernizer, "the grandfather of the Russian revolution," is very relevant today. After all, now, as well as more than a hundred years ago, regular reformers and Westernizers are in power, and again they cut the living flesh of public life, repainting it to please the schemes adopted from the West. Let us recall once again the words from the letter of the Narodnaya Volya - they seem to have been written about the current situation in Russia, about the predatory "privatization" carried out by very selfish top officials of the state at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries: "... the government ... is open creates the most harmful class of speculators and profiteers. All its reforms lead only to the fact that the people fall into more and more slavery, more and more exploited. It has brought Russia to the point that at present the masses of the people are in a state of complete poverty and ruin ... Only the predator, the exploiter, enjoys the protection of the law and the government; the most outrageous robberies remain unpunished "

And just like the Russian peasants of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, first grumbled against the destruction of the village "world", and then took up the pitchfork and let the "red rooster" go, their descendants of the late 20th - early 21st centuries, working in factories, institutions and universities, also built on the principle of a community of a new industrial type, the "Soviet community", are already thinking about public protests and are beginning to take to the streets. And just as then, in the resistance against the autocracy, everyone united - both liberals and socialists, and now we are witnessing a "right-left opposition" opposing the Putin regime. Thank God, there is practically no "leftist terrorism" in our country (terror by Chechen separatists is a separate topic). Radical marginal groups - the Revolutionary Military Council, the Vanguard of the Red Youth, the National Bolshevik Party are content with "cultural terror" - they throw rotten eggs and mayonnaise at politicians, mine monuments ... But this is not because morals have become softer than in the 19th century, by no means , rather the opposite, but for the time being low - fortunately! - the degree of political struggle. Terror on the part of opposition groups, as we have already noted, is always a reaction to the terrorist policy of the state in relation to the revolutionaries (however, there is also a "feedback" - the terrorist initiative of the opposition also pushes the authorities towards terror). While young radicals were only ridiculed in bourgeois newspapers and on TV, they responded with bullying and abuse in their small circulation, semi-legal newspapers and on the Internet, when they began to be thrown into prisons, they began throwing tomatoes and eggs at high-ranking politicians, seizing official institutions and arranging there anti-government shows. If the government begins to kill revolutionaries by one method or another (of course, not the way the tsarist government did - by legalized executions, on death penalty we have introduced a moratorium, but there are other ways ...) - alas! - the reaction will be appropriate, bombs will fly at politicians instead of tomatoes and mayonnaise. One should be afraid of this, one wants to and one should try to avoid it, but what can be done - such is the dialectic of life, in which revolutionary and state terror are two sides of one whole.

And the current Russian government, as well as the last Russian tsars, faces the same choice: either a return to national roots, or further destruction of the country, senseless resistance to the revolutionary movement and, finally, death in the course of the revolution. Only this power, which erects pompous monuments to the tsars from the Romanov dynasty, is unlikely to be able to draw appropriate conclusions from the historical failure of these first capitalist modernizers of Russia ...

But the opposition patriots and, above all, left-wing patriots also have a choice: either excessive enthusiasm for the ideas of democracy in the course of the struggle against the anti-national authoritarianism of the authorities, and as a result - a historical dead end, since never in Russia, due to the objective conditions of its national existence , democracy was not possible and popular, or the transition to the position of patriotic authoritarianism, the ideas of a strong nationally oriented socialist state independent of the West and - victory ...


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