Program Improved urban environment. Federal program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment": a look of the designer

Material prepared within the project implemented using the President's grant Russian Federation The development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Foundation.

Experts of the Foundation "Institute of Economics of the City" conducted in January 2018 a number of working meetings and round tables with the participation of representatives of the urban asset and organs local governments In the pilot cities of the project "Support for civil society institutions in the involvement of the population in the improvement of the courtyard territories and the development of a comfortable urban environment" (hereinafter referred to as the project) - Izhevsk, Kaliningrad, Cheboksary, Cherepovets, Ulan-Ude.

Subject discussion at meetings and round Tables There was an involvement of citizens in the improvement of courtyards and public areas within the framework of programs for the formation of a comfortable urban environment for 2017 and for 2018-2022, the participation of non-profit organizations in working with the population, existing information on information and methodologies to involve the population and the implementation of projects for the improvement of courtyards and local Public spaces.

According to the results of discussions and interviewing participants in the meetings - representatives of the urban public asset and local authorities, the specialists of the Foundation "Institute of Economics of the City" found a number of problems common to pilot cities.

Issues of population involvement in the implementation of the programs for the formation of a comfortable urban environment

  1. In 2017, in all pilot cities of the project, there were significant efforts to involve citizens in the implementation of regional and municipal programs for the formation of a comfortable urban environment. Various communication channels with the population - press, television, Internet sites, mailing and writing ads, explanatory work through public structures, meetings, hearings, etc., were connected in all cities. The effectiveness of the use of these channels was unequal and depended on various factors, including from the confidence of the population to the authorities of local self-government and the authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
  2. The formation of regional and municipal programs was carried out with extremely short time, as a result, it was impossible to carry out a full-scale campaign to involve the population to participate in the formation of these programs, and often urban administrations and authorities of the regions were forced to make voluntarist solutions to catch up with the approval of programs on time . Subsequently, reviewing the lists of the landscaping territories and projects of improvement, which included programs will be extremely difficult - new initiatives nominated by citizens after the approval of programs will no longer be included in the programs under the conditions of their formation and due to limited funds.
  3. The requirement to conduct a rating vote is somewhat late, since almost everywhere the territory for the priority improvement in the framework of the five-year program was chosen back in 2017. Thus, in the city of Kaliningrad in connection with the preparations for the World Cup in the field of football, the territory in the areas of mass tourism should be subjected to, which, by the general opinion of the city administration and representatives of the public, can most likely differ from the preferences of the city's population. There are forecasts that, according to the results of the voting, citizens will be the greatest preference to the improvement of territories in the peripheral areas of mass housing, and not in the center of the city. A similar situation is marked in other cities.
  4. If there are no problems in the dissemination of city-wide information on the development of improvement rules, the preparation and implementation of improvement programs through the media and Internet problems, then noticeable difficulties are observed in relation to the interaction and establishing feedback with citizens at the level of specific courtyards and apartment buildings. Interviewing participants noted insufficient informing about specific projects of improvement, lack of procedures for familiarization with design projects, a weak organization of general meetings in the MCD. Also in the pilot cities it was said that the unification of the owners of the premises (HOA, the Councils of apartment buildings) are attracted only to the conduct of general meetings, but they are removed from the development of projects of improvement, their initiatives on the inclusion of certain courtyards in the program of improvement are not encouraged.
  5. In information campaigns, focused on residents, the issues of financial or labor participation in the implementation of design projects of the improvement of courtyards are raised, but the question of the further content of the newly created objects of improvement, as a rule, does not rise.

Methodical tools for working with the population in the development and implementation of programs for the formation of a comfortable urban environment

  1. The main methodological instruments to which local governments are based, and public organizations in cooperation with the population are Guidelines on the preparation of state programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal programs for the formation of a modern urban environment as part of the implementation of the priority project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" for 2018 - 2022, approved by the order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated April 6, 2017 No. 691 / PR, guidelines for training The rules of improvement of the territories of settlements, urban districts, internal regions, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated April 13, 2017 No. 711 / AR, as well as the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2017. "Recommendations for the organization of public participation in the implementation of integrated improvement projects of the urban environment "
  2. "The target model for the organization of public participation, as well as to involve business and citizens in the implementation of the projects of the urban environment," also placed on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, is estimated by representatives of urban administrations and public organizations of the pilot cities of the project as a whole as a document beneficial for the information campaign, which can be carried out over a long time period, but not suitable for a short "aggressive" information campaign. At the same time, it is often a person who is entrusted to the organization of public participation, especially in small municipalities, simply do not have sufficient training for the application of methods set forth in the "target model", such as the conduct of focus groups, design workshops (vocrysts), design games, etc. .
  3. The method of assessing the degree of attracting citizens and public organizations to the implementation of measures to create a comfortable urban environment is estimated by representatives of urban administrations and public organizations of the pilot cities of the project as a heavy for use after the first year of the implementation of programs and in the conditions of existing cealing.
  4. The whole methodology of the interaction of urban administrations with the population is focused on direct communication with "simple" citizens - holding public hearings, general meetings in apartment buildings, votes, etc. Lacking techniques for the interaction of local governments with public organizationsrepresenting the consolidated opinion of different urban communities. Also noted the need for decision-making methods not by yards, but for more large territories Improvements on which several apartment buildings are located.

Implementation of projects of improvement and planning solutions of programs for the formation of a comfortable urban environment

  1. Municipal improvement programs are currently fragmented, since they are built on the principle of the application forces to such territorial units of improvement, as the "courtyard" and "public zone" (in the form of a separate park, square, embankment, etc.). Few projects of comprehensive improvement in several adjacent yards. Thus, in Ulan-Ude from five neighboring houses in the management of one HOA, only the yards of two houses were included in the landscaping program. There are not enough projects of "router-oriented" improvement of the territories along the popular routes of the citizens (for example, on the entire path from school to a residential array, along the road to the reservoir, etc.).
  2. Design projects for high-quality improvement of courtyards are not enough, since such design projects are usually drawn up without taking into account geodesses of landscaping territories, the location of the laid communications, accommodation schemes of container sites, etc., which are necessarily taken into account when developing design and estimate documentation. In pilot cities, there are complaints about the quality and non-professionalism of the preparation of design projects.
  3. Programs for the formation of a comfortable urban environment forced by their attention to the improvement of urban areas adjacent to individual residential buildings (sidewalk, a single fence, etc.), since in the terminology of the priority project, such territories do not relate to public areas, nor the courtyard territories of apartment buildings . The Federal Law No. 131-FZ "On General Principles of Local Government Organization in the Russian Federation" has recently been recently amended, according to which the responsibility for the content of the territories adjacent to the buildings is determined by local rules of improvement, but today the problem of landscaping such sites is no less relevant than the improvement of the courtyards of multi-apartment houses. Residents of streets formed by individual residential housesIn pilot cities, they repeatedly raised the question of financing the improvement of the adjacent territory.

Questions of organization and financing of programs for the formation of a comfortable urban environment

  1. The main principle of the organization of the improvement of courtyards, which is implemented in the cities of Russia as part of a priority project - the duty of the city to landscaping the courtyards, which are used by residents of the city. However, this principle does not correspond to the current legal situation, when most of the land in urban development is owned by citizens and legal entities. Taking into account this circumstance, the provision of subsidies would be more equitable due to the priority project. budget funds Initiative associations of citizens who are willing to invest their resources (intellectual, labor, financial) in projects of landscaping their courtyards so that budget funds serve as a catalyst for attracting the means of interested participants of the entire city community and communities at individual urban areas to finance projects of improvement.
  2. The size of the allocated budget funds, even with the five percent financial participation of citizens, makes it possible to lands a very small share of all city courtyards and territories in need of improvement. In particular, according to the results of the implementation of the five-year program in Kaliningrad, an increase in the share of well-maintained territories from 4% to 5% is predicted; In Cheboksary, they plan to descend 2.5% of all yards in need of improvement, etc. in five years. At the same time, the allocated funds are not enough for the implementation of projects with a creative approach, taking into account all the wishes of the inhabitants, therefore, in the main mass, the shopping projects are reduced to asphalting parking for cars.
  3. The system of "Unified Customer" of improvement in many cities in 2017, in which citizens should transfer their contributions to financial participation in the improvement of the courtyard authorized by the municipality or enterprise, does not cause much confidence from the population. In some cases, such as in Cheboksary, a condition for the transfer of funds to the financial participation of citizens to the "Unified Customer" account in the rigid period, he led to inclusion to the city program of projects for the improvement of courtyards initiated by citizens themselves.
  4. In pilot cities, fears are expressed that further development The situation with the improvement of courtyards will be the same as with overhaul: after the money allocated from the budget is completed, the obligatory contributions of citizens will be introduced to the regional or municipal improvement operator.

the Russian Federation

Reliable information about the program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment"

Residents of cities and settlements want to live in safe and comfortable homes, surrounded by a comfortable, thoughtful to the little territory. Moreover, it is not only about parking, where car enthusiasts place their transport. Each resident should be sure that he has everything in the courtyard for recreation, active sports, children and adolescents. In order to achieve such results at the end of 2016, the project was given under the name "Formation of a comfortable urban environment".

What are the tasks and capabilities of the program?

The main objective of the project, which concerns the development of a comfortable urban environment is to improve the quality, safety and convenience of the houses, mass recreation places. The program to be implemented until 2022 is aimed at changing positive side The appearance of cities and settlements, where the number of residents exceeds 1000 people.

The feature of the project is that when making decisions on the use of monetary resources directed from budgets different levelsSpecial attention is paid to the opinion of the inhabitants. Together with local authorities and managers, they decide which activities need to be implemented to achieve improved urban environment. Among the most popular works that residents choose with participation in the program can be noted:

    Repair of houses and yard;

    Installation of lighting devices;

    Installation of urn, benches;

    Work on landscaping;

    Commissioning of playgrounds;

    Arrangement of parking.

In addition to the marked positions, additional activities may be included, which will help in refining areas, improving the level of security and convenience for people. We are talking about the arrangement of pedestrian tracks, installation of information stands, small architectural forms, etc.

According to the studies, the population of Russia notes the positive effect of the implementation of the project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment". Such a program helps to qualitatively improve the standard of living of the population, significantly improving the domestic and adjacent territory, public areas.

The authorities have long thought about ensuring the qualitative development of urban infrastructure in Russia. Therefore, in November 2016, a project was approved, the name of which "Comfortable Wednesday" was approved. This program is interested in local authorities, management companies, HOA, ordinary residents of apartment buildings. The government decided that, on the basis of unified standards in the regions, funds will be directed to the realization of programs related to the improvement of territories.

By the way, during the implementation of the program, each subject of Russia has the right to send several training specialists. Representatives from the regions will explore the program "Creating a Comfortable City Environment". The knowledge gained will be used in practice at the place of residence.

What are the advantages of the program?

The implementation of the project in which the whole country is involved will help to transform the city by making them comfortable for residents, beautiful, clean and cozy. Experts believe that the program approved by the Government and calculated for the next 5 years will become a turning point in the history of the development of settlements.

After the implementation of the project "Comfortable Wednesday", the courtyards of multi-storey houses will remain in the past, where they do not want to stop for a long time, not to mention the rest for different people in the age of people. This program will allow high quality free time. Parents will be able to be sure that their children play on the safe sites equipped with interesting and modern elements that meet the strict reliability requirements.

Adults and older people will be able to get out of the house and stroll through high-quality pedestrian walkways, not afraid to get under the car due to the fact that there is no normally equipped parking. Pluses the program "Comfortable Wednesday" is really a lot. Among the key advantages with which it possesses can also be allocated:

    Transformation of the houseplace in accordance with modern realities;

    The solution of the accumulated problems of communal arrangement;

    Bringing in order, rehabilitation of the city atmosphere;

    Optimization of the cleaning system, landscaping territories;

    High levels of inhabitants.

Participation in the program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" helps to identify the most priorities where you need to work, weak sidesthat you want to eliminate. After all, the involvement of ordinary citizens in the process of choosing projects allows the authorities to understand what needs to be opened primarily, which public spaces require urgent intervention.

How to become a member of the project?

The program "Comfortable Wednesday" - a draft national level, the implementation of which goes throughout the country. Therefore, all regions that concluded an agreement on the allocation and receipt of the state subsidy can take part in it. with the Ministry of Travel. The same structure has the right to assess the efficiency of the use of funds, check the result of the work. To become a member of a program aimed at the improvement of courtyards, residents need:

    At the general meeting, adopt a positive collective decision;

    Apply for the participation of the urban operator (from the HOA, the Management Company, the Housing and Construction Cooperative or Association of Real Estate owners);

    Prepare the project of the courtyard area (the work is carried out in conjunction with the project operator);

    To pass a special commission that approves received projects;

    Wait for trading on which the artist is chosen;

    Monitor the implementation of the program;

    Enjoy the results of the work performed.

If an apartment building needs a complex of work on the adjacent and domestic territory, then residents should behave actively and assembled. Moreover, owners have the right to decide which types of work should be carried out by a subcontractor organization. In each settlement, which takes part in the project, a place for improvement is formed, in accordance with which its implementation passes.

Who pays for everything

It is clear that the cause of the housing stock and public territories is a cost, requiring significant monetary, labor and temporary resources. Aware of these and authorities that calculated the volume financial support in the amount of more than 2 trillion. rub. For the implementation of the program for the coming years enough. Moreover, the source of financing is not only the federal budget. Cash They are sent from regional and local budgets, the resources of the owners of the premises of apartment buildings are used.

Financial resources on the embodiment of programs for the improvement of territories of different purposes are provided on the conditions of co-financing. For example, the amount of funds coming from the owners of apartment buildings cannot be lower than 1% of the total cost of the work that must be performed in accordance with the project. Subtleties that concern participation in the program "Comfortable Wednesday", as well as rules, documents, quite a lot. Discover detailed information It is possible in management companies, urban administrations, housing and communal services, open sources on the Internet.

How to prevent an error when choosing a performer?

The program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" is beneficial to all: residents of apartment buildings, managing companies, municipalities, businessmen who are implementing projects. Naturally, there should be strict requirements for the experience and qualifications of performers. After all, there are many one-day firms on the market, irresponsible deltsov, for which the benefits and receipt of profit stand at the head of the corner. Therefore, choosing a contractor, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

    Official information on activities (for example, an extract from the EGRUL);

    Experience performing such works;

    The official website of the artist;

    Customer reviews about previously completed projects.

Authoritative contractors care about their reputation, count on long-term cooperation with customers. They constantly update information about their activities, answer customer questions. You should trust enterprises whose reviews are published real people. The collected negative and positive data will help to understand whether to trust this firm or it is better to get around it.

Another advice concerns that companies that specialize in the implementation of such works should be selected to implement projects under the Comfortable Wednesday program. In this case, you can be sure that the company's employees have appropriate qualifications, experience and knowledge. In addition, the company has all the necessary materials, tools and equipment to implement projects of any level of complexity and volume.

Who to contact in Krasnodar?

The new platform is open to cooperation with customers who seek to fit the local area. We carry out orders within the framework of the state program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment", successfully coping with the tasks set. If you need:

    Build a turnkey playground;

    Build a sports facility;

    Repair the local territory;

    Install urns, modern benches, please contact!

We can also place a rubber coating for sports sites or children's games. On the site you can leave an application for the calculation of the project. By calling the specified phones, you can get any information that concerns the services provided, including the "Comfortable Wednesday" program. Our specialists, working in the field of landscaping of platforms of different size and appointment, will make everything possible so that you are satisfied with the quality of the object being commissioned.

Novosibirsk region entered the practical plane implementation of the project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment": consideration of ideas in the field of improvement with the participation of representatives municipalities Passed in the regional ministry Weekly in the format of the meeting of the Working Groups. It is planned that in 2017, more than 200 objects will be landscaped in the region as part of a priority project.

The goal of the project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment", approved in November 2016 by the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and Priority Projects, is to create conditions for systemic improvement and comfort of the urban environment throughout the Russian Federation. The project involves the implementation of 400 comprehensive design projects in the country by 2020 and provides for the financial participation of stakeholders in implementing improvement activities, with the participation of public discussion of objects of improvement.

The Minister of Construction and Housing and Commail Board of Russia Mikhail Men noted that the project on the formation of a comfortable urban environment was named by the priority president of the country by Vladimir Putin, and the words about the improvement and development of public spaces were first sounded with such a high stand.

"We will start the fulfillment of this task from the guidance of an elementary order in our cities and villages - we are talking about all municipalities of our country with a population of more than 1 thousand people. There are 12,145 such in our country today, "Mikhail Men.

In general, problems in all municipalities are the same: abandoned public zones, vandalism, poor maintenance of street infrastructure - sidewalks, lighting, green plantings, street furniture, unclean courtyards, medium, aggressive to small groups, etc. Mikhail Meni especially emphasized the need to involve the population into the program of improvement of Russian cities: according to expert research, up to 80% of the inhabitants do not even think about participating in the life of the city. The first steps in this direction gave the result. In some regions, citizens themselves go to the initiative to landscaping the yard own forcesAnd local authorities support these initiatives with pleasure and provide financial assistance.

"We see that landscaped in these initiatives of the courtyards are not subjected to vandalism, it becomes for residents the place of leisure, a true subject of pride," said Mikhail Men.

It is important that the yard areas will be included in the project not an administrative way, but with the consent and on the initiative of the owners of housing. The choice of landscaped public spaces, the definition of their design layout and the control of the project implementation also remains for citizens.

"We understand that for the year to clean up in the whole city and to fit all the inserting territory is impossible, therefore, based on experience practical workIn 2017, regions and municipalities until September 1 and December 1, respectively, should develop five year old programs for the formation of a comfortable urban environment, which will record the weather plan of improvement. They should include all territories in need of improvement - from parks and squares to the wastereys and territories belonging to private owners, "the head of the Ministry of Construction of Russia summed up.

Since in the project implementation, a significant role is given to residents of cities, special attention will be paid to the informational support of the priority project.

"The change in the medium is able to influence the well-being and mood of people, as well as the economy of the city and its attractiveness for residents and tourists. This effect is difficult to measure the development of the quality of cities and their influence on the quality of life of people - this is a separate our task that we will decide within the framework of the project. While we operate with such indicators as the proportion of coming and leaving people, a change in tax deductions in well-maintained areas. So, about 70% of people before seeking new job, Choose a city for life, "Commented on Deputy Minister Andrei Chibis.

In the Novosibirsk region, the total financing of measures of the priority project will be more than 700 million rubles. At the expense of federal and regional budgets. More than 470 million rubles will be allocated from the federal, from the regional - about 258 million rubles. The project will affect the municipalities of the population of over 1 thousand people, including the city of Novosibirsk.

Municipal improvement programs in the framework of the priority project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" should be submitted to public discussion.

The Deputy Governor of the Novosibirsk Region, Sergey Symka, drew attention to the importance of a clear observance of the deadlines in the implementation of the priority project. "Public discussion of projects should be at least 30 days. It is important that all municipal authorities react to this most responsible way, "said Sergey Symka, recalling that until May 25, these programs should be approved with the address list of courtyards and public spaces landscaped in 2017. Also, the Vice-Governor drew attention to the importance of use in the Novosibirsk region best practices Improvement based on modern experience - for this, professional specialists in the field of architecture, landscape design, etc. should be involved in the development of design projects.

340 million rubles will be directed to the implementation of projects of improvement in the regional center in 2017, including from the budget of the Novosibirsk Region 140 million rubles, from the federal budget - 200 million rubles.

As the head of culture, sports and sports department speaking at the event youth Policy The city hall of the city of Novosibirsk Anna Tereshkova, a public territory, on which in Novosibirsk in 2017, as part of the implementation of the priority project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment", the territory of the Mikhailovskaya Embankment is determined, taking into account citizens' voting. As part of the improvement, work is planned on the device for the promenade zone, the paving of the road trip network, filling gardening and parking furniture, gardening, landscaped work.

Also in Novosibirsk in the direction of improvement of public spaces, it is planned to carry out work on 131 objects that will lead to the proper state of the territory of 187 apartment buildings.

Mikhail Men noted that Minstroy developed a new term - "Ecology Eyes": It is very important that today's young people will see, children - the following generations of Russians - in the world around the world, in space where they will be brought up, playing, growing. According to the minister, this is very important, since since childhood, surrounded by beautifully not capable of violations of the law, unlawful actions. "Therefore, the task of us is not technical, but in many respects psychological and educational," Mikhail Middle, summarized.

The implementation of the major federal project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" starts in the Altai Territory. Thanks to this program, our region and another 71 subject received a unique opportunity to put in order courtyard territories, common areas of human settlements. What is this program which settlements It includes and that now they can change in them, on March 9 discussed in the Ministry of Economy. We tell the details in the "Question-Answer" rubric.

What is this program?

This is a long-term program. It will be completed in 2022, and its first stage begins this year.

The project provides two directions. One of them is the improvement of courtyards and public spaces. For these purposes, the region in 2017 will be allocated from the federal treasury 516.1 million rubles. Another 51 million rubles is the share of the regional budget. General financing will be 567 million rubles. These funds are planned to be distributed between the ten cities of the region and the working settlement of the Steppe Lake of the Blagoveshchensky district, which is among the monogenic Altai Region. Since financing is distributed depending on the number of apartment buildings in the municipality, major cities received the greatest support. So, Barnaul will get 236 million rubles, Biysk - 133 million rubles and Rubtsovsk - 87 million rubles.

The project also involves the improvement of parks. To implement this task, the edge will receive a subsidy of 11.8 million rubles. Co-financing of the regional treasury - 1.1 million rubles. In 2017, work will be held in Aleis, Belokurikha parks, Biysk, Pita, Zarinsk, Zameinogorsk, Stone-on-Obi, Novoaltaisk, Rubtsovsk, Slavgorod, Svarovoy.

Thus, in total in the implementation of the project, 14 municipal regiments of the region are expected.

What kind of yards and parks will be transformed?

At the moment, this question remains open. The fact is that the development of regional and municipal programs for project implementation is being developed in 2017. Until March 15, a regional program will be developed. It will determine the minimum and additional lists of the project, the form and share of the participation of residents and bodies of local self-government, as well as the requirements for the composition of the application.

By May 25, municipal programs themselves should be approved, but before this will be published on the sites of administrations.

Design projects of the improvement of each of the objects of this project must be approved until July 1, and in the second summer month active work will begin.

That is, the opinion of people will consider?

Yes. The peculiarity of this project is the direct participation in the residents themselves. As the coordinator of the party project "City Wednesday" explained in the region, deputy of the faction " United Russia"Igor Panarin in APPS, then these objects will be included in the general property, and people must learn to cherish it.

How to become a member of this program?

Residents at home can go to their management companies, executive authorities at the level of districts, deputy. Deputy Minister of Minister of Internal Affairs of the Altai Territory Andrei Golubny explained that the procedure for filing applications and their consideration municipalities will be approved until April 1.

In the meantime, you can organize the meetings of the owners of residential and non-residential premises and tenants to the project to enter the project, since the decision should be taken collectively.

It should be noted that the project involves the minimum list of works, which includes the repair of yard travel, lighting the yard areas, the installation of benches and garbage urns. An additional list of arrangement is open and can be supplemented by decision of the subject. These rules will be indicated in the regional program, and the owners themselves will decide which work must be performed.

In February of this year, the Government of the Russian Federation took a step towards the development of a comfortable, ergonomic, advanced urban environment (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 169 of February 10, 2017), which can become a turning point in the history of the development of Russian cities.

This resolution is about a new approach to the distribution of federal subsidies between the subsidy subjects of the Russian Federation, aimed at supporting the development programs of the modern urban environment. A few months before, in November 2016, the priority program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" was adopted and began to introduce the main directions of actions taken in the near future.

It is assumed that the main part of the entire program budget will be allocated from the federal treasury, the remaining part of the expenditures will cover the regions themselves. In 2017, the amounts of 20 and 10 billion rubles are laid, respectively. However, these are common numbers, in the regions these relationships may differ. For example, in the Komi Republic, this ratio will look like 51 per 49, and in the Crimea all 100% will cover the state budget.

The document also distributes priorities within cities. In particular, it is envisaged that two thirds of the allocated subsidies should be aimed at the development of yard territories, and only one third - on the parks, squares, pedestrian zones, etc. This is a certain good sign. Our yards have long been to get away from the usual scheme "Children's swing plus a table for Domino", and this is at best, and become a place where residents, especially small, can spend a qualitative time, taking care of their health, communicating with each other and t ..

Another feature of the program - high level The involvement of urban residents in the process of selecting projects. In order to obtain a subsidy, the applicants will have to provide reports on the meetings of the citizens, about the work of public commissions, during which the main activities on the formation of public spaces were determined. Who, if not inhabitants, know about local adolescent needs, animal lovers, the elderly? An open dialogue between urban planners and society is a promising way to allocate priorities in urban development programs.

Moreover, in my opinion, it is thus creating a useful precedent of the participation of residents in solving the problems of municipal arrangement, which may later pour out a fruitful discussion on how to solve the accumulated housing and utilities problems, security, leisure of young people, etc. In order to avoid tasteings and other extremes, it is necessary to establish the balance of relationships on the "triangle" relationship: the city authorities are the expert community - citizens, including business representatives that can carry out a real contribution to the development of urban structures.

The first steps taken over the past decade in major cities Russia has already shown a good result. Among the most striking projects can be noted as follows:

  • Work Council for the development of public spaces in Moscow.
  • The reconstruction of Gorky Park in the capital, as well as the restructuring of the triumphal, theatrical square and the area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution.
  • Complex platforms "Brave City", "Lakhta", "New Holland", etc. In St. Petersburg, where citizens not only rest are relaxing, but also have the opportunity to bring children to educational events.
  • Various art centers, museums under the open-air anticafe, etc. In major cities of Russia, such as Samara, Kazan, Perm, etc.

However, it is too early to talk about the results of changes in the infrastructure of Russian cities, since everything is just beginning for us. Appeal to statistics foreign experience Construction of a comfortable urban environment inspires optimism. For example, what is the report of the Central Park Conservancy management company that the Central Park of New York provoked an increase in the market value of nearby real estate by 11.5 billion dollars! In addition, commercial objects located in this public zone create an additional tax flow of $ 400 million per year.

In general, it is obvious to us that public spaces, being the centers of attraction of urban residents, give not only the financial result, but also become factors for the decriminalization and cultural rehabilitation of the city atmosphere. New Trend B. public Policy It gives hope that our cities expect a serious social reformation.

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