They were the first to appear on the path of historical development. Cell types

CAGE (text). Preparation for GIA - 9


All representatives of the Kingdom of Animals are composed ofeukaryotic cells. Hereditary information in these cells is enclosed inchromosomes that are in the core. Permanent cellular structures that perform special functions are calledorganelles ... Some of them, for examplemitochondria , participate in biological oxidation and are called "power stations" of the cell.


Plastids of various shapes and colors can often be observed in plant cells. So, numerous green plastids -chloroplasts - provide the processphotosynthesis due to the presence of pigment in their compositionchlorophyll ... In addition, plastids containing red, orange or yellow pigments can be found in cells. Such plastids are calledchromoplasts.


Throughout life, most cells are actively functioning. So, they absorb from environment various solid particles. This process is calledphagocytosis ... The leading role in it is played bymembrane , which forms invagination, and the food particle enters the cell. Enzymes penetrate into the formed bubble. Such a bubble islysosome. Under the action of enzymes, intracellulardigestion.


First on the way historical development organisms with small cells with simple organization, - prokaryotes ... These prenuclear cells do not have a formalizedkernels ... In them, only the nuclear zone is distinguished, containingcircular DNA. Such cells are inbacteria and blue-green algae.


The obligatory organelles of most eukaryotic cells are mitochondria. They are often calledenergy stations. They have a double membrane: a smooth outer membrane and an inner one that forms outgrowths.crista on which are locatedenzymes synthesizing moleculesATF .


Plant cells contain green oval bodies -chloroplasts ... Moleculeschlorophyll able to absorb light energy. Plants, unlike organisms in other kingdoms, synthesizeglucose from not organic compounds... The cell wall of a plant cell mainly consists ofcellulose ... It has important functions.


The first on the path of historical development appeared organisms with small cells with a very simple internal structure -prokaryotic cells. Only later did larger and more complex cells appear -eukaryotes ... The former did not have a nucleus. Such cells - inbacteria and blue-green. Plants, animals andmushrooms .


Cellular organelles perform various functions that ensure the vital activity of the cell. So, in the chloroplasts of plant cells occursphotosynthesis , and ribosomes synthesizeproteins ... The energy function is carried outmitochondria, and the function of storing and transferring hereditary information is performed bycore .


A plant cell, unlike an animal, hasvacuoles that old cells havemerge and displace the cell nucleus from the center to its shell. Cell sap may containpigments , which give it a blue, purple, crimson color, etc. The shell of a plant cell mainly consists ofcellulose .

Remember from sections 6 and 7 of classes what structure plant and animal cells have. Using Figure 44, find out what bacterial cell differs in structure from plant and animal?

There is a hypothesis according to which all living organisms evolved from the first cell that arose several billion years ago. Thanks to her, in the process of the historical development of life, a green cover appeared on Earth, the atmosphere changed, all the diversity of life arose, a man appeared. This hypothesis explains the amazing similarity in the cellular structure of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms.

Cell types. The first on the path of the historical development of life appeared organisms with the smallest cells with a very simple internal structure - pro-karyotic. Only later did larger and more complex cells - eukaryotic cells - appear.

Prokaryotic (from Latin pro - before, before, and Greek karion - nucleus), or prenuclear cells are cells that do not have a formed nucleus. In them, only the nuclear zone is distinguished, containing one DNA molecule. Prokaryotic cells are characteristic of bacteria and blue-green (cyanobacteria).

Eukaryotic cells (from the Greek eu - well, completely and the Greek karyon - the nucleus) are nuclear cells, that is, having a formed nucleus. Plants, fungi and animals are built from eukaryotic cells.

Plasma membrane structure. Any prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell is surrounded on the outside by a plasma membrane. It limits the living contents of cells from the environment. The plasma membrane consists of lipids and proteins (Fig. 40). Phospholipid molecules form a double layer. In it are interspersed with protein molecules that can penetrate the membrane completely, be located on the surface or partially submerge into it. This structure of the plasma membrane is called liquid-mosaic.

Rice. 40. Scheme of the structure of the plasma membrane: 1 - phospholipids; 2 - proteins; 3 - carbohydrates

On the outside, carbohydrates are combined with proteins and lipids. It is assumed that their function is related to the recognition of neighboring cells and their connection to each other.

The plasma membrane is able to change its shape, since the lipid layers can freely slide relative to each other. Due to this, food particles are captured by the membrane as a whole. At the same time, its invagination and detachment of the bubble with the captured particles inside the cell occurs (Fig. 41).

Rice. 41. Transport of substances across the cell membrane. Capturing food particles from an amoeba with the help of pseudopods: 1 - amoeba cell; 2 - ciliate cell

Another important property of the plasma membrane is its selective permeability. Molecules of only some substances freely pass through it. For example water, small ions, oxygen, carbon dioxide penetrate the plasma membrane by diffusion (from the Latin diffusion - spread, penetration). In this case, substances come from an area with their high concentration to an area with a low concentration. For example, if you place a cell in a concentrated salt solution, then water from it will flow into the external environment, since the concentration of the intracellular solution is lower than that of the solution outside (Fig. 42). The cell shrinks. If you place the cell in distilled water, the water will begin to flow inside, the cell will swell and burst.

In addition to diffusion, there is also active transport, which is carried out by special carrier proteins. This process requires energy, which is released during the decay of ATP.

Possessing selective permeability, the plasma membrane prevents the leakage of the internal contents of the cell, protects it, regulates the flow of substances and exchange with the external environment.

Rice. 42. Transport of substances through the plasma membrane - diffusion of water from onion skin cells in a concentrated solution of sodium chloride (water leaves the cytoplasm, which lags behind the cell wall, gradually shrinks and turns into a small ball)

In addition to the plasma membrane, the cells of bacteria, plants and fungi also have a cell membrane outside (Fig. 43). This inanimate structure serves as a support and protection. It gives strength to the cell, restricts its mobility. There are pores in the shell through which substances from the outside enter. The plant shell consists of cellulose and is the "skeleton" of plants, and in fungi - of chitin.

Rice. 43. Plant cell membranes

The structure of the prokaryotic cell. Bacterial cells are prokaryotic, i.e. prenuclear. Outside, they are covered with a shell (Fig. 44). It is dense, tough and resembles the membrane of a plant cell, but consists of another substance, similar to cellulose. Outside, a prokaryotic cell may have additional mucous layers and a capsule that play a protective role.

A plasma membrane is located under the envelope. It forms folds-like invaginations inside the cell. The processes of cell oxidation and respiration are associated with these folds. In cyanobacteria, photosynthetic pigments are located on the invaginations of the membrane. They carry out the process of photosynthesis.

Rice. 44. Diagram of the structure of prokaryotic cells (A - non-photosynthetic, B - photosynthetic): 1 - flagellum: 2- shell; 3 - plasma membrane: 4 - membrane invaginations; 5 - photosynthetic membranes; 6 - inclusions (reserve nutrients); 7 - DNA molecule; 8 - ribosomes

The genetic apparatus of a prokaryotic cell is represented by a circular DNA molecule, which is not separated from its internal contents. Bacterial DNA is many times smaller than that of eukaryotic cells, and therefore carries less information. In a prokaryotic cell, of all organelles, there are only ribosomes, which provide the process of protein biosynthesis.

Exercises on the covered material

  1. What two types of cells are the bodies of organisms built of? What is the main difference between these cells?
  2. How does the plasma membrane work? List its main functions.
  3. For which organisms is the cell membrane characteristic? What organic substances does it consist of?
  4. How does the cell membrane differ from the plasma membrane in properties and functions?
  5. What are the main structures of prokaryotic cells? What functions do they perform?

The first on the path of historical development were organisms with

small cells with a simple organization - ____ (A). These pre-nuclear

cells do not have a formalized _____ (B). Only

nuclear zone containing _____ (B) DNA. Such cells are found in _____ (D) and blue-green algae.

List of terms:

1) chromosome; 2) prokaryotic; 3) cytoplasm; 4) a circular molecule;

5) the core; 6) unicellular animal; 7) bacteria; 8) eukaryotic

Assignment 5

When the plastic ruler is rubbed against the wool, the ruler is charged negatively. This is explained by

Task 6.

Biosphere - open system, because she is

1. constantly evolving

2.suitable for organisms

3. receives energy from the outside

4.consists of ecosystems

Assignment 7

The weight of a female insectivorous bat is 12 grams. The weight of each of her two newborn cubs is 2 grams. For a month of feeding with milk, the weight of each of them reaches 6 grams. Using the rule of the ecological pyramid, determine how much mass of insects the female should eat during this time in order to feed her offspring.


Task number 1.

1) Using the table "The time that a person can live in the desert without outside help" answer the following questions:

2) how many liters of water a person needs in the desert, if the average air temperature is 32 ° C, and the time spent is 8 hours, 10 hours, 12 hours

The time that a person can live in the desert without outside help

Task 2.

The diagram shows the diet of a mammal. What environment

habitat must an animal live to eat like that?

1) soil

2) organismic

3) ground-air

Assignment 3

According to Bergman's rule, the sizes of warm-blooded animals in different populations of the same species increase in the direction:
a) from south to north;
b) from east to west;
c) from the coasts inland;
d) from highlands to plains.

Assignment 4

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of autotrophic nutrition and its type.
1) photosynthesis 2) chemosynthesis
A) energy of oxidation of inorganic substances is used B) energy source - sunlight
C) fixation of atmospheric nitrogen is carried out
D) occurs in cyanobacterial cells
E) oxygen is released into the atmosphere
E) Oxygen is used for oxidation

Assignment 5

In which of the following technical devices are achievements in the field of semiconductor physics used?

A. solar battery

B. computer

B. radios

Assignment 6

Which example is attributed to biotic factors?

1.Eating aphids by ladybugs

2.spring flood of the river

3.seasonal drying out of the reservoir

4.absorption by cultivated plants of mineral fertilizers

Assignment 7

Calculate the mass of pests that destroy toads on a 10 hectare field during the warm season (150 days) if the gray toad needs to eat 6 grams of slugs per day. 10 toads live on an area of ​​1 hectare.


Task number 1.

1) Using the table, build a graph of the dependence of the rate of a chemical reaction in a living organism on temperature. Plot the body temperature on the x-axis and the relative rate of a chemical reaction on the y-axis.

2) Using the graph, determine what the relative speed of the chemical reaction will equal if the relative speed chemical reactions- 25 conv. units?.

Task 2.

What are the elements of the structure of the external cell membrane indicated in the figure by the numbers 1, 2, 3?

Assignment 3

Assignment 4

A section of one of the two strands of the DNA molecule contains 300 nucleotides with adenine (A), 100 nucleotides with thymine (T), 150 nucleotides with guanine (G), and 200 nucleotides with cytosine (C). How many nucleotides with A, T, G and C are contained in a double-stranded DNA molecule? How many amino acids should the protein encoded by this region of the DNA molecule contain?

Assignment 5

The radio station operates at a frequency of 0.75 × 10 8 Hz. What is the wavelength emitted by the radio's antenna? (The speed of propagation of electromagnetic waves is 300,000 km / s.)

1) 2.25 m 2) 4 m 3) 2.25 × 10 - 3 m 4) 4 × 10 - 3 m

Assignment 6

Determine the consumer of the first order in the food chain:

linden leaves → gypsy moth caterpillars → fragrant beauty →

→ common starling → sparrowhawk

Assignment 7

A purple-flowered sweet pea plant, heterozygous for two CcPp genes, was crossed with a white-flowered sweet pea (cc PP genotype). What color is expected in the offspring of this cross and in what proportion?


Task number 1.

Plot a graph of the age-related decline in the lactose enzyme in humans. Plot the age (years) in humans on the x-axis and the body's production of the enzyme (in%) on the y-axis. Determine at what age a person's production of the enzyme will be reduced by 50%.

Enzyme production by the body in%

Assignment 2

The organoid depicted in the figure, which ensures the rapid movement of substances in the cell, is ________________

Task 3.

An example of an interspecies struggle for existence is the relationship between frog and tadpole

2.butterfly cabbage and its caterpillar

3.bird blackbird and blackbird fieldberry

4.wolves of the same pack

Task 4.

Identify the features of two types of variability:

A - mutational variability

B - Combinative variability

Assignment 5

The mass of the Sun decreases due to the emission

Assignment 6

Can lead to global changes in the biosphere

1.increase in the number of certain species

2.desertification of territories

3.the fallout of heavy rainfall

4.replacement of one community by another

Assignment 7

In humans, the gene for brown eyes dominates over blue eyes (A), and the gene for color blindness is recessive (color blindness - d) and linked to the X chromosome. A brown-eyed woman with normal vision, whose father had blue eyes and suffered from color blindness, marries a blue-eyed man with normal vision. Make a scheme for solving the problem. Determine the genotypes of the parents and possible offspring, the likelihood of birth in this family of color-blind children with brown eyes and their gender.


Task number 1

Study the table “Influence of the main factors on human health and life and answer the questions.

"Influence of the main factors on human health and life"

(in%, according to Yu.P. Lisitsin, 1992)

1) Which of the following diseases is most associated with lifestyle? 2) Which of the following diseases is most associated with the external environment? 3) Which of the following diseases is most closely related to heredity?

4) Which of the following diseases is most associated with the work of health authorities?

Assignment 2

What pattern does the drawing display?

Task 3.

What is the nature of the relationship of organisms different types needing the same food supply?

1.predator - prey

3.competition help

Task 4.

Establish a correspondence between the structure and functions of the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Assignment 5

Which of the following are used as fuel for nuclear power plants?

The first on the path of historical development were organisms with

small cells with a simple organization - ____ (A). These pre-nuclear

cells do not have a formalized _____ (B). Only

nuclear zone containing _____ (B) DNA. These cells are found in _____ (D) and blue-green algae.

List of terms:

1) chromosome; 2) prokaryotic; 3) cytoplasm; 4) a circular molecule;

5) the core; 6) unicellular animal; 7) bacteria; 8) eukaryotic

Assignment 5

When the plastic line is rubbed against the wool, the line is charged negatively. This is explained by

Task 6.

The biosphere is an open system, since it

1. constantly evolving

2.suitable for organisms

3. receives energy from the outside

4.consists of ecosystems

Assignment 7

The weight of a female insectivorous bat is 12 grams. The weight of each of her two newborn cubs is 2 grams. For a month of feeding with milk, the weight of each of them reaches 6 grams. Using the rule of the ecological pyramid, determine how much mass of insects the female should eat during this time in order to feed her offspring.


Task number 1.

1) Using the table "Time, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ a person can live in the desert without outside help" answer the following questions:

2) how many liters of water a person needs in the desert, if the average air temperature is 32 ° C, and the time spent is 8 hours, 10 hours, 12 hours

Time, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ a person can live in the desert without outside help

Task 2.

The diagram shows the diet of a mammal. What environment

habitat must an animal live to eat like that?

1) soil

2) organismic

3) ground-air

Assignment 3

According to Bergman's rule, the sizes of warm-blooded animals in different populations of the same species increase in the direction: a) from south to north; b) from east to west; c) from the coasts inland; d) from highlands to plains.

Assignment 4

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of autotrophic nutrition and its type. 1) photosynthesis 2) chemosynthesis A) the energy of oxidation of inorganic substances is used B) the energy source is sunlight C) atmospheric nitrogen is fixed D) occurs in the cells of cyanobacteria E) oxygen is released into the atmosphere E) oxygen is used for oxidation

Assignment 5

In which of the following technical devices are achievements in the field of semiconductor physics used?

A. solar battery

B. computer

B. radios

Assignment 6

Which example is attributed to biotic factors?

1.Eating aphids by ladybugs

2.spring flood of the river

3.seasonal drying out of the reservoir

4.absorption by cultivated plants of mineral fertilizers

Assignment 7

Calculate the mass of pests that toads kill on a 10 hectare field during the warm season (150 days), if it is extremely important for the common toad to eat 6 grams of slugs per day. 10 toads live on an area of ​​1 hectare.


Task number 1.

1) Using the table, build a graph of the dependence of the rate of a chemical reaction in a living organism on temperature. Plot the body temperature on the x-axis and the relative rate of a chemical reaction on the y-axis.

2) Using the graph, determine what the relative rate of a chemical reaction will be if the relative rate of chemical reactions is 25 srv. units?.

Task 2.

What structural elements of the outer cell membrane are indicated in the figure by the numbers 1, 2, 3?

Assignment 3

Assignment 4

A section of one of the two strands of the DNA molecule contains 300 nucleotides with adenine (A), 100 nucleotides with thymine (T), 150 nucleotides with guanine (G), and 200 nucleotides with cytosine (C). How many nucleotides with A, T, G and C are contained in a double-stranded DNA molecule? How many amino acids should the protein encoded by this region of the DNA molecule contain?

Assignment 5

The radio station operates at a frequency of 0.75 × 10 8 Hz. What is the wavelength emitted by the radio's antenna? (The speed of propagation of electromagnetic waves is 300,000 km / s.)

1) 2.25 m 2) 4 m 3) 2.25 × 10 - 3 m 4) 4 × 10 - 3 m

Assignment 6

Determine the consumer of the first order in the food chain:

linden leaves → gypsy moth caterpillars → fragrant beauty →

→ common starling → sparrowhawk

Assignment 7

A purple-flowered sweet pea plant, heterozygous for two CcPp genes, was crossed with a white-flowered sweet pea (cc PP genotype). What color is expected in the offspring of this cross and in what proportion?


Task number 1.

Plot a graph of the age-related decline in the lactose enzyme in humans. Plot the age (years) in humans on the x-axis and the body's production of the enzyme (in%) on the y-axis. Determine at what age a person's production of the enzyme will be reduced by 50%.

Enzyme production by the body in%

Assignment 2

The organoid depicted in the figure, which ensures the rapid movement of substances in the cell, is ________________

Task 3.

An example of an interspecies struggle for existence is the relationship between frog and tadpole

2.butterfly cabbage and its caterpillar

3.bird blackbird and blackbird fieldberry

4.wolves of the same pack

Task 4.

Identify the features of two types of variability:

A - mutational variability

B - Combinative variability

Assignment 5

The mass of the Sun decreases due to the emission

Assignment 6

Can lead to global changes in the biosphere

1.increase in the number of certain species

2.desertification of territories

3.the fallout of heavy rainfall

4.replacement of one community by another

Assignment 7

In humans, the gene for brown eyes dominates over blue eyes (A), and the gene for color blindness is recessive (color blindness - d) and linked to the X chromosome. A brown-eyed woman with normal vision, whose father had blue eyes and suffered from color blindness, marries a blue-eyed man with normal vision. Make a scheme for solving the problem. Determine the genotypes of the parents and possible offspring, the likelihood of birth in this family of color-blind children with brown eyes and their gender.


Task number 1

Study the table “Influence of basic factors on human health and life and answer the questions.

"Influence of basic factors on human health and life"

(in%, according to Yu.P. Lisitsin, 1992)

1) Which of the following diseases is most associated with lifestyle? 2) Which of the following diseases is most associated with the external environment? 3) Which of the following diseases is most closely related to heredity?

4) Which of the following diseases is most associated with the work of health authorities?

Assignment 2

What pattern does the drawing display?

Task 3.

What is the nature of the relationship between organisms of different species that need the same food resources?

1.predator - prey

3.competition help

Task 4.

Establish a correspondence between the structure and functions of the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Assignment 5

Which of the following are used as fuel for nuclear power plants?

Monitoring work in biology for the 1st half of the 2014-15 academic year.

Grade 9

UMK - Sonin N.I.

It involves checking the ZUN on the following topics: “Biology as a science. Methods for Studying Living Objects "; "Properties of living organisms", "Microevolution", "Chemical organization of the cell."

The work is based on open bank tasks of the OGE in biology.

Option 1.

Part 1.

Choose one correct answer.

1. What science studies varietal diversity of plants?1) physiology 2) taxonomy 3) ecology 4) selection

2. In what area of ​​biology was the cell theory developed?1) virology 2) cytology 3) anatomy 4) embryology

3. What science studies the fossil remains of extinct organisms?1) taxonomy 2) paleontology 3) genetics 4) embryology

4. Which scientific method used in biology, referred to as theoretical?1) observation 2) description 3) measurement 4) simulation

5. The scientist-breeder wants to find out the influence of the amount of illumination on the rate of photosynthesis in a new wheat variety. For this, first of all, he must1) set up an experiment 2) make observations 3) read an article about photosynthesis4) compare data from different literary sources

6. The regularities of the transmission of hereditary traits are being studied 1) genetics 2) ecology 3) anthropology 4) molecular biology

7. What group of animals among the listed ones arose in the process of evolution later than the rest?1) roundworms 2) molluscs 3) coelenterates 4) flatworms

8. Plants differ from fungi in their presence in the cell 1) nuclei 2) chloroplasts 3) mitochondria 4) membranes

9. What tissue supports plant growth?1) educational 2) storage 3) conducting 4) integumentary

10. What is the process underlying the growth of plant and animal organisms? 1) digestion 2) metabolism 3) fertilization 4) cell division

11. Cells include inorganic substances 1) fats 2) vitamins 3) water 4) carbohydrates

13. What cell organoid contains plant pigments?1) mitochondrion 2) chloroplast 3) Golgi complex 4) vacuole

15. Provides the transfer of hereditary information from the mother cell to the daughter1) EPS 2) Golgi complex 3) chromosome 4) ribosome

16. Which one chemical element is part of the vital organic compounds of the cell?1) fluorine 2) potassium 3) carbon 4) copper

17. Which of the listed cellular structures are the cells of all organisms?1) cytoplasmic membrane 2) chloroplast 3) mitochondria 4) nucleus

18. Higher plants differ from mushrooms in that1) their organisms are formed from tissues and organs 2) they consist of cells with a nucleus 3) they produce carbon dioxide during respiration 4) they are not capable of active movement

19. All living organisms are composed of1) cells 2) tissues 3) organs 4) organ systems

20. What property is characteristic only for organisms, as opposed to objects of inanimate nature?

21. Establish a correspondence between chemical and the kingdom in which it occurs. To do this, select a position from the second column for each element of the first column. Enter the numbers of the selected answers in the table.


A) Chitin 1) Animals

B) hemoglobin 2) Plants

C) cellulose

D) starch

E) glycogen

22. Insert in the text "Animal cage" the missing terms from the proposed list, using numbers for this. Write down the numbers of the selected answers in the text, and then enter the resulting sequence of numbers (in the text) into the table below.


All members of the Animal kingdom are composed of ______ (A) cells. Hereditary information in these cells is contained in ____ (B), which are in the nucleus. Permanent cellular structures that perform special functions are called ____ (B). Some of them, for example ______ (D), are involved in biological oxidation and are called "energy stations" of the cell. 1) circular DNA

2) lysosome

3) eukaryotic

4) mitochondria

5) chromosome

6) prokaryotic

7) organoid

8) chloroplast

24. What levels of organization of living matter are the subject of ecology study? Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) molecular 2) cellular

3) organismic 4) population-specific

5) organo-tissue 6) biogeocenotic

25. What examples relate to biological experiment? Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) examination under a microscope of frog blood cells

2) tracking the migration of a shoal of cod

3) studying the nature of the pulse after various physical activities

4) laboratory study of the influence of physical inactivity on health

5) a description of the external features of leguminous plants

6) the development of a conditioned food reflex

Option 2.

Part 1. Choose one correct option from the four suggested.

1. What science studies the conditions for maintaining human health?1) anatomy 2) physiology 3) hygiene 4) genetics

2. Which of the following is studied by the science of "physiology"?1) structure of insect cells 2) taxonomy of angiosperms3) processes of intracellular respiration of fish4) the structure of the hind limbs of frogs

3. In what field of biology did K. Linnaeus make his discoveries?1) cytology 2) taxonomy 3) genetics 4) virology

4. What science studies the diversity of organisms and unites them into groups according to the degree of similarity and kinship?1) selection 2) taxonomy 3) anatomy 4) physiology

5. An example of the application of an experimental research method can be considered1) the formulation of the position based on the facts obtained 2) the formation of the dog conditioned reflex on a call 3) external description of a new type of organisms 4) comparison of two micropreparations

6. What level of organization of the living is the main object of the study of cytology? 1) biosphere 2) cellular 3) population-specific4) biogeocenotic

7. What will be the magnification of the microscope if the magnification of the eyepiece lens is × 6, and the objective lens is × 40? 1) × 240 2) × 46 3) × 34 4) × 640

8. The largest of the listed systematic categories is1) genus 2) species 3) type 4) kingdom

9. When studying hereditary human diseases, it is used1) microscopic method 2) experimental method 3) genealogical method 4) modeling

10. Which of the following can be the object of study of a scientist-zoologist?1) the life cycle of the boletus mushroom 2) the structure of the forelimb of the lizard 3) the life cycle of the tobacco mosaic virus 4) the structure of the male pine cone

11. What property is characteristic only for organisms, as opposed to objects of inanimate nature?1) rhythm 2) movement 3) growth 4) metabolism

12. What is the name of a cell organoid, which, in terms of its function, resembles the digestive system of a multicellular animal?1) Golgi apparatus 2) mitochondrion 3) lysosome 4) nucleus

13. In a plant cell, the transformation of solar energy occurs in1) nucleus 2) envelope 3) vacuoles 4) chloroplasts

14. What is the name of the semi-liquid medium of the cell in which the nucleus is located? 1) vacuole 2) cytoplasm 3) lysosome 4) cell juice

15. Well soluble in water1)fatty acid 2) metals 3) phospholipids 4) simple carbohydrates

16. The similarity between mushrooms and animals is that both mushrooms and animals1) reproduce by spores 2) lead a motionless lifestyle

3) feed on ready-made organic substances 4) are always multicellular organisms 17.TO driving force evolution, biological scientists attribute1) the struggle for existence 2) the variety of species

3) the process of formation of species 4) fitness

18. The protein molecule contains1) glucose and starch 2) glycerin and fatty acids 3) nucleotides 4) amino acids

19. Any living cell of the body has the ability to1) independent movement2) the formation of gametes 3) conduction of a nerve impulse 4) metabolism

20. What gas do plants absorb during respiration?1) ozone 2) nitrogen 3) oxygen 4) carbon dioxide

21. Establish a correspondence between the sign of the organism and the kingdom for which this sign is characteristic. To do this, select a position from the second column for each element of the first column. Enter the numbers of the selected answers in the table.


A) grow throughout life 1) Plants

B) actively move in space 2) Animals

C) feed on ready-made organic substances

D) form organic matter in the process of photosynthesis

E) have senses

E) are the main supplier of oxygen on Earth

22. Insert in the text "Types of cells" the missing terms from the proposed list, using numbers for this. Write down the numbers of the selected answers in the text, and then enter the resulting sequence of numbers (in the text) into the table below.


The first on the path of historical development were organisms with small cells with a simple organization, ____ (A). These prenuclear cells do not have a formalized __ (B). In them, only the nuclear zone containing ___ (B) DNA is distinguished. _______ (D) and blue-green ones have such cells.1) multicellular animal

2) prokaryote

3) cytoplasm

4) ring molecule

5) core

6) unicellular animal

7) bacteria 8) eukaryote

23. Arrange in the correct order the paragraphs of the instructions for working with a fixed micropreparation of frog blood. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.1) draw a micropreparation of blood, make designations

2) clamp the blood sample with the holding paws

3) put the blood specimen on the stage

4) looking through the eyepiece, adjust the light

5) slowly move the microscope tube closer to the blood microscope until you see a clear image of the frog's blood

24. Indicate the organelles that are characteristic only of a plant cell. Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.1) endoplasmic reticulum

2) chloroplasts

3) cell membrane

4) core

5) ribosomes

6) central vacuole

25. What are the similarities between mushrooms and animals? Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.1) reproduce by spores

2) eat heterotrophically

3) consist of tissues and organs

4) form glycogen as a reserve substance

5) grow throughout life

6) do not have chloroplasts in cells


Option 1.

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